Podcast #217 - Shark Tank

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[Music] coming in hot there's another episode thank you guys for joining us today this episode is brought to you by we have a couple new sponsors today firstly stitch fix guys if you like fashion like me an icon of fashion if you like fashion but you feel like it's too intense to shopping or deal with any of that stitch fix does the hard work for you and it's all online it is pretty much a personal styling service and you can take you go onto the website and you basically fill out all these preferences I tried it it's incredibly thorough and basically you get paired with your own personal stylist who's gonna send you clothes that work for you and your style right now get started at stitch fix that's STI tch Fi XCOM slash Jenna Julianne you get an extra 25% off on us also guys a new sponsor as well honey book if you were a freelancer of like a graphic design nature or a photographer doing the administrate and you know administration work or the business side of things to run your company or run your business is always kind of the hard part and the not desirable part well honey book is there to help you with that it's an all-in-one business management platform for creative creative small businesses they help with all sorts of tools that you need we'll get into it later right now go to honey book calm h o n ey b oh okay calm and use code Jenna Julian to get 50% off your first year 50% also guys this skim you know the skim is a the wonderful newsletter that rolls up in your DMS well sort of your inbox on your email every single morning with all what you need to know in the world the skin is the skin is great and it'll help you dominate your conversations at work especially at the water cooler right now go to the skin that's th e sk IMM comm slash annejulien and to your email click Subscribe and you're done it's completely free also you're entered to win a $250 Visa gift card when you do that thank you thank you sponsors welcome back how's it goin oh my teeth yellow no a mine no am I know you just we drank some turmeric ginger shots we're so la why is turmeric and ginger LA just shots of of wellness fruits in that city where you and I both adore it so we didn't really have a shot I had like half a cup of it I guys love it I'm just joshing yeah I love it ginger like makes me feel so good and like I'd never use it for nausea until you gave me some in Australia at one time what's not no I just feel good I feel like flush and ready I got energy now I was tired I don't feel like I have energy either more energy that I did before I'm no it's just like it just makes me feel good no I haven't you have energy from ginger no I have energy from the the tincture that we call not a tincture it's just got a like a mixture of juices it's juice of ginger turmeric whoo I'm in an apple uh-huh and it just makes me juiced up no pun intended cuz it's literal juice anyways no your teeth aren't orange from turmeric oh mighty go no they're not what is this podcast Julian this is the Julian podcast all sorts of stuff what is this though we're doing doing oh I had an idea I had an idea that I would I don't know what's going on I had an idea the other day that I would get thrown into the shark tank if you've ever watched this show shark tank on ABC I believe didn't and didn't and didn't drink I'm gonna play it for me I can find out in the evening how do what is going on so if you've ever watched the show shark tank basically you know it's a show where people come in with their small businesses their inventions their ideas and they pitch it to a roomful of sharks quote-unquote who are basically business moguls investors very successful if you're looking for money for an change for stock in their company or that kind of thing or they just they want help to grow their business yeah so like Mark Cuban Mark Cuban vernier Daymond John creator of the legendary Robert Herjavec who literally never puts it offer on the table ever and that's the tea Thank You Barbara I'm sorry is also a queen love her I love Lori Corcoran I love Lori to so much and mr. wonderful Kevin it's a good it's a good group of people and then there's Robert one of our favorite things to do when we're watching chart is make fun of Robert [ __ ] dope guys it was just so fun to hate on is like oh you're gonna be out know whose [ __ ] oh no [ __ ] he never [ __ ] makes it often here's the thing I would respect him or not make fun of him more if he like every single time someone pitched an idea he was like no I'm out you know like I'm not I'm not I'm not interested but instead he has to like do this whole charade where he's like oh can I try it like I'm so proud of you of it I'm out yeah it's like wait what like what every single time he does that like acts so excited he's the first one to demo a product or to ask questions or to like connect with them or traffic it or whatever and then he's like many like inserts himself while the others are negotiating he's like oh um it's like an excuse he's like he's broke or something yeah I just think it's really funny that even if he put if he does put an offer on the table nobody picks him and like he even put like a better offer out and someone will take the worse off to not get him to work with like Barbara's good no actually hey Robert oh I'm sure he's a great guy but it's just funny it's like funny how it pay because they all have their role you know it's like Damon's the clothing guy right Laurie's the QVC investor and then you have like mr. wonderful who has the the thing in his ear he's being