Can you beat the BLACK DEATH with MORE DEATH? (Civ 6)

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it's so scuffed it's so beast oh we're just gonna purge sins everywhere there we go just purge these sins it's still turned 38 ladies and gentlemen nothing's changed no one's died nothing's happening we're just making stuff out of thin bloody air hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing sid my civilization six that's right now we're not actually exploiting any of the new content of the game and instead we're going to be messing about with one of the lovely scenarios of the game that's right we're going to be playing the black death scenario i mean when there's a giant play going around the world at the moment you might as well go back to the medieval time and watch as the black death destroys and ravages your entire civilization however we're going to be using the glorious power of exploits and flagellation to guarantee total victory no matter what you see dealing with a plague is meant to be difficult it's meant to be costly and it's meant to potentially destroy your entire civilization however today i'll be showing you the speed speedrunner's guide on how to defeat any plague by literally whipping your peasant population to death and in just 10 easy steps you can speedrun any world ending disease it really is that easy ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen make sure you sat back relaxed and you're ready because we're about to take the core principles of this game and smash them into millions of tiny pieces oh yes it's going to be glorious so make sure you're relaxed you're ready and heck you can even like this video now let's jump into the game so in the black death scenario there are basically four countries you can play you can play as castile also known as spain the holy roman empire england and of course france now these three nations here are terrible i know i never thought i'd have to say it but the english special ability of coercing your own peasant population to work despite the fact that they're dying of the plague is surprisingly not very useful instead the power of castile is absolutely game breaking and it's what we're going to use in order to perfectly balance our way to success now we're going to be playing on the deity difficulty this is the maximum difficulty you can play the scenario on this difficulty is meant to be really difficult and really challenging and you might not even survive or win the scenario but little did the developers know we're going to do it and we're going to do it with ease so let's throw ourselves into a brand new game here's the scene ladies and gentlemen the black death has basically killed millions of people ruined economies and upended political dynasties and transformed the face of the western world our task is to lead the lovely nation of spain through the calamity and keep our population alive and your economy strong we have no need for economy or population where we're going now using the power of alfonso the 11th we gain the special ability of sword of faith where basically we can spend 10 faithful in the unit and completely regenerate its ability to move and attack this is very very powerful and here's the news ladies and gentlemen a new sickness has appeared spread by rats of course and the game is telling us to watch our roads and harbors for the first sign of outbreak now in order to finish the game you have two directions you can go you either reach the end of the technology tree and research invention or you reach the end of the civic tree and research the middle class either way will technically mean that you've survived the black death and won however the interesting thing is in order to survive the game and beat the game you'd logically think that we want to keep the black death to a minimum to keep our population alive and to try and make sure that it doesn't spread into our cities well you'd be absolutely wrong we want the black death in as many cities as possible and we want it now now because we're playing on deity difficulty we're going to be hammering gold and faith for most of the game however luckily we're going to be fine because all we need to build is a few holy sites in all of our major cities there we go we're just spreading holy sites around everywhere as holy sites generate faith for us and faith is going to be one of the ways that we're going to be able to survive the black death but not just survive it absolutely smash it to pieces now our first few opening turns of the game are actually going to be quite difficult what we're trying to do is basically rush the technology of castles as well as rushing the technology of feudalism castles allow us to build wall districts to basically quarantine our peasant population in they're also a great way of generating culture apparently basically there are quarantine areas but more importantly feudalism is a fantastic thing to research that's going to allow us to gain more gold hopefully as well as also gain more food but really we just want to blitz our way down the civic tree for one very important technology the labor economy ladies and gentlemen this is going to break the game anyway what we want to do is basically blitz our way for our first 30 turns there's not really much to do other than wait for the inevitable demise of society now in our first few cities we need to get shrines up as soon as possible because at the moment we're losing faith due to the difficulty of the game so we need to get shrines going so that we're not in a giant death spiral of faith production oh and here we go the first outbreak has occurred of course it was always going to occur and where has it spawned oh it spawned up here in the top right of the map the city of