Exploiting the Zombie Apocalypse

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/slim_6ft4 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

I gotta say, I'm so glad to see you especially playing PZ, but my heart breaks knowing these exploits exist.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/layziegtp 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2022 🗫︎ replies
all right hover over the school bag we have to basically uh go down at the same time two one click i got it we got it we both got it bad we duplicated the school bag look at that hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to project zomboid a survival game like no other words incredibly easy to be murdered by zombies or just about anything in the environment now the only thing that makes you special in this world is the fact that you can improve gain knowledge and experience and using this experience you can turn yourself from a level one pleb that will die to anything into a god that can defeat and master any threat thrown their way there's just one issue gaining experience is a tedious and long process want to learn how to use electronics where you're going to need to disassemble an entire city's worth of tvs in order to work out how to man a generator consequently this game slow very very slow indeed and you see that slowness is wonderful there's just one issue the game doesn't have to be slow if you know how to exploit the living hell out of it and that's exactly what we know how to do for you see today we're going to be using a whole bunch of super fun exploits that have just been added into the game thanks to the multiplayer release to not only find ways to duplicate items but also find ways to generate infinite experience without ever having to leave your own home that's right you can beat the entirety of the zombie apocalypse become a level 69 god without ever having to leave your own home you can just sit in there power level into godhood in a matter of minutes and then just lovingly wonder about the remainder of the game anyway ladies and gentlemen without further ado it's time for us to begin now in order to pull off these exploits we're showing in today's video you just need to be on any multiplayer server in my case my lovely intern conor brown is hosting a server via steam so i'm just going to simply join his game next up we need to choose our spawn location it genuinely doesn't make a difference so we're spawning in muldra next up create your character now there's a whole bunch of overpowered characters you can be and for the exploits we're showing in today's video you can be any of them although for the purposes of today's video we're playing a park ranger and the reasoning is simple they have a whole bunch of modifiers for skills they can learn very quickly at the same time we're creating an obesely fin-skinned out-of-shape unlucky park ranger but he's also going to be a fast reader a brawler who's also fast at learning and is strong this boy is going to be powerful as today we're creating a literal god amongst men we'll be playing as none other than chad maticus the most perfect being alive who also looks surprisingly like farquaad okay well he's also gonna be far chord from shrek this is chadvaticus farquaad the most powerful being in the universe and why is he so powerful well it's actually surprisingly easy this guy watches a lot of tv now i know many of you might have been told over the years that watching tv will get you nowhere in life and if you spend all day just watching stuff you're not even living however those people are quite simply wrong as using copious quantities of exploits we're going to prove that watching tv is overpowered now without further ado make sure you're sat back relaxed with a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video now let's survive the zombie apocalypse in the stupidest way possible now we start out in some kind of small caravan lovely there's not much in here however there is teacups and teacups are honestly very important we also start out with a baseball bat not that we're going to particularly need it because now that we have our lovely baseball bat we're going to immediately leave this place because we need to find ourselves a tv that's right we need a tv as soon as possible so i'm gonna try this house here it looks like it might have a tv we just need to break in using the windows because if the front door doesn't open don't worry the windows can there you go open sesame oh bees okay we set off an alarm that's fine there's a tv in here uh we might find what we're looking for nope we have not found what we're looking for and now we need to run as every single zombie in a 400 gazillion mile radius is now walking in this direction okay there is another tv in there but i don't think it's the kind that has a vhs tape that we want let's try this house is there a tv there's a tv it's an old tv though so it won't work this house however has a modern tv perfect did this one just have an alarmed off as well oh my god there's just alarms everywhere what the hell game please please can we not just have a love after alarm i don't want it oh for goodness sake now luckily for us we move a lot faster than trees than anyone else so uh we can just simply cruise our way through the forest the zombies will mostly ignore us we don't really need to pick a fight with any of them as we haven't properly been able to start our glorious quest of breaking this game oh there's a couple of zombies here and sadly i want to walk through this way so i'm gonna need to actually start killing a few of them so this is one dead and actually just looks like the others are just gonna walk away which i guess works for me as well right now a few hours have passed but finally after a very long adventure we've managed to find ourselves