Playing God

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Hell means bright in German so I'm looking forward to the bright reign of god Spiff.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Thoraner 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
you go crabzilla evaporate humanity oh yes hippie do hippie hay the usa is not today ah lovely it doesn't matter how many men you send you are going to die hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm the swiffing brit and today i am more than just an average youtuber i have become god oh my that's right i'm playing a god game which is of course a terrible type of game to be in the hands of any living british person why because we get to live all of our wildest fantasies out and most of them involve the persecution of others ah it's absolutely going to be perfectly balanced so welcome to this brand new world uh it has absolutely nothing going on and that allows us to create a beautiful perfect utopian society and then punish them into oblivion and that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to start by actually getting some land down because there's actually not any land here in our lovely glorious world i mean our world is huge look at the size of this bad boy but there's just nothing going on in it so let's start by adding some land we're going to need some kind of landmass that truly represents the type of world that we're making a beautiful glorious utopia where everyone is happy friendly wonderful and enjoying their existence and here it is ladies and gentlemen it's beautiful i've created it it's hell everyone's favorite landscape my goodness ah hell it's glorious absolutely wonderful and should definitely not be mistaken for of course skegness even though the two do look ever so slightly similar it's fantastic it's populated by evil angry golems now i would absolutely love to build a society on the plains of hell itself however it turns out it's a very difficult for a human being to survive in hell for example i'll pop a single human being down now here's our human their name is dave and they're now about to see what it's like to live in hell now sadly hell is filled with these uh coffee drinkers here and these coffee drinkers they pack a bit of a punch and might actually murder poor little dave but even if the coffee drinkers don't it's okay because i need to make a new world and that means dave's going to be killed either way by an incoming nuclear bomb anyway that's dave dealt with let's make a new world now what i've done is created four basically generic land masses and i'm going to be making all of them absolutely lovely and wonderful full of life and the perfect locations for most societies to fry now we've pretty much set up these perfect land masses we've given all of them sources of gold iron and stone so they can get thriving they've got some berry bushes to keep the local populations fed and sure yes there are some animals native to the continent that might get a little bit angry when humanity starts rocking up but that's okay we've got perfect landmasses for all of our lovely glorious peoples to begin with now we just need some kind of world ending threat for them or to eventually fight once they become powerful enough so let us design the continent of chaos ladies and gentlemen allow me to show you the shaft of destiny the source of all evil and malice in the known world why is this place going to be dangerous well it's going to be dangerous because we're going to start ramming it with some very very angry boys that let's be honest you don't want to fight say hello to zombies these are undead creatures that will turn other humans into zombies now these zombies are great when it comes to literally punching anything because look at them they've got a little bit of damage they've got a little bit of health but most importantly they will infect anything and everything they hit and they don't die of old age so i'm just gonna basically spawn them all along this glorious show and now we have the continent of zombies pretty much sorted out you don't exactly want to associate with these bad boys but that's completely fine we're going to give them a lovely horrible corrupted biome that no one in their right mind would ever want to venture to however as soon as they venture there and discover the zombie apocalypse there is no coming back right time to get our lovely empires actually running and with that we're going to need our four civilizations humanity the elves orcs and the dwarfs so we've got our first few humans down and they're going to start setting up a civilization soon enough then we're going to need the elves straight away these guys have set up a town a civilization and also of the humans they've set up lunan ah lovely fantastic then we're going to need to get the orcs down go there's 28 of them and now also the dwarves so fantastic we've got all of our lovely civilizations down some of them yes have split up into rival locations like for example the humans have set up a completely separate village to the rest of their other villages but that's just because they're picky so far there are 123 living beings on this planet which is wonderful now they're going to start out the process of basically leveling up their entire civilization oh during accidentally placed a dwarf down and so naturally that dwarf got murdered uh well that's