Podcast #144 - Don’t Get Me Started

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stinky big big thing welcome back to Gen Julie podcast this is art on the table in a suitcase mother vanity case magazine today specifically brought you by nature box if you're going to connect be smart about it all right oh yeah smack and coffee with nature box right yeah yeah you are giving you 50% off your first order when you hit a naturebox.com/tyler which includes strawberry lemonade fruit stars which are love and life and the best snack I love them so much that's like 30 bags of those 20 bags I think we're out well I thought we'd actually planter a good a good bit of them anyway get yourself some major vodka is delicious snacks smart and also brought to you by me and II the reason I've been talking about me and these for months now they're the softest most comfortable on the road your ever wear once you try them you won't want to wear anything else this month is a rainbow confetti print right here oh hell yeah celebrate oh I'm not on these today by going to meet Ali Khan flash Jenna Julie and you'll save 20% off your first pair thank you sponsors thank you sponsors we got to [ __ ] legit og sponsors here two powerhouses oh yeah I got my beep in his suitcase and we just out here I'm a minion shawl on and Seana it's like a different item every year I'm a purple phase deal Wisconsin chart that Julian had me printed on last-minute trips what's nice you know I'm just out you loose in Memphis don't ever talk to me and my son again Marla's widget in history case on the table he knows you're just listening just imagine what for you to do to rolling suitcase with a dog in it but it has like mesh so you can see out of it and he really likes it a lot well you want to lay it down flat honey so that you can have like like a little crate sort of shall we shall we show it but totality look at this oh my god so we have rolled around called the snoozer well hello there okay I'm going to tip you alright it's gonna be very disorienting for a second all there he go Wow my goodness alright now let me just fix your blanket before you crawl away okay here we go Julian done got up and turned the fan on because he's had it what doesn't be he's hot because he's had it we're literally making daddy hot from how frustrated he is here it's just like in this room alright fix your little bomb so you can put all of you on the blanket honey Wow good struggle noise okay how's that good okay now you sit there and then mommy's gonna open up this second goofy on all mock it's like you have a moonroof what el my goodness and then I'm gonna roll it up and okay if you clicked it not the middle noggin okay and then oh ma Wow we now we have a little quick I'm sorry for bumping it into something you can just lay back down it's okay Oh oh my god there you go there you go okay know how to give a static I wasn't going to talk period oh wow marble it's a marble rolling suitcase yes for you yeah oh yeah yeah level come this way poke your head out this roof I don't think he knows we're here I don't think you can you hey hey yo move comes okay come here look it oh wow would you Wow bud I will come back over here me living oh there he goes Wow so thank you marble for joining us thank you marble for that wonderful segment surprised you like me like it all its effects I think Buffy flexi or has an ounce of patience for me at all speaking of you on the last episode of our podcast one of the top class episode yeah which I did honest was that we should do don't even get me started which is like a ranting you don't even get me started and how does it work you basically pick a topic or thing out of it I put a minute on that cup and whatever it is you just gotta stop get me started not they're not all like that some of them are good but some of them are definitely like for me or for you yeah so the video it'll be random but there's a couple personal personalized ones that we put in there for like specifically one of our don't eat get started get me started on this game which is called don't even get me started are playing he doesn't wanted it so we said why not Jenna's gonna pull from the Hat first and here we go don't even get Jenna started and thank you for your comment and your suggestion thank you very much okay let's do it every week guys we check the comments for new suggestions so just keep them oh this says renting your house don't even get me oh okay for what we're sitting in this room it doesn't need to do that anything the house ideas a lot for that search for the first lay on the cover we're sitting in in this room let's address this room and you guys can't even see what's going on a door that goes to the outside behind us and I think we have termites over there because we like termite dust better definitely don't not have termites and so our green screen you know which a lot of you guys actually funded for us when we started the twitch stream early if we're going to get a green screen that's what we did we invested into the green screen so we could have this place to play video games and do the podcast and it has water damage on the end of it right over here because the door that is full of termite dusts and things has a giant gap and during that like three months period of like we got non-stop torrential rain in Southern California for some reason it got water damage on it along with the garage and like all kinds of stuff our plumbing in this house is god-awful like we have to tell people I'm really sorry with the Plumbing's like terrible so there are more toilets in this work that in this house that don't work than work right we have like two working toilets and it's 2.5 for some toilets which in our house which is nice but we should have more than that like in our bedroom for example it's not nice that having a more intro that's in a house with like six bedrooms or like six rooms like toilet in the bedroom doesn't really work parallel life that's the worse going back to your other point though don't even get me started on the gaps underneath every single door to the outside we're we had a cockroach walk into the living room the other day well the doors open yeah I don't know that's where it came from and it came from constant what makes you think that even the living room came from the kitchen we'd never had a cockroach that's not so much the issue Jeff if I kind of good to see ya not like a problem what about the one that I found over here wrapped up for you for Christmas there was that was really sweet by the way that's what I'm saying that dad what I need to go it's not necessarily because that the kitchen door was open for a half an hour notice the gaps and needs the doors like