Podcast #149 - Jake Paul

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we welcome back everyone how dare you not do I brings in my head Leslie I need a verbal dating okay okay well gir about the judge Julian pasa this episode is brought to you by list guys during the ride sharing company that believes in treating its people better for lyft calm / savagely and you get a $500 new driver bonus or looking for new drivers guys it's a great gig go - ly ft.com / annejulien limited time only terms apply check it out you won't be sorry also get the newsletter that would fill you in on everything everyone's talking about which is the skin right now go to the skin that's th e sk IMM comm saw scheduling enter your email click subscribe and that's it no money nothing you get filled in on all the top news stories so you can you know dominate your conversations at work it's not the golf that is the goal that goes it perfectly in your morning dominating routine there you go to the skin calm flush anything and you have a chance to win a $250 Visa gift card oh god what have you worked with someone that like you're just every day you show up to work and you're just trying to have small talk in their district domination domination ruthless I've been watching too much doctor disrespect yeah I think that's what that is for those who don't know doctor doctor disrespect is arguably the biggest person on the platform that is twitch right now at least yeah 25 million every single stream what does that mean people are watching but that waited 25 thousand he calls a point you know he's hysterical he was like his bio is like millions of Twitter followers and like things like that I just really like one of the most brilliant characterized I've seen and over time I've never seen a character on Twitch yeah yeah I don't I can only see people being themselves well yeah I mean I don't know how far that goes into like the lifestyle category could be good to be fair like okay let's start this over so we watch a fair amount of twitch yeah but at this point it's mostly pub G which is players of known battle ground wa tuula Julian play in the past we have watched with some of the lifestyle stuff some of the art stuff that kind on gaming yeah like does domestic Dan a character like there are some people that have done this true pseudo characters but he's doing it in a game in the gaming yeah which is very different than he or not yeah he's not playing a video game as himself II sling as a character it's a it's a grown man Miranda sings for twitch yeah I wouldn't even love him in that category because it's like he is he's he's arguably one of the best he's arguably one of the best pub G players you know topped whatever 50 25 right now he was a game designer for he was a level designer college I did yeah so he's got a background video games his name's guy guy Baum I think you pronounce his last name Bobby he's like six eight he's very tall but he's done like Jason our friend Jason first told me about doctor disrespect and I was like hesitant because I I was like I'm I don't know I'm kind of on twitch to just like watch people I don't really need to see a character like I like literally didn't even watch him he told me sounds corny he ideas on scoring it also just sounds like I don't know if that'd be my cup of tea I don't like really just kind of pretty just prejudge it and I don't know how I initially you know watch him but I did somehow and I was hooked right away because I was hysterical he plays this over intense over alpha really really like and what's great is like he's playing the character but he's also [ __ ] so good at the game yeah so it's it's like kind of a cool little combo where he he's talking all this [ __ ] to like kids and like the chat and like the other players I'm talking about how dominating I am usually also like I am the face of twitch I'm twitch he's wearing this ridiculous way was my sunglasses the entire time he plays which I don't know it screams like eight eight hours a day for full-time job whatever and no it's very much a lot of dr. joy in watching what Kobe streams every day is taking a daytime program in crane we we've been watching a lot of twitch in general because we've been twitching a lot yeah the game player in those ala Graham's hasn't had you know vitalize but just like and added a new sense of life into our channel on twitch because it's like the number two or number one game every single night on Twitch yeah and I love it you love watching it everyone in the ding examines watching it I do not like all my friends play it it's like the perfect storm akin to the edge all my friends are dead all of them are dead and there may not be a 24 hour stream happening this week ah stay tuned for that you're still narrowing down the exact day and yeah you know what I mean I can tentatively announce that it's going to be Friday at 6 a.m. obviously that's the answer be finalized right now recording this podcast over the weekend so I haven't formally announced it yet but yeah Friday at 6 animism is what I'm shooting for Friday at 6:00 a.m. Pacific time to fix dinner time should be 9:00 a.m. East Coast time 8 8 6 5 3 a.m. Hawaii for 3 my time let's see what is it London time 12 hours ahead no it's 9 hours ahead although it well that's my 3 p.m. sorry yeah I'm doing a 24 hour stream which I promised you guys I would do so we're doing it and I'm excited for it but you know I'm gonna have to feed you like I'm gonna have to do everything for you but you're gonna have people over to your like going to schedule guests to come on yeah but I can keep stop by we're going to try to have a little little area back here where we people can sit yeah there you have a great time it's gonna be fun it's gonna be a good time we but that's for later there's something more pressing I think we need to talk about a lot of you have asked us to talk about this and really this like there's only one dimension with this whole thing yeah this isn't going to be the biggest discussion then yeah I mean it's pretty much on the same team as as you guys are also on that team which is the Jay Paul story scenario happening right now making headlines all over YouTube and elsewhere so I guess I'll start it for