my bad so we've got our first few kingdoms actually up and running with various civilizations underneath them the kingdoms are as follows uh the glorious human nation of spifftopia which controls this village and actually also this northern village here the french also known as the elves the stabbers otherwise known as the orci boys and finally the dwarf boys who have pretty much perfectly united and are starting to mine out the mountain these guys are doing great this guy's a pacifist but he is a miner so he is very happy to be mining now their societies are going to take a little while to get developing but eventually they'll discover how to cross the ocean and get to the continent of the ongoing zombie apocalypse now the human main capital of london is actually doing rather good it's got five whole buildings and look at that it's got berries it hasn't got any gold though i suppose is a problem but that's okay these boys they're gonna get strong eventually they just need more time and power and so we're going to give them that time in fact we can even give them that power by giving them sheep but not too many sheephouse they will turn into the welsh and to the french we shall give them a rat king he is just a very large rat and i hope they love him and cherish him all right now i'm just going to basically let a large amount of time pass and watch as our civilizations grow and also well i suppose some of them might collapse hopefully none of them do they have a perfect landscape to get growing they should be fine they have got some technology to research though mind you what are the french researching they currently know how to make tier one houses and that's about it yes and that's mostly the same across the board hopefully we get some technologies with time or brand new village has been founded by the french uh this human kingdom has found a new king it's all going quite well in fact you know what the orcs have even founded a new kingdom the humans are doing great as well they've got a little bit of research going they know how to do some culture conversion and then they're going to start researching how to chop trees which is going to be a fantastic research indeed hopefully they don't just cut down the entire world otherwise uh they might run into a few problems meanwhile the zombies down here are having a grand old time doing uh pretty much nothing they're just having a lovely time ah but the humans are now cutting down trees and with that increase in technology they'll start building themselves better homes look at this they're even getting some farming going look at that ah evolution ladies and gentlemen the glorious population of spifftopia is evolving who is the king of this kingdom oh my goodness he's wise and greedy he's just like me from henceforth you shall be known as default british man oh you're glorious you're perfect right go forth default british man make me a glorious empire oh he's going to be fantastic we can now actually see the location of our kings and the bannermen of the kingdom so for example we have the leader of the dwarf boys over here actually not as i don't want to even have to rename them i'm going to make it so that you no longer die of old age there we go we're bam the kings will now live forever king of the dwarf is a wise pacifist miner so i shall name him big steve there we go the leader of the orcs is of course a bloodlust savage with a equipped of a wooden stick my goodness this is one powerful boy he wants to be called tenero kansas sounds like he wants to be called sly tony there we go and finally the leader of the french he's a weightless ambitious wise individual also with a wooden stick he shall be known as king philippe 172nd because my goodness if there's one thing i know about the french is that they'd love a good king philippe okay a short amount of time has passed ladies and gentlemen and the british empires just declared war on two brand new enemies that's right it's gone to war with the two kingdoms to the left of it that's right it's starbucks and the usa itself the usa is of course being led by jeff bezos it's one true king and amazingly the british have marched a single soldier in this is uh this is our one valiant hero he's going to be known as gigger chat he's not that strong mind you but he was born in scotland and he's single-handedly fighting jeff bezos using his glorious weapon of the stick why does he have a stick well that's because the british empire has been evolving ladies and gentlemen they've been researching look at this they've researched how to produce weapons sharpen axes and convert cultures it's glorious and now they're going to use this prize wisdom to fight the americans and my goodness can the british people of scotland fight oh no they've got armor as well look at that one percent armor the american peasants they have nothing or they have as a land that will soon be subjugated by the glorious british forces and oh dear oh dear yep it looks like this is it for the americans let's view the kingdom oh the kingdom of the usa does not even have an active king this is terrible i think this could be the end for them and a glorious annexation of their terrain for the british empire maybe even their entire culture shall fall to the glorious glorious british empire anyway our farmlands are going great especially as we just annexed ourselves the entirety of the