Exploiting Friendships In Among Us To Break Nogla And RTGame with 1000 IQ IMPOSTER PLAYS!

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Thank yee for the post mahons :)

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/TheSpiffingBrit 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

The editing animation for the voting screen, both camera shakes and text, really amped up how hilarious this turned out. Love it.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Jokie155 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Friendship is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/cagnusdei 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Whoever did the subtitles deserves a full cup of yorkshire gold.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/GorGonDo 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I've watched a fair bit of Among Us and I don't think I've seen the gaslight strat work.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/forgetfulcoder 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Noglas meltdown had me in genuine tears.


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/slimey_frog 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing among us now this is going to be a little bit different from the usual content on the channel instead of exploiting video games we're going to be exploiting the game among us this is of course a little bit more tricky than most games because there's not many gameplay mechanics you can exploit beyond looking at animations or editing the xml files of the game to make it so that you're always an imposter there's not exactly much in here for us to exploit so instead we have to exploit the very players themselves and that's exactly what we're going to be doing we're going to be exploiting our friends for fantastic profit and mostly so that we can either murder them or throw them out of the side of an airlock now before we start i personally want to thank artie game for organizing this lovely event it's not very often i get an opportunity to throw call me kevin out into deep space so thank you very much rt but who are we playing with today well we're playing with nogler who you might know from youtube we're playing with arty game we're playing with someone also known as call me kevin playing with alia who is noble's wife then we're also playing with david mint who you might know as the twitch streamer kiwo we're playing with joe who is noble's brother definitely keep an eye on joe and we're also playing with mr gibbon who's noble's friend and mango who is my fiance and as you can guess mango being my fiancee does not trust a single word that i say yes this is going to be slightly different to our normal content and it's taken a lot of extra work to make it super jazzy so if you enjoy what you see as always give the video a like now i've taken up enough of your valuable time let the insane imposter plays commence because my goodness some of these people can be easily tricked and oh i do just love any excuse to be evil in a video game okay imposter imposter yes good all right let's get on some of my tasks hey hey ben how are you doing so uh just i just want to ask you um everybody be quiet for a second okay me and spiffy have to have a talk here okay what's what's up no dude you know that body that i found are you blind or did you kill it okay firstly what body and where oh yeah how about you answer my questions first okay well i actually want to know what you're saying no clip because first start i don't even know where you are my questions first i asked first well what was your question because i was drinking a cup of tea so i don't really was it wasn't really listening so go for it again no glue yes yes you're just trying to make people think no no we have 60 seconds where was the party where where is the board electric the bike electric the o2 was called and i was like oh they're taking a long time going or two so i went back in the check everything is coming out of electric and there's a dead body in the back right that's interesting because i wasn't in electric i was actually down near the fueling station okay doing my task of refueling the engines it is in the storage section to the right of electrical nodes yeah which is why which is interesting because i saw you run past i saw you run past i saw you run past into electrical moments after mango ran past as well so i'm just saying you may all vote me off but if bodies start disappearing my money's unknown security camera any of this well to save my own life i'm going to vote for nogler because logically this is my only thing that i can do to support him i've done it it is it is what character am i on right now oh my god it's mango it's it's mango i saw it on the camera outside admin manga um oh [ __ ] a lot of people died if do you have any reason why you didn't report that body because i walked up to you you would clearly see in the body but you didn't report it yes um my reasoning behind this is actually exceedingly good because i thought you killed them um and so i was actually standing around seeing if you would come back and if you would attempt to murder me whilst i was standing over the body so here's my logic you find a dead body you stand over it you wait for the killer to come back to see that someone's checked the body and then when they start running towards you you make a runner or you hit the report button rt just stood there and stared at it so i'm pretty sure we're all gucci do you see my pattern pen did murder wiggle to like dodge any attacks mango do you want to defend yourself there before i actually say it again that you kill someone on camera do you want to defend yourself you can kill someone on camera because is that all you're gonna say i don't trust spiff at all because i literally saw him not report a body i'm standing over it doing my patent-pended dodge wiggles okay i see a weird logic as to why you might have done that 500 iq plays daniel that's what i'm hearing might have been mango and i'm gonna trust the camera report very well i trust mango gg oh that was good jesus