the people under a rock right so Jake Paul who is a vlogger former Viner and younger brother of Logan Paul has quickly become like one of the most talked-about and successful youtubers on the platform in the last couple months millions of millions of views on the daily blogs and everything but starting to really rub a lot of people the wrong way and the most recent story is the posting lone story where basically post Malone who is friends with Ethan from h3h3 productions they post Malone ordered a bunch of J Palmer as sort of a joke because like they were talking about Jay Quellin they were sort of making fun of them whatever on a podcast or wherever else and uh so he bought this merch and this this part of the story is really kind of what fired Jenna up and also kind of neat I was so checking because it's so like fundamentally wrong yeah well I mean so basically what happened was Logan Eric not Logan I'm sorry Jake Paul stole the infant plus Colin's address from fan joy or fan joy gave Jake his address and and Jake figured that he might as well go hand-deliver this merch to post alone see what the beef was and asked him to the other new song and in doing so he recorded the outside of his house he filmed like from a third-person perspective and then like clearly Austin was not ready to be filmed did not want to be filmed and Jake was like is this cool every course we vlog this and he's like yeah of course he genuinely put off and on the spot was a nice guy it seems like and from what I've heard which is why I think this hit so close to home for you because you are such a nice person and you've been put on that exact spot before yeah maybe half an hour tops but you've been firm spot by people who know that they can put nice kind of just like non-confrontational people on the spot to where they will do exactly what they want they'll act exactly how they want they will be welcoming so when just just keep in mind okay this is like you ordering some merch from your favorite company whatever campaign is big company adidas small company likes less than needed or sometimes you order your favorite merch the person who is on the other end of that who's receiving the order are filling order takes your address and conveniently comes to your house with his millions of followers blog and it displays your whole house for all the people who died or anything well it's it's just sick like imagine it's like okay I needed to step back like 20 steps to him because I yesterday was so triggered I was so angry I was so upset like usually I don't like go off on Twitter I don't talk [ __ ] about other YouTube creators for a reason you know unless it really affects the community or it affects something that's going on with the rest of us and that's why I said what I said about Jay Paul which was like this is the most manipulative self-serving you know it like just awful illegal basis an invasion of privacy that I've ever seen yes it really is it has to be illegal it has to be leave there's no way that's not illegal imagine if your [ __ ] Jennifer Lopez and you just you order some sneakers and some guy that works at Nike that pack is your thing is like oh I should just go hand-deliver them to her house she'll probably like that wow that guy has a blog of millions of people maybe he wasn't - I don't even it was out even without that it's incredibly invasive and indefinitely legal there's no way of telling it but so for them the reason I said it was self-serving was because Jake took it upon himself to then film it you know what I mean like even if Jake had done that and just said he did it that is so problematic so illegal so that even that is an invasion of privacy let alone the fact that he filmed it which really proves how truly self-serving his actions are you mean because he wanted to show people that he was going to post on his house it's everything about almost everything Jake Paul does now and has done in the last few weeks and months it's just it's very very self-serving and it's very irresponsible and reckless he doesn't you know I I was 18 was right I had 19 brother ones I know the behavior that goes along with being an entitled young person who thinks that you know you can do whatever you want and you you know no one can tell you this and so I understand I understand that but what he doesn't get is the power in all of the reckless decisions he's making and how it's affecting so many people in such a serious way yeah well I mean to step back I was never bothered by anything the jig Paul is doing like I think it's funny I watched some of the stuff that goes on you know I watch these three videos I was bought like yeah and the community I think at we went through this with people that did pranks for a living you know you go through phases of like you know it's kind of frowned upon what those people are doing but you know it's not they're not doing anything wrong so let them do what they're going to do and then once it gets to a point where you start affecting the lives of other people or we need to step in and say this is wrong like this happened with sand pepper it happened with the fine brothers when they tried to copy right react world and and you know when when it goes past the point of you creating content for you and maybe we don't like it but you're still within the grounds of what you're allowed to do the community is fine with that but when you cross the line of like you're doing something wrong that's actively hurting these people we are a self policing platform because we all know we sat here and we discussed ad nauseam what YouTube does and doesn't do and has control over doesn't give rise up again on Twitter people being like let's sign a petition to get Jake Paul to take down his channel which disappoints me - Michael are you guys more than anyone know that because you've seen us discussing it lightly like all are good because it just because someone's doing something that you don't like doesn't necessarily mean that you get to take away their ability to post on a platform like if I would just like to add a quick guy on a basket point for the sake of discussion guys obviously the self policing platform the the YouTube world where someone acts improperly and gets phased