Podcast #278 - Guess That Craft

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[Music] dink-dink welcome back to the ginger I know you welcome welcome know you welcome back Yomi welcome back reverse you know Tommy no how do you do no no thank you everyone for welcoming me back to the podcast I'm so glad to return no no no no me welcome back to the podcast okay thank you you weren't cool scrunchy you got there thank you you know what else is cool what buying clothes for up to 90 percent off with right up segue on me Wow my goodness you guys start shopping at thredUP it is the world's largest online thrift store with up to 90% off estimated retail price go to thread up thr edu p.com slash gin and Julian and with that URL you get an extra 30% off your order that's on top of the discounts are already getting on the website also if you have little minions that walk around on all fours I'm talking about dogs the farmer's dog is a great service that will make them very happy and you like making your dogs happy right it is farm-to-table healthy healthy healthy dog food that they will enjoy and they will ship it directly to your house we'll go to the farmer's dog calm slash annejulien get 50% of your first two week trial of fresh healthy food for your dog thank you sponsors thank you sponsors I thought you're talking about like really give you a little minions to walk on all fours they were talking about like kids they can't walk the baby yeah don't figure babies farmer's daughter I mean it is human grade but don't do it maybe do it Julianne okay well they don't walk around on all fours they're not walking they're crawling like a baby baby does not navigate on their hands and feet at the same time that's like a bear crawl yes well you know you don't have the upper-body strength yet well when they're when they're just learning how to stand that's how they do it they do that they have their their feet on the ground and their hands and they're like a triangle and then they push themselves up they like walk their hands up something right it's it's some sort of like in yoga where you go from like a dog and you walk up to your hands or your feet you know your feet yeah but they like grab something and you been rude we just started podcasting get him in there hey Kareem you better go no no we're not talking about you we're talking about babies that use their hands to climb up they don't okay don't don't do it no firm you do not get to be okay in your bed go just ignore him welcome to our podcast for 90% of is telling Kermit totally in his bed he's so nasty what else is new nothing anyway um we missed you guys we missed the broadcast it's been a few weeks but we're back and Jenna had an idea to play a little game today keep it light have a little fun well I really like the game guess that recipe but we did it two times and I feel like I won both times you absolutely did but what I really like is the idea of just finding out what's in something and what is it that's what I liked about that game and so I like many people I've been looking up like little crafts to do and some of them are better than others I feel like but I'm also not judging because especially if you have kids like anything to buy you like a half an hour of peace and quiet while your kids have their hand runs on all fours it literally does not matter how shitty the craft is or the end product like it's fun it serves a purpose but when I was looking up crafts on Pinterest the like necessary materials was making me laugh really hard because out of context they are ridiculous so let me hear him so you're gonna read off the materials that you need for any given craft you're gonna tell me what's that craft okay are you excited Julie a medium excitement would you say you're a connoisseur of craft no i'm merconis i'm a kind of snot I don't think that's a word I do not do crafts very well and all the crafts on Pinterest are not something that I am good at just in general sense arts and crafts that's a weird combo because I feel like I'm I can handle myself in the arts but crafts know I'm the other way around good at crafts bad at art can you move the crying machine over to its bed you have to just put him in the back he's a lot of things but he is not a good boy okay he's already out I don't know what you want me to do I'm trying to play guess that craft let's play here are the ingredients for your first craft you're gonna tell me what's that craft Julie is that a new jingle the first thing that you need is these are all very specific okay dollar store coffee filters dollar store washable markers dollar store chenille stems what is that dollar store pony beads dollar store zippered bags gallon size dollar store or a spray bottle filled with water does not have to be from the dollar store that's a for some reason everything else has to be from the dollar store that's it can you read it again fast and without saying dollar store every time it's kind of confusing copy filters washable markers chenille stems pony beats zippered bags and a spray bottle filled with water um what's that thing where you go it's maraca all right what you're making you're making a maraca rocker what what in those ingredients is making the maraca sound the beads mmm interesting in the gallon size bag when you melt it turns hard and it's one becomes the shape of a drumstick or maracas interesting and inside you have the Chanel stems that is what gives it the coating who knows them yeah hmm and then the markers are to decorate the maraca do you know what I'm talking about it makes it sound I know