Podcast #173 - Unsolved Mysteries

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welcome back to the Julian podcast where we are above water no longer beneath the surface of the ocean this week's episode is brought to you by Squarespace guys Squarespace makes the process of creating your beautiful website a seamless reality okay they have 24/7 customer support plenty of templates and ways to making your own website right now go to Squarespace calm slots Jenna doing you get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain guys if you're intimidated about starting a website Squarespace is the way to go they will help you also guys brought to you by quip is a new awesome convenient toothbrush at an affordable price start such as $25 and it's the sleekest design you've ever seen for an electric toothbrush it's not clunky or big it's nice it looks like it was made by Apple right now you can get your first refill pack for free and get quick calm that's GE tqu IP cop / annejulien or click the link in our description thank you sponsors gracias ell sponsors I majored in Spanish that's correct yo soy peligro yo soy peligro well we are recording this a little bit early this week because I'm gonna be gone but actually by the time you're watching this I'll be back today I'm gonna be going to Minneapolis to do stuff for Super Saturday night and the Super Bowl and all sorts of cool stuff but I'm gonna be gone for a couple days so so is that I'm gonna have a bad time without you're gonna be so jealous okay I know it takes so many pictures of me and my hamster just having a great time can you send him to me are you gonna cry yeah I would cry too cries I'm cold Oh cry the second he comes out I'll just start crying cuz he's just so handsome that I love him so much good goddamn boy well we got today so I thought that we would do a weird things podcast again but then as I like looked for things and got a lot of suggestions from one of you they kind of turned into just unsolved mysteries so I think we'll call this unsolved mysteries with Jenna Julianne right this will be missing people yeah yeah well I solve mysteries some of them are not missing like the bodies were found but just the way that everything happened is very confusing or there's not a lot of like nothing's conclusive about these cases it's going to you scary podcast quickly and and what's cool is quickly I want to shout out invented at invented by Jenna her name's Kayla on Twitter she gave us a whole thread of her favorite unsolved mysteries and we only got about I don't even know how far down she has so many more in that threat so if we fly through these we can just pop her thread open but and look and look there's like so many of them and it dates back to late 2017 so Thank You Kayla for all these suggestions well you're gonna go through some of these unsolved mysteries I've gathered them I did a little research and I put some information on paper so where we could talk about them basically they're just unsolved mysteries and we're gonna talk about them give our opinions of what we think happened what we think went down it's not quite conspiracy theories it's not quite weird things it's somewhere in the middle I was a little bit scared as I was compiling these some of these are a little creepy a candle or a flashlight I'm scared it's dark in here it's very dark oh that's much better thank you okay I feel safe now okay with the flashlight on your phone in this bright bright light room yes I feel better you are welcome thank you the first one up is the Jameson family yes so Julian did the research for these he told me what they were I don't really know what they are yet so I'm I'm scared and excited I'll just sort of read them I'm just like everybody listening I'm scared and excited grab a blanket I don't have one I need a snack too I got a lot of this from reddit for this one so Bobby cherylin Bobby and Sheryl and Jamison were husband and wife and they vanished in October of 2009 with their daughter Madison the family was on a trip supposedly according to their family to buy a new home and were reported missing days after leaving Hunt said journey the remains were found four years later with inconclusive results so that's a short story long story does not usually mean when it says inconclusive results like they're not able to tell if it was a homicide or like how they died or they don't know how they died they don't know what the cause of death was yeah they don't know the cause of death by the time they've discovered there remains a lot of times you can't like run toxology you don't know if they had drugs in them right like we a said four years later yeah okay so but basically they can't tell how they died yeah okay so a couple things one is they were assumed to be meth users because they were emaciated they oftentimes had delusions their family their family backed up that that fact and and that they were you know kind of like just out there with what they would say Bobby actually was I think he told someone in his church I believe that he was having delusions of hauntings he was quoted saying that he was reading a Satanic Bible and that he was seeking special bullets to do battle with spirits stop and a lot of the stuff was kind of viewed and in retrospect as like cult language so yes that they yes they were likely meth users yes they likely were hi experiencing weird illusions but it is possible that there is some sort of cult thing involved which actually circles back to their mom it didn't specify if it was his mom or her mom but one of their mom's cherylin