out because of the community itself is in place and will forever be in place to some extent with that said when it when it comes to using your platform to break the law and endanger it is just fall right in here to endanger other people aka daxing post Malone seeing a person who you know has a lot of people who would very likely just show up at their house that's when it feels like okay someone should set it maybe not like the petition to shut down the channel but like I know you're making tons of money off of this kid YouTube but why don't you step in right now because this is in violation almost all your Terms of Service okay but it but when you're violating Terms of Service I don't I don't want to have this conversation on whether or not a YouTube jock alright I'm not trying to switch Jake Paul doesn't it's alright I don't run you don't want to have that I'm not having that conversation I'm really just bringing up a point for devil for devil basket perfect purposes if you you you obviously think that no petition should shut down town and I'm in agreeance with that like I'm not trying I'm not saying that no petition should ever shut down a channel I'm saying like if that person is doing something that's still within the guidelines or like maybe you can have the video taken down that's in question no I'm not sure yeah good but I certainly don't think that it's YouTube's job and I certainly don't want to have the conversation of the nitpicky little gritty sand pieces of should YouTube step in and do something I've heard of certif but you Disney don't care about their enough service but you did mention a few minutes ago that what you're watching Paul is doing aside from the post alone thing isn't bothering him I don't I don't feel a particular need to speak out about its everyday bro no no no like that now that I'm talking about what the neighbors think are you how do you feel about that though because that bothered me yeah not that sucks but I don't I I don't feel a need to voice my opinion about it Jeremy like that that's terrible I would hate to let I would hate to work for my entire life like we still do not own a home in Los Angeles is very expensive it is very difficult these people probably have worked their entire lives and when keemstar interviewed that his neighbor he was saying you know they mostly live next to people with children and little kids yeah and newborns they literally live next to a newborn and I'm sorry if I just had a baby and there's people riding a dirt bike into a pool with 70 people at their house and then a thousand more standing on the sidewalk I would be pretty [ __ ] livid yeah pretty [ __ ] women yes but it's it's not my life Arthur I who am I to say what should or shouldn't happen because it's not my neighborhood and it's on my business and I don't feel a particular need to speak out about that this on the other hand this intentionally or unintentionally because you just didn't even think about it Jackson come on no way it wasn't intentional is so problematic and I have never seen someone do this on the scale with this level of intent like I'm so angry and upset at this because something I think that maybe Jake Paul just missed altogether is first of all there's an established community people that have been doing this for over a decade so anytime you'd like to just check in and see what kind of notes you could gather from their videos or how they live their lives you know might serve you well but a little negative information that maybe you should think about is that just because you are willing to share your life and put parts of you onto the Internet does not mean that everyone around you is not only is a lot of it illegal you can't feel people without their consent certainly in California you are not allowed to record people and then post that on the internet like he did to his neighbors he went to his neighbor's houses to apologize secretly recorded them and then put that audio on here with with addresses license plates locations everything not blurred nothing nothing ever right which is a big deal which is a big deal in California because this is an entertainment place a lot of people that work here work in the entertainment industry laws were put in place specifically exactly to protect those beautiful yeah and after all of this like you know we talked about youtubers the first thing that came to my mind when they were showing the outside of the team ten house with all those people there was me thinking of anybody that has ever willingly wanted that before I can't think of one I can't think of one person that was like hey guys come to my house and make sure you stand outside here it's a [ __ ] petting zoo I can't think of one the people that came to my mind was zoella and alfie who I have heard and they have described that people stand outside of their house and that is unwilling and that they will grab an incursion they don't encourage it but it is like oh yeah we've had people come to the house I don't know like the people that I'm talking to right now the people that listen to this podcast most of this is talking into a vacuum because you guys whatever you guys all know you guys all are relatively on the same page as we are and people don't come to our house and only took us a couple times of saying that for people to genuinely be like it's never okay we would never it's a breach of privacy and we don't have that problem anymore yeah I mean yes um we have one and I understand when they're talking about the the parents that are there I think that's a huge part of the problem hold that for me that's a whole nother it can be when they were the the woman that came here and she knocked on the door and was like we drove an hour from Anaheim and she had her three 16 year old daughters or daughter and friends and she looked at me and I was like you know it's really kind of inappropriate for you to come to the house because this is my house you know if I'm in public that's generally okay to say hello to anybody like everybody is okay if you say hello in public for the most part what's there [ __ ] or having a bad day but like when you go to someone's house and in Los Angeles that's illegal they have those Star Tours but you can