Podcast #206 - Reading Skinwalker Stories (Scary)

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I fuckin LOVE Skinwalker stories. Can’t wait to listen!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xomakinghistory πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just finished listening to this one and I'm filled with the creeps. My entire family has stories on skinwalkers when they lived on the reservation. I remember them telling it at family gatherings and such. I'd love to share them sometime

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/camg0106 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
ding-ding-ding-ding and welcome back to civilian podcast and one five-speed you're not listening this 1.5 speed but I bet you thought you were right by the farmers dog it's time to start feeding your dog better food not higher processed crap that they're probably eating now nothing against you you've already insulted our listeners and tricked them the farmers dog is giving you a great offer you get 50% off your two week trial of fresh healthy food for your dog by going to the farmer's dog calm slash annejulien or click the link in the description plus you get free shipping also guys if you're looking to build a website you're really pleased with yourself where space is the way to do it god so whatever website you have in mind for your business or your hobby online store domain make it with Squarespace a dream is just a great idea treem is just a great idea that doesn't have a website yet make it a reality in this Squarespace right now head to Squarespace comm / Jenna Julian for a free trial and then also to save 10% of your first purchase of a website or domain with that URL quickly in the description Jo what's Kermit doing he was carpet swimming okay why because I heard him like sneeze cough into the carpet Marvel is not for you he's going to sniff howdy partners is the Halloweeny well not even really a Halloween episode it's not Halloween yet we should just do scary stuff all month all right more like halfway through the month already we're a little late on this week's we're a little late on this but we're gonna do some spooky stuff what up it's your girl kelp careful with that match Kelsey you're looking bright and beautiful today Kelsey thank you are you being careful with all of your matches where'd you get that outfit careful Ben oh just genuinely asking where you got it but benefit sent it to me a long time ago yeah Benna Bay it's honestly benefit for some reason just decided like they occasionally like to send me some scarers and stuff and i feel like such a beauty guru your bureau car mate don't kick no there's a bed right there for you why do you have to go through this every week look down lay down you can't sit with careful with that match Kelsey come in now go away marbles laying on the carpet he forgot where he is well what we thought we would do for this episode was read scary stories and these are true right I found a website called darkness prevails where one of the categories is true scary stories and I let me tell you I was looking through them last night and he was dark out prevail dude I was I was getting scared I am careful with that match you're laughing now she's making jokes now but let the record show weird I'm ready to be scared so there's a few of them that I've read obviously just because I want to make sure they're good but then there's also a bunch that I haven't so if there are some bad ones don't worry it's Kelsey's fault not mine it is not but so I got my Goyal we're gonna cuddle up together so there's also a story I wanted to share on unresolved mysteries this one is very very highly touted by the unsolved unresolved mysteries subreddit and it was called the mystery mysterious disappearance of Brandon Lawson and I haven't read it yet but it's looks good so we can get found - if you want I keep thinking of some of these at the end it's just gonna really good giant troll no none of these are trolls none of them nothing I know you've read them I've read them all right let's see there's Gary are you sure and they're real but there are real monsters these are real these are real it's a great tale okay I'm gonna start I'm gonna start pretty light okay we're gonna start pretty late this one's called skinwalker Byron okay that was scary just it's over yes oh let me read okay just sharing my quick story I had zero idea what I had seen until listening to some of your stories I lived in a small Kermit literally dude you're ruining everything go go in your bed go on nothing's as scary is Sarah Midland he needs something I can't they just leave cuz he wants to sit in my lap but [ __ ] that we're working she's a beautiful little boy God put your tongue in your mouth and lay down boy he's like a luxurious furry dad on the ground right here too I lived in a small farming village about 300 of about 300 for a few years 300 people and lived in the village Larry was rather close to the largest Edina burial mounds in my state so I don't know what it do you know what that is Edina burial I don't know if it's controversial to say Indian burial but like Native American is that what that's referring to yeah some of the most haunted places I've been living in our house for about a year now if I offended you I'm not trying to and they recently got a dog who was training to be my service dog because I have multiple sclerosis and I have severe balance issues well about three months after getting him it was around 2:00 a.m. in the morning you don't need to say in the morning and I was in the kitchen getting a drink I heard my dog outside barking it was not uncommon for this to happen as I worked the night shift from home and I would let him out to potty the thing is I did not recall letting him outside so I brushed it off as a ms memory lapse and I went back to get him but he wasn't at the base of our sorry I went out to get him but he was at the base of our 25-foot wheelchair ramp refusing to come inside so he was outside that's strange because he was doing great in his training and he knew to come when called ASAP I remember getting frustrated with him as this is very out of character the light from our solar spotlight was dim and I looked at my dog something was off about his appearance his hind legs suddenly seemed taller than his back legs wait aren't those the same thing front legs I think they mean his hind legs seemed taller than his front legs but they wrote back legs okay so he used tipping down or he's like I think his butt okay all right I mean for the record any any ghost story involving a dog barking I'm already scared and I noticed I couldn't see his normally he tail wagging it literally never stops wagging he stood there barking at me and his bark sounded off - okay it sounded almost as if a human was trying to imitate a dog bark stop stop stop I'm giving John was a good imitation but it was not a dog bark I figured all this was just due to my tired stay and my lack of caffeine in my system I started to slowly walk down the ramp when suddenly I heard my dog behind me clawing at the back door trying to get out he was snarling I had never heard him snarl and I have not heard this from him since it was then I realized something was wrong and I went inside and locked the door I honestly thought it was just beyond the point of exhaustion however the hair on the back of his neck was standing straight up ever see a long-haired golden retriever have hair standing on on end he looks scary even to me and I'm his handler I went to my computer after this and logged out went to bed I just could not deal with it the entire night my dog laid on my feet on the bed not moving it was not until I listened to a few of your native legends that I realized this I was not crazy I finally broke down and told my husband of the occurrence and the first thing he said to me is that was a skinwalker my husband is native Native American and grew up hearing stories about things that go bump in the night scares me to think about even to this day true story I need closure can you please Google what a skinwalker is because that is so in Navajo culture a skinwalker is the type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn in to possess or disguise himself as an animal the term is not used for healers for healers okay the picture of it looks like an elk that's sort of a skeleton I had a weird night animals associated with witchcraft usually include tricksters such as the coyote but can include other creatures usually those associated with death or bad omens skinwalker stories are told among Navajo children may be complete life and death struggles that in and end in either skinwalker or Navajo killing the other or partial encounter story Vandana stalemate so that's I a thousand percent believe that a