united states there we go kingdom usa was destroyed lovely oh yes the usa is no more hippie do hippie hay the usa is not today ah lovely glorious glorious success of course for us and that means we will need to rename the entirety of the usa to instead canada the superior of nation states oh my goodness canada is full of berries and pie oh wonderful and bones uh yeah sure wonder who left all those bones lying around on the floor oh god oh the poor americans anyway starbucks is going to fall in a little bit they're still alive still a war of the british empire um they don't have a standing army and they don't even have a leader however they will milk you for profit but i don't think that's going to help them oh and the british empire has declared war on the french um neither side knows how to use boats yet so i'm interested to see how combat between the two nations is going to work one thing is for certain though we've researched how to make a sword which is longer than a wooden stick or even researching how to make better houses this is a glorious step for the british empire and yep that is the end of the minor starbucks it has been destroyed and annexed by the glorious tea peoples who will now be using this increasing population to get the ball rolling even further i mean look at them these bad boys have almost two times the population and yes they're at war with the elves but if anything that will just slow down the elf economy speaking of which how the elves doing what technology they on they also have swords and they're also researching houses oh no are the brits researching faster they're at 3.8 knowledge gain the elves are at 3.4 yes it's a minor technological advantage fantastic oh my goodness look at this default british man our lovely glorious leader has been upgraded with a wooden greatsword he is truly going to be a glorious powerful being my goodness are one of the strongest leaders of all and look at this giant army we now have i mean we can't do anything with it because we don't have a boat but one day we will i've decided to give all of the races access to chickens because hopefully they'll do something with the chickens they might just kill the chickens but honestly um i mean sure fine they can kill the chickens if that's what they really want to do right my goodness british society is evolving the people of scotland have actually built some kind of large townhouse and oh my goodness this is truly civilization this is glorious absolutely wonderful and uh the army of the brits is becoming more and more valiant i mean look at this this is a stone monster sword a legendary weapon truly forged by the mighty smiths of the brits the french have also begun creating large settlements of true power and the orcs are also not too far behind the dwarves however they've mostly focused on mining and that's completely understandable they love mining but their military is also not to be feared look at this five percent armor their boys is tooling up getting stronger the war with the french is still ongoing despite the fact that no side is able to even meet each other all i know is that the british have a standing army of 63 soldiers whereas the french only have 33. right i will now speed up the game to allow even more time to pass and civilizations to flourish oh my goodness now now i have noticed a few things namely there's a lot of food ingredients in this game one of which is the greatest food of all tea which is actually being enjoyed by the orcs over here this boy is somehow able to gain access to tea and that makes him happy and so he is going to be renamed to best boy and i want to know exactly what best boy is up to ah yes my favorite boy he drinks tea who couldn't love him this is actually the orc military over here it is uh surprisingly powerful it's rather large and they could be preparing for war although war at the moment is pretty much useless the british military is mostly hanging around the starbucks making sure they never rebel again but the empires are starting to form up now and becoming mighty mighty powerful things indeed the french have discovered how to not only build swords but also make spears and mine more efficiently and just like most of the other empires including the british they're starting to research the third tier of house it won't be long until we have boats up and running and then when we have boats well that is when the war shall begin my goodness some of the weapons the british myths are able to produce is absolutely insane check out this stone legendary monster sword being wielded by the leader of the british empire who is apparently incredibly upset this boy is powerful he is very very powerful and now has an additional 100 hit points meaning he won't die and like you know sadly poor jeff bezos oh and the kingdom of stabbers have made peace with the british empire i had no idea they were even at war let's check out the relations uh yes the brits are at war with with the elves and no one else the uh orcs at war with no one else oh and the british empire has made peace with the french um now that was a surprise my goodness the british empire is growing very strong now 460 people live here this is truly a fearsome kingdom 174 people in the british army my goodness and the tea drinking culture is about to research seafaring oh god they've got dogs they've got docks and then they're going to start learning