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hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brick and today you join me in the wonderful world of skyrim where we are answering once and for all can you beat skyrim using just restoration that's right an entire magic tree dedicated to healing and the protection of others but can we use it to murder people this is quite possibly the silliest way of playing skyrim but today we're going to do it so strap yourselves in grab yourself a nice warm cup of tea and let's dive into this brand new glorious world ah here we are in the lovely world of skyrim now of course even though we're going to main restoration this does raise some problems for example we can't use any weapons we can't use the overpowered stealth archer combination we can only heal now healing isn't really that useful considering 99 of the quests in this game can only be solved by murdering people now seeing as we are limited pretty much entirely just a magic we must go for a high elf this is very very important indeed because not only do they get to start off with a bonus 50 magica their special ability allows them to regenerate magikote faster and they start off with 20 restoration skills so we shall create our healer oh this is it i've made our hero today a hero who is stuck in the path of the light and healing must of course come from a place of true darkness that means today we are playing none other than the legendary gothbecker gothbecker has come from true darkness and is here to spread only light now of course as always it's time for us to pick our side and you know as a good british person i would always pick the empire but today the day of recording this it is the 4th of july meaning it's treason day baby and so for the first time ever i'm going with quite literally the objectively worst faction in all of skyrim the stormcloaks now of course here is where the challenge begins in true because of course my hands are going to be unbound but we run into a little problem i can only use restoration spells and it's not exactly easy to kill someone with restoration spells in fact it's almost impossible consequently we're going to need to get a little bit creative especially in this starting area whereby effectively railoff is going to have to kill everyone for us now we can steal gunyard's gear but of course we can't take his axe uh but but we can sell it now we need to put on some of his armor and there we go we're looking very good nice and golf give that axe a few swings i do not think so real off we will not be swinging that axe so what do we have access to well we have access to a few spells from the illusion tree we have fiore which would allow us to convince our attackers to fight each other we have destruction flames which are very powerful but we have only one spell we can actually use and that is the spell of healing it heals the caster for 10 points per second and this is the only spell we have and the only one we can use oh and in comes the angry imperials here we go it's time to fight them although of course i can't fight them instead i will just be healing there we go right feel free to use me as a punching bag angry imperials punch me not rail off also rail off please can you kill them it's your job to kill them it appears they don't know how to pass through doorway so um should be good oh now this is some intense oh skyrim action wow whoa look at him go wee oh rail off you glorious fighter if i could heal you i would heal you oh now this is action good job railoff and i'm going to steal all of the imperial officers heavy armor because we're going to be wanting to use heavy armor for this entire run so bam let's pop all of it on and oh my golf becker is looking gothically amazing gothtastic some would even say oh and look there's some people here to fight me luckily this is a good opportunity to gain some levels we get to start with 20 points in restoration but we're going to want to go down this tree right the way to the end and the other tree we're going to want to go down right the way to the end is the heavy armor tree but first time to level some restoration that's right hunch me you weird angry boys anyway ralof can you actually try like fighting them instead of shooting arrows into the door railoff you are not being useful in the slightest good job rayloff and there we go they've died but of course i haven't killed them i have only restored my own health gulf becker you see is a virtuous being one who does not destroy simply heals and yet has so many enemies who must die oh there we go heavy armors increased up to level 16 now we're making progress oh wow look at this glorious action fighting we're seeing so it's onwards we go of course we're not going to actually kill anyone by the time we escape but we will have hopefully leveled up a few of our restoration stats maybe even our armor a little bit more so i'll get back to you once we've escaped ah welcome ladies and gentlemen we've made our way all the way over to dragon's reach we're looking absolutely amazing and along the entire way we've of course fought absolutely no one but we have picked up the magestone meaning we're going to level restoration a little bit faster and i've gathered a very large amount of potion ingredient because i would love to level up some of my potion making skills but in the meantime we actually need to build an overpowered character now luckily farrengaar is here to potentially sell us some spells although his collection of spells from the restoration school aren't exactly very good that's not really his fault there just really aren't very many good restoration spells and also we don't really have much money and also even if there were we wouldn't really have the money to buy them so it's time of course for us to perfectly balance skyrim a little bit and use some of the more dubious todd howard inspired mechanics