thousand percent because I know that like Native American burial grounds are like some of the most haunted creepy scary stuff goes on yeah creepy is healthy but like a lot of it like I've never heard of a skinwalker but a lot of it is like like even where I grew up there are places where you could go and like you know it's extra scary or you're like sitting this certain but like place and then allegedly someone will push you you know yeah a lot of it is like if you're going there with the intention of like messing around something will mess with you back but I did not know that that included lore of things that just walked around and scared the [ __ ] out of you hmm creepy for sure okay anytime that a dog is barking at something I'm like I believe you without that's the first thing anytime they bark is something that's not a parent that's the first thing you go to you're like oh man is there like a spirit or what the hell's happening cuz they're in tune with [ __ ] that we're not in kids to kids and animals no not kids barking like kids that would probably also be something of concern kids seemed stuff and like talking to people that aren't there that aren't like their imaginary friend like a thousand believe them thousand percent believe them hmm that is terrifying NEP creepy well now I'm scared of skinwalkers thanks for that feeling hey welcome this one is called the clown in the woods so I'm a police officer well so by the way I haven't read this one I read the skinwalker one okay okay and some of these are written poorly like this first sentence so I'm a police officer well special constable to be truthful nobody's on the woods will my will might stay with me for life mmm-hmm I was working the night shift two nights ago downtown in the city center okay for a Friday night yeah this is wow it was bad there's just no commas appears it was bad members of the public getting drunk also starting fights after the bars had closed hey hey what people that get drunk at bars they're not bad members of the public okay we like fun I had only just gotten back out to the station after taking a young male around the age of 16 who had been underage drinking okay after taking him to the station and getting back on patrol after doing the paperwork on him I was good it was a good two and a half hours after getting back out and nothing what happening happening happy nothing happening I got a call from control telling me that there was a 999 call and the caller said that he was in the woods what's the 999 probably similar to the same nine let's see we love it meaning I'm emergency telephone number in a number of countries okay so it's just not like 9-1-1 outside the US of A good so this might not be in the United States mm-hmm so he's called to the woods but when I got there and cut off my sirens but kept my blue emergency lights on flashing along with my headlights this is really really difficult to read and getting to the end of the woods there was a building after getting to the after getting to the building and not seeing anyone I contacted my control room and told them that it might just be a prank called in by the youths or the youth and was going to check the building out if I I'm just gonna read this and if needed stay with them until their mother and father slash care comes back and tell them why I am there as soon as I got out of my car and only being crude alone so he didn't have a partner that's scary as it is because I walk in responding to a call and walked up to the door notice I'm sick today can't come in I notice there was a song coming from within the building along with laughing I knocked on the door and someone turned down the song and the door slowly opened when I went into the building and checked everywhere could not see a single person that's when I was about to leave the building when I saw 9 or 10 people dressed up as clowns all holding hunting knives near the back door so this is in England actually yep this being England and me not being able to carry a weapon on my person seeing them all have knives I ran to my car all the while reaching on my radio emergency button on top and getting no response from control room back at HQ I got back in my car revved out of the woods and drove away still trying to reach help when I remembered my phone and called 999 told the operator who I was she pulled me through the police and the control room was asking why I wasn't answering my radio before I could explain I heard an explosion and saw smoke and fire coming from the woods where I told control what had just happened they told me to keep every to keep everyone back and the fire services are on their way as they speak after the fire services put out the fire I went I went in to see for myself and I saw the building the clowns were in and a little note that read happy Halloween Pig signed killer Miller [ __ ] so that was very hard to decipher I was trying my best but sounded like he went to a call to this abandoned lay like building walked inside saw ten people dressed as clowns with knives sprinted that got the [ __ ] out of there what the building blew up the building and left a note saying happy Halloween Pig say cool that's a scary story because it's not like paranormal or supernatural it's like very real it's just like people being terrible mm-hmm those are always fun I believe that as well yeah right I mean there are people out there who just really don't like cops mmm there was also so I was reading through and there was this like like because I was searching through reddit a bunch those scary stories and one of them was like the kid is upstairs in his bedroom calling this parent and he's like I think something's in my closet and then they go check in the closet and the kids in the closet and he's like there's something in my bed Oh what the [ __ ] yeah it's good right don't do that all right let's try this one this one's called tall tales okay I used to work at Goodwill as you can guess I met a lot of fun interesting people there honestly it felt like I was gathering new weird toys by the day new weird stories by the day sorry and soon things just stopped phasing me here are a few of my favorite stories I'll top my head so there's multiple okay one I just arted working at Goodwill and had been there maybe a week when a young man drove up to the donation center I didn't pay much mind to him until a co-worker who if you asked me he was a little off her rocker came running up to me shouting complete no no bad teeth I tell her to slow down tell me what was going on apparently the young man in the truck was a guy I went to high school with who had just been charged with Wow raping a 16 year old girl in the park it sent chills down my spine because it was that was then when I realized horrible people aren't just the people you read about in the news though the people you go to school with okay this is to make matters worse my coworker right now the donation doors begin shouting obscenities okay that's not really spooky that's just like horrible that's just horrible hmm let's go on to the next one let's go to this one actually the mysterious disappearance of Brandon Lawson yeah I'm all set was stories really bad below is some information I was able to so there's a lot of threads on this on this story but this is this seemed to be like the longest most comprehensive one I could find Brandon Lawson was a 26 year old man from San Angelino Texas he was an oilfield worker and a father of four children he also had a comma Oh 26 he's got four kids he was also he had a common-law wife named Liddell often fun but you should put a ring on her finger Brandon he's described as being 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighing approximately 230 pounds Caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes Lawson has multiple tattoos on his arms and a scar on his chin and left knee one of his ears is pierced at the time of his disappearance Lawson was wearing a yellow shirt camouflage print shorts and white 2013 Air Max shoes August 8 2013 was the last time Brandon was seen in San Angelino Texas he and a longtime girlfriend his longtime girlfriend got into an argument which led to Brandon leaving the home around 11:50 4 p.m. with the intentions of going to his father's residents approximately 45 minutes later Brandon calls it calls his brother Kyle to tell him that he had run out of gas what is known is that following his phone call to his brother Kyle something happened and Brendan phone 911 and advised the dispatcher that he was in a field needed help and that he needed a cop the dispatcher heard Brendan say I ran into somebody and responded to him ran into them ok another call was made to 911 by a passerby trucker regarding Brandon's truck parked crooked on the side of the road posing a hazard Kyle and his girlfriend