I Found Paradise and Ruined It for Everyone

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out dinkum today a word that i believe means something bare or good or something in australian but the only thing i care about is that we can create a lot of mayhem in this and also this video is sponsored by dislike for now it's time for some good old-fashioned new game ah good character creator come here randomized let's make this easy on all of us okay buddy hang in there for all that rapid blinking you're doing ah you'll do you look like a middle-aged toddler with cat eyes what's your name midlife crisis island name problem isle perfection here we are on problem island and this lady that won't stop staring at us this is fletch she kind of acts as like a quest giver and also is old and adorable i'll tell you what it feels good to finally be back on problem isle lady i never left she wants us to put out a base tent which is gonna act as our entire town's base of operations don't forget to rough her up a little bit before you go okay let's go find a nice place to put our base of operations if you take a look at our map here it's a pretty big place how about right here where we're central to everything yes yes i think that will do nicely you can kind of get a sense of what this game is going to be like as we run around lots of terrain lots of exotic fruits lots of what are hopefully toxic barrels and here we are the site of our new base and look local wildlife oh boy conflict looks like everything is going to be okay we'll go ahead and put that right in the center there yes let's put it right on top of this cactus oh good grandma's here and she already went into her new home grandma are you in there hey what's that i hear is that some fat beats well that's gotta be our sponsor dislight i've talked about this one before but if this is your first time hearing about it this light is a turn-based futuristic mythological rpg with great music wild visuals and it's all yours and free to play on android and ios so you might be wondering futuristic and mythological that's right you create a party of at first glance seemingly mild-mannered humans but they're secretly super human beings called espers and each one actually represents a figure from four different real mythologies including nordic egyptian chinese and greek but hold on to your chariots we've got a new esper in town new to dislight is dis might and by that i mean the all-powerful almighty zeus has been added to the roster of heroes he comes to dislight in the form of a dps heavy esper who's here to suss out a mystery and save the world he's also the only hero in the game with a unique god king mode which makes him more powerful than many other espers now that's an extraordinary zeus i can get behind but you're gonna have to summon him to make sure that the almighty zeus awakens and there's no better time to do that than right now when for a limited time the rate of summoning zeus is higher than normal to get started download the game using my link in the description and you can also use the code esper union to get incredible gifs as well as another code nice to see you for extra homecoming gifts so thanks again to dislike for sponsoring and don't forget to crank those fat beats anyway now it's time to put our own tent down and i sure would like to put it over here near this guy oh can't be placed on water why does this game have to have rules okay fine let's go see if we can find out ah it attacks me too who would have thought let's see this seems like a decent place so we can always keep an eye on grandma oh good lovely tent built-in mailbox that your character cannot stop looking at find yourself someone that loves you like this guy loves this mailbox and when we head inside there's not really much going on quite yet but i'm sure that'll change soon enough anyway now that we've got that set up it's time to do one other thing we have this visiting site deed and we need to put it down somewhere and this seems like a good place to set up for visitors near the local wildlife oh oh they're hostile oh they're really hostile that means this location is perfect you have passed out i don't know he looks pretty still every time you get revived by the way you wake up in grandma's tent with this extremely dumbfounded look on your face whatever we've got wildlife to mess with there it's set up and ow haha too late i already got the building down and now that we've done that last thing we need to do is put a sleeping bag down and sure we could put it inside our house or we could put it like what right here maybe excellent time to go to sleep yes perfect sleep until tomorrow in these beautiful shallow waters here it is 7am the next morning clearly we slept so peacefully our hip vibrating all night and would you look at that there's a visitor let's go take a look pardon me hello you must be midlife crisis i sure am john i have a feeling we'll be doing lots of business together we sure will jon we sure will so obviously john access the shop where we can get our murder essentials like an axe a buzzsaw and then a barbecue but also like pickaxes and digging and fishing and stuff i wouldn't mind getting started on that right now one axe please i can't sell you this until you have a logging license license come back and see me once you do how about you just sell it to me before i put you on that buzzsaw what am i supposed to do with uh ow quickly run go home why are you still chasing me grandma help me wow fletch