what a monkey like that is that a maraca would you like to know what we're making yeah what kind of maracas are we making okay give me a hint okay is it a maraca it's not a maraca the pony beads are not used to make a sound and the coffee filter is the biggest part of this craft hmm coffee making coffee this is coffee no okay coffee filter biggest part of the craft yeah it's like the main part how about like a decorative artificial flower that's really close really yes because the coffee filters like the petals um [Music] artificial do you want me to just tell you grass Julian I'm gonna tell you you did not guess that crap what is it this craft is a coffee filter butterfly you draw on it and you spray it with water and it makes a really cool watercolor effects and the it's pipe cleaners is what chenille stems are you put a little piece of pipe cleaners and although that's not what it said chenille stem tough [ __ ] Wow that is tough [ __ ] they're really pretty but I got one okay two ingredients Oh God rubber bands tinfoil you're making a tinfoil ball don't just blink at me seven times in a row I'm not gonna respond unless it's correct oh okay you're not gonna in foil balls once a tinfoil ball yeah it's not a tinfoil ball you're guessing it right but that's not what it's called you you like other things hey you crumpled up all the tinfoil and then cover it with rubber bands and it's like a bouncy ball the name of it is called what's on the outside of it the rubber bands and then what is it a bouncy ball no no bouncy this rubber band ball it's called the rubber band ball really just really Julian put your dukes up I'm gonna this is the hill I'm dying on okay yes it was a rubber band ball you crunch up is he crying why don't you just let me hold you just let me hold him well behaved dog you crunch up the tinfoil into a small ball and then you just wrap it with rubber bands is that a craft yeah it's a craft it's a cross that you can throw are you sure that that's a craft yeah I looked up crafts on Pinterest and that came up therefore it's a craft okay blame the perch the person at Pinterest who works at the SEO department okay Julian would you like to another I wouldn't would you like to guess this craft hit me all right you need a jar water leave what our jar Julian look at the door Julian jar jar water okay fine got it fine glitter you have to find glitter no yeah bye fine oh okay thanks a ton of cotton balls like a ton what's that craft so why would the glitter need to be fine there's my question why can't it just be glitter there's different sizes of glitter like real chunky type or mine chunky glitter yeah chunky glitter okay what's that craft well I what are you making I think you're making I think you're making unedible sparkly marshmallows because you dip the cotton balls into the fine glitter mm-hmm is there garlic did you say no there's no garlic Oh what was the other thing you said the first one oh jar oh okay so it's gonna be one of those things at a nail salon with the jar and the cotton balls in it except it's gonna be like shiny cotton balls for your nail salon so that when you clean your nails you're cleaning the nail polish off but you're getting glitter on it I don't remember saying nail polish remover was a how's it gonna clean your nails maybe it's maybe you know there's nothing in cotton balls that will take off nail polish how do they how does it get off mail polish you're moving well so maybe you go to the salon wanting and glitter up you don't need to take anything off you come clean you're like hey I'm I'm ready to go it's like you shower first and then they rub your nails with these cotton balls and then you have glitter nails I'd pay for that okay what is it it is a galaxy jar that literally doesn't even make sense what even is that I don't know but it's you take a [ __ ] on the cotton balls this woman says like literally three bags of cotton balls and you just jam it with water and glitter and paint and then you close the jar and you just look at it and just look at it I guess can you get and you open it up and get get it everywhere no I don't think so I think the point is to just like look at it does it move like a lava lamp or just [ __ ] sit there I think if you shake it I hate that craft that's like look you know what like we're talking about crafts you do things like oh it's a decorative butterfly or it's a necklace with beads like you can wear it it's functional that to me is just it's like the deadbeat equivalent of a craft it doesn't do anything it just takes up space I feel like some crabs are superior to other and this is an inferior craft well I mean depends what you want it seems like the kind of craft that some adult made you do as a kid and then it just sits in your room and then like a year later you open it up and there's just like water and shitty cotton balls and it grew mold they literally just poured water and glitter on cotton balls and then use the word galaxy and put it on Pinterest I did I disapprove Gillian's mad at my craft no not you just that that's the worst thing ever but I love you okay ready for mine that was dese what's what's your good this one's good okay I don't think you've ever seen a craft like this watercolor paper fresh flowers not those old crusty kinds okay hammer wax paper and a picture frame oh you make him like pressed flowers what you know what this is yeah I've never seen anyone take a hammer to flowers and I thought that was so fun just hammer the flowers and then you put it in the picture for him that's the thing you knew but that's pretty