like drive around neighborhoods but the second that you step on to that property that's trespassing and everyone in Los Angeles knows that you don't mean so she came to the door and she said to me like yeah but my girls love you and someday when you're a mother you'll understand and you'd do anything for them and I'm like I could [ __ ] punch you right now lady how dare you because well you could live literally and figuratively punch her on your property and maybe have some dumb [ __ ] but yeah it's it's the mentality of the parents of them being like oh I should just take my kids there there's all these other people there they don't get in trouble they can just sit outside there all day it's something to do and the parents are sitting there and they're lawn chairs and safety now just kind out but the parents don't see that as an invasion of privacy which is the major problem which is a huge huge horrifying and it stems from like a tiny little nugget of good parenting like wanting to do right by your child that's the tiniest piece of this the rest of it is delusion and inappropriate behavior right the people who are with their kids something sometimes under 10 year old kids on Jay Paul's [ __ ] Street with their lawn chairs I mean how do they not wake up for one thing and say hey what what the actual [ __ ] am i doing right now as a parent as a citizen of a [ __ ] rice street we're not organized only to Jake Paul's house to sit outside there so you can look at him no can you got a [ __ ] baseball game today well we're going to play basketball today but [ __ ] sake he's an even if this even is this Ricky I'm trying to be like nice about it but even if like this person right welcome to this on their Street which is just so beyond selfish and stupid to me it's not your block there I'm [ __ ] hundreds of other people who live there living their lives trying to [ __ ] get by even if that's happening even if Jay calls welcoming it as a [ __ ] adult as he would being like how can you how can you populate that Street how can you like onion the lawn chair thing that blows my mind but circling back to when people came here and when they said that to you the the part that bugged me the most about that which kind of brings back to the post alone thing is like there's literally nothing that you can do to look good you you have to I personally like if you were there I would shut the door like I'm calling the compound and I almost did that but you you know we're nice enough to say hi to the girls and then like and then put it but it's like you're putting some gonna get sock sock top we took pictures at my house and I'm just sitting there like smiling you're not mommy you're like you look really distraught like you know and I ate smile I just it's just one of the things I really feel like I'll never understand and that would to that woman I know she's never watching this because she doesn't give a [ __ ] needed you know do those kid because if those kids were really you know honest genuine fans of ours they wouldn't have showed up at our house period there's no two ways about it you treat someone like you follow them on the internet and you respect them and you meet them where you can or you treat them like an animal and a petting zoo and you go to their house man there's one more there's no there's no in-between but to that mother I would say you got parenting all wrong in that sense because that's [ __ ] up and we are our own people and yes that's the parents the parents that really would do anything for their kids are those parents that stand in line at VidCon doing it [ __ ] right a short time they take their kids they pay all that money to go to VidCon for the entire weekend and we still buy like people still think that we get paid to go to VidCon and playlist and those things we don't that's not the precedent never has we will never get paid for VidCon or playlist or anything like that other events are different that's why you find a lot of youtubers doing their own tours and things like that because it is a little criminal it's like having a concert being like Rihanna we'd love for you to come and play to meet your fans they just they want to meet you so we're an issue we're going to give you a venue do that to show up but they do that several hundred times with youtubers and you know they give you how many hours maybe they don't have you been to seven I don't know but it's not about the money or not and I say it's not about the money like we genuinely want to be here but the experience is expensive for those families and those parents do that and brave the screaming crowds of you know whatever and people that they don't know or care about so that their kids can have a wonderful experience any time those are the parents that would do anything exactly those are the real exactly examples of a parent that would do something a child every time you see a parent a demean greeter at anime like they're always like [ __ ] bring it in give me a hug here because I know what you're going through here like this is not expect that it's yeah that's a shock of my body being an item pletely sacrificing their entire weekend for their kid to be happy which to them is like a complete pleasure most of them are like it makes them so happy why wouldn't I do this those are the parents that would do anything so that woman and those parents that are justifying it to themselves and to their kids that way like oh you know I'll do anything that you want that's what you want sure let's drive over to Jake Paul's house no no because you're teaching your child how to not follow law how to be invasive and how to be a little [ __ ] honestly honestly it's just easy and all it just feels like such a short time so it's just but anyway we're living all of that all of that all of that the code also be suppressed had Jake Paul or any of those people set aside their ego for five minutes and decided that anytime someone's outside we're going to call police and we're going to have them removed from the property because it's like it's a cycle of all these people are outside nothing gets done about it so more people come outside so the location is so blatantly obvious everyone knows it and everyone keeps going if at the