Peggle 2

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well folks i'm finally doing it i'm finally gonna claim my birthright someone said isn't this that game someone yelled once and that really made me laugh that is this that is this game's biggest claim to fame is a guy screamed its name once peggle two i've heard it's weird uh i've not played it this is on the ps4 i'm ready uh it's got this weird black border around it i swear this is cropped properly i don't know if that's going to go away or what so the ea logo it like jump scares you it like freaked me out what was why why did you do that and then they just say sega there's meth bjorn oh my god he's better from a distance uh multiplayer are you joking store gotta go to the store for this i gotta go to the store first oh dear jesus christ that doesn't even look like a costume it just looks like he killed a peashooter and like skinned it and then wore it did they give bjorn uh chest hair if a horse had chest hair would it have it here or here oh my god okay i can't look at this get me out of here why did you buy all of these i didn't wait do i have these purchased purchased i didn't i think i got like the complete version oh except for this one purchased omega peggle 2 fan no i got like the the like super omega version i guess why does it have a border around the edge what is this crackhead game hi i'm doing it okay shut up i need to crop the game properly because apparently the entire game is gonna be like not good not cropped properly uh oh or not good that could that could be true too dude is he shot rainbow out okay cool cool idol it's just like red dead two okay so i'm playing peggle with a controller for the first time ever so okay he's just gonna keep doing that that's great really looking forward to playing this game press x to fire okay it's peggle good start good start oh god the meter looks like diseased too everything looks diseased okay they showed a close-up of bjorn at the beginning and it was like this is like cleaned up this is like post no he showed his teeth for a second this is post post crisis bjorn we got a brief glimpse of like up close like meth out bjorn earlier uh this music is not nearly as much of a jam as it used to be also i didn't like when his horn turned into a hand this is like a bad dream about peggle someone's yeah it's like off-center i don't know what's up with that oh i got a fever look they made the youtuber joke turn the sound off oh god see he has clean teeth there this is like proof it's not just an art style change bjorn used to be like on the up and up and now he's like he's all funky this is lore i could do with a lore dump on what the new bucket is all about wow he was like yeah rocking one peg shot yeah dude he's cringing mate your peggle game play is very cringe uh the backgrounds of the levels it like organically like slides between all the different scenes which is different can he stop doing that here's a question are all of the other peggle masters going to constantly rip ass while i'm playing the video game that's i think that's the million dollar question that will decide if i continue playing or stop forever oh god oh super guide is insane it's like a rave laser show chat is reacting to this game with just like abject horror i just keep looking over the chat and seeing oh my god oh that's a good shot yeah i don't i don't like his face i don't like his face either chat i don't like it either he looks like he's feeling a complex set of emotions there and not just concentration okay i'm so glad he stopped doing that honestly oh it's gonna beat the level god damn it didn't mean to do that i'm trying the i'm trying to 100 of them oh yeah just go right in the trash oh go right in the trash oh why don't you it's tradition oh look it's a cloister stage shaped like the pokemon cloister you know maybe it's fitting that he constantly has a nut face because i think the original peggle speed run had like a thousand different moments where i'm like oh come oh i'm coming oh come in my pants man from coming looking at this peggle shot which in retrospect i didn't know that was going to be like the thing that i was like the most well known for is the peggle video otherwise i may have left in slightly fewer like jokes [Music] so maybe this is my punishment is this it am i in hell hold on i'm like looking around is this hell have i been in hell that would explain a few things it looks like his nut hurts maybe it does you don't know how it be oh god he like cringed oh that's because the last peg i was like what was cringe about that play bro let's get the purple peg it see what happened okay cursed with beating the level accidentally try the whole loop yeah i know how to he's he's telling me how to nut i don't know what that what did that message say i didn't read i said oh come on come your pants i'm gilbert gottfried oh i liked that oh the cherry on top a toilet bowl maybe he should try using it styling oh my god that picture very slick and now to seal the deal with a style shot i don't know how to fast forward i guess that's what we call editing huh oh did you just spit wait what the what just happened he spit why is this game disgusting come on oh what that bounce was golden golden jerry please leave okay thank god oh good release joy they got little like side missions teaching you how to long shot okay i'm doing terrible now so this is i think the one on the left is a peggle master from this game and the guy on the right is of course ryan hart this music is like insanely resident sleeper though i gotta be honest here almost said i gotta lie i do that a lot i feel like i've done that before on stream it's almost said gotta lie i can't be honest that means i gotta