Podcast #225 - Reading Your Assumptions About Us

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[Music] ding-ding-ding-ding welcome back to the julienne podcast this week we're banging on things he's fine he's just curious this episode is brought to you by stitch fix guys is shopping for clothes a hassle rhetorical question it is a hassle I know firsthand because I'm a human being who has shopped for clothes it sucks stitch fix is here to solve that problem basically it is a service where a personal stylist will handpick items and send it right to your door and all you got to do is go on their website and fill out some questions answer some style questions and they hook you up it is awesome their styling fees only twenty dollars which is applied toward anything you keep from your shipment so get started right now when you go to stitch fix calm slash turn and Julien you'll get an extra twenty five percent off when you keep all the items in your box check it out super cool service I actually just submitted for my first box it didn't get here in time for this episode it's coming next week what could be posted I wanna see what you got me I'm interested I don't know what they sent me but hopefully it's good also guys honey book if you were a graphic designer or a photographer a honey book is helping you spend less time with the business and boring side of the of your business and leaving you with more time to spend on the creative which is what you want to do right you don't no one wants to deal with a paperwork in the business so honey book is here to help you with that payment is flexible use code Jenna Julian you get 50% off monthly or annually that's 20 hours a month or $200 a whole year of organization of your calendar management tools branding brochures proposals contracts all the stuff you don't want to deal with honey book does it for you go - honey book calm and use promo code Jenna Julian and get started more on that later Thank You sponsors well let's just jump into her let's jump into it that was so funny somebody tweeted let's just jump it's like one of my favorite memes just cross out into it well we're gonna jump into this one it's a trend that's been going around on YouTube they're fun to watch I like them I have seen them I haven't either admittedly not watched any of them but I can kind of get the gist it's a pretty funny idea basically you ask your audience what their assumptions of you are and then you go over them and read them yeah so that's what we're gonna do it we have a wallet rollin some y'all are serious there's a good mix there's a good mix of trolls going right for the jugular yeah well I guess we should just get it right it is we I tweeted it out we did long Instagram basically on Instagram you can do it so anonymously so people so it's not public what people are writing hmm so that's why Instagram was preferred but we did a few on Twitter anyway so we have Twitter Instagram we have a bunch you ready yeah gray says y'all are definitely just friends and are finally starting to tell the truth well you are my friends not friends and that is the very funny assumption especially since last week on the podcast and in my video that that's when the joke started the joke is only like what week old that we're just friends yes my friends own dude my video yeah friends on hard for six years of being in a relationship definitely yeah nope we're not friends it's just a joke it'll be gone by next week don't worry there will be something else to replace it Rai Rai says you plan on slowly retreating from society and living in a tropical paradise of your own making honestly that's like yeah I mean that sounds nice it's kind of your dream you've you've said that's your dream for a while to go live on a farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere yeah it wouldn't it probably wouldn't be a tropical paradise it would be uh somewhere where I can chill and have a lot of animals nothing against tropical paradises but no everything against truck tropical paradises I don't know you know I'm from like upstate New York I feel like if I were to ever be like okay I'm gonna go be a recluse for the rest of my life it would probably be somewhere in the United States that you know was just seasons I'm Way too but I feel like I'm too easily bored to be completely isolated from other people completely like oh you wouldn't be isolate from other people but so like in this scenario I do society as like you're no longer on the internet or like a public yesin so that's like a no you sort of just go I've always thought about this though because like in Breaking Bad they have this this guy spoiler alert they have this guy getting spoiled who's a vacuum cleaner salesman but basically what he does is he wipes your identity and gives you a new one and he sends you somewhere completely off the grid well like witness protection yeah but it's like it's Underground witness protection to where the government's not involved it's just their party but I've thought about that like what would that be that's really interesting to think about what have you got have you got a new idea Jane Armstrong and you live in Wisconsin and you have to go there and change the way you look a little bit and not really talk to anyone for a while and stay at the [ __ ] off the internet and you're a different person like that's a crazy thought yeah think about so no no there's no actual plans to do it but like I don't know for in many many many years it's like that was a thing that happened that wouldn't be so bad to me that wouldn't I feel like there are worse end games than that right it's pretty straight forward and game yeah like if [ __ ] it's the family being just like a regular person yeah but like far removed farmer and maybe under a different name yeah but there's plenty people in this country the of their lives that way and are so happy and fulfilled mm-hmm and I think that's really beautiful so I agree I don't I think it would happen much slower than anyone would ever care about yeah we just bought a house yeah I'd be like older and no one would give a [ __ ] yeah endgame yeah no one gives a [ __ ] always give a [ __ ] friend about you friend friends best friends Emma says Julian showers in a wet suit oh my god that's really funny that's patrol I'm worn a wet suit probably like three times in my life twice when I tried surfing and just wasn't for me and then a third I think when I was wakeboarding maybe once that is one of the most miserable things to get in and out of I don't know if you've ever done in a worn one oh my god surfers who do it every morning who get inside mostly getting out of it mmm putting it on it's not that bad getting out of it it's like wet it's cold it's tight everywhere and you have to you really have to like get your app get your way out of it with your shoulders like that was my nightmare yeah you're not very flexible in use my shoulders are pretty tight they're not flexible so sometimes I'll struggle to get like a jacket off so I've been witnessed so that many toes I will assure you I do not shower in a wetsuit what's the point of showering if you're waiting I don't know to protect yourself clean well as long as the wetsuits clean you're clean supposedly okay is that a thing that but that's not a thing no one actually does that at home I mean if you're showering on the beach after surfing yeah shower and wetsuit but even then no you don't sour in a wits was that thing was on shark tank where it's like a shower buddy yeah it's pretty cool it was cool it's they were comparing it to a garbage bag we like loop it over your head and it's like a portable little you can get undressed and wash yourself it's kind of cool yeah that's pretty dope yeah I don't surf or go out in public so it's not for me but it's cool okay Jenna you have an innate urge to mother any living thing from soupy sayin probably I'm trying I'm trying