Podcast #275 - Choose Your Vacation

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ding-ding-ding welcome back to it's getting harder and harder to give a [ __ ] about what I look like every day yeah you look good yeah no you know yeah welcome back to the Jillian podcast this episode is brought to you by this skim get your day started with this skin in five minutes or less you can skim the most important news of the day just go do the skin th es ki mmm that's two M's coms last channel Julian and your email signup it's completely free and I entered to win $250 Visa gift card when you subscribe check it out also Squarespace if you guys what kind of build the website do a Squarespace Keanu Reeves does it so you should as well go to Squarespace comm / - no Julian to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain or just check out a free trial that is completely free hit the link down below to get started thank you sponsors goosebumps I personally think you're very illustrious stock of onesies that you have in your in your closet has just been waiting mm-hmm it's whole entire onesies life for right now because you are rotating onesies like it is your job yeah why you have to roast me like that why do you have to expose me like well first of all no is accepting you're on-camera and like they can't see anything they don't know it could be a cool shirt okay that's how cameras work oh yeah no okay close your eyes now now just listen to the onesie no it's you know what it's I don't like it I like it I love the way this guy love the way this onesie is kind well I mean I think it onesies don't really serve any other purpose than what you're using them for which is we're stuck at home and it's functional unless you have to pee or poo I just take it all the way off to be I just pee and then I switch them out oh wow I just go and there's so much fabric that it just absorbs Julien was no water on the floor that's water disgusting I'm calling the police let they said man please stop falling so I compose and empty the hoes Julian I'm losing it a little bit too yeah what's that thing he's being sensitive I'll put rat you found if he wants a hug he's satting me you know so funny when I was little does he know that's a compliment okay when I was feeding him this morning you know when you go to give her breast feeding Julian please that is so wrong in so many levels when I gave him his medicine this morning what do you know when you give him his medicine and a lot of dogs will if there's a pill they have they'll spit it out and they can tell he's in there because I got a like trick him and finagle him and when Kermit first got diagnosed with Cushing's disease I was giving it to him in peanut butter because I thought maybe he was gonna be a dog he had to trick and he always took it really easy he was really good about it yeah like I literally just throw that pill on the top of his like foo same every day if he may eat every little speck of anything in that bowl he could so you just like a little sprinkle it on top like it's a little piece of parmesan on pasta and they eat everything it's a pill it's naked you don't even have to like blend it in yeah they're nasty and in fact if peach eats fast enough she'll get over to Kermit's bold choice eating the Med I know I've seen her try and do that before she gets to it I was little treat that's cuz she just is a sucking vacuum she dude this morning so usually I'm the one who gets up and feeds them but this morning I slept in and you got up and fed them and I was a hugging peach and I was like kind of like half asleep I wasn't really asleep but I was trying to be and she makes this noise when food is presented even if she thinks it's presented a sound of it's baby food because she's like salivating at the mouth and like shows it like eating nothing just getting her jaw warmed up and just like suctioning her tongue it's like this really strong and then she's our shivered and I was hugging her I was really trying like if she helps me sleep so I was just talking her and I just felt this like shaking and licking and just like a monster like she was transforming from a caterpillar to not a butterfly a monster mm-hmm and that's peaches response to food she would do anything for food she has done anything she has done anything and I have to break things up for her because even though she has teeth and can chew she will sometimes eat things so fast that she doesn't bother chewing or eating she just she doesn't choke on stuff Kermit sometimes chokes on stuff because he only has three teeth so he literally doesn't chew but she just eats so fast that I think she's gonna choke every time like she might choke scary yeah she's just like her daddy one of those bulls where they have to like work around it like yeah we should hate it but that would give us enough time for like Kermit to finish his food and marbled to finish his video or she goes over there and tries it every day two times a day she goes over there she tries it and then for an hour she's licking the entire floor that whole room and sides wall anything might smell like the entire family will be outside or in another room and peach is not there and I'm like peach