go for the rim shot baby come on come on there was one really high bounce earlier i don't even know how that happened how did i get the high bounce earlier it was insane come on no okay it's impossible it's impossible it's impossible i can't do it it cannot be done bye bye nice yeah of course it's not actually impossible because we did see i got at least one high bounce off of it earlier no none of these are placed in such a way that i can get a cool like rebound slide whoa oh my god it shows slides that's pretty cool stupid bad horse bad horse bad horse he's bad all right nope i thought i could do a cool in between shot and then i lost a ball good just like hitler okay stop with the drum roll and like him cringing and i just want to keep playing a little bit he's not ripping ass anymore so it's fine i can i can 100 every level i'm not addicted it's fine oh see there was the high bounce we're getting in the way can i get that one i want it [Music] [Applause] oh see there's all sorts of deep cuts here to the past peckle masters there's really a lot to really a lot to drink in about the lore okay wow cool ruin the moment that's called awesome game design right as he rips ass again wonderful poignant even okay i'm about to say something and i don't want any clarinet players to be like upset or anything or feel inadequate woodwinds are a very skillful instrument and it takes a lot of uh discipline and training in order to play a clarinet properly and it really can sound uh amazing at times clarinet is the lamest instrument why would you make it the main song element in in your in your theme why why would that be the main instrument in your song in the video game why would you ever unless it's like to introduce a lame character it's like oh like oh professor bumble is coming in oh i'm dropping my glasses you know that's when you use a clarinet you don't use a clarinet for like peggle man the most epic game of all time god there's like achievements i'll never 100 this game by the way i'm i'm done 100 in peggle games i won't do it for this i won't do it for blast this is fine like actually the actual gameplay is like yeah whatever it's more peggle what is this i didn't even okay they're like it's like balloons they're like layered balloons i didn't even read the tutorial this is a new thing oh my god that was the end that was it oh my god give me jimmy lightning give me crack jimmy lightning oh good it's a it's a goblin it's a troll and the next thing's a sasquatch uh what's in that cup peggle two what's in that cup bolder okay oh nice i like how he punches the screen to make it go that's way better than bjorn like ejaculating them out i need to know what boulder does this this is actually so exciting because i don't know what any of these do i don't know the peggle two abilities i think i know there's like a ghost one the like ghost girl can like make the peggles like slide around holy is this like fireball is that what this is oh my god it's like unique sounds too is one of them gonna be wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh god where do i go must go right here yeah what happens if you get it in the bucket does the bucket go like oh wait wait wait wait oh my god oh my god it's different classical music weird i didn't know that they used different classical music oh he seems like an overall relaxed kind of dude he's better than bjorn bjorn like jordan's like that guy that when he became older he like got weird you know and and like you know in the other pekka games he was fine it all started in peggle nights when he started to have unhealthy fantasies of being a a horse superhero that would stop crime by night and reality could never live up to his uh his superhero expectations in his mind that was the start of the fall of bjorn and then he did meth all right it's gonna hit the orange peg it's gonna hit the orange peg oh oh it launched it in there that the bucket just experienced the like patrick getting snowballs in the back of his throat you're you're you're you know my favorite bridge oh that was jimmy lightning i like the boulder it's a cool ability this game's like now that a horse is not farting every like two seconds this game's not jimmy comes by every once in a while in glorious two frames per second uh the the art style is kind of poop though i don't know why they decided to make it look like this original peggle art style was fine it was like not the best thing in the world but it was not what people were coming to peggle for oh are those eagles because i really hate the eagles man like the band what was that joke big lebowski reference okay oh the eagles right right i remember that now that somebody reminded me of it so i really didn't remember it feels weird that after playing so many pedal games i'm now only at two oh that was uh that was a risk but it was a risk i had to take because now i can omega conk the last peg overkill that's just like your opinion man okay have all of his lines been dude references is that what this is are we doing this ship the chalice imbibe the dude imbibes oh my god i just came up with a better lebowski joke than this game ever will and it's about sipping from a cup his name is jeff like jeff bridges oh my god i thought they were referencing popular meme uh i don't even need to say it oh and it's a bowling ball oh my god and it's a bowling ball what the is he gonna piss on a rug no it's not the big levesque doesn't piss on the rug that's a different guy is that good no oh i got one peg to do the rest of these do i go for it yes okay it's over oh god it's a troll face all right well it was a good stream but i'm gonna call it quits for today thank you for watching guys uh i'll see you later there's a troll