an inch big yeah so if we lived in anywhere with real weather we would likely freeze well yeah that's a real thing like you you cover your windows with towels and saran wrap it's up to save heat and everything yeah but also like your door you put like a thing under there for a draft because it would cost you a fortune to heat and cool the place you another thing every winter I think every single Christmas it's tradition for our office to just completely start leaking so as an early gift in the holidays instead of you know Christmas caroler carolers or some sort of dessert we get some water in the office and of course it's like that room right like the most I landlord my landlord assured us I was like right when we saw this I was like this water damage on the floor and he was like yeah but it was a leak and it's totally fixed now and I'm like are you sure like it he's like yeah no it's all fixed it's all fixed son like all right because one thing about making this an office like there's going to be just about every piece of electronic equipment that we good morning because like we the first time we looked at the house we went in the office room and we looked at me like up you like some discoloration on the ceiling I wonder if there's a lot of areas we brought up with but he assured us completely fine now we've been here for three years in October every single year there's been a leak some sometime in the holiday season area like Christmas like December January and yeah that's cool that's [ __ ] clear it's like the worst start to me about renting your place is that if stuff goes wrong you have to tell your landlord and then it's up to them about how and when they fix it how is the most important thing right it's not when they say yes how he has his own like crew of people that are like in cahoots with him that will do things you know we'll be like this is broken can you send someone to come fix it and be like sure sure no problem and he'll send his buddy over and they'll do something that like really doesn't fix the problem at all and you know that he picked that person because he's paying a little to no money for it man so that's that's been nothing nothing ever gets takes nothing or they either opera we fix so you don't have actually Danny they put on top of them right but then you get to live there yeah though there's they're mad why don't even get me started on there was one repair that the landlord called and had someone come that fixed it was our gate it was the only time I they ever sent a repair that actually fixed a problem every other time no don't even get a starter guys because we'll just start complaining at you about this house and renting it but I like this house I like living here it just would be nice if we could fix things yeah like after that big rain in the leak and everything like the garage is falling apart the feeling of the garage got all of my car but we're just hanging out in our room or we're gonna fall through the garage I shouldn't have got you started guys my day yes so man people with dark suitcases no how dare you don't even get me started what is wrong with people with dog suitcases okay maybe I would have got here for this you have a dog yet maybe I would have been that person I was range of our dog suitcases before I was a person with the dog suit there's no way I didn't read this glad you got it you wrote anything with dog suitcases why do you even have a dog and why does that dog have legs look at him he that was not a job he's done walking he decided he was done walking for his birthday and I'm on an honor guard he is a glorified yeah oh yeah that's even a little too much credit faboo why why are you taking them into cases I mean I hate raising lights again for marble it kind of works because he really is just like this all right like a little rap my bad boom where we will rat you like it in there to me she's happy he just he's become so so uh honey why deny his happiness I don't I just I can't argue for this I'm this personal and by default I'm this person a will you wheel him around in the snow I will never wheel him around unless you ask me to no absolutely welcome ready well you really folded pretty quickly there's no test all right let me look yeah I remember a future we we all know man yeah you know I mean like fully extended walking around public are you kidding me dude I'll [ __ ] win over anyone looks at me weird I'll be like dude if you're going to a thermometer happy he is if you're gonna look at someone with that look today he probably picked me as the right person to look at like that no I think I think like I was the same as you like before we got the star CDs for miles we were like Oh dodge teaches like what a [ __ ] show that is like why would you ever do that their dogs they walk he loves it but not only is he getting old I mean you know he sees that he's nine which you know to make some healthy and everything but he's definitely like lost see the desire to be an active animal and you know like he's fine just City money he appreciates like a little walk but that's about it like use your honor I do not he's never going to let go play in the yard is like chasing Zoar play fetch or give a scared about anything he really doesn't care what he just wants to sit for the rest of his life okay you can do that I feel bad ray I think Marla I'm sorry I love you he likes this week AIDS okay you pick now to the piping affordable alternative to walking p80 w it's a CA TW guys it's a pot Bob what is possible where's little pot we put them in it some 2pi shopping another wonderful year bottle ah you big another anything my rant about it Gilda diamonds in there you don't even go get heavy sorry not you be busy in Jody is Debbie's dog and we're watching guilty for a couple days so gillies with us so we have four dogs guilty the first thing about guilty is she doesn't like to do what I say seriously - doesn't listen to you uh I said guilty come and she stays and I walk at her and she runs underneath the table away from me I tried to see her and she runs away I try to take her for a walk and she runs away hi I beg you lease it she barks she's the sweetest little girl but she doesn't know where I love her so much listen to me a little bit yeah well you have your weird like language with dogs that I don't have well the thing that's really funny to me about guilty is that she's like her whole body is super hard feeling a hard yeah it's like the opposite of all three of our dogs cuz they're a strong team so mushy and utterly and Gobi it's just like a hard stop it yeah but I caught her when we let Picchu run out in the front yard because teach you loves that Gibby jammed her head under the fence and tried