Podcast #187 - The New House & Unpopular Opinions

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deep deep welcome back we are in our new place alright yes here this is our first podcast in our new house and let's just get all the disclosures out of the way first okay go for it just close on me daddy I put up a total of five panels of sound foam in this room because I ran out of spray today so it's gonna be a bit echoey we are recording off of this [ __ ] thing because our podcast PC is not currently here we can't record through our normal audio program we have a window open currently because we don't know how the ventilation will work or the sound with that or whatever but you have light but we do have we have cool new lights but yeah so if it sounds kind of weird guys the audio might be a little funky this week yeah we should talk about the lights a little bit it talked about well we got these first of all even first of all it's pretty nuts to be recording it in this room right now doesn't it trippy yeah cuz there's no gaming setup and there's like no desk off to the side like I don't feel crunched in here yeah and we if you guys have been you know keeping up with the blogs and whatnot we have like a bigger monitor now so we can see ourselves it's nice I mean it definitely doesn't feel as crammed as before that's an understatement yeah I can't believe that we functioned in that room it like shouldn't have been possible I know I look at pictures I'm like I get anxiety about it it shouldn't have been possible anyway these lights are from a company called aperture and they are not a sponsor of the podcast but they have supported us in a big way by supplying us with two really really hefty nice lights we have the 120 d with a light dome and then we have the LED panel over there and it's not like blazing hot lights with the old bulbs like we've yeah we bought these lights off of amazon for our podcast and for Jenna's videos and you screw this big old industrial bulb into it and you put the umbrella on it and then it just heats up and it can't stay on for more than Linc all right now it's so hot but it gets it gets the room so hot these are giving up literally no heat there's a fan on the back of the 120 and there's that's you can touch that and doesn't even get hot so if you're looking for some lighting if you definitely recommend yeah and I'll link them below guys I'll also probably tweet them out or something on the on this account but yeah it's been it's been nice to have this because if we had to like come into our new our new room and podcast and still get really hot from those lights that were to suck yeah well you'd also get boiling hot when you're gaming tooks who use those lights as well yeah sure so hot all the time I know and I'm already so hot time yeah okay can we open the window I'm like yeah dude ever you want you're like are you hot and like no I'm not that like perfect I feel like I asked you if you're hot so often and you're just like no and I'm like like you're not hot no like last night I was like sweating why I just moved fast and then like I just generate heat I think you just have a lot of muscle mass that just like makes you feel real hot all the time okay let's go with that let's go with that all those muscles boy they need food they make it heat they have yeah oh my god oh my I would say my pet peeve though is when you you turn on the air-conditioning and then decide that you're still hot so you like open the door or window to it I'm like you just turn on the air-conditioning you can't do that that's no no I don't remember the absolutely note I don't remember don't do that or when you turn on the air-conditioning but it's cooler outside that is with the air conditioning on it's true open the window or the door it's tricky okay I'm not it's not a weatherman I don't know the temperature outside and inside at all times sometimes you just got to experiment just open the door and see if it's cool outside and then it's open like the window okay anyway um what we're on week two and a half of settling into our new house now and it's like finally starting to feel like our home yeah I mean we still have a lot of work to do and will in the future but I mean we have enough right now to function which is really nice although I still don't have a desk my desk is apparently coming tomorrow supposedly it was supposed to come last week I know but once we at your desk yeah we hang up some art yeah and we do a couple other things that's really gonna like feel like our house which is nice because I mean we love our new home but we still want to keep making it ours also the dogs are in here yeah if you haven't noticed there's been no barking because we're not next to a street I put there by top of those thanks to me like directly to my left here because their bed was over there but they didn't want to sit over there they were too far from me so I moved over here and now they're all sitting quietly yeah I think the the the lack of barking in this house is like spectacular cuz it's not you know right in the middle of everything like people would just walk past our house all day there were dogs close