so i'm going to select an item to sell then press e and go inside of his own inventory now we're inside of farengar's inventory we can sell him his own items over and over again this allows us to steal his gold and go to 591 gold we're going to buy steadfast ward we're going to increase our own armor rating by 60 and negate some spell damage we'll also pick up turn lesser undead and i'll even go back into his inventory get all of his money back and i'll buy the improved fast healing tone there we go lovely right fantastic what a glorious trade deal we have i give you nothing you give me all of your money and some of your most expensive spells so now we've got three new restoration spells most of which we can't really cast but we need to actually level our character up quite a bit we're only level one our restoration is terrible we can't actually even fight any enemies at the moment so we can't exactly even do any quests to progress in skyrim we can't go to bleakfool's barrow and fight the lovely dude there because how enough we're going to kill him beyond i don't know getting him to walk into traps over and over again so it's time for us to level up and we need to level up two major very important skill paths number one restoration we need to max it out and number two heavy armor this of course raises a very interesting point how are we going to raise these two because in order to do it we need to be taking damage and we need to be taking damage consistently without dying so for that we're going to take a trip to the north you see if you really want to level up the best way to do it is to find yourself some walruses walruses are creatures that don't necessarily do much damage when they attack you and hopefully we're going to be able to regenerate magic fast enough to offset the damage they do to us allowing us to potentially infinitely level up off of the hawkers so where can we find some of these mythical beastie boys well we're gonna make our way off to winterhole as it's a very very cold place indeed so on our adventure we go with the legendary golf becca now of course the first thing i'm greeted by when i arrive in winterhold is a child here he's racist yeah he hates me because i'm an elf and his father is a racist too but hey that's fine it's winterhold and i'm golfbacker i am used to people not liking me that is why i must heal the world heal them to death ah here we have it ladies and gentlemen i have discovered what we've been searching for this entire time the hawker sea walrus that's right we found them they're here they're lovely and just look at them they're big they're friendly well they're not particularly friendly if anything they're actually quite violent but oh my goodness actually you're a little bit more painful than i'd expect you to be um but it's okay you're gonna train me on heavy armor and that is actually really really beneficial so you're just gonna keep on punching me all right let's do a quick level up we're going to level up our health and make restoration suppose cheaper to cast because my goodness i'm going to be casting them a lot and now have the hawkers punch me some more there we go punch me hawkers hit me hit me with your fishy weird horn bodies come on you walruses give me all you've got this is how the main character of all rpgs should level standing in the frozen wasteland of the north just getting punched by walruses over and over again this is the best origin story [Music] well we're up to uh level 11 and it looks like there's someone over there quite literally watching me get pounded to death by um walruses yep there's now just some dude has joined me and is is watching um this process i don't want to why aren't they intervening what are they doing out here todd what does this man want with me look i'm busy power leveling with the walruses who is this mystical man mystical man what do you want oh it's the career oh you've got something to deliver to me thank you very much for those items now i might want to go away i'm busy being bodied by walruses it's kind of awkward to do when you're watching me like this i will say i find looking at the game's statistics very entertaining if we go to the combat page you can quite simply see that our favorite weapon is none because we have killed nothing and yet i am level 11 glorious and improving constantly golf becca is becoming an absolute machine we've stacked so many heavy armor bonuses our armor is now up to a glorious 198 can even cast steadfast ward and become a resistant sausage although it does drain pretty much all of my manner instantaneously all right the walruses can now no longer stop me my magicka regens faster than they can actually deal damage to me meaning i have become an immortal to these three hawkers i mean i have already been standing here for about four days whilst they endlessly punch me to deaths very very slowly but now now i've become a god my heavy armor skill is up to 68 it's great but it's not 100 so i will be back in about the 7 000 hours it's now going to take me to reach 100. welcome back ladies and gentlemen uh enough time has passed that i've actually managed to completely level the character it took a lot of hours but we are now max level on heavy armor and we're very very decently high in terms of restoration we're level 21 and as you can see with our max level of heavy armor we're able to pick up one very important perk that i've been waiting for you see over here in the top right there is one perk that is going to make our restoration build absolutely insane because you see if our only ability is to heal and that is the only thing we can do is to heal ourselves then how on earth can we get our enemies to die we can't use weapons to kill them so what if we used armor and this is where the reflect blows perk comes into play there is a 10 chance every time we receive a melee attack to reflect the damage back at the enemy