to wiggle her hard sausage body out into the street it's just don't even get me started on guilty because guilty is a terrier and it's like the complete opposite of the dogs we have really hungry oh she's a dog he's basically kept like like really really tame weird cats and then we simply have a dog in the house who behaves like a proper dog would she eat my fluency second dealing in this carpet around I like pees and poops on walks Yeah right like like needs to get out and like you know do her thing and we'll dig and try to get through a fence like our dogs are like literally not that at all you know concave like that they have none of those mannerisms I guess in that sense I've never actually had a dog yeah we've never had any dog because even the dogs I had before I met you like my mom's dog puppy like puppies not a dog l-fatiha a marble like a glorified little daughter yeah look at it she probably gets carried more than marble does yeah puppies oh my god puppies my mom brings puppies dead literally everywhere she goes your mom's lights and your mom sewed handles onto a dog thank you if you can imagine yeah yeah Aragog ready fold in half like a taco she sold me sewed handles on the top so she could carry the dog like a [ __ ] briefcase Oh puppy would be sleeping like at your mom's house she'd just fold it grab the handles carrier put her in the car fold it driver take her out so it's like puppy doesn't even move when she travels to see her she never really snaps at people which is like a puppy Siri can say all things about Jodi she's a sweetheart and it's been a joy to have her she'll be okay the delis default position is mouth open feet out that's another thing see that's another thing so we'll still go in for like licks and you'll get teeth and you'll be like guilty stop it now guilty and you know what's nice is like she is she she's used to sleep in a crate but when we watch dogs we don't really do what they normally do we like I was like mommy I just sleep in the bed and I was like if she wants to bring the fun on glass which is like Brandi loves to sleep she sleeps in Julian's legs yeah so guilty has been sleeping with me which is nice I really enjoy that so yeah she's really cute she's cute but she you're naughty naughty she not worried is our guard eyes are the naughtiest chin peach like we've already linked in our living room with a picture on it a peach tearing up toys you have a peach card in there so oh yeah I have the same picture oh this is mine no all right morning talk shows what did you write this morning talk shows well host drink wine oh my god do it don't even get me started hold it copy and you [ __ ] gasoline or whatever the [ __ ] what are you doing with your time no more energy I don't understand that I can't get into it because it just feels like a I don't know if you've ever met anyone that's an alcoholic or like a recovering alcoholic yeah that the message of whatever you guys are trying to do like having fun with a casual morning fun talk show you're just reiterating that you guys are middle aged women and the only way for you to like get loose and have fun is to have a 7:00 a.m. glass of chardonnay like that's ridiculous this isn't a joke by the way like I like ask you if you're curious about if this exists because I was I when I'm super-psyched want and believe it's 7:00 in the morning we were in Texas for South by and I turned on the TV while I was getting ready and it was 9 a.m. 9 something a.m. Texas time which is 7 something a.m. Eliane and they're sitting there with line glass yeah not only is that like for me it's like confusing because it's like that when I'm watching morning shows I want to relate to what I'm watching right I want to watch them having their coffee I want to watch them talking about traffic whatever when they're sitting there with glasses of wine I can't not only can I not relate but I feel so frustrated at the fact that that's ok and it's like people watch the families watch this is this just spreading the message that this is OK relations have line in the morning I just don't understand it would be hard for me if I was you know not that any show should cater to any particular audience would be really hard for me if I was like recovering from an addiction or alcohol or something and you can't even watch a morning show at CCA you can't even watch like the way that you would like to get your information that is without watching people get drunk it's not anything they don't go hand in hand to me I don't know who decided that that connection was the thing well it's like I imagine if I was in recovery and I was going to watch Sam football game I know that there's going to be like a ton of the commercials for beer and I'm aware of that and you're ready for a nice people they're drinking and if you aren't sitting there no no that's not my point that's not my point when you're when you're in certain settings and your sensitive jobs are thing you can prepare yourself you know for that setting morning talk shows you're like that's the last thing you'd expect yeah this is this is just traffic this enews like this is just like stupid things that I can just like mindlessly get ready to and there's a good wine list I'm not even sensitizes you to it that's exactly it's exactly right oh I'm also 45 year old women or 50 something or whatever and you know they're having a glass of wine at 7:00 in the morning so why can't I so maybe I should and then that how you get a problem yeah also I baby when they have the wine they start they start behaving like incredibly like I've seen them be really rude I was watching I forget their name because I don't I don't really know who any other bar but there was a show that it was a morning show I'm not even heard a copy I can't remember but one of them was in the studio when Amazon on like the street you know live and in the studio the one who was the anchor there was with Bill Nye and she was being said questions to ask Bill Nye like science questions and he would be Bill Nye be hilarious and charming and answer them and be awesome and as he was answering these questions that were you know sort of scientific but also like he was giving them in layman's terms so everyone could understand it she was literally rolling her eyes and like it was like like visibly just being annoyed and tea and like producers were laughing and it was like a bit that they were just like mocking the guest and I couldn't understand it like it wasn't reddit that's why I saw it because I wasn't watching it and that was the first time I was like wow I like really just don't like this at all this whole culture of like this is my like morning show or I'm gonna be the sassy you know wine