akuruna oh that's just not going to do got to think of a playgrid in city it's skegness ladies and gentlemen what a skeggy wonderland now the thing is the plague on its own in one tile isn't that scary but the thing about very dangerous diseases are that they spread at an incredible rate so what's going to happen here is that this plague tile in skegness is going to last for 12 turns and as long as this tile remains here all the subsequent tiles are going to spread out with plague until they absorb the entire continent with a deadly hazy miss of instant death now the thing is the game wants us to try and mitigate the losses in skegness by either spending faith or gold of which we have none on a plague doctor who is able to protect the tiles that they stand upon and try and diminish the actual damages that long lasting play can cause we are not interested in actually stopping the plague from spreading in fact it's profitable for us to let it just run and here at spifco all we care about is profits so we're going to be running the military away from the city of skagness because i mean we can't save them the population has immediately crumbled and is down to just four people living in skegness and it will continue to shrink each turn that the black death remains in this city which is going to be for a long while we can choose to build something in skegness could we build a plague doctor to help the sick and injured people no we're going to build an amphitheater so that we can pack everyone into tightly packed concerts yes that's the way to defeat the plague oh and now the treasury is bankrupt because we've run out of gold of course we have now the thing is even though the technologies are actually surprisingly easy to research the difficulty of this game is trying to survive through what is effectively a giant destruction of your entire civilization the disease is starting to spread and soon it will have entered into the city of lyon and there's absolutely nothing we can do to stop that as gold is becoming more and more of an issue amenities will start creating issues in cities and some cities will try and leave however we've just researched the castle technology which is perfect for us because we can slide in some brand new government policies we're going to pick no bliss oblige as well as serfdom there we go so units are cheaper and farms give us more food i realize we don't actually have any units but it's fine anyway instead of building a market here we're going to now build the castle quarters i'm going to build on a title that gives us gold because we really need gold now the disease surprisingly has gone round to every tile excluding the lovely city of lyon i have no idea how leon has avoided the plague but the disease is now heading straight towards our capital but don't worry we have five turns to build up this castle and then all should be fine oh my goodness an outbreak has arrived in lyon of course it has now for every city which is currently facing the pandemic our citizens will lose faith and this will cause issues and can potentially cause citizens to revolt and of course the disease has now gripped salamanca oh dear oh dear oh dear right we will build more ward quarters everywhere and fantastic we've gained a policy card here for free now we have two options to basically change our government policies option one we could have a civil quarantine to quarantine the population to reduce the loss of life however instead we're going to go for the program for free gold and culture that's all we care about look at that our culture production is now shot up through the roof lovely stuff and we're going to stop building more wall districts everywhere and fantastic because we've built our first castle we get two options here ladies and gentlemen this is where the exploit begins you get to choose the direction that you're going to try and beat the plague with option one treat the sick gain access to scholars who can study plague-stricken citizens this way you can generate signs and try and beat the plague using science alternatively shame the sinner this way instead of believing that the disease is something we can control we instead believe that the disease is spread by naughty people and the only way to defeat the plague is to whip them naturally we're going to go with the whipping the peasantry option so this is basically a civilian unit that we can buy using faith and when using it we gain faith as well as culture but in fact actually we don't just need to buy it with faith we can just build it ourselves only takes six turns to produce and we get 50 faith every time we use it i'm pretty sure now skegness has been reborn anew they've actually survived the plague a total of one person has survived in skegness which is fantastic absolutely fantastic you couldn't ask for anything better so now we're going to start mass producing flagellants down in the bottom left of the map pretty sure can we buy them now we can't buy them with gold you can only buy flatulence with faith but the thing is they cost 70 faves to buy they give you 50 faith which makes them not necessarily the most cost efficient units in the game now as the plate starts gripping our cities we're of course going to start producing flagellance at an incredible rate and hopefully using the flagellation power we will survive this now we have two options here ladies and gentlemen the disease is sweeping the nation overturning all stability and traditions that our societies relied upon for decades of course now of course we have two plans we can either go for the totalitarian practice of contrition or we can embrace debauchery of course we're going to go for practicing contrition so that we can gain plus free faith in all of our cities yes