Podcast #274 - Playing 'You Are A Liar'

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dink dink dink dink welcome back to Julia podcast you're welcome thank you for thank you welcome back to the podcast we are live no not this is live yeah yeah if you type a comment I'm gonna read it live text Texas poon Tapper thanks for joining the stream Wow Wow this episode is brought to you by me undies guys get yourself some beautiful silky soft underwear with me undies it's officially spring which means it's spring cleaning time so clean out that underwear drawer and get some Mandy's go to me undies Emmy und IES com / - no Julian get 15% off your first pair of free shipping and you will be satisfied with your purchase guaranteed also guys post mates an incredible way to get anything you need from burritos to wine do it with post mates to Taco Bell to Del Taco french fries which is kind of weird that they sell fries is a taco joint but you know what if you want fries from Del Taco postmates sink and a judge they're gonna bring it to you and with a smile on their face so go to posts go to post mates in the App Store download the app and use code Jenna Julian that's just our name Jenna Julian and you get a hundred and ten dollars a free delivery credit for your first seven days start using free delivery credits right now by going to the post mates app and using it to deliver food to your mouth Thank You sponsors what is that smile that's nice oh it's not right I hate it I hate I don't know what you mean it's not right okay fine it's wrong it's wrong what is that that's the top from the Chile rise is still up here I don't know we had a lot of stuff up here and I didn't remember to come up here and bring it down you have to put things back where they go I'm really sorry I'm really sorry what kind of weird role reversal [ __ ] is this you're usually saying that to me well the difference is that I will actually take that downstairs and put it where it belongs but you didn't one time I will not you look so cute today put it you look really cute anywhere that I feel like that will then migrate over the course of months to other places it doesn't belong until one day you say and then I have to go rummage through the entire house to find it speaking of migrate can i migrate on over there cuz you look real real fine today Julian you really sleep you look cute no the weather's great and you know I like how you dress when it's hot I've I've had time to keep up on my my glow lotion you know it gives lotion yeah this is not for those of you that think that I set out on the Sun all day I do not because I do have sensitive skin that I exposed to Sun for many years that I am terrified of the consequence artificial Sun yeah it's uh it's Sun in a bottle inside the bottle there a brand of self-tanner called Sun in a bottle I feel like there should be but if there isn't don't worry we'll just steal it no look it's sick but yes you look really pretty yeah I don't know I used to work at a tanning salon like I used to ten but even then I put fake tan over my ten because I was just like yeah we out of my mind it yeah I mean when you're drinking the ten tanning lotion sauce it's you know it hits it was a requirement for a source Ibiza well yeah you're not gonna walk into a tanning salon and see some pale person working the front desk me like yeah I'm not gonna go here why the [ __ ] are they pale yeah I don't know I feel like my entire 20s was just a weird time I kind of feel like that may be less weird but yeah don't do son kids do son if you're gonna do some do it with sunscreen TM mm-hmm I put on sunscreen every single day especially if you have tattoos cover those things with sunscreen if you want to keep their you know their color vibrance but we had like two weeks of rain and then all of a sudden this heatwave came by and was like look ya'll the dogs are really happy it's honestly it feels like summer and you know we have really hot summer's here to the point where when it's like August we're like okay enough already we have a small window right now of outside time yeah and so right now it's like the pre summer heat and I like it I will say I like it it feels it feels good to just go outside and get this you know the Sun completely beaten down on you and well yeah cuz once this summer hits it's like you know the hours between 10:00 and even like four is the dogs can go outside for like 5:15 no like 15 they'll walk around the yard they'll like lay on the stone and then they head inside cuz it's just too hot so yeah well let me bring them in the pool which we're going to we're gonna bring all of them then lifejackets out are you going in the pool buddy you coming in the pool she's not listening to you she is she just moved her ear that's literally that means she's listening what do we got today so we have a game that we picked up it's called you are a liar I'll be playing today I'm on behalf of Team Liquid I'm also gonna be playing on behalf of Team Liquid this is a scrim okay I'm liquid Jenna Dewan we're not not on Team Liquid I got signs oh you signed the contract yeah but the what's happening with the contract to get lost in the mail no it's not lost there uh both of our lawyers are just going over some of the the language okay so they didn't get signed then the diction