facing peggle too it's drooling it's like drooling at the mouth i really really don't like it not committing to the bit coward i'll have you know i've done the meme quit the stream a bunch of times before all right if anything that's passe at this point that's how many times i've gone through with the bit so i won't have this talk of cowardice trolled oh i get it because he's a troll i didn't even put it together is jimmy dlc what the when it zoomed out there that was iffy hi you're berg oh wait i meant einberg all day oh i'm the big dumb guy see put clarinet music here god i hate peggle sorry that was someone in chat said that oh look at this all right that's kind of neat oh and so like big clusters of pegs like this really get by that okay nice oh wow look at that oh this is stuff that's gonna be really hard to like coordinate skill shots but uh we can get crazy luck like that superior shot see if i had made this game i am very smart i am a very good game designer so if i had made this game uh the the fingernail biting animation after a certain set period of time he would stop biting his fingernails because he would have he would have chewed him down all the way basically he would have fingernail ammo oh my god the troll face is still in the background since the rim shot won't work ah i guess this'll have to do fire in iceland oh my god okay all right so she says on youtube when are you doing a boundary break of this episode so we can see the explicit like nc 17 quadruple x-rated png of this guy's ass man why is it like crass i don't get why it's crass like you know original pegal was not crass yes it would have been a thousand times more fine if it if it just wasn't censored at all and if you just had like i don't know it looks like cartoon but i feel like that's not even something that will like get your rating changed you know but with the censorship it implies that it's horribly horribly offensive whatever is whatever is underneath that pixelation which makes it all the more funny to me oh my god see that was the perfect that was the perfect bounce his eyes don't blink at the same time is he from toy story do you know they do that in toy story none of the toys like blink their eyes at the same time what the was that show us your ass man just show us your ass jesus goddamn christ man it it really does seem like they were like it sort of regressed even the original peggle was already pretty childish and it regressed from there yeah and i think especially they were trying to appeal to kids when they renamed the multiplier to the markiplier now it says multiplier but i made you look didn't i this here's a pool of water made of genuine h2o now if that was actually water you wouldn't be having to tell me that it's water that is piss it's like you're over at a friend's house and he's like oh you want a drink or something like yeah sure you just get me whatever and he comes over with a glass that's like got water in it and he goes it's water this is water this is genuine real this is normal water you would be suspicious as hell you would know in that moment that that was piss [Music] i like all the weird chaotic like combos and that you can get with this it's a neat ability he made a spin but they didn't show his naked ass i call damn that's true damn those scumbags over at peggle peggle corporation i really like how we're treated to like weird sasquatch noises during like the tension moment here yeah that's a noise that i really associate with peggle okay this this cloud is depicting okay this peggle master wow that was cool wow that was really cool wow can't describe how cool that was and now for the skill shot of the century the the music started trilling right when i started talking okay now yeah oh and he shows us sorry it throws me off guard every single time this game needs guns don't say that they already turned plants versus zombies into a shooter for sake don't encourage them isn't garden warfare good irrelevant completely irrelevant in san aquarium 2 this time with guns i got some news for you bro and san aquarium goddamn one has guns you can upgrade your weapon in that game you shoot aliens in its sand aquarium i'm just gonna finish the level the only way i know how with style whoa oh my god it's the lion king simba remember i don't think this means that master who has died i don't know i don't know if i want to make that leap look how close to the bucket this one is it has to work it has to oh great sound come on i i empathize with these sounds in the background they're like oh i got it i got it show us your ass show us your ass nice [Music] that was not only in time with the music that was in key with the music man that is unusual [Music] well done mr potter two points for gryffindor you know how there was there was like power creep of house points in in harry potter you know remember like the beginning of the first book where they're like a house point will be deducted and they're like and then like the ninth book snape is like 10 quadrillion points from gryffindor i call this my fortress of being alone by myself funny funny is the the troll face can i get the troll face back in here man 95 of the success of a quidditch team is on one person hey but don't forget bulgaria the like like bulgaria match i forget if they won or lost but oh nice uh it was like the the seeker their seeker got the snitch but they lost because they had less points it was just dumb but at least they had a match happen where that happened where it wasn't just literally the entire game is catch the snitch it's like is it against the rules to have the other members of the team just also look for the snitch it's just like ignore the quaffle all together just dodge the bludgers