Charging £1000 For Water made Me A Millionaire! Perfectly Balanced Tavern Tycoon

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and then that is where the fun begins and oh my god someone just spent 500 gold on a drink lovely oh yes oh yeah so yes oh wow my goodness we're up to 2800 gold oh boy okay that is a lot of gold hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today you join me in the wonderful world of tavern master that's right it's a wonderful tavern tycoon game and today ladies and gentlemen i'm not just going to show you how to run a thriving tavern i'm going to show you how to absolutely decimate the balance of this game and generate infinite money using hyperinflation that's right because why on earth would you bother running a successful business in tavern when instead you can just live in an era of hyperinflation where currency has no value and for some reason we get to set the price of everything and force the poor poor local peasants to pay for it oh it's going to be glorious so without further ado ladies and gentlemen make sure your sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even give this video a like now let's dive into making the most economically dubious pub possible right welcome ladies and gentlemen to our lovely very simple tavern it doesn't start out with much we have two very basic employees this man is called reeves oh my goodness it's none other than keanu reeves i knew he would be here oh it's glorious well we've managed to find him the man the biff the legend has just spawned in our lovely tavern now the way this game works is very simple we serve beverages like say water and beer at the cost of two gold and free gold each based on the level of prestige in our pub we shall be attracting guests in our case we'll be attracting 43 people per day just off of the streets to come into our lovely pub and here are our first few customers now it's a very simple process whereby they raise their hand and they pretty much order a drink out of thin air the lovely bar keeper man here fills up two fresh glasses of water brings them over to them and then we get paid it really is as simple as that we've just made our first 11 gold coins lovely however it could be better and in fact we could also do with renaming our tavern now we're going to name our tavern bargain booze and the reasoning is very simple we're gonna lure people in on the false pretense of low prices well already on our first day we've increased our potential seating by adding in space for an additional six customers at any one time and this in turn will massively improve our profits we've also now just unlocked the ability to make a kitchen and as great as it would be sure to actually have a kitchen we're not going to because food in this game is terrible we only want to serve beverages because beverages are perfectly balanced anyway let's get more tables in just a huge long line of tables oh lovely fantastic that's another additional eight customers we just added space for so did you ever hear about that time a guy walked into a bar and then he asked the bartender do you have any helicopter-flavored crisps of course the bartender shakes his head and says no we've only got plain oh my god now that that's my kind of dad joke but i will tell you about this one time a ghost walked into a bar the bartender said i'm sorry we don't serve spirits oh dear already we're seeing the drinks flow and the profits slowly drip on in it's going to take a while for us to actually become absolutely monolithic in profiteering but we will get there soon you see it all starts when we unlock this lovely bonus down here the drink price manipulation in the research tree as soon as we have this we determine what the peasants are paying right well that's day two over as well we managed to turn a nice tidy profit on that day we sold 90 drinks which is lovely and we're ready to move on to day three now with more money than ever in our account but it's probably also time that we expand the pub a bit as we're going to need more seating space right now we've finally expanded the pub into this additional area over here which is lovely as this means we can now start filling it with even more tables and more tables means more customers and more customers mean more profits oh it's fantastic right now we finally unlocked the ability to do special events most of them do require you to have kitchen so that you can actually serve food but we don't need to do any of them no no no no instead we're going to host ourselves a regular party this means tomorrow we have 20 slightly rarer guests arriving and these bad boys are going to be drinking water and lemonade now in order to do this we're going to actually need to have lemonade available so i will actually buy some and then we're going to schedule this lovely party to happen tomorrow and these people are gonna rock up and start buying water and lemonade but most importantly they're actually buying water an inflated price of four gold which is absolutely overpowered and there we go all the guests of the event have been served and i immediately get 200 gold that is lovely right an event day has come to an end which is glorious for us we managed to make a lovely quantity of money but more importantly it's gotten us one step closer to researching the drink price i'll tell you something else i can do i can actually buy this lovely musician's podium as well we simply spend gold and they will guarantee a certain amount of guests are likely to rock up tomorrow which is of course fantastic stuff more people arriving is potentially more money which in turn is more profits so we're going to start the next day admittedly we'll probably start it with negative money but it's okay because we now have a brand new bard and we have even more seating