Audrey went out to bring Brandon his gascon Kyle and his girlfriend phoned 'la Desa to tell her that Brandon had run out of gas and that he needed their gas can Ledesma told him that she would not leave this is Larissa told him she would not leave on the porch as she was going to have a shower ok that's a Brandon's girlfriend yes ok yeah common-law partner Kyle Kyle's checks however did not clear in his bank account so he had no money to fill the gas and figured when he got to Brandon he could just drive him to stripes convenient market and Brandon would pay for the gas himself the truck was located on u.s. 227 four and a half miles south of Bronte Texas and close to a rest stop by the time Kyle arrived around 1:10 a.m. on August 9th there was no sign of Brandon there was also a sheriff's deputy that had arrived at the truck about the same time as Kyle and Audrey there was no visit over an hour later a cop got to him over an hour just before midnight so they arrived in the cops already there there was no visible damage to Brandon's truck and his keys and cell phone were all missing it's understood that the deputy that the deputy nor Kyle were aware that Brandon phone 9 when went asking for a cop as well as stating please hurry huh while talking with the deputy Kyle received a call from Brandon in which Brandon's cell was going in and out and he was hard to understand Brannen claimed that he was ten minutes up the road he also mentioned that he was bleeding the phone went dead at this point what kyle understood was I'm in the field Kyle felt maybe Brandon was hiding in the field due to an outstanding warrant from two years ago that Brandon himself just learned he was going to address the following week so Kyle made no mention the deputy or Brandon being on the phone so he was too proud trying trying to cover for him in case he was gonna get arrested so basically Kyle talks to him doesn't tell the cop had Kyle known Brandon phone 9-1-1 he would have never assumed his brother was hiding so that's crazy mm-hmm so he didn't even know his brother called the cops it was confirmed that the gas tank was in fact empty his cell phone was a Motorola Droid Razr there was an extensive search of the area which turned up no sign of him however he has never been heard from again Lawson's family were unaware he called 9-1-1 that night and only found out when they viewed his cellular phone records around 118 audrey cents brandon a texting a cop is at your truck it is assumed she did so to warn him because of his warrant at this time they were not aware that he himself called 9-1-1 and said please hurry and statements given to the police as explained by the family they did admit Brent earlier call to them in which he told his brother and Audrey that he was 10 minutes up the road and was bleeding this was also not reported to deputy Neil at the scene it's understood that deputy Neil did not report to Kyle that Brandon phone 911 so nobody was talking to each other here the cop didn't say hey your brother called the cops and they're and they're withholding the fact that they received a call from him on the spot mm-hmm from from all media reports written by the observer enterprise which happens to be owned by the sheriff and his wife the 9-1-1 call was only reported as a stranded motorist who ran out of gas there was no mention of urgency nor any mentions afraid of the phrase I ran into them as understood by the dispatcher the deputy then put emergency flashers on locked the truck and proceeded to leave the scene and arranged for a tow in the morning according to reports the deputy did drive up and down the freeway or the highway to see if he could spot brain and walking Kyle and his girlfriend left the empty gas can by beside the truck thinking if Brandon came back he would at least have the can to retrieve gas they began to go look for him it was the following morning that there was still no sign of Brandon Kyle's money was now available in his account he went back to the truck and filled the can and returned it to the truck at this point he was now starting to become concerned and felt that Brandon may not have been hiding and may actually be in trouble in talking with investigators he now gave them the full account of Brandon being on the phone with them at the time the deputy was at the truck it wasn't known by Brandon's family that he called 911 until Brandon's common-law wife the Desa saw on the itemized cell phone transactions provided by law enforcement that a 9-1-1 call was made there's been no activity on Brandon's bank accounts or cell phone since that time an extensive search was conducted by professional search and rescue October 24 2013 around the area of the abandoned truck Brandon's family doesn't believe that the outstanding felony felony warrant is connected to his disappearance any disappearance and he believes that he would not have run from the police because of it he worked in the oil industry at the time of his disappearance and left behind four children three with his girlfriend one with a prior relationship although investigators have stated that there was no evidence of foul play in this case his family stated it's uncharacteristic of him to leave without warning and they're afraid for his safety he's classified as an involuntary miss involuntarily missing person and the case remains unsolved over the years there have been many false information information put out by the media here are just a few examples law enforcement concludes man not in Coke County the statement is ludicrous just because Brandon hasn't been found yet doesn't mean he's somehow no longer in the county members of members of Texas search and rescue and various law enforcement agencies begin arriving last Wednesday evening for Thursday's massive search for Brandon Lawson the latest items sorry the latest search stems from the incident that occurred just before 1:00 a.m. on Friday she fails to mention that the particular 9-1-1 call was made by a passing motorist a trucker who thought Brandon's truck was parked on safely on the street okay so that's kind of it and it remains unsolved Wow I don't know I thought that was going somewhere kind of else but that's crazy though yeah I mean this was posted a 1 year ago and that's all the updates they have it's crazy like cuz you're expecting something wild but this is like a real story mm-hmm you know what the [ __ ] did what does his family thing happened in I don't know man I'm reading through the comments it's kind of wild few questions was Brandon a felon if he was did he own a gun legally or illegally if he usually had a gun in his truck was the gun abandoned in the truck or wasn't missing well I think the whole point of them like not the whole miscommunication about the phone call tonight on one is that if someone has an outstanding warrant and they're aware of it you have to be in a real emergency in order to call 911 so they were sort of covering for him because the cop was there then they realized that he actually had called 911 like you're you're you're giving up everything you have at that point of you know not getting arrested you're getting arrested after you get help you don't mean yeah so he was in a very serious situation that he called the cops hmm he was bleeding in the field like he must have wrought a gas right yeah piercing they'd be surprised if he didn't have a gun something happened to him on the side of the road hmm and then where do you go I don't know it's weird that there's there's been no report of like a body found or anything like that that's that's creepy to me but that isn't that like serial killer people do [ __ ] like that I'm sorry that sounds so dumb what but like aren't there plenty of people who have died from you know their car breaks down and then someone offers to help them and just does really fucked-up [ __ ] to them or is that just all movies no that's like that's some real I've read stories about hitchhikers that are just like there was one story I read on they're not even hitchhikers like someone pretending that they're gonna come help you fix your car because your car is broken down yeah gnarly or people having a trap set up where their car is broken down right well yeah I read something on reddit recently because I was reading through these threads and one of them was like one of the scary stories I have is like we drove me and my wife drove by this hitchhiker and I remember thinking to myself I'm never gonna pick that hedge I grew up no way like not only is just on principle but it's just scary looking person mm-hmm and they read in the news the next week that that murdered somebody like a car that picked them up my god we're victims yeah me and my mom used to pick people up sometimes when I was younger but they were like women with children and waiting