Perfectly Balanced PvZ with No Exploits!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IllTea8927 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today you join me in the wonderful world of plants vs zombies oh my goodness now this game best be bringing back a fair bit of nostalgia for some of you because this bad boy if you could believe it was released in 2009 it's one of the greatest games of all time and today i'm going to show you how you can even still exploit it right up until this day that's right 12 years later this bad boy is still a broken and balanced mess but we absolutely love it nonetheless so without further ado make sure your sat back relax with a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video now let's dive into it oh welcome to the nostalgia zone this is glorious i mean this is an insane amount of nostalgia personally for me i haven't played this game in about a decade and here i am it's fantastic fun fact to make some of you feel very old this game was released in 2009 which of course means the people who were born after this game could potentially be as old as 12 years old which is ridiculous oh my goodness it's insane how old this game is and yet how fun it is it truly is a glorious experience now in order to get that nostalgia flooding through your veins let me crank up the music so you can get a full air blast of this high quality audio oh damn what a pop we be jiving oh yeah now i can i can drink cups of tea to this this is whoo a jam oh yeah you've taken on that low bit oh wow what a great game now i'm playing on a brand new save which means we need to make a zombietard because you know this is the og customization from way back in the day and arguably this looks better than 74 of the nfts out on the market and oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen i've created it i have made art look at my boy oh he's perfect oh yes right we'll finish this bad boy up yes i'm done a jpeg image has been added to my desktop oh my goodness oh dear that's amazing oh he's glorious now let's start a brand new adventure as we've got to play plants vs zombies now if you don't understand the very principles of this game it's very simple you play as a lovely person trying to survive in the zombie apocalypse and your only weapon to defend your lovely property is a gigantic quantity of mutated nightmare plants it's very simple we have our lovely little bit of turf we have a pea shooter that can shoot at zombies and it is as simple as that we then collect currency using the sun just like plants do and then we will be placing ourselves even more plants to defend our house right and now the zombies are coming here they are oh they're very angry they're after our brains these are classical zombies that's going to take quite a few shots from the ps in order to actually kill the zombies and of course the sounds of peas hitting zombies is the kind of same wet slap of misery that you get from punching a raw chicken we're gonna add another pea shooter in just to really increase our firepower and oh yes now we're looking good now it's time for the final wave oh no two zombies coming at the exact same time that's terrifying luckily we will survive this today and there we go not only did we survive but we've also gotten ourselves a new plant it's a sunflower ladies and gentlemen oh yes these bad boys generate wealth but now on level two things have become more challenging as we have to defend three different layers but luckily this sunflower it generates us money it's not too expensive and it will keep us surviving in this horrific apocalypse there we go another sunflower is now ready and now we can start building up our defensive line ah the wet slaps of zombie on plant action it's glorious now you might be thinking how on earth can you actually exploit a game that is about placing down plants and defending your home from zombies you know like most standard games and the interesting thing is that you can actually exploit it surprisingly easily because like most games this game has currency and if money exists then i can have it as is pretty much guaranteed for all english people oh my goodness here comes my boy look at him oh he's beautiful yes that's right sadly we have to kill him but nonetheless that's fine uh murdering yourself in a video game it's uh it's always a fun thing to do and there we go that's level two complete and we've unlocked the cherry bombs these bad boys very angry oh now we've got some tougher zombies coming our way now but don't worry we'll be able to fight them oh well now we have the next generation of zombies on their way that's right it's zombie with traffic cone on head truly an arch enemy for the ages my goodness is he strong he can take at least an extra few hits okay right now we're gonna put some uh cherries down because why not we might as well blow up the annoying zombies and then prep ourselves for the glorious final wave of undead the final wave is here led by none other than the greatest person in the universe i'm of course talking about me now sadly i just wasted the cherry bomb but it's completely okay we should be able to weather the storm relatively happily just using our glorious p-based firepower and that's level three complete we've unlocked the shield also known as the potato the bountiful heart of any irish-based economy it works fantastically against zombies because not only is it delicious it's also nutritious and consequently it slows zombies down using its incredibly tasty body building up our glorious defenses and economy for the inevitable zombie tide but now that we're armed with potatoes