how to roam the seas oh my goodness this is either the greatest thing in the universe allowing them to conquer the world with these little boats or potentially the worst thing in the universe if they sail down south and meet the giant isle of zombies and also walking skeleton head boys oh my goodness it has begun the age of sale we have boats here created by the british empire is this an elf boat as well yep the french have boats too uh i do believe this could become the age of war 615 british people two glorious giant boats it will be more as well as boat technology improves oh no they've got transport boats they've got barracks and they're even researching something else that i have no idea what it is what is in this boat is it a trade boat uh no that does not look like a trade boat that looks like a boat of war to me okay the french have access to bows spears and swords which is kind of a step above the british but the british however appear to be researching some kind of heavy armor and they've now discovered how to actually govern lands meaning they can control more villages which might make them want to either colonize new lands or destroy the french speaking of which they've just declared war on the french and i've realized we should give them some new lands to colonize so i'm going to actually make a new world up here to the north everyone can have access to an unclaimed new world and fill it with happy lands yes glorious happy happy wonderful lands full of life and trees and resources ah so much gold as well lovely who wouldn't want to conquer this brave new world anyway let's go straight back to the biggest thing on the menu which is the british invading the french because both sides have gigantic transport boats the french have a standing military force of 100 soldiers and the british have a standing military force of 242 however the british iris or war with the orcs which do also have a gigantic military so uh this can actually go anyway who knows what will happen oh my goodness a new village has been founded by the french it has oh my goodness the french have landed a colony they've landed a colony on the zombie island what what are you doing french people what a terrible idea well i wish you'd like french people but you really shouldn't have settled on this land uh this was a very very bad idea because look now that this peasant has been hit by a zombie they are now infected they will eventually die of just effectively the disease and come back to life as a zombie oh no this was a terrible terrible terrible idea also every single french person that dies here also has a very high chance of coming back as a ghost that's right a zombified ghost or a skeleton it's um it's a nightmare anyway the village was destroyed wait hang sang is that the british sailing down a boat no the british aren't landing a colony as well no they are british people why just because it's unclaimed land doesn't mean you need to colonize it oh no okay well these guys are all gonna die as well what a terrible waste of population don't get me wrong they're fighting valiantly but this was uh but this was literally the worst idea in the universe meanwhile it looks like the orcs are landing an invasion force or they're planning to settle a new colony because either way they're floating 186 passengers around the northern tip of the british empire which could actually be their entire military force yep that's going to be their entire army floating on a boat uh where is the british military it's loading up onto this boat no british military no the orcs are coming oh dear oh dear just because you wanted to come down here to fight the island full of the undead what are you doing british people no send the army back okay the orcs have landed there's a lot of them although for some reason they do all appear to be on fire currently um i don't know what happened here but the orcs have landed in what was the usa or canada and have mostly set themselves on fire which means that they will probably deal with themselves after a short period of time and rampaging murdering the local british peoples yep it looks like they are all about to effectively burn out and die and that is the end of the occupation they've done it again they've wandered into the british lands and they are now all on fire and are about to die oh my god what a waste well um well that's how to get rid of your entire military in just a few easy steps i guess anyway the british army has landed in the elf lands and they haven't set themselves on fire meanwhile the elf military has landed inside the british capital luckily there are some forces here to defend i imagine it's going to be a glorious bloodbath however meanwhile it's happened again but this time the orcs are doing it the orcs have decided to land a colony on the wang of chaos um good luck to them i wish them all the best who knows maybe they're going to be able to pull it off but i know that i do not like the look of this world oh no the british capital is burning and but luckily it looks like the king has survived surrounded by an army of peasants he has been given an even more powerful legendary wooden sword this one gives him a plus 30 critical hit which is glorious i imagine he is still currently very sad it might have something to do with the fact that most of his capital city is now on fire but it does seem that the french military