okay let the beaters do their thing let the beaters hit the bludgers but don't even around with the quaffle just like go on a manhunt for the snitch and like when you find it point it out to the seeker you know can you do that [Music] in irl quidditch they nerfed the snitch hey a quick question the do you mean irl quidditch or don't they just like run around on brooms or some like that quick little question the do you mean the snitch is just a person running around without a broom i want to watch this sport more than any other sport i've ever known in my life also that was amazing damn so now i gotta go for the style is what you're telling me all right i'll go for the style i'll go for the star oh good what the is that costume what are they weird costumes exemplary another master he's got a plunger foot so is this going to be a continuation of the potty themes that plunger foot better be going in a toilet that's all i'm saying i see where we're going we're going the psychonauts route the 1812 overture route i don't know why i'm going for free balls when i have nine balls man but you gotta go for it you gotta go for it boom wow i annihilated that level wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] oh oh but this is not a clear shot though do i maybe just want to get rid of this one that is going to go off at a funny angle though i really need to be careful here oh i did it i did it peggle god michael god i gotta say bjorn was like the worst first impression you could possibly give in this game like it's the rest of it hasn't been nearly as bad there's been like some like dumb and the whole game doesn't it doesn't look great visually but with bjorn i was like bruh is the whole game gonna be like this this is doable i got nine goddamn balls it does look like a mobile game i i thought this was the mobile one for such a long time it was incorrectly labeled on the mega list as the mobile version but that's peggle blast and peggle blast really seems like it just marks the death of peggle as a as a franchise it looks like a really good flash game i believe you're thinking of cars 2 karchinko trick shot holy oh my god i thought i nailed it first try there hold on this one right here this is the one to do it off oh i hit the wrong button back to the rules and i hit the wrong button oh come on this doesn't work get me out of here get on me out of here every once in a while i just add an uh at the end of a word come on let's go all right right in the bucket actually wait we have technology so this is doable right nice oh yeah just get them all and get the vault yeah whoa guys my playstation 2 controller or my playstation 4 controller rather is going rainbow whenever i get ultimate extreme favor i i don't have my webcam hooked up right now but uh maybe i'll show that next stream that's kind of cool love the love the moaning oh no okay oh actually that was cool as hell it's better than what it was planned to be simply delectable skills with the free ball [Music] simply delectable nope not this time uh this one's gonna be tough though look at this look at this situation suppose i have no choice oh wow i i feels like i'm cheating something i can't help but notice the pegs aren't moving at the same speed that the actual conveyor belt is and it's like tripled when you use the speed up button because it doesn't actually speed up the background at all it just looks super dumb it's fix your game the game designers the bumpers are insane in this game they're so much more like potent nice nice yeah his ability is really good it's basically it's just hit triple the amount of pegs that you would have yeah there you go now i just need one more should be easy [Music] this part of the song reminds me of tanok [Music] you know anybody else hear it all right what disgust i was gonna say what like weird gross like vaguely fetishistic feeling costume will we unlock and there it was oh good it's hall of the mountain king now great there was like a kazoo rendition of all the mountain king alright hey well you know what hollow mountain king is good is this davey jones locket song ages long oh oh cool creepypasta omg she's sonic.exe wow i actually hate that mustache what what why does she love a mustache what is happening there one more i need to destroy one more brick and then i can get this godly slide oh no but is her ability gonna it up what is her ability if your ability screws up hey i don't know oh oh weird okay well i don't want that right now because i want to slide [Music] slide oh man i should have timed it so it went in the bucket i wasn't even trying does he have the jimmy lightning dlc i actually do and i just wanted to make anyone who didn't know there was jimmy lightning dlc do like a mental double take and think i was joking there and then realized that the words i was saying were actually true and real look at the moon holy it's the peggle knights moon it even looks like the jpeg has been like crustily cut out too why does she love mustache what is that genuinely what is up with that is it just an attempt at random humor i'll tell you what you know what is the funniest thing in the universe if you are a girl in high school is at prom or at a dance you take the pictures at the picture booth and you hold up the little popsicle stick that has a fake paper mustache on it that basically means you are the funniest high school girl that has ever existed why why does she do that is that just like uh what what what what's a spooky thing we gotta go to lunch we got the trucks here we gotta go to lunch we're gonna miss lunch what's a spooky thing uh candy corn i'll just put it in put it in the game uh try to get like a trick shot here hold on uh i meant to say get a trick shot there