oh my we're going to last a lot longer now we're going to put the potato to work to actually defend against this traffic cone zombie now the potato is a happy smiley boy he won't be happy for too long because his job is to be eaten to death which is of course very upsetting for some but the potato he just gloriously accepts his role in society it is not a noble job to be the potato that is eaten by the undead but it is a valiant and important job i realize that technically this is a walnut not a potato but i would like to say that throughout the entirety of playing this game i never read that and i genuinely have believed that for all this time this was not a nut and in fact a potato surely i can't be the only one to think that please tell me i'm not bad it just looks like a potato anyway it's time for the final wave let's get all of those last few zombies through and by that i mean we're going to blow them up with a cherry bomb my friends so we'll just let the zombies make a little bit of process and then just blow them up fantastic glorious stuff oh and fantastic we finally got ourselves a shovel lovely now we can finally dig up and sell plants oh and here's crazy dave lovely this is also the shop vendor for the entirety of the game who we're going to be scamming i love crazy dave and now we're going to start digging these plants up because uh they're in the way and now our job is very simply to do bowling uh yeah it's um yeah it's uh it's an interesting game um oh we can have an exploder nut over here sure that seems fun right exploder nut go fantastic ah yes because of course it's plants versus zombies and playing the game the way it's intended would be strange when instead you can just play bowling or we can send out an exploder nut over here this will do good work there we go fantastic oh this is just glorious glorious valiant fighting and oh dear now we actually have a lot more zombies coming our way well that's fine we just bounce that one up there like so send that one in and bounce it up and again maybe try it from the other side and oh dear there's an even larger final wave of zombies approaching apparently and there we go fantastic we've cleared the level and we got ourselves a land mine as a fantastical prize yep it's a potato mine why why i just thought two things in the game with potato is that generally how i felt was playing this game i just thought they added two potatoes anyway let's get planting we've got a game to play now with one zombie on the way we could deal with it normally but instead we're gonna put down a land mine and instead spend our time growing our economy base wait did that zombie just eat the landmine it did didn't it i'm such a potato i need to put it down and give it time to grow and there we go fantastic the potato has grown the land mine is ready to explode right well our first landmine is about to detonate to a very very poor unfortunate zombie that isn't quite aware of what he's going to be stepping on and we're bam he's dead lovely glorious murder has occurred i want to protect that landmine i must protect that landmine yes you see the landmine is able to jump over a potato which makes him a nightmare but still he can be murdered all right we're gonna have this jumper volvo over a uh sunflower because that'll really slow him down and come potato get ready grow potato grow no don't be eaten yes oh you glorious explosive suicidal boy ah the glorious wet slaps of progress now this is true gameplay okay the final waves of zombies are approaching now this is fantastic i've got my next landmine out i have a cherry bomb ready whenever you know what i think now is the time let's get that bomb down and we're bam there we go we've cleared up the map a bit and fantastic we've completed the level and got ourselves a nice frozen pea shooter welcome to map 10 of level one it's gonna be a spicy time as we've just been informed by the endless waves of the undead that they intend to launch an all-out attack on us which means we must valiantly defend ourselves from the spooky boys and we will do so to a glorious level of success because i am of course in charge and consequently great things are afoot we're going to be slowing the zombies shooting the zombies you name it we're going to be attacking them with it including potato mines my personal favorite all right and now we have a huge wave about to be on the way uh this is going to be quite a fun challenge but luckily we have ourselves a cherry bomb and we can also start building some potatoes down let's just drop this bomb in right about here so that we can have it land drop down a pea shooter and also oh my goodness look at the waves of the undead let's start clearing out the map just a little bit now of course seems like a perfect time to place a landmine as well of course oh wow this is quite a large quantity in the ranks of the undead although i think we have started to clear it up pretty successfully oh yes look at this glorious battle line of peas oh i just want to hear the sound let me hear the sound of the peas oh yes oh the meaty slaps of victory oh it's fantastic absolutely glorious indeed yes i will have total victory over the zombies and the undead oh it will be my victory all right and here we go the final wave is about to be a foot let's see if we get one more landmine down before the start of the final wave and here they come ladies and gentlemen all right we'll have him jump over and hit a landmine it's time for us to unleash our glorious defense of our home you will not have my home ah yes the explodinator achievement oh glorious total victory we have done it and with that