to think of something that I haven't had the urge to like care for if it comes my way then yeah but like if it's a spider no I don't have an any urge to mother a spider you know okay so sans insects yep ah well some insects are like super cool and I'm like actually down with but most of them are not your house pests or their pets you they're pests right like you're you don't want them in the house cockroach yeah if I was like okay you Julian all the bugs that are here are now my babies like that's not safe for the dogs this sa for us that's not a good idea but yeah you know anything that comes my way like any dog that shows up here which happens more than you have that instinct hardcore plants yeah a bark or any mammal absolutely some reptiles some insects like have you seen the praying mantis people on YouTube that have them as pets they're like so cool no I have not fallen down the praying mantis people holy well one of my favorite video is called mantis squad and they're all just standing there like with their arms up and they're just like doing this what a cool mannerism for an insect to have they're amazing and we see them outside around us sometimes and they are just like they're really cool so stunning like yeah if if I found a injured praying mantis yeah I would try and take care of it yeah because he's like a he's a special insect you know hmm we also went to animal tracks that like Animal Farm Sanctuary place where they care for animals that like people improperly tried to have his pets and we learned about what was the animal that Kermit dragged out of the bush that one time possum awesome we learned about possums we got to meet one and we learned that they were like actually really not that like bad and disease they don't carry diseases like a lot of people think well I mean if it bit your dog you probably want to take them to go get like people's images baby shot of one of those is just like foaming at the mouth and crazy and like you know they're just like any other animal like when I was sitting outside the other night and a raccoon walked up to me and I just looked at me you can't be here come come don't they don't want to like attack you yeah if they were rabid or something you'd be able to tell if they're sick you didn't see him during the daytime or whatever but ya know if if I thought any mammal if I found them injured I would try and do something because it's it's a mammal you're like you know you can have a little connection or understanding like a furry small thing mm-hmm but reptiles or birds like when I was younger we used to find unsaved a lot of birds that had you know flown into stuff and my dad would feed him pushed up cat food and we try and help him learn how to fly but that bird that flew into our house during our stream yeah if that bird hadn't gotten out and he was hurt I would have put him in a bottle we've done that before where I found an injured bird and I'll put him in a box Birds I feel like I can try and help a lizard or something I can try and help but like an insect II analyst it was a big one like a praying mantis or something I'd probably be like look fin if you got venom in there I don't know if this is gonna work out I think it's gonna work out fair enough Natalie says I assumed that I assumed that Julian still hasn't fixed the switch to the fireplace yet and that Julian is really super awkward in person and tries to cover it up and just ends a vacuum more awkward well let me just the first part of this you're right okay I spent many many hours on that fireplace and it ended up with me realizing that I was in over my head on like a technical standpoint electrical stuff well like yeah electrician I thought I was like honestly I was this close the problem was I wasn't I'm gonna bore you guys now since you asked about it I wasn't getting enough power to the Wi-Fi switcher that as much as it needed so they tically the normal light switch that just says on and off it only requires a base amount of power not that much but if you have a Wi-Fi signal in the switch it needs more power and I wasn't getting it so I messed around with the wires and at one point I gave too much power and it would short the the fuse so I got like way too high power way too little power and then I just found myself in a bind where I was like I'm gonna ruin something so I need to just stop so I put it on the old switch and I I tabled that project for later I am incredibly awkward in person I wouldn't say I'm like painfully awkward like like I think I've got I'm pretty good at being not totally crazy in social situations even if I'm uncomfortable I'm able to kind of like small talk and you know make people feel comfortable especially after you know we go to we've over the years we've been on YouTube we've spent a lot of times doing meet-and-greets and I think you get you get a little bit better each time at like talking to people mmm-hmm but I would still say I'm awkward I don't know yeah well it is a strange interaction when people know everything about you and you don't know anything about them yeah for sure but I wouldn't call you awkward by any means thanks person yeah friend friend actually I'm your friend volume means move on well you cannot if you do that you're not talking into the mic that's why I'm so sorry so either put it close to your mouth or raise the volume you choose yeah dig dink know you can move Eevee tweeted I assume that Jillian blows his nose on tissues and leaves them everywhere I'm at Jenna where's her Leisure Suit three times a week uh no you don't even do that when you're sick no I don't do that I I understand why she might assume that no is the paper towel issue yeah yeah sometimes when I'm in the kitchen and I'm I'm in a groove as some artists or chefs would would say you use the paper towel quickly and leave it somewhere and after a while there's a bunch of with towels on the counter how did those get there I don't know but I don't blow my nose and leave tissues ever that's kind of gross no I feel like you wouldn't put up with that I wouldn't put up with that no no no like I can understand if someone's really sake and like you're laying on the couch and you have like a little pile of tissues going or something like it's a short-term thing yeah but like I've never even seen you do that yeah I also don't blow my nose like in front of people I find that to be really uncomfortable like I'll go to the bathroom to blow my nose or like you know some people will just like do it really loud in front of people and they're finally and they put it in their pocket like I always see that I'm like to him that's like a brave like you know I always need to like just be on my own I'm the same way yeah I don't have that what about the Leisure Suit three times a week no no no it's very comfortable but like it needs to go in the wash it's just like wear it and it's like I'll get too hot you know yeah like if I like to be under a blanket sometimes so like if I'm just like where I can't like have long sleeves and long pants and like be under play h-how'd be pretty cold you have worked out and I thought before oh yeah which is a sight to see because you were leisure in under a barbell with a hundred thirty-five pounds on it that was very confusing to see but it's badass I don't wear it that much Cassie dig I assume Kermit cries in the middle of the night accurate he cries are you guys bought a lot you guys know that if you think of a time of day hate crimes during it or night go get up well sometimes he won't cry right away so like if he's really thirsty in the middle of the night we leave water out on the ground for the dogs he'll get up and he'll start digging at the dish like moving it around pushing it around the room and if I don't get up where Julian doesn't get up he'll just look at you go yeah he'll get on to the bed he perches up like remember that snapshot the one that turned into him he was like