and once we get done with that could last for years it's gonna get signed okay well you know you're from better or worse I haven't any sports athlete Congrats but I love your manager but I get jerseys too wait I didn't sign up for a manager oh it's okay we all figured that out oh no you didn't have a say in it if I don't get don't worry you still get 10% why do I feel like this is how the music industry oh here you get ten I'm your manager I get 90 wait so I I play the eSports you know that house that you just bought give me the keys Oh No yeah we're gonna try to figure out if we're liars today cuz basically this game on a personal level can figure out if you are a person who lies no Julian that's not that's not a game it's literally just fat it's like Snapple caps some of these are true and some of them are false and it's up to us to figure out which ones are true or false you are a liar that's why we got this game cuz it's called you are a liar with that on the front so we're actually this is the inaugural first game well first it's been unknown if I say inaugural but this is the inaugural match of Team liquids you are a liar team we're both on that team incredible it's almost like this isn't even eSports at all it is eSports because it's on the e-mini screen the EE I feel really bad because I should give credit to who tweeted it but I saw a tweet this morning like right when I woke up that said eagerly the presence of physical real girls somewhere is that not funny because I think it is like the term a girl's implies the presence of a physical girl yeah stupid stupid I'm not gonna be able to find it I feel bad if anyone has credit for that that'd be great oh by the way last week we did not podcast that's what it feels like it's been a million years what we we were observing I like how when you take a day off to like celebrate a holiday you say we're observing it like you're just looking at the day we were observing National Aries Day which was my birthday I had a as great of a birthday as anyone in quarantine could ask for who's the person who said it underscore SCR seven underscore eager implies the existence of offline physical girls yeah we played some video games drank some alcohol and ate some pad thai right we ate pad thai for number day yeah it was good and but anyway yeah so we're gonna determine if we're a liar so basically we want you guys to be able to play along with us so so say Jen is gonna go right she's gonna pick a card I'm not gonna look and you're gonna you're not gonna know either she's not gonna whisper it to you or show the camera so that when she reads the fact you will also be in the dark as to whether or not is true and you can guess you can guess so you close your eyes first all right liquid Jenna don't look looking why would I cheat why don't you you're looking right now Julian look away okay no all the way okay you ready yeah hippie punch me in the face actually Julian stop the top two cards I read already so if he puts it if he picks off the top get it out of here of course I picked it off okay I get it turn around stop no cheating stop don't look okay none of you guys look either all right you ready yep don't look okay okay look directly to the light in China drinking panda poop diluted in boiling water is believed to extend a healthy human's life by at least 20 years panda poop 20 years extend a life by 20 years is such a dress false that's so fun you are alive oh my god don't point at me that's rude but yeah I am a liar I keep that yeah lie panda poop is prized and China not as a drink but as a fertilizer for tea plants tea from these plants can sell for as much as thirty five thousand dollars per pound imagine [ __ ] thirty five thousand dollars pandas be like yeah okay but the look don't look I'm actually not gonna look what is that implying is that implying I did look I didn't look I did baby I did not look alright alright okay you I didn't pick one you rush me stop looking cheater okay hold on we are good to go yeah you can look looking how do you pronounce the word tea SAR SAR sorry okay Peter the Great the infamous Tsar of Russia imposed a beard tax in 1698 so a Russian guy in power imposed a beard tax it doesn't seem completely ridiculous but I don't think that's true I would say that you are a liar I'm not a lawyer really Russians who refuse to pay the beard tax were publicly shaved by police oh my god oh my god it gives you this little icon after publicly shaved by police not just publicly shamed but publishing shaved shaved yeah I like on their police but they have their gun well they have their weapon they have their flashlight what your they have a lighter what your they have a razor it's just a blade it's just a knife yeah they have their body camp what you okay yeah you're you're wrong I'm right why you don't get a liar card better you might get publicly shamed I don't know turn around public shaving phantom called it public shaving turn around alright I'm ready that was quick good job good quickness yeah you literally just have to pick a card okay Elvis Presley's grave is no Elvis I know about him Elvis Presley's grave is no longer found at his Graceland home in Memphis Tennessee his final resting place was moved for security reasons in 1988 to an undisclosed location that's definitely true why would