has indeed been defeated just a single stupid spiri boy remains and uh hopefully he is going to be actually finished off here also why is the english king on fire why are you currently burning to death please can you put yourself out i'll summon some rain there we go lovely you're no longer on fire my friend oh no meanwhile the king philippe of the 172nd of the french was slain by gahaya this one here this lovely amazing british person here has slain a king there you go they shall henceforth be known as nigel the king slayer lovely glorious nigel and his king slaying abilities anyway i don't think it's looking too good for the french they've pretty much been defeated they have just elected a brand new king but they haven't exactly done very well they haven't done quite as poorly as the orcs who landed an entire invasion force and then set said invading force on fire but they're still not exactly doing the best meanwhile the orcs that actually made it down onto the cursed island are actually still alive they just haven't set up anything they're kind of just standing around here being sad maybe if i give them some more dwarfs they'll be happy there we go we'll give them a little new dwarf oh and the british empire has of course landed and it looks like the remaining forces led by nigel the king slayer here who is now a veteran with his wooden legendary sword my goodness uh they're going on a glorious rampage you go nigel you go oh no nigel you're taking damage don't die nigel please don't die oh no he's only got 21 health no nigel he was killed by tottenham you shall be known as todd nor night slayer even more prestigious title now finally the british are starting to research how to make bows which is fantastic now finally a brand new city has been founded is of course founded by the orcs in the lovely new world i get the feeling it's gonna do great except for the fact that there's currently some very angry dwarfs that for some reason arrived here but didn't set up a kingdom that are now going to just wander in here oh my goodness and the british army is just chilling out on the french coast these boys they've done a great job you know we're gonna do we're gonna solve the diplomatic issues between these kingdoms by building a bridge that's right we're just gonna build a land bridge between the two oh and the dwarves have also settled in the new world oh lovely okay this is gonna not get spicy in the slightest and atasor has ended todd nor nigel slayer oh my goodness uh finally the knights lair has been defeated by this blessed wise individual wielding another legendary sword of doom why is everyone in the british military wielding some kind of legendary sword let's do a quick check on how the diplomacy is looking so um the brits are at war with everyone excluding the orcs the french red wall with just the brits the awkward war with just the brits and the dwarves are at peace with everybody lovely good for them also for some reason the city of scotland has eclipsed the size of london but that's largely because london got burned to the ground anyway the brits are now invading we have the long bows and i get the feeling the french aren't going to last too long especially even if their king you know is armed with a giant legendary weapon over here i get the feeling he's still not going to stand up to the combined might of the glorious british empire and just like that sadly the french are quite simply no more there are only four french people remaining that's the end the french are gone their king has been defeated well lovely i guess that's a whole bunch of new territory for someone to claim it could literally be anyone and i get the feeling it's going to be the dwarves i mean they're literally saving the long trip over oh no hang on a second they're not sailing it down here again they're sailing it down here again come on you know what happened last time you kept landing expeditionary forces into the cursed world ah geez anyway the brits are now founding new territories in the old french lands and the orcs have landed an invading force and they've even got one of my stardogs who's the legendary tea drinking boy the best boy but sadly the best boy was just defeated i imagine partly bugsy set himself on fire i don't know what the orcs are doing but every time they land they just explode into flames and die and it's not the most effective invasion strategy but it will work i guess anyway the kingdom of the french has been destroyed and the british empire has finally made peace with the orcs lovely hopefully there can now be some economic stability and rebuilding well the dwarven kingdoms have very efficiently converted all of their land into housing space and so they need to expand the same can be said about the orcs they've still got a little bit of space remaining but they are claiming the new world like nobody's business my goodness it's looking good for them less good for the other occupying forces up there i'd have started a brand new kingdom in the new world uh this is the kingdom of wales which was famously formed by two people and a whole bunch of sheep and hopefully they're gonna be able to you know just slow down the immense stabbers expansion which is going absolutely insane right now even though sure the dwarves do exist on this land i somehow doubt with their wooden sticks they're going to be existing for that long and yep it