where are you she's in there licking the floor everything trying to spend 45 minutes to maybe get one calorie burnt meanwhile burning probably like 50 she was burning too many calories looking for calories Oh God well that's a mood peach burning too many calories looking for more calories send nudes stop making fun of me no that's what you're once he says but it's noodles yeah so it didn't mean like nude photos it means noodles because nude is the first part of noodle smiling me like that you want to go on a vacation I would love to because let's go on a vacation time last year we were on a vacation mm-hmm and we've tried as adults because I feel like I went ten years without taking a proper vacation like we traveled to her work we're very lucky very fortunate to go places that neither of us were expected but they were you know for work so you're there for whatever reason and the majority of your time there is felt like yeah getting there ya know doing a walk through you know getting prepped the day one day off in the location that you're at yeah but um for like ten years I didn't take a actual like week off vacation aside from Christmas mm-hmm which I would always give myself you're usually a hosting family or traveling to see family and it's not really yeah you don't really get any yeah days off you're not driving mm-hmm yeah whatever um this past year last year yeah 2019 we decided to actually like take a week off and we went to Hawaii and we had booked it months and months in advance were like we're doing this we had no idea what we were gonna do once we got there we just booked it set all the dates like Ken you know the podcast our videos just scheduled out breaking everything and we went and I don't know what's wrong with me as an adult like it's a normal thing to take time off weeks off take destination vacation yeah it's like so new does I just didn't do it yeah and lovey ten out of ten would recommend and for those of you that do that already good for you good on you yeah you should it serves a very important purpose and it's not just to go and you know do whatever it's really good for your it's mentally go home yeah yeah I I got food poisoning and threw up for probably like ten hours straight and I still would rate the vacation instead out that's how fun it was it was a great vacation anyway so this year we had this is the week that we would be on vacation obviously no but no one is on vacation right now because we're all quarantined at home those of us who are obeying quarantine and we decided it would be a fun game to play well I decided on my own this this was on me I didn't even consult you I just did it I was gonna look up some extravagant vacations Wow so we can all dream so we could well let's all go on a virtual vacation together so you but you will be Kishin peepee you know move over the one behind there you you you coming along with us on vacation so what did you just tell the move don't worry about it so I have five we're gonna I made a game out of it though because I thought it would be fun to not only like review vacations and like to decide which one or the other but I was gonna modify them a little bit throw a little twist on them you know a little julienne twist do you like can I do that no it's intimidating intimidate my surroundings you know what I think of what I think that song that bird that has a paper towel roll on his head thank you I have a problem i watch a lot of bird news so I have five different I guess will say head to head like vacation matches okay I'm gonna read you the blurb on I found it on Expedia it's like an article written by Lili Rogers about all these different extravagant extravagant vacations and what they entail like just a little a little paragraph it's nothing like crazy in depth but I'll read that and then I'll present to you the modifiers that I have added to those vacations and then you can choose which one you want to go on okay that sound good yeah I mean literally any vacation sounds great and some of us I guess like it's somewhat of a vacation cuz you're at home like maybe you don't have to go to your desk job in your job so it feels different from being home back yeah we would all like to go somewhere yeah so let's all take vacations together Victoria just this place I think we had all like a vacation nice mean babe thank you alright so we're gonna start in Aspen Colorado okay I already don't want to go not all luxury must be the waterfront variety and Aspen offers an ample proof though hotel jerome features a fabulous pool and it's indoor charms set a spectacular scene it gives the stunning mountain landscape a run for its money speaking of run those at Aspen Mountain are legendary and appeal to world-class skiers and celebrities alike for some what is that word a press key press key no no ski you want a person for some repressed ski decadence go for cocktails and caviar or the caviar cocktail at the monarch oh and toast to figuring out how to spend a tax refund with aplomb make friends with a member or join this is this is all of these are for only very very rich people okay okay so we can roast these yeah or join caribou Club yourself where you should certainly splurge on some Dom Perignon