to a place where a lot of people would park to go to work because you could just Park on our street so like a lot of people would walk to like where they would work right near her house there was just constantly people and dogs and kids all kinds of the noises so they were so loud in that last house and they are so quiet here yeah because there's just less to Barket yeah it's been really nice they also have such a better outdoor situation here like being outside I have a hell of a sunburn going on in my legs right now because I literally have not been outside I know it's years it's been so nice it's just like like lay in the Sun somewhere where you're not like completely uncomfortable yeah like in our own place like I don't know there's something about like low walls to where your head pops up above them it's just like in your backyard it's like why even have a wall well yeah I mean you can just see your neighbors I mean that's a case in most large cities is like even if you have an outdoor space it's like sort of private because you have to build your own privacy you know what I mean first of all we do have much more privacy here which has been I don't know just getting to go outside and like make vitamin D through my skin has been really great considering what was prescribed that kind that I only take once the week it's looks strong and my doctor was like laughing at me he's like exactly it was good vitamin D yeah he's like there's you know 300 days of sunshine here like why are you so vitamin D deficient I'm like do I look like the kind of person that goes outside but like now I can it's been really yeah we went swimming this weekend it's like what is even happening we have a pool it's like great yeah it's been nice the dogs are happy yeah the dogs are much happier yeah as we say that hey you know I like you're making us literally a bunch of liars over here all right got that nasty mouth we do have those same giant crows here that we did at the last place Kermit like I had those pool chairs that I've had for years like from our old house like when we lived in Westwood and they had these couch cushions and we got them like sort of around the time that we got peach yeah and they were like really good for a little while and then the cushions started like coming apart it was like super ripped up and I my initial instinct was because peach was like a destroyer she chewed everything I thought she was going out there when I wasn't looking and destroying my pool chairs and I was getting so mad at her she was wrongfully accused well to be fair I saw her like taking the stuffing out and playing with it because there were holes in it and the stuffing was exposed so she really liked it I literally just cut the podcast I'm sorry I I forgot we didn't have our full audio setup here so now it should sound a little bit better maybe yeah question mark no it really does there's less hiss yeah thanks for being patient with us OVA Ares around that's right we are one collective Ares this week we're doing some cool we're playing in a little pub G tournament have they not that yeah they haven't they're always pretty late with announcing these things but its the twitch rivals tournament that we're gonna play in and should be exciting we've done a couple of them before Jenna me Jason and mr. Chris Mel Berger will be playing as a team we're gonna be playing mode yeah I got to get my video done on Tuesday in order to play because the tournaments are always on Wednesdays yeah they're always on a Wednesday they are I was this have anything that you want me to make please leave them in the comments below honestly I'm done using Facebook for asking people for suggestions it is so frustrating this is pointless it's it's point I hate Facebook I hate logging onto Facebook I literally I post my video and then it [ __ ] leave every week it's not that I hate the people on Facebook it's just like platform astir platform is really I just don't enjoy it yeah well I mean believe it or not guys like each week when we go like to figure out what we're gonna do for a podcast like I go to the you know we go to the previous week's podcast to just check the comment section because you guys drop good suggestions all the time so India funny any funny so yeah dude your suggestions and comments like they absolutely help us for generous videos like yes whoever's been suggesting to make Kermit a bed of Irish Spring soap so that he can roll around in it I see your comedy we actually like sat down and tried to we looked up like what the process is how to do it but we the problem that we ran into is that I don't have anything to mold a bed out of like we could melt the soap down a problem but then I have nothing to mole you can buy molds for like small things like a cup or a bowl but I need to make them yeah and I don't really know how to do that because it can't be something hard it has to be like soft that you can like pop it out of I've watched face off I know they have that thing where yeah exactly vacuum is so nice that's I want to look up compilations of the vacuform on the youtube doctor it has to be compilations it is really so satisfying to jockey