folks tomorrow's my birthday it feels like i've been six years old forever you know we should make the main one of the main characters of our peggle game a dead child i don't know if that's going to ricochet off or not oh it ricocheted [Music] [Laughter] no i know what to do i know it's two i chose poorly oh yes oh my god yo nice can we get another one just straight away in a row i believe we can folks oh my god i did it is she oh oh she died great i i double killed her splendid it's time for some serious oh but wait what about the celestial realm yeah what why are you showing me this all right oh my god why did it show me like a congratulations thing when it wasn't even the end of the game i don't even what choose your fighter i'm not gonna i don't even know what fairy flock is i'm not gonna do jimmy yet i'm gonna do norman because he's op he's got like the best ability we're not in the celestial realm though oh now we are egg eggel man eggle gotta get it in there yeah egg it was not a clean slide but it was a good one wow peggle god wanna see me do it again [Music] that's the that's the advantage of having a controller when you have a shot like that nice so that's a yoshi egg right or oh maybe this is a uh dino mite reference beholder oh my god finally what is it remember that guy from avatar holy i could have been making jokes about the boulder this entire time also can i just say my ps4 gets hot when it plays this game i i don't know what they put in this game but like my leg is next to my ps4 and it's like it's like overheating right now it didn't do this for bloodborne man one of the peggle knights master challenges was also a butterfly themed level wasn't it but it was like it was differently shaped [Music] tap it in there trick shot here is this possible i think that's possible nice [Music] can't stop thinking about it that was good that do anything for you all right trick shot time [Music] okay guys i have five balls to do this five i have to do it it's so close to the bottom of the screen i got it right in the trash finally finally my signature move this is shaped like a cloister guys it's a cloister you are filthy filthy people i'm just dreading it i'm just you know anyone else dreading it anyone else like afraid all right well there it is what the wait look at this if you go up too far it like reflects off of nothing just because the ball is so huge that feels like a mistake that feels like that's that shouldn't be in the game i tried to like severely overcome compensate for the amount of time that i needed and i ended up severely over compensating for the amount of time i needed sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men work out perfectly fine and turn out they were just really dumb plans spider loves square what commemorating a tragic love story between bug and box what is this spider solitaire i don't get the joke this ain't going so hot right now um i don't know about this one folks i don't think this is gonna work right i got two free balls from that at least nice oh wow gg i really didn't think i was gonna come back from that one the boulder feels conflicted for destroying such an easy level slide bro your peggle shot was rather cringe you're going to lose subscriber oh come on what it's perfect perfectly balanced [Music] oh oh christ man i don't know what i'm doing oh that was good that was good uh it was still not guaranteed a win here oh i think that is just barely out of reach unfortunately all right i it's gonna take it's gonna take a miracle like maybe this one oh no and i just deleted all the pegs that i could have fruitfully used oh come on no i gotta bounce off this crystal again as if it had it had to be reestablished as if we didn't already know and now he's dead bragging rights wait [Music] you unlock bragging rights wow i really did start bragging straight away so you know what fair baggle peggle pagle [Music] oh jesus christ well folks i did it oh he's doing the ass dance but his ass is off screen and and with this i think this is like the last good pedal game that i will play i guess there's dual shot which i might play age is in the future but uh after this after i'm done streaming this game then it'll just be um sorry i just trailed off because this person's last name is and i just feel so bad for them it's always interesting when they use classical music in a game like this and they have to credit beethoven like there was a simpsons episode that had uh they credited edgar allan poe because they just straight up used most of the raven we're gonna do these these are dlc for peggle two that is a real thing flies forth and transforms boring blue pegs into pretty pointy purples oh how many what what how many oh just just four okay that's kind of neat whoa [Music] i really like the coral noises and by that i mean i might hate them you know uh i think one of my peggle videos the peggle trick shot video i think that a a pro peggle player has like sicked their following on the comments section because there's a bunch of comments in in another language i don't remember it's like spanish or french or something all saying oh you well rides or something red or however the you're supposed to say it would destroy you in this game where you're you're nothing compared to reddes and i i just want it out there that i've never claimed to actually be like the best peggle player in the world i've said a ton of times i'm sure there's plenty of people who are better than me at it if i've ever said i'm the best guy ever at peggle i was clearly joking around but i got like a bunch of goons sicked on me you know there is the the main screen does say multiplayer is there like online in this can you is is there matchmaking i have never i