Local Misanthrope Experiences Fleeting Moment of Childlike Joy and Whimsy in a Sega Genesis Game

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it's finally time folks i'm gonna play the the most like secret boss hidden og game to ever exist that's rocket knight adventures this was a konami's answer to sonic the hedgehog and i i know it may sound like i'm being sarcastic but this game actually kind of slaps i've never beaten this game i've played this game casually a few times just like trying to beat it but it's got limited lives so inspired by my hero my gaming legend hero billy mitchell i'm going to take a leaf out of his book and i'm going to cheat uh so we got the game genie out today so for the longest time i played this game just trying to get as far as i could i didn't realize there were difficulty settings and there are difficulty settings in this game rocket knight adventures alright so i just want to show you guys it's got difficulty options i had been playing on easy where you take reduced damage and you get two lives and three continues normal mode which i've never played is you take one and a half hearts of damage and you get one life and one continue and can i just say [ __ ] that the cheat that we will be using is giving me infinite lives or continues and then there's hard where you get one life and you die in one hit bruh and then uh there's the lowest mode which is children and i i [ __ ] you not folks today i was gonna play on children mode and that was gonna be like the bit of the stream but i i didn't know that you took reduced damage on children mode it looks like baby game but it is uh not for chumps this game's pretty difficult and here's the creators of game genie gloob which is incredible i love that crusty ass like lobster dude logo game genie just sticks right in it just in place of a normal cartridge it sticks in there and then you stick the normal cartridge on top of it hell yeah hell yeah so this game's sick i i know very little about this game's like lore but i think we can extrapolate there's an evil pig man i'm a badass knight time to go whoop some ass oh the music's sick oh this game's good yeah boy all right so this character is sparkster he's in a he's a possum he's an opossum and i guess that spider i don't know the big pig guy has many minions including these [ __ ] so i've got a charge attack i can dash unfortunately i cannot wave dash and i can dangle look isn't that cute and uh can i just say the controls of this game feel really good he is like sonic slash mega man crash bandicoot i don't even know hell yeah the hits feel good and the enemy look at the way the like tires adhere to the uh the terrain there's lots of good details in this game and i like the animation of these guys if they successfully hit you they like jump for joy too it's cute look at this there's like physics on that so you can slickly slide off okay and i think my favorite aspect of this game i may be over hyping this game a little bit but uh my favorite aspect of this is that it's constantly introducing new stuff and it and it never feels uh like forced or rushed really uh someone said is this emulated no this is on a real genesis also i don't think i've gotten hit yet this could have been a viable hard mode playthrough i've played this first part a bunch of times though there's gonna be like a hard line where i get way worse the game because it's gonna be new stuff oh i just went right behind him this guy shits bricks when you go behind him literally he has a mover he shits bricks oh i messed up so you got to like juggle this guy around while his ship is going nuts hell yeah i am destroying this first chapter but i've never done this well and now we get to fly look at the the way that like we see the water sort of kicking up relative to where i am too ooh and what are these little gubbins i don't even know what these guys are this this reminds me heavily of a section in rayman origins to the point where i think this boss that we're about to encounter is a direct inspiration for a boss in rayman origins those of you who've played will know the guy i'm talking about i'm like speedrunning this [ __ ] holy god [Music] oh that's a terrible yeah so that was kind of unfortunate yeah boy and yet again right now new stuff again this thing a lot of these sega genesis games even the crappy ones i was playing i still got good music usually usually what's this oh whoa oh my god look he's jumping for joy because he got me he's even gonna do anything that's what they do normally when they hit you they take a little second to like celebrate oh hell yeah and yeah so uh passing resemblance to mega man with the main character here uh this this boss enemy make you think of anything oh sick boss music hell yeah as derivative as this game kind of is uh it's so fun it's good i think yeah you can sneak under that tail attack