areas right some fantastic progress has been had we are now in the final stretch of research this is the point where we're able to start breaking this game into tiny little pieces it all starts with the research of the drink price ladies and gentlemen as this allows us to set our own prices for the beverages because why serve water to gold cost when in reality we could be serving it for a lot more especially considering it is literally free to refill now doesn't that just seem perfectly balanced so all we have to do is wait for our lovely research to come into pass and then good old keanu reeves here is gonna be in a very happy position when it comes to pouring his drinks he's gonna be pouring drinks at a little bit higher than his usual cost and there we go we've managed it we've researched drink price ladies and gentlemen lovely stuff now allow me to demonstrate the power and limitations of altering the drink prices this is now something we can do we can change the price of all of our items at the exact same time using this button here however there is one minor problem as you can see over here we currently sell beer for free gold and lemonade for free gold and water for two gold and it costs us money to refill them but we can increase our prices and this allows us to sell beer for four gold heck we can increase it up to six pretty much doubling our prices from free gold to six there's just one issue no one is going to pay for it as much as we'd love people to actually buy the alcohol at this price they're not going to only six guests would actually turn up tomorrow if we charge these prices this is of course a problem because we can increase our prices as much as we like but the issue is no one's going to be paying them because no one wants to buy alcohol at stupidly exorbitant prices there's just one issue and that is that we can lie to our customers i know and it's all going to begin tomorrow in true glorious profiteering fashion because i've discovered something very unique about this game as soon as someone is walking past your pub provided there's space for them to be set and we are expected to have that many guests per day they will enter the pub and they will sit down and then buy a drink this much is guaranteed whether they stay for longer and buy multiple drinks is entirely questionable but one thing is for certain once they decide to enter they will buy at least one drink and that means we can exploit this so what we're gonna do is basically create a prison it all starts very simply by moving all of the tables and chairs that we have near the front of the entrance away from the actual front now very interestingly the game has this very simple graph to show the walkable area inside a pub now this is a very useful graph there's just one issue we're going to be manipulating it as you can probably guess the interesting fact about this game is that when someone decides to enter your pub they have decided to buy a drink but the issue is very simple if someone enters your pub and you've raised the price they won't buy any more drinks they're just going to leave i mean if you've got into a pub you've bought your first drink and that only costs you free gold then great then if the second drink is going to be 87 gold you're not gonna buy that drink you're gonna run as far away as you can so in order to manipulate this all we have to do is make sure we can scam people before their first drink is ever purchased and so in order to do that we're going to be building ourselves a lovely maze-like prison we are sadly going to have to move our lovely counter away but it's okay it was a necessary thing to happen as we have to build ourselves an entrance that truly allows us to manipulate everyone because now when people enter our tavern they have to enter through this front door walk all the way around the outside all the way along here right the way around here and then bam now they can actually be seated it's fantastically broken as we're going to be able to use this to start tricking people so welcome ladies and gentlemen we have our lovely pub we've got it open we're ready to receive 122 guests today now the first few guests are of course members of a band which is lovely that's fantastic but most importantly we're starting to see large groups of people walking into our pub and getting ready for our lovely drinks well this is where we have our prey this lovely monk man here right before stepping into the pub has committed to entering the pub but as soon as he enters he enters and commits at the price he's entered at in this case it would be two gold for water free gold for beer and free gold for lemonade but what if we were to change these prices now i've got an auto clicker set up so i'm just going to temporarily raise the prices up to uh you know a nice little humble uh let's say 77 gold actually let's raise the price up to 18. 80 gold for a beer all of the people inside the tavern are never going to pay those prices and they probably will start leaving but that's okay because this man has committed to going into the tavern so is this person this person and this person because we said the price is low and the ai said yes i would like to go in and buy a drink and now hyperinflation is set in and the drinks have just gone up in price now for the people already sat here who already committed at the price levels they are still going to be repeatedly served drinks at acceptable prices but now that this monk has arrived well this is where the fun begins as this monk is going to pay exorbitant fees for pretty much any and all beverages he receives and we're just going to increase our price and you'll notice we're suddenly making gold very quickly look this man just spent 79 gold on a glass of water this is almost 40 times the inflated price of