pretty bougie tent you got here there's things outside that want to kill me and i can't buy axes i'm actually an accredited licensed giver oh how convenient you'll have to spend some permit points oh god there's so many licenses granny why were you holding out on me and why are you charging me for these why do i need 250 thingamabobs i only have 50. why can't i have like the founder discount stupid granny and her stupid capitalism and her stupid wanting to make money for no reason so it looks like you can get these permit point thingies by doing crap like daily milestones and also achieving your own milestones like damage sponge which gives me a hundred of these because i got my ass kicked several times well it seems like these are pretty easy to get thank goodness hey you know while i'm up high and the birds can't seem to hurt me if i take my sleeping bag and i put it down in their area and then i hop in before they have a chance to attack me is this gonna save me nope no it will not but i can also sleep till morning oh good the day is starting over but i still have the revive screen well now we have to click it oh the game isn't liking this very much looks like the day started over twice and now here we are kind of in bed kind of not oh good and after this whole ordeal our guy now exists with his eyes closed running with your eyes closed swimming with your eyes closed all with that creepy smile on your face anyway let's try to open our eyes to some licenses is let's see we have a thousand permit points i would like a mining license and also a logging license and we're gonna skip fishing for now but i do wanna be able to use shovels so we're gonna take an excavation license okay let's go live out our sleepy dreams and by that i mean let's head back over to the thunder dome and buy some fun things from john hello john i would like an axe give me a shovel while we're at it ah yes the perfect way to do some chopping no looking at stuff just falls on your head okay and now let's see how digging works yep kind of what we thought would happen but what happens to this big pile of dirt we're carrying around i guess we have to put it down ah i see can we just keep digging a hole and also making taller piles i wonder how low and high we can go with this i guess there's only one way to find out okay i found the limits it looks like we can go about that high which is you know you can see a whole lot of the landscape from here and then meanwhile also found out how far down you can go and it's not really very far actually and you'll know when you've reached the end because if you try to dig it doesn't go any deeper on the other hand it does give you dirt which means more or less we do have a way to infinitely make more dirt and we can take this dirt and we can add it into the water like so which means we can use this dirt to build a little bridge oh fancy seeing you here i didn't know you even came out of your house are you trying to go out there and die because if so i think i can help you with that hold on ladies stay out here nope nope no stay right there everything's fine yep we're doing great so far no not me go after the geriatric what is she not good enough for you i mean she's clearly stuck there and i guess wildlife won't kill her then maybe drowning will hold still let's give this a shot oh damn you fletch strat she made it back into her home that's fine i think i know how to deal with this for the next time she comes out come trusty shovel let us build something beautiful [Music] oh fletch are you ready for your daily walk cause i have a surprise for you just come on out when you're ready i'll be waiting for you hi what do you think do you like your new setup i thought you might it's a maze which requires her to run all the way around through a bunch of zigs and zags until eventually it exits you out right here to my surprise she's actually gone kind of far getting to this point means she navigated all of that stuff hey fletch what are you doing you just blair witching in the corner no that's the way back you don't get to go that way don't worry we'll do this together and by that i know you don't excuse me lady how did you get up here are you cheating get down from here right now oh my god i found something fantastic cause you can jump on her head and force her to go even faster now i don't care how you got up here okay there we go that'll do okay bye lady kind of got you to the end whether you like it or not no just go out that way and everything will be fine okay i'm feeling pretty good about this setup so far and i'm sure so is she all right let's get rid of this one piece of square and see what happens you win this round well you know what i'm starting to think she won't touch water so maybe the water's the problem luckily i think i have a solution for that too here let me show you let's say we add enough dirt so we have one little contained section of water if we fill this in too then the water goes away and if we pick it back up the water stays gone so i think you can see where this is going right hold please [Music] oh hey welcome back i don't really want to talk about how long that took with so much to show for it that's right i eliminated all the water one tile at a time my favorite part is all the new wildlife like these kangaroos or whatever they are unfortunately all the alligators stop spawning something i do enjoy though is if you look at our map it thinks there's still water here what do you think grandma are you excited to be