the producer always asking for and things along and yeah he's also the one that will just throw out an offer that has to do with okay you give me $1 per unit you sell in perpetuity I don't know any stock whatever and then Mark Cuban I feel like invest mostly in tech aura like second food he does food - yeah yeah but it's really funny because from what I can remember the companies that Robert is successfully invested in are like Mensch on a bench which is like the it's cute but it's completely seasonal it's like a it's Elf on a shelf but for Hanukkah it's man Johnny Bench so it's a little stuffed man you wish man toy with a with a book and then he also invested in tipsy elves who used to be a sponsor of our podcasts another short person like what did he invested in the Mensch on the benches like he's just got two short person inventions like too small like figurines I mean elf is not what he's selling but it's like the brand for Elf on a shelf well tips it's funny to see Australia once a christmas company they're both seasonal and then he he'd invested in some like panning for gold bucket what it was cool but it's like it's it's a bucket he runs like an online or like an Internet security thing for something like right yeah I don't know anyways if you watched Shark Tank anyway you might enjoy any of what we just said that's not the podcast I still don't really know what this podcast it thank you guys we'll see you next week that is the podcast not the podcast is I am gonna be going into the shark tank and Jenna will be the shark I have compiled I think 17 of my cream of the crop Julian inventions so I was like snake oil but without picking cards they just came from your brain yeah it's pretty much snake oil but we're gonna act like it's something different no it's it's like I'm Julian enters the shark tank right like I have my inventions and you have to decide if you want to invest in them so you came up with 17 inventions yeah roughly roughly give or take give or take 17 so I might have zero help us I don't I'm not ready for this I'm not ready for this amount of Aires all right first up in the tank it's Julianne so Lomita who will be pitching some history product and/or service to the one and only shark Jenna who also is completely unwilling to be here or invest any money is here against her will completely well you got hello sharks my name is Julian cotton is this when they play that like uplifting tinkling music I'm talking sorry cuz you're not eating me yet I'm just trying to say do you ever have a drink what I'm nervous cuz you don't laugh at me do you ever have a drink where you're trying to sit through a straw but then at the end of the drink you just get a bunch of crunchy or a powder or coffee grinds something at the bottom of the cup that you don't want right yes it all settles at the bottom or even sugar if you drink coffee fast enough and you pull off sugar in it just and then it's like instant sugar but bad you ever do that yeah pause well don't you wish you could mix it around while also sipping through this trial hold it right there introducing scruff straw whisk it's a straw with a tiny whisk it's a very tip of it so that you can foam and even mix things at the very bottom while also sipping through the straw how are you claiming that you can foam things with a tiny whisk well if you whisk anything hard enough it becomes foam so I'm not the creator of science I'm just the delivery I'm not really false I am NOT the creator of science I am simply the delivery man of it oh I'm delivering you science in the form of a straw whisk you the great descendant of Nikola Tesla aren't you yes do you've any questions about my invention yeah what's it made out of metal the whole straws metal well titanium and the whisk is plastic we couldn't get a metal whisk oh it works it works just don't put it in dishwasher or wash it with hot water so I can't put it in the dishwasher or wash it with how lukewarm at best so how am I gonna clean this just rinse it with cold water what a fight drink something really grainy or like let it soak overnight maybe two nights to be safe okay I have like a general rule for me personally if it can't go in the washer and dryer or in the dishwasher I don't want it although I'm getting word okay we can do metal whisks okay thank you but it's gonna be a different color than the other metal so you're gonna see a difference in color from metal to metal it's not going to be a seamless design also do you want to know if I have a patent no how much is each straw and can you buy them in packs you you can buy them in packs of one we only sell them individually so just cool it with trying to get a packs okay what if I have like a restaurant or like a coffee shop and you buy one at a time like everybody else okay the straw goes for $9.99 $9.99 excuse you okay it cost us eight dollars and fifty cents to make we have horrible margins we need help I don't know why it's so expensive to make a strong risk do you have any sales um well I gave one to my grandma but she didn't pay me so I gave one away all right Julian listen I think it's a it's a cool idea I haven't seen anything like it on the market also if you if you spin the cup fast enough while you're holding the straw whisk in your mouth you can whisk without actually having a move your face that's amazing and I think you should keep going just don't get it near your teeth unfortunately are you sure yeah is there anything I could do no just wait we have a pen we got one when did you get a patent just now did you file for one or you just you just gave it to yourself I drew one works