when he climbs up higher you guys louder he does that because he finds perch points where he can he knows you see and hear him and then he'll cry yes so I wake up to him crying often I would say more and more morning morning morning morning yeah I wake up to him crying more mornings than I do to him not crying yeah but middle of the night he's not a child it's only if he's thirsty or like really has to go to the bathroom when he's been sick a couple times or before he got diagnosed with Cushing's he kept me up so many nights because it was just so I felt horrible for him and we couldn't figure out what was going on yeah and he felt like he was hungry he felt like he was thirsty and he would like ordered the door like he needed to go out and I would just you know I would get 20 minutes of sleep and then he'd be screaming at me but since he got diagnosed and he's on medication now for a while there's no screaming in the middle of the night but yeah there was a block of time in there when I just wasn't getting any sleep and I felt so bad for him yeah but now it's just if he's thirsty or has to really go potty for some reason or if he's bored if we if we went to bed really late because of a stream and we're sleeping till like noon he'll get up at like 11:00 and be like [ __ ] yeah scarfie I scare you I assume that you both are very much enjoying all of the content you're putting out on your channels right now and on Twitch well two or three years ago it might have felt a bit more forced interesting yeah I mean it's like it's hindsight at this point so yeah in hindsight I'd say I enjoy the content that we make now more but at the time I would have said I make the content now I like it now more than I did the repple years ago so I think it's 20/20 hindsight but it's not that it wasn't authentic at the time or anything and it was also YouTube was a different landscape you know and our podcast was different our twitch stream was different things different and it's a reflection of who you are now in time you know yeah I like that outlook I think that's good I mean I think at any point I neither of us have ever really made content that wasn't true to us it was just you change as you grow up and as you also change in your lifespan online not just your life and I feel like that's shown a lot and I think we're at a point where we're really lucky in a lot of ways like with twitch and the time we spend streaming like it's become a really awesome outlet and like platform for us to capitalize our the style of fun we like to have in the content that gets made from it and I think we're it's like the product of a lot of things it's not just like we prefer our content now than it was five years ago it's like a lot of things happened for this to happen yeah so shouts out Marissa she compiled a whole bunch of these and then also sent a screen shot of her assumptions about us for me Candice writes Julie intends to get up before Jenna in the morning that's true true I mean mainly because I trained you Jitsu in the morning I have a hard time falling asleep at night too you do I'm notoriously asleep before always every single and waking up before you mm-hmm grace Dobler wrote six times Yeller fit as hell Thank You grace we try I mean we're I'm by no means in the best shape I've ever been in but we just tried it well I feel like we work out a lot and then we get a lot of exercise and we do really good at that but yeah we also enjoy eating food and rally swigging yeah and like obviously we could both be in better shape or I have our diets you know cleaner whatever but I'm also like I'm 32 year old lady and I'm just having a good time as long as I'm healthy I'm happy you know yeah so I wouldn't say we're fit is help but we do like to lift heavy weights we like to literally just a lot of jiu-jitsu I do not do Jitsu at all it is not the sport for me there was a bunch of assumptions that I didn't screen John them but they were like Jenna's secretly better than Julianne at jujitsu my god just never trains but it's innately better than ever I can promise you I'm even worse than you've ever seen in any of it you love it no you literally have like a bump on your eye today from jiu-jitsu come home and it'll just have like bumps and bruises all over him that doesn't look like fun it's a little shiny it's a fun it's a it's a reminder of how much fun I had today Oh Janie writes you both are getting sick of YouTube and would consider doing twitch full-time I don't think that's gonna happen not for me at least I'll speak for myself hmm yeah I would I would agree with you I I I get why you would write that because we spend a lot of time on Twitter you know at least for me I spend much less time making YouTube videos than I once did you know I was once doing five days a week and now I'm doing one maybe two but I think it's a reflection of not preferring one platform to the other but deciding how you want to spend your time between two platforms which is something that like twitch was never that for us it was always like a side project that we treated like a side project and now we're just doing a lot more of it yeah well we started playing a lot more games and we started having a lot of fun and a lot of our friends started playing the community of people we play with has grown so much and it's really really special it's really fun but I don't think there's ever a bone in my body that's like I my end date for YouTube is X or it's coming or it exists you know I don't really have that in my mind I have that in my mind just as much as I have my end date for being on the Internet yeah you know yeah I don't think that's gonna happen I still very much enjoy the platform of YouTube and I mean I as well as anybody else that's been creating content for a while and that can be any amount of time yeah you do hit tons of creative walls and sort of fatigue at different levels and I think that's sort of a normal I think you know I get tired of it sometimes I anything you know you can't do something for ten years and not have like your ups and downs with it but I'm still very much in love with and enamored with YouTube as a platform I just think it's [ __ ] spectacular and this the stuff that you can find on there and the people you can find on there like it is just so amazing and for all of its downfalls and like not great stuff I think it's just like a wonderful place for learning and sharing and there's nothing else like it I have no intention of leaving it for anything you know 100 percent I wouldn't be like oh I'm I'm no longer on YouTube I'm gonna be on Twitch now yeah you know cuz it's just not the same type of stuff your interaction yeah that's why they they to me they either need to coexist or like I wouldn't be on the Internet you know even if whenever you know the ratio of time you spent fluctuates that's yeah yeah I still love YouTube I watch YouTube as as much or more than anything else and yeah yeah I I think personally like being able to upload videos to YouTube and have people watch them and then you also watch other people's videos is such a simple concept but for me it's helped me so much like discover a huge passion of mine which is like making videos I'm like filming and doing stuff with cameras I never really would have figured that out for myself had it not been for an outlet like YouTube to where I could share it and interact with people who are watching it so I think it's like you said there's a lot there's nothing perfect about it but there's a lot of really special things that still exist about YouTube and well yeah and a lot of some of its getting weird you know like the whole space is getting a little weird yeah and I think that's normal when there's money to be made on any platform stuff starts to get a little strange but when I sit down and watch all the plant videos that I like like literally anything that you want to learn about is on YouTube in a way