first time that you saw people who are hanging out outside you called the police or you had you had your own private security I'm sorry but when someone did the math you said Jake Paul likely is making between a million and five million dollars a month you're telling me you can't hire for the purposes of the safety of yourself and your community around you the people that did not ask to live next to you you can't hire your own private security to at least monitor your premises even 12 hours a day even during daylight hours you know I'm saying just to make sure that kids aren't in the neighborhood people aren't in the street people aren't paying around like that is absolutely a possibility and a worthy expense at that point you're you're you're you're arguing reason with an 18 21 however all these a you know a young person who's making stupid decisions there's no reason it's not like he's saying sitting there with his [ __ ] checkbook saying hmm can we afford security or can we afford five move and that's why I'm saying like it's not only the parents it's not only the kids it is Jayde Paul's fallen jihad is happening hundred percent all of that did not bother me until he decided to dock another person you know what I'm saying yeah like all of this is problematic yes all of this could be solved yes it's his choice to continue perpetuating it fine let's let's watch a [ __ ] train crash shall we but then you bring an innocent person into this and drag them down and oh nice that he invited them in to have a beer that's that's when we have a problem that's my issue that's when that's when Ethan was like really pissed because that's his friend well yeah and you can tell well I pinched because you I cannot have I'm sorry but I cannot sit around and watch little kids six million views are 5 million is my video thinking it's cool to steal someone's address and film going to their house that is not [ __ ] cool that is not OK that is the worst [ __ ] thing you can do and if anybody goes to awesome house I'm going to be [ __ ] pissed and suppose of everybody else well they are going to okay yes I'm so pissed you know like show show jig Paul Rani's motorcycle and no [ __ ] pool fine shown being douchebag fine all that requires some parenting and some guidance to help kids understand the difference between what they shouldn't shouldn't do you know working there all what they watch or not watch you this to me import more dangerous and more offensive and just more wrong than all of that yeah like you're watching a 20 year old kid be an idiot fine I love the real world I love shows work I love Jersey Shore I love watching people be idiots doesn't mean that I'm going to be at your own expense you know what I mean not at other peoples expense but when you watch someone do that and then people don't make a big deal about why it's wrong I worry that people will think it's okay well I think this is very fresh and I think in the next few days something something is going to happen like thing things are going to give things I mean you cannot do what he's done on so many different levels but specifically on the post Milan saying you cannot you cannot get away with that I understand where you're triggered you know that it's there will be something that's going to happen it's just the way you know you can't you can't breach that and have nothing happen you just can't so you know we're recording this a day after that news came out not even a day after that news came out tomorrow you're going to see this podcast I assume by even tomorrow there's many more news about it the repercussions what not when I dropped from his Disney Junior opposition so but which people were tweeting at me they were like wolf is me drop Felix why did they drop a shake yet and I said on Twitter I was like Disney only dropped Felix because they buckled under all that intense media pressure yeah I don't think you really care what their people do unless they're getting pressure from the media yeah which is then what happened with Jay Paul I would say is not as intense as what happened with Beauty pies yes because that was it now we know that Disney also buckles under moderate media pressure you know means yep because he dropped me was you know left the show but it's midseason yeah which doesn't make sense yeah and if any of this is coming of news to you guys you didn't hear of any of this you're living in Iraq maybe you need to wake up and read this gift because you would have known about all this so yeah if you had the skin newsletter coming to your inbox every morning you think this would be honest this would definitely on the skinny so well the Disney news what because that's the mainstream that's not YouTube anymore right I didn't even know he was on that show still I thought that was over his head in real life it still didn't god anyway guys the skin is great okay you're smart but you're also busy the skin makes it easier to be smarter it's a free newsletter that breaks down what's going on the world's easy fun and informative you wake up with the skin every morning make it part of your morning routine at the skin comma H es que IMM dot slash hello Julian it's free guys all we want you to do is go to the Scimitar confession and Julian sign up just learn about all the news so you can dominate conversation network and and it's free so just sign up once you subscribe to the skin newsletter you get the email every morning in your inbox in a nice package concise way so you can read the news understand it get what you need and then move on with your day in a more educated fashion and you can also be entered for a chance to win a $250 Visa gift card so while your dogs barking at the door you'll be reading the skin educating yourself getting yourself ready and learning what you need to know for the day right now guys go to the skin calm son Julian check 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than that some people might not like you if you make annoying content or things that they don't agree with that's fine I'm not like that I'm genuinely like if you're a cool person that's that's more important to me than what you make I don't care for me trash all those other cool person if you make if you make extreme trash