heaven on earth Spa can sort you out if you hit the slopes or the sips too hard I'll be hitting the steps too hard probably wait till I get it these are with curated spa packages that rejuvenate tired skin and achy muscles basically they just said we all have tired skin wait so doing what these are all just like beyond a luxury vacation but they're all pretty luxurious yeah they're definitely like not your average vacation I chose extravagant vacations to choose from so I can just uh maybe I don't want to go on any well you haven't heard even my modifiers or the Finland opponent here okay sorry selca finland priceless experiences can be of the moment or result of careful planning hopefully you will find both in finnish lapland put snowmobiling and animal tours with Lapland safaris on your itinerary and there's no telling what you'll see or feel out on the open snowy land you can prepare for magical moments at Cox Lawton slot tenman our Arctic Resort in whatever form they take from Glu glimpsing at the northern lights from a reindeer drawn sleigh or the comfort of a private glass-domed igloo to skiing the slopes at Serra selca you will surely experience extraordinary things okay ready so now you're going you're voting between Aspen Colorado and Syrus Elka Finland and I'm gonna read you what they didn't include so in Aspen you have a private hot tub in your quarters but the hot tub is a time machine Julien the ski mountain has a minimum downhill speed limit of 35 miles an hour if you go under 35 miles per hour you will be sighted and you'll have to pay them more money for going slow also there is no water to drink only snowballs lien for Finland if you go out to watch the Northern Lights and they're not visible you must summon them with doing yoga all night can't sleep you have to do yoga all night until the Northern Lights up here that's how the Northern Lights work I'm a scientist you're required to take a siesta inside an igloo every day at 2:00 p.m. pong you have to look at me naked siesta also every wall of your quarters in your house is glass and see-through so there's literally zero privacy so where would you like to go would you like to go to the high-flying ski mountain of Aspen Colorado where there's no water to drink only snow balls or would you go to Finland or you have to take naps and igloos and some in the Northern Lights with yoga I'm not very bad yoga I'm not going to Aspen I do not want to ski period let alone no slower than 30 miles and 35 marks five or not I will die malfeasance I don't know how to ski well you can go fast do you want me to answer your question yes sorry I will die I'm not going to Aspen okay I don't care if everyone sees me naked and if I have to do yoga all night or maybe I don't want to see the Northern Lights and I'll just sleep what you can't you have to do yoga no I don't you literally have to or else you'll be arrested fine then I'll enjoy my siesta naked my glass igloo and do yoga all night I'll just be a backwards person and sleep during the day but I want to go to Aspen go to Aspen I'm not coming with you and I'm not getting in that hot tub time machine oh it's hot tub time machine from the movie hot tub time machine yeah I got that and also from the movie Hot Tub Time Machine 2 I also don't want to go somewhere cold I don't ski I don't do winners well both of these are cold locations I know I don't want to go to either of them okay how about Rochester absolutely not I would meet someday no can I answer what if you asked me do you want to even know the answer I feel like some day it would be nice to travel somewhere cold to explore and see stuff I haven't seen but for right now because I only take one vacation a year and I just started last year zero this this year we can't go anywhere it's still not quite what I want to spend my money on to go and do so you hate both of them but you'll choose Finland I hate both of them but what about the caviar lounge in Aspen no not me no excited no no caviar lounge no caviar no caviar drinks no what about they have a new thing it's called caviar to go and you put it in a coffee cup and you just drink it like coffee I'm gonna throw up okay moving on we are going between carmel-by-the-sea California versus Tuscany Italy carmel-by-the-sea California laid-back California charm meets the pleasures of the good life in carmel-by-the-sea what better introduction to the area then through the grand dame of Carmel will apply a Carmel oh that's the same sentence once the palatial palatial palatial home and salon of local artists the historical hotel uses classic Californian comfort with its beachside location near scenic wineries and hiking trails you like that after a champagne brunch and a quick dip in the pool visit the shops at Carmel Plaza and treat yourself to some Tiffany and Co make your way to cush Day Spa khush day spa for a quick facial or book a spa package for an afternoon of pampering before you call it a night let lab elena transport your luggage to Tuscany with handmade fresh pasta and ok more about the food weight transport why don't I say luggage it's this transport your tongue to Tuscany ok that's so weird that they would say transport your tongue to Tuscany