for you to understand so you can always teach yourself you can always pick up anything that you'd like to learn which is one of the most powerful and amazing tools that's happened in my lifetime that I can think of and like when I sit down and I watch the the plant youtubers that I really like or you know whatever I'm super into at the moment mint its quad mentis is sway back and forth like I think about how sometimes that person you watch a channel for a long time and you can tell they're sort of like okay there's only so many [ __ ] videos I can make about plants you know what should I do what else do you want like this is weird but even when I get - those videos I'm like I just appreciated that you uploaded like I appreciated that you shared something and I know that you're probably tired but like I like this video and I'm glad that you you know did that you know I mean 100 percent so like I don't think there's any part of me that would ever really get over that because the world is always changing and there's always gonna be new things to learn yeah you know and even if I'm posting something that I in my world and brain think like well nobody cares and nobody wants to see it like if you do just share there are people just like that you know they just want to see it it's like a moment of comfort or distraction or learning or whatever it is yeah it's really cool so I don't think I'd like to give that part of my life up yeah I remember like five years ago we were in Australia and we were with part of write Ryan he is production company rhpc and Greg was there we got like a party and we were hanging out with them and I was talking to Greg about editing because I was just like starting to edit at the time and he had already been going strong for a number of years doing the effects and the edits for Ryan and I was just like interested to talk to him about it because it was like talking shop you know and I remember he told me something that like for me it's just like clicked in my head and we were talking about like After Effects and how he learned it and he was literally just like one day I decided that I was gonna sit down and teach myself because of YouTube and like anything you want to learn is somewhere and so I did it and I and I remember thinking like holy [ __ ] like it's really that simple yeah it's like up to you in this day and age what you want to accomplish what skills you want to you know learn and provide yourself and your teammates or your partners with and Ivy I feel like that's kind of stuck with me because I've used in a lot of ways and to to help myself and my point is is that YouTube is like it's the it's the holy mecca for knowledge or any sort of interest or hobby you might have yeah aside from like Wikipedia or Google but like in a video in the video form is like so much different I mean reading a manual I would say the majority of the things I've gone out of my way to learn how to do like a specific skill or something that has been through YouTube where in the past you know I would have to go I don't know find a book on it you know your library yes or even like a paywall like I remember lynda.com remember Linda ah good to pay for the instructional video exactly how was it that was the thing hmm yeah but I mean especially yeah no that's cool YouTube's cool yeah and especially if you're an artistic minded person and you don't want to deal with like the business side of things well that's not YouTube that's funny block Julian Julian book is a website where you can have all-in-one business management tools provided to you if you are the artistic person like a graphic designer or an editor or a photographer if you want your work to be your work and the business work to be someone else's work honey book is for you okay it helps you spend more time running your business on the creative side and less time running your business on the boring paperwork business side they basically provide all sorts of tools with calendar management custom branded brochures for your clients your website your contracts even proposals and you can have you can even get a signatures generate invoices and get paid faster all within one online system that is honey book and what's great is the payment is flexible so if you use our code generally and get 50% off monthly if you want to sign up monthly or you get if you want to do it on an annual basis as well that's fifty percent off for the first year of honey book with promo code generally so this is not a small thing that no one uses over seventy five thousand photographers designers event professionals and other solo entrepreneurs that I'm sure many of you guys are that have signed up with honey book and they've saved hundreds while doing it I can't tell you the first time we had any sort of help specifically with like the podcast and I wasn't having to do all the business side of things all the contracts all the emailing is this huge relief that I could finally just like focus my energy on the part of it that made me want to start in the first place so honey book is really helping people do that and they can help you too so click the link down below and get started use code Jen and Julian when you go to honey book comets HOA and a YB oh okay really really cool service they have and then when you want to look your best and you don't want to go to the store or stitch fix is the answer for you there okay if you think about maybe changing up your style and you're like yeah I should wear more of this type of thing or I should dress more professional or not or less professional more sporty whatever stitch fix is there to help you so you don't have to spend an hour in a dressing room going back and forth getting different sizes and then leaving them all with nothing because you're so annoyed the worst I've been there many times stitch fix allows you to go online on to stitch fix calm slash pendulum and you basically answer a bunch of questions they give you they give you sample clothing it's really cool right like what they're good would you wear this yes or no and then they would say okay which of these two shirts would you wear and then okay yeah this one okay well what about this tie or you know I mean so they would take you through this whole process it's actually really nice it's kind of fun it feels like a game and after they collect all that data you get assigned a personal stylist that will handpick items based on your style choices and it's really cool because then it just arrives at your door that's it let's go them all you have to find parking you have to try anything on of course if it doesn't fit or if you're not happy with it exchanges and returns are always free so you take what you love out of the box and you can return the rest you don't have to keep everything that you get in the shipment and there's no subscription required you can sign up to receive scheduled shipments or get your fix whenever you want if you want it right now and then in another six months there's a wedding you're going to or you want it then whatever and the styling fee for stitch fix is only twenty dollars which is applied toward anything you keep in your shipment so right now if you had a stitch fix that's STI TCH fi XCOM slash gym and Julian you get an extra twenty five percent off when you keep all the items in your box check it out super cool service would ten out of ten recommend thank you sponsor thank-you sponsors okay this this next one is a doozy X rights you have really quiet sex so that you don't freak out the dogs oh my god not okay no no no no well you know profit since we're just friends inappropriate we are just friends this you've made this incredibly awkward for us completely platonic friends what kind of question is this is that a question you had asked any anyone who has dogs oh boy oh boy marble marble what do you think of this question oh we should move on okay let's move on Julian's