what if I get a patent tomorrow no I come back you don't have any profit margin whatsoever well we also don't have we're not in the negative if I've only made one I need help manufacturing them lots about manufacturing them it cost me eight dollars to make at home by yourself yeah okay are you sure absolutely okay t-shirts are you gonna be Julian the whole time or is that there other people coming hello my name is Noah what's your middle name don't you expose me like that it's my first name cuz I'm Noah no I'm gonna be myself all the time I'm Julian alright welcome to the tank Julian thank you for welcoming me back to the tank even though is my first time here we talked about this before when you're waking up in the morning and you're choking down all those vitamins and you think to yourself what the [ __ ] am i doing to get all these vitamins I have to choke down these huge horse pills chunky chunky horse pills in fact that's on our products there's no more chunky chunky horse pills whatever vitamin you are deficient in because you're probably deficient in lots of them you don't you take them in the most inefficient way you just choke down these huge pills sometimes you'd gag and that's the start of your day gagging I can tell times on cows wouldn't you and every every time you're throwing them your throat and your sip in the water you just you're just damn I wish I was like eating french fries or something well now you can get your vitamins when you're eating your french fries with vitamin ketchup oh yes you might have heard about this as I've made appearances outlets online vitamin ketchup has all of the major vitamins A through D D through P we don't have we don't have iron in it we're working on iron but every single vitamin I else we have thousand percent of your daily recommended so we took the daily recommended and we said [ __ ] you and we gave it ten times that okay in just one little tablespoon of ketchup it tastes nothing like ketchup it's red it's creamy and it's just straight-up vitamin it's we just crushed all the vitamins and put red food dye but you dip your ket you're you're frying one little dollop of it and you're just you know you're loaded with vitamins okay why would you limit yourself to catch up you want people to eat french fries every day in order to take their vitamins why would you need to eat anything else if you have character vitamin ketchup you have all the vitamins in the world what about like protein or just like basic nutrition other than vitamins and well our next our product next year or if this does well we're gonna do protein mustard but that's later yes we have to sell at least like a couple thousand of the vitamin ketchups to fund ourselves there do you want to know how much it costs well right now it's the first bottle I made cost three hundred dollars today cuz I had to go to like ten different vitamin shops and buy them out of almost everything so you crushed all these vitamins up yourself with my hands and put them into a paste that you are calling ketchup yeah one of the vitamins isn't is actually natural naturally occurring in a tomato so technically FDA said we can call ketchup don't you can do it so you've had contact with the FDA about this product I looked on their website they won't return my calls but I found other QA on their website our frequently asked questions what like what's in it I said oh yeah well first of all I looked up tomato that was the first step of my quest and then once I found what was in tomato I made sure that there was one vitamin it's called vitamin T actually weirdly it's natural and it's made of vitamin T in our in our mixture then what's what's the name of vitamin T vitamin T just by doing - yeah oh sorry um yeah vitamin T oh okay anyway we're selling it in large bottles like beer sized bottles for your diners we sell only in bulk you cannot just buy one so you know or no I don't I don't want to eat vitamin you're gonna be so vitamin you're gonna be on it you're gonna be so healthy you're not gonna want to eat anything but fries and you're gonna feel the best you've ever felt that's just guaranteed you will reach your fitness goals if you buy vitamin ketchup guaranteed you can't do that guaranteed you cannot do that guaranteed if you don't reach your fitness goals you lookin come find me I'll give you a refund in person but you can't catch me what does the vitamin pace have to do with your fitness goals everything no one's ever supplemented every single vitamin out there in one item and shoved it in your mouth what about a multivitamin no that's what does your vitamin is it is it multiple vitamins in one vitamin vitamin shoppe aegean sea or whatever in acquired all of these vitamins up why wouldn't you just crush up a multivitamin and put it in ketchup well I don't I still don't know what that is never heard of it from what I'm getting I think it sounds like something that has multiple vitamins in one pill mm-hmm but this still doesn't solve the problems for people who don't want to take a pill what about they make multivitamin gummies explores it - gummies no you're not yeah I'm allergic to gummies Oh respect my allergies please Oh what is it in the gummy you're allergic to vitamin G okay you know what I'm out please please I were to go my mom kicked me out I stole her containers to use for my ketchup I'm a mess in the kitchen I'm really sorry that you never saw multivitamins coming but okay it was a good idea though Jillian I like where you're going you unplugged your headphone you don't need to turn around every time you come back in the tank oh my god my favorite