undertale oh [ __ ] i'm about to die come on die hell yeah yeah the sprite art's great the music's great i did it barely oh yeah this is the plot this is like edgy rocket knight he's got a name he's like axel gage or some [ __ ] i actually opened up the i got the manual in another page here i could read from it a bit this scene reminds me a lot of sonic 2. i don't know if this game came out before after sonic 2 actually who's the [ __ ] guy what's his what's the dumb edgy guy's name oh hell yeah this music i'm looking at the manual axle gear and i guess the bad guy's name is emperor devlingus devotinodos devo tindos and his snarky assistant captain fleegle this is where the game becomes significantly harder this is classic like first level's pretty easy [Music] and then they start hitting you with the shenanigans and the tomfoolery all right and this part has like a gimmick of uh like there's things in the foreground in the background and you can like switch between the foreground in the background and you don't get affected by the things in the foreground it's kind of stressful i keep thinking i'm going to get hit all right oh and then this boss i'm going to die here for sure [Music] die on the [ __ ] spikes this boss really [ __ ] e [Music] so see he like goes in and out of the foreground and background which i think i'm just going to hang out in the background and try to play it safe here see if i can sort of cheese him oh does his tail even like hurt me oh my god i really am playing on children mode oh hell yeah what the [ __ ] are we sure we're not on baby so this part look at this it's the dangling mechanic but we're doing it upside down because i'm underwater makes sense now we're floating we're fast approaching the train boss that normally ends my run but i'm doing i'm doing real well i haven't even died and this has taken more damage than i'm used to oh this screen is [ __ ] i just think the background there's just no background here it's just gray it's like what [Music] oh this part actually this part's kind of boring honestly this would be a good time to read off some donations i don't know why i said that but i was that was sick that was a 10 out of 10 joke all right we've got a uh three dollar donation from herpes warrior oh god this part's tricky we're in the jazz section of the music okay oh and then another another very boring segment this part sucks because it's just rooty tooty jump and shooty the whole time these guys have so many bombs but they just can't strategize oh this is the funny part the chickens it's the cuckoos from zelda okay [ __ ] all right here it is all right good feeling's gone good feelings gone nightmare train the phantom express is here and there's like spooky music too ah okay that's fine okay that's not fun look how much damage he did just did all my health it takes a lot of hits too oh [ __ ] oh that didn't kill me like just touching the body really [ __ ] me up oh i'm about to die though you gotta attack his hands and his hands are like these big [ __ ] spaghetti things this really does feel like a cuphead boss actually do like rootin tootin i don't know what i'm talking about this part just attack fox oh big damage [ __ ] i think that was big damage right there this thing's scary this would like freak me out as a kid playing this game there's definitely some like kid nightmare fuel there is actually a train boss in cuphead i said the words the phantom express i'm the cuphead all right whatever i know the games i know games i think there's a third phase too this isn't even the end of it that is that is real good but then i get hit after it i do it i want to do that every time now yeah i don't know if that's doing more damage but that feels good [ __ ] okay i'm so screwed so yeah i usually died to this guy on easy mode [ __ ] all right there's still another phase i think this really is the [ __ ] phantom express oh stop doing that [ __ ] just try to time the attacks there i guess yeah that's the strap that's satisfying again i have no idea if that's doing more damage or not but gosh it sure does feel like it okay if i've discovered the strat i think i've discovered the strat hell yeah die there we go oh hell yeah oh i'm one oh yeah so oh yeah the music the music doesn't like it don't stop either they just the hits keep coming so the mechanic of this level is you can see the reflection in the lava or whatever and sometimes you can't see the actual level and you have to look in the reflection to like see what the [ __ ] going on oh this guy sounds like a baby someone said i don't know who the baby is [Music] a rapper a musician i'm assuming [Music] my charge sound effect uh was lagging the game and it synced up with the music that was great is this going to lava me oh oh what wait what the [ __ ] was that but isn't this so cool they just oh keep introducing new ideas like every level