or Bob's mom had an interesting theory that basically was backing up the cult thing that it was that they were put on some sort of cult hit list and as they went out to look for their house or do whatever they said they were gonna do that's when they were offed by said cult leader or cult murderers or whatever really quickly though why would a cult leader wanna kill their cult members well maybe they had maybe they had done something are they barking I don't know I heard about I don't know maybe they had done something I don't know who knows but just a couple facts right so duh three or I think three or four days after three days after their their disappearance their truck was found and their dog was in the truck alive thankfully almost dead malnutrition and everything but the dog was in the truck for three days survived also in the truck was thirty two thousand dollars in cash car keys GPS and both of their phones on their phones were these pictures I was actually just that picture that was Madison their dogs just a picture of how old is she she looks like five yeah yeah I actually don't know if she was young she was probably under eight years old but this was taken a picture of her sitting in the woods you can sort of see it if you look this up you you'll find it but basically it's she looks a little bit in distress in this picture you see she's it's not the greatest picture I think the family had a problem with that picture being released to the public because it looked like the daughter was mistreated or she was upset or something it's not that it's not a happy family picture of the daughter she looks a little like upset well yeah in the picture to the right she looks close to the same age but has her two front teeth and the left one she doesn't have her front teeth that could be just normal she lost her teeth that could be like three months apart she would lose her little yeah but other than that I don't see anything why they wouldn't she just looks like a little girl yeah I mean she doesn't but again photos of kids oftentimes look upset right you got arms cross yeah yeah and so for three and a half years three and a half or four years they went undiscovered they didn't know where their bodies were they didn't know what happened there was a whole entire search party that went through the land of which they were going which was actually private land which was part of the theory that they were going to invest in a house that's what they that was kind of their alibi what state was this is the United States this was in the United States actually don't I had it earlier I remember I the woods it doesn't matter yeah it's it's kind of whatever anyway they had said that they were going to invest in property heads the cash or whatever right and I think that was one of the alibis that they had or that they their family was backing up or whatever who invests in property in cash flow this is 2009 yes they were driving out into this private privately owned land okay a whole search party was conducted swept the whole hill swept miles and miles outside of the radius of the car was found nothing how far was the car from from their bodies they didn't have their bodies for four years so four years later miles and miles away Oh far away from the car yeah there's actually a map where you can see it triangulated where everything is a hunter found three skeletons lying perfectly side-by-side face down the DNA confirmed via you know tests that that was them it was all three of them and so that's kind of where the story Ed's there's a lot of theories on it there's the cult theory there's the theory that and there was a boat there was sorry not there was a hole in Bobby's skull but it wasn't just like you know a hole in bobby skull bullet it wasn't like that conclusive there were a lot of reasons that there could have been a hole who there could have been wildlife eating at the corpses there could have been rotting there's a whole number of things that could have contributed to it also wasn't a perfectly bullet Li shaped bullet shaped hole and also it was four years later so so many different types of you know breakdown could have happened to the human skull but there was there was a hole in Bobby skull there was also I think backed up by her ther family sure sherilyn had a gun that was not in the truck meaning that there could have been a gunshot to his head and it could have been Cheryl ins again very kind of foggy I found a theory that was interesting on reddit bypassed the mash this is three years ago posted to Reddit one he was killed that they were killed by a sociopath with a rifle overall rifle though yeah I'll read the whole I'll just read this whole comment overall I can't see a killer wasting his or her time accompanying the Jameson's through the woods which would be necessary if we envisioned most traditional methods pistol knife strangulation but I can't see an evil individual doing this as a random killing a homicide of opportunity perhaps someone with a rifle spotted them from a distance they were just going hiking and decided to enact some sort of sniper fantasy mmm maybe uh but that wouldn't explain why their bodies are laid out next to each other yes and they're all it also should be noted that there are mudslides in the area so the reasons the reason that hunter probably stumbled across the Bata the skeletons laying on top of the ground is probably because the mud sides like washed away what they were buried underneath it's possible yes they wouldn't just be laying there for four years with no one noticing I'm likely that's