good we need the faith trust me look at that now we're gaining 10 faith per turn lovely stuff now with this flagellate here what we're going to have him do is just simply wait a turn and then we'll be able to use him next turn to fight the plague in severe well not actually fight the plague instead punch the people with the plague which is arguably just as useful now as we've also researched the next tech on the civic tree of wage reform we've unlocked the urban underclass ladies and gentlemen also known as peasants living in the cities now basically this allows us to gain plus two golden plus two faith in all of our cities which translates to a giant increase in our faith generation we now make 26 faith per turn oh and the outbreak has finally hit the city of seville and this is when we can start breaking the game now of course as you remember these flatulence here they cost us faith to buy or we build them using production and what do you do when you use them well they give you free loyalty in your cities but more importantly they give you faith and culture so every time we use him we get 10 culture and that culture gets pushed towards actually finishing off the culture tech tree now as i want to get my capital kind of out of the plague as soon as possible what i'll be doing is i've purchased a plague doctor using gold and i'm going to have him minister to the sick is going to reduce the time it takes for this city to heal now of course our peasant population are asking if this is god's judgment sent to punish us and of course we're going to say that all of our efforts are useless and to hell with science and actually growing the cities we don't need signs where we're going ladies and gentlemen instead we have incense and candles and we've finally gained enough faith so we can start purchasing missionaries now the thing is we've 85 faith actually saved up meaning we can go to carthagina here and buy ourselves a flatulent for 70 faves now we can spend 10 faith in order to allow this unit to move immediately but what we're going to do is wait a turn and on his second turn he's going to be able to purge sins also known as start whipping people and there we go we gain some culture labour economy moves forwards one turn until we've researched it and we also gained some faith so using the faith we generated we're going to buy ourselves another flagellant and then of course this turn once again bam we're going to purge ourselves of sins using the faith we generated buy ourselves another flatulent okay now apparently everyone thinks the entire world is ending in our civilization so we have two options to surrender to god and get rid of basically all yields in our cities except faith or get rid of god entirely now of course we're going to surrender to god we need faith and to hell with science now gaining two sides better and it's okay because whilst it looks like the entire world is ending you have to remember that basically everyone in france is dead same with germany and most of italy but we're going to survive and how are we going to survive well it's very simple in two turns time the labour economy comes online now once again we're going to have to get rid of all science and growth there we go oh my goodness our culture is just going through the floor we're gaining -17 science per turn okay we need culture in order to get culture we need flatulence okay next turn turn 38 and we've won and i'll explain why there we go ladies and gentlemen the disease is now going to end you see there's no real easy way to manage dealing with the plague your population's going to die the entire world is going to end you just kind of have to try and limp on through and research the final technologies now of course it's impossible for us to research the final science technology because we produce -21 signs per turn so instead we're going to beat the culture tree but of course it's going to take us 67 turns to research the middle class that's going to take forever but it's not going to take forever with one brand new policy choice say hello to public servants now public servants is a government policy which is going to decrease the cost of buying civilian units with gold there's just one slight issue it doesn't do that yes it decreases the cost of buying civilian units with gold but more importantly it actually also decreases the cost of buying civilian units with faith so remember the flatulent unit which gives us 50 faith 10 culture as well as some loyalty it cost us 70 faves to buy well now ladies and gentlemen it's only 35 faiths oh dear so what we're able to do is buy this one flagellant and you'll notice it cost us 35 faith to buy and what we're able to do is spend 10 faves so that it can act immediately on this turn and then press the purge sins button and get 50 faith we just made five faith out of thin air so we're going to repeat this process and every time we do this process we start researching higher learning notice how we're technically losing free culture per turn well this is wrong because we're actually gaining culture thanks to the power of the flagellance so what i'm going to do is just repeatedly by flatulence in the city of toldeo over and over again not only will this solve any rebellion problems that might occur in our empire it will also give us faith and culture it was going to rebel in six turns now it's only going to rebel in nine now it's going to take 12 turns to rebel perfect and as you can see every time we do this we work our way through the higher learning research and now we've reached the point where we can buy flatulence in two cities over here and give them both holy further and then spend both of them and we're banned we're getting faith points out of thin air ladies and gentlemen and higher