should like at least check that out a little bit i tell you what i was playing a little bit of this off stream and i was getting a little tempted to actually do the 100 percenting but i don't i don't want to edit so many streams i if i do end up doing that it'll be a different series and then i can just put the clips from it in twitch scraps because this is by far the most clipped game she's like uh uh redes could totally beat this guy does he really think he's the best guy ever oh my god nice that's good like here now if i hit this i mean we're already overstocked on purple pegs fairy i i always think that says all right this should be good uh i could probably get both of these i can like get it right in the crack [Music] oh um oh oh oh oh i mean i planned for that to happen i plan for that to happen i used to be a bird but now i'm a fairy yeah she has she has bird wings and fairy wings that don't seem to be you would think they would be like you know this sound they'd be doing that i know it makes no sense my advice is accept it and move on all right fair enough fair enough i i'm gonna turn off the stream because it's not gonna get better than that is this gonna work ooh god like angle simply god like in every single blue peg got turned into a purple one now that's what i like to see what the is going on here they're very low frame rate anybody else like really bothered by this look at these houses and the way they're wiggling back and forth that animation is terrible like the rest of the animation in this game has been like you know a little tween heavy but fine that animation is terrible i'm gonna check it out red as trick shot yeah yeah try imitating that you can't you literally can't very but that didn't really do anything that wasn't actually good i mean uh suck it red as you lost throwing for content they said oh i had my doubters oh i had the people who said i couldn't do it red as you look pretty silly right about now five million points what is it gonna be like all perps oh my god no it isn't oh but look at this what the oh but i gotta be smart about this that's bait that's bait right there man holy little god like bait all right guys are you ready are you ready i did holy man they're just handing this to me it feels good oh my god oh this is weird oh the sound hurts my ears oh god i'm going i'm going deaf i'm going deaf um it's cloister oh my god oh it's bjorn oh he's gonna fart got me cracking here all the other peggle masters are used to bjorn tweaking out but he's like the founder so they can't they can't say bad things about him that's so depressing because oh never mind i don't even let's that's not even a funny joke oh get out of the way oh never mind she sounds like my buddy do you guys remember my buddy from the new year's stream and then i have uh this little guy [Music] he's pretty cool and then the star of the show this piece of [Music] such a forlorn hoot [Music] happy new year [Music] happy new year we're two handless that's pretty magical all right so hear me out i'm going to get a 360 no scope like i like like 45 like a 40 degree no scope and i'm gonna hit the rim i'm gonna hit the rim of the bucket [Applause] the rim shot was already like impossible to do normally bjorn i can't take the pressure i can't take the pressure of bjorn i'm not getting any in the bucket maybe i should be like playing a little more smart here this is what's called playing smart folks look it up look it up [Applause] okay now you know what i have to do folks it is set in stone what must be done i don't know man i don't know about this one oh get the bucket okay oh yeah pretty good pretty good god yeah i'm really sick of this tune already oh don't don't delete those bricks see the bricks disappear a little bit too fast in this game just kidding it's the perfect amount all right check it out not what i intended to do but it worked out okay all right it i'm not gonna do a style shot just kidding i'm going to do a style shot it's going to work yeah warm winds waft yo bjorn's back how did you do that with your voice what are you talking about are you talking about this you just sort of go like it's hard to explain you just you use your mouth to kind of like you know in fact i have a slick button it's it like it's beautiful hold on let me set up my webcam there is a slick button it has the little emote on it oh you can't see that very well but it says the word slick i'll take a picture of it for the edit it says the word slick and it has the little guy going like slick it's pretty good chump cam hey hey ho ban that guy bam that guy ban him well you know what that means kids i i wonder if this is going to hit anything oh oh that was the last peg wow i wasn't paying attention and i accidentally beat the level he goofed it oh wait show the thing show the thing look at that pretty cool oh even that this webcam is pranking me right now but it's flashing rainbow colors hallelujah here's home so that you're religious then let's let's dig into this shall we kids like this right what's what's what's a nice appropriate term for kids ball jecter how about it uh the ball just like teleported through the things oh i don't know about this one folks it's gonna be a weird angle uh that's that's a waste that's a waste two balls left two balls um this one is that's is anyone else think this is why did i just hear a meow no there's always like weird sounds got tents in here someone drop a needle a pin did a pin drop somewhere man don't die no okay it hit the other one it hit the other one it hit the other one the other one get it the other one it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine nice oh what the whoa what huh bjorn just came in and backstabbed her what the hell