in a bus stop and my mom occasionally would go like if it was raining or snowing or something she'd really can I give you a ride somewhere I remember a couple times then being like you know it's this woman with her you know 11 year old daughter and they'd be like you seem like you're not trying to do anything mom's like I'm really not I'm just trying to give you a ride you're waiting in the rain or the snow at the bus stop yeah but like that's about it a woman and a child picking up another woman and a child you know I I don't think I could ever pick some up on the side of the road and be like this is this is safe I don't do you imagine being like an uber driver though especially at night or even a person riding in and over everything's scary what the hell super weird dude crazy [ __ ] this is like the thing about the real stories is some of them don't have that shock factor as some of the like fictional ones but if you think about them they're like oh my god it's really scary there's a thread here about people who spend time outdoors like campers and hikers and stuff and what's the scariest encounter with another person with another person yeah oh my god can we read some yeah you want to yeah I thought you were gonna be like oh with wildlife or like weird noises or bears or with other people are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah alright go off so um I got woken up and this one's short I got woken up at night by a park ranger I'm assuming they're camping yelling for us to get out of our car get into our car oh [ __ ] alright so they got woken up out of their campsite by a park ranger saying get in your car a grizzly had eaten a woman in her tent one sight over and they had not found the bear yet oh my god another time I was pulled over by police shortly after I left a campground I was driving a van a man had murdered four people in the camp in the same campground that I was at and the police thought that he was in my van forcing me to drive him away through the use of a machete that he was wielding as soon as I stopped the cop opened the door grabbed my arm and yanked me out he thought I was like a hostage and he was saving my life oh my god this [ __ ] guy's been through it god damn Jesus that's terrifying yep I love camping I feel like all the joy has just been sucked out of it so quickly mm-hmm went on a day camping trip with my friend with my friend and her boyfriend that she had recently met on the Internet lit we are in the middle of nowhere in Montana not a soul around no cell reception I'm not from Montana so I don't really know where the [ __ ] we are dude is way bigger than either she or I am or both pretty small the creepiness starts when we're driving around off-roading and my friend's moms truck looking for a place to park and set up camp my friend's boyfriend is driving we come across a potential spot and she and I get out to scope now while we're doing this he backs up the truck and starts to drive away I turn to my friend and say what the [ __ ] is he doing she starts to run after him waving him down he finally stops about a quarter mile and lets us in he doesn't say anything he just brushes it off as well he must have not liked that spot so they don't think anything of it what we find a different spot up the road and this time I wait until he gets out of the car before I get out I tell my friend that she should hold onto the keys he starts getting real quiet and sulky and won't help us set up camp then he starts walking away in one direction without saying a word and just keeps walking my friend runs after him to catch up and ask him if everything is ok when she catches him and stops to catch her breath he turns around and starts walking the other direction without saying a word to her he comes back onto the site and starts rolling around and they on the ground in the dirt at this point I was like ok we need to go she says everything is fine and I'm ruining the trip I not good attitude I'm trying to get along yeah he keeps rolling and acting bizarre so she finally agrees to leave he's still the one driving as we're headed back out of nowhere he stops the truck and just sits there and he gets out of the truck starts walking around a pile of rocks and wood I tell her that if he does anything that makes me seriously think he's gonna hurt us I have pepper spray and I won't hesitate to use it eventually he gets back in the truck and mumbles something about wanting to check it out just wanting to check it out he didn't kill us and nothing else happened but I felt really freakin vulnerable out there in the middle of nowhere with no one but my delusional friend and this creepy Internet stranger it actually cost us our friendship because she didn't want to see that there was anything wrong with anything that happened that day and she couldn't wait to see him again hmm fun that sounds like such a fun day trip that sounds like that sounds like drugs there's literally all these comments header like drugs drugs God nope I'm all set we can do true creepy people stories I like creepy people but not the ones that scare me just ones that are like a little weird let's see I see the titles yeah I don't wanna like the only thing about this site that's kind of [ __ ] is that sorts by like recent instead of top so I can't there's no way to like [Music] disturbing hmmm almost kidnapped okay let's read this one man on the road it was 11:00 at night o ni te and I was my friend Tracey's house I decided that I should head home before my dad got home my dad liked salsa dancing and would go dancing late into the night he usually got home around midnight oh you dad like that have a good time tres lived in a different neighborhood than me his neighborhood was connected to mine by a road that gay people existed this is rough gave people exiting the highway access to our neighborhoods and people from our neighborhoods access to that way I began my walk it was a nice night and I enjoyed the walk I was soon on the front road and had that had thick woods maybe 10 to 20 feet off the road and a large hill half a mile down the road it made it to where you could only see cars from a half-mile away I was looking around when I sound another man on the side of the highway he appeared to be looking at me so I continued to stare at him when we were both parallel to one another he made a mad dash across the highway there were no cars driving down the highway one of which there were no cars driving down the front roads one on the highway it slammed on its horn nearly hitting him he was unfazed and continued his sprint towards me so he's across the road in Sprint's or Sprint's towards person who I think is a girl seeing this I began to turn Ryan away from him after a couple seconds of running I looked back to see that he was still indeed chasing me my heart sank and my run turned into a mad dash down the center of the road off in the distance I saw lights from a car as it got closer I slowed standing in mill the road and turned around to see my pursuer but no one was there I sighed and stepped to the side of the road began to walk feeling pretty stupid telling myself I made it all up as I was walking I heard the shuffle of feet behind me I turned around and saw the man only now he was less than 20 feet away from me and running at me he was instantly covered I was instantly covered in a cold sweat and every time my heart beat it felt as though I was sending razors down my body my feet were moving so quickly I could barely manage not to trip over them when I turned onto my neighborhood Street I yelled help help help as loud as I could to my relief the man did not continue his pursuit into the neighborhood I looked around and noticed the only one person came out to help me I look at him waved it waved and then went home at least I got home before my dad did from salsa dancing these are creepy these are creepy because like I don't know I was weird I think it's just some weird weird stories I'm scared where I'm scared cuz some of the scariest things in life are just other people mmm that's true some real sickos out there man mm-hmm okay I can read this one this one's called this one's on a thread called what is your true creepy story cuz you want to stick to the true ones right yeah my ex-boyfriend it's about my ex-boyfriend when I was 14 or 15 I dated an older guy at the time I thought it was cool that an older person showed interest in me he's very good-looking and I was quickly in love looking back it was very creepy and illegal for me to go out with a 23 year old I was 14 yeah we dated for like six months and he was obsessed with me mom he would not let me go out with my friends talk to people and he would message me constantly so I wouldn't forget that he was in charge of relationship wow that that's already incredibly creepy [ __ ] terrible at one point I couldn't take his obsession anymore and decided to break up he told me if I broke up with him he would tell my parents we were dating my parents are very strict and I was naive to the world so I decided to keep dating him he constantly told me that he would kill himself this is way too real well if he had to live without me sometimes he would I felt responsible for his life he started to follow me after class follow me around town and follow me when I hang on my friends I felt like your middle school class I felt in prison I could not breathe on a particular week and I lied to my parents and told them I was sleeping in a friend's house I was not supposed to sleep in my ex's house and he took me to a party with him I got very drunk and I just couldn't deal with him anymore the alcohol killed my inhibition and I broke up with him he started to yell at me in front of everyone and a girl I did not know saved me from him she told me she would take me home and promised me I would be safe my ex followed the girls car the entire time I was terrified he was going to kill me as he followed the car he called my parents and told them that I went to a party and got drunk he forgot to mention that we were dating and that he was the one exposing me to alcohol once home I explained everything to my parents long story short my ex got charged with sexual misconduct with a my sexual conduct with a minor and stalking I was just a child but to this day I still struggle trusting people oh my god Jesus Christ that's terrifying when you learn more about skinwalkers oh my god okay yeah I guess so happy Halloween Oh actually I want to see if there's a oh boo skinwalker story okay this is like a whole dedicated like thing just skinwalkers yeah I think so well I mean oh yeah oh my god yeah the idea of seeing something that sounds like a dog and then you get closer and it sounds like something imitating a dog makes me actually like wanna vomit like it hits me in some weird visceral place that I just want to [ __ ] throw up mm-hmm the story about a skinwalker okay my wife and I were driving through the northern Arizona Highway 89 between Oh Arizona's possi year you think we have a skinwalker see between 5-7 page it was about 1:00 a.m. we were on the third shift of our time and often drove at night to avoid traffic I saw a few sets of eyes glowing in my headlights a little ways up the road so I let off the gas slowing down to avoid hitting an animal on the road when we drove by we saw several dogs or coyotes on the side of the road and I hit the grep and I hit the gas and drove by after we passed my wife said that one of them was running next to the car what are you just checking in one of the Coyotes was running next to the car I looked over and saw it as well probably 20 feet off the shoulder of the road I floored it and looked over and it stood up on its hind legs and kept pace with us for a couple seconds before turning away oh my god I didn't a coyote just standing up and then running next to your car nope this whole event probably lasted no more than 10 seconds but it was seriously the most terrifying 10 seconds of my life damn what this is that I decided that skinwalkers there's some of the scariest things that I've heard of aside from Lee just pure demons hey are you okay yeah Kermit would you park it a skinwalker for me probably not you probably cry at it and ask it for food huh um do you want me to read a longer one about skinwalkers yeah they're the scariest ones I've never told this story to anyone and I don't really intend to tell it again I have a pounding migraine today and this threat has kept me good company as I've drifted in just real quick do we have any sponsors what yeah yeah sorry it's okay episode's brought to you by the farmers dog not skinwalkers it's almost 40 minutes in sorry I got a little distracted with the skinwalkers guys isn't it crazy that so many of us have careful are careful about the food that we ourselves eat but our dogs versus like hey you know eat whatever no farmer's dog says that's a bad idea the farmer's dog is a company that helps deliver dogs better fresh and delicious food for them we can attest to this like our dogs will be so dazzled about eating sometimes and when we switch to the farmers dog they started to go nuts at feeding time marbles specifically so basically the farmers dog is a totally different way to feed your dog you go on to the farmers dog calm answer some questions about your pet and a vet developed a meal plan is created just for your dog specifically and then when they deliver it to your house it has like their name on the package and everything it's really nice the food arrives at your door and pre-portioned packs ready to open and pour it's easy to feed them you don't have to heat it or cook it or anything it's all it's all done and Food Matters guys studies show that even adding fresh food to your dog's diet can reduce cancer risk by 90% personally I enjoy because they eat much easier and they're not whiny about the food we're feeding them they love it and eat it fast it's a they very very up the the meals enough for people to for your dogs to want to keep interest so when you do the farmers dog they basically create a meal plan and it lasts for however long you want to do it for they deliver the packages on a regular schedule to your house and you just pop them in feed them and they're good to go right now you guys can start feeding your dogs better to get 50 percent off your first two week trial of fresh healthy food by going to the farmer's dog comments th e fa RM ers do G comm slash annejulien and you get free shipping my 1zb wants me to open it and put them inside it know how it works but check it out guys hit the link in our description and treat your dog to some good food also guys if you're thinking about building a website Squarespace is the best way to do it if you need a domain website or online store doula Squarespace Pixar lifts air walk Michigan Nike all those big brands created their sites with Squarespace now you can get 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them before this podcasts yeah me neither okay this one's kind of long let's do it when I was 10 I lived with my mother we were below poverty level we were poor we lived up in the mountains around Santa Cruz my mother had a friend my mother had a friend that owned a large bit of property up there and he led us this is mom and he let us stay in a trailer our trailer was very small and it was right beside a garden a chain-link fence ran around the garden to keep the dog in the owner the dog that the owner had out of the garden along with other animals deer and things are very common in the area also inside the fence area was a single room it was built like a tiny house but it was only one single room on the inside the room had electricity and since our actual trailer didn't we spent a lot of our time in that room I was super into video games there was one thing you should know right now this small fenced in area was only a small part of the property most of it was heavily forested also I refused to leave the fenced area because the owners dog had been mistreated by children in the past and was very sketchy towards me all the time poor dog if I was alone it would bite at me even through the fence the fence was tall at least 7 feet high and wasn't movable so as long as the gate was closed I was safe that said tiny bit of the property was where we were yeah there's no one else around from house and Osmo so there's just a lot of acres of woods on the property now I tell you all this because I think it's important you understand what kind of scene this was before I really get into the story we have a fenced-in location that seems fairly safe and it contains a trailer in a single room with power that's not connected to the trailer nothing around for miles my mom's van is parked out front of the gate to the fenced area and not a single unpaved and one single unpaved road leads from the garden for about a mile to the main house so they're a mile away from the property house the huge thing with now I brought friends up there to sleep over here and there we all thought it was pretty cool kind of like camping out besides we would get our own room to stay in and play video games all night it was like a dream come true the downside was simple when it got dark out it got really dark out no city around and the trailer would not be lit up there was no bathroom to use in the room so you would have to walk out into the dark garden in order to get the trailer get to the trailer to use it odd things kept happening from from time to time it was always something that could be somewhat easily explained a way though noises like people working at night sometimes or once me and a friend were