oh yeah okay yeah you got that so quick I'm like surprised pressed flowers I didn't know that was a popular thing wait can I do it another one cuz that was quick okay okay ready this is holiday-themed even though it's not the holidays but might as well be a whisk and chocolate kisses Julianne that's not a craft guess what it is you're just making your melting the chocolate nope a whisk and chocolate kiss and plastic wrap hey sure this is a craft that's like a food well it's a craft that you can gift but it's not a food and I'll give you a hint we whisk you a Merry Christmas that's a hint but you're making a craft out of food there's food involved in the crafts but you don't eat it so basically you take the whisk and you just wide that open it up why would you do that to a wizard you drop a bunch of chocolate kisses and you let it close and then you give to someone so it's a whisk full of chocolate kisses and you wrap it in plastic you say we whisk you and Merry Christmas what that's not a crap it is it's a craft that you gift it's a gift that's not a crab I whisk you a Merry Christmas okay you know I don't want to whisk that someone's sprit you pull it all out and you just maybe don't maybe imagine like bringing that home and just the pain of opening up the whisk and jumping all these kisses L or you just left a trail of chocolate kisses because they're falling out along the way yeah they probably will well that's why the plastic wrap is there maybe I don't know I didn't get that far I don't think that's a craft well I search craft and that came up you tell me what's wrong okay hey yeah I'm ready got simple ingredients washable paint an ice cube tray and water colored ice cubes I don't know she was like we were hot so we just made her paint cold oh my god I thought it was gonna be like food coloring and then ice cubes cuz that would have been like edible but you can't eat that can you eat that no Julian you're eating paint so alright I mean with another one okay paper towel roll empty make it empty okay aluminum foil rice clear tape a wooden spoon a broom handle colored paper optional funnel I made am I ready yeah kaleidoscope that's not a bad guess what the hell is a broom handle for I don't know but who just has a broom handle so you have the tube and you have the tin foil and you have colored tape and then all the sudden you have a broom handle is it like a telescope Wow where did you come from no um I don't know kind of a hint maybe it's also sort of like a musical instrument is it the thing that you go maracas now would be an okay time and against Morocco what about the cylindrical shaped maracas what's that called a rain stick yeah no a rain stick it's a rain stick that actually sounds like green that's cool I like that it makes noise hmm that's cool I live with that you like crafts that make noise mm-hmm does your whisk full of kisses make noise depends on how you use it but yes it makes a lot of noise what have you left all the kisses in and started cooking something with it it wouldn't be edible because the kisses are wrapped in inedible what is it tinfoil that they're wrapped in and then there's plastic wrap - so you'd be eating melted plastic might be good though hit me with another one punch me with another one okay I'm gonna punch you with another one hunts me - paper plates I was gonna go okay - paper plates a clear plastic cup okay green construction paper that's it markers pencil scissors and a hot glue gun green why green um cat a hint a green you're making Kevin what's a shape it makes when you put two paper plates together an eight-oh like this the same shape as one paper airplane you're better together what have you stacked them the other way trying to visualize this what is so two paper plates uh-huh if one's like this and the other is like that no no no no yeah okay so then there's a little bit of a gap in the middle yeah frisbee hey you want spring clothes disc yes really yes what does that mean what's a disc think of a disc put a put a disc oh yeah the Olympics for the Olympics okay think of that shape okay now put a clear plastic cup on top of it what does that look like a frisbee with a cup on it yeah right yeah I don't know what that makes an alien ship let's go let's [ __ ] go okay you put the little you cut out a little green alien you put them inside the plastic cup and you look like a little UFO I got it that's a cute craft I like that one that that one I would have loved to as a kid any I would have loved to do as an adult it's really cute unfortunately I'm either I don't know what I am okay sorry I'll read one now okay good I can't believe you got dude those are tear wait show me that picture I'm furious I hate that rescue me I hate that like why can't you just give someone a whisk with a bow on it why you gotta fill it with [ __ ] because it's a gift and it's the giving season when Christmas happens not now wait don't give anything giving season hits when the gift hits all right this one has cookies Julianne these aren't crafts you're just you looked up food no this website has cookies I'm just warning you that there are cookies on this webs it's just Jerry be considerate here okay so this one's called no we don't tell me what okay here we go all right so you need oh god why does it take me to this like list cuz that's how Pinterest is like someone can just post a recipe they have to write like their entire last six months well not only that but I like click the Pinterest pin in post and it like brought me to a list post then is one of the Pinterest one of the posts is about