episode of shark tank was when they invested a night guys YouTube gym it was really funny okay I'm back I won't turn around anymore that's kind of a mess welcome I thank you for having me here my name is Julian and I all right do you use a mouse pad on my piece it's pretty boring right they're all just the same it's just one little piece of quarter inch thick maybe rubber maybe rubber and that's rubber it's like foam foam stretchy foam but they're all just the same they look exactly the same every mouse pad in the entire world is black I've never known oh this balls I'm not done every single mouse pad confirmed on earth has only been made pure black with no designs on them ever now it's time to juice up your mouse pad game for all the people who come over and look straight with that mouse pad introducing Mouse plaid it's a plaid mousepad that only comes in cloud patterns that's it that's it Julian it sounds like you haven't done any research whatsoever you've made your product based off of a pun I'm out wait you know any funds I don't like puns but but now splat I'm so absolutely out I'm sorry but good luck oh man I'm so screwed okay okay okay I'm back I'm back okay do you ever take something out of you ever have a cold drink and you want it to stay cold but by the bottom sip it's just a little bit warm and you're like [ __ ] and you just chuck it at the wall because you just wish it was cold and then you end up going to get another one only to just loathe the moment where you get bit back to that low point and the drink and it's warm again the drink doesn't stay cold it's impossible nothing exists for it to stay okay you know introducing cold stir it's a coaster that you put in the freezer and then when you're ready to drink you put it on your table and you put your drink on it and it infuses cold vibes into your drink so that when you're at the bottom sip of your truth it stays cold it stays cold cold vibes is a scientific term cold vibe yeah so basically they're coasters that you put in the freezer they retain the cold vibes and when you take them out they put the cold into your drink has to be warm ever again okay but we're also developing a hot one you stick them in the microwave if we're just doing a lot of testing right now going through a lot of microbes you just put it we trying to cover both spectrums hot and cold both sides of the spectrum I'm telling you cold stir okay so the offer is for a portion culture yeah but ninety percent of my business not for hot sir well if you invest in cold stir okay both okay you know since you didn't bring me any samples today to use household not to bring anything the security guard took everything it seems like just based on some logic that it would just make at the bottom of your drink very cold that's the point there so it's like the lower third of the liquid but what about when you're drinking your drink has ice cubes in it and you drink it fast enough that you still have ice cubes in it are those not keeping your drink cold ice cubes why would you put ice cubes in your drink that's just so like I'm all about what about a hydro flask or I'll get to that I have an invention for that later so this is for when you're at the table you're drinking a cold glass of OJ with pulp and you want the bottom houses you're not going to put ice in your okay I'm talking about drinks that like you don't Nate you don't naturally put ice in it's like weird it's not like a soda I'm talking about like juice or juice or water I don't think it's a bad idea just need to know if it weren't same with your well the coaster well the cold sirs are made of glass so just drop them because they will shatter if they're how is that gonna stay cold well we tested a lot of things and you it's like when you put a frog in us were the only things we tested what did not say cold glass stayed cold it's like when you put a glass in the freezer yes like a frosted glass right that really doesn't say cold that long well how long are you gonna need finish your drink damn it you know what um it's not the worst idea I've ever heard but I think that we're gonna run into some issues okay okay scrap scrap that hot sir that's very hot sir I'm scrapping cold sir hot sir sounds like it might be dangerous hot sir I will even if it kills someone on my team we are gonna do all the testing we need to and all the microwaves it's make sure that whatever material we use to put it in the microwave it definitely works it definitely works have to be out imagine I don't want a glass cold sir I don't want a hot start medium stir a mug what about a medium stir no it's not hot enough I'm sorry but I'm out doing thank you for coming are you Sark's the whole time are you ever in a meeting at work and you're you you just you're chewing gum and you hate you [ __ ] hate the meeting because you hate your job but you're like it you're chewing gum and you want to go to the bathroom real quick but you don't chew gum in the bathroom because you know so where do you put your gum while you go to the bathroom or water break or something or you go you're gonna go down the street to Arby's you come back your your gum --less introducing meeting gum it's gum with plastic coating on the outside so you can stick it under the conference room table and come back to it tomorrow or after your break without having to worry about germs it's plastic it's gonna be no plastic yeah it doesn't doesn't trans I've tried it like three times no why why why deprive people of gum at work they just wanna give them a little bit of pleasure it's it's gum coated with plastic no meeting gum you could