that be false of course that's that's like the most realistic sounding scenario I've ever heard I lied to you the King scrape continues to be in the backyard of his former Memphis home you are a liar I am a liar but you don't get to use that [ __ ] that's a well-crafted lie right there and the light turn around team liquid-liquid Jenna it get lied to okay don't look most people believe that mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on earth but they actually ranked second humans kill more people than mosquitoes you are a liar malaria kills more people than people have you called it mosquitoes are indeed the deadliest animals around thank you think about that for a second no I've thought about it that's why I called you a liar a mosquito is the deadliest animal around and malaria that's crazy dude a girl is way bigger true no comment no contest that gorilla wins ten unattended you put a gorilla in a cage with a mosquito first of all I would watch it on pay-per-view second of all the gorilla wins slam that you'd imagine like the the whatever they play before a fight to like hype you oh yeah and just like a gorilla doing like you're dragging like a tire and like banging on stuff like a mosquito like fly right into the light let's go to Lane kill can we get a replacement okay different mosquito I think I see we're one-on-one okay okay Kate Middleton do you know who it is that's a British one right the the Royal British okay no that's good the royalty the royalty the royal family Kate that's that's who that is yeah okay Kate Middleton briefly worked as a flight attendant for British Airways to for meeting and eventually marrying Prince William Faust Qantas okay who's Qantas she's Australian she's lying about her identity the game is she catfished Prince William lie are you gonna use the card you are a liar I am a liar Qantas Kate Middleton may not have been a flight attendant for British Airways but her mother was that's a lot Qantas don't look look away my turn just ended injuries caused by the use of smartphones for recreational purposes like taking photos playing games and chatting make it the most dangerous leisure activity in America what you're a liar the most dangerous leisure activity in America is taking you're a liar playing games in chat again you're a liar that's statistic whatever that is I'm a liar I'm a liar by bicycling related injuries cause more trips to the ER than any other recreational pastime really bicycle bicycling bicycling bicycling say that 10 times bicycling bicycling bicycling bicycling bicycling basically basically basically basically basically basically a bicycle a nice job it sounds like you're saying you know like imagine if bicycle was a planet and the people who lived on it were bicycling that's what you're saying okay did you get a liar card Congrats no I don't have the energy the monster in the famous horror novel Frankenstein was a vegetarian [ __ ] dude I don't remember any scenes with him eating cheese so I'm gonna call that a lie you are a liar I'm telling the truth Mary Shelley the author of Frankenstein is also believed to have been vegetarian Mary Shelley yeah yeah saving them and the moles or as I like to call them moles go vegan for the moles Julianne Mary Shelley went vegan for the moles Julianne all right I don't get a liar card find turn around I just feel like it's an interesting thing to put in your book Frankenstein that he's a vegetarian well was it even the book explicitly earned is in the lore of like the world I you know you don't mean like is it even just gonna turn okay bye dude I want a different card don't look okay the third largest heist in Las Vegas history occurred when 14 professional card counters all of whom were blacklisted from casinos pretended to be nuns and bilked I've never heard that word the MGM Grand for 4.4 million in one day the plot was discovered the next day but less than half the money was recovered so I've watched a lot of shows about like stuff like that and I don't I feel like that would make a great TV show that we would have heard about and I think it's possible that 14 people did that but I don't think that they were nuns and if there was a case where there were nuns it was on a smaller scale than 14 people okay so I'm gonna call you a liar I'm a liar it's just his lie there's no explanation also bilk to obtain or withhold money from someone by deceit or without justification cheat or defraud I like that word bilked bilked bilked okay american mountain climber you are a liar sorry sorry no one in America climbs mountains American mountain climber Jordan was only 13 when he reached the summit of Mount Everest 13 13 13 13 he didn't even know how to walk yet you are a liar there's no way a 13 year old ma loveth Poorna a 13 year old mountain climber from India also reached the summit of Mount Everest but she was one month older than Jordan Romero she is the youngest woman to reach the summit what did you do when you were 13 literally went to the cafeteria and got pizza nuggets and sat there and like cried into them I had my friend pitch me a basketball I know like a baseball I swung at it with a bat and the bat bounced off the basketball and knocked me unconscious that is what I did when I was 13 that guy climbed Everest when he was 13 we all develop at different