possible yeah a third that far into the woods mm-hmm number two I don't I don't love number one honestly because I can't see taking a six year old hike six year old on a plus or minus three-mile hike but when you're a nefarious killer guiding the jameson's at gunpoint or when the Jameson's parent parents interested in exploring the woods you don't want to undertake that journey with Madison it can only lead to misery for everyone involved so this leads me to consider the grim possibility that I haven't seen anyone else on this thread mentioned namely be as vague as possible that Madison died on top of the mountain near the truck and was carried into the woods by her parents who decided to join her in the rest once they arrived at the spot where their bodies could lie together very privately in peace so those are two theories I found that we're just interesting because obviously you have the you have the theory that the like they the cherylin had a gun off Bobby and then whatever else happened or then you have the theory of the a random killing but then you have the suspicions of like the coke thing which is really weird to me but you have to remember that they were meth users yeah I feel like my yeah I think the point that no one even if they had that cache of the whole we're gonna invest in land a sort of a decoy to their families that they're you know they owe somebody money or they're in some kind of trouble like I mean it is possible that somebody wanted to get them as far as from land you know where people travel and hang out at as possible three miles is pretty far you know yeah to walk them in there or to carry them in there I feel like it's more plausible that whatever he was reading or like into even if she had a gun he probably used the gun if it's if she's not into that stuff and it's just him but they're both meth users they convince each other that they're gonna go do some satanic [ __ ] in the woods and they decide to all die together it could have been something planned or weird like that that's what I'm yeah I mean it's delaying the laying parallel to each other I mean if if a hunter or a bad person with a gun kills a random group of people well if somebody killed someone with a rifle you there would be like forensic evidence of that right you don't think that's something on their on their skeletons would lead to point to something like that yeah you know like it's three years it's not a hundred years right this thing didn't break down like a skeleton does over years and years it was three or four three and a half four years I don't know I mean that one for me is like that's so sad it's sad but the wild-card for me is like it's the the drug use you know cuz it could have been any number of things they could have even been involved in selling or dealing drugs and could have gotten mixed up with the wrong people hence tried to escape and then got caught or something yeah by their long leaders or boss or whatever I guess the weird thing about you know even if they were like alright we're gonna go out to the woods and mommy and daddy are gonna kill themselves and we're gonna take you with us like why would they leave their dog and all that cash in the car you know if this was someone that wanted that money and was you know expecting them to give them money or something why wouldn't they take the cash or like well the car was described as if they had left in a hurry that's what I'm saying yeah so either they were having crazy delusions and running away from huffing that's possible or they were really running away from something dangerous that caught them yeah it's really sad it is sad well I don't have a solution for that one I guess we'll just leave that one unsolved tears oh yeah I mean if it's unsolved its unsolved we're not gonna sit we're not gonna sit here we're just giving our two cents just really sad it's sad this next one is gnarly you ready what's your best gift I'm not done that's sad I don't have a best guess I just think it's I think it's such a wild card with the drug use I think they were the cash to me makes me feel like they were involved in drugs yeah who lists $32,000 of cash laying around nobody in 2009 in 2009 but also just like and supposedly she had a gun right oh and there was another point of like cherylin would often write letters to Bob of like anger and like frustration so there was definitely strife between the two and the mother confirmed this but that's not really pointing to anything right that's just kind of like normal I mean I'm normal but there's no there's no that doesn't lead anything that's just I don't know maybe they really were planning on investing in property and then they got in a big messy meth fight in the car and when killed each other but my thing is well as a meth user we'll just died of exposure out there it's possible you know like if they got in a fight or something what if they were like chasing some delusion or some fake thing I mean I'm sure Don met oh really know what that's restless you here's a theory okay they were getting in a fight the problem with this is like I have a hard time believing a meth user or two meth users too heavy meth users would leave behind cash that's that's their ticket to the next high I don't leave behind cash unless you you're planning on dying or something or it's over or you're having the weirdest trip ever not trip but you're just going through a weird what do you call it when you're not enough you're high as [ __ ] and you do you like you you're thinking everything's over and so like you have you must have to be crazy