but only if we wear all heavy armor so we're going to take this perk and now as i stand here these hawkers can now actually die there we go look at that the hawker has taken a bit of damage it's a miracle an absolute miracle but the hawker bleeds it's slow but it will die there we go fantastic now we could kill the hawker but it's going to basically rely on us standing here still for a very long while but you know what let's do it i want this hawker to die come here my friend stop fleeing fight me fight me hawker yes be a good brave hawker punch me and consequently punch yourself to death now there is also something very very interesting about the way this perk works because of course it says it reflects the melee damage taken back to the person who caused the melee damage but in reality it doesn't it actually scales off of something it scales off of your heavy armor stats but not in the way you think it does no it actually does more damage the lower your armor rating is consequently we can drop our armor rating by 20 and the damage the hawker will take to itself is going to be slightly higher what this means is that whilst i could potentially use a restoration loop exploit to have an armor rating of 2000 it means the damage my opponents will take will actually be very very tiny indeed but that also means on the flip side the same is true the lower the armor rating of heavy armor the more damage my opponents will take this is going to be our path to true power now punch at me you big fluffy walrus boy yes come on walrus punch me to death and there we go he's dead that is our first enemy killed we did it oh my goodness what a glorious success but if i go to combat look we've technically killed one animal but our favorite weapon is still none we've killed nothing fantastic well time to go and cause something a little bit dubious because of course as i've mentioned the most important thing we can do in order to do more damage is to have less armor but how can we have less heavy armor i mean we could put on maybe the worst heavy armor in the game but we'd still have an armor rating of somewhere in the hundreds so what if we you know just exploited a few game mechanics and this is where the fun begins ladies and gentlemen because we're going to create a piece of armor with so high an armor rating that the armor rating becomes negative [Music] okay welcome back i've made my way over to rifton because riften is the home to a whole bunch of really lovely fishies and we need all of these lovely fishies if we'd like to of course destroy the balance game now of course you want to come inside of the fishery and give this lovely woman here a potion and in doing so you get to steal all of the lovely fishies and the salt piles you're going to want all of these in order to pull off our lovely exploit and of course come down into here and well we've got a bunch of fishies just floating around steal these fishies it will also then allow us to also steal from all of these barrels outside of the lovely area which provides us with even more necessary resources for our lovely exploit all right that's a successful good bit of looting now i just have to gather some dubious loot in order to do some very very cheeky things indeed and in order to gather those dubious things it's time for me to gather an enchantment or two right fantastic we're back in skyrim and i've waited enough time for the lovely trader here to actually have the items i need you see she has control of two very important items okay we finally found the items with the enchantments that we're looking for the lever braces of alchemy and the steel helmet of major alchemy i will be buying both of these and by buying them i of course mean clicking on them realizing i don't have enough money to buy the other one then going down into my misc section and selling unless a soul gem to then switch into their inventory and sell their own item back to them because this is true skyrim gameplay thanks todd this is exactly how the game should work anyway now that i go back into their proper inventory i will now buy the actual level braces that i do want to have and now i'm just after one last enchantment but for that enchantment we will have to once again traverse the sands of time until their inventory resets now there is of course the fast way of resetting their inventory by dropping down a quick save punching them in the face and then reloading however that doesn't seem like the kind of thing someone who only wants to do healing would do i can't initiate a fight that's just objectively wrong so instead we must simply pass the time okay so i've um made my way over to um and for some reason the textures haven't quite loaded in which allows me to hide in the terrain i don't really know what's going on here but it's just classic todd howardism now i'm on the lookout for a very particular enchantment an enchantment that allows me to improve armor way higher than is normally allowed and so hopefully i'll be able to buy it here but it might take a decent amount of saving and reloading and also watching children clip into the terrain are you okay child thank you child i was about to murder the child but i realized i can't because i can only heal i can only heal god damn it right we're finally ready to properly get started on our shenanigans we've collected all of the necessary enchantments like fortifying alchemy fortifying our health fortifying the restoration cost decrease and most importantly fortifying smithing which allows us to improve weapons and armor now of course we're making a bit of an interesting decision if our entire build relies upon a skill which does more damage the more armor we have then surely improving our armor to have a higher armor rating is actually going to lessen our ability sure we will take less damage and effectively become a standing still monolith of power but at the same time we've