sitting out in the garden and we saw a shadow as big as a small bear bound up a tree but the tree didn't shake like there was weight on it the dog also creeped me out you know an angry dog and I was a kid that's pretty normal now I'm a scaredy cat I always have been to be honest I don't know why I even come to this subreddit I have trouble walking through the lit house if I'm all alone my friends however tend to be more outgoing just that kinds of people I get along with this time I had friends over this one friend he okay his name was Jacob we were staying up all night and playing Sonic the Hedgehog 300 yeah and Knuckles on my Sega Genesis on an old ratty television we started playing as the Sun went down and by the time we were finishing up the game it was about 2:00 a.m. that's when we heard it we turned off the game getting ready to find something else to play and there was a rumbling in the woods behind the room we were in like somebody was rolling something really heavy around on the ground we hadn't heard it before because the noise from what we were playing was loud like the video game itself like the TV was loud when we heard it immediately I got goose bumps Jakob was not really worried by it but it's not like there was someone else's house or yard right over there it was forest for miles and it sounded like someone was constructing something or dragging or rolling something really big eventually Jakob convinced me to just play some more games I agree on the condition that we turn the volume up so we didn't so sorry turn the volume down okay so we could hear [ __ ] we started playing no turn that [ __ ] oh I ain't trying to hear that [ __ ] it off scary [ __ ] in the woods turn that [ __ ] uh we started playing and I didn't even notice the noise stop because I was getting engrossed a couple hours later Jacob said he had to use the bathroom which they have to watch from the room through the dark trailer get a water bottle or something I was feeling fine by then so I was fine when he left to the trailer to relieve himself he was taking a while so eventually I decided to go back on and check on him besides I could use the bathroom and grab a snack while I was at it I opened the door to leave and he was just standing at the doorway right outside facing it scared the [ __ ] out of me I asked him what he was doing and he just stood there blocking the exit I realized he must have sneaked up to the door because I could not hear I didn't hear anything and I could hear him walk away from the room but I hadn't heard him walk back up to it okay I'm gonna throw up it was super quiet no noises from a city no houses I should have just been able to hear it but I couldn't he refused to say anything I respond he just stood there I told him he was being really creepy but it was not unlike him to try and scare me like this finally I decided to just go to the trailer and use the bathroom myself partially because I knew my mother was asleep in there I told him what I was doing then moved past him when I pushed him out of the way his skin felt freezing to the touch I jumped a little bit but it was a cold night and we had been he had been standing out there for probably thirty minutes so I figured that was to be expected I walked as quick as I could over to the trailer he followed me like right on my tail it was very unnerving I joked a little saying he already surprised me by scaring me at the door that joke is over finally I arrived at the trailer and I walk in he didn't follow just stated the doorway I checked on my mom who was fast asleep and turned to go to the bathroom now it being a porta potty we keep the bathroom door shut because it smell and when I reach for the door and try to open it it's locked a very nervous voice came from behind the door I'm in here I quickly turned to look at Jacob but the door was still open and there was nothing out there but pitch-black night I freeze in terror I would have heard the bathroom I just got chills I would have heard the bathroom door open if if he had come in behind me and gone that way there was no way he would have done it quietly it creaks like a [ __ ] I yelped so loud that my mom woke up startled I stared at the doorway unable to bring myself to move a muscle she got up walked over there and looked out not seeing anything she closed the door and asked me what the hell is wrong by now Jacob was coming out of the bathroom and acting perfectly normal but a bit confused I explained what had happened Jacob said he was taking a long time in the bathroom basically neither of them believed me no matter how much I insist of what I saw my mom is sure that I just got sleepy and imagined it Jacob thought I was trying to prank him so my mom gets out a big flashlight walks us back to the room tells us to go to sleep and leaves and goes back to the bed herself the room doesn't have any windows or anything so after a while I come back down telling myself that my mom was right I must have had a weird walking dream or something Jacob but [ __ ] was in the bathroom the whole time and I'm inclined to believe him because there's no way to really get around without being heard so I settle down I'm a little rattled but I'm thinking like maybe I can just sleep this off and get through the night suddenly the dog just starts going no okay right behind us the room is up against the fence the dog must have been like right behind the room on the other side I felt like I jumped so high I was surprised and hit the roof Jacobs laughing at me like ha dog barking at a squirrel or some [ __ ] and you're [ __ ] yourself it keeps going like that for a long time though suddenly the barking stops and gets replaced by whimpering no you hear the dog run away there's about 40 seconds of silence before we hear something new a small scratching sound on the back wall of the room we both try to be as silent as we can and eventually it stops after five minutes or so of silence Jacob decides to be brave he insists he's going out to go get my mother up tell her something Crazy's going on we're gonna go from there with some kind of divine adult protection protection no doubt I wish he wouldn't leave me alone but there's no way I'm going out there never ever he arms himself as best he could he could with a tennis racquet that we had in the room with us he takes a couple deep breaths opens the door and dashes out I close it as quickly as I can behind him in less than 30 seconds I hear a scream not long after the door flies open II comes back in looking pale as a ghost he's breathing like he just ran a marathon and his eyes look as big as dinner plates I asked what's going on like four times before he could get some words out he tells me he walked out there and as he was walking through the garden as quick as he could he saw my mom just standing there he tried to talk to her but she stared at him with a blank expression getting super creeped out because of what had happened to me earlier he took a couple more steps towards her telling her that he thought something was in the woods suddenly her her face turned into an awkward smile then he realized something terrible he hadn't noticed sooner because the darkness of how much of a hurry he'd been in but she was on the other side of the fence now the door to this room does not lock and as I explained earlier the room had no windows he had been trying to move stuff in front of the door as he told this story but by the end I was helping him in retrospect whatever was harassing us he seems to be adverse to actually entering the room or trailer because the Jacob one didn't come in right and he could have and this room was not sturdy either way we stacked everything we could against the door thinking somehow like cartoons that this would totally definitely keep the creatures out for the rest of the night we heard scratches coming from all around the room I cried Jacob looking like his mind had left his body with fear at one point he thought I thought I heard it speak to I heard it from right next to where I was resting against the wall with my mother's voice quietly the same phrasing and intonation she had used earlier in the night what's wrong followed by and immediately go to sleep the son must have come up eventually the scratching eventually stopped and we heard my mom come to get us this time actually hearing footsteps we absolutely refused to leave the room my mom had to go to the property owner and have him take the door off when we saw it was actually her I burst into tears again we had never had any experiences like these again and eventually we moved away but that night still haunts me I refuse to go out at night unless I'm with a bunch of people and we'll never live in the woods again oh my god oh boy that was that was worth it that was a good one that is terrifying yep so that