high out of your mind on that stuff to leave behind thirty to thirty two thousand dollars of cash because that's your ticket to staying high right don't meth users feel like I'll do anything for the next well yeah we can all agree that it wasn't their intention to leave their money in the car and go die so you think that they were having a crazy trip they went out in a hurry I'm just saying it's possible oh yeah I'm just trying to fight but they had the daughter with them yeah it's possible that they killed each other or a murder-suicide and the little girl like didn't was so far away and in the woods that she sort of just stayed with their bodies and didn't know what to do and just lay down next to the died of exposure of thirst hunger see exhaustion hmm so the daughter might have died after I said it before possible it's possible that they all died of different causes yeah I agree if one overdose and then died in the woods and then the father killed himself or what if the mother killed the father then she died because she was high on meth and where it [ __ ] up and I'm the girl died last or something like you said yeah it's just really sad I feel like I'm in I could never be a police officer it would be too sad all the time this feel bad for a little girl man your parents are drug users and mmm sucks it's an unfortunate one this one the next one is pretty [ __ ] this is a the case of ELISA Lam I know what this one is sources Wikipedia there's videos of them yeah we get to that okay Lisa Lam was found dead in the water tank on top of the Cecil then called the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles in 2013 it's five years ago guys security footage of her before she went missing was her pushing multiple buttons peering in and out as if he was looking for someone in motioning a very strange way as if she's talking to someone in and out of the elevator and in the hallways hotel guests this hopefully you're not eating right now hotel guests began to complain about the taste and color of the water which led to the discovery of the body inside the water tank on top of the hotel there were complaints that it tasted weird and that it was coming out black she had bipolar disorder which is a huge huge point in this story but many people claim the video was altered before being released which is another interesting point there's sort of an account here that it's a little bit long and lengthy but I think it's important to the story so I'm gonna read it okay it's about the security footage in the clip the camera is at at one of the elevators cabs rear corner and it looks down from the ceiling offering a view of not just its interior but the hallway outside it's pretty grainy the timestamp at the bottom is obscured and at certain points her mouth is pixelized and this is the video that was released from the hotel to the public at the start land enters in red zippered hooded sweatshirt over a grey t-shirt with black shorts and sandals she enters from the left and goes to the control panel appears I think they were referring to the buttons right on the elevator appears to select several floors and then steps back into the corner after a few seconds during which the door fails to close she steps up to it leans forward so her head is through the door looks in both directions then quickly steps back in backing up to the wall and then to the corner near the control panel the door remains open she walks to do it again and stands in the in the doorway leaning on the side suddenly she steps to the hall then to her side then back in looking side to side and back out and back inside the elevator and just for a few seconds when she steps sideways she's mostly invisible behind the wall outside the elevator and she has her back to the outside the door remained open her arm can be seen going up to her head and then she turns to reenter the cab putting both hands on the side of the door and then goes to the control panel panel presses many more buttons some more than once and then returns to the wall where she is partially obscured then she puts both of her hands over her ears briefly as she walks back to the section of the wall that she had been standing against before the door remains up and she turns to her right begins rubbing her forearms together and waves her hands out to her sides with her palms flat fingers outstretched while bowing forward slightly and rocking gently this can all be seen through the door which remains open as she backs to the wall again and walks away to the left it closes so she she has this whole sort of weird encounter with herself where she's walking in and out of the elevator checking down the hallway looking up looking down raising your arms pressing buttons going you in the corner and repeating over and over and over and it's all on camera but the door will not close she then walks away and then the door closes creepy absolutely creepy the fact that that's on video is creepy yeah that's why I was saying the video you can find those videos on your own I have screenshots videos I saw some of it online yeah it's pretty famous video footage at this one there were the toxology you know and and the autopsy had no evidence of drugs or sexual assault or suicide she was found in the water tank floating aside her belongings and clothes and that's that's [ __ ] it wasn't there like it's incredibly difficult to get up to that water yes sorry yes good call there okay so the water tanks really high up the the lid to the top of the water tank is incredibly heavy it usually requires two people to get you know access