Can you beat Bloons TD 6 with ONLY DART MONKEYS??

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The challange is hard, but not impossible, i got to round 98(which is possible to beat with only dart monkeys, i just need better ability timing) and died. Honestly his strategy wasnt really all that great and the map wasnt a good choice for this imo

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dragosgamer12 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the smith brit and today we're playing balloons td6 as we push ourselves to the extreme and see just how far we can get by limiting ourselves to the most basic form of monkey because in a game where you go from a single monkey that can throw a single dart into a monkey manning a nuclear submarine you can imagine that there's a large amount of power to be gained however what if we the player were to limit ourselves to just the most basic of monkey how far can we get and most importantly can we break the game whilst doing so so today that's exactly what we're going to do is i'm going to be limiting my abilities in video games to a much more comfortable level whereby i can only use the most basic of monkey look at him he's a cute little guy and we're going to make him do some incredible things anyway ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to dive into this video so make sure you sat back relaxed you have a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this very silly challenge now it's time for us to begin what we're going to be doing is playing on the standard hard difficulty for this map right here it is a nice fun simple path where enemies come in from the top and then loop on around here and leave now there's a couple of rules and limitations for this challenge for a start we are only allowed to use these standard dart monkeys and the upgrades that can come from them that's right this is the only monkey we're allowed there are effectively a million monkeys we could have straight up monkey villages we could have superhero monkeys we could have monkeys with gatling guns monkeys flying planes and monkeys holding 50 caliber sniper rifles anything is possible but why go for something incredible and impressive when instead you can just have a monkey with a dart and so that's exactly who we're going to be using today a good old-fashioned dart monkey now we get a fair bit of money to start with so we're just gonna place our monkeys down in relatively decent locations and for the time being these three monkeys aren't exactly going to do too much the game is very simple balloons are going to be coming in along this pathway for every balloon we pop we get one of these lovely gold coins and then we can spend those gold coins on either more monkeys or upgrading our existing monkeys now there's many different types of dart monkey as you can see the dark monkey can be upgraded you can have it so that the dark monkey froze darts faster you can have it so that the dart monkey can see camouflage balloons and shoot a crossbow or you can have it so that the dark monkey ends up manning a catapult which is the inferior siege weapon of course but this bad boy can still howl a gigantic spiky ball and we're going to be needing variations of all of these basic monkeys in order to actually survive i mean for a start in order to even pop lead or ceramic balloons you're gonna need a juggernaut and in order to even see camouflage balloons you're gonna need this upgrade here so we're going to have to actually get a little bit creative and upgrade our monkeys alright and i'm going to upgrade this monkey over here so that he can now see camouflage balloons and i'll also make it so that he can shoot really fast as well lovely stuff now the basic monkeys aren't exactly anything too majestic they're pretty basic they don't do much damage but for these basic level 1 balloons that worked perfectly however the game is only on round 10 of 80. and we can actually go beyond round 18 and the longer we go on the harder balloons we're going to be confronted with balloons that go faster balloons that have more health balloons that have resistances balloons that can't even be seen by the regular monkey all of these challenges must be overcome because today we must reject humanity and embrace monkey and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to place one monkey over here and upgrade him so that he can shoot across the river and then eventually we'll give this little guy a crossbow and this monkey here we can just make him so he shoots really fast then we can probably upgrade him so that he throws three darts instead of one fantastic stuff now this guy can offload a huge amount of darts and what we'll also do is make it so that he can throw his darts at camouflage balloons as well lovely oh glorious now it is of course getting slightly more difficult occasionally balloons are making it past but they only get to the middle and then we catch up to them now i think it's time for us to actually try and create our first catapult monkey and so for that we need to get sharp shots and then razor sharp shots and then finally the spiker pole which basically you know just has this guy yield a gigantic spike it's not exactly very safe but then again monkeys have never really respected standard health and safety practices so we're just gonna let him throw his gigantic ball of death and they'll do glorious things for us oh yes lovely stuff look at him go now we almost have the money saved up where i can actually upgrade this catapult come on just a little bit more cash and we're bam there we go he is now a gigantic catapult of death we can just watch as he actually throws his shots out look at them they just kind of fly out there and they do damage in a gigantic pathway all the way up to the balloons which is lovely stuff we'll upgrade him so that he can actually see camouflage balloons because that's very important and so far it's looking like things are going to go very well for us all right and next up it's time for us to actually start preparing for the end game now the end game for us is to have a very large amount of unupgraded dart monkeys and you're probably sat there thinking spiff hang on a second