water as water is normally sold at two gold each it also costs us absolutely nothing to refill the water barrel it is entirely free and this man just bought something that we can get for free for 79 gold and best of all ladies and gentlemen he loves it here so he's going to do it again all of those people just spent 80 gold on drinks and now we have 682 gold in the bank now that's up to 794 and now it's 854 and oh my goodness everyone in the pub is now spending 80 gold on drinks oh dear oh dear oh dear that's a lot of money i don't think most of these people even make 80 gold they now have to go home and explain to their lovely peasant wife why they spent 80 gold on a glass of water anyway we're repeatedly serving all of the customers that recently entered 79 gold drinks and this is massively inflating our money we've now made more money today than we have pretty much on any other day despite the fact that we've sold a lot less drinks this means our profit margins are a lot better as well because we're not actually using that much of our stock which is lovely but this looks like the end for today we managed to make ourselves a tidy 1749 gold that's lovely and using this money we can actually deck out the pub a bit because that's right ladies and gentlemen we've got decorations and these decorations directly influence the amount of people that will enter our pub we can put down these banners of suffering and this will of course convince more guests to arrive and increase our prestige so bam our prestige has increased massively now if we were to drop our prices back down to where they normally were we would now have 142 people visiting us tomorrow which is lovely anyway this was a fantastic day we managed to make ourselves a huge amount of money and it's time for us to start our next day of course we've got our lovely musicians coming straight back into the pub more importantly because our prices are so incredibly wonderfully cheap everyone else is going to want to enter but remember we don't want anyone entering straight away we want there to be a deficit build up of customers as this is generally going to confuse the game to try and make it balance everything out so no customers for the time being the people who've entered are going to be buying drinks at their regular normal price but now we're going to decrease the prices back down to happy friendly levels and we'll bam suddenly people are going to want to start entering again literally everyone on the entire map is going to want to start entering again which is fantastic pretty much all of these people here are now fully committed to entering our pub along with most of the people on the map so as they're starting to make their way over we are now going to start changing the prices we are going to of course inflate the prices using our auto clicker again raise them up to about 80 similar to last time but now we're gonna go a little bit above and beyond just because we quite simply can as the developers decided not to put a cap on the amount of money these peasants were carrying and now we are going to charge them 500 gold for water this is 250 times the base cost of water a product which is entirely free and in fact flowing literally right there for someone to scoop up with their bloody hands but we are now selling it at a premium price now look at all of the people that have committed themselves to entering our pub at this ridiculous price point it's wonderful they're gonna start all flowing in they're gonna absolutely love it they're gonna sit down probably order their first few drinks and then the price point is going to actually change and then that is where the fun begins and oh my god someone just spent 500 gold on a drink lovely oh yes oh yeah so yes oh wow my goodness we're up to 2800 gold oh boy okay that is a lot of gold whoa this is an incredible amount of profit well we're just gonna let this day play out because evidently um this is fantastic now as we have so much money we can just literally slam down decorations everywhere so i'm gonna put these lovely medieval suits of armor about just because um they're lovely and intimidating and of course massively increase our prestige which in turn will lead to more customers falling for our lovely scam tomorrow the sheer amount of profits from selling people water is absolutely wonderful this wizard here has drank 1 000 golds worth of water this woman just raised her hand for another water what are you doing what what is wrong with you priesty woman that's 500 golds worth of water look i know you're a priest that you can probably sell holy water for quite a profit but still good lord okay well hey i mean i'll take five grand that's um that's absolutely wonderful all in all ladies and gentlemen today was a fantastic day in comparison to all of the previous days we managed to sell 12 000 gold's worth of drinks this is a very very very nice profit and completely and utterly broken right we're ready to start the next day let's go now all we need to do is actually decrease our prices back down and luckily for me i also have a macroscope set up for this as we need to decrease these prices right the way back on down just so that we can actually get people back into the pub again so there we go now with our base level of prices 207 people are going to want to actually turn up today which is lovely we're going to start seeing quite a few of them actually walk their way into the pub but then of course we're going to raise the prices up again we want to raise our prices stupidly high so that no one will want to come on in then raise them stupidly low so loads of people will commit themselves to coming on in and now that that's going to happen and i've seen the change in npcs occur we are now going to massively artificially increase these prices six