then they won't like it you know II mean it's like I'm not I'm not a big sand pepper fan probably will not hang out with him or be down with him just because I really not a fan of some of the personal and professional decisions that he's made it's different you know I'm saying friend of Mozart like even if I didn't enjoy your content and you were a cool person that's fine with me well Chrysler theatre is a dachshund it's the dog thing it's just beyond it enters a whole new realm agreement crossing the line I'm so willing to be like there's probably a good person in there you were fine before and then the daxing was the line that just italy is the only only reason and not like Jake Paul well I like I know 20 year olds I've been a 20 year old just like I said your brother and and you know anybody that you hang out with us in that age period you have a certain level of tolerance for some [ __ ] movies are like a 20 year old kid he's so [ __ ] learning and figuring out his way in the world yeah he will figure it out maybe the hard way but you can't just like party and do whatever you want your rental property and and be a nuisance to your neighbors and not have consequences for that but it's not my responsibility to care or upset hey I agree with that and I also agree with the side that says I'm so angry Jay Paul i [ __ ] hate him you know I get both sides I really do and what what really kind of baffles me is like as a youtuber as someone who who's on a platform where you are not the first person on this platform you were not the first person to have this meteoric rise have this following have this huge moment right now this is not the first time it's happened so as a person like Jay Paul who's having this happen how are you like that kind of oblivious to the cycle of like if you if you get this crazy blow-up moment where everyone's watching on if you act improperly it's going to go away so fast that you you've seen it time and time again like you mentioned the Sam pepper like anytime you can remember someone acting so stupid online they've disappeared and they get phased out and that's that's the nature of yes but it's also the hubris of him being the perfect age to think that that exactly if it's all right if it's right into his mind to know girl whatever in it you know it will keep going but I think that people continue to underestimate how important it is to not isolate yourself like just being cordial around other people in the community you know I mean like you can't create enemies within the community on purpose just because you think that you're better than that you know so you have some falling out between friends or professional or personal differences between people like out here I've been taking the time to get to know anybody or do anything you're already isolated in the community and now you're doing things that are only further isolating yourself from the community I don't I don't think you thought about or people there in that position think about how difficult it is once you've lost the community's respect to sort of come back from that even if you know even if you can continue making a living for a long time which I hope he does I hope there you figures out help you grows up you know I hope you make the right decisions like you don't you know I wish bad on him at all but I think it will be difficult for him in the future to try to win people over who are in this world because you know people are starting to form pretty solid opinions about him now yeah which is only the beginning I I find it very interesting looking at Jake and Logan together and the difference in how they're acting throughout the this whole thing I think Logan's about 2425 he's a bit older it's interesting for me to watch what they're doing together the music videos the beef online all of the sort of hype that they are creating which in my opinion as much as I like the content with absolutely not for me it was kind of like they were getting millions and millions of views ever doing a perfect repair adobea oh it was I mean it was really it was everybody brilliant it was well formulated well executed and well played up and they they got what they needed from it they got huge huge boost in their numbers and all students of the work it's interesting for me to watch right now where they had that sort of thing go and then Jake kind of goes off in this direction where he's being a little reckless and he's affecting other people and he's being a twenty-year-old and Logan is quietly just kind of continuing with him while not really linking as much as he needs to to Jake which is is you know he's a businessman right he's making smart moves because he knows maybe I'm old enough to see what you're doing over here is not great for business so when Jake started branching off and being a little bit reckless Logan is is quietly just kind of doing his own thing now and I think that is something that a lot of people aren't really paying attention to at this moment where it's like okay before they were just the brothers who were doing these goofy music videos that everyone really liked wanting to shed on but at the end of the day or they were doing a good job of making themselves relevant and entertaining entertaining content and this and you know say what you about Logan poly is an entertaining person whether you hate him or love me is like he's I mean you know that I have a bias with Logan Paul like he reached out to me years ago when he was transitioning from vine or he was on vine and I have a soft spot for Logan I always will because he was a creator he genuinely made me laugh on vine I saw one where he's rolling rollerblading around his underwear doing [ __ ] splits and I was like crying laughing because I was a gigantic fan of vine like that's what I would do those do it much - and he reached out to me with a genuine question which a lot of people ask me when they're at that particular crossroads Robbie asked me like there's a lot of people that just genuinely want to talk to someone that when Logan asked me when he was in college when he was in his freshman year of school or sophomore year and he was like you know as someone that had had finished our education and now was working in this