for me oh yeah I missed his show it's a great job where did it go well he's still a John Deere stop we just haven't watched it porque um one thing that I think is interesting about when we moved in here we went we had what Time Warner Cable or whoever come to set up our TVs DirecTV DirecTV and in our old place we had DirecTV and they came to set up the boxes and they were like yeah there's no cable like in the living room there's no cable to like have cable you have to call a separate company to come and like it's hardwired your house yeah hardwire your house for cable and roams like oh my god no like he'd do that and I was like no I think it's I think it would be okay if we just like didn't have cable no I want credit cuz I was the one who said that I was like is it time don't we cut the cord well yeah at first I was like we can we didn't figure it out well cuz it was never a big issue list yeah like he was like oh you can't in your main living room you can't have cable or at right now and then we were like okay that's like that's fine we pretty much firm cast everything except for like right survivor anyway yeah well we have like Hulu and Netflix so we cut the cord yes so we're that we don't have any cable we are official cord cutters happy being a millennial yeah but I mean one thing that I have been using which was nice was remember when YouTube TV first came out and I was like I think I got the trial subscription and then like a dumbass just never cancelled yeah yeah exactly it's just been Otto or doing but I also like as much as we [ __ ] on YouTube and they make mistakes in my opinion that they need to be called out on which they are currently doing still I've missed a lot of stuff since we've been off the podcast for a little bit but like there's a lot of stuff going on YouTube that's not super great but I still in my heart of hearts want to support YouTube and you know i have a youtube red subscription I pay for YouTube music and I do pay for YouTube TV so it doesn't make me upset like I want to support YouTube and the platform and creators as a whole but I was only using YouTube's TV when it came out on my iPad in the kitchen because I would sit there and like eat breakfast and watch like whatever old a Star Trek was on you know yeah yeah like a brat like I want to I want to watch TV at my kitchen table but now that we don't have cable it's actually been really nice because you can chromecast it to your TV yeah and like the features that it gives you is like you know you can record sort of stuff like you would do on your DVR whatever but yes it's nice like whatever yeah forget what we were I do it I have some complaints like it's there's some bugs there's some stuff I don't understand it like they're making a little complicated to figure out like feeling that I got that error message on the screen and it wouldn't go away that was stats for nerds yeah and then I had recorded a movie that I wanted to watch i wanted to watch casablanca which by the way i went off on the i went off i want to hear your own popular opinion puffin right here we'll get there so youtube TVs like alright if you choose to record a show will record it for you when it airs on live TV and then you can watch it back like whenever you want yeah so Julian had gone out to the west side to go hang out with his friends for like a Saturday night or whatever and I was like all right I'm gonna get tucked in the couch I'm like I'm in my new house I'm feeling homey I'm gonna watch a movie which is embarrassing I've never actually seen Casablanca still to this moment yeah so I was like now's a great time those of you adults like me or you know people that don't have the opportunity to sit down and watch movie all the time like you appreciate me like I'm missing this big piece of like culture in my life that I you know should probably absorb at some point which by the way spoiler alerts if you haven't seen Casablanca we might spoil it I don't think I'm gonna spoil it but it's well how I feel about coming home to here you just like [ __ ] on Casablanca so well because Julian was gone and I watched Casablanca and then I watched Citizen Kane which I had also Trixie which I have seen that one yeah but Julia you went to school and studied like film and that kind of stuff it was part of our education but um so I had recorded that movie to watch on YouTube TV and I start playing back the recording and it's like one of those shows where they're sitting down and like talking about the film beforehand and they're like so it's like five minutes of that so I'm sort of sitting through that like okay this is fine you know there probably be commercials like I wish I could watch it the whole way through but like I understand it's on live TV so they're gonna there's gonna be commercials or whatever in the recorded version so I started watching and then all of us I don't know what happened but it was like you know when you like a blind person watches TV and it's not closed-captions that someone like describing what's happening yeah so the film starts and it's like a shield appears with words over it and blah blah blah and I'm like oh my god I don't know