and a half hours later well here we are ladies and gentlemen we have increased the price of uh water and beer and lemonade from the usual cost of two free and free to um 10 026 1027 and 10 027 as well um this is completely okay yeah sure people are still going to enter the pub for some reason they're absolutely insane but they'll still do it oh god they'll still do it and we can sell these people alcohol we can sell them drinks and these drinks are going to cost a lot of money oh my they're going to cost a lot of money well bam that's just 10 000 gold oh boy boy a point yeah that's going to really skew or any at all profit margins today because that is very very very good so we have 22 grand in the bank this is lovely this is fantastic but we could make it even better i think i know way how well um this was a very good day for the pub we managed to make 15768 gold that is very very very jazzy indeed and in fact we're immediately going to open up the pub and be able to have floods and floods of people want to immediately go on in i mean just look at the sheer amount of people walking past the pub now our prestige level is insane thanks to the ridiculous amount of suits of armor that we have heck we can probably increase it even more let's get even more suits of armor going just so i can really increase the amount of guests we get per day oh my goodness each of these bad boys is worth so many additional guests it is wonderful right okay we now do around about 694 guests per day which is um absolutely ridiculous and now pretty much everyone walking past is going to desire to enter our pub so now that that's the case we're going to once again raise the price of all of the drinks i'm going to be back in probably about four hours because we're gonna spend a long time raising the price of the drinks oh my goodness one eternity later okay welcome back ladies and gentlemen i've broken the game we now have two hundred thousand prestige do you know why um it's because of all of these bloody telescopes basically i managed to sell a handful of drinks at 200 000 gold and uh that actually resulted in so much money i could just place down near infinite telescopes now what is the benefit of telescopes well each telescope is a lot better than a piece of armor each armor can raise the prestige level by 150 which is fantastic however the telescope can raise it by 500 oh my goodness that's absolutely fantastic now it did have one minor problem and that is that the game is now busted because demand is so high that 8 306 people want to go to the pub every day at the base prices but if we increase the prices a lot and raise say the price of water up to you know something absolutely absurd like 30 gold 2 800 people still want to come here every day we can raise the prices up to 36 gold for water 37 gold for beer and 37 gold for lemonade and over 200 people are still gonna be coming here every day to get this look at the line of people coming into the pub what the hell is going on game oh dear i did well we're about to make a lot of money very very very quickly um oh dear well uh this is fantastic this is absolutely absurd money is gonna start flooding in oh my goodness what's this there's a thief there's a thief he's broken in i mean there's a cutscene playing because the fifa's broken in and i get the feeling this is gonna take 50 hours to play out oh my god he's gonna have to go through the entire thing no oh my god this is gonna take like 70 millennia oh god why did i build a maze in my pub oh no it's fine i did this to myself okay so the thief comes in hello there fifi boy yes yes yes yes what are you gonna do oh he's stolen a barrel okay is we then gonna watch him walk all the way out with the barrel yes we are oh my oh god this was such a bad idea oh god and there we go yep a thief stole one of our barrels lovely well i guess now we have to hire some guards well here we have it ladies and gentlemen this has been an explanation of how to absolutely decimate this game by convincing people that they are willing to satiate their first at any price no matter what the cost they are willing to do anything for that refreshing taste of an item that is completely free for us to purchase being sold at 90 gold ah it's perfectly balanced anyway as always ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed today's video make sure to give it a like and why not hop on down to the comment section and make sure to give our pub a 5 star rating please write a completely legitimate trip advisor review for bargain boost so that more people know to frequent this place after all the water is so delicious you can even taste it through the crippling debt and hey if you sat there and you haven't even subscribed yet why not do it now it's absolutely majestic and will massively increase your own charisma statistics as always a huge thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons and youtube channel members whose names are displayed on screen now these majestic sausages bankroll and fund our videos to make them all the more possible seriously thank you very much for your generous support and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,167,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, tavern master, tavern master gameplay, challenge, tycoon game, tycoon, roblox tycoon, tavern master game, the spiffing brit, tavern tycoon, video game, exploit, game exploit, game glitch, millionaire, Charging £1000 For Water made me a Millionaire, money exploit, spiffing brit, funny, video game exploit, perfectly balanced, rpg exploit, montage, tavern master lets play, british humor, perfectly balanced game, tycoon roblox, tycoon games, tavern game, gameplay
Id: crUZm7jhfqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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