favorite mod is Marissa and he adopted Busch I would love to adopt Jenny loves but I love him so much well I talk about him do it Julian just like when we're hanging out I'll let go on his Twitter Bush is like my escape from the internet like I'll go on Bush's Twitter like his YouTube to like laughs and like you know forget about your day or whatever move out he just like I [ __ ] no one on this planet loves karma as much as Bush and I love karma true I've never met someone who loves karma as much as you into least and he's just like across the world like we just are connected via our souls and our love for that dog not that I know so many of you love Kermit and you love him so much but it's just a different level he like knows Kermit and he's never met Carmen I know it's it's it's pretty special my favorite mod I don't have a favorite mod I love all of them twitch mods equally the I would say though Marissa has been heavily involved from a very early start point on twitch and has stayed incredibly involved to the point where you know I would credit her with us growing a lot on twitch and when you have a good team of moderators your own yeah I would say like you your twitch channel is only as good as your team of moderators so if they're good and they make good decisions and help you and have your back welcome and make people they make new new viewers feel welcome and it's a safe place I mean it's oh that's a hard job that people volunteer decision it's like you know when you sign on to twitch and you're like this is exciting I don't know how to use this platform like any platform and you go and people are alive so you write in the chat you're like no hey how are you and then someone greets you and they're like hey yes like usually yeah no one says anything back to you and the person who's live-streaming probably doesn't see it how many viewers yeah and you're like okay sick what's that for yeah you know no it's it's totally totally I have I mean I have that same like anxiety about that happening myself if I go into a chatham like knowing it acknowledges me or whatever so like that's a big reason why we love Marissa and the rest our team of mods like they're all incredible so yeah this sure if it says Julianne edits Jenna's videos oh not true not true not true I'll occasionally you know help with a trick or two in post but no she added sir videos and I ate at mine I yes the hours and lines on my face will tell you how I don't know if I've said this before but she taught me Final Cut Pro I didn't know if I don't cut pro until Jenna taught me it I was I was very elementary I used a little bit of Adobe in college and then a little bit of Final Cut 7 growing up because that's what my dad used but I liked when I came to editing I was useless and then she taught me Final Cut Pro so I got the Royal Treatment from one of the best out there and the editing arena thank you sounds like you spoke into his marble have some protein hey no I wouldn't say that I'm like a particularly gifted editing but yeah I did I taught you how to use it because you were using something else and I was like oh my god what are you doing like just use this and you're like using what my school made me use yeah but I mean you're very easy to teach in anything because you're always very willing to learn and like it's just easy to teach you stuff so it didn't take you very long obviously because anyone that's most people have taught themselves don't cut pro yeah except for whatever people go into the Apple Store and you know take those classes I know they exist yeah I think most people have taught themselves how to edit it's not outrageously complicated but yeah Jimmy writes Julianne with an a ramps up his Aires for the camera um yes and no right like so I would agree with yes I know yes I know anyone who has any sort of persona or attitude or any sort of personality traits that are very distinguishable for their online persona or their online presence I would say is amplified when the cameras on yeah for most people like almost all people so like yes in that sense but at the same time I don't really act differently i don't make different choices I would say yes and no in that some of your Aires is like obviously the couple of times when you like taking knives out of the knife block and done the floss dance with them like that's not stuff that you're just like doing when we're hanging out although a little bit like honestly you do a lot of crazy stuff when we're alone and there's no cameras on obviously it's you're just in Aires but it's more of just like the spontaneous making decisions like being like once you get in that mood you're like unstoppable like control is different like I think you would do something different on camera like cut and I cut an onion with a hammer like but now I'm thinking about it like you do that stuff to meet constant I just do it more I do it more scheduled yeah it's on camera in the video I'm doing more of it in a row speaking of which not this week for us but this week for you guys which is next week for us you know it that way yes Aries Susan it's [ __ ] every season I think it's Wednesday I think it's the 21st oh god what a day for Aries season the vegan yeah I mean if yeah that doesn't surprise anyone right what all right Cassidy writes Jenna will profusely apologize for anything if she's wrong Julianne will take it to the grave wait so does that mean I don't apologize I apologize but when you when you like make an honest mistake like you say someone's name wrong or something where it's completely honest and accidental you will profusely apologize because you're like so mortified at the idea of offending anyone yeah well not that like I would just would never want to hurt someone's feelings yeah by being dumb exactly ignorant or coming off anyway like that yeah so that perfuse apology is true in that sense it's if I if I don't think that I'm wrong though I will stand my ground I can come I can confirm that thousand percent Julian does a really good job apologizing though but sometimes it does take you a minute to like get there you know yeah like you would rather argue for a little bit and then get there and then apologize like you got to be sure that you're wrong yeah but I think you do do a really good job of Polish I think that comes from thinking my decision-making is pretty sharp so when that's so when I'm faced with all the reasons why it was it so what I'm faced with the reality or the or the systemic jenna breakdown of why it's not takes me a second and it's not about like checking an ego or anything because I don't really I'm not a very egotistical person at all I just think that I and I'm not like I'm right all the time either I just I know myself well and I know my the way I operate well and I feel like sometimes I'm like wait we're we're in the in this in the process did I go wrong here like what's what choice did I make that was like totally [ __ ] this up you know to me and sometimes I'm like didn't you realize that cuz even I can't keep up with my area sometimes Julian's also done a good job learning that if I start to tell him that he was wrong that you have to pass right now you can argue with me for about 20 minutes or you can just submit well cuz I'll say one thing about me I'm not gonna like pick an argument unless I know that I'm right if there's any chance that I'm gonna lose this argument I'm just not gonna go down that path yeah well in general you don't lose arguments so but like there's I can totally be wrong and I can totally like but you would abandon and you would be like yeah think of all the times when I think that I know that I'm right and then you're like actually an idiot but you and far between I'd say I wouldn't like her solar eclipse I wouldn't go out of my way to like really stand my ground unless I really thought that I was right so I obviously there's total chances that I'm completely