it's just crazy i don't know it's not like a sustainable model i guess but uh all these lags there for some reason charge exploded on me i don't think that's a [Music] [Music] thing let's just in case stop charging it because it's also kind of an annoying sound you guys want to hear the music right [Music] [ __ ] [Music] screwed up [Music] nice teetering animation i also happen to think you know of course sparkster is my go-to hipster pick for smash brothers i think he'd be great but of course not nearly well known enough okay what the [ __ ] was this that sucked i almost did it the first try but the [ __ ] oh they're pogging they look at the screen and they pog it's like yeah come on see yeah [ __ ] snippet [ __ ] yeah come on [ __ ] see there's a lot of head and hands bosses in this do i ever kill these hands there we go it's like they ever just go away oh no [ __ ] a snarky games journalist thing to say would be that would say that this uh series is roadkill at this point funny actually there is a funnily enough there is a reboot of this game uh it's funny how pausing it half the water's disappeared because it does the same thing as sonic 2 where it's like the illusion of transparency by flickering the top of the water i'm gonna show you this art for the rocket knight reboot and i want you guys to type out the first thing that comes to your mind all right go if peggle 2 right like it's peggle two uh what's he got now oh lordy he's shooting smoke rings at me gandalf what it didn't hit oh please please have there be a healing item or something here all right good oh what are you telling me that they put walking in the game they put walking in the game oh this is a 10 out of 10. oh [ __ ] you know i think i fought this thing once too this [ __ ] fish i think i've gotten here before on easy mode actually i think this might be the actual last point that i've gotten to uh what how do i even damage it that's fun though that's the cool part oh i'm teetering on nothing that's a sonic glitch okay come on let's get a gem from that i just picked up a banana instantly i think oh is that the pilot is that what that is oh jesus this is gonna be a tricky boss it is the banjo kazooie fish that's some nightmare fuel clanker's cavern without the clanker i think the clanker's the name of the thing uh this is cool though see what i mean about this [ __ ] game they just keep hitting you with new stuff and it's all like cool [ __ ] okay that wasn't cool kind of way the way that the blocks are paced out that you can do it like a little more safely without having to ninja jump doing these it goes fast for a little bit hop back on it where it goes really fast and it slows down right when it eats that one easy i think that always comes out in the same pattern too which is pretty cool because it's like you're guaranteed to heal oh [ __ ] wait did that do it oh my god that was a lot less hits than i was expecting hell yeah so i think now yeah i've never seen this i think there's the king king harkinine oh [ __ ] hell yeah oh hell yeah all right a lot of these retro games oh this is sonic 2. oh my god oh it's smeasley the [ __ ] the guy it's like the [ __ ] henchman [Music] you know smeasley oh i see i gotta hit him back at him yeah get [ __ ] smeasley you're the worst these these retro games it is it is fun like i you know this old format of like you play a game over and over again and every time you die you get sent back to the very [ __ ] beginning that [ __ ] is uh fine in like the 80s but nowadays it's just like nobody's got time for that and it's so much more fun to just grind and like try to fight the same boss over and over again until you beat it rather than die to one boss this is awesome by the way die to one boss and then have to redo like all the easy parts of the game that you've already proven you can beat like a bunch of times again and it's like yeah that way you do sort of start to exert more mastery over the game but at the same time it's like ain't nobody got time for that sorry [Music] in the immortal words of that one lady ain't nobody got time for that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that was smeasley what am i doing oh what oh this is so sonic too this is incredibly sonic too and these are donkey kong country three enemies i don't need that one up i don't even care is there a boss here oh lordy oh lordy geez all right well i'll just kill these guys they don't even explode even though they're bombs oh that's how you hit him hell yeah [Music] that's fun oh god this guy actually also reminds me of an enemy from pkc3 oh what you remember the the weird robot in dkc3 i can kill these guys i can kill these guys hold on okay so don't do the diagonal dash because you don't bounce up after that turns out nice cool boss everything is pig in this game oh oh more sonic [Music] okay die yeah i knew that was the last hit