stuck up here forever here look i haven't made a nice little path for you come on out and enjoy it see that's the spirit stare off into the distance and enjoy the part where i blocked you from your home i'm sure she'll be fine okay so the next order of business is we're gonna head back over to john's and we're gonna buy a table saw which we can easily afford now because while i was digging up all of this stuff it unearthed a bunch of random stuff that i don't really know what it's for and i don't really care all i know is it sold for a lot of money so before you know it we had hundreds of thousands of dollars so i'll be taking that table saw now and we need this because we want him to stay in town but we got to convince him to stay by doing stupid chores for him like he wants planks or whatever so first we gotta go find the tree he wants eat that tree to death and then it's time to put our cute little saw down and use power tools with our eyes closed as you do and then show john how you did labor for him wow you really found five gum wood plank yeah i found them by using a saw and then he gives you presents like this armchair which i like to enjoy out with my friends thanks guys and then after a time he decides he's gonna apply for a deet so he can set up a permanent store here in town i hope i can move in soon john wait right here i've got you covered so right now fletch has a couple of things we can get from her this includes a shop deed and a bulletin board the shop d is what we need to keep what's his face in town so of course we're gonna buy that first only 75 000 fine by me and the reason we want to do this is because we need to sucker five people into staying so that this becomes an official settlement whatever that means okay so the shop eat of course is gonna go down here i mean this is where our entire town is gonna go obviously okay just place it right there and then surround the whole thing in dirt and then once we do stuff like put down a furnace mine some materials which you can then melt and then get your face way too close to it and hope that the birds don't figure out a way down here you get the drill we're just making a bunch of supplies and then once we've got all of our stuff we go over here to this green bin and we feed the house construction can begin tomorrow well you got it time to sleep at 2 pm and then continue the cycle where i get beat up while i'm trying to sleep ah there we go that's the good stuff i love it when i pass out while i'm sleeping okay even though it's raining let's see how this building is progressing well color me completely surprised i didn't know they would do construction in oh hello john oh so glad i helped you become a permanent resident but at least the store got bigger wow sweet storefront you got here well mission accomplished on one resident now we just need to convince other weirdos to stay oh and i can apply for a house of my own 95 000 i didn't want it that badly fletch that was most of my money but that's okay i have a plan after all to make money there's one thing that's never let me down and that's fishing so hold on to your licenses everybody it's time to fish and then let's head over here to john and get ourselves a fishing rod oh boy fishing here we come okay and huh now the fun begins or whatever that where are you going well that alligator moon walked all the way over there just to kill that creature good on you buddy i like your style anyway where were we oh we got one i've never felt so alive and i'm just rotating areas so we can find more exotic fish like this festive black and white snapper my heart is racing okay so i'm still out here fishing getting darker out but i feel like this is still good fishing weather one of my favorite things too is as night progresses you'll know when it gets late into the night because once it hits midnight late o'clock my favorite hour of any day and boy are we feeling it the eyes i get but why is your mouth doing that anyway it doesn't matter we're just gonna keep fishing until we run out of space okay we've got a full backpack full of fish time to pack it in let's make for that island just kidding there's a faster way home all aboard the passed out express hi john i'm here to sell you some stuff i sell you all these fish how much will you give me tell me john was this worth my time 191 thousand oh my god i need to locate which fish is the good one is it the blue fish or the yabby or the barracuda let's try the barracuda and see how much it sells for on its own sixteen thousand what about the yellowfin tuna twenty four thousand okay so i kind of looked through it a bunch of the other fish and i'm gonna go ahead and say that the tuna is the big winner so i'll go ahead and sell all of what i've got here just so we have some extra coin lying around and according to our fishpedia we can locate the yellowfin tuna in the morning and night in the northern and southern oceans quickly let's all go to the ocean and have ourselves a fish [Laughter] [Music] look what i caught one of many tunas hey you get out of the frame i'm sure you noticed as i did that it's still alive and we're not cruel we can actually keep it that way the game lets us just put it in a nice convenient little tank which is good cause if nothing else it frees up some inventory space so i've been just a little bit busy doing a little more fishing and by a little i actually mean a lot look i brought the lake back and yes they're all tunas and this is actually in addition to my inventory