we finally have access to the lovely tiny little mushroom ah tiny little short-range spores that do hardly any damage and there we go it's crazy dave he's back all right welcome back to plants vs zombies now we've finally unlocked the ability to play mini games and this is where i like to pull off my favorite exploit in the entirety of the series now there's a fair few ones which are of course absolute classics like for example infinite xp and some of the later plants vs zombie games which admittedly some of them kind of turn into call of duty but for children and yet also not children they're surprisingly fun games not personally my cup of tea but i hear fantastic things about the garden warfare series nonetheless let's exploit the game that we have in front of us and so for that we need to play some mini games now many games are very fun we've got a few options here a slot machine and walnut bowling now we're gonna play walnut bowling which is everyone's favorite game mode here and just quite simply wail on out a few of these lovely walnuts there we go we're bam we've got another flawless shot and oh we just missed it oh dear now these exploder nuts are pretty much going to guarantee us a very easy waltz through this lovely minigame and as you can see in the bottom left of the mini game we actually have our total financial gain that we have as you can see we have 4 390 gold in our bank that's pretty good and it's going to increase as we continue playing this lovely little mini game but it won't be absolutely perfect no no no no that's gonna take some time so instead in those scenarios that's where video game exploits come into the picture to allow us to generate infinite money now we're gonna play one of these mini games this mini game right here is also known as gambling ladies and gentlemen that's right we just need 2 000 sun to pass the level and bam there we go that's uh not enough we're gonna have to pull the lever again because we desperately need finances now we luckily get a free plan because we managed to get a little bit of money there but we're going to need a lot to win this game oh we got a diamond which is one grand that's pretty good but it's not enough to win we just got to keep cranking that handle until we win this mini game it's just like gambling which of course everyone loves well now we have a sunflower so we can gamble more yay oh it's fantastic and a whole bunch of peashooters lovely come on i've just gotta keep spinning i must keep spinning it is the only way to succeed in life is to gamble ladies and gentlemen yes ah yes we got a nut lovely nutritious and tasty nut icon keep spinning give me more money give me money i need finance generation oh my goodness a diamond jackpot okay right this is going to give us a stupidly large amount of money um up to 10 800 cash as you can see in the bottom left now this cash is very important you need it to upgrade certain items in the game mostly increase the amount of plants that you can bring into each level it makes the game remarkably easier if you have money just like real life so naturally we want to make sure we have as much money as possible at all times oh even more sun lovely we can gamble more oh it's fantastic yes my descent into gambling madness is perfect but sometimes one must gamble slightly if they want to exploit their way through life and that's exactly why i have myself a lovely auto clicker setup on the lever and a nice warm cup of tea in front of myself mmm tasty lovely tea oh and yes more sun lovely more sun is more wealth more wealth is more success we must keep spinning gloriously spinning until the end of days it doesn't matter if i spin away current profits i'm spinning for the sake of future profits ladies and gentlemen future actualizations of success i learned this technique from the people on the wall street bet subreddit and so consequently it must be true because i've heard their name on the news our lovely free sunflowers our wealth accumulation has now just increased threefold today is a glorious day oh and lovely a diamond glorious this is quite possibly one of the easiest ways to generate money in the known universe is to play this game however we can exploit it more all we need to do is simply win which i know is difficult some of you might not know how to perform such a high level maneuver but it's actually surprisingly easy ah praise the sun praise the glorious sun for we have another sunflower yes oh we're gonna be nearing 1 000 sun and that will almost be enough to win the game but until then we must keep spinning spin for victory oh no a huge wave of zombies are approaching terrible news but it's okay we shall generate the sunlight so as to defeat them in glorious battle ah more sun praise be why must we fight them when instead we can simply leave this godforsaken planet all it would take is a large fiscal fortune which guess what we just did oh boy we just inherited jeffrey bezos's spare cash lovely that was a supreme jackpot oh and another sunflower lovely this sunflower must fight on the front lines to generate it's well for us but it will do so valiantly and gloriously and we've almost hit the progress where we can actually win the game fantastic we are but just a crumb of wealth away from being able to have victory a grand total of simply free sunflower seeds is enough to win now in order to actually win there we go we've won we're not actually going to click those suns and win the game instead we're just going to leave this level go to the main menu and don't worry the game will be saved lovely the game has been saved now we'll go back to the slot machine game