how to turn this off like it's not just closed captions it's this woman shouting like what's going on and described everything in the film and I was like no disrespect but like I can't watch this and that it was a setting that wasn't properly on that wasn't yes so were or that channel had had it on permanently but I was like okay I can't like I'm trying to focus here I'm just trying to watch this movie that I feel I can't even watch for whatever reason I can't have this be my experience shouting she's like a busy marketplace appears and people are moving all around it's like so I couldn't watch it yeah yeah well cuz it's it's sensory overload cuz you're trying to watch and listen right yes it is sensory overload so I went to go I had to download it on your Amazon account that's what that was about watch it on my phone oh speaking of Amazon we'll get to that what your rack Julian I'm gonna hear about Casablanca first totally what what did I do so well I mean to be fair when you came home I had drank a fair amount of white wine I was like I was heated but um I didn't go to film school I didn't like my mom loves old black-and-white movies like she watches them all the Turner Classic Movies is like what our TV is always on so I feel like I've seen a lot of movies sort of like in pieces secondhand I get the vibe I get whatever and I had sort of built Casablanca up into my own mind as this like quintessential viewing of film like whatever yeah and I understand the backstory it was like 1942 it was released the war was not resolved people were very unsure about where things were going and it's about Morocco I think I don't like getting drunk because they're like all of the people they're getting pushed out of their countries as the Germans sort of invade are trying to flee to Lisbon to where they can get to the United States but not everyone could get to Lisbon so a lot of people were stuck sort of in Morocco and then they would have to take a plane or a ship or something to Lisbon if they were lucky or if they had a connection or money to flee Europe basically and it's about it takes place like in Morocco where everyone's in this sort of like limbo that they're essentially like refugees you know good-looking ones and movie ones and like okay and they introduce the main character it's just like a [ __ ] dick like he's such a dick like oh I know I have to be alone like that I I know everyone's gonna [ __ ] on me like you don't appreciate it you don't understand it that's fine okay just let me be a [ __ ] because Julian was laughing really hard when I was going off about it like to look at it from a 20-18 lens it is so [ __ ] stupid it's so stupid like all I get the the commentary about the war and the tension at that point that's not what I'm ragging on I'm ragging on the fact that none of the filmmaking in it is profound whatsoever like watching that movie to me because I watched this in Kane which came out a year before that I get it okay like oh the shots are profound the lighting is profound that the use of shadows it was really groundbreaking really groundbreaking I got it I wasn't a huge fan I think what I said to you is Citizen Kane is like the jerk but not funny at all and that's honestly a really it's just a rags it's a funny it's a funny observation like if you if you've seen the jerk jerk came out like 30 years later and 40 years later that type of stories which is why it's so hysterically yeah I got it's so stupid but Casablanca to me I was like so disappointed in the way that this is supposed to be such like a romantic movie like they literally met each other like during a day or a week or some undisclosed amount of time then it's it's a love story amidst chaos right like that's during the war so but like my question is like I'm sure a lot of people who in 2018 still value Casablanca right like there's a lot of people and I'm sure the people who do don't really try to fit that movie into today do you like do you know I'm totally just playing devil's advocate like do you think that people who are fans of that movie like can appreciate it although yeah absolutely laughable and in the sense of like the 20 2018 scope absolutely I mean that's why you can appreciate anything that you know doesn't necessarily make sense today like it doesn't have to make sense in my mind I was like this is supposed to be this great fantastic movie you know it's like this is [ __ ] dumb this is so dumb yeah I mean it feel free to [ __ ] on me in the comments okay it's my opinion I feel like really sorry if I'm offending I feel like there's gonna be a few hardcore sitting on you but I do weirdly feel like there's gonna be a lot of people agreeing with you because like I don't know like something about like you know people on the internet now who are exposed to so much content all the time can look at old things where our parents are like you will like them yeah I mean don't don't get it twisted I appreciated it I understand it I understand the importance of it at the time but but from my perspective it was just a man who knew what was best for everybody else and acted on that the entire time so why do just I appear Lee out of