drinking host and whoever's in my way like get out of here with this like actual content and and intelligence get off my set with that yeah I mean I feel like there's plenty of shows where drinking or you know that type of thing makes sense to me but there's something about a news related morning show that just doesn't say wine to me yeah you know yeah don't even get us started on that too late you got us started on it it just feels weird to do girls it feels own but I also like I feel like it comes from a world and as to most people where like when you go to work you you don't get to be drunk when you go to school you don't get to be drunk like they're drinking and being professional or two different things you know not that I'm one to talk is I've made tons of drunk videos and we've had drinks on the podcast but I think that there's a difference between making something inherently light-hearted or like I don't do I totally am just everything like the norm of getting to work and pouring yourself a glass of wine yeah it becomes about that rather than that one yet Haitian in the Egyptian podcast major joint videos are the exception of the world you don't miss drunk videos you have made resident I have done drug podcasts but it's like it's we podcast it every day and every day we drink on the papaya but funny regard yeah in the time of data that's [ __ ] why yeah I think I would die I can't drink every day well yeah I mean I would be sick yeah I mean like the biologic yeah like the effect really alcohol alone I know like but not speaking in terms of that like that aside the actual physical and physiological effects of drinking that much of that early like aside just I don't know if that's the content I would be wanting to put out I want to be taking part of that in the world but people love them oh my gosh oh my god I love getting my news from you give your glass of wine well I don't think young people love them throwback no no no young people with that I don't think right not that I know I'm really even watch that showbiz it feels like garbage yeah sorry alright don't get that jar no no offense no no offense I'm offense alright my - don't even get me started on people who abused area chat that's yours oh don't even get me started well I'm playing a lot of Elder Scrolls obviously what is area chaplain so you put on your headphones or whatever and there's voice channels so you can be in like your guild channel you could be in the general area chats with people around you if you're going to group you're doing a dungeon you deem your dungeon Chad talk to the other people in the dungeon so I like to always be on area chat so like any time ride them a horse around and all just sure people are talking and there are people that just straight up like leave their mics on and then like blast music into the area jet like some of the most foul like like so much explicitly religious and when you know that there is like thirteen-year-old kids playing that game listening to the area chat who also engage in the most foul language insults to each other yeah it's insane it's been happening for centuries an online video game right right even when I was playing Halo there's a player unknown Bal ground area chat and it's all full of like racist all here [ __ ] tolerate though I'm not [ __ ] here yeah you hear what then you understand what I mean ever turn no but I like almost don't believe you because I feel like even when you want so but that's that's a crazy thing right like that game and it's not it's not like that but okay you were lying back to like 2005 or whatever whenever like a halo came in yeah I don't know exactly here but when you got on that and the dawn of Xbox Live started and it was like you're playing online video games with other people and you can talk to them with your headset and you never see their face but I'll never see your face anyone or eachother lid and you only read my tags no one know y'all are autonomous gamertag right that was like for me at least I know it existed before this on PC gaming and a lot of other platforms but for me that was the first time I was exposed to just like like talking [ __ ] on online video game right like you want it's like you know like you know supermodel your mom sucks like you know anyway but it was like horrible things that people would say to each other on the regular racist things included you hear it all the time and now you fast forward to 2017 where it's like online video games have only gotten infinitely more advanced and prevalent you know on different platforms and so I was playing pub G and to hear that it's like wow like people are really still shitty people like really serious about it yeah we haven't involved at all in that sense but I agree with you is it for me it's like it takes you out of that experience where you're like there's so much about there's so much positive that comes with playing online video games in a game you like cuz you're like I'm competing with other people at this game we both love there something really cool about that and then you hear like someone blast a bunch of [ __ ] nonsense and chatter me like oh I kind of hate everything like why am I even on here plus I play a lot with people because you you match up randomly for dungeons a lot yeah and they'll have a headset on and you'll heal here and it shows you a little icon about when your mic is like being yeah yeah it tells you when you're when your eyes yeah but it amazes me how many people sit with their headset on and go [Laughter] and you can pick and see that their money is going and they don't [ __ ] do anything about it don't even get me started why can you not see in the bottom right corner of your whole screen that your mic is going off right now like figure it out use yourself for 5 SEC knew yourself and forget to say something like what are you doing like you just have to sit there and listen to them like breathe and struggle noise and this like the button pushing sound here hold on this [ __ ] some sitting in the living room and all you can hear alright I'm totally [ __ ] here it goes all you can hear is this through your headset like louder than the game but I could stop announce I'm ready oh my god I hate that but um I'm trying to think of some of the funniest ones the one the other day when I was sitting in like Julian come here like he was listening to a song that was so explicit I can repeat none of the lyrics then he kept chanting them out loud afterwards too and then he kept saying he would call out specific other people's usernames Oh nobody duel this [ __ ] little [ __ ] yeah thanks it's probably good start in Europe that's it though that's like it's that culture it's like explodes it's