be the cool new guy in the office hey was an email have some you're just like chewing on a piece of plastic it stays there for however long the best part about the plastic filling aside from the fact that it's pure plastic and it's terrible for the environment is that it will keep the gum fresh for as long as you want in plastic how is it sticking to things patent technology we had a breakthrough is it covered in one of those little gummy hands that you get out of like a little vending machine like that kind of sticky I can't reveal our formula on there is it sticky yes so you're chewing a sticky substance in your mouth that resembles gum that also doesn't well we have flavors or flavors do you want to know what flavors what are your flavor when I love to do mint we have the FDA said no for mint so we found that the only food group that would allow us to use their flavor is bratwurst so we have bratwurst that's disgusting no you're chewing a bratwurst leave a piece of plastic that you're then going to stick under a conference tell me that's not better than doing literally nothing who wants to sit in a conference room ever for any reason it sounds like your target demo is a group of people who aren't gonna be working in a conference room very long so you're not gonna have any customers what does that mean because you can't just keep sticking your gum and someone else's table in a work environment but first of all no one in the room owns the table it's a rented lease of an office ok no one's actually gonna lose it second of all it's it's your board Julian what innovative product not down with the marketing I'm out okay I'll come back from that one this one was inspired by today's events today we had a blackout our whole house lost power for the entire day and part of the night which reminded me I'm sitting there with my lantern cranking away you know just cranking away trying to give that thing power because I knew that later on in the night I have to pack my bag and I have no light so I'm gonna need some sort of light so I'm cranking this is stupid and then I farted and I thought to myself imagine if I didn't have to do any of the cranking to get this lantern or energy into the lantern later you can release the fart as energy as the form of light your outside light out this is literal light I'm giving you light in the form of alternative energies inside of your body it can't you want to hear what the name of it is before you go out please what but lantern for emergencies when you don't want to sit there and crank like a troglodyte just put on the butt Lantern every time you fart the butt lantern transforms energy from your fart until light and powers the lantern later on I'm out why why yeah I'm just not interested at all the people who are prepped to survive in the event of emergency with gas they're prepped with gas I'm out what happens if you don't have guests you need nothing besides gas okay I'm so out you could oh I don't want any gas related products there's a filter it filters out the smell now are you claiming that you're becoming bioluminescent from farting or it goes into the lanterns into the lantern and now the buttpad it goes into your pants right into right up right up against your dumper it's like a filter it's like you know when you've been created energy to light a lantern oh please you're not my scientist please I know what I'm doing but you know it's like a dryer sheet you put it in what's the energy that it's feeding off of the heat that is also very classified don't don't don't ask that again actually don't even ask that this is a lie it's not no it doesn't understand my offer you can the power alight with your fart I'm out peace I'm out out I'm out I said I'm out first I'm out good for you get out don't come back [ __ ] okay ready mm-hmm I have a company that helps people dress the way they want ready are you ready brace yourself yeah dress the way they want without having to go to the store it's like an online personal stylist it's called stitch fix and what you do is you sign up for stitch fix with a profile of yourself just like you would any other website but except for stitch fix it's different in that you fill out all sorts of different preferences about what you like to wear do you wear t-shirts do you wear hoodies do you wear button-downs newer sweaters do you wear ties do you wear dresses do you wear blouses how tight do you like them it's like so down to every last detail that you could ever think of it really does feel like you have a personal stylist taking notes on all of what you want in your wardrobe so you basically log on a stitch fix comm slash Evangeline tell them your sizes tell them your preferences and you basically get paired with your very own personal assistant who hand picks items to send right to your door then you try them on and you pay only for what you love and return the rest shipping exchanges and returns are always free and there's no subscription required you can sign up to receive scheduled shipments or get your fix from stitch fix whenever you want their styling fee is only $20 which is applied toward any can you keep from your shipment you guys can get started right now I actually literally just filled out my stitch fix profile I haven't got the clothes yet because we just got it sorted but I'm looking forward to getting my stylist to send me clothes like what hello that's super dope so go to stitch fix comm slash annejulien get 25% off extra when you keep all the items in your box check it out stitch fix thank you also guys honey book I know a lot of you guys are graphic designers and