curiosity because I have you deciding romantic about it and I said to you - how is there nothing romantic about it I think Casablanca is literally like it's like a it's a shorthand term for love like people say oh look at this Casablanca over there like that Bergman or whatever her name is it's like 30 years younger than him and he's just like nasty smoking cigarettes like drinking like it is it makes me feel nothing other than just like what the [ __ ] it really just pissed me off it really did I know I'm thinking about don't have an unpopular opinion today I have a question which one did you watch the movies in came first no I watched Casablanca firs hmm why I'm just I'm just thinking I was just sitting there and I was like this is my reaction that was like what like that's it well that's also it that's also a problem when you have this colossal like standard to live up to when everyone and their mom is forever talking about how much of a legendary movie it isn't in you're like okay I'll watch it and then of course your expectations like way up here right so if it doesn't blow your mind you're like okay right well I mean what I did also say to you to that night like again I was drunk okay I'm gonna say it funny [ __ ] I was going off it's like I didn't like Citizen Kane that much I appreciated the filmmaking in cinematography but I was like again not my cup of tea I'm not gonna watch it I don't know no thank you but um I [ __ ] I just forgot what I was gonna say whatever it doesn't matter yeah I was it was funny at the time cuz I was ripping on like arguably two of the greatest films to ever exist Oh what I was gonna say it was I think I said something stupid along the lines of like those movies made me feel nothing like I feel more watching you know trash television at this point like I feel more connected to human nature than that those storytelling movies told me but that I did appreciate that they were original stories and that I feel like Hollywood at this point when you go to the movies and you you have this like emptiness when you see a film because you're like I don't feel anything like I feel yeah because they make more money pumping out another [ __ ] Avengers movie or what I'm not please don't come for me okay I'm just trying to see facts they make more money pumping out like sequels to popular movies and not really stretching the the story it's not that I don't think that great stories exists I think that there's not necessarily in cinemas anymore right whereas you know during that age of storytelling in film there were great stories because I feel like they were taking a lot of that from theatres which have these like beautiful first second third acts like a proper climax it was like the early days of filmmaking to where it was like no like there were there was so much to create that hadn't been created in that medium right but they they did they had a like a proper storytelling a proper climax no proper beginning middle and end yeah so you do feel like you watch a complete foam whereas now you can watch some hot steaming pile of garbage [ __ ] starring a very you know popular professional actor actress and you're like I hate it yeah that was a piece of [ __ ] yeah that was really well made and produced and filmed but sorry I would watch I would watch okay what I said to you but it was really funny I would watch a video of you reviewing Casablanca like with it what live yeah live like we like go and rabbit and play Casablanca and just that be reacting to it it was really funny because I would watch I was laughing to myself at one point I kind of been paused it to go pee and I was just like I was drunk but I'm sitting there I'm going dude what the [ __ ] to myself and good times no I said to you I mean it seems kind of dramatic now but I think back on it but I was sort of upset with the way that the women were portrayed in these movies which is again like I understand this is like we're pushing 75 years ago now like the way different times totally get it but I said to Julia I was like thinking the Statue of David right we can all agree that it's carved beautifully it's an amazing piece of art right you're like the Sistine Chapel like I think that you can appreciate the art now imagine the Statue of Dave you've never seen it before but people keep telling you you've got to go see it you get it's amazing but that you show up it's a statue of David and he's choking a woman to death I get it like I think it's really nice and yet wow the talent of that artist is really spectacular but like I'm just I'm just not feeling I totally forgot that you said that it's so funny like it those two movies weren't even really that bad in terms of like I just it made me feel like it made me laugh it made me angry it made me feel like well this is stupid and I also was like I can't believe that this is how like love was portrayed so that's so funny is it though or am I just like sort of an [ __ ] like I think favorite movie if I'm being perfectly honest I think it's funny and I think it's like it's interesting hearing your rant but at the same time knowing you I know you and I know you like to go against the grain