world you know what do you think do you think that I should stay in school or should I drop out and you guys already know my answer I'm an education pusher I was like here the benefits you saying in school and why I think it's important for you but it's also your decision and there are also probably a lot of benefits for you pursuing what you feel like you need to pursue and you know I left that door open when I talked to Logan in particular but I did preach the importance of my opinion of Education and he decided to you know move on with his life and not finish school become incredibly successful by the way and and he did and he is and from what I've heard and I've met Logan multiple times I don't think I've met Jake but Logan is a nice person he's the epitome of what I say like even if he made something that maybe not problematic but something that I wasn't a super fan of Logan is a very nice person he carries himself well he is polite he is friendly and that really does get you a long way in life just in general but yeah that's just decisive is his charisma which way the ton of and from what I've heard from multiple of our friends is that who have actually worked with him is that he works hard and he's on time and you know he's just collaborative in nature and brings things to the table like he's here to work and you're here to do that and and it only validates my experience with Logan like even if you think he's loud and douchey or whatever it is he is a nice person and does carry himself like an adult behind the scenes as far as I'm aware yes which is and I do I have it I just have a soft spot for a person that even has that ethical question of like you know what do I do with my life right now is it should I listen to everyone that tells me stay in school because I should or should I drop out and pursue this dream and it's really your choice in yours alone but I just have a soft spot for someone that has that question yeah and that does that and then continues to pay their own path yeah and he does carry himself differently than Jake and you get your lungs have your own booze only mine well no he generally carries himself differently but he's he's treating his his time and his position on the Internet in a much more delicate way than Jake is Jake is being way more reckless and at this speed Jake is going to be irrelevant really fast and Logan Wow about that okay well that's my opinion that's here I think when you act like this you go to a relevancy way faster than anyone else I think Logan like you said if even if he doesn't rub you the right way he is on this path and he's doing the right things to stay on this path Jake in my opinion it's being completely idiotic and he's going to get off that path as fast as he jumped on it at this rate going to people's houses to breaking the law ruining other people's lives on his [ __ ] block like that's how you go into relevancy in my opinion that's just my opinion I what I was trying to do was just bring up the fact that I think Logan who I don't really know personally but it's interesting to see the distance created right now between oh he's not skating my I see teachers partner he's not he's not literally backing up every move of Jake which i think is smart because if you do that you're you're more than brothers with him you're associating almost as business partners where you're like I backed these decisions where she does it he's smart enough to not back the decisions of his brother right now well anyone that's ever had a brother - it's like I'm related to them but I'm not responsible for some of the shape that they're doing I can't I told my brother don't look at me I got your back he's an adult I got your back but if your backs on postpones lawn right now I don't got it like I got your back but don't you know what I mean what ruin what you know what I think that there's a genuine chance for Jake Paul to not just you know piss everyone off so bad that he becomes a relative - dude I think this is all inclusive I think that that meant a genuine way you know you have to also remember that his core audience is people that do not care about anything that we're saying right now they just want to fall into fall in their their younger kids yeah yeah and they don't care about this stuff this doesn't matter nor I'd even paying attention to it because it's not safe they were outside their car there keeps varying options they're concerned with the the next thing that you doing and the girl he's dating and you know all that they don't care about any of this and they're not even aware of it so I I don't understand agree with you that just because he's being a douche means that he could just run his career into the ground because I think there's a lot of opportunity for him to stay like as popular and whatever is he is well so kind of just pissing people off it'd be his audience is still his audience I just I think there's there's only that path is only so long you can only do that I think the only thing that's going to really stop him is just the long arm of the law because there is a penalty jail time I do think that they will be relatively leaning on him because as far as I know he hasn't been arrested and you know charged with felonies and [ __ ] in the past so they have no reason to give him the Mac maximum sentence unless they were trying to make an example of him because I have to imagine I said this immediately after nothing was that it if stuff like this keeps happening and people who you know our future youtubers our future social media stars see this team 10 as the template of what they would like to build their following off of and then they think that that is what they do like we're all didn't live in a house together everybody's like yeah yeah like I said the the city of Los Angeles could in theory create some new legislation for people and scenarios just like this so the only way that he would face actual jail time is if they took all of this into consideration close him alone included which would require post alone to file some type of charge against him which she awesome seems too nice and too busy and just above it to ever do that although I hope that Ethan is over there being like so we do it because it's really