looks like we have just seen war declared stabbers has declared war on the dwarven boys they want their land and i get the feeling that they're gonna be getting in that land doesn't matter how many lovely trade ships you have when the orcs want you dead they're going to see it through oh wow and yep look at that the poor little dwarven cities are getting bombarded by naval ships and oh wow they're just gonna load up all of the military up onto a boat and where it lands is not going to be a good thing indeed and here comes in the first army it is setting fire to most of the dwarven cities oh dear oh dear oh dear this time the army hasn't set itself on fire yet so um so that is a good sign for them it's possible they might actually win an invasion and my goodness it genuinely does look like it we've got a small dwarven army here and it's gonna be combat and now everyone is on fire i don't know how that happened but i think the dwarves might have done it yes they have they've just defended their lands glorious dwarven defensiveness for the win sure it cost them about half their population but that's a win meanwhile wales has grown to a population of 12. don't ask me how two people have become 13 people in such a short period of time using only sheep but it has happened i love playing god what a glorious universe i've created oh and the little dwarven new frontier colony has been destroyed what a devastating loss but you know what i have realized that is that the new world has become too valuable consequently we must do something to spice it up a bit and so we shall simulate what did happen in the new world and that is a gigantic plague of death so we shall infect just a small quantity of the local population here with the plague what could possibly go wrong and of course that's very well timed because the orcs have declared war on wales i mean wales is such a mighty military state it makes perfect sense oh no the poor welsh they're just peaceful honest folk they don't even have weapons they're they haven't researched them yet oh and would you look at that it seems that the plague has actually spread there's a few people over here shaking with the plague if the orcs do manage to take the plague back home that could be quite a large problem oh and the king of the welsh has been defeated by the orcs oh no rest in peace welsh people i'm afraid this is the end well things are going uh rather poorly for the world at the moment it turns out the plague was a very bad idea a lot of people are dying very very quickly everyone in the world has the plague excluding the british of course who have lived on this glorious island and consequently none of them have the plague but sadly it means we're going through kings like nobody's business the dwarves are losing a lot of people currently 116 people are infected 248 for the dwarves in fact and for the british absolutely none as it turns out the schlong to the south has become an absolute nightmare world because of all of the failed expeditions endless ghosts have been spawning and these ghosts are getting stupidly powerful and the more expeditions that land the more powerful they become anyway we need to actually stop this plague because for the moment it's quite simply too powerful and naturally the orcs have also declared war on the dwarves despite the fact that there was an ongoing pandemic you know nothing's going to stop them the dwarves only have 46 infected people geez why does it keep going back up i thought i cleared the entire thing oh great more divine miracles to heal the world there we go no one is getting infected everyone is healthy now stop being ill i swear to god i just cleared up the entire disease in the orc faction and then 333 people are now infected why is the pandemic this powerful oh my goodness well i guess i have absolutely no way of stopping this giant plague from firing and most of society burning but hey the dwarves have decided to land a couple invading forces into the orcs and that's actually gone relatively well now i have discovered another power that i have which is pretty cool and that is of course the heat ray which allows me just to um set fire to things and get them really hot and spicy this includes pretty much everything on the map including people um like those orcs they've just burst into flames oh dear they are running around spreading the fire uh that's fine we'll just ignore that see in the british empire there's only ever been 782 deaths meanwhile in the orc empire there has been almost five thousand oh my god i this this disease was a mistake it really was right well there is currently yet again another war between the orcs and the dwarves and for some reason i think one side can cast lightning down on the other because that's pretty much all they've been doing now sadly i have not been able to stop the infection the infection is still going wild in these two nations and so logically the only way i can solve it is to build a very simple land bridge between the phallus and these two kingdoms and hopefully this shall just solve pretty much all of our problems by spreading an overwhelming army of ghosts to deal with the endless tide of orcs or in the very least more orcs will come over here and die which in turn will create more ghosts but know that the chaos will just continue to keep spreading over and over and over eventually the phallus shall grow oh and