and we'll press continue we'll then click these two and win the game now as the trophy is on screen simply back on out to the main menu there we go don't worry the progress will be saved play the slot machine again and when we click on our trophy we're going to get a large quantity of money so bam we click on the trophy it comes on through and we're bam that's 1 000 and a fair bit of cash added to our inventory lovely then we're just going to play the slot machine again and we're going to click to continue from where we just were and we can then click on that trophy yet again and gain another 1300 gold fantastic then we can just simply repeat this process again because there's no goddamn stopping me ladies and gentlemen oh yes oh yes oh yes it is exactly 1 250 gold every time we repeat this process meaning you just simply need to do this process a handful of times and with bam you've generated enough wealth to beat absolutely anything in this video game because using this wolf you can gain yourself fiscal upgrades ways to give yourself an advantage over your opponents your opponents of course being the endless ranks of the undead so i don't really feel that bad for cheating because it's kind of like taking candy from a baby if it was just an endlessly respawning baby and the candy was also endlessly tasty but fear not ladies and gentlemen i'm british which means i have absolutely no moral complex and consequently such a thing is definitely within my power and here we have it ladies and gentlemen we've achieved twenty five thousand dollars oh yes oh yeah so yes this is glorious profit fantastical success because why actually play the entirety of the video game the way it was intended to be played when instead you can just quite simply cheat every single thing oh yes it's fantastic ladies and gentlemen i know it is and the reasoning it exists is because developers back in 2009 didn't know how to use save files correctly so consequently you could just simply put a save file right at the end of the level and claim the reward over and over again it's like putting a save file right down before you hand in a quest in skyrim and then just loading that save file again and being able to get the prize again it's fantastic and perfectly balanced oh it truly is glorious absolutely glorious well there we have it went up to thirty thousand dollars this is perfect this is good progress fantastic progress indeed onwards we go again right we're just up to thirty seven thousand i do believe so we're just going to be continuing this process over and over again until i generate stupendous quantities of money right welcome back ladies and gentlemen um some time has passed and i have successfully defeated the game now how have i managed to do this well i basically set up a macro which very simply went over here click this pressed continue then click exactly where the trophy lands every single time and then repeats the process over and over again and because i've left my computer running for what has effectively been a fair few hours at this point as you can see we now have infinite money oh yes i love gold if we add more gold to it absolutely nothing happens this is the hard cap of the game it cannot go any higher what can you do with all of this money um absolutely nothing at this point it's pretty much useless but we have it and that's all that matters oh my goodness well there we have it ladies and gentlemen we have played plants vs zombies and we have discovered that it is of course a perfectly balanced game with absolutely no exploits whatsoever excluding of course infinite money which i'm sure doesn't at all break this lovely game so there you go go forth with your newfound knowledge and hopefully fantastical nostalgia for this game because guess what it's on sale that's right it's in the steam winter sale it's on sale at the moment probably i imagine i don't know when this video is going out but even then it's ridiculously cheap to buy and it's a really really fun game even if you don't buy it on steam you can probably get a disc copy of this game for about 4p but then again that would require you actually owning a disk drive in your computer and i'm pretty sure no one other than archaic eldritch beings like myself have those anymore so maybe just grab it on steam nonetheless if you've actually ever played plants vs zombies hop on down to the comment section because i'd love to hear if you've genuinely played this game i know it exists on mobile and there's a whole bunch of different versions but which version have you played and enjoyed the most because for me this game is true nostalgia pure happiness injected straight into my veins just simple cathartic zombie killing and it's wonderful anyway thank you very much for watching as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our youtube members and patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one where i inevitably break yet another game and i'm afraid that's good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,222,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit, plants vs zombies, pvz, PvZ, pvz gw2, plants, vs, zombies, tower defence, gameplay, pvz 2, pvz2, exploit, game exploit, Plants Vs Zombies, perfectly balanced game, pvz exploit, pvz glitch, plants vs zombies exploit, infinite money, cheat, plants vs. zombies 2 gameplay, money exploit, video game exploit, british humor, steam sale, steam winter sale, How To Break, How To Break Plant Vs Zombies, How To Break PvZ, funny, cheats
Id: Ksh-DNngW1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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