to it there was no ladder found and it's very hot like you can't climb this thing that was a good point the water take itself was mounted on cinder blocks so the water tank isn't flush on the ground it's it's elevated so getting on top of this thing seems like a really really hard and then probable for one young woman at least without help yeah yeah good good point I forgot to mention that and again no ladder no no any sort of structure where they could have assumed that she got up from yeah I'm not um maybe this is an unpopular opinion because I'm not buying any bipolar like even if she was diagnosed with bipolar depending what kind of bipolar she had I think it you do you can have manic episodes but it's not this like you get into an elevator and the elevator doesn't close that to me is out of the ordinary well what do you have to what I agree devil's a view here though why would her mouth be pixelized pixelated that so some of this seems pretty a little creepy almost ghost or EE but then some of that feels like a cover-up like what could could there could there have been like because again they said specifically the wall she was standing against made her made it so she's like part of her was not visible to the camera is it possible that there was another camera angle showing a whole nother side of this interaction with maybe another person that was never released maybe and when they blurred her mouth that was her saying someone's name that they could have maybe discovered upon reading that tape over and over even still though like how did she get up in that water tower how she got up in the water towers is weird it's weird man I don't the fact that like this is the last footage of her right is in the elevator isn't that hotel also known to be relatively haunted I don't know they've since changed their name I know that there was a whole bunch of loss who's after this happened both from her family and the guests of the hotel I'm sure yeah if you think so I'm sure you're right I just recalled yeah I didn't look into the hotel but I'm sure you know I spent only so much time on each of these stories so I'm sure there's a lot more information and that goes for all these stories like if I miss something or we got all those I'm wrong I apologize I just the last time that I had watched that footage it was like really creepy hmm to the point where it's like okay she could totally be diagnosed with bipolar but this doesn't read bipolar behavior to me this reads like there's something real creepy going on to me well bipolar is one thing but what I mean having a manic episode where you're seeing your would you call it delusional when your depends what kind of bipolar she has but it's not always are there certain types of bipolar where you see things that aren't there that's not like polar like schizophrenia yeah that's what I think too and I know nothing oh you guys correct me it's been a long time since I was in school but I didn't think so it's just more of the UH like a manic sort of you're you're on a high and and then you crash sort of mm-hmm and then you have depressive episodes it's really bad yeah no I know I know I've seen the behavior it doesn't seem like well a manic episode for a schizophrenic though is sometimes delusions the yes that kind of thing but they didn't mention that sure well she maybe she wasn't diagnosed with that but they eat that it's possible that she was just hallucinating and having you know seeing things hearing voices talking to people that weren't there but how did she get in that water how did she get in water showers the biggest mystery for me is like if there's like the lid was on right she was in the round dead and the lid was on she was in that thing so if we're really stretching here she might have been talking to a ghost that was threatening her if she didn't do something she was gonna end up dead and the ghosts way of killing her was putting her in the water tank right like that's the creepy kind of unknown part cuz if she was just found dead or she had jumped the building or heard when missing I mean a lot of that you could sort of like you know you could sort of rationalize that she might have been killed in any sort of normal way but to have her be dead inside this water tag and floating next to her clothes and belongings why next to why was she wearing she was naked yeah and so everything was floating okay that makes no sense and the fact that the investigative unit did not find a single piece of evidence pointing to the fact that she could have hoisted herself up I mean if she got in that water tank I'm sure she could have done it with help right like it doesn't seem like she just what I'm saying is it doesn't seem like she got into a place where it was otherwise impossible physically to get into it's a water tank yes it's very unlikely and really hard to believe and almost impossible for one person get themselves in there without any ladder or something like that but the tank itself with the right assistance can be entered right of course I mean I I don't know what the water tank looked like but like where I grew up there was a place with big water tanks like that it's it subsea like face like it's metal you can't climb up it and even if someone had like put me on their hands and like cheerleader threw me into the air it's still difficult to get in there and there if there's no ladder you know what I mean those things are built like that for a reason yeah it's hard to believe someone who's having such a weird episode like yelling potentially at themselves right or someone that we