this one is just like all the all of them are getting clicks from me right now like I'm sure this is giving them all traffic which is great but I also hate everything okay here we go I found it I clicked it and it brought me to a a JPEG all right this is from crafty morning calm okay you will need tell us what we need I'm just gonna eyeball this you need silver paint okay shell pasta and bowtie pasta fine a toilet paper roll uh-huh glue hot glue yeah and some green paint too if you want okay gold balls little gold balls that's what I'm seeing little gold balls maybe like beads or something little gold beads are you making like you're definitely painting the pasta silver and then putting it on the toilet paper roll you're onto this yeah so what the [ __ ] are you so hint mostly shell pasta just one bowtie hmm oh that's cute it's not cute it's not no it's okay what's silver that has shells oh oh is he like a like a turtle no oh [ __ ] no it's not a turtle is he like a like a little mermaid there is no he also imagine that it could be silver or green it's just kind of whatever you want so the silver doesn't really hold much importance in this recipe [Music] recipe craft I don't know I need a hint okay Christmas why are all of your crafts Christmas because tis the season it's not the season it's June tis the season I don't know it is Julian [ __ ] off with that I hate it and I hate it a shell pasta Christmas tree that is disgusting you pay perfectly good edible pasta silver so you can't eat it then you glue it onto a used toilet paper roll no and then you get this no what no oh that's cursed oh it's so cursed and that there's cookies so I'm gonna get ads for this now no that's cursed I feel like there's way better far more superior things to make little Christmas trees out of than pasta and paint and toilet paper rolls like like what you go over to someone's house and there's just like pasta trees all over the place he walk into their house was you're just accosted by pasta and paint and it just smells of paint in the house and hold on what accosted by pasta been named called man I say Kosta that pasta nice you walk in there's there's painted pasta everywhere painted pasta that's also a good man in you look in the corner of the room there's a couple little dogs eating what are they eating pasta treats no they're eating farmers dogs farmers dog okay if you want your dog to enjoy their food and eat a healthier diet do with the farmers dog and not eat pasta trees Tony pasta trees eat farmers dog what do you think the farmer's dog eats Julian farmers dark I think that's probably how they got their name anyway they provide human grade and people tested recipes developed by board-certified vet nutritionists and we can be the proof here okay every time it's breakfast or dinner they sprint at light speed to the feeding area and who breaks the sound barrier he breaks the sound barrier this is a shock wave yeah it happens and they just they look they can't get enough of it it's really really convenient if you want to sign up for farmers dog you go to the farmers comm slash Jetta Julian you get 50% of your first two week trial of fresh healthy food and the way you do it is you fill out a little questionnaire about your dog what type of dog they are what their eating habits are okay do they do that and then in a box a convenient box that shipped to your your front door is prepackaged meals for them and it's so easy to feed them your dogs will love it you will love it our dogs love it so check it out go to the farmer's dog calm /gen and Julianne get 50% off your first two weeks when you sign up using that your wealth also speaking of URL go to thread up coms allows Jenna julie to get an extra okay an extra 30% off up to 90% off discounted secondhand clothing thredUP is a really awesome way to be shopping especially right now you can get crazy good discounts on usually expensive clothing because this is the world's largest online thrift store and you can filter by your size or the stuff based on brands but it's nice to be able to filter by size because then you're like looking for things that will you know will fit you and you don't have to like find something that you like and realize that they don't have your size you can filter by size which i think is a really cool feature so beefed up your closet I don't know I said beef buff up your closet without ever leaving the house go to thread up a thr edu P comm slash annejulien and start saving now the end can I do another one Shh yours are soul cursed this is my last one though okay go ahead okay I'm [ __ ] scared what you found this is from Kim Speier DIY that's cute and if you read it fast it's Kim's Peretti okay just wanted okay so the things you'll need for this recipe craft craft there is eight billion pictures oh my god okay you will need I love Pinterest and I also [ __ ] hate it I don't know okay you will need don't look babe now looking guess what it is okay dark yes okay okay you need icing this is not a craft Julian what don't you understand about lookup after all of yours I've had food in them every single one except for 800 powdered sugar Julian this isn't a craft a ball ice cream ice cream scooper scooper babe ice cream cone Julian and the last thing you're gonna need is sprinkles it might be I'm not making ice cream why did you show me that picture then because it looks like ice cream that's the craft it's edible ice cream cosplayed play-doh I'm gonna rage quit you can't play with it wait so why do you have frosting and sprinkles if that's what makes it edible you're