arty why on earth did you believe this feel of the wiggling over the body because i believe that mango was won and if him on cameras it was very convincing then that like yeah okay and like i i didn't trust you for a moment because you were cast and blame whenever why didn't you call an emergency meet and then vote for smith all right this will be interesting so we're a crappy [ __ ] person again now beans or beans or beans and pizza beans all right let's realign these engines okay okay i literally said i was suspicious of him on my stream so who said nogla what'd you think said noble all right it's you let's vote for joel what's this logic wait a minute i know my brother i think it is no glove but the other noble no yeah exactly he admitted me no does he want to play like this ass oh my god only one task left charting new causeway navigation bam bam bam bam oh there we go we're done we're done let's go to security oh but we're doing great oh reactor meltdown waiting for a second user come on come on come on come on second user please please please oh my goodness that was too close for comfort way too close for comfort oh my god i kind of think it's mango now it really is looking suspend weird all right i'm just going to group up and stay with joe because i've done all my tasks so i think safety blob is the way to do it [Music] no it wasn't no bastard hey guys looks like what i said was right not only were was a job but you would lose the game now that i was gone oh god okay right so good again let's download some files i'm quite safe because there's a nice group around us now so all is good all right there we go a bit sets for mango because she downloaded that real quick which is a bit weird oh my god the lights going out look how bad it is when the lights are out let me go up and check on rt see if he's still alive right i found a body in admin okay it's noble's body he's in the admin room he's next to the thing where you have to upload all of your data i think this could be a self report i feel yeah he knows a little bit too much i just i just don't think david would die that quickly twice i'm very eager to jump on the self report no i think hang on let me let me talk you through my journey so i went right did a download and then i went over to navigation did a navigation mango you were up at the download station so once i do my download do a bit of navigation come back to admin to do my upload there's no glass body i'm just saying i have no idea who it is but someone murdered no glass so i thought i should probably bring it to your attention i'm voting skip because i found a body and i have no evidence of anything the killer would skip the killer would skip spiff is very suspicious yes but you guys immediately jump to self-report which is what i'm very well yeah because i don't believe norgla would die that twice that quickly i think he'd protect himself okay oh my god that was close thanks guys and friends oh my god that is rough that is so rough i'm gonna get voted off to die if i'm not careful i'm going to go over here and do my upload which hopefully should verify my storytube a little extent oh well i'm here to do the o2 as well three and nine oh seven bam there we go look at that i'm so good at this game actually not let me go do my submit scan hopefully there'll be someone over here to see [Music] okay i know who that is i know who that is it is um uh the person with the fancy hat on with the goggles um because they came out event is it mr gibbon mr gibbon yes you you came out of the vent in med bay i know i'm in there but i didn't come out with a venti maybe you did okay look if you're going to vote for me this is the second time spiff is messed up okay so i don't know i'm just saying where was the body found because if it was found in the electrical and you went up the vent where was the phone yeah who reported the body spiff was miles away smith was with me in admin he was miles away from electrical i was in admin and then i went up to med bay right and someone is coming out of the vent oh okay i was there scouting myself a med bed that's it yeah you don't scan yourself on the left hand side of the room where the vent is though that's where it is oh you my friend are lying this is a game where you're only allowed to tell the truth and you sir are clearly telling fibs thanks friend you've chosen correctly all right time to go do my final thing divert power to shields final task hopefully no more dead bodies and electrical lovely stuff divert power oh nice and quick almost done with our jobs bam done let's go find some dead bodies [Music] right dead body in o2 uh it is uh it's kiwi um so who are you saying it was sorry i don't know who it is i'm just saying i found the body in o2 and i've come from the south and there is no one else around so if there's anyone on the top right i think it's mango i think it's mango i passed mango in the hallway i don't know i mean we only we only have one you don't know you you i don't know what you know i know i saw yellow i know we only have one imposter right because mr gibbon came out of events that's kind of so small and i'm just saying if we can order our tasks i'm pretty sure we've got this in the bag okay oh you know whoever killed an ogler straight away was real sneaky because he did not want to die straight off because he died straight off last time and i think it could be spit eight seconds guys i'm let's just finish the tasks we've got this in the bag right all we have to do huddle around each other and we've got this in the bag all right let's just huddle down here just have to wait around here make sure they do their tasks come on do your task it's not that difficult are you afk what is going on here why aren't you doing your task how long does it take how many times could you fail will be cable okay mango it's mango it's mango you're right you were right joe i take everything back it is mango okay i know we've had a rocky we've had a rocky journey it is mango one hundred percent yeah you say you've said look three times in a row i two it's you i know it's you it's mango folk mango for a brighter