and then the next location is Tuscany like what do you you're making me choose between fake Tuscany in Tuscany ideas anyway classic pasta you get the idea anyway moving on to Tuscany Italy or you could see Tuscany in person Eat Pray Love your way through this extraordinary landscape Eat Pray Love your way through it wit which is both ancient and fresh all at once Castiglione del Bosco is one of the oldest estates in the region and offers modern amenities and in inviting ly warm sweets lazily gaze across the Tuscan hills as you dine in swirl wine on the terrace of Ristorante Campo del drago achieve zen-like levels of serenity on the on-site spas you indulge the sauna steam bath relaxation lounge and private garden take a cooking class rent a bicycle yes join a wine tasting tour and fall in love with how wonderful life can be that sounds nice wait can i before you give me the modifiers can I just like maybe react beforehand and give you my thoughts right here what hell you're gonna throw me no it's heck it's nice I'm trust me I'm gone these are good carmel-by-the-sea is beautiful have you been there yes but it's on the way when we go to visit my brother Julian in the area okay so I think that's super beautiful but like I said since it's on the way where we go visit my brother I'm not sure that I would go there like vacation it would feel a little because we live in Southern California sure it's a little too similar for me to like completely feel like I've gone somewhere you know yeah Carmen don't get on the table sounds lovely though I would love to go but I think I would rather go to Tuscany Italy okay so that's your first impression yeah it sounds lovely I've never been to Italy now let me add you some modifiers what okay okay so in Carmel you're staying in an artist's home and the artists whose home it belongs to constantly tells you to shut up okay cuz you're being too loud you know how it's said you can go treat yourself to some Tiffany Co at the Carmel Plaza yeah for sure all of the shops at Carmel pause are Tiffany Co okay all of them there's not a single other business there's just streets lined with Tiffany no that's it no food that's it pastas illegal in that County what happened to transporting my tongue to Tuscany your tongue will be transported to jail if you have pasta Oh so think about another cuisine cuz you ain't having no pasta and Carmel that's sad I love pasta well now do the modifiers for Tuscany remember it said Eat Pray Love your way through this extraordinary lens and landscape while you're on your trip to Tuscany you have to start every sentence with Eat Pray Love okay okay I can do that you can only consume out of camelbacks okay totally down watch me cooking classes that you take are taught by me okay okay so you're on board yeah okay where's the downside rented bicycles can only fly alright fine they can't ride on the ground I won't darlin don't write ammonia random you go for a rented bicycle ride that's a bicycle it says it's as you can it she achieves n like relaxation levels with a flying bicycle it says alright so what's it gonna be Carmela Tuscany Tuscany somebody want some pasta my guy I want pasta my guy alright so you pick Tuscany yeah it sounds lovely well done I would love to go to Tuscany Squarespace this episode is brought 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Moritz will suit you to a tee come to town during white turf the annual ski during what a ski drink ski competition that draws the CREM of elite sports enthusiasts it's not too many it's not too many athletic events that deem the winner King but this is not an ordinary event so literally if you're a woman and you win this event you are king horse-racing aren't gourmet bites and flowing champagne have made this an a-list winter destination for decades reserved a room at bad roots Palace Hotel where indoor where the indoor pool has a floor-to-ceiling 180 degree view of in Gaudin mountain scenes you'll and you'll also find a hot water bottle tucked into your sheets at night Oh keeps your feet warm a hot water bottle yeah that's what people used to do for you like oh so not for drinking no because I was like why are they talking water in your bed and also why is it warm am i right peach before retiring however wine and dine at the doll mule in and order a nightcap at the cozy local favorite polo bar this all sounds so rich with it's convenient proximity to your hotel and it's on the premises that's what it says it literally says that you don't so worry about if the bartender has a stiff board all right that is going against Greenwich Greenwich Connecticut okay with four beaches historical charm and a tendency to attract the affluent Greenwich Greenwich my brain stopped working long ago Greenwich that's pronounced cream it has to be knows a thing or two about living the highlife Delamar Greenwich harbor hotel we'll get you settled into a lush suite with harbor views order breakfast book a spa treatment and let everyday worries become a thing of the past plan a day on the green at Tamarack county club I can't read Tamarac Country Club or take a tour of the bush Holly house for some local history become a patron of the visual arts at Flynn gallery