good job one of the things i unlocked just says good job thanks thank you it's time jimmy i'm talking straight up jimmy man let's go show me the lore now is it gonna be classical music or is it gonna be like weird rock i honestly it's 50 50 for me no it sounds like classical music that's so weird okay and of course this is this is jimmy lightning with a gauge this is like high school dropout jimmy okay oh my god what the was that he just drank a monster so much is happening he had like a powerful like magic bald spot it's directly responsible for multiple balls oh my god there's the classic noise these are just me that's just my voice i could do that what it's three oh bruh they buffed jimmy it's three balls now it's got like dubstep effects and that's why it's saying [Music] is that figaro bang boring bang it's me it's me i'm in the game he jumped the shark oh my god all right and now i mean there's moving bumpers i got a style gotta do the skill shot check it out check it out check it out continue checking it out it's gonna happen it's gonna happen okay that was all just a warm-up get the volley going back and forth uh-huh and now slam it slam it right into there why why do they have these awful sounds when you're doing this i don't understand they're like yeah during this part just have somebody in the background just go oh that sucked this is the one this is the one that's the one that's the one right there i can just feel it i can tell i can tell and by that was the one i of course meant that this is the one nope on the up on the way up a little bit of momentum there uh-huh uh-huh oh come on we've shaved both sides of the brick at this point oh yeah this is this is not going so hot imagine if i just have to do this shameful just point the thing directly at the peg like some kind of scrub all right so this is this is the one because this is the last one that i have so it has to be the one all right well that's so dumb and it's such a like like 2012 dubstep is popular isn't this what the kids like dubstep back to here we're back to here folks so now i gotta get it first try just try and do that i bet you can't i bet you can't oh god i don't like his face do we need to even like say words about his teeth too i mean i know hamsters i mean look at a picture of a little hamster their teeth are grody but did they need to do that with him wow they're just gonna hand this to me on a silver platter damn oh a tumbleweed went by whoa holy this music's going hard the music's not bad i really like the music for jimmy and uh his ability is no longer pooped here okay so now the goal should be to hit a multi-ball thing and then have that directly one of the balls will directly fly and hit the orange peg nope all right let's try it again nope oh wait oh nice what's what's this right here wait do you guys do you guys see this thing what is this called what is there a name for these [Music] oh no god gave you a second chance and you threw it away this is not looking good folks i'm going to stop around at this level i'm not even not even close no i'm going to 100 i'm going to 100 right now you are literally insane thanks don't forget to subscribe i'll tell you what who says we need all the blue pegs to be gone in order to do the trick shot who says let's try doing it at like a high angle how about that nope oh okay you just ball listen to me listen listen listen okay stop the game you gotta hit both of the others and there's two pegs left all right you gotta hit both of them both of them no that's a bat listen normally i like this i don't want you to go in there right now okay he's going in there this is very similar to the snail level this is literally the snail level hold on no hold on it was a jimmy lightning level too it was literally a jimmy lightning level oh my god it's actually the same peg placements again i'm the only nerd on earth who would have realized this but it's literally the same peg placements look at it do you see the this picture i got it has some of the pegs cleared but like it's the same picture it's the same picture like this do you say like this maybe no like this perhaps my yes cubular time cube is that a sequel to gamecube yo gamecube is cool but have you all heard of time cube maybe if i go i'm going to try to arc it underneath do you guys know what i mean hold on how do i show this i'm the ball all right oh look at me i'm a ball i'm going like uh i'm going to go like this all right i'm gonna hit this i'm gonna go over there and then i'm gonna come up and i'm gonna hit the peg and then it's gonna be like pog you know okay or that could happen i'm totally flashing back to when i thought i was a water buffalo this is another level from pekka one so check this out this was off stream so rim bounce central coming up here just wait just wait look at that look at that i pogged i was so sad that happened off stream but at least at least the ps4 has capture this is another one have all of his levels been repeats this is insane this is huge [Music] no i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it it's fine okay i'm not around i'm not around good animation oh my god the same person who animated the little like pod houses animated these trees do it no it's not working out oh oh was that it oh the nest why is it shark what is shark about him whoa that was weird what camp time ramp time oh i did it that was all the jimmy levels damn oh that was it [Music] let's just like check out somebody said to just look at what multiplayer is called [Music] okay
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 183,564
Rating: 4.9706221 out of 5
Id: bfdbj46s6ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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