the brits colonized this tiny island over here and have started growing tea it's lovely it's wonderful truly glorious anyway the armies of chaos are currently being held at bay by a near endless stream of orcs which are now wielding bows with incredible velocity i mean just look at them go it's like we could use a few more necromancers to help out down here actually i don't think we need any more necromancers my goodness look at all of this this is just a little bit ridiculous anyway the orcs have once again declared war on the dwarves which will see pretty much exactly nothing happen again uh as for some reason the orchestra just simply marching in lots and lots of people to be turned into ghosts this is a completely terrible idea because look at all these skeletons using bows the chaos biome is spreading ladies and gentlemen climbing up this little sliver of land and it's making its way up to the orcs as well the more they fight the more ghosts they create oh no no no this is becoming a little bit messy but the orcs are still a absolutely gigantic nation yes they're not at war with the brits but still have 185 military strength the brits do have 887 which is just a little bit ridiculous but i suppose they all have more area to actually colonize and work with which is also very useful not going to work out i'm sorry prince every time you do this you are going to die it doesn't matter how many men you send if you put peasants onto this continent they just get turned into ghosts and skeletons well the dwarves have finally made peace with the orcs but don't know how long that's going to last the entirety of the orc population is now immune from the giant disease which is lovely stuff but still they must now fight an endless army of angry ghost boys slowly making their way into their society well the orcs have declared war on the dwarfs yet again but this is of course not a good time to do it because well the corruption is still growing somehow the ships are able to sail through this land but still is not looking good but the orcs have built a gigantic look at that defensive tower to stave off the endless waves of ghosts which is actually quite a good idea oh my goodness look at this orc military firing line of bows just marching into the corrupted territory they're actually doing okay but the issue is uh there's a few angry necromancers here these bad boys are pretty pretty powerful and they are very very evil oh my goodness the orcs are actually landing invasion forces into the corrupted zone why they just get turned to ghosts this is the worst idea ever oh it's never going to work oh oh dear god poor orky boys well can't blame him for trying because they are really trying to see if they can colonize this corrupted landscape oh my goodness and one of the actual villagers up here has been destroyed by the dwarf king himself leading an invasion force that's actually gonna really slow down the orcs but they just keep founding new territories over here in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no backing oh and of course here come the brits land some soldiers of their own but they might actually be able to colonize some territory here oh my goodness they've founded a new village brits why this is a terrible idea it's cursed land i know you love to drink tea but still this is a real folly this is a terrible terrible idea why not settle on this lovely mushroom land filled with sheep yes that's much nicer oh my goodness an even larger army of brits has landed and they seem really dead set on trying to make this work well i wish them luck you have got technically 1 000 soldiers and you are building a dock so maybe you can survive but as soon as you outgrow all of these ghosts i'm afraid it's definitely going to be over speaking of which the orcs have actually also landed and there we go that is the british village destroyed by an army of skeletons who could have foreseen such a thing happening oh and the british empire has now declared war on the orcs okay this is going to get spicy oh no demons from another realm have invaded this world and it appears they've arrived in old france land oh dear well they are looking pretty angry indeed and wielding flame swords which um appear to have set most of the peasants on fire well uh i actually think we should be able to do fine here oh no default british man he's dead he died oh no he died fighting the evil chaos invasion no oh glorious default british man well we have a new king now his name is he is wielding the flame sword of doom that was probably used to kill the last king but my goodness he's going to be fantastic this boy loves war which means um we're going to probably see a lot more fighting and he's very angry well this is going to be the new king a t fueled mad man he's going to be a glorious fighter anyway the brits are now piling onto the boats here we're starting to get our first few military actions against each other who knows where the brits are going to land today because they've got an army a mighty mighty army okay well there was a small orcish invasion just on the west side of the british empire but it's okay the dwarves are actually managing to push back the borders of the orcs and the orcs have kind of lost their southern coast to what appears to be oh it's the brits my goodness they've actually defeated an entire village um with the assistance of course a mighty