in the way that like if society tells you that this movie is a classic you're gonna really look out and be like well is it really is it a classic is it a classic you're gonna look at the movie is it a clap are you a classic and the movies gonna blush you feel embarrassed and you're gonna call it not classic and you're gonna break it down that's what you do I mean it's like it's funny but it's also like really Jenna of you yeah well okay so I'll say Citizen Kane I think is a classic filmmaking movie I think that that's an important part of an education well and also like having been through that system of like film school where like I didn't necessarily know what I wanted to do I was just like this is the most interested I've been in all the majors I've tried to share so I'm here in this class with a whole bunch of [ __ ] people in the seer in the lecture hall watching this movie in black and white and I don't know what it is obviously at first I'm like not super intrigued by because I'm not like I'm not the kid next to me who's like I want to be a director I can't you know cuz there's so many of those kids in film schools or just like I want to be direct there's of course nothing wrong with that but that just wasn't me and so like me watching that film back then I remember thinking like okay like I'm not really interested but I'm gonna try to take it for what it's worth and and now that I think back to all the things that I did and that in that program like I get it and I know why it's a special film and I'm glad they teach that film I think they make sense right I understand from that perspective why that's that's an important part of your education you know what I mean there did I like it not the [ __ ] really honestly it's like really bored Julianne had already come home at that point and I was like just waiting for it to end fair enough you know like I saw some of the beautiful shots and shadows and like they had to be that creative because y'all had black and white film okay like again like such a Genest Ament yeah had to be that clear because you didn't have a color in your film let's greet [ __ ] stand behind this palm tree and let the shadow get on your jacket oh that's a nice look upon that but and Casso and I will say for Casablanca I do think that it's an important piece of work during a very uncertain time like the the social implications of that film I understand yeah is it a love story I think the [ __ ] not I think the [ __ ] not well it's definitely not a 20-18 love story I'm like the development of their relationship I was just completely not invested in it was a do the protagonist male is just a misogynist I mean it's not with me all right you know what this this makes me think like we should have a monthly yeah anyway we reviewed on the podcast no no like or like a I was thinking like Jen and Jillian's like book club but it's like movie club like we watch an old ancient film that you guys request once a month and on the podcast we can give our sides of what we thought of it I think that'd be good because there would be so many moments of you being like it's trash I don't think it's right I don't think it's like I don't think it's a it's reputation is what it deserves and I'm gonna be like well it's beautiful and we'll just go at it yeah I mean I can think of a couple like like I think there could be some good ones no I agree well I mean I like a lot of older movies I they really they're Roman Holiday Spectacular loved it Breakfast at Tiffany's thought it was great have you seen Blazing Saddles absolutely I mean that's not quite as old as we're talking no but that's older some like it hot like that kind of stuff yeah what's the oldest movie that you like hmm I guess I don't know yeah me neither I don't know the link never mind what I think I thought I was gonna I thought about a movie but I realized how not old it was oh what'd you think a league of their own what it takes place old it takes place in like the thirties forties didn't color yeah sepia Sofia Sofia literally starring Madonna and Geena Davis and Tom Hanks like is Geena Davis the one in stewar little yes or no is that is Geena Davis do er littles mom I think it is I think you might she's the one who plays dotty I think you got an a right it's - a little it's a good phone mmm couple of them Wow what um I'm just trying to think like that if we did that I think it'd be really funny but like Clockwork Orange [ __ ] love it disturbing movie crazy but like it just hits you in this visceral place of you're just like it it made me feel something yeah yeah I get whenever I'm consuming anything you know that's why I like YouTube so much cuz I feel like you get that feeling cuz you're watching real people you're the most part yeah you know some of its orchestrated but like when you watch something that makes that connects with you on a visceral like level that's really all I'm looking for when I'm watching content like there are better shows on Hulu that make me feel like the handmade sale are you [ __ ] serious in order for me to like a show the the context or a movie like it doesn't matter if has anything to do with me like I just