run into the problem with the fact that we just simply won't be doing enough damage what we're going to be exploiting is a lovely mechanic that exists in oh so many video games and that is an integer overflow you see by increasing a number to a degree which is so positive and so high it can actually become a negative and that's what we're going to be doing today we're going to find a way to improve our armor so much it actually becomes terrible and our character's armor rating falls into the negatives so that's our plan and that's exactly the kind of shenanigans we're going to get up to so here is what we need to do we need to make ourselves a little potion a potion of fortifying restoration to do this we need an absin long fin and a soul pile and we're bam we get a fortify restoration potion what we can then do is take off our lovely alchemy items choke our potion to fortify our restoration and our alchemy items have gotten ever so slightly better meaning when we go back into the alchemy lab and make ourselves another fortifier restoration potion it is stronger okay i've done it ladies and gentlemen i have finally cracked out of our lovely predicament by making the potion master ring this is the ultimate ring for any potion making shenanigans this bad boy guarantees that any crafted potions are 9 000 times more powerful which allow us to basically chug on any of our lovely stored up restoration potions and they're going to have lasting compound effects for example i can take off the potion master ring and my other alchemy items choke my potion of fortify restoration which is a 21 thousand percent stronger then put back on potion master and suddenly created potions are now two hundred thousand percent stronger so let's make ourselves a new potion i'm going to make myself a fortify enchanting potion and that has immediately power leveled my alchemy up to a hundred uh this is what happens when you make an awkward potion this powerful now that we have all of our items we're going to go into the lovely potion section here chug the restoration potion wait for it to take effect then go and chug myself the enchanting potion then use the enchanter select our lovely braces here select the enchantment of fortifying smithing and notice how our lovely soul gem is going to heat this into the stratosphere these will be the forge gloves the forged gloves of the forge masters own we shall craft them and then we shall create the forge ring all of the potions have now finally worn off but we have ourselves our forge masters gloves those gloves themselves sit at only around about four hundred thousand strength whereas when we previously had them selected they're in the hundreds of thousands this is because we need to craft some more restoration modifiers in order to make our gloves more powerful so that way when we want to actually use them we can just simply chug a restoration potion and bish bash bosch break the game so i have my potion of fortified restoration it's now time for me to create the ultimate bit of armor and by ultimate bit of armor i mean a piece of armor so powerful and with such a strong armor rating it becomes a negative so it's off to the forge we go as we're about to improve our smithing level and smith ourselves the most powerful underpowered item the game has ever seen so ladies and gentlemen i've worked out how we can actually truly break the game it turns out our lovely forge master gloves are too powerful for the game to process so instead of using them we're just going to use our potion of fortifying smithing which we've made which is very powerful indeed so i'm going to chug this potion and then we're going to forge the most overpowered underpowered armor one can manage then we're going to select our glorious piece of iron armor and we're going to craft it and look at that it's perfect it's beautiful it's broken we've done it ladies and gentlemen the armor is me this legendary piece of iron armor with an armor rating of negative 2.14 billion this is the worst possible armor anyone in skyrim can ever wear and we're about to put it on and here it is oh it's fantastic it's so good it's the worst possible bit of arbor we could ever have and it has turned our character into a noodle but we do not need armor for we have restoration magic ladies and gentlemen this is what will keep us alive now we must go and test our powers now in order to test my abilities we are fighting here a sabre cat a sabre cat is a decently strong creature but ah we've run into a problem [Laughter] our armor rating was so low that when the sabre cat hit us and our effect fired the saber cat instantly died however we also instantly died this is because our armor rating is so low we quite simply can't survive at all which means whilst our enemies have a 10 chance of whenever they strike us to just immediately collapse on the floor and die we ourselves will also collapse on the floor and die because well there's just nothing we can do to out heal instant infinite death so what we need ladies and gentlemen is a solution and that solution is more health so let's go make myself some more health so what we're going to do is make ourselves a glorious potion of enchanting so that our enchantments are stupidly strong for a short period of time then what we're going to do is chug ourselves that glorious potion of enchanting and go make ourselves something to give us a lot of health our glorious iron armor for example we can affix it with the attribute of fortifying our health giving us a stupidly large amount of it this is going to be ultimate armor wa-bam craft this bad boy so now we have our ultimate armor we have enough health and we have enough negative armor to the point where we are very very powerful indeed but we lack one very important thing we cannot initiate fights we only have the ability to heal ourselves which means if we were to ever fight something especially