don't see mm-hmm his cognitive cognitive enough to get themselves so physically you know demanding we I imagine some people's argument is like that's how she got herself up there is because maybe she was having a manic episode or you know she was capable she was capable of anything I don't know hmm to me the whole thing just seems really really really really creepy mmm that is creepy cuz it's like it's it's almost too bizarre to even be like a murder it's uncle it's the weirdest creepiest thing ever yeah I just I don't know that the fact that the door does the whole thing yet that's that's to me is like there's maybe there's not even anything going on with her at all like she's like rocking back and forth there's weird it's like dealing with something on the hotel that elevator door wasn't closing that's not her that has nothing to do with her and she just keeps walking in and out and rocking back and forth and like rubbing her arms together no thank you I don't know man all of that seems so creepy to me let go stuff to me but there aren't like there's almost no aside from people saying that a demon attacked them and stuff isn't it there's very few times when ghosts have actually hurt people is that am I making that up I thought that was the thing no I think I think you're right I think there's a link there's far more accounts of people interacting with ghosts that haven't been hurtin by them then there are people interacting getting physical they've gotten scratches and stuff from ghosts and demons but like a ghost actually hurting someone I thought was really really really uncommon or telling them I agree I agree if it's even possible well I mean I could be up all night looking at this story and finding more facts about it cuz it's really interesting that stuff's again just really all the way sad though how old is she son ug she was young look at her maybe late 20s early 30s hmm that footage is just it's so much let's talk about 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bipolar it didn't specify bipolar one or two you can have them as visual auditory tactile olfactory or kinesthetic hallucinations are more likely to be auditory than visual and people with bipolar disorder you're more likely to have hallucinations if you experience a severe mood swings hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms are also more likely to happen with those with schizophrenia rather than those with bipolar disorder that's why people with bipolar disorder who have hallucinations can be incorrectly diagnosed tada so this says that it auditory hallucinations are more common than visual ones so it is possible she was hallucinating either visual or sound or both mm-hmm and that if she had maybe had some other hallucinations in the past she could have been incorrectly diagnosed with schizophrenia but typically someone wouldn't diagnose you with schizophrenia and you just had bipolar hmm it's true but it's also not it's safe to say that just because she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder that she was not also schizophrenic and was undiagnosed that is also possible mm-hmm either way doesn't explain how she got in that water tower but I did want to clarify thank you for that that's important all right the next one is called the man from torrid this is so lit this source this is my favorite [ __ ] the source from this is anomaly infocom anomaly is low calm not our sponsors okay I'll just kind of read you the it was like this corner written very story like so I'm gonna read it as is because I feel like it does the best job of painting a picture on a hot day in July 1954 officials at the Tokyo Airport in Japan were confronted with a puzzling problem a travel from Europe with a passport for a country called torrid ta u re D as that as the traveler looked European not Japanese claimed his country was in Europe and carried money from several European countries the airport officials felt that there had to be a simple explanation why they didn't know what this country was on his passport so they pulled him over to a room and started to ask him questions as he tried to locate the information on torrid the traveller started to become angry he stated this was his third trip this year to Japan for his company and he been making such trip for the past five years and he couldn't understand what the hell this delay was for approving a trip that he's taken so many times but the company he claims to be coming to visit said they the official said they didn't know what it was and they couldn't even find proof that the company was a thing let alone that he claimed to work for it the hotel also claimed that he did not have reservations or did they know who he was he could speak Japanese very well among other languages he was seemingly further proof of his previous contact with Japan with Japan he spoke French natively and was genuinely shocked that he could not find his country on a world map presented to him by the officials he stated that his country was located where the map showed the principal of Andorra along with parts of France and Spain said that turret had existed for almost a thousand years so it should have been on the map not surprisingly he soon demanded talk to government officials government officials to clear the matter up since he couldn't be detained to the airports room overnight they put him in a in a room at a nearby hotel that was guarded overnight to immigration officials were set to guard the room the unknown traveler was not to leave till the authorities have made a decision on the whole problem he would