like you're on anonymous gaming live and do whatever you want man it's super funny volleyball I also until I started playing elder scrolls I did not realize how many people play like super high yeah that's the thing but like if I were to play a video game and I was into like getting super high I feel like I wouldn't want to play online with other people like to party to around to each their own but like I don't know how I could just get super high me like you knows that dude yeah it's like a weird miryo type dname though you know what's your name Mina Kaelyn we're playing with this guy that literally I don't know what it meant he wouldn't explain what it meant but he would be like I hold on to your group before is like hold on a second I'm going to take a hit you're like okay then do you whatever and then you just come in gotta keep stick and I'm just gonna stick he's negative stay calm stick those are like hard drugs and [ __ ] no not Jesus Christ Mary couldn't breathe you have to keep stacking up good what does that mean he's stacking them you're not sucking in like I've never done the dungeon before and we're like alright what do we do here and use like a he's got a sec I'm seeing a keepsake and I'm thinking what I don't know I don't know I don't know his life don't even get me started on people who don't wear comfortable wonderful me undies oh my god and get me started I've been telling you guys about me any for so long and the reason is the sauce is underwear you ever put on your bum okay they are softer than cotton okay it's made of modal fabric sustainably sourced and made from micro model fabric that's three times software cotton guys if we're used to buying packs of uncomfy boring stiff underwear that can only come in gray black or tan me and these will change that for you okay this is this this month's design actually okay it's actually really nice it's called celebrate it's the rainbow pack enough to celebrate guys it's decide we're announcing holiday right now you guys can go on me ah nice calm and check out all of their different designs this is just one of them they come out with new original designs every single month which is so cool and let me tell you there's nothing cooler and and nicer for your wardrobe to get a fresh new set of undies every single month you don't realize how much you need that until you get me and it's pretty awesome try me me undies today right now by going to me undies calm go right now before celebrate pattern is gone they will lead to you have to get them while they're hot me and e-commerce annejulien get 20% off your first pair you have to feel for yourself why me Andes has this been on you but before I possibly Julian would you put my face yeah clean dirty so gonna press out of the package thank you $20 and free shipping me any evidence on you know what ed what you think I'm gross do you know I'm I just get so triggered that I put my finger on my eye and I move my contact and I can't really see any more so I caused you to do that your thing all right I also brought to you by nature barks guys you're gonna snack snack smart about it all right guys don't touch the shampoo daddy get naturebox this is our favorite one it's strawberry lemonade food starts and let me tell you how awesome nature boxes I've talked about this snack like 100 times and they were like you know what [ __ ] it we're going to send them 2020 a box of 20 of these in you know in a package to us they normally send this like an array of different snacks they were like no we listen to you guys we know what you like so right now you guys head over to nature box I'll have a look at their map massive snack catalogue there's a hundred to choose from pick your faves and they get delivered right to your door which is really nice you don't have to go shopping for them and you have to worry about bad ingredients and insane things going in your snack you can get nature box whether you're vegan gluten-free or looking for low fat no added sugar naturebox there's always snacks for you and if you ever try a snack you don't like they will replace it for free look at Li around VP so you can order as much as you want as often as you want with no minimum purchase and you can cancel anytime right now go to naturebox.com/tyler Julianne and they are giving you 50% off your first order with that URL guys check it out you won't be sorry you'll like it Jen I can't see out every contact what just happened it's not good it's not like our detergent that's my leave butt plate no doesn't get there cream I got it out of the laundry Stephan telling about all right moving on oh yes I'm so glad I picked this or a lot are you doing I'm terrible at foot onions and then ask you for that enjoy my life buddy over here now don't even get me started I can't set up it's not my fault why'd you contact you oh god it's coming out my god it is coming out what the [ __ ] dude no you always let you finish should I talk about what's out oh no fine the clown well I know like this might hurt to put it back in I can talk about like not fit into my little universe or yoga oh it was actually okay the hands are very clean right we'll do a couple more we'd also do all of them fine that's fine all right don't even get me started I'm Katy Perry you to blush oh no honey me to get loud for this one I know I'm just confused honestly all okay when I first saw that Katy Perry was on YouTube and going live and doing yoga and meditation and some like random videos I was like first I was like curious I was like yes me what I said it's Katy Perry youtuber I don't hear because I didn't know I was like is this just something I don't know is she youtuber and like I just didn't understand so she does these watches and actually today there's one actually currently going on and I'm not sure I still happy I always I thought I'm not sure if it's still happening by the time podcast goes live but you may change isn't it you want to charge her lawyers called witness so you're like being witnessed her life to get it it's it it's stupid I don't like it I think it's stupid I think I think this this live stream that she's done has given me an insight into who she is as a person that I don't like and like I felt zero away about Katy Perry before we were talking about it I guess I'm you know the music skits like I don't really care I don't like her or dislike her I feel nothing about her but then I saw these large teams and I saw like how she was acting and how she was treating her producers and assistants and guests and just like acting in general and I was like I don't like your attitude like you're just kind of a mean person it feels like and you're just displaying that on the internet like for whatever