future you were right joe i'm sorry i thought you were wrong but you were right you know spiff i'm gonna put her many differences aside and believe you thank you kevin kevin i love you i'm not i love you kevin you've chosen brian i feel really bad if this is wrong [Music] i knew i saw him i knew i saw yelling so many people i'm probably gonna get murdered first because of my um incredible plays last round uh dead body in the navigation it's the person uh nogler who just walked next to you into o2 from navigation uh no it's not you no club but the you were in 02 weren't you yes okay so it's it's you then because no it's the person who's just entered o2 i saw a black there's someone with a tuxedo who's wearing a tuxedo i'm the person wearing the tuxedo and i just found out so much [Music] it's not he's lying it's actually not me i know i know an avalanche i voted for myself it's not me you just threw it again you just drew it [Music] oh why are we voting for spiff now i think no self reported okay are we going for a local self report yeah are you no no that is yeah but that's your play that's your play mango trust me on this okay it's nobler okay trust me on this it's no glitch look at the amount of dead bodies mango look at the dead bodies it's nobler vote noble kevin kevin vote nogler if you don't vote nobler [Music] oh all right let's go do our tasks last round not so great things didn't particularly go to plan this round crewmate again things will be gucci hopefully all right some o2 depleting right now that doesn't sound too good let's go do the upload what's notes around this one's a tricky one because you sat here for like 20 seconds easy to get murdered here oh god man goes so good and where do we go dead body and electrical mangoes with me she can vouch for it i left like a minute ago on rtgamers inside they're just saying okay so we say no team but the last thing to do um before admin was electrical and rt just went inside there so okay uh it's enough for me to vote that's enough evidence for me like i was on cameras i was just trying to keep an eye on it why are you unknown just saying let me go up here and see i think it's blue i think it's blue wait why uh me and mango it's franco they were about to find the body basically basically blue fake taste defects oh yeah i know how long that task takes that was a fake task i was literally i was just of you for skipping and then i saw you fake task and i was like i'm willing i'm willing to let you all skip and i'll just vote blue but watch out for blue because blue is sourced that's what i'm saying oh i haven't done anything i'm doing my goddamn task i'm being honest yeah because honesty is the best policy when your crew member honesty is the best price i'm going to escape because there is not enough evidence that one of the other is it right so i'm i'm skipping dude i can't wait till he dies to mango that will be hilarious give me sweet justice kill my dumb brother kill my dumb brother please mango oh too was that right by the way were you the imposter oh yeah yes [Music] by the way you want to know how bad of a decision my brother just made then mango killed someone in camera aaliyah was literally just about to walk into your dead body she was about to see my dead body emergency meeting he is this i'm not going to shout i said yeah no shouting she has to go for the kill because there's no like there's hardly any tasks left leo keep running keep running call him oh my god oh my god [ __ ] mango she's been so [ __ ] such she followed me it's [ __ ] you it's [ __ ] you you followed me in there when i was doing my task don't slow down slow down put me in there if it's if it's mango i was watching it on camera i was watching on camera i thought it was mango and i thought mango would only come out and i leave right she did it hold on hold on hold on let me explain i went down after the cafeteria and then i saw mango come up that way so i was like all right i was already skeptical because mango hasn't said anything so i left it at that and i was like let me go in the cafeteria let me not go into navigations because i know i'll be alone over there and that's my last hat i think it's mint i'm inside electrical okay finish that task mint is up behind me she flicks the switch again and then she locks the doors there's no way manga would like electric like there's no reason why there's no reason why i'm inside the doors i was trying to walk out all right that's not how you be friends you walk slowly up to them you don't run up to them like you're going to kill them when they stop oh my god good imposter oh yeah we [ __ ] lost we [ __ ] lost no we haven't lost because there's three of us someone has emergencies somebody hasn't finished their tasks my brother is [ __ ] my brother is [ __ ] at this game i'm actually i'm changing my title just to shout at this dumb [ __ ] idiot oh my god it's my girlfriend i had i had my emergency it's all good i had my emergency all right right i'm gonna stick with mango if i'm dead you're okay okay how about that oh wow wow right okay stick with you mango stick with the killer how does that fix it oh he's getting there he's warming up into it no glue no he started posturing him and gibbon are third and posturing so badly it's actually embarrassing i'm actually embarrassing all these people i'm embarrassed i invited them we [ __ ] what yeah not because you're good i was so happy when you call emergency button you should have said that they ran all the way from navigation to emergency button with you and also when someone says they have all their tasks done you ask what were the tasks you did oh yeah it was mango in rt all right crewmate again let's go let's just do this one randomly let's see who who is who will find out eventually do the download interested that no one has oh geez all right someone's dead already um i really really just walked in to far right oh that's asteroids is that where you did asteroids yeah where i did asteroids that's asteroids i just walked in there and i found rt dead who's wait hold on i have a question who was on right side with me because we did a