all right uh don't screw up here that goes quite fast don't you think rather fast and though the news was rather fast well i just had to laugh this is amazing look at these [ __ ] guys oh [ __ ] smiley eh oh look at this [ __ ] guy oh jesus okay he's moving what the [ __ ] oh my god this is one where i'm gonna i think i'm gonna just wait for it to it seems like this robot is in disrepair so maybe i just need to like wait for it to break itself you know and then fight the actual guy look at it this is a weird looking thing oh oh that's a weak spot if i've ever seen one that is a weak spot all right jesus i'm gonna die yep nice yeah smiley oh smiley killed me smizely oh my god i didn't know he could pack a punch [Music] see and it's like what the game would normally have me do is try this boss a couple of times and then restart the whole [ __ ] like video game every time and come back here rather than just giving me a few concentrated attempts at it which i find to be silly in the modern day now that we've invented fun there's no need to go back [ __ ] like punch out we did it perfect just let you try every boss over and over that's why we have game genie nice okay now smiley i swear to god oh my god smiley smiley is the ultimate being dude what the [ __ ] that's like a shockingly hard attack to deal with because you don't have enough time to charge but like the point of that old system is supposed to be to make you get a lot of mileage out of a game that is not very long you know and there are worse ways to do it for sure okay smeasley you are a scoundrel in a scumbag it's working so far i don't want to risk it on smeasley here [Music] all right get the [ __ ] out of here eat my ass measly what is his actual name captain fleegle he's a clumsy oaf who never seems to get things right the manual really roasted him here the manual also has oh wait let's watch this all right classic stuff the eggman ship oh oh it's the egg's death egg it's the death pig oh my god in the manual there's a thing that's like you can order a sparkster t-shirt and show all your friends your cool sparkster fashion we're in like [ __ ] like dystopia city holy [ __ ] oh oh can i kill these no oh i'm in a [ __ ] war zone fast oh was that just for shits and giggles that was amazing i loved that whoa what the [ __ ] is the road doing what the [ __ ] it's the legs they reused the leg animation the road is like splicing itself oh my god do i have to do this whole section oh lordy oh lordy geez all right well time to get good this is a long segment followed by a little mini boss i can only assume after i beat that miniboss there's a checkpoint but maybe not am i even doing damage to him [ __ ] so the guy jumps over you and then he falls back let's just see what this [ __ ] guy does stop trying to hit him okay all right and now i probably get to hit him oh oh am i doing anything am i hurting you okay he's really running you can sneak between those [ __ ] it's just clear a lot of effort went into this i remember when i was making a flash game or i tried to make a flash game and failed uh in in high school i wanted to make a platformer similar to this that just was constantly throwing new stuff at you but without like getting to this game throws a lot of new stuff at you without getting like cluttered or ridiculous you know i'm hitting the little things inside his gun [Music] [ __ ] come on it's all just trying to get at the guy in the middle come on hit him there we go oh get his ass this is awesome cool boss die oh my god please no more please no more please no more what's happening oh god [Music] probably should have just stayed in front of him eh i had an opportunity should have taken it oh oh [ __ ] all right well [ __ ] oh my god this is a long segment someone said it was like a gradius boss and i was like how and then i was like oh it kind of is like a gradius boss it like looks like one but i think brady's had a similar thing it was like destroy the little layers of shields i think radius is a konami game too right something like that ah a favorite guy big pog god that is a tiny gap to go through hmm these are just bullets these are like bullets in the casing uh see i could have slipped out there and stayed in front of him and done more damage oh thank god jesus be over please crash into something yeah just like the first one oh thank god finally passed that i got a one-up for free which means nothing totally [ __ ] up is about to happen holy [ __ ] oh my god okay i'm i was gonna say i'm so scared that i know they're gonna be somewhere god damn it maybe i need to race them oh wait that's totally it i need to race them this is awesome i need to beat them down there oh yeah thank god wow what a clever little bit i can only assume those guys are invincible or they take like a ton of hits oh lordy this is great another one up they took pity oh god rainbow spikes