speeds okay turn around the journey of life and we never stop never gon stop turn around a kangaroo cannot jump backwards you are a liar I've seen kangaroo fights oh [ __ ] it is true according to this very credible card game weight that came from but like define jump because when they're standing on their hind legs and they get into little boxing matches they're like kind of jumping back I think it means okay so I travel back yeah I think the word jump is is like indicates movement so it's like when you see them jumping forward and running that sort of that speed of jump okay can't be done backwards I think that's my guess yeah it doesn't matter because you lost so go okay the graphic designer who created the iconic Nike swoosh was paid $35 like in total just what it says did you hear that I didn't let it out it was like an internal burp 35 bucks honestly it's kind of a sick deal I would yeah I think that's accurate yeah true it is true so that guy got startled when Carolyn Davidson showed her swoosh designed to Phil Knight the head of Nike he didn't like it but he used it anyways she was further compensated the years later okay okay I would love to know how much he was further compensated for because oh my god hopefully her fair worth because that it's like well filming all right don't look okay hold on I'm not ready I'm looking at you're looking at your phone I'm sorry I was I was texting my friends I'm in a group chat turn around okay ready hold on I'm not ready okay go me and these are three times salty and cotton true yes it is true you can get 15% off your first pair and free shipping with code Jim julienned true or false true they come out with new prints all the time and they have onesies as well true or false true dang dude shouts out to this game for knowing what sponsors we had dude shouts out me undies more undies equals less laundry I love that math get yourself some babies and never do laundry again more undies means in theory more laundry well depends on how you look at things and also who you live with and how how long that you can store dirty underwear somewhere okay just you know what you know we love me undies we have tons of me on these Jenna wears her onesies all the time they're great loungewear they're great gamer where they're great Netflix watching where they're even great I don't know work out where you've worked out in those onesies before you can do it depends what you're doing but yeah heavy sweating no well you can go to me and these comm slash Angelina and get yourself a pair and see how you like it or you can sign up with their membership you get savings site-wide you get free shipping and you get new ridiculously soft undies delivered to your door once a month it's pretty great so go to me undies comm / - no Julian okay you get 15% off your first pair free shipping in 100% satisfaction guarantee meaning if you not 100% satisfied for whatever reason you're like I want my money back they will give you your money back doubt it will happen cuz 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mountain lion there's definitely Pumas and there's definitely mountain lions I don't think that there's Cougars Beverly Hills you are a liar okay sorry you say check Beverly Hills I'm a liar because these are three are they actually in all the same species okay yeah no you're not dumb as hell you even said it they're very similar well yeah cuz I know I've lived in places more where people call it a Puma or they call it a mountain lion but I also didn't know if they were genetically the same but it's like the same species yeah so yes but they're also like in terms of wild cat that's like all we got yes not like this of a big cats no that's it that's it and I'm an expert okay well I'm dumb close your eyes turn around I'm not looking stop okay okay here we go here we go Charles Dickens had ten children all of whom also became authors of course none of them became as well-known as their legendary father can you repeat the question Charles Dickens had ten children damn he'd be [ __ ] Charles Dickens had ten children say it again Charles Dickens had ten children Charles Dickens had tential true he'd be putting that ticket okay true it's a lie although he did have ten children none were authors what you just said Charles Dickens had children that was the urn no you stopped it after ten children got cheated I literally read the whole card you got distracted you read it like three times in complete non entirety cuz it was funny no misleading misleading I get to go again okay you can go again you said Charles Dickens had ten children like that part of the sentence alone three times I said yes and you said yes he did have ten children but it was a lot they weren't all offense I didn't know about the author's part by heck did I read the question you said he sticks his dick in that was very distracting I'm in school right now okay you're looking at the inside of your palm yeah the inside of my palms disgusting okay there are 887 stone boy statues on Easter Island and all of them are male how do I say that word I think it's pronounced um wha no that's not right boys my statue other hotmail yeah true yeah you're right yeah they well they talked about them on ancient aliens a lot to that they're actually like alive kind of like that they're the