was a skinwalker well it looks like that was one skinwalker manifesting in different forms to terrorize or to encounter one person I like the lure of the skinwalker that they take the form of something else and that they're like tricksters and shapeshifters and witches or whatever do when when when they see the mom as it goes as the night what is it a skinwalker and she's on the other side of the fence I can't get out with a clam with an awkward grin I'm all set I'm all set with the dog barking and then whimpering and then scratching at the house I'm all set I'm just all set damn dude that was gnarly that was gnarly literally all set yeah that was good I don't got me going and that's in California I'm upset mm-hmm I want there to be no skinwalkers here I don't want a chance of seeing one I really don't the [ __ ] is that supposedly evidence a creepy figure behind that thing I don't like any of it oh god that looks like a ooh that's creepy you'd think that they were probably unable to be captured on camera or whatever I have no idea goddamn this whole subreddit it's like accounts of people saying I'm pretty sure I saw skinwalker read another one no I read that one [Music] all right it was trying to lure me into the woods oh cool background I'm a female and this occurred two years ago when I was 18 takes place in Ag yeah every summer my family and I'd go up to camp in the Dedham Ellsworth Maine it's about three hour drive from my house and the camp itself is about an hour from the nearest town I've been going to this camp my entire life my family owns it and we had never had an incident like this before happened I was watching TV in the middle of the night while you're camping it's like they just went to like a cottage or something I was watching TV in the middle of the night both my brothers and parents had gone to bed first mistake I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and realized that the dogs need to go outside and do their business so I took my brothers to pitbulls and my Affenpinscher tiny dog outside after turning the porch light on I walked around to the front yard and I let the dogs off leash it's so incredibly dark in the woods of Maine that the poorest I really only illuminated the porch or nothing else so I tried to keep an eye on them I was momentarily distracted when I saw a loon or a wild bird duck on the lake they make really pretty noises yeah when I look back I saw that the pit bulls were both looking at something in the woods I couldn't see what it was but I assumed that they had seen a squirrel or a raccoon it was then that I realized they didn't see that I didn't see Alfie anywhere she was an awfully small dog and she's completely black I called her a few times and heard some soft whimpering right where the dogs had been looking earlier oh I took a couple couple steps in that direction and called for her again worried that she may have gotten her paw stuck in between rocks or gotten stuck in a snake hole suddenly I feel something moving behind me I whipped around and it was Alfie she had been staying close to me this whole time I just hadn't seen her so naturally I was thinking if alfie is here with the Fox in the woods I took another step forward and the pitbulls begin to growl they were slowly advancing and we're now on either side of me looking right into the blackness of the woods I quickly pick up Alfie and began to back up very slowly I'm not sure what was in there but as are a lot of animals in Maine I figured the dogs knew better than I since I couldn't see anything right right as I turned around I heard the most absolutely bone-chilling thing I've ever heard in my life coming from the direction of the woods I heard something / someone call Alfie's name no it sounded as almost if if it were trying to mimic me calling off his name moments earlier but it was all wrong that the voice sounded really distorted and almost seemed to wail I freaked the [ __ ] out ran inside with the dogs to this day I have no idea what was out in the woods my camp is essentially a log cabin overlooking a lake and our nearest neighbor lives at least a half a mile in the opposite direction stop skinwalker stories dude I didn't know these things were things like this so glad immitating of the human voices what gets like the the amount that I've like been camping out in the woods or like I grew up at my cottage like all of that I would go outside in the dark all the time no fear of anything I like loved it you know I mean like get occasionally scared if you thought an animal was there but like if I had known that that was a thing like that was like lore that I was aware of are you [ __ ] kidding me mm-hmm like I don't want to go outside anymore yeah thanks skinwalkers TM like the fact that they like imitate people and animals is like that makes me sick to my stomach yeah the fact that they take the [ __ ] that they could take the shape of like you for instance like if I'm out in the woods we're camping together and you're in one place but I see you right in front of me and it's just like a blank stare on your face that's Ken skinwalkers hurt yeah cuz according to the other kids story like it could hurt a dog but Nava the Navajo believe that if you lock eyes with a skinwalker they can tae-sik oh my god I love that I love that for us some Navajo also believe that skinwalkers have the ability to just steal the skin or body of a person oh oh if you lock eyes at this Ken Walker they can absorb themselves into your body oh but maybe that's how they take the form of like a person and then they like leave okay can you read that whole thing because I'm I'm interested because I need to know how to defend myself okay in Native American legends the skinwalker is a person with a supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires it was a person okay yeah they they must be uh though they must be wearing a pelt of the animal to transform similar lore can be found in cultures throughout the world and is often often referred to as shape-shifting by anthropologists Navajo skinwalker the so in Game of Thrones what's it called when he's a crow or one eyed Raven he can change into animals it's like that but like bran doesn't have to wear a pelt yeah and he's not physically there it's only in his mind like he's transporting his brain according to this Lord in conscience is the person alive and they have to I got to get to it let's see I'm confused possibly the best-documented skinwalker beliefs are those relating to the Navajo Nation ye na blue she literally with it literally translates to with it he goes on all fours in the Navajo language yeet na blue she was one of several varieties of Navajo which specifically sorry which specifically a practitioner of the witchery way as opposed to a user of curse objects or a practitioner of the frenzy way technically the term refers to aunt Jeannie he who's using rarely her powers to travel in animal form and sub versions men or women have attained the highest level of priesthood are called quiz yah T or pure evil then then they commit the act of killing a member of the family of their own family God and then they have thus gained the evil powers that are associated with skinwalkers the aunt Ginny he are human beings who have gained super power by breaking a cultural taboo specifically a person is said to gain the power to become enob lu-shi upon initiation into the witchery way both women can become that and therefore become possible skinwalkers but men are far more numerous it has generally thought that only childless women can become witches child this woman although is more frequent frequently seen as a coyote wolf owl or fox or crow the yield ye na blue she is said to have the power to assume the form of any animal they choose depending on what kind of abilities they need witches use a forum for expedient travel especially the Navajo equivalent of the black mass a perverted the black mass a perverted song and the central rite of witchery away used to curse instead of to heal they also may transform to an escape to escape from pursuers some Navajo also believe that skinwalkers have the ability to steal the skin or body of a person the Navajo believes that if you lock eyes with a skinwalker they can absorb themselves into your body it has also said that skinwalkers avoid the light and that their eyes glow like animals do but when in human form so you're seeing like a glowing wolf Sahai in a human a skinwalker is usually described as naked except for an animal skin some Navajos destructor described him as a mutilated sorry mutated version of the animal so like the way the way that the woman was describing her dog the hind legs were weird the skin may just be a mask like those which are the only garment worn in the witch's song because animal skins are used primarily by skin