need to feel something in order to feel like I've enjoyed it I mean even that's I think that's true for a lot of people I think that's what resonates with people is like if they can if they can walk away get off that couch move on with their day like nothing happened then it's like okay it was great but whatever but if you if you're thinking about a days and days later you're like damn it man yeah that's some [ __ ] art right there that made me feel so [ __ ] hard it's crazy it's crazy though cuz clock regards is a great example cuz I when you show me that movie and I watch it with you I was like I had no idea what to expect I was like III don't know how do you expect that for my movie and then no and then that movie I don't know it just spoken like to to true film amateurs over here we should start a second podcast called the film amateur podcast but like what what I'm saying though is that I have the ability to appreciate a movie for what it is and what it was like I'm not I'm not really ragging on anything like I'm just saying I feel like that film Casablanca in particular is hyped up is this like love story of all love stories because it's you know the backdrop is a war and there's just like a lot of conflict going on everything's uncertain and it was a mirror of the times I [ __ ] get it it made me feel like a piece of [ __ ] okay it made me feel nothing okay I felt nothing I laughed I drank wine I paused it multiple times because I just didn't [ __ ] care but I was invested in the beginning of it I said that to you Citizen Kane I was sitting there a [ __ ] bored I already know where it's going and I've never seen it at least Casablanca I was roped in a little bit although the beginning of it is very long and very boring and I don't understand what's going on more of the story when society tells Jenna that you should like this you won't like it is do I have a problem um I don't think it's a problem this is a great thing and I just like to tear down there it's a very jetta characteristic and it's not that it's not you put it very poorly it's not like you just like to tear down things because people say they're good it's when people tell you to like something or people tell you how to feel about something because of their own opinions or society's opinions about it you are your knee-jerk isn't to get excited to also enjoy your knee-jerk is to okay well I want to take a look at it through my [ __ ] eyes and you can back off while I look at it yeah in that tone but it did make you laugh when you came home to hona semi drunk Jenna and I'm like hey guess what what guess what piping tea I have for you Casablanca sucks like for vodka so does with my friends and I'm back and what the [ __ ] happened like I don't even understand what happens when you leave me alone I'll even cut my hair very controversial opinions porque no los dos but anyways tell us about your your amazon situation is not really a whole lot of development as as of right now you've been following the vlogs which I think you really all should be following the vlogs but basically I have this rack and it was one of the first things I put up in the new office because it's where I store all my pins it's a retail rack so I I hang my pins on it like it would be in a in a store I hang it up I vlog I show the office and the comment section gets flooded with you guys telling me how crooked I hung it and I'm like okay you know what I know you guys love to do this I mean you love to do you go in to the vlog you find something and you just pick it apart until I notice because sometimes you'll do it and I'm just like I brush it off in its but this was overwhelming so I look at the constant I okay alright so look at the rack and I notice and this is not this is 1,000% not the first time I noticed that the rack itself had crooked bars but it is the first time that I looked at it seriously enough to do something about it oh I thought you want me to explain the whole snare no keep going oh no fine whatever no so I called Amazon I gave him a piece of my mind I was just like hey like I've been subject to a lot of embarrassment on the internet because of this rack that you sold me many months ago and I don't know what to do about it because I there's no rehanging it it's a crooked rack so they emailed me back stay tuned for the next I'm just kidding um no they emailed me back then they were really nice about it and I kind of felt bad but they were like hey like sorry took us a while to get back to you but we found you for the rack I know it's been like six seven months but you can have the money back for the rack we're also adding some credit out of your account for damages incurred on your life you you like you guilted that I didn't guilt them all I wanted to them to do was watch my youtube video and maybe subscribe but they wouldn't like I talked oh dude I was on the phone with Rome Ramona and five different times I asked her for Bezos I said why except for Pope gimme base put me through but then I also said I was like is there any way I could just send you this link real quick and like a chat or you know like casually and then it got to the point where I was