then relaxed with a pint at the ginger man or craft a cocktail at the national before dinner at Thomas ankle Minh I don't know what any of that means anyway go into st. Moritz so what they forgot to tell you was wait can I react oh yeah sorry I forgot guys so there's a lot of content I'm trying to produce here so right my first reaction is I don't want to go either of those places yeah we know you don't wanna go somewhere cold I don't want to go I also like Aspen or a lot of these places I get so uncomfortable if places are too nice because I'm not like a fancy people you know well this whole game is wrong for you exactly yeah like I have to go somewhere where I can feel comfortable because I'm not of fancy people mm-hmm I feel that so I don't want to I would like to go to Switzerland but maybe not the fancy fancy people part can I go to somewhere else and why do I have to ski I don't want to ski well listen you don't have to ski I also believe that that word is pronounced Greenwich and I don't want to go there because I had to go there multiple times a year in college because we played them in softball I am certainly not eating on a plane to go vacation in Greenwich Connecticut is it called it must be alright well thank you well you have you haven't heard what they haven't told you we beat them st. Moritz the only thing that's on TV at your local hotel or the resort is the ski touring competition you're Candace that's all you can watch room service is only ice and no other humans are staying at the hotel just horses okay that kind of sounds nice that's a selling point but so the only room service is ice but you could get food somewhere else yeah but not room service and the only thing you can watch is the ski competition ok can you bring like Netflix no because if you bring Netflix or a laptop you open up your screen and it's automatically the ski drink allowed to bring a book no they'll hack your book no position inside your book that's ridiculous well it's my game so ok fine yeah with Greenwich every restaurant in town is a Guy Fieri franchise ok it's kind of a bonus you might be there you never know I don't know how much we'll be able to I'm not done all the beaches are bottom nude you literally will be arrested if you have pants on you have to be bottom nude meaning the bottom of your body can't have clothes you can only eat dinner if you golf under an 80 at the Country Club you have to break 80 and if you don't you [ __ ] get back on the course and you break 80 otherwise you're not eating a lick of food good luck surviving if you suck your golf welcome to Grandma's if you take the history tour you have to take a pop quiz and if you don't get an A you can't leave the museum so there's a couple of traps I don't want to be bottom news you might be able to hungry nah I could probably ace that test but for what's to go be bottom nude and not eat anything oh you can't eat just break an 80 and then you can have all the guy fear your food you want that doesn't sound so bad because at least I have fries I'll go to the first one you're gonna go to st. Moritz yeah so you're gonna only eat ice no that's not what you said you said only room service vacations are all about room service so what are you gonna do no they're not I disagree I think they are no they're literally not I think they are okay I think okay go ahead say all the guests being horses sounds kind of nice don't be loud I don't mind maybe I'll go pet them but they're not in pens you're in like hotel rooms I don't care they're not gonna be comfortable they're gonna be kicking the walls nice really loud because they probably order some room service gonna be watching the ski during competition at full volume you might get a hose through the wall at something in the [Laughter] vacationing in horse poop oh God the maintenance crews also horses the tractor all right fine okay next we have Park City Utah whether you want to go to Park City Utah what is with this woman that wrote this that just we just clearly wanted to go skiing really bad it's good there's other places to vacation what about partners and other things to do on vacation she I'm gonna go ahead off on a limb and say that she might have written this article remotely from her skiing vacation Oh whether you come to ski or Explorer Park City will treat you to either of those Park City will treat you with kid gloves or Park City Utah King come here after an unforgettable day skiing the slopes are hiking trails you'll relish some R&R what is on our rack relax and relaxation the five-star spa offers treatments such as ski boot relief with the salt and honey scrub stop you for one second I'm so tired of her talking about okay this is all in like respect like we're roasting this a little bit I respect this person and what they do for a living is a joke but I do not want to ski and I don't care about all these spas I decided along time ago I really don't like spas my strangers touching you I don't like being touched that's fine me - me neither I'm a cold-hearted Virgo and I want you to get your hands off me cuz I don't know you we had a couples massage on our last vacation I had to pee the whole time it was not enjoyable I mean it just it