wrong but usually when it's like we're arguing about something within our household and within our relationship I'm like not gonna pick a fight with you unless it's like Julian there's 30 paper towels on the counter can you please throw them out if you were like but babe I'm using all of them I'm like this is when you need to stop and just throw them the [ __ ] out but yeah if I if I make a mistake I will profusely apologize but Julian does do a very good job apologize and when he is wrong when he gets there the prosecution would like to prevent present evidence pulls out 30 paper towels guilty okay not as funny Sal Power says you cheat on veganism sometimes I think well when I said I started being a vegan a long time ago like ten plus years ago and that was I was not even I was just doing it for health reasons and I would have a cheat meal every Sunday and to me cheat meal meant I'm gonna eat meat and dairy which is fine there's people that do that and I still think that you can make an impact from eating less animal products if that's how you approach it but at this point in our life and you know when I finally went full vegan what for something years ago now I don't see it as cheap food you know like I just don't I don't want to eat animal products so that's not something that I would eat does that make sense I miss like the way that the cheese is good you know like sometimes it's hard to find a product or something that you want to make that like gives you that same sensation but I certainly don't see it as cheating because it's just it's not something that I want to eat yeah yeah I mean and in the most respectful way possible when someone says to me like how long you like how long you're gonna do this vegan thing for or like well you know what's this about like you know I mean where the question is sort of framing it as just like a fad diet or whatever I never really take that personally I just now that I have a chance to answer that question I am as ethically driven as I feel like a vegan could be and I didn't start out like that and I don't talk about a lot cuz it's it's for me you know what I mean it's like my it's it's my decision-making and the way you know I view things but when I started out Jenna helped me kind of transition because I was getting a lot of I was I was getting sick a lot you know eating meat and she helped me kind of learn the plant-based diet and it was very quick that I adapted it and I was like okay I want to do this now I'm on the complete other side of it where I've been doing it for a few years and I'm cheating on the diet isn't really an option for me it's like I don't know how I don't know I'm trying to compare it to something but it's like it's it's a choice that I've made so it's like there's no negotiating that choice because I've already made it and I've already stood my ground very strongly in making that choice and I think about things a lot when it comes to the choice that I make to be vegan so it never crosses my mind similar to similar but not similar to how it doesn't cross my mind to cheat on being gluten free it's like the repercussions yeah those are more physical repercussions but I would never yeah I would never like cheat on a vegan diet for any reason yeah yeah all it took for me was just watching some of that sad stuff and it's not it's not food anymore for me so yeah it's not it's not a matter of cheating there's no part of me that like wants to eat dairy cheese or wants to eat meat so yeah no we don't we don't cheat on our vegan diet Nayeli Espinoza says you guys genuinely love the dink fam that's true we've met so many of you and y'all are [ __ ] funny is how yeah you know I would again bring you back to twitch I would credit twitch with a lot of these feelings I have after the date them in the podcast of course yeah and we've been at this for so long but I would credit like this sort of forum and twitch where we're directly interacting with you twitch is more instant right because we're seeing chat as we're as we're alive but this is very similar to because we read the comments every week on the podcast but man like it's something that you don't expect like to feel so much love for the people who support you and watch you you always like at least starting out I always thought like I would I would appreciate them X amount and that would just be it but like you guys have grown so much on me as people and as a group of people who choose to interact with me all the time when you don't have to know all the time that you interact with them it's like they're I think that it's a group of people that actually sort of know you better than well for me personally that you know the people that follow the podcasts and the follower twitch know me better or have a better understanding of me as a person and people did you know years ago when I was just making my main channel YouTube videos know which feels really liberating for me because it brings you closer to them but it also feels really accepted you know because they support you they love you and they show you that and you know they're there to laugh and joke around but like I feel much more comfortable being you know my everyday daily self and we can go and play video games or we can sit here and have a conversation without the burden of it being how outrageously entertaining and people are still enjoying that because they enjoy you as a person so yeah that I think that for me having that response from people and then getting to know them a lot of them by name a lot of them meeting them and not just by their user name something like there y'all's real names yeah it's it's just been really cool and we follow a lot of you and getting to know here less is really [ __ ] funny we do we follow a lot of you guys but similar to how you you know enter a new community and you really really hope it's a safe space for you to interact with people and to talk to a creator or have any sort of presence there you know you hope it's a safe space I am the same way with you guys I feel so lucky that you provide us a safe space not just other people but like you give us the sense of like comfort and you know you have our backs in if we're not feeling well you wish us well or you're not putting pressure on us to do to the stream or whatever you don't I mean like I feel a huge huge amount of love and safety from you guys because of how you act and how you are so genuine and how they treat each other though unlike when people come into our twitch stream and they say we have a really nice audience and how some of you guys are friends with each other and I've met through that like it's there's there's a lot there to love and be hard not to love so I'd say yeah we absolutely love yeah we [ __ ] love you guys man [ __ ] all right Jay I'm King says I assume Jenna does not actually have a basketball game tomorrow how dare you how dare you it's tomorrow it's not we actually tossed around the idea of going to film of a basketball highlights video obviously if he doesn't game is tomorrow so I would just film me practicing yeah so it's tomorrow guys don't worry nah man it's tomorrow um Becca wrote well actually see this is a username I know her name's Reston pugs but I know her as Becca cuz she's been around for so long and yeah she wrote a similar question the Digg fan became a bigger part of your lives and you ever expect her to pretty much answer that but yes corrected Ted absolutely Julianne learned in his 20s not to put silverware in the microwave [Laughter] come on is it true come on I learned it in my teens to be fair though you put out a fire in your kitchen for your mom when you were like 10 so even if you had done something like that you would at least know how to put the fire out mm-hmm I did have I told that sorry I probably have yeah yeah yeah don't buy teapots with rubber handles unless you have a son who is a firefighter who's 12 you're part of the