which is also filled with tunas well let's do some selling shall we hi john yeah i have some goods to sell boy do i ever have some goods to sell 713 000 thank you yes i will take that but we can't stop there not until we have a million so we'll just sell a couple more yeah this should be enough right yep little overkill ah back to being a millionaire by selling fish and we'll just leave these other ones here to bake in the sun i'm sure they'll be fine okay the next item on the agenda is fooling more people into moving into our village and look here's another sucker now let's go see who it is boo it's someone named franklin franklin are you not wearing any pants anyway that doesn't really matter we're only here to see if they need any stupid errands done would it be too much trouble for you to catch a carp franklin catching fish is my specialty and then once you do their errand they like you just a little bit more and then they give you like a random item wow thanks and it kind of just goes like that you can only do one errand for them a day and usually once you go back to sleep or whatever we want to call this they leave the next day so this platform remains temporarily empty you know until we go back to sleep anyway then someone new shows up oh boy what do we got hi melvin i see your judgy eyes nice hair and nice voice what kind of crappy erin do you need done you want me to catch you a butterfly i'm just going to ignore the weird shifty look you have on your face and go do your errand for you come here well that was easy here we go buddy one butterfly all for you oh melvin a red dress you shouldn't have and rinse and repeat for every new person that shows up hi clover yes of course i can catch a fly for you you weirdo and then before you know it they all want to set up permanent residence here look at all these deeds available to us lab clothing furniture museum even a bank it's like we're a real town all of a sudden all these beautiful deeds let's get started oh and also john don't give me that look oh and i've learned something beautifully awkward if you build a little raised platform like this you can absolutely build on top of it with their storefront facing the other storefront well this is going to be an awkward town isn't it and we'll just move this make another platform right here and another awkward building placement and what the hey let's make this one even more awkward by being even taller in the air oh yeah and another one let's relocate the base tent too yeah i feel pretty good about how this is gonna look now all we need to do is go get knocked out for a couple of days and when we come back everything's gonna be magically built send me forward in time best friends okay so here we are in what used to be the middle of town now taken over by a bunch of these things so are you ready to see the new center of town of course you are oh boy what a lovely sight sorry clover there's no escaping oh hi yes good to see you too you know what this feels kind of like it's like it's for a movie set but they haven't unpacked it yet except in this case it's actually our town but hey at least all the buildings work and it looks like everyone's settling into their new permanent domiciles as happy looking as ever my favorite is some of these buildings are a little bit precarious to get into isn't that right banking guy what's kind of exciting is when you leave the bank you've immediately clipped through another building how exciting for us to be one with the building now boo pardon me oh now i've done it i don't know if he's ever gonna be able to get to his store now and on top of it all we're officially a settlement now i'm gonna celebrate by placing my house up here there we go now i live in a ritzy garden shed so now i feel like the town is almost perfect but something's still missing but i think i know how to fix that one too when i was running around the maze i realized there's still a little piece of water here which can spread very very quickly so you can probably see where this is going right let's bring water back to the people there it goes and it's spreading not quite like how i was picturing but i like what i see and i hope it doesn't stop hey look after all that we got people to start swimming where's grandma she needs to see this oh my god and i just realized we have a town hall now and it even says problem isle yeah this is definitely the town i wanted where to get into the town hall i have to go underwater hi fletch it's me uh oh and it doesn't actually let me into the building was i supposed to make an appointment first do you think grandma will still come out of there though hey fletch are you in there nice to see you midlife crisis hey yeah you too also i'm pretty sure we can conclude that john is dead and thus the town is now perfect so hope you had fun i know i did and also dislike thanks for sponsoring this mayhem if you want to check out the game for yourself you can check out the link in the description or you can use this little qr code thingy meanwhile i'm gonna stand here watching an old man die and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 7,884,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, dinkum, dinkum game, dinkum gameplay, dinkum guide, let's game it out dinkum, dinkum let's game it out, dinkum funny, animal crossing, let's game it out animal crossing, let's game it out city
Id: hDmsYbJCwng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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