serve dinner his room soon went to sleep it had been a long day for him though the door to his room was guarded all night when they checked in the morning he and his belongings were completely gone the only other exit was a Ledge list window high above a busy street the traveler was gone never to be heard from again which solved the Amidah problem for the officials right how do we find this lost man's country and what is what is he doing here but it left's a larger problem for the world to discover who was the man from torrid he come from an alternate dimension as some have guessed many websites pondering this even pointing out the initial reports of the matter come from calling Wilson's book the directory of possibilities published well before the internet was a thing so this is not some your internet story but a genuine paranormal mystery that may never be solved maybe paranoia so interesting interesting interesting so many things about us are interesting one thing that jumps out of me is that he says my country has existed for a thousand years yet he's still traveling by airport so the alternate universe the alternate reality alternate dimension seems like the most the most plausible thing here he said you mean he still travels by airport you're really far away from the mic I can't really hear that well what I'm saying is he he literally got on an airplane and flew there if he was gonna freak out about the technology he would probably done it then right though that's what I'm saying like he's not from the future he's from now but in an alternate universe right yeah yeah that's what I'm saying I'm not saying what I'm saying is like I think he's from adjust that there was it was cross dimensions he got put into the wrong time but seem same time just in a different dimension and so I don't know what do you think we yeah that's exactly what I think I love that I think it's so cool and he had a passport from the country torrid right stumped officials right that they like what is this country yeah and the fact that he was also they there was no body at the base of that building he didn't jump out and kill himself right where did he go did he find the portal and go back to his his property man I don't it for someone like that that doesn't seem like he even knew that he had shifted dimensions obviously this was an accident so somebody came to pick up the pieces and it's called the Orville [Music] Jason okay but imagine I know imagine if this is you right or make me magic isn't me I go to the airport tomorrow like hey I gotta go to Minneapolis and they're just like mini what and I'm like right here mini ambos and I point to the map and it's called gurgle GRU I'm like that's not where that is mm-hmm and they're like what do you mean Minneapolis what are you even going for I'm like the Superbowl they're like the Superbowl has it happened in hundreds of years and I'm just like what are you talking about yeah but or the Superbowl doesn't exist or what is the Superbowl I think that for someone that and this is all totally theory obviously but for someone that's what what are you doing for someone that like switches timelines or dimensions or alternate realities I don't think that they're aware of it you know if people were aware of it then they would likely have studied it and control it so or try to harness it as a thing I think anyone that's ever jumped a time liner and to an alternate dimension has never meant to it's been an accident so I don't think he escaped or disappeared I feel like some other being was like whoops and just plucked out and threw him back into his dimension or some force of the universe did it yes not a person he had a limited amount of time to exist in this dimension before he just naturally disappeared yeah like what if he was gone from both dimensions after this totally he accidentally slipped out of his dimension went to briefly to a different one right parallel to his and then was disintegrated because he couldn't be there for that long it's interesting to think about like when it's put in terms of like just normal travel right like you like I said like say I'm going to Minnesota and aha no any nobody knows where Minnesota is and it's not part of the map and I'm so I'm so in like in my brain I'm so positive of like the fact that that's a real place and I know it exists and that I know I'm going there it's like the Mandela effect on stir it's like little things that we'd remember as Berenstein bears eventually if you know you put your imagination to it it could become bigger and bigger and bigger yes to where you're like I swear but there's everywhere was a country called torrid near France and Spain and then maybe it affects literally everyone everyone is on the same page except for you and you're the only one that's like y'all don't [ __ ] remember tarik because that's where I'm from it's a good way to put it them in dawa effect on steroids yeah it's like but maybe that's all that shifting dimensions is wow wow that's gotten the gears moving right that's interesting it's like it's the same life everything's the same except things are slightly different that you saw if they happen then it's larger change like a piece of land or a body of water instead of just like the name of a children's book hold on I have a question then does that mean that we are living in a slightly alternated universe or slightly alternated timeline than the one we might have grown up on it's totally possible um yeah does that explain the Mendel effect basically it doesn't it doesn't good it could in theory though it couldn't