photographers out there and if you're trying to run your own business based on that skill it can be a pretty daunting thing to run a business when all you really know how to do or all you started knowing how to do was just your craft basically honey book is an all-in-one business platform for small businesses they offer all sorts of tools to streamline your workflow they help you with calendar management custom branding brochures proposals even contracts which I know personally firsthand that those can be a total [ __ ] to get done so having a template for those sorts of thing can go a very very long way I started my own business wofe circle it was like there's a lot of things you don't see coming when you're doing contracts and sending out things to like brand X or any sort of a number of things they help you with all sorts of business focused parts of your your venture and the payment is flexible you can pay monthly or annually whichever works for you best at the time and your business honey books comm use code Jenna Julian over seventy five thousand photographers designers event professionals and other solo entrepreneurs have saved hundreds check it out is a really cool service and I think a lot of people here can get some use out of it the link is in the description also guys the skin okay if you need to know what's going on in the world don't jump from social media social media or go to your home page or get get uh what does it call when you go to like New York Times they like lock you out because you don't pay it's like like some sort of wall okay well a paywall don't get blocked by pay walls the skin annoying the scheme is solving all those problems for you the skin takes information everywhere that they get the most important little nuggets that you need to know and they compile it all in a like easy bite-size beautiful news into your email INBOX completely for free every morning just go to the skin th tsk IMM calm /n Julian you enter your email you click Subscribe and then the next day you're gonna get one in your email how great is that one of the things i do when i log on like my phone in the morning is i go to twitter moments just to see like what's going on you know make sure there's like no crazy events that you haven't seen the skin does that for you they take the top events that you need to know and they tell you alright when you use that URL the scheme home slash jenna julian you were entered to win a $250 Visa gift card and that means you can spend it on whatever you like so check it out hit the link in the description and thank you to our sponsors appreciate it sponsors [Music] okay are you ready yeah Bobby do you ever go out into the world whether it's the gym or your office or the gym and you're really thirsty but you don't realize until you're out in the world uh-huh do you I feel like you just said that yeah sometimes I'm I'm away from water and would like some water yeah right yeah and do you ever like see someone who has a hydro flat and you're like that's what I want right now mm-hmm that is a hydro flask and I wish it was mine yes introducing sorry you interrupted me sorry I'm sorry go ahead I thought sharks have manners introducing my dro flask my jaw flask is an online license that you illegally buy from me to gives you legal ownership of any hydroflax that you see out in the world and want my truck lask it's not a hydra flask it's my draw flash really and this is another pun company that is completely illegal and does only $200 a month just PayPal me please and now you will get your ID in the mail at some point no and it'll have your name completely spelled right I promise I only [ __ ] up a couple don't talk to those guys no thirst on the road you're not gonna die of thirst you can find somewhere that has all of what water fountain that's pretty archaic to me why not just grab a hydro class there on every corner everyone has one and they can all be yours they're not your low low price of $200 to my PayPal every month okay so if I need more if I use your product and stole someone's Hydra flask and got just slapped in the face because I tried to steal someone else's belonging what do you do for me then well I'm gone by then I'm long gone I'm out you don't also need to read the small print no it's so small that by the time you actually can read it I'm gone I'm out and there is no print illegal company don't report me I'm reporting you don't report me I'm calling the cops I'm starting a new company no it's called my phone that's my phone no it's my phone that's illegal I have a my phone license I'm out criminal how are you gonna run your business from jail I'll figure out a way okay hello sharks do you ever look into the mirror and just think I wish there was more more what just with the mirror like more mirrors are boring they just look like you do you ever think that no okay introducing USB mirror is a mirror with USB ports so when you plug in your phone so you can plug in your phone into it honestly I'm down I'm absolutely down they probably exist do they exist uh I have not checked you should check no no no I'm here in the shark tank I'm not gonna spend my time with my phone I'm here pitching to you do you have money for me no you plug your phone into the mirror I understand okay it would have been really helpful at like in college I used to just have a floor mirror and that was it so I would sit in front of it and do my makeup well I think a lot of people do things like that like cuz it's the closest you can get her if there's good light like a lot of people sit on the ground against the floor mirror to do their