the perfect situation possible and that is the one the only vhs tape of woodcrafting episode 2. now you see there are a few ways to gain experience in this game one is to simply do things run around and you'll learn how to run around hit stuff and you'll learn how to hit stuff but the other way is to cheat by instead using a television now there are a few ways of learning things on the tv for example we can turn on this tv tune into the life and living channel and now we'll start hearing the wonders of whatever show is playing on the life and living channel although i don't think there is anything on today that we particularly want to listen to the other way is to gain experience from watching vhs tapes which are absolutely lovely things there's only one issue vhs tapes yes will teach you new recipes and they'll also give you experience based on certain skills but you can only watch them once however that's actually not the case that's just what the developers want you to think as we're about to demonstrate by power leveling our carpentry skill so it's basically day one of our survival and we have one point in carpentry carpentries ridiculously powerful the higher it is you can start building walls that not even a horde of zombies are going to be able to break down equally all of your man-made weapons are going to be really really powerful so we're going to play our lovely carpentry tape and this is going to teach us all about some woodworking oh yeah we're watching woodcraft ladies and gentlemen not only does it lower our boredom but it also is going to teach us things so we're going to start with the basics the kind of stuff they teach at kindergarten well that's all we need ladies and gentlemen do you like floors this guy likes floors there we go we're gaining a carpentry skill as you can see we just gained 65 experience in one go and then 130 experience okay every time we get a pop of this it is another 65 experience this is amazing almost hit carpentry level two and we're bam there we go that's carpentry level two and we're also a little bit of the wind carpentry level three this is amazing this is a fantastically good start and there we go we basically got a huge amount of ticks of carpentry and we're now level three that's pretty good to put this into comparison with the amount of experience we gained this right here is a large oak bed which we can disassemble with a hammer with a 35 chance of doing it it's going to take a large amount of time but we can do it there we go that is a bed disassembled and that gave us 50 experience which is quite frankly pathetic when we compare it to the fact that we can watch this vhs tape there's only one issue we can only watch the vhs tape once if we start playing it again we're not going to get any experience we're not going to get any boredom reduction because we've already seen it we already know how to do all of the carpentry however that's not the case quite simply just leave the server that you're playing on he joined the server that you were playing on and now that we've loaded back into the world all we're going to do is simply press play on the television again and the show is going to start up there we go we're getting our boredom reduction already which means things are going fantastic so once again we're just gonna sit ourselves in front of the tv and there's our first tick of carpentry lovely stuff and our second one and we're bam there we go that's carpentry level three we can already start making even more things now but of course if we don't reload into the server and just press play again absolutely nothing is going to happen when we watch the television so instead we're just going to leave and rejoin and get our carpentry level up just a little bit higher right well you join me back just as the helicopter event literally just finished seconds ago and as you can see i'm now carpentry level five which is of course very jazzy and i've realized that the biggest bottleneck we currently have when it comes to getting infinite experience is the fact that we lack multiple vhs tapes which makes our ability to level up very very limited so in order to level up faster i'm going to get myself more vhs tips also who the heck was that just running outside the window is that codder that it's connor he's there i got a second he's going to the wrong house he's going to the wrong house right i'll climb over the fence to get to him anyway i'm going to take him and we're going to go on a quest to find vhs tapes in homes and i'll be back in a bit as soon as we found some lovely vhs tapes a few vhs tapes later hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back as you can see i'm joined by the illustrious and beautiful conor brown and i'm matching leather jackets oh aren't we just the best how are you feeling today i'm feeling good good you've actually been playing this game a fair bit whilst i've been uh busy doing other stuff and you know what i think it's paid off we've kind of reached the point where we can start doing this exploit at a crazy level there's just a few problems problem number one uh the power has gone out which is bad very bad however we can solve that with a generator and there's a generator nearby so that's no problem there's just one issue we need food and we need water and you just ate some food that was bad why would you eat that why would you hungry okay put any spare food you have into the bag because what we're going to do is we're going to duplicate the school bag okay so i'm going to put a tea bag in here because i want the tea bag i'm also going to put in a jar of peanut butter and some antidepressants and some fruit jam there we go uh there you go you pop some coffee in there take the goddamn coffee out the world does not need more coffee that's perfect we've got some food in there and