army of ghosts that have quite simply wandered in interestingly the orcs are basically using weapons that they've stolen from people like this guy here has stolen a necromancer's stuff he's stolen some rings from the british empire and some boots from the dwarves my goodness that is literally what the orcs are running their entire economy off of just stolen goods oh devastatingly the tea fueled man is no more he's actually died uh why has he died well it's because uh everyone in the british empire is ill and uh well we just had king tuvagi uh sported but he just died as well i'm pretty sure the plague uh this is a problem now it is uh really becoming a problem we've got king vigo now there he is hopefully he lives he's got a fine sort of power mind you and he loves tea i really want him to live come on best best king he is sad but that's okay we're gonna we i think we can do something to save him okay we'll hit him with some divine light he's been given a new swanky set of armor and with his divine light and geniusness and his love of tea i hope he survives now sadly the brits are kind of just getting hit by chain lightning over and over again and i have no idea what's causing it beyond um all i can guess is that the orcs have some kind of way of summoning death onto others some kind of weird magic maybe a religion in fact well the only way to deal with that is to actually allow the two nations to simply meet and solve their problems mano tomano and also there's far too many skeletons milling about here so i'm just going to drop a few bombs on their heads okay that solved it oh and best king has died uh ekkatop is now the new king and anchor top has also died um this is a veritable nightmare problem um i don't know why the british landscape was ravaged by chaos and plague but it's happened and i don't have anyone to blame other than the orcs and consequently that means i have to drop a meteorite right on top of them um there we go somehow that king lived but you know it is his fault yeah it has to be the orcs these orcs are summoning chain lightning what angry angry boys they're fighting the human empire but bless the human empire it's only got 76 soldiers left i mean they mostly died due to the plague i guess i just need to uh bring back the heat ray and also in order to save the british empire i must do the one thing that i never thought i'd be able to do that is of course land a nuclear bomb it just kind of felt appropriate and then of course we can follow it up with the star bomb wow okay that one was a little bit more powerful oh my goodness oh and i just drop one in the ocean oops well i guess that goes a little village i guess all that's left for me to do is finish off this glorious world by becoming uh the glorious crabzilla if you don't know who crabzilla is um he's amazing look at him go and march through the landscape but most importantly he's got powers like laser gloves oh yes crabzilla you go crabzilla evaporate humanity oh yes i'm sorry orky boys you have a lovely civilization here but i am bloody krabzilla oh merry christmas merry christmas everybody merry crabby christmas i can march across any landscape and butter any foe i am glorious crapzilla and i guess now i just need to finish off my glorious landscape that i've created a glorious empire truly powerful sadly this video must come to an end and so consequently it shall with the arrival of an infinite quantity of star bombs ah what a lovely day to be british ah lovely oh someone actually survived hats off to the handful of british people who lived my goodness well done um the world is not quite ready for you but you're beautiful and you keep your culture going strong there's only 23 of you but how many people are still alive 118 living beings ah wonderful but well there you go ladies and gentlemen the british empire lives on with this population 32 village and amazingly some dwarves survived over here in a tiny island that i didn't even notice so there you have it if you enjoyed today's video and discovered why british people should never be allowed to play god because otherwise they're going to rack up 51 000 deaths then be sure to give the video a like if you want to see more videos like this then you know what to do hop on down to the comment section and tell me what games you want me to experiment being got in next because guess what they're all completely and utterly perfectly balanced anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day ladies and gentlemen and i'm afraid it's goodbye for now as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my amazing patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much also huge thanks to the youtube members my goodness look at these majestic sausages [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,510,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, when playing god, when playing god goes wrong, playing god, when playing, worldbox, worldbox god game, worldbox god simulator, worldbox god, world box, worldbox game, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit live, british humor, super worldbox, worldbox gameplay, world box gameplay, funny moments, worldbox pc, world box playing god, world box game, god game, destroying the world, simulator funny moments, secret, worldbox secrets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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