spirit or like a person in there and that they're alive because I know that there was one in like the UK somewhere and they really really really wanted it back because it's not like a statue to them that's like a more meaningful you're it's like a being they just want it to come home that's pretty cool I'm I'm pretty sure they got it back I don't remember I hope they did turn I hope they do you to turn around go the hardest substance in the human body is the mandible or job on mmm no it's your uh femur or whatever this big one in your thigh is no it's a lie you just said it's a lie right but it's not for what you said is it your teeth its tooth enamel damn no that means so [ __ ] dominant means a hammer can go right into your mouth and nothing would happen no no it's the enamel not like the whole tooth is that what toothpastes have an amal in it or no enamel like strengthening damn chemicals when yo ii guess should have been your father you don't got a right why you were not to have a student and that is a lie see you get a like hard go ahead oh wait I just get actually give to you oh thank you okay the voice of actor Mel Blanc famous for as the voice of Bugs Bunny and Woody Woodpecker also voiced Gideon the cat in the 1940 animated film Pinocchio this is a very nice question I guess true you're right it is true during the making of this classic film the Gideon character was changed and became mute except for Mel's single hiccup sound for Gideon which is repeated three times those other voice recordings for the cat character were erased that's cute so the thing about this game that I don't like is if you catch a true like a truth or a fact and you're like that's true you don't get anything yeah also it says you are a liar not not you are not a liar why that's [ __ ] well maybe you do get a card and we've just been doing it wrong well I didn't read the instructions yeah me either so you turn around okay okay go the Roma people also known as gypsies originally came from northern India Roma people I thought gypsies were like wait first of all I'm sorry if that's problematic if that's a word that is offensive blame this Jam dude I thought that was more like Europe like Eastern Europe okay so I'm gonna say you are a liar it's true okay [ __ ] me then Roma people make up various subgroups of tribes living all over the world but there's no reliable record of just how many people comprise the total worldwide Roma population if this is problematic taking out with out set media they are a french-canadian company go to the TV hz6 stop I don't think that they're trying to be like derogatory in any way your turn okay lady turn me lady I'm bored stop looking okay George Clooney's Bulldog died of a rattlesnake bite that's definitely true yeah that is true that's horrible oh that's really sad that is we were hiking one time up on the trail that we go to with buddy we're like hyper aware that there's rattlesnakes up there and it's just slithered out right in front of us like bellows and rattle rattle at us because it was like excuse me I'm crossing and we were like yo do you think and then it crossed and then we walked by yeah it [ __ ] rattled at us that was a lot I think because those rattlesnakes live near a trail like I haven't heard of too many people having bites and stuff up there like they must be used to the foot traffic there's a lot of bikes for sure yeah but like he could have easily just turned around and bit bunny Oh or or any of our dogs and killed any of absolutely like the scariest part is you you you have to be vigilant like you you could very easily not see the rattlesnake and if it's not in a good mood it might just [ __ ] bite you and rattle at you well and not only the dogs but us but I think what's really scary about a dog is like you have limited time to get them treatment no you have a little bit more time if you're a human being you know it's really sad and awful feel bad for George Clooney I don't mmm-hmm you turn we go lightning never strikes in the exact same location more than once during a single storm absolutely false that's such a bad card I feel like if you have a metal pole and it's just standing up there it's just gonna keep going [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you the location has no bearing on a storm's electrical activity lightning can certainly strike the same place one of the ones yeah this is the dumbest card ever you've never been in a plane that's being struck by lightning it's like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and it's also terrifying know sometimes I can't feel my arms all right I feel that level of fear I haven't here that's yours I haven't been in a plane being struck by lightning I feel like that's kind of a unique thing to go through but I haven't gone through terrifying I hated it hated it okay people are either left brain or right brain dominant the left being the logical side and the right side being the creative no it's all the way around left is creative you are a liar I'm a liar because no one has a dominant pretty hemisphere while certain functions sometimes dominate specific brain regions both sides of the brain are generally equal in their activity but you refer to left brain as artistic no I thought that was yeah but I guess it doesn't matter I got the card thank