we've also got some water bottles at the bottom which is important because otherwise you know we might run out of water eventually now what you're going to do connor is just stand on top of the bag like me and then what we're going to do is you right click on it and then hover over grab and then hover over school bag and then we're going to click school bag at the same time thanks to server side lag we are both going to pick up this item and consequently duplicate the bag and all of the items inside of it you want me to put my pistol in there uh you can because your pistol and rifle have ammo i've got tons of ammo then yes put the guns in the bag all right stand over the school bag hover over grab over school bag you got to stand on top of it so that way there's there's no delay okay now three two one click oh [ __ ] it's a zombie ah lovely good job you killed it all right hover over the school bag we have to basically uh go down at the same time two one click i got it we got it we both got it bad we duplicated the school bag look at that look at that so we now have double the amount of items that we previously had all right let's go to the car that we can drive and then we'll drive the car down to here fill up the gas canister again then drive the car back home to the generator and get the generator and then we've pretty much beaten the game wait do we don't need to drive it back down can't we just keep the can on its own oh you're right yeah why we even need yes you're completely correct yes we can just duplicate the canister with the petrol inside of it connor i don't even know why i even bother with resources anymore because you are correct we can just summon them indefinitely my goodness it's kind of like why even grow food or be a farmer in this game when you can just duplicate perfectly good processed cheese eating corned beef and cheese forever corned beef and cheese for life that's the dream who doesn't dream of corned beef and cheese three two one take okay so let's duplicate petrol and there you go i've got it okay full can yay lovely so that's that's infinite petrol sorted the lack of infinite resources in the universe is now solved we no longer need to uh have any other source of power other than petrol uh the environment will love us for it anyway put it in the boot you put it in the boot lovely and then you can climb into the car and let's uh let's go pick up that generator we made it home lovely okay i will now park up the car please bring the generator over and i will bring over a television okay now you might be wondering why i know if we bothered getting a tv into the house and the reasoning is simple this means we can now watch all of the entertainment all of the additional vhs tapes we can now have access to just think of the power um where are they they're all stacked up out of here oh my god there's so many damn vhs tapes look at this oh yeah it works the tv is on uh let me drag a vhs tape in come come inside and get comfy we're gonna listen to the fitness club and how to do squats oh here we go welcome back to simon's fitness club girls and men yeah here we go now i think this could improve our fitness stat which if it does is stupid because basically that means instead of doing exercises to improve our fitness that we could just watch tv all day but i'm not sure okay nope that was completely useless that only load our boredom right get rid of that rubbish useless vhs tape and let us add in exposure survival foraging yes now this is a true manly man's video so now that we have infinite electricity because we can duplicate petrol canisters and we have infinite food and water because we can duplicate any food or water item we need we also now have infinite experience because we can just watch whatever vhs tape we need on the television which is going to grant us experience in any format in this case we're going to start learning how to forage there you go that's a whole bunch of experience right there i was 86 experience in one go now i'm up to 172 and about that to get i'm gonna get level three foraging from this oh wow there we go just leveled up i'm level one level one foraging now normally you can only watch a vhs tape once but of course all we have to do to be able to watch the same vhs tape again is leave the server and rejoin the server which is perfectly balanced that's all things should be many exploits later welcome back ladies and gentlemen a huge amount of time has passed um so much so in fact that we've basically spent the last few hours just logging in and out of the server watching tv and as a result i am now one of the best chefs in the known universe i can also basically build an entire house in five seconds of my carpentry statistics and with my foraging abilities well i can just enter into the search mode and the searchable area is gigantic and look at all of this stuff i found on the floor oh my goodness it's a whole bunch of tea it's wild tea let's grab a grab a nice hot cup of tea yeah we've been duplicating these lovely warmed uh hot tea cups uncooked but they're amazing they're the greatest thing in the universe because they lower all of the negatives like first and unhappiness ah and they're so refreshing and of course in order to keep us alive we need more than water and so for that we have uh summoned a huge amount of beans onto the floor we have maybe about 700 cans of beans in total but turns out they're stupidly easy to duplicate with the whole backpack exploit so um everything works i mean we can even show off how we can duplicate a single can of beans i will grab one bean in fact actually i will grab more than one bean i will grab how many beans i will grab okay i've grabbed a whole 10 sets of beans this is a huge amount of beans okay and then i will store the beans inside of something okay so this is how you solve