reason to promote your album or whatever it is like it just it all felt really weird to me okay so they're in a Katy Perry I just want to get a little little disclaimer here I'm not hating on that like you can be a fan of whoever you want I'm wrong I imagine if you are a fan of Katy Perry her live streams appear to them very different than it appeared to you 100% precise and like reads in multiple different ways yeah listen a little time back any parry take a 15 minute meditation break and then no wake up wake up and yell at people downstairs to be quiet quiet like you're in a production house follows people like how can anybody be quiet what I'm wondering though is like does she not realize that this is all alive and like it's not the greatest look to be just like yelling at people and being mean to people well a lot of the comments are people being like I love Katy Perry this just shows like how cool the person she is like I mean that's what some people are seeing to me I definitely agree with you that I saw some things that made me be like oh my gosh Lee they were sitting down watching a bunch of her videos because I watched because I saw Elijah like oh she tweeted out a link that's using me on there like that's so [ __ ] rad because everybody likes Liza and so I go there and watch and it felt very much like she talked Allies over three seconds and I'm not watching her own video no no man her two friends like her actual friends came in and she sort of just like dropped Eliza and let Liza walk around and introduce herself to the other people in the house and then hung out with her two friends then they sat down and watched some of Katy Perry's videos her own videos and she liked all except in the middle like as if that's not you know whatever plans out yeah but it's good but again if you're a Katy Perry super fan that's super cool because you're watching Katy Perry watch our own videos and talk about things that happen you know I mean I can understand why some people are like this is so rad and other people are like wow this is pretty self-absorbed but during all of that so you've liza Koshi on the couch and her like stylist or you know people that she works as and his friends with she just turns around like in the middle kept being like pause pause we're going to go back okay that yeah oh my god just screenshot that okay yeah keep going and then she turns around she goes can I get a humidifier please like today your average person seems so outrageous but to her that's like you know her life and she just asked the person first minified him again I don't know her story which is like well okay and I don't know her what her life's about I don't know her as a person I don't know anything anything no I didn't know I did not see like like a wrong decision went from going from going from not showing any of this or any of you know who she is or whatever a planned or live or not live to just live streaming her kind of snapping at people it's not like to meet at least like you know there's a lot of ways to do the whole telethon model I think that she's trying to do for promo or whatever it is that I think works and one way is to like make sure your talent is acting incredibly appealing and not like the way she's been acting hmm like I I am like there was she did a fiery confession many people to think that what she's doing is appealing I don't think so I don't know how that's possible it's a about is like a therapy session and posted it to YouTube like what the [ __ ] is that yeah don't get me started on what that means what even is that get me started on there she just and she talks but she's pretty zonked out I can't I got her I mean I think I got I'm not asking you to I'm just I'm just saying like the tone of voice just sounds really completely out of it uh-huh I feel like I just probably offended a lot of Katy Perry fans but I'm I'm just trying to be honest like it was just a very weird thing to turn on YouTube and see what's on live and well I mean think of it this way Katy Perry just performed at the YouTube creator summit like which was cool but you also don't know what this deal looks like with YouTube Janine so this could be like she's signed a deal with YouTube to do this 24 hour livestream for however many days leading up to the release of her album like this which is why we have youtubers going on there Patrick Starr and Isaac OC and stuff it feels like a gigantic cross-promotion inked on paper a long time ago and parts of it do definitely feel like Katy Perry doesn't exactly want to fulfill some aspects of the 24 hour livestream like maybe in theory it seems like it's a cool thing to agree to like yeah you're gonna put you in this house and it's all just like we'll have friends come over and like you hang out and just do it ever you want but it's like it's a 24 hour grind for her you know which I imagine [ __ ] sucks but but that's that's what happens when you sign a deal to stream 24 hours live with YouTube you're going to have youtubers on their the Katy Prairie probably doesn't know either yeah you're going to have a lot of things to do that you don't really know or care about so I don't understand why she's coming up or a snobby if you're put this is also like you you have Liza Koscheck Eliza cost you on here like I could have done with a little more respect you know and I mean it felt very like oh my god you're so cute okay let's watch my music videos now that's what I was like how disrespectful the Liza taking time out of her schedule everyone in this comment section right now say where's Liza like you cannot deny that this person and YouTube knows that that this person is contributing to your your promotion that you know people are coming to watch Katy Perry because they're huge Eliza co-chief is open and it's all very [ __ ] weird so I don't know it is Liz's but don't even get George I'm really curious to know if like any of you guys saw it and South even remotely how I felt or if maybe you didn't see it at all or maybe decide you really enjoyed it I'd like to know why or like what your thoughts were because it was one of those ones where I watched it I was like it just feels really I was like I don't understand I'm looking at I don't know why it's here I don't know what's going on well it does feel on YouTube a little out of place and that they have this beautiful production house with cameras everywhere clearly a gigantic team of people making that happen and cut from camera to camera to camera as she walks through every single room in the house like you're talking Big Brother it's type of production value you know and like I forgot I was just going to [ __ ] say oh it seems weird because it's on YouTube and you have all