why would you want a load of unupgraded dark monkeys they're not very good and no of course they're not but we've got eight of them down here and in fact we actually just want an additional dart monkey there we go and all we're going to do is upgrade one of these monkeys right the way to the end of this so that he can become the super monkey fan club and what this means is we get a lovely special ability that i think we can use every 30 seconds that converts 10 nearby regular monkeys into super monkeys which are completely overpowered and really really dangerous now as we come towards the end of round 40 things are looking very very good for us we have a nice efficient set up here with the catapult it's doing lovely damage and popping large quantities of balloons ah here comes our first zeppelin now this boy is rather dangerous he's going to take a lot of damage to kill and when he does die he explodes into you guessed it even more balloons for us to pop now this could actually become a problem if we're not careful but i think we should be able to yet pop him open and there we go can we kill them all come on please please no oh my goodness that was close okay we need to up our damage game a lot we can't save up for this super monkey it's just gonna take too long we need to get more regular monkeys up and running and working on the field of battle it is very limiting not to have access to these other monkeys things like the ice monkey or the glue monkey you can use them to slow balloons down you can use mortar monkeys to fantastically suppress and pop large quantities of balloons in an aoe dart monkeys very limited they don't exactly do much damage but you know it takes a bit of british ingenuity and then anything's possible alright and as we now draw ourselves into round 50 we're finally able to upgrade this monkey so that he is part of the super monkey fan club basically now he has this upgrade here and as soon as this upgrade reaches the end we gain the super monkey fan club ability which we can spam off every once in a while and it just turns all of these monkeys into super monkeys for 15 seconds which is of course as you can imagine lovely and powerful indeed fact we can activate it now and you'll just notice all of this lovely damage they're doing they can just shred through pretty much any balloon now what's better than one super monkey fan club well the correct answer is actually more super monkey fan clubs because it turns out you can actually stack as many of the super monkey fan clubs as you like provided you have unlocked multiple of the super monkey fan club monkeys well that is a gigantic mouthful but the concept is simple the more you have lying around the more of these you can store up and use them whenever you like like for example say i don't know right now and there we go look at them just shred for all of these balloons like no tomorrow they effectively turn into gatling guns which as you can imagine makes them relatively powerful well with an additional 10 grand in the bank we can have another super monkey fan club and what this means is that these guys can start saving up for this ability you know i'm just gonna plaster the map with as many of these monkeys as i can i just want a monkey everywhere perfectly spaced out stacked on top of each other if there's space for a monkey i'm gonna put a monkey there those are my rules and now you'll notice down here in the bottom left we've two of these super monkey fan clubs actually saved up this is because yes well we just have so many of them lying around because whilst this guy can basically store up a super monkey fan club this guy can be working on summoning in another one and oh my it's our first big red angry blimp now this boy he might take a little bit to break down when he breaks down he turns into the blue blimps and when the blue blimps explode they turn into a gigantic quantity of balloons but fear not we will have him defeated in no time there we go he turns into these blue blimps and you know what it's super monkey time we can just blitz our way through all of those no problem whatsoever and ah yes an absolute walk in the park when you have the super monkey fan club on your side now what's better than just having two super monkey fan clubs why not have free super monkey fan clubs and well that's what we're gonna do ladies and gentlemen i've just spoken to the boffins at spifco and apparently we have a gigantic quantity of monkeys lying around monkeys that can throw dangerous weapons and man basic medieval siege weapons consequently the first 8 000 people to like this video will receive their very own dart-slinging monkey of death just be warned we partnered with the british government to ship this and so your monkey could arrive anywhere within the next one to maybe seven millennia let's just hope we remember to actually put air holes in the delivery box anyway onwards with the video we've got some balloons to farm all right well we're starting to make progress on these big balloons but as we don't even have a super monkey fan club saved up this is looking very very risky ladies and gentlemen very very very risky oh my goodness they're just so many of them it's just ridiculous all right we're going to start up a super monkey fan club we just need to clear all of these balloons nice and quickly there we go just break them down please lovely stuff and glorious okay final round here comes the z-o-m-g or the zom basically the most powerful balloon in the game and uh hopefully if we survive this we can continue indefinitely we're just going to need a lot more monkeys but here it comes the great big zombie right i should be able to activate this super monkey fan club very shortly and it should hopefully start attacking it yes here it goes there we go look at them attack this thing down my goodness this is going to take a lot to break it but we're starting it they're down to the red balloons and some of the blue balloons are now popping here we go okay other super monkey fan club activate all of you go burst those balloons burst them all yes show them notes yes we did it's glorious victory ladies and gentlemen yes yes yes yes yes yes yes well that one went very well we placed 