whoa i like them trippy there's some classic trippy 90s game stuff [Music] there really haven't been the gems haven't really appeared much in this game have they [Music] i think oh listen to this music funky [ __ ] this is hurting my eyes i'm i am going blind oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] a mech fight all right let's create oh [ __ ] oh my god [Music] did i have full health there [Music] i gotta say the latter half of this game is not disappointing i'm not gonna go for that one up just do that oh [ __ ] it is a mech fight oh my god it's punch out what the [ __ ] take his ass get him this is [ __ ] awesome ow that literally could not have been better you get in another robot and have a [ __ ] eva fight it's on [ __ ] this is like bowser's inside story right down to there being a giant pig thing do you have health he's running away oh god [Music] i got hit by some uh some pretty good footsies honestly that was some pretty good stuff gg um i don't know about that i've only got one button it's just attack he gets more like uh cowardly when he takes damage [Music] oh [ __ ] what are you doing i hate you i hate you ah he gets to take so many more hits than me it's unfair ah i hate you ah [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that sucks yeah his arm is longer than mine god damn it if you don't like jump there what's the other guy's name axle gear i think was his name you're going down axle gear all right this has become a lot less hype after the tenth time doing it [Music] all right now wait for him to do it oh god oh [ __ ] that [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] come back here you coward axel f get the [ __ ] out of here i'm mean mugging him i mean mugging him look at that face hell yeah he looks like a right [ __ ] oh i got the princess oh whoa oh the death egg we gotta go to the death egg yep gotta go to the death egg i'm just flying in space oh [ __ ] all right i'm down for this we're doing this guys we're doing parodius what the hell oh my god there's a lot going on here oh my god oh my [ __ ] god just slash keep slashing don't stop slashing [Music] me apples uh what are you what are you what are you music's good music's good i gotta concentrate for this part this part kind of sucks a little i don't like this guy what is your name sir oh lordy uh oh i see there's you choose if you get if you hit one of the little goons then you get goons if you hit one of the asteroids you get an apple also oh my god he took out the bfg on my ass [Music] that's awesome okay now i gotta fight this goober god there's a lot to do here it's like a mini boss here and then is this like the final boss of the game nice i like that can i hit him oh i can hell yeah that's a strat that's a strat is that it please let that be it at least the end of the section oh no oh god and i didn't get apples that's good that's good that's good oh this is good andross [Music] oh oh god there's more this is perrotius again oh lordy what was the name of the thing in parodius like captain lou albano it had a weird name like captain patricia oh what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] are you what the [ __ ] are you oh it's like a stand he's got soft and wet captain kebab am i hitting it i don't know if i'm doing anything oh what the [ __ ] wait what what oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that attack was dumb oh oh lordy [ __ ] g oh my god is this all part of the same okay thank god oh okay it's about to start ramming that's a ram right there right oh nope okay i was like it's it's doing something different it's gonna start doing the the cow cloud move in cuphead that's the ram god damn it that was the cow the cow cloud move cuphead on easy i'm not allowed to fight the final boss and i don't and i get a bad ending oh what the [ __ ] touching the actual body of the bosses in this game always just completely [ __ ] just that little ball on its chin weird peter griffin chin oh god it's still going oh lordy oh lordy please be the end oh legs arms okay [Music] jesus oh he's crumping on me he's not a crump stop oh oh that projectile oh lordy how do i even hit him nothing is happening he's juggling oh my god at least that part was way easier [Music] and then this part you just like spam that's so [ __ ] cool oh maybe uh maybe a week's point week's point will become vulnerable at some time the [ __ ] oh wait no i hit him oh my god what's happening [ __ ] hell he's going nuts he really didn't like getting hit oh my lord i don't even know what what hits him at least we got a strat for this first part of the boss okay wonderful oh that's oh oh i'm just gonna end it i mean give up at that point well there goes the strat it's fine i have many strats from any game oh god okay that [ __ ] sucks though i clearly did not touch it there you go so one more jump and then move over [ __ ] no he bounced the other way oh that sucked okay so he starts juggling hit him in the penis and then just stay up here oh my god he does he does go back no he doesn't seek you i am a crazy man all right well sorry chat it's true sometimes i am wrong [ __ ] oh lordy no don't come near me don't hit me with your hull it's the most dangerous thing if only they okay here's a strat for the pigs in this game here's how to make themselves unstoppable forge bullets out of pieces of the hull of their ships because clearly the whole of their ships do immense amounts of damage simple troll physics please be over please oh my god i think that was it [ __ ] hell yeah this game don't [ __ ] around death egg oh that looks great damn the cut scenes in this game are good too for what they are for like a genesis cutscene yeah stage seven let's go walking i'm walking to my almost inevitable demise ow king k rool holy [ __ ] all right we're here we're just doing it damn we are just simply doing it that doesn't really work oh god get out of the corner [ __ ] oh all right all right i'm starting to get the hang of it maybe not man nope never mind oh come on i'm trying to do side dashes here i think if you try to do a side dash into one of those things it just straight up doesn't work and it turns into a neutral dash oh i think he just does this forever let's just see yep or no maybe not [Music] [ __ ] i can kind of rinse and repeat here but if he chooses to do that then no god damn it this is just the first phase oh god oh god what's happening step what the [ __ ] was that wait i literally did not press right there what the [ __ ] you didn't shoot any lows but if you had shot any lows there then i'd would have been [ __ ] that hurt me oh my god oh my jesus hell so wait for him to do the feet attack move away dash oh god now what please let it be a checkpoint oh my god i think that's a checkpoint thank god oh look at this whoa some alien 3 [ __ ] we're seeing the like larval stages of these pig robots that's incredible hell yeah it's time the fight of the century oh [ __ ] oh no he's just like me nice i can see when he's charging up his thing is this real wait no no no oh cheers i bet he has a second phase [Music] okay he got he left the cheese loop cheese loop escaped now he will beat me yeah his aggression is unmatched oh lordy uh did you notice that i got like a trillion free hits on him and he still wasn't [ __ ] dead do you like that part oh god he does have so much [ __ ] health please let that be it oh god nope what is this what is this what are you doing oh that was like lore oh jesus oh no oh okay that's that's not where the fight is oh [Music] well folks that's the video game i don't care enough to go through that whole thing again wow [ __ ] that and by the way guys uh here's a little fun fact here's a little fun fact i learned before here uh did you know that the american version of the game is uh the only version of the game that doesn't have a level select the only version of it that doesn't have a level select i got a copy of rocket knight on the computer i downloaded what's known as a rom and i poked around you know how i said the american version didn't have a level select uh it turns out the european version doesn't either the european version plays the sound uh that indicates that you have typed in the code but it doesn't actually take you to level select it doesn't do anything after that point and i looked it up and that's what it does it's that wasn't just user error you can google this i looked around at the japanese rom for this game uh i got got a little gem genesis emulator gemini emulator oh my [ __ ] god the japanese version is it has some notable differences the first of which being that it's significantly easier you may notice it defaults to normal that's children mode this is children mode from the english version and then the only other one is hard it's normal and hard and even hard is two lives three continues rather than zero lives one continue in the english version they're in the american version oh my [ __ ] god i'm not gonna be playing on hard mode i'm gonna play on god damn normal because i was playing on normal mode in the american version and and now i feel like i i did the time i did the trials and the tribulations with that hard [ __ ] i'm gonna play on normal mode here [ __ ] hard mode the code is you have to press up and then down five times this is all on the konami logo screen left twice then right four times it's kind of a mouthful up down up down up down up down up down [Music] there you go when you hear the scream that's how you know it worked stage select it's so official it looks like a feature built into the game that is meant to be there so uh it has this awesome [ __ ] during the loading screens it's got the [ __ ] trombone guys and i will show you later there's an intro cut scene in the japanese