you you're welcome don't look look away okay glass is a liquid that moves extremely slow over time that's true no it is false glass is an amorphous solid having a stronger connectivity needs building blocks and liquids more so anoying amorphis solid that is not a solid it's so [ __ ] annoying no because I grew up in a house that was a hundred years old and so like the original happy birthday to your house the original panes of glass like are thicker at the bottom because it moves over time because it's an amorphous solid but that's so [ __ ] annoying like of course it's not a liquid it's glass you know but like over time that's over it's really misleading question it is misleading that's pretty cool he's got to notice the glass like change shape as you as you grew up congratz of it I win though yeah one time he threw a softball through one of the panes and sad you know is it's like a regional glass we had to get part of it replace because I pitched a whole last softball through nice dude we had a makeshift batting cage in our backyard and it did not work we would hit it through and break glass all the time like you're sure don't look Oh God oh great two things found in many American restaurants are fourteen ounce glass bottles of Heinz ketchup and coca-cola neither of which are part of a healthy diet in fact there is more sugar in one 14 ounce bottle of ketchup than there is in one can of coca-cola more sugar and one bottle of ketchup than there is in a can let's think about this so a can of coke I want to say has anywhere from like 30 to like 38 grams of sugar maybe like 32 to 42 grams a bottle of ketchup I feel like has way more because it's a can of soda is one serving a bottle of ketchup has what 20 servings I'm gonna go with weight read the questions asking you if the bottle of ketchup has more sugar I think it does yeah you're right what does it say how much no that's true cool cool you are a liar no you gotta write though okay don't look okay the best way to avoid a thing of thanksgiving post-meal coma is to avoid the turkey due to high amounts of serotonin producing chemical tryptophan found in its meat okay but that's listen hear me out for one second turkey does contain tryptophan yeah but by saying the best way to avoid needing a nap like that's subjective they phrase these questions very somehow all right I'm gonna say that it's true but if it says false the best way to avoid getting tired is to like drink water I'm gonna be pissed okay so you say it's true yeah it's false because it says Turkey contains no more tryptophan than any other meats I didn't listen to that part of the question I was too mad I was true really I thought I thought that was a unique to turkey meat I'm mad about the first part of the question hi I'm okay due to high amounts of the serotonin producing chemical tryptophan found in its meat lie Turkey contains no more tryptophan than any other meat what okay so that so you're saying like people eat chicken every day and there's the same exact amount of tryptophan content in a chicken breast as there is in turkey I guess that people make a big deal about your tired familiar thanks any where I feel like this is where's the fat I mean I don't I don't know if I believe that okay I don't care okay alright the largest alligator ever found in New York suit sewer system was 9 feet long and was nicknamed poo poo by sanitation workers false it's false you are a liar the only alligators ever discovered have been small and are most likely released pets there is no proof that alligators can actually live for any length of time in New York sewers a 9-foot alligator in sewers have nobody named him poo poo poo poo it's weirdly the most believable part of that call him poopy okay no poo poo I turn look anyway okay here we go at the end of a traditional wedding reception in French Polynesia the bride's family lay facedown side by side in the dirt and the bride and groom walk across them range pollen you Joe you know I don't I'm not familiar with the customs of a French Polynesian wedding and I feel like I'm set up to fail right now because if I say you're a liar you're set up to fail this whole game is a setup to no no no I like this game is fun he's meant to just know I know I know I want to say you're a liar nope it's true the ug tradition takes place on the Marquesas island of French Polynesia they face down in dirt it's probably fun you don't want to let your I would total it if I went to my friend's wedding or like my anyone in my family's wedding and they were like right lay down I'm gonna run over you'd be like hell yeah Congrats y'all know you'd be like okay you ready yeah turn around chocolate syrup was often used to simulate blood in black-and-white movies huh that's funny it's got the right consistency I feel like maybe it's a little thick I'm going through that's true what a really good idea it's a good idea why the [ __ ] not right that's funny okay ready yeah if stung by a jellyfish oh no I don't want it urinating on the injury will help break down the toxins and reduce pain this is because of the high acidic pH levels of urine see this is one of those things that like too many questions so I think we can all agree that we've heard that peeing on a jellyfish sting no no I've heard pooping on it does Julian know that is