this production and it's live and you know people usually Big Brother even the set look like this well usually when people are live on YouTube a they're not traditional celebrities and be our version of live feels much more offensive to people with your laptop it's too [ __ ] WebKit right like if she was going to be live for 24 hours a day and even just stuck a laptop like in her room I feel like that would be more exciting than this fake promo like having friends over and dinner and conversations you know yeah also I probably be a lot easier for Katy Perry yeah because you'd be like oh is she going to come in here I guarantee more people watching the livestream of a laptop set up in her room where she might walk by or sit there and hang out or let you know anyone that's true then the weirdly produced things that that is the last room that she did or is doing it's on right now I think yeah it is every girl's just me though that was a nice cup of tea and someone's gonna livestream like think about a gaga just set up a laptop in a room and then like I would get like it was exciting whatever anyways pulp-free orange juice I hand this over to you because I get my son I like why are you censoring oranges and oranges I hate I hate this whole phenomenon about Peeta and cold pizza I like cold pizza and I like poultry orange juice not that I have one with pulp I have my I have my own in a pretty heated debate a couple months back about pulp versus no pulp and or juice and Twitter tweeted at me saying at Twitter said I think the results are in and and it was a you know remember when they held at the sign of the wrong people at the yeah it was that but it says Pope they're like no no plans or whatever so I got told by Twitter that I was wrong but let me just say this okay people will often say when I say I like pulp emeritus why don't you just eat orange why is that thing why does that have anything to do with orange juice just because it comes from oranges doesn't mean I want to have a physical snack I still enjoy the beverage I just like it the way it came out of the fruit the way it was made if you're taking the pulp out of it you're censoring it now let me I'll concede that people who have an aversion to like solid pieces in their food in their drink rather like that's weird for them I get that that like some people can't drink something that has little bits or something whatever that's fine but for people who are like I like I think orange juice is nasty with pulp because pulp is nasty and oranges should have no pulp where is it respect it came from pulp that's what it is and it's delicious have you ever had like freshly squeezed orange juice right out of the orange with you everything you know you know like orange juice or any pulp because it's still good to me I mean I'll drink it but the whole time I just keep wishing it was like real orange orange juice with no pulp in it Walker it works at any hotel that we're in and we get breakfast most of the time since those are poor nice also turn there you're telling me all the like Best Westerns and stuff okay yes we're the orange juice concentrate comes out of a [ __ ] machine mixed with water that you always have pulping them you ride here's my higher ride like a rug well here's my hierarchy what aren't you support uh-huh or just no Papa nothing instead of having nothing I'll take oranges with no pulp I just would highly vehement ly prefer that it had pulp in it and I don't understand the logic that goes behind saying orange juice should be without Paul what about how like nasi it makes your like cup your glass oh I love it that's gross love it like drive and gets hard ah it's so good yeah so getting wonderful no it's natural it's natural well name something else that you drink that has the same consistency as orange juice with pulp because people like that don't like stuff drinks with bits in their drink like I can't really op top my head think of something else that you drink on regular basis it has a texture like that Frappuccino no that's an ice i tried huh I'm thinking of like um you know some kombucha is have like chia seeds in them or whatever yeah but like I said like certain people have an aversion to things in their liquid but name something else that people drink on a regular basis that has that consistency because I can't think of any so I can understand what some would be like it would be easier to make you do not just what you need yeah but that's also what makes a nasty to something else you don't say it's nasty boy you nasty and you need Jesus I don't need you if I have Jesus within my pocket all right you want to do one more which one all know you in a suitcase did you just remember well he doesn't know where he is oh my god oh I think we got a drunk guard don't even get me started on how sexy ad is because that boy is so sex today oh yeah oh I mean yeah I'll go get him you think he could be near marble know what Marvel can be in his suitcase let's try it because you're going to be holding ad and marbles like you have the leap across the table oh my god there's a fly in that light you know he's in that light oh my god I want to die anyway so ad is super sexy but I feel terrible because the other night I went to go feed him and I don't know if you do a lot of reading on hamsters like I do but apparently you're supposed to not just put their food in their dish you're supposed to like sprinkle it around their cage because they're foragers oh okay because they're forager so they like it's better for them to like run around and have to find food and that's more entertaining because if you just put it in their dish then you'll end up with a fat bored hamster really but um the other night I was feeding him and I had something else my hands so I was going upstairs was going to go to bed cuz I feed him at night like right before I go to bed because that's when he's like up and ready for breakfast so I put his food like on the top of his house he was in his little sand bath like his potty and so I put the food on top of his house like some of the seeds and it made like kind of a loud noise because it's plastic I usually just sprinkle it on there and for some reason it like sort of fell out of my hand so it was more like you know and he was in a potty and his only time I've ever seen him go like this he went like with his mouth open like I scared him I'm putting the food on his house I said no I scared him yet he opened his mouth and was like king for any denominator oh my god I was a good juicy mommy baby show me a little fishy tale right so cute Wow we started can you we got a cameo they snuck in I opened the door in second house not good I know really how sexy is that I had a sexy