version that is not present in the other versions we will see that when it happens so you may notice that this guy uh takes a bunch less hits this time uh-oh i think now yep he's already going through his second phase that was four hits that was like half the amount that it took in the american version and look at that look how easy that was oh god the emulator is kind of chugging right now what is this what's going on emulator is freaking out okay are we good are you gonna be kosher i mean i wasn't doing this [ __ ] when i wasn't recording nice good start cause he's standing phantom gotta catch him all cause he's standing phantom gotta catch him all cause he's standing phantom all right now he's gonna do his thing oh it's slowing down a ton all right now okay so he punches a hole in the side of the thing we go out into like space and now i have to actually hit him so i just need to avoid whoa did i get him what's going on what happened oh yeah i saw him making like a pain face it's kind of cool i mean i guess i'm not holding holding on by my tail anymore but they use this like hanging on mechanic a lot actually i mean it's also a sonic 2 thing i would be freaking out in real life of course i would you know i mean i'd be freaking out in real life if any of this [ __ ] happened to me in real life i'd be like [Applause] what am i saying okay please if i play it on normal mode in the japanese one does that mean i don't get the [ __ ] like ending i just realized please [Music] let's just see oh lord oh my god look at that 3d in the background that's crazy god it's just so much more doable oh lordy low gravity okay got a new mechanic this late in the game whoa all right okay oh that did nothing oh i gotta hit the red thing on top of him probably [ __ ] bounce yeah all right whatever that attack is it goes away when i hit that thing huh it's quite the attack oh hit the thing uh-oh rip okay all right all right it's time to it's time to play the game focus play the game [ __ ] so is this i don't even know what this boss is by the way this is it's got pig face of course on it i i don't know the guy did the pig boss upload his consciousness to the [ __ ] internet just gonna keep doing this now yep get the reverse hit that's my classic move i learned that from the other boss never forget joker's trick joker's trick chuckles trick jokes joker's trick stop this at once stop us at once no more please let the game be over let the game be over i'm done i'm done playing rock at night come on bring us home baby walk walk walk oh god okay at least there's a checkpoint escape sequence oh no what am i doing i'm pressing buttons okay he's so serious gotta catch him all cause he did i do it wait is that it wait i thought that's the spin dash sound effect oh [ __ ] no okay no double reverse backwards fake out god damn it i can't attack i can't attack i can't attack i can't do anything what i just have to survive oh god i hate this what's this attack stop that attack i hate you i hate you it's not doing your dancing arms he's doing he's hit me with the dancing arms i can't hit him i can't like do anything am i supposed to be doing something here what the [ __ ] is this part what okay uh i'm gonna google what the [ __ ] to do there because is it really that you just have to [ __ ] survive for ages oh god it's not like that ridiculous it wasn't that bad but just what a weird encounter you can't fight back okay well gotta do this again imagine you're playing the like european like an american version of this game as a kid you get all the way up to that part and you're like what do i do i don't know what to do and then you just die and then it's like welp guess your one good run that got to that part of the game is just [ __ ] and uh go back to the beginning now kiddo well at least i've got like 10 continues on normal mode because in japan they were like hey humans are humans we should let people play the [ __ ] video game what we made i think i've developed a strat for doing this oh unless this thing wants to come out on the right side 100 trillion times is that just a thing okay you just stay on the ground here and you can hit them as they come out does it does it come out on the side that you're not on is that why this boss is so frustrated all right now time for another attempt at this [ __ ] part i have zero lives let's go at least these these attacks aren't too crazy oh oh god oh nice lag good lag uh what's happening are we close i think we're close we're entering the atmosphere please please please win just please win win video game win video game now win game please i think i did it oh my god i was so close last time i think oh man oh guys i think i did it i think i did it that last boss wasn't too bad maybe i just sucked at the low g but hell yeah i did it here we are the plot the plot the opening cut scene of which we didn't get to see she