wasn't the worst thing ever but I definitely like I'm not the type of person who would enjoy that either I like it if you gave me a massage or like someone that I know gives me a massage I don't we'll get to that I don't really enjoy a stranger's hands just like all over my body it's very difficult for me to relax fair enough and I had to pee the whole time they offer treatments such as ski boot relief with the salt and honey scrub soothing stone massage and the Aspen Oasis a warm body wrap and rain bath for a meal to write home about visit J&G grill will you be treated to beautiful views and a mind melting tasting what is he doing menu Fox School of wine host events such as fine art whisky and wine or guest invited to indulge in all three make sure to stroll down historic Main Street we're shopping and dining options are prime so that is going up against Bora Bora Wow French Polynesia it's not a place to go skiing when you picture the perfect vacation the iconic image of thatched roof Hut's over turquoise waters probably comes to mind whether you know it or not you're dreaming of Bora Bora it's a it's home to such two hotels such as the intercontinental Bora Bora Resort and philosopher which fits the bill exactly you can practically jump from bed into the balmy waters and you can take a double dip in the deck pools that offer that some of the rooms offer continue you're on water excursion with a private sunset cruise that features champagne and dinner on your own secluded islet spend an afternoon at the Bora Bora Yacht Club where you can feast on fine cuisine in a pristine setting all right Bora Bora I want to go to Bora Bora and not Park City Utah you might rethink that I think Utah's pretty I've actually never been but I would rather you really never been really never I want to take you to Utah I want to take you in a camper van and we'll just drive through you time so see that's the kind of stuff that I would be down to that we can go to Zion and we find me Moab and we can go look at all the stars I'm in the woods and I don't have to see anybody like I really like that anyway I'm I'm a tree person okay are you ever just a tree person sometimes yeah I just I feel much more comfortable if what you're wearing doesn't matter and everything just doesn't matter I agree I'm much more likely to be relaxed I agree even one note that we made after our last vacation if you say the resort was next time we're maybe gonna stay somewhere like more private like a little air being me or something cuz it did feel sometimes like people are getting dressed up to go to breakfast and we're just like we want to wear our [ __ ] I want to look like a mess I'm on vacation not that I don't look like a mess as it is all day every day but like you know I want to continue that streak of hard work I have going for me yeah anyway the only alcohol you're allowed to consume at Park City I'll go with Park City first is ski shots not near beer know every every alcohol has to be drink in a ski shop you know ski shadows know it's when a ski like that you ski with yeah has glued shot glasses on it yeah there's a line of people that stand there and go like this I didn't think it was called a ski shot I think it is anyway water soda liquor wine all have to be consumed in ski shots okay the stone massage is given to you by Nic Cage okay I would let him touch me platonically on the back and the world-famous shopping at historic Main Street is over one is overrun with rats I don't mind rats me neither so I'm trying to make parks any more appealing here okay bora-bora what did you do at night the water turns in lava okay this is a Minecraft pretty much yeah who's your gear if you fall into it you die if you want the whole water turns into lava tonight the only way to go to the bathroom ever is to scuba dive to the bottom of the water okay and use the underwater port-a-potty I don't make the rules except I make the rules if you have to go to the bathroom at night then you just got a scuba dive through the lava into the port it tells you there's a special portal where you can go just to the Porta Potty all right I can amend that how about this in order to pee you have to pee in the water so you have to jump inside you know you you can't get you can't get your business done without getting wet okay you have to jump in the water to pee right underneath your hat cool and poop and last but not least your there at the same time as a beauty influencer brand retreat who's on the brain retreat though it is anyone I know any of my friends just all the video they have like booked all of the cool spots on wherever you're staying and they're having parties every night yeah and you can't go and they're all vlogging oh I'm going to Park City Utah I scared you away from Bora Bora oh no that's so sad all right Chang right Island versus Irvington Virginia is next go to Thailand tucked far in the north of the country Chiang Rai offers a true get away from the daily grind remote lush and unique this place is made for those who want a singular experience stay at the Four Seasons tented camp Golden Triangle why do we have to stay at the Four Seasons where you can meet elephants explore leafy jungles and survey the