something that only wants to use ranged attacks then we cannot do anything for we rely entirely on our opponent striking us in melee so we need to use the one offensive spell that the entire restoration school has at its arsenal and that ladies and gentlemen is the poison rune in order to get a hold of the bastard we're gonna have to go on a little bit of an adventure now in order to get yourself the rune you need to make your way all the way up to soul steam which can be done for 250 gold and then once we arrive we need to make a little bit of a trek around the island although we also need to be careful that we don't uh get you know hit by anything else we're quite likely to die very very likely indeed now it is going to involve a very long run across the map but uh we're going to be able to do it so out into the wider world we go as we're off to go find some friends and avoid confrontation because confrontation will kill us now that giant mushroom over there in the distance that is what we are aiming for that is what will provide us with the glorious ability to poison our enemies from afar oh fantastic here we go we've made it outside and uh this dude has now summoned in the ash guardian so it is now my job to kill this giant ash guardian this boy is uh quite strong however we have the advantage of the fact that we are technically kind of immortal so we won't take much damage at all so i don't mind popping some lovely healing spells and just generally trying to out heal my way through this and relying that he can use a melee attack oh my goodness his melee attack did so much damage sorry that did like almost that's done well over multiple millions worth of damage okay we need to crack some heels crack some heels punch me no don't use the flames you annoying man okay we need to get creative okay now i have a few ways around this we have our potion of fortified restoration which means if he does his damage to me that i can dodge and i can bait him into a melee attack come on punch me punch me there we go there's a chance he of course takes the damage but most importantly when he does his big silly fire attack like that i will chug my potion of restoration whip out my healing hands and pop a quick heal on this boosted restoration will help me out heal his very very powerful attacks indeed come on you can't do it punch me punch me your big old point no not the flame thing and this is it i have the save i have a save where he just melee punches me so all i have to do is just reload it over and over again until he eventually dies this is the way of course todd howard envisioned people fighting and killing this particularly it worked i just loved the save and he died take that you big old pile of rocks huzzah i beat you todd yes all right let me go find talves and uh go tell him the good old news towers you wiley sausage i've murdered the big old pile of rocks and now finally we can buy things from him for example we could buy that same giant ash guardian which is absolutely incredibly powerful however instead we are aiming for a different spell the spell tome of the poison rune spell only he has access to and now a spell which is ours but what makes this spell so powerful is that it is basically the only spell in the game that allows you to deal poison damage and poison damage stacks so as long as you can get it to fire you can get three points of damage per second onto a target for 30 seconds it's not terrible but it's of course not fantastic now of course if we were to get ourselves a little bit cheesy and chug a potion of restoration now if we were to cast the spell the poison rune is now doing 15 000 damage per second this is a lot better in fact it is so much better it should be able to pretty much one hit almost anything in the game and here we go just the perfect thing a weird creepy floaty boy to go test out my new magic on so i'm going to of course chug my potion and fortify restoration equip the poison rune whack it down on the floor and then watch as they immediately get engulfed by a fart cloud to death this is true godly power the kind of which todd howard has never quite expected to see okay so on my journey to try and find a solution to generating more health i've created some lovely pieces of armor i've created this glorious helmet and these lovely gloves and they do some very jazzy things a helmet allows us to regenerate magicka 2.2 million times faster and our brand new gloves increase our total magicka by 1.5 million what this effectively means is we can cast endless spells and we are never going to run out of mana okay now we're going to enchant ourselves a glorious ring something to really give us hope this amount of power in order to do this i'm going to have to chug a potion of fortifying chanting to 400 000 stronger drop down my glorious save go into the enchanter select the item of the glorious nordic ring which we will fortify with health yes this will be the health ring the healthiest ring of all the doughnut ring let us craft this glorious item fantastic it only increased our enchanting by a handful of levels oh my goodness well hey we have ourselves a new ring the donut ring which will increase our health even more this one will increase our health by an additional 100 million which hopefully will give us just another smaller edge in this gigantic nightmare fight that we find ourselves in so with our additional health and our additional items of endless magicka it's time for us to go out into the wider world and see if we can murder something and here we go we have the bandits in our sights that over here we're ready to defeat them now we have a few tricks up our sleeves if our poisoned rune isn't strong enough then what we can do is cast a potion of restoration and then guaranteed we'll be able to get them right let us aim and fire oh wait that's too far because how close does a rune have to be okay in order