makeup or get ready okay and just so we're clear you just plug your phone into it yeah all right are you into it are you in exist no it doesn't exist I'm the first person you look it up no I refuse no no your phone that's rude it's my investing no no no marbles how about you are you interested sir you're depressed I'll give you five dog bones do you have any questions about the products like what it's like don't look stop please stop stop it stop it stop stop no you didn't know can you listen to my whole smart mere little intro no like the one that I have in my bathroom that has a can I explain that my actual idea you didn't listen to what it does you plug your phone into the mirror so you don't lose your phone it doesn't charge anything no no there's no charging but that doesn't that means that you're not gonna risk ever getting shocked no no no plenty of mirrors exists where you can plug your phone into them if it's small there's a lot of those that exist if it was a big floor mirror maybe there's not too many but know they exist Julian I'm sorry I have to be out look that is a good idea okay you ever put something velcro um sorry I'm nervous let me start over hmm do you ever put velcro stickies on things to make them stick to each other because well you need some velcro yeah well introducing velcro no velcro no no this is voice-activated velcro so it sticks to itself when you say no it lets go to the bond howdy boys activated velcro no how did you harness the technology from like saying an audible word into it turning into a mechanical action we stole it from who Siri Siri doesn't do anything mechanical you can just talk to her oh it works though I don't know I paid a designer on Fiverr and he made it he's an engineer it works it works can you give me a scenario where I'd like to say no what if I have them holding different things that and you say no just in conversation and they all whichever one you're talking to their releases it knows whichever one you're talking to it now so just it just knows maybe your you have your phone velcro to the table just don't want it to fall no the word is no not bulk no well the products name is velcro no but you say no if I say no in conversation to you well my things everything will fall it's just a sand you said it knows which one I'm talking to The Voice algorithm isn't quite there yet oh and I doubt that exists okay fine fine I'm on to the next one my real play the theme song introducing my Fitness enemy it's just like it's just like MyFitnessPal but instead of tracking the macros and calories for you once you finish a meal it just tells you that you should eat something else that's so negative absolutely not imagine finishing a giant bowl of pasta and then your pick up your phone open my fitness any means as should a pizza idiot no negative no I'm out or if you're just chomping on some celery and your Fitness enemy pops up it's gonna load I push notification that says how about that taco truck idiot you should add talk I'm out fine I don't know what anything negative telling me what to send you the app for free don't worry about it introducing do do you ever take a nap and feel bad for doing it yeah you do that's the thing right nap guilt yeah over 50,000 million Americans suffer every year from nap guilt but no more introducing grandma pillow with grandma pillow you upload a recording of your grandma saying good job name you deserve a nap so when you lay your head down on the pillow that's what you hear guilty naps no more if your grandma's dead we have stock grandma recordings that you can use oh my god all my grandparents are dead well we have sock recordings it's a common thing for people's grandparents to be dead so why does the recording of your grandma saying good job you deserve a nap who doesn't want to get complimented by their grandma so oh so it's encouraging you to take the knife yes and feel good about yes itself it's all about self-love unlike my Fitness enemy it's quite the opposite of mine Fitness enemy actually a pillow pal I want to rename it can I rename it that's a thing that exists no or my pillow pillow powers mine no no it's grandma pillow grandma pillow pal I like the idea holy [ __ ] this is the talking yeah well it's a talking pillow that you can upload mp3s directly to the US it for you so you can't do it once you buy the pillow it's stuck with that noise mm-hmm we're talking we're in talk to the build-a-bear they said no but we're still in talks for that we go stop emailing them no come on grandma thora it's why would I need to buy a pillow when I could just listen to a recording of my grandma saying good job Jenna you deserve a nap where someone's grandma was just like a grandma voice okay why don't I just listen to that why do we need to buy your pillow because it's a pillow who the hell doesn't need a new pillow I do I've seen the pillows I don't need a new pillow I've seen your pillows you could use a new one I like my pillows I just how about like five bucks cash alright u ever browsing SoundCloud and then look up from the screen and think what the [ __ ] am i doing with my life Wow Julianne what yeah sure SoundCloud is one thing sound why would you spend so much time on one thing it's one sense only one of your senses gets to appreciate it you're depriving the rest of your body of what is this my legs but then he just like set down so he likes the cool table mm-hmm why would you deprive your whole body of all the other senses out there in the world introducing and also there's different types of artists out there ones that don't make sounds mm-hmm introducing smell cloud