theory right like one-one linear dimension of time not linear one dimension sorry what I'm trying to think of the word what is the word for whatever one dimension of time is us as kids it was spelled Berenstein bears then we slightly shifted and we're adults everything's pretty much the same except now it's berenstain bears mm-hmm is that kind of what you're saying that's the middle of it okay so you're saying this okay this is [ __ ] interesting well oh so this happened in 1954 mm-hm the country according to him had existed for quote a thousand or thousands ah let me see genuinely shocked locating or not surprisingly might be on the first page hold on what did they say was that was what did the number thousand come into play where was like said my country has existed for he either said you I didn't understand if you said a thousand or thousands of years almost a thousand years so it should have been on the map so in 1954 that means it's been around since 1854 no that's hundred that's a hundred years summarizes this is the eleven hundred or thousand not like nine hundred that would be a thousand years said almost so yeah yeah you had it right then okay so if we have if if in your lifetime you have a Mandela effect that's relatively small like a children's book over the course of a thousand years maybe that's enough Mandela effect for it country just completely not exist and somehow he shifted a time line differently at a different time than everyone else did or like got pushed instead of like slowly going through it where you don't realize it maybe when he got on that airplane for him in his current reality it like completely shifted a thousand years worth of Mandela effects for him to fully feel the effects of all the languages are the same most of the countries are exciting airports at the same my country as a whole just doesn't it but it was just that day because he had traveled to Japan or he trout yabbies in Japan's Airport so he had gotten to Japan from torrid likely to him or you know according to him according him you've done it before yes that day yeah he like shifted across the time and space continue to the point where he's so confused his country doesn't even exist anymore imagine the [ __ ] freak out you'd have if you go to the airport and you're just like what in the world do you mean the United States of America is in a country yeah it says it right here on my passport I can point to it on a map I have it on my iPhone and I see roomful of officials government officials flabbergasted at my passport it's probably just as freaky on both sides yeah I think that he had shifted dimensions or I think I think that's the only I wish they took a picture of his passport yeah it says it's documented right yeah it's 1954 they could have taken a picture right yeah yeah and I wish they took a picture of his passport show us the tour ID passport it could totally be in there government documents they haven't released it that's possible I'm shooting a quick Google search torrid Passport what do you think it looked like that's a torrid on it good guess what I searched google image toward passport and it said there is no internet connection Oh are we are we shifting is this it yeah I think this is it access denied dude what is happening okay I got the picture it says cancelled there's a big stamp across it this is cancelled so they cancelled his torrid Passport that's rude oh my god this is wild tourist visa 19 March 25th 1999 one [ __ ] was maybe there isn't a picture of it huh this might be it yeah I don't know I couldn't make a look for hours anyway that one's that one's probably the most interesting to me I like I like stuff like that too because it's not dark like noni disappeared you know something I did but he's probably fine mr. torrid we hope your country wins a million medals in the Olympics doesn't exist torrid man that's well okay well that's gonna wrap it up for these unsolved mysteries if you guys want us to do more of these first of all go on Twitter and thank invented by Jenna for these because she has an incredible threat of these like she must have spent so many hours on it and we will revisit this for a party because I genuinely want to do more of these yeah I agree also let me know how wrong I was on every one of these in the comments below you just read the story I probably missed something it's okay yeah those are fun thank you guys for hanging out sad and scary but it's not and scary fun interesting well we'll see you guys next week for another podcast my Julie comes home I will be home hopefully you guys have a wonderful week and uh tonight we will be on Twitch live via the power of the Internet from the country of torrid there should be a video game like based on that that's right like you know the closing point of the game is like you've made it back to torrid and your similar timeline like the beginning of the game you open up and you're just getting on a flight to Tokyo and then they detain you or whatever and then you spend the entire game just trying to figure out how to get back every time [ __ ] god she [ __ ] a that's pretty lit up right me done they should name the next pub GMaps torrent door thank you guys for hanging out hope you have a wonderful week we'll see you tonight on Twitch and [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 1,654,643
Rating: 4.9388685 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: 177tURYIfv0
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Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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