to extend the range of runes i'd need to level up destruction which is something that i can't do because well i can't actually level up destruction that's completely and utterly illegal so instead i'm going to fire the rune on the floor and i mean it's doing damage look at that look up there the bar is going down this dude is chasing me down get poison get poisoned again poisoned again run run becker we don't know how strong your health pool is just keep poisoning them we can stack on the poison effects as many times they're dead oh my goodness because the poison stacks so many times they literally can't keep up with it that's the power of the endless cast haha double rune and double root yes ah the fart clouds of murder we did it we did it without taking a single hit oh we're so powerful oh my goodness we've plundered so much we've even borrowed ourself a horse that's right goth becker now has friends friends i tell you this is glorious true friendship that will never end we're on a happy journey with my horse it's a friendship that is magical it will never end and it cannot and that's something i know for sure oh my goodness there's loads of bandits out here dad my horse friend run horse friend run oh my goodness these bandits they are murdering my friends i must save the bandit guard die bandit oh your arrow does not do as much damage to me anymore oh no no i accidentally got a bounty no i'm sorry white red guard i'm sorry i didn't mean to you walked into my fart cloud bart cloud fart cloud you cannot survive this get fart clouded oh dear i need to really heal potion fortify restoration magic restoration i don't think fast healing's gonna be enough pop it oh that's definitely not enough that is definitely not enough oh boy pop the heels but uh i oh we're dead goddammit i tried to save you people of skyrim why could you not live with the fart clouds of murder all right that's fine i know you don't want my magic white run guards i'll leave you to it okay here we are we've arrived at the legendary and beautiful bleak fools barrow ready to set off on our journey of hopefully stealing the dragon tablet and then fighting a dragon we have gone for quite possibly the strangest restoration build in the universe because i mean we could have made ourselves a complete immortal but instead we are built in like a giant factory weakness also what the heck was that why did my horse just go through the floor horse are you okay what happens when you oh my goodness yep horse can go through floor whoa magical horsey time what happens if i disembark whilst i do this right you wait outside horsey kings i'll be back for you okay now here we go we have some bandits all right now we can just sneak on up pop down the spell double fart cloud yes and they're just going to die to the farts oh we are so powerful oh yes todd is this how you envision skyrim playing out right now most of our next enemies are kind of the undead so i'm wondering if instead of fighting them i can just use my restoration power of turn lesser undead make them run away right now if i remember correctly there should be some like skiva's coming up here or something so yeah i'm just going to preemptively put the poison rune on the floor and then pop down like another one come up the stairs skivers there we go that's another dead one there one more skiva nope i got them all nice oh here we go look at the giant frostbite spider right you are definitely getting poisoned up a bunch hey no you stay away you stay away poison spider you stay away there we go ah you're literally pathetic because they do most of their damage by poison that doesn't actually affect me in the slightest because my health is so high it's just the actual physical damage where i have problems right and then i'm afraid avril as i know you're going to run away you're going to run away you're going to have to step on the fart trap and just die sorry my friend now let's go find some lovely undead friends and see if we can get them to leave us alone turn lesser undead undead boy flee from me does this make you want to flee yep look at him go he's fleeing he's actually flake and he's fleeing onto the trap yes this is it this is exactly what i want to see right you flee onto the trap my boy go goodbye oh scary you're the best i'm just gonna run past this dude and go uh straight through the doorway there we go into the sanctum all right here we go we're able to use the golden killer to get into the final inner sanctum and this is where we run into a little bit of an interesting problem because of course our poisoned rune it's not going to work against the undead so we need to come up with a new creative way of killing this dude who is sleeping and stealing his tablet i mean i kind of feel bad for the guy because he's been asleep for thousands of years and i'm just a goth who's wandered in who wants to do poison damage but at last no i cannot murder him anyway i'll steal this word of power shut up mourinho i am trying to fight the bloody drauga scourge lord okay follow me scourge lord now here's the thing i can't kill the scourge lord in single combat like he can just stand on my lovely poison rune and it does nothing other than stun him so instead of doing all of that i need to get him to follow me right the way through the dungeon is he gone come back dude i'm back no no no no it's me it's me you can see me scourge lord please scourge lord no there we go he's back he's back right come on follow me scourge lord he's not very fast but you know i don't need him to be i just need him to follow me a bit come on scourge lord yeah you're doing great scogey now i can't kill scurgy i mean of course we do the 10 chance of whenever he hits us he just takes a bunch of damage but i think there is a chance he hits us and does too much damage but i suppose we can always test that so give me a hit oh and uh yeah okay first strike and you're out sure