the entirety of world hunger using just beans in a plastic bag pick up the plastic bag pop the plastic bag full of beans inside the boot okay and then connor you're ready to grab hold of that plastic bag and put it in the inventory okay three two one and uh i grabbed it did you i got the plastic bag and it's full of beans so uh that's fantastic i cannot just put the bean bag on the floor now and just take the beans out of it and we've just doubled the amount of beans in the known universe it really is that easy ladies and gentlemen to summon beans out of thin air this seems like the most uncomfortable bean bag to sit on i've ever seen as we have near infinite ammunition and also near infinite beans i think it's time that we just go kill a bunch of zombies using our amazing guns so um let's go hop in the car where should we drive to that's actually useful where we'll have large zombie quantities i suppose we just head straight into the main road you just head to that main road and make some noise probably near the police station as i'm sure there might even be a shotgun in there so the reason we want a shotgun is because it's the best gun in the game to train up your aiming stat on because aiming isn't something you can watch a vhs tape to learn the only way to level up is to hit zombies and of course because shotguns have a wide spread and they hit the most stuff you basically just hit a few hordes with a shotgun doesn't matter if you kill anything and uh then you level up your aiming stat it is starting to get bright outside so i think we can now begin operation break into the police station to get shotgun yeah that's the room with the guns what is up with the rng there's a rifle that's it the goddamn same rifle the worst rifle in the game unless it's physically fighting other players right well there's nothing in here there's a box of shotgun shells yeah that was actually completely useless okay let's go rob some police cars i guess why are there no police cars here where are the police cars okay we're gonna drive up to where we saw that police car and break into it sounds like a plan oh wait there's a car key on the ground taxi key that's a much better car let's go check that police car room for a room from room right here's the police car and as you can see this is how hard it is to level up aiming without having a shotgun because we've killed so many zombies of guns and i'm yet even to hit level one yeah it's not been going very well oh there's a shocker in the boot there's a shotgun in the boot okay cool let's do this first drop the rifle that we have on our back because it is useless okay now um i'm gonna put these shotgun shells into a box and then put them in the boot get ready to grab the shotgun three two one grab bam we both have the shotgun and get ready to grab the shells so three two one grab okay i've got two boxes of shells of you as well two boxes of shells and a shotgun right time to um kill some of these zombies so now that we have a shotgun uh we both have shotguns and now we both have infinite ammo because of item duplication i'm just gonna merge them up into like a small horde so that way uh i can you know hit as many as possible with a single shot aim like so and shoot seriously is it jammed on its first shot it has okay there's a pack of four here it's um aim and bam there we go two with one oh so much better the aim is so good oh i just reached reloading level one good job now we get in the car and we do drive by taxi shootings wind down your window i went down mine bam it's about you could lower driving oh right if you load yours down okay oh three and one good job shotgun is so good oh i'm getting hungry i think i just leveled up i just leveled up reloading oh no aiming yep that's level one aiming we've done it right out that window oh my goodness oh no cruise control oh cruise control oh my god that was the only way to get the car to stop i kid you not ah ah close window close window okay we're too close oh my god i'm okay somehow none of that hit me how did we manage to get out of that pure power and luck let's just um try and summon some zombies up into a horde there's a lot of risk involved in this there is but that's what it's like to survive in the zombie apocalypse right let's get out and kill this oh my goodness the gun is jammed again absolutely madness jammed again as we're really bad with guns they will jam near constantly oh my goodness it just jammed again oh it's because the gun's condition is so poor i wondered why we have a really low quality uh shotgun oh my god even my pistols blocked oh wow oh it just jammed again i think this is it like we've done it connor there is at this point nothing else we can do that will make us better we have infinite ammunition infinite food infinite sources of experience so um i think we we've done it we've done it round of applause we did it anyway thank you very much for watching as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our youtube members and patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you the next one where i inevitably break yet another game i'm afraid that's good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,761,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, zombie, zombie apocalypse, project zomboid, project zomboid multiplayer, multiplayer, exploit, can I exploit, can I exploit the zombie apocalypse, apocalypse, perfectly balanced game, video game exploit, pz, pz mp, zomboid, project, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, the spiffing brit, multiplayer project zomboid, project zomboid game, zombies, project zomboid guide, project zomboid tips and tricks, multiplayer update, zomboid gameplay, game exploit
Id: WfabGVn6GmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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