task together next to o2 who was that what were you doing in r2 alright i'm vaughn name [Applause] and i was like let me talk this is the only time i've gotten angry in this [ __ ] stream for a reason you literally are attacking for lying i know it's two i'm on straight [ __ ] quiet fun talking to you i'll see you next time see you oh my god all right now let's do it too hopefully it's not mango again one eight three eight seven bingo okay all good mango is sat on me and hasn't murdered me yet which is a nice sign who found the body i found the body what's your suspicions i was locked in admin um i don't know i was uh coming out of the storage bay and gibbon was running towards me yeah so is myself a mango leaving and then it it's not mango because mango had the perfect opportunity to kill me inside electrical like perfect what you're saying why did we murder why did you murder oh my god because he said he did leaves and he wasn't even there look honestly that was my mistake i apologize i really think it's probably mango given they're coming for each other i trust that smith i i trust me and elia and smith are safe and i don't think david mint self-reported that's why i think it's mango and given fine personally i think it's a self-report mango just said that she saw you that you came out of electrical together why were you going back i wasn't going in there i was going the task that's there on the left of electrical that room i don't know the name of the room did you do it i did well we have nine seconds skip vote oh wow oh this must be right if you're looking sauce for saying skipwork i i'm just i had no information on that all right let's go down to electrical get our job done probably not gonna run over murder there for a little bit but i don't think we voted off the right person that is not the right person he just closed the door for no reason why are they god damn it that was the worst game i've ever played and i don't want to talk about anything about it ever again oh there we go okay there we go let's go down to communications where it is nice and safe it's rt isn't it and he was in nev and i know it's not rt because rt didn't get near there i know it's not white and i know it's not me i did see people come up from there too or two who did you see come up in 202 i'm trying to think because that's likely because i'm into i mean admin doing the code for the o2 like right now okay i i i'm almost convinced now it's mango because yeah i think it's backwards if you're gonna accuse someone as an imposter accuse only one person okay if i'm gonna accuse people as who i think are the impostors that would be you and rt so that's my bet bye bye thank you there we go one imposter down oh my god i got away with that just [Music] oh rtr what oh no not he's dead no i had gotten in there did you see anyone entered did you see anyone going down and left i saw rt go in but it's nothing anyone else in there i went in after rt to do electric i saw spiff head down to electric i didn't go down to electric i went rt into storage that's all i know maybe he went into electric maybe he didn't but that's what i saw i did not go into electric i don't know yet here's my money the way i saw it was i saw rt go into electric and i saw spiff in storage still when i was in there like i watched rt walk in there i didn't see him come out and then i went in there and do my task fan theory time someone's medical someone's gone medical jumped down from medical vent into electric killed rt and then gone back up to medical i'm putting my money on there do any of us think that it's someone yes or no no one's like okay someone's not saying anything okay i can't just stick forward skip four skip [ __ ] no one knows oh god this has gone so well this is actually going really really well if we can time the murders correctly then this is an instant win [Music] like i said spit no you didn't because you didn't vote for him mango thank you so much for that call of our tea at the start and i'm afraid that's all for today ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed watching me play among us with these lovely people then by all means do tell me hop into the comments section or leave a like on the video it does massively help us out as it tells me what kind of videos you want to see in the future it was really really good fun to play with all these people and if you want to find more of them i'll include links for their respective stuff in the description and as always go and refill your cup of tea you've just watched a spliffing brick video ladies and gentlemen that means you're legally obliged to drink another cup of tea you're also legally obliged to subscribe and as everyone knows failure to do so will only result in the loss of your favorite privilege which is to breathe oxygen anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my lovely patreons you can see on screen now thank you very much you lovely sausages i hope you're currently having a great month and your continued support as always is greatly appreciated and hey if you enjoyed this video and you want to watch another video then i've got the video for you it's this one on screen now hand chosen by me to be exactly what you're looking for on this fine and fantastic day so why not pour yourself another yorkshire gold cup of tea and strap yourself in for a lovely and cozy evening of perfectly balanced gameplay anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,027,019
Rating: 4.9710879 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, among us, among us funny, funny moments, among us funny moments, 1000 iq, 1000 iq among us, Exploiting Friendships In Among Us, exploiting friendships, nogla, nogla among us, rtgame, rtgame among us, among us exploit, 1000 IQ IMPOSTER PLAYS, imposter plays, among us gameplay, funny, moments, among, us, among us imposter, imposter, crewmate, Exploiting Friendships In Among Us To Break Nogla And RTGame with 1000 IQ IMPOSTER PLAYS!, perfectly balanced game, among us win
Id: m2obyR-2--E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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