making play-doh and then eating it correct you're playing with it with your filthy [ __ ] hands and then you're eating it so you're making playdough you're putting it in a real ice cream cone you're using real frosting in real sprinkles yes but you're not actually using play-doh you're using the ingredients that I listed I'm furious don't be furious what is that it's just it's horrible it's you're using icing powdered sugar and a real ice cream cone to make fake ice cream so you're basically making shitty ice cream that you can play with with your hands powdered sugar isn't gonna make play-doh if you mix powdered sugar with ice with icing it will and I don't think you've actually tried that so to be fair I don't know it's not it's not a craft that's a food but it's it's a it's like a sweet thing that looks like an ice cream cone but it's just frosting or whatever that's cute but that's not a craft well they crafted it Julian I tried I thought it was a good one it was a bad one picture is cursed do you have any more yeah are you ready yeah okay this one's complicated are you ready for your complicated yeah I'm ready for a complicated one pipe cleaners pom-poms googly eyes glue gun that's it googly eyes pom pom pom pom it's a pom pom pom pom is that the things that cheerleaders use no well yeah you're not wrong but I think they're referring to like the small little puffy balls like this oh so pipe cleaner glue eyes you're making eyeballs googly eye balls what happens if you take a pipe cleaner you put a pom pom on it and you put googly eyes on the palm stick-figure sick face do you want to know what they did with them they're so cute they wrap them around their fingers and their finger puppets oh that's cool isn't that cute that's really cool that one's really cute that one's a ten out of ten finger puppets I can get down with that craft that that serves a purpose if I was a little kid I would really like that all right Julian here's your next one okay a tablespoon of self-rising flour food coloring this is a recipe salt and a little bit of water gruel yes is it well can you make out of that a gruel omelet Gromit self-rising flour I don't know are you just making paste or something you are making homemade puffy paint puffy paint but like it doesn't look that good so much look at oh so it's just like rises after you paint yeah but I don't like does that last like how does that work that's that is so gross I hate that I don't understand what happens to it I I hate it did you see the pictures of it here look at the pictures of it it literally looks like [ __ ] it looks like you would need to clean it up as soon as you're finished like you wanted to just wipe it off yes I don't know if it like dries or like how it works but yeah that's homemade puppy paint that's the worst thing ever that's it that's a way to make painting something fun nasty and weird it it like it visually looks very uncomfortable I hate it I'm uncomfortable alright Julian okay what do you got half a cup of warm water a tablespoon of borax one to two tablespoons of clear Elmer's glue that's borax what is borax can't look it up a little bit borax is okay Chet do you know it's a chat do you know if you're watching what borax is borax powder is it powder oxy clean borax detergent booster oh so it's detergent booster mixed with what else glue and water and water fake snow it's not a bad guess fake bird poop Julian is it wrong paper mache that's not how to make paper mache Oh borax mache are you ready yeah it's a bouncy ball really yeah yeah that's cool hi don't you use borax to like make a like gak and slime stuff to like glue it's kind of similar to that but for some reason it dries cuz I didn't read the rest of the craft that's kind of cool that it hardens it and you can make a bouncy ball out of it that's pretty cool all right Julian just this crack river rocks they got to be from a river or else we don't wanna acrylic paint in red and pink or pink okay paint pens in two shades of green medium and light white and black paintbrushes paint palette modge podge what's mine scotch I think it's like the clear coating that you paint over something to seal it so you're making your painting the rocks and you're gonna coat them and then they're gonna you're gonna play Mancala with them that sounds fun is that right or is it maybe you say I love you on the rocks in pink and it's a valentine's rock yeah it's cute what else I don't know do rocks painted like watermelons so dude that's actually kind of cute I would want to eat it though that's the problem I just it's funny to me that you would see a picture of that and you wouldn't be like oh that's fun like someone had to write a whole entire Pinterest post as to how to paint a rock yeah why do they why why why why can't why can't we keep it simple I don't know all right this one this one gives me hives yeah yeah yeah I like it already okay you need a like jar or a vessel glass vessel canola oil vinegar food coloring baking powder I hate it homemade homemade lava lamp how in the [ __ ] did you guess that kidding me I got it yes it's so uncomfortable like there it's not a lava lamp it's just like bubbling because there's no heat right you're not gonna apply heat yeah I dangerous and here's the best part she just takes up flashlights and shines it from under the bottom of it and the lights that's so shitty it's called a lava lamp there's no table like there's nothing it's not contained you just dump nasty [ __ ] into a bottle and Palash light under it I can't I heard oil and I was like they're definitely making a