wrong and it's really illegal and it's really terrible I feel awful for awesome I mean maybe in two years we'll look back and say oh remember the case of Jay Paul versus West Hollywood and now how it changed legislation I mean maybe that you know what I mean like that this is the exact sort of thing where there's a night crowd enough people affected where it could be a made an example right well and there's also a lot of laws in place to protect people in Los Angeles yeah and this my specifically LA because of the nature of the city and they're all they're mostly traditional actors and actresses where it's like if you set foot on here you will be arrested there might be a different type of law for just like loitering around you know well I can't personally think of any specific legislation that has been made specifically for the internet like the Internet age right right so this could be any none sure there are small ones or whatever that I don't know but this could be a really big one for them to make an example of yeah well it's just going to depend on whether or not they want to make an example of him or they're going to go easy on him and hope that he gets it yeah from where I'm standing right now I don't think it's you know everything that was said right here I still don't think it's too late for Jake like I still think he can turn it around if he wanted I think if he wanted to you know right the wrongs that he's kind of committed in the last few months go to the people that he's affected and actually done some you know do something to change your course of your actions yeah you know I think he can move on and get off almost scratch-free but it doesn't seem like he's on that trajectory it just seems like he is going more and more reckless because it's he's a bad boy right and he he's he's breaking all rules and he's the most popular and this and that you know it's just it feels like there's no getting to him it's like such a distinct feeling when you're trying to reason with a person like that I mean if they wanted to do that kind of thing like if they wanted to ride dirt bikes into swimming pools and stuff like that then you don't live in not only hope so you go by a lot up yeah you go by a lot in like Calabasas and have all this space and three dozen teenagers only no but like I know you can find a place where there's like that yeah where it's going to be far fewer in between where people are like hey this is bothering me because you have the feasible space to do whatever you want the behavior in and of itself innate behavior I mean aside from lighting [ __ ] on the fire in the pool that's not yours if you're renting a house the behavior that is in riding dirt bikes teen lab party innately I guess on paper it's not technically wrong if you're on the right spot for it and he's not he's in the exact right spot for right well I think that that along with encouraging and not doing anything about the level of security Blake all of the reality shows that you love where people do dumb stuff like jackass and whatever they're not the only [ __ ] they do in the middle we all is like a parking meter fairy and like get arrested in a city all of the the stunts all the noisy stuff all of the angry stuff is all like in a place where you're not affecting other people because even shows like that they know and are hyper aware of like I'm willing to put my body at risk my life at risk I wanted to be a complete [ __ ] idiot on camera but everyone around me is not and I will not subject them to it yeah although they did do some of those pranks where it's like there's people there and obviously that yeah you see blurred faces everywhere well yeah right responsibility comes with having a camera in a big audience and when you don't let your faces it's not good or or addresses and one up yeah but you know I really think the next few months are going to be interesting to watch what plays out and well I think that the reason that I wanted to talk about it is a because the daxing things like actually triggered me I'm like actually angry I'm actually upset and that's a big note and it also makes me scared that some kid is going to watch that that works at a place where they have information like that and they're going to be like oh dude Paul went to post Malone's house I'm just gonna I'm going to one-up him and I'm going to go to [ __ ] P Diddy's house like it's I think it just sets a scary precedent for people showing up at people's houses that's crossing one yeah and and be because I think that what he's doing will affect the community in some way yep and that's why I wanted to talk about it even even with everything that's going on I think whatever this judge because I don't think this has happened in our community for where some this is someone so so drawing attention with just to what we do in the worst way to where I saw even Diplo tweeted like somebody showed me what youtubers are and man I've never been more pissed or something like that like you whether or not Jake is aware of it he is bringing attention to our community in a bad way and it does paint all of us out to be these dumb camera holding stunts prank loving little entitled egomaniacs you know which really sucks which not all of us are some of us not Wow good discussion good talk yeah yeah I really don't know what to time I mean I will just see my how it goes and I hope you guys got something out of our discussion here I hope we could if you didn't really know what fully was going on or didn't really understand all the facts I hope we could shed some light to it and started discussion but we want to know what you guys think about the whole thing about Jake about the daxing about before the daxing let us know in the comments we want to hear what you have to say I am and next week we'll be back with another podcast talking about something that's bursted hell yeah Harold you marry you okay thank you sponsor support check them out in the description below see you guys doing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 810,984
Rating: 4.9399686 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: klPLOVa4fj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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