Illuminati probably Alicia says no beads [Music] like if you think they would let anyone with a like a youtube channel have any access to any kind of [ __ ] like absolutely imma be in the Illuminati the aluminum arches down below they probably let Shane in first before anyone so they can get him on their side it's a good business move for them for them y'all are really four night players in your spare time MUA Jordan says listen Jordan every hour that I am NOT streaming on Twitch I am playing fortnight on my computer and not telling anyone about it every single hour no remember that one person came into chat that was that we were playing pub G and they were like do you guys play for nine we were like no and then they were like we know you guys play fortnight it's like okay got us nothing against for tonight no but like we recently tried it on as a lot of fun play everyone yeah [ __ ] ton of content there it's pretty great if Julian wasn't with Jenna he wouldn't be vegan Natalie Hewitt says yes and no yes because she introduced me to it so I credit her for that mmm and I wouldn't have found it like I did if I was if I was not with you but speaking now if we were not together now I would still be vegan 100% but let's say together as friends I love being friends do you ends with use the best faith Nickerson says you rarely disagree on what you want to eat well Julian only wants pad thai so only only on nights where the day of the week ends in a whi though we can usually come up with something that we'll both eat like we'll both be fine it's not like we have tons of choices if we wanted to like order we have like the same go-to recipes and we're usually sort of in the same mood like we have a little bit of a weekly schedule of food so yeah I would say that's true I also disagree yeah cheat day if I'm like and by cheat day I mean we don't eat the two days just where we have like our french fries are yeah yeah so I'll usually want Carl's jr. has the burgers just so good [ __ ] that's like what are the only nights of the week though Sunday nights though is one way of eating separately yeah cuz it's like this is one night a week yeah it's like your one good food and I'm like I know what pad thai yeah but I also feel like you and I have developed a good barometer of when the other person needs their favourite food yeah so like when I win I can tell you you need pasta I need it we make pasta and then likewise for like Thai food you know Asian food Zara says you guys don't like to go out and party you much prefer to stay home how could you tell at this way in my life yes yeah there was a time when I really enjoyed going out a lot but it's not that fun for me anymore yeah I never really was into it I really was I really only went out because he wanted to go would you rag his ass I was like they're going out and I would put on my super high shoes walk around and just have a good time I thought that was fun you know I didn't drink at a bar and go dancing or whatever we had a lot of fun it wasn't something I would have chose to do but like we get a lot of fun but now if we if we do go out or we have something to go to like it's fun and then we won't stay very long and we'll come home yeah and then that'll be fun mm-hmm yeah but I don't know it's kind of nice yeah we I think the most trouble we get into is we'll drink and game on a Saturday night but we're still with all of our friends and a lot of you guys watching live yeah enjoying yourselves mm-hmm it's like we're at a bar we just know everybody at the bar and we're also in our house yeah but it's still very social yes yeah Pedro Julian loves locking the dogs and that weird wine room thingy no no we almost literally never do that there's one we usually walk lock them in the game room if there's like someone's coming in the house or like you know there's occasions when it happens when you need the dogs to not be able to walk out the front door well put them in the game room where there's like a big chair and there they all have beds and stuff to sit in and we wouldn't put them in the wine yeah that's where I go when when stream puts me in timeout if I ever do something wrong on stream they put me in and they put me in the wine room to lay down and think about what is a joke 24-hour locked in the wine room challenge isn't there a bathroom one of those going around yeah what the hell I don't know man I haven't really watched what I'm like I think just like you poop and then you smell your poop all day and then you eat with your poop I would eat in the shower with the water on that sounds nice I would make pasta in the shower okay rohnke rousey says your sleep schedule is whack and not really a schedule at all well honestly I think this goes for everyone on the internet you have a sleep schedule or a schedule in general that involves your sleep and overtime something is just like slapping away at it so it gets less and less and less until it doesn't they're called Internet hours yes it's a phenomena that happens amongst all people all people in there either either it's a game we're playing or it's a video we're trying to make or it's a bunch of things somehow it always just disappears then you have to rebuild it right now we're in a good spot though yeah over time as you get better at it and you need to like actually put your foot down and like demand of your body that you're gonna do this or not [ __ ] around and stay up all night like yeah you fix it but it does take some effort I think it's because you have all the you're so free you know like you can work whenever you want so sleep in and like kick it it's like very liberating cuz as younger people we all wake up at the ass crack of dawn to go to school every day and to sleep in it's just like a dream come true you know so when you finally have the ability to do that of course you're gonna let some time go by where you get to stay up late and sleep in but then you realize wow this really isn't that good for me or my body or my mental anything don't you fix it back totally so yeah we are in a good place but we do stay up late and we do we don't wake up at like you know the crack of dawn yeah we don't wake up at 6:00 a.m. I wake up at like 8:30 most days I'll probably wake up at 9:00 or 9:30 yeah Marissa's assumptions about Julian ready for this I'm ready I'm 15 minutes late to everything that's not true not true early or early at the latest I'm never tardy I don't ever I mean I would say like I think she's saying that cuz like I'm always late for stream and stream I'm notoriously late for like we'll say it's 7:00 at 7:30 30 it's 8:00 but as far as in person like I have a if I have a lunch meeting a meeting if I especially was across town I'm gonna leave embarrassingly early just in case there's a terrible traffic jam and I still have time to get there cuz I don't I I hate people I [ __ ] hate being late yeah he's never late and I get a normal with streams sometimes we might be late for a stream because the dogs are fighting and won't finish their stream is different I would admit I'm normally late to stream but other things yeah I like can't allow myself to be late to you like to worse what they have roasted you like to wear clothes that are one size smaller than you should wear who is that to me rude wait what when did no get away from the keyboard and the mixer my god he's our audio engineer not he's gonna drool on the [ __ ] Apollo in short it is this shirt too tight Marissa I don't this is a large am I an XL person should I switch to XL I mean you wear whatever you want but I don't think your clothes are too small um maybe I should look into Excel we'll just we'll test it up okay take a bunch of pictures and you send them to Marissa don't try on clothes for guys okay you stitch fix stitch fix will get you whatever clothes you want at the size that you should be wearing unlike me check it out Tim roasted yourself you're very routine