man the way he struts around with that long fur his tail always gets his his his bedding and sometimes his poop stuff in his lair oh my god you get Matthew open that but where boy when he walks around late out tonight at 7:00 cleans himself and he looks at you and then in each spinach I mean he runs on his wheel I mean he just exudes sex all he shakes that ass and it's it's pure sex what is [ __ ] wrong name is sexier hamster oh wait I can't please there is no sexier answer mm-hmm make sure you don't want to do one more oh do one more yeah you do one one I can't believe this started off is a no biggy podcast and it turns into a goose I know that always seems to happen post mates who make decisions for me don't even get me started ah it happens way more than you think it would where you order something very specific on post mates and and it comes to your door a different thing it's not what you ordered not even close sometimes it's just another first well the problem is it by the way it's an incredibly personal problems and most of these like rants are first well rants but nonetheless we are there have been a lot of times when we've ordered something and they delivered something completely different almost something inedible because a lot of time you know we're super difficult but we can ain't mechanic and they instead calling or texting or reaching out to us in any way shape or form while at the store they just decide that maybe they might be tie or okay with this I know they asked for this brand or this type or this thing but this looks good enough and they get it yeah and I'm like what what am I paying you for at all what am i using this app for I love post mates they're great I use alone it's in a cage or a person you get the occasional person where you like yeah and you know you just like you just wanted to like just I am is it in then use wonder like hammer this this this post mates drive out so you can get the right cash out and leave and like not do a job at all make sure customers like a little satisfied as a Cabasa don't want some of the worst ones that we've had and post mates does like fix the problem but yeah they reach other your head cutter that's right but the worst ones that I've had is whenever I'm writing in order for post mates I try to make it as specific as I can so that they can't [ __ ] it up yeah so I'll write like daya white deluxe white cheddar mac cheese vegan with mixed vegetables yeah you know and I'll write in parentheses like it's near the box mac and cheese it's the vegan one you know it's like holding orange jelly object you know whatever and then they gave us boxes of deluxe like regular carry maximum yeah and you're like did you just only in this it already you only read the word deluxe they've got like the complete opposite I don't you can I think it's it's just like a it's a it's kind of misjudged what it is that they're being paid to do they think it's just like I'm grabbing something's and start giving it to you it's not like I'm in the world of customer service networks like I have to get yeah be like so good some people are amazing some people call you or like hey they have these two flavors they have one box did you tell the podcast about when we got talked about at one time and the guy had his fun with them no yeah I think I did actually that we ordered was we ordered talked about in the description of what we ordered we wrote vegan so they wouldn't you know mess it up with like beans instead of me or whatever and this dude brought his son with him on posters I see a lot which is really cool because if I was opposed me I can bring my kids oh cool guys that travels it with their girlfriend there's nobody sad yeah yeah anyway he brought his son and his son walks up to the gate and actually helps him the food over and he he says he says I think it's really cool that you guys don't need animals and I was like well it's like really really cute and sweet and then I was like thank you kid and the dad was like yeah he said he saw that we're vegan on the receipt he want to know what it meant so I explained to him I was like oh that's totally really cool but that's such a nice way to explain it to your kid yeah we don't eat animals I think it's cool the kid is like six I think it's really nice they could only do no matter how I really see moment mom if I did it in authority you though you'd be doing oh my god whenever I order from the Chipotle nearest I'm trying to figure out if it's the post driver oh no I don't wear digital Chipotle first my love Jared someone that worship Oatley every time I order from Chipotle they'll write things on the lid that's like girl come do my nails they always thank you latest video in early sweet it's kind of cool but they write it on the box I should go in there and just like who keep doing this to show you so that games fun that is fun game thank you guys for suggesting right don't even get me started on REE Drummond in our ice cream truck and it can't see chat time paint paint anger don't get me started on her with her just completely breaking down on a camera and putting her husband on the spot about if he loves her or not and her marriage is good oh my god oh my god do you remember those yeah she was like she made herself like a daytime cocktail and was sitting there every night she's like this reminds me of the first drink we ever had against you member yeah yeah do you think I'm pretty he's like yesterday yes and it's like yeah but like tell me do you love me we're just like way in morning the ice cream damn we every are you okay mahlia no you okay alright Rees not okay no when the cameras are not rolling she's not okay she needs her husband to love her man she does she takes afternoon now for she dreams major drumman will you love Bri please anyway this episode basically I know is rocky by nature box and me and he's basically brought to by REE Drummond Wow it's almost miss we did birthday yeah guys so I'm super thick say mom's going to be three years old thank you for watching this episode in all seriousness I would like to know your responses to what we ranted about specifically to Katie great thing I'm interested in that I want to hear you guys thoughts and like I said poll keep in mind when you suggest things in the comments we read them and it could be your suggestion that we do the next part yeah so I think you have so much hungry week and my eye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 1,346,595
Rating: 4.9365749 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: ZYmcus7v6GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 21sec (3321 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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