lava lamp I don't know why I don't know why my brain thought that remember how cool those were when you were a kid though yeah they were they were really cool like you had one and you could just sit there and [ __ ] look at it that's crazy you just look at a lamp I just like I'm not sure I would ever be like mmm lava lamps are cool let me see if I can make one no that's one of those things that falls under the category of yeah you should probably just buy it because that is not a DIY lava lamp mm-hmm no it's not it's oil in a cup shitty smelly mess yeah it kind of probably does smell huh it's like that's the roll-up window equivalent of a craft I hate it boo boo boo okay well one more all right you need like a face a flat glass container milk food coloring I'm watching a video whoo food coloring red food coloring yellow food coloring you're making a rainbow lots of different colors Oh God you making a physical rainbow soap okay I quit rainbow soap YUM milk and soap be like YUM here you go you just dump all that into a container and then you take a q-tip covered in soap and all the milk moves away from it and what's the point of it you just look at it and then when you're done you throw it out no one you done you you chug it okay I want a bomb I want a bomb and you know what's [ __ ] is when all the colors mix together it just looks like vomit it doesn't even look cool yeah milk they couldn't have done starch and water milk is what they decided milk it's probably a nice craft like if somebody set it up and they did it for you you'd be like oh that's fun but when you hear the ingredients I'm like what am I going to the store for milk and soap no no you're not you're going to the store for some dumb [ __ ] milk soap should stay at home and not go to the store look and so no cut cut that idea out of your life can we report Pinterest posts can't how do you block a Pinterest post yeah well some of these were good that one was awful some of them were bad didn't you like the lava lamp you want to make that later yeah let's make it as long as we have to sit there and manually light it ourselves so we didn't even enjoy it yeah you do okay and then also will we be using perfectly good oil that we could in other words cook with yeah okay and then when you're done it's it probably stops moving around but we're gonna keep it right okay and then when we decided to throw it out coming pour it down the drain so it actually [ __ ] up in clogs our drains plumber for sure that's my favorite part of that one okay okay yeah yeah and then there's glitter too so it'll get everywhere hopefully you know he's add glitter yeah I'm down let's do it now this is fine this is a good idea I like how all of your crafts were just food well I'm hungry I don't know but I do think that there is a nice little intersection of crafts and recipes that needs to be appreciated mm-hmm you know crafts recipes that's my wheelhouse right there Kress apiece Mon Cala but the pieces are edible okay you're done that sounds fun let's play them on collar with jelly beans oh that's dirty though dirty well our hands are touching all the things and then though you're the one that suggested it it's not sanitary I'm down when I was a kid we used to play poker with juju coins mmm you know the barely grade gummies can taste like swedish fish yeah and we would play poker with them nice it was a good time oh yeah we all touched them many times before anyone ate them disgusting I don't know it's kind of cool I used to put skills in my pocket like just the skittles not at the pack yeah what happened to them well sometimes they would come up with a little lint on them sometimes I would wash my shorts and then I would have rainbow pockets and I also nope that's that's all I used to put bugs in my pocket that's cool that's I feel like that's even more more normal than skittles yeah okay good talk good talk well good podcast thank you guys for hanging out with us for another episode we'll be back next week and quickly I wanted to say something recently it was brought to our attention by one of you and I wanted to thank you your name is Ellie you reached out in regards to one of our previous sponsors with the podcast notifying us that there was a sweepstakes going on that we were promoting for the part of the podcast sponsor that we were told and assigned to promote with that copy that they gave us that wasn't actually running for a good amount of the time that we were promoting it we are currently with our team working on a solution to where we will create our own sweepstakes to make that up to all of you so just really quickly want to say thanks to Ellie for making us aware of this and we wanted to apologize to you guys for misleading you although it wasn't our fault we did take part in it and moving forward we're just gonna we're gonna create our own so we'll make it all right for you I thought we didn't want to just let you guys know we know about it and thank the person who brought it to our attention anyway we'll be back next week I hope you guys have a good week stay safe black lives matter stay vocal have conversations and we'll be streaming live on Twitch as well including my new cooking show which is live on twitch this Friday a great time mmm I still have very crispy streets to eat we still have some alright karma thing bye guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 428,808
Rating: 4.9614139 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: m8wTQLmQC1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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