walkers the pelt of animals such as bears coyotes wolves and cougars are strictly taboo sheepskin and buckskin are probably two of the few hides used by Navajos the latter is only for ceremonial purposes legend has it skin walkers can have the power to read human thoughts they also possess the ability to make any human or animal noise that they choose skinwalker may use the voice of a relative or a cry of an infant to lure victims out of the safe do you know know know know know know know that okay where did I hear that recently it's been going around on Twitter that was a thing that I literally forgot was a thing so I forget which serial killer it was had used a recording of an infant crying to put outside of people's homes to lure them outside of their house that is so beyond twist or lure them to the door so if you're ever home and you hear an infant crying outside of your door call the [ __ ] police don't open the door I forget which serial killer it was but it was like part of their mo at one point that's like terrifying and brilliant yeah [ __ ] so [ __ ] according to Navajo myth the only way to successful successfully shoot a skinwalker is to dip bullets into white ash okay I don't have bullets or white ash to shoot a skinwalker to find out weapons jamming or frozen whoa I want to read an account of someone trying to shoot a skinwalker and their gun jams Yeah right gun jams skinwalker I need to know more about them how to protect slash kill skinwalkers oh my god these people out here trying to kill quote-unquote skinwalkers and it's like their neighbor's cat and Navajo culture has said that the only way to kill a skinwalker is to say the witch's name ah what's their name we supposed to get to know them before they what the hell Oh other times if the gun fires the rounds have no effect if spotted the skinwalker will run away and if chased his footprint will not be present even if only a few feet away also it is if it is fired at even at point-blank range it would have no effect and may attack or run off don't that's scary was a dog I'm pretty sure that was halo that was halo but it could have been the skinwalker pretending to be halo and here halo was just at our door and we're like hey dude halo could have been a skinwalker that hold Carmen are you a skinwalker you better not I suggest bringing a fistful of dried sage lighting it and drawing a circle around your campsite with the burning sage near you so just if you're gonna go camping just sage it real quick because skinwalkers be like I'm scared but wait come on I still don't understand if they can hurt you or not well I haven't read many accounts of them attacking people like what is this this is very old most commonly male or skinwalkers this type of shape-shifting which that uses enchanted animal hides that initiate a transformation in any animal they desire but the most common animal forms are those of a wolf coyote Fox don't get that much so you're saying it's a living person that's doing this why okay they have the internet at this point can't they like watch some Netflix why are they out skinned walking skinwalker most often kills out of greed anger and V spite or revenge so skinwalkers kill people but it's a person killing people let's see um navajo when it comes down to punishing the skinwalker if it is caught in the act rarity indeed Navajo law is very direct and straightforward when it comes to witchcraft when a person becomes a witch they immediately forfeit their humanity and their right to exist in thus the skinwalker can be killed any legal or moral it's like Salem witch trials they're like we're just you're not even a person we're gonna kill you that's he regards the magical practices skinwalkers are said to gather in small groups in dark caves in order to initiate new members plot their activities kill people from a distance with black magic engage in necrophilia with the female corpses wine to commit cannibalism incest and grave robbery oh my god that's just got really dark I'm just I'm searching I'm searching the word kill for this long article to see if you can kill them or if they kill people the skinwalkers described as being extremely fast agile and impossible to catch attempting the shooter otherwise killers can walk are usually unsuccessful and they may even seek revenge that seems fair the skinwalker is defend yourself or protect yourself seems very yeah another spell that the skinwalkers used to kill is done by acquiring some of the victims hair wrapping it around a pot pot shard and then placing it into a tarantulas hole live rattlesnakes may be released into the victim's dwelling or his bed oh no no no defeating a skinwalker requires the assistance of a powerful shaman in those spells and rituals any shamans in the comments wanna like protect us just in case we got any shamans I'll take a pound apparently if you have bullets and you dip them in white ash which I don't even know what whiteout what's why - I don't know what just like I've learned to get way - what hah what's why - this is a this is a collaborative podcast guys what why - oh ok species of tree native to eastern and central North America Australia Texas southern Oklahoma ok so it's it comes from species of tree fraxinus Americana the white ash or American ash is a species of ash tree - native tree native to eastern and central North America ok so it's like it's from an ash tree so before you grab your piece just dip the magazine and bullets in some white ash yeah then you're good to go pretty much definitely for sure goddamn dude well if you guys have any skinwalker stories that you'd like to share with us we'd be more than happy to read them in the comments peachie are you Pacific I was calling PG your car man was like he G and then hurt someone from the forest go like really I would yell out in the woods ago [ __ ] you skinwalker and then I would leave just don't look him in the eye I won't I'll blindfold myself echo you rode and you got a bad attitude why don't you go watch some Netflix like the rest of us this is funny what he's post on the skinwalkers it's like top post of all it's the second top post a G PI is secretly a skinwalker that's trying to end net neutrality so less people can have access to this subreddit yeah I suggest checking this stuff out if you guys want a good little spook I feel like the first couple stories were a little weird and more real but then when we got to skinwalker things things picked up pretty fast I'm terrified of them just like your dog will pick up it their appetite really fast once you start feeding them the farmers dog oh well thank you guys for listening I'm just still confused that they're like they're living people that are using powers but like why like why would a skinwalker go torment those two little boys in the middle of nowhere or like why would a skinwalker imitate that lady with MSS dog like you mean like it's a person it makes sense to me if they're like operating within like their tribe and they don't want to seek revenge against another tribe or something like that makes sense to me but like just tormenting people for no reason doesn't make any sense to me yeah that it made more sense when they were like a nonliving thing you know what I mean yeah they're just like an entity but the idea that it's a person behind there is like what are you doing stop it get some help stop it get some help it's always like people get the weird feeling that they're being like chased or followed and then it turns out that they turn around and see a skinwalker yeah I know I'm most that that's terrifying yeah no thanks so we have what we have two more episodes of October podcasts let's see do we have two more that's just scary style yeah so we want you guys as advice this one's going out 15th yep so we have the 22nd and the 29th of scary podcast opportunities so give us ideas if you have any of what to record for spooky podcasts and let me know like how we can best prepare them I have my pick what if this one's a skinwalker and it isn't like you know they're my protection hmm well thank you guys for hanging out hopefully you you were entertained by this I'm scared hopefully you were scared by this and we'll see you guys next week for more spooky stuff see you guys on Twitch in the meantime and remember to send in those suggestions well we're gonna start really sweeping within that section super sweet hanging so just in general suggestions in the comments will be read like a lot of them so give us suggestions I'll see you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 2,047,966
Rating: 4.9082346 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: fZ_w0zrQG8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 50sec (4610 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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