it's for you artists out there who could make art in the form of smell now like SoundCloud but for your nose no drugs allowed you plug the smell of cloud chip into your nose and then download the app not on Android and you can scroll through your feet of smells that artist in the UK is coming to the US soon have uploaded honestly interesting that technology doesn't exist it's like how people always wanted smellivision okay but you have to just because it rhymes with television work with me a little bit smell cloud yeah it sounds good right cloud I think that there's definitely a market for people that love smells people love and if some guy just tries to run it all by uploading farts he gets he gets strikes on his account there's plenty people that would love to to digitally go through a file of smells like if someone could recreate the smell of my garage when I was young like I would pay anything it was the best smell in the whole world I made of that smell it was like a mixture of like our lawnmower gasoline with like this like nothing it was so good it was like musty mossy smell like it was just incredible I loved it I would go in there just to smell it okay like smells are really powerful but you can't yeah I doubt that your technology exists that you can move it in here no just roll with it a little bit it exists okay invest in something I'll invest in that smell cloud yeah all right 50/50 high still 100% of it though all effects you thank you all right next up I got showed you like two more sure paperweight spell w AIT it's a paperweight that says weight on it no no no that can provide physical weight nope but also serve as a scientific earns patients in life paperweight that's a novelty pun I'm out all of these are puns okay our alarm clock are you armed clock it's an alarm clock that goes off anytime ariana grande releases new music but the sound isn't ariana music it's do we all we could get with [ __ ] music how much fifty five dollars per unit then all the way em I wanna buy 40% of the company you know you through me yes for sure you threw me for a loop there when you said you couldn't get Ariana's music pony said Chingy like I'm sold yeah so it does alert the algorithm does work everytime she drops new music on any platform it goes off but the music that it goes off with is ching-he music I'm down I'm down he let us use his music absolutely love it I love that as long as you're cool ariana not making a cent off of this that's fine it's all goes to me and yeah you definitely are alarm clock our alarm clock very excited don't scratch my finger when we shake hands okay Liam one more note okay just as 2d printer thing is just a printer do you wanna invest Oh 2d printer yeah with like paper yeah no I'm out if you're looking at printers and you see old boring whatever printer LaserJet Judy printer you're gonna buy the 2d printer no I'm not it's telling you how many dimensions it works on I'm literally not 2d printer no 5d like ridges a little picture what what defines two point five DS almost no 3rd dimension it's not quite in the 2nd dimension it's 2.5 inches legal unique topographical maps with it I think that that's 3d it's 2.5 so it's 2.5 because it's like raised a little but it's not quite a physical object it's still paper just raised I skip its class in high school I don't know any of this I'm out ok that's fair I wouldn't invest either 2d printer I'm out I'll get investors elsewhere I got some guys down on the club who would do this hey guys so far the only companies I invested in were smell cloud and re alarm clock yes okay well you know what I can only come up with so many inventions I worked about a week on this list okay I really worked on this list not the whole week consecutively like a couple moments throughout the week but I did I where I'm try to make these good invention sled Mouse plan get rid of your boring ass mouse pads well I don't know how did I do in the shark tank it was good you have a lot of creative products some of them definitely don't or can't exist vitamin catch another example it's not ketchup and sounds disgusting but other than that I mean no knock until you try really really good creativity in your products and I will buy a mirror with the USB in it that sounds nice okay it doesn't charge your phone at all it's just basically to make mein so you don't lose your phone bait is a glorified rope I'll just put my phone on a rope if I feel like I'm gonna lose this rope charger rope USB it's a USB that you plug into your phone and instead of charging your phone it sticks out little spikes inside your phone and locks in so no matter what you do you cannot take it out of your phone and that would cause problems ok no more of this song well thank you guys for joining us it was really good to him Thank You Shane you're watching shark shark tank Julianne edition yeah what could we don't know Julian Julian tries to sell inventions on shark tank [Music] Julian goes into the shark tank maybe Julian in the shark tank well so cute thank you guys for hanging out this for another episode we love you all very much and we hope you have a wonderful week we'll see you guys next week for another podcast good luck in Canada Julie thank you by this time for you guys I will be back hopefully the trip went well and we got into the country you guys be good we'll see you in a week [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 796,938
Rating: 4.9467025 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 14sec (3254 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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