rubbing it on this Julian uh I don't think it cares it but I do think that the the portion of the sentence where it says that it can decrease the pain it is true but I also feel like that completely depends on what kind of jellyfish or thong you will reduce pain is is a weird phrase cuz it's like that's very subjective reduce pain like that's not a medical assessment of like how to treat something it will reduce pain ya know and this is a drug like if some benefit jellyfish urinating on the injury will help break down the toxins and reduce pain this is because of the high acidic pH levels of urine right but like also that last sentence I know yeah okay I'm gonna say that it's true because I think peeing on a jellyfish sting does do something but I don't know if it's that but it definitely doesn't cure it but I also think that it has to do with the type of jellyfish that's done you okay just tell me I'm a liar so basically it retracts that last sentence the pH of urine is dependent on what has been eaten that's so annoying even the acidic urine isn't enough to effectively neutralize the alkaline venom of a jellyfish vinegar and baking soda is more helpful but you just more helpful who cares if it's more helpful we're talking about paste my guy yeah go into a doctor's office is probably more helpful to not getting stung by a jellyfish yeah how do you reduce pain of getting stung by jellyfish don't get stung by a jellyfish yeah Gigi's your turn liquid Julian ready yeah Canadian bacon isn't actually called Canadian bacon in Canada I know that's true they call it him yeah what the Americans loves Canadian bacon is called back bacon or peameal bacon in Canada she meal yep you mean people bacon bacon you want some pew pew pew here we go oh you just got them all excited Oh Jonathan godfather of John Lennon and Yoko Ono's Sean Sean Lennon Godfather I don't know [ __ ] it why not that's true true Elton John is the Godfather to several celebrity children including two of David and Victoria Beckham's children okay don't care okay yep unless you the tongue is mapped into four areas with different taste buds per region that region proteins for detecting sweet though that release proteins for detecting sweet sour salty in bitter so let me just get this straight four areas meaning if I taste sugar on the bitter detecting part of my tongue it will not detect it right of sugar that's [ __ ] false right you are a liar all right gluey bats use their echolocation to determine safe flight patterns due to their near blindness that's true no it's not surprisingly some bats have better night vision than humans bats use echolocation to detect tiny objects like mosquitoes in total darkness this game is just like such a debate it's like your your name is jeanna true or false true no it's not no it's not I talked to your mom just amore all right and you're stupid all right Carm are you done you want a hug are we done with the game who's got more liar cards they have like an internal timer and they know exactly when the podcast should be done yeah no oh are you standing on my hair I can't no no no all right bud you're a liar Kermit you are a liar even like that well I had fun playing this game it's but it's definitely fun yeah like I love like that's why I like wits & wagers because some of the things that you're guessing are like so [ __ ] random that you're like how am I supposed to know this but that's what makes it fun yeah like when we played against your mom and your brother like even like really smart brainiacs can't do that well sometimes because it's like yeah you just have to take the best guess this would be actually this would be a fun game to play with some sort of betting element totally like we can introduce like chips or something and then when it's like a little tricky trick question you just get [ __ ] furious yep flip the table it doesn't matter yeah I just flip the table flip the table well thanks for listening to another episode of GG's good games will be we're gonna go back to it we're gonna hit the old gamer locker room now and hit the showers after this long intense scrim of you are a liar because R in the life of an eSports athlete anyway I hope you guys are you know staying safe and having a good routine and keeping your spirits up as best you can we appreciate you listening to the podcast if you're listening I also don't know like I know a lot of people listen to podcasts on commutes and I know a lot of commutes are on freeze right now and I've even listened to some podcasts that I've said like are people listening because everyone's at home and uh we don't care and if you are great and we're happy to be here for you if you're not no worries and if you come back and you missed a bunch of episodes that's all good too we just hope you guys are doing well and we appreciate your spending any amount of time with us so thank you guys have a great week and we'll see you next time on gentle puck [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 601,159
Rating: 4.9668345 out of 5
Keywords: julien and jenna, julien solomita, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: 8X2en0v-ARo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 20sec (3020 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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