you did half my health in damage but that's fine i'll steal your dragonstone thank you skurgey there we go we got the dragon stone so it's over to dragon's reach we go to hand this bad boy in and then fight our first ever glorious dragon all right the time has come for us to murder our first ever dragon we've got the entire gang here on shore they might be able to solo the dragon by themselves but we're going to murder it with a poison rude so let's go summon ourselves a new dragon to fight where are you dragon friend oh here comes dragon friend look at him it's drago now hopefully drago is uh going to be really chill and he's just going to go land on the floor somewhere because as soon as he lands on the floor that's when we can start getting up some fun shenanigans just have to make sure i dodge all of his attacks oh come on land on the floor land on the floor yep there we go he's landed okay fantastic now what we do is we chug our potion of fortified restoration then we chug another potion of fortify restoration then we go into our magic check out our poison rune which will now do 12 771 bits of damage immediately hit him with it hit him with another one come on he has to walk into it goddammit he just punched me [Laughter] okay the problem of getting the dragon to land on the poison rune will be a challenge but as soon as he lands on it he shouldn't die near instantly ah here he comes again look at the big boy here comes the big boy right here we go we're close to the dragon we can cast our magic on it it has to move eventually there we go just move no god damn it he didn't get hit by it let's find he is getting i suppose hit by the guards and that is a good start no you bastard don't you dare sit on the ground okay actually it does seem that he likes to sit here so what if i just preemptively put like a poison rune there and run away oh my goodness he's over there run run run run run run run run oh he just punched me oh dear okay i've got to be careful i am very much of one hit to the dragon all right here comes my dragon friend hello right so i'm just gonna pop down a poison rune here and hopefully that ought to be enough to murder him now his fire is never going to do enough damage to me because it's just a useless status effect but all i need him to do is land on this stone to my right his ranged attacks can do nothing to me oh poison no no don't eat me no god damn it we're like we really are just a giant glass cabin right you cheeky bug up double rune up and just walk away he's gonna step into it which will do damage to him there we go even if this is the slowest dragon fight the world has ever seen it is still a dragon fight there we go two more poison runes off there we go that's another one oh my goodness he's really coming in now oh bugger come on run no no no no okay he's gone away now he's got away okay that was another poison rune successful and another one come on poison brunette up poison ruined it up come on dragon friend oh you coward you coward there we go that's another hit one more head come on and you come dragon friend you know you want to you know you want to your big old lumper sky fish come on mermailineer do i literally need to stand here come on wake up dragon wake up dragon there we go dragon wake up poison broon poison rune in your there we go final poison room no you you fasted you absolute bastard right he actually died he even died after the poison room it's okay don't worry we can do this all right poison ruin it up poisoned up come on in come on in last one andy's dead ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen flawless first try the most overpowered underpowered build the world has ever seen infinite damage but instant death perfectly balanced we did it ladies and gentlemen we murdered a dragon using just the power of healing and friendship and apparently the power of healing is also the power of poison which also is not very effective on dragons but it was enough we murdered a dragon using the power of love friendship healing friendship gothness and and mostly just more friendship and by friendship uh we didn't make any friends beyond horsey who dammit i left horsey up on that mountain so there we have it ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching the glorious adventures of goth becker a character who is powerful and also incredibly weak and noodly we have the ability to instantly poison an entire room of individuals so that they explode into a cloud of fart but at the same time our body is so weak and fragile we will die to even low-level wolves however we have a 1 in 10 chance of the wolf instantaneously dying whenever it tries to hit us this is the life of a true perfectly balanced individual ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed what you've seen today then make sure to give the video a like and why not consider subscribing for more perfectly balanced and exploitative adventures in video games as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our glorious patreons for making this video all the more possible and hey if you're sat there wondering what video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you the next one have a lovely day and good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 4,586,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, skyrim, the worst skyrim build, worst skyrim build, skyrim illegal, illegal builds, skyrim illegal builds, the worst skyrim, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced, skyrim exploit, skyrim archery, overpowered, overpowered skyrim, guide, funny, video game, game, rpg, montage, glitch, exploit, game glitch, bug, challenge, can you beat, game exploit, skyrim build, beat skyrim, rt game, funny moments, gameplay, skyrim multiplayer, together, skyrim together
Id: aM7zd24AH7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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