like can you please watch my youtube video and she just she was like oh no I don't need to like I believe you and like just avoiding it every every turn she doesn't watch it she had no interest in sorry no interest in my youtube channel I'm really sorry so I think the next step is I give him a call hmm and I want to give him a big thanks but also I'd like to I'd like to get to the bottom of this really like who you buying racks from that have bars that are not angled straight and why are you buying them and putting them under the blanket fulfilled by Amazon supplied tink LLC Co you're a troll I hate to break it to you well you know it's sometimes when you put the video up and you do nothing wrong and everyone is telling me you did something wrong it drives you to take care of it and to figure out a solution so that's I'm doing I'm just picking a little and figuring out solution what I can't thank you seriously good because then I then I um you don't expect it what I do serious things like a shark mm-hmm so stupid so dumb just like Casablanca see the difference is everyone agrees what I'm saying is stupid is stupid not everyone agrees that you can support those no no I have a lot of people on my side including Jeff bassist Jeff bass this is not on your side on my side they refund me there's nothing like calling Amazon support and being like put me help me through the bezos yeah I know his extensions as people boop beep boop boop boop hello is this Bezos hello and Bezos I call customer support tell them hi Bezos can you buzz me and I forgot my key card to the office like Bezos goes into the office of the keycard it's his card signs in it like sir Sir sir Sir also turns out the guys first name is Bezos he has nothing to do with Amazon those besos besos faceless he's no relation to Jeff Bezos but I wish I was spelled with an S baseless because then it would be is that what kisses is you think so Dino Spanish you thought no poor can try that not neo magenta me gusta por que Castellano sir esta Hacienda Noel coma city say just Bezos is una como a come I come I get it whatever entire subscribe well thank you guys for hanging out for the new the new first podcast that was a good sense yeah the new first ever podcast in our new house in a podcast it feels really good to be back I know it was that difficult to not have like a nice little weekly outlet you know I mean I know I'm sorry if I said anything that offended you about Casa Blanca song I'm not sorry if she offended you make sure to let her know in the comments because I want her to pay for that okay hold on hold on we're in the trust tree yes all of us are a family right here I need to smug mama you can top us me disagree with them but don't stifle okay let me speak why everyone listening right now we're all in the dig fam okay we're a family mm-hmm that doesn't mean you can just spout opinions and the NSA it was a joke no it was all good it's in good fun but don't rescind it completely cuz I want you to keep I didn't buy it what made you think I rescinded my you said it was a joke yeah I mean it's like it's a joking joke haha like I think Casablancas terrible like it's that's that's a joke you know II mean yeah no I get it I just I want you to like you're you have good opinions like don't don't take him back as I'm saying I didn't take him back all right she didn't take him back what I'm saying it's it's funny it's meant to be something funny well it's not to be like a serious critique well this podcast is very serious always very serious so please know you know where you are this is a serious this place that we like to take ourselves very seriously all right well we would like to welcome you our guests come on in I thought you said they were coming there's the guest here well text basis about it yeah I heard a couple echoes and I know it'll get better we're gonna sound foam that whole wall parts of that wall and potentially get curtains so every wall has some sort of sound absorbing so it's not like you know yeah plus if if there are any movies that you want us to watch for real with my like next week I've never actually seen Mary Poppins by the way okay don't make that no no I was just hey or have you if there's any old older like black and white movies that you would like oh yeah I have a feeling that you guys are gonna nail it around the head give like great suggestions right away about what we should watch on that next people do it we should do it yeah so we have to sit down watch a movie on our phones probably why because I have to order them all to Amazon because you're not on Hulu or Netflix so there are Amazon I know a guy these days us thank you guys for hanging out if you're interested in getting video lights for your own home or production or podcast or whatever you need to light at home I will link aperture below um and we'll see you guys next week for another podcast hopefully is sounding a little bit better you guys have a wonderful week now see on Twitter bye [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 630,484
Rating: 4.9553957 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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