oriented but don't want to admit it I am I love and crave routine you are you are a creature of habit I feel like I have a routine too though I forced you to make a schedule and tell me everything that you're doing there like within within Julian things I have a routine I don't know what the [ __ ] it is but okay but I do that's all that matters like that I understand my routine yet no one else it's like it's like hieroglyphs no one should be able to read or understand my routine as long as I can understand oh that's the area code my like week is always the same everything needs to be the same for me and if something new is gonna come in I need to like mentally prepare myself for it and like decide whether or not I do it mentally physically or emotionally and if there's any change to it I don't like it you know yeah unless I have enough time to prepare for that but like even you know when we take on new stuff like I need to decide whether or not I can fit it in and if I can then I commit to it until forever forever literally until someone else stops it exactly but that's why I won't like add something new in unless I'm like yes I commit to doing this until forever otherwise I need to reevaluate this fitting in this place or this yeah whatever yeah so my schedule is always pretty much the same and I do like routine I like routine too but like my own routine yeah I know your routine but you sound to us a little while you've trained me to make that ledger to other people well cuz he'll just do this thing where he's like yeah I'm gonna go do this and then I'm gonna go do that and then I'm gonna do this and I'm like how did you just add seven things into the day like what the hell carpe diem you know just like gotta do it lastly you don't actually know how to tie your shoes I do know how to tie my shoes but lower case B comma I often pre tie my shoes and then slip on my shoes so like all my Adidas like my ultra boost I don't tie those shoes cuz they're already tied I don't read tie them I like really tightly double knot them and then just slip them on and off so now they're like slip-on shoes with my converse I prefer them untied I like to walk around with them untied that's wild no it's not I think it provides more freedom oh boy and it has a different look if you tie up your converse or your vans or what did I say commerce I meant bands if you tie up your vans or converse granese sneaker like that you look really straight-laced and like I'm not about that I'm just chillin oh you're not a regular dad you're a cool that cool dad oh my laces are untied I should just get some Crocs I have Crocs no I don't currently I don't I have [ __ ] I just got those boots that you have yeah I got her gardening boots really like them or dining that's whatever they're just shoes all right well there it is those are your assumptions about us sir I will say those were all for the most part very kind so thanks for that yell to the people we chose thank you there were some that the only one you were saying like I was like are all of them like are any of them like real nasty some of them were just like shots at us like what like someone was just like y'all are rich and you enjoy being rich oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] I don't know what kind of discussion you wants to have about this tweet but it's exactly this is the discussion just like us looking at each other I don't know but there was a couple were like Julian is just like calling me childish and like that kind of thing but like I guess that's kind of a so that's fine and I deserve it probably but you're a wonderful friend your I would want you to be there with me alongside me as a friend only through anything fake and thin but as a friend and we have to sleep in separate beds cause we're friends yeah like I Love Lucy we sleep in two twin beds next to each other except we're friends though I don't love Lucy I'm friends with Lucy okay I get it cool mm-hmm so we'll put a divider between the beds you don't look at me okay I'm friends with you but also just like turn around okay all right in general okay all right can we all look how about we all agree that where we're gonna put the friends joke in the friend zone and just keep it there well after you just said friends to 30 times you've only made it stronger get it out of your system otherwise it's just gonna keep up the joke yes I've heard it from my system it's gone okay friend no yeah it's gone you can't do that okay friend hey lover [Laughter] sweet pie sweetie pie sweet pea sweetie pee sweetie pees fine sweetie pee hey lover a case we TP a cage Anna welfare is such a weird like oh that's Oh lover [Laughter] well we're just gonna go do lover things like eat dinner together while we look each other in the hold hands with both hands so we just eat with our mouths like it's not that Brent Ben Stiller movie what is that one I can't remember I'm paying Polly no they just get married and then they go to Meet the Fockers meet the parents no they go on their honeymoon oh and he gets cut wait yeah he does that's Along Came Polly at the beginning of a long game long Came Polly yeah no that's what we're jennifer aniston isn't it and she is a ferret yeah but the reason he's heartbroken and falls into her arms is because he was heartbroken and cooked on vacation I think I don't think that's right I think I'm money I'm thinking of I think I'm right I think I'm right Ben Stiller goes on vacation and the girl he's with cheats on him with the guy who runs the boat right on that boat isn't that that's all I came following Along Came Polly is the woman where that's Jennifer innocent note selma Blair or something is the other but there are two girls there are no no we're thinking of there are two girls what yes yeah he is still there is it you know long camp Olly I don't know that is he oh he is okay you're right there's a whole first half of the movie that you're thinking that you're missing oh no no no no I'm thinking of a different movie it's a long game Paula I'm sure everyone is just screaming the right name of the movie right now no it's not oh wait why are we talking about this again oh because they're holding hands while they're eating what are you talking about forgetting sarah marshall because that's not Ben Stiller can we just can we make a bet right now if I'm right what do I get all right everyone just s in chat for Jenna cuz I'm right here there's no way it's not a long game boy there's no way it's not a long game Poli no it's the Heartbreak Kid that's the one I'm thinking of it's not Along Came Polly I've never seen it are you sure the Heartbreak Kid yeah this was the movie poster never seen that girl I was starting Malin Akerman [ __ ] I was wrong yeah she's like I like when we hold hands when we eat so honey she's like eating with her right hand and he's like trying to eat his left hand or whatever he's like [ __ ] we're naughty we're not even just doing the whole both hands and just like scarf it down man picks the follow promise damn I thought I was right on that one no back to the drawing board I guess you guys just have to be involved huh they like know when the podcast is over and they start just like climbing they also know when the stream is over they know our schedule better than we do yet dogs have very strong body clock well thank you guys for hanging out with us and listening to the podcast this week we will be back next week for another one and we'll be on stream all week long happy Airy season this week hope you guys are getting your tornadoes going spinning fast but we appreciate you and thank you for sending in your assumptions help you guys have a good week bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 1,804,394
Rating: 4.9441571 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: UCt_sQ26pgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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