land from a deck hot tub of your elevated luxury tent indulge in a massage in an open-air treatment room don't schedule a private yoga class at the spa visit various tents throughout the property for meals with new friends and fellow guests or head to the wine cellar for a private dining party if the surrounding flora has you desiring another kind of green head to nearby water for Valley Golf Club I thought I was gonna advertise weed for a day on the links often well yoga apparently are everywhere on vacation people ever just like to like sleep in and know they have a tee time doing nothing Erving Tanvir jigna I'm most sleep through that [ __ ] tee time waterfront charm and small town home eNOS make Irvington an inviting escape Virginia's pretty sailing golfing wine-tasting and picnicking in the park are all on par all par for the course in this historic village though small it packs a punch when it comes to the finer things in life stay at the tides in we're deep soaking tubs a secluded marina refined dining in a therapeutic spa all on hand to melt your worries away walk into town for some shopping find new adornment for yourself or at home objects art or more pick up a gift or dinner pick up a gift or or dinner we're at the dandelion that's weird now that you've got duds what it does was that things now that you got the duds head back to your digs why is she running like this for dinner at the on-site Chesapeake restaurant for the best meal in Irvington ok Chiang Rai first so you know how they said you're staying at the Four Seasons it's now the five seasons you can ask me what the fifth season is what's the floud the private yoga class is super private and personal but also anyone can join for free and it's required to attend by anyone who wants to eat free breakfast buffet ok the wine cellar has a one-way door oh my god so you can never get out well you can just can't use the door how do you get out dig your way out something ok like a rat ok that sounds pretty nice have some pad thai just won't go to the wine cellar and I won't go to the yoga well it's private and very secluded but everyone who wants you to the breakfast buffet must be I don't want to eat in the breakfast buffet but you were required to go to yoga class you have a tee time of the yoga class I do not have a tee time at the yoga class maybe one no okay Irving ttan the whole entire resort is one big escape room okay I've never done this scape room so I'd be down below vacation you're just trying to escape I'd be down for at least the first couple days hoping every staff member is cosplaying as Colonel Sanders don't mind that I will never break character okay it's the same as saying that every staff member that other hotel is a horse I feel like I could work around okay fine they have a VR television viewing experience in your hotel but you can only watch The Big Bang Theory with Morse code narration as the audio track if you look anyone up if you look anyone in the eyes you'll get kicked out don't make eye contact not nerving ten you won't so just picture VR experience of Big Bang Theory and all you hear is the good bit but the laugh track is still there thoughts initial reaction let's go to Thailand really yeah okay even though the fifth season is loud even though the fifth season is loud okay I don't want to be in a place where I'm gonna get kicked out if I make eye contact with someone just wear sunglasses then they can't tell work around but they don't really want to go to either of them well you have to so all right I'd still rather go to tyler's so everything No so I'll see you at everything you you can go to Irvington okay well I'm glad you chose Thailand because I'll be in Irvington so GG's well we're not going to any of these places because we're stuck at home so anyway it reminds me that there's no place like home and I sometimes would just rather stay here well maybe that's that was the goal is to as much as we want to all be on vacation sometimes you get that we're lucky to be at home we are lucky to be at home I hope you enjoyed the game I put together but anyway that's it I wouldn't mind going to hotel where all the people there are horses though how would be good it would smell awful but it would be good thanks for listening and joining us on this escape from our reality two luscious vacation luscious Julie luscious and extravagant just wants to go skiing I hope she Expedia for giving us an article about skiing that poor woman just wants to ski really bad mm-hmm well hopefully I mean this was written in 2017 hopefully she's you know gone down the slopes a few times at least since then I hope so anyway we'll be back next week with another podcast I hope you guys enjoyed choose your vacation if you didn't it's Kermit's fault Oh blame Kermit and hope you guys are all staying safe and keeping it together not losing your mind while stuck at home but we appreciate you guys joining us and we'll see you next week for another [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 379,057
Rating: 4.9572725 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: 9b-zo3xpYLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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