48 towers popped 366 000 balloons generated zero cash pop 265 moabs and we use 25 abilities and you know what we're going to continue we're going to keep on going the balloons are going to get stronger the balloons are going to get faster but why not try and challenge yourself push yourself to a new extreme that's what we're going to do uh we do have 12 000 gold in the bank now but i'm going to try and save up for this guy to become a crossbow master which i think should basically turn him into a mini gatling gun as you can see he's popped 37 000 balloons which is lovely stuff but we can make it better we're gonna have to start using some super monkey fan clubs here because uh there's a lot of balloons to try and work our way through like a very large amount of them but hey we should get some decent money for all of this uh there we go 13 grand in the bank okay big old blimpy boys coming through next lovely stuff we're probably gonna have to use one of our super monkey fan clubs here maybe multiple because there's just so many ceramic balloons this is just a mess almost done it 25 000 in the bank oh and there's a zomb coming ah right this is a problem how do we kill you please die please oh god there's two of them right at this point we have to cheat right i dropped in a cash drop so that gave me 2 500 so now this guy's a crossbow master now he's just able to shoot more so hopefully with the increased speed at which he can shoot and the fact that he also has very quick shots you know he's effectively a machine gun he can try and pop through some of these there's only one way to find out come on just try and burst with these i'll upgrade you to super monkeys as well good stuff just look at the spray of darts flying out the back end my goodness oh my goodness there's just so many of these zombs what the heck is this okay we're just gonna have to turn everything into a super monkey temporarily just to try and clear through this entire area my goodness what a mess all right this area needs to become super monkeys as well we just need to blitz through the ceramics and fantastic okay that's another level down round 88 oh my goodness this is also becoming a mess right super monkeys come on just try and save me save me from this problem these top monkeys have turned into super monkeys these bottom monkeys can turn into super monkeys and there we go that's everything sorted oh splendid oh no we've got quite a while until our next superhero piece oh dear oh dear this is basically now just a game of trying to manage when the super monkey ability can be used uh just to try and pace it against the endless wave of balloons because the end is coming i know it is we just have to prepare ourselves for it oh my gosh sorry what is this what is this thing what is that what is that thing what is that finger what is it doing that thing is too dangerous to be left alive don't make it don't make it no oh we'd lost so many lives just then oh dear we've lost the vast majority of our lives this is a huge problem these balloons are just going through far too quickly just feels like there's nothing i can realistically do to stop them they're just simply too powerful oh my goodness okay there's some big old ones coming now this is not looking nice at all oh dear oh dear all right well super monkeys it is then let's see if we can take down some of these giga blimps oh goodness this is just getting ridiculous it really is all right we still haven't got one of those blimps down yet but this is becoming a problem you know what i think we might manage it we just might as soon as this super monkey fan club ends we'll just spawn in the next one come on guys come on keep going keep going keep going and next one in come on yes good good do the damage do the damage burst those balloons burst them yes come on shred them oh yes round 93 complete by the skin of our teeth we're still managing it it's ridiculous but it works oh no no no no no sorry sorry what are all of those what are all of those what are all of those okay this is it this is it how do you even defeat these things how i know well there you have it ladies and gentlemen we made it to the end we managed to put 4908 ceramic balloons we placed 52 towers we popped just under 1 million balloons and we popped 1 000 moabs we also spawned in 7500 gold to assist us while those powers used and still still it was not enough we used the superhero ability 50 times and oh we can't even get past around 93. well there you have it ladies and gentlemen it turns out yes you can beat the game on hard using just regular dark monkeys but if you want to go further you're probably gonna have to start using some powers maybe using a hero or two or maybe you know something that i don't so if you think you can beat this challenge yourself on this exact same map then go send me on twitter at the spiffing brit your very own records because i'd be very impressed to see what some of you who have more hours in this game than i do can manage but there you go ladies and gentlemen i hope you enjoyed my slow descent into monkey-based madness as we dealt with ever increasingly difficult quantities of balloons filling up our screens and causing problems my goodness there was a lot of them anyway if you enjoyed today's video and you want to see more make sure to consider subscribing and also why not give it a like as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you amazing sausages and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now had chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now my friends
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 832,960
Rating: 4.9418044 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, bloons, Bloons TD, bloons TD 6, bloons 6, can you beat, can you beat Bloons, challenge, funny, the Spiffing Brit, dart monkey only, dart monkey challenge, bloons challenge, Can you beat Bloons TD 6 with ONLY DART MONKEYS, dart monkeys only, exploit, dart monkey, hard mode, BloonsTD, balloon, balloons, YES!, monke, return to monke, hard mode challenge, impossible, impossible game, british man, game
Id: vWkcc1cCDho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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