was up there the whole time i thought she i thought we left her down here she was just there okay oh [ __ ] is there more oh and then i [ __ ] off bye bye oh we will be freaking seeing you later rock at night bye sparkster [Music] well that was awesome great game great game a few annoyances here and there uh including the [ __ ] game crashing and the american the north american localization of it being brutally difficult for no [ __ ] reason i mean i'm still gonna do let's do like one hard mode attempt on uh oh masanori ohuchi is my man apparently and akihata all these guys another masanori but adachi that time weird must be a common name all those guys did a great job this game's got the jams produce that's the guy who got the groceries i guess all right so i didn't watch this i just i skipped this every time i just saw this intro part i can only assume the yeah the villain comes in and swoops those are some of the people that we saw running around oh and that's a graphic that they used in the american intro wow okay i thought it was going to be a separate cut scene and then it was going to cut to rock at night like on the like the the mountaintop with the sword but no that was just totally different but it used similar assets one of the one of the like villagers there was one of the people that we see running around in the later level and then let's just see if i die from one hit here no so hard mode even hard mode is what the american version terms easy mode i just want that on record i mean uh all right hard players one credit zero let's [ __ ] go so this cutscene that castle graphic is probably the same castle graphic in the background of the first level let's check and see and then this is a graphic that they used from the japanese version that's cool and then the rest of this is just totally new unique to that edition i guess i don't know maybe it was something that was scrapped and then this screen is totally different oh man yeah i think it is the same castle graphic just sans spider that's pretty cheeky it's so interesting looking at like different localized versions and seeing how they did handled stuff like that i wonder why they changed it too though oh god i almost just got like comboed right into that [Applause] okay all right so in the manual it says in hard mode the extra lives and the apples are just for fun they're just for fun guys fun you know fun as in we literally the localization team literally added a [ __ ] like kaizo hack mode where you die in one hit it's ridiculous this is a weird part i'm like not exactly sure this is a very abstract bit i don't know really what's happening here there's no he's just bouncing off the edges of the screen not off of any sort of like obstacle real thing in the world after my playthrough i can uh rest assured that it does indeed slap it is a fun [ __ ] game i definitely recommend this especially if you've got a genesis of course and the game genie or the japanese version see this is the sprite or actually two of these both of these were sprites from the intro now i'm scared this is where i took this is where i first took damage [Music] but uh yes this game is incredibly [ __ ] derivative that much is true mega man and uh and of course sonic clearly had their influence but i think this game's also got a really solid amount of original ideas and it's so well executed that it's just fun anyway like i would say this is more fun than the first sonic the hedgehog game for instance see if i can beat the first stage hard mode if i can't tough titties [Music] oh tough titties indeed folks oh wait oh i got a one up i got a one up at a certain point i didn't realize that those actually did something in this mode [Music] no no oh my god real fear of death you just heard real fear oh oh this is such a bizarre segment there's just like one little dude here that's just the one little like joke moment and they're like all right i hope you had your fill of jokes now do the boss after like one room very bizarre okay well i wanted to get the cheeky spin dash i wanted to get the cheeky spin dash in on him fire very scary fire very scary god damn it okay well at least i got the one up first there's the strat i don't know if that actually did anything but there's the strat huh come on please yeah let's go and then walk on his ass you gotta walk on his ass walk on his ass walk on his ass imagine imagine doing this as a kid like actually beating hard mode oh and there goes all my health every single point okay this this man will be the harbinger of my demise so far oh never mind unless he starts reaching okay he reached he reached oh still got one more i'm on my zero life okay well
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 118,618
Rating: 4.9836555 out of 5
Id: kDI4pjSfAHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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