learning has almost been researched so we now have 127 faith in the bank off of a starting pool of just about nothing and the purchasing of flatulence is going fantastically well they're cheap cheerful and my goodness are they profitable we've now reached the point where we can buy free flatulence in one cycle and activate all of them in one go meaning our faith production now each cycle is 150 and we also make 30 culture every time we do this now 30 culture per turn is basically what the entirety of england can do but of course we can do this cycle as many times as we like in our go because of our incredible ability to just reactivate a unit using faith no other civilization has access to this ability because this ability is so completely and utterly overpowered but of course spain has access to it so we're now halfway through researching higher learning which is absolutely fantastic and it's all thanks to the glorious research and joy of flatulence now the thing is if we wanted we could wait one turn and not spend the ten faith to activate the holy further but honestly we want to do all of this in one turn because that way we blitz through the game limit any negative debuffs that can occur and just finish the entire thing in one go this is meant to be the hardest difficulty and it is for good reason because the ai isn't hit as negatively as we are and they get a whole bunch of free resources it is harder for the ai to lose especially england but of course we're going to survive using the glorious power of a whole bunch of boys whipping peasants who for some reason create faith and culture at the same time because what is culture and art if not a whole bunch of peasants being hit aggressively by some religious nut jobs with whips now that's true culture now this cycle is going to take a little bit but once it's finished we'll have got ourselves an entire technology for free our cities are no longer able to rebel and best of all if you were playing this in a multiplayer game no one is able to stop you for good reason of course because effectively you have the entire game time locked and you're just repeatedly cycling units for as many times as you like now of course if you're a member of the government and you're watching this video and you've put me on some kind of watch list then fantastic if you have some kind of giant grant or budget which you'd like to invest in spifco technologies we can roll out the whipping program across your country and have you beat any disease in a matter of months your population won't survive but you'll have created some of the greatest works of art the world has ever seen there you go we've just discovered higher learning all from just punching our own population over and over again oh goodness and the cycle begins oh it's so good so much faith and culture we're going to be able to research urbanization very very quickly as well and we still haven't left turn 38 six and a half hours later well some time has passed and uh we're about to finish off the urbanization tech yeah this is um this is broken it's so scuffed it's so feast oh we're just gonna purge sins everywhere there we go just purge these sins it's still turned 38 ladies and gentlemen nothing's changed no one's died nothing's happening we're just making stuff out of thin bloody air oh my god it's incredible it's absolutely incredible the best thing is we can spend the faith we earn on whatever we like we can buy say a million horsemen and just send them around the map to pillage people if we really wanted but there's just no reason for us to do that why would we need to do that we have infinite faith and flatulence there we go just get another flagellin again another one here i mean who would win one deadly plague that wiped out like a third of the world's population or one very passionate whippy boy turns out one whippy boy is all you need i mean it's only been a few flagellants already what like an eighth of the way for researching the middle class i mean we're not even 50 of the way for the actual game here the real matter of actually playing the black death game mode is basically building a huge military force and then just pillaging everyone's campuses and then using the sights you generate from that in order to finish the game however that still takes quite a lot of turns and a lot of work and also dealing with your own cities which will be rebelling and fighting back and having to deal with the plague when instead you could just use a whole bunch of flatulence and there we go just have them flagellate everywhere is flagellate the correct term i don't know oh anyway i'll be back as soon as we finally research the middle class okay we did it ladies and gentlemen i'm pretty sure this is the final research and then we've discovered the middle class i'm pretty sure i've developed rsi from repeatedly doing the same motion on my mouse over and over again my hand is in physical pain so i do not recommend doing sex splits at home but yes we've managed to do it we're going to beat the black death by researching the middle class the bubonic plague is going to be over now ladies and gentlemen we're just going to purge all of these sins and there we go we did it oh we did it we did it oh oh what a glorious day for spain it's so glorious and happy the cows are happy oh and everyone survived we did it black death victory ladies and gentlemen we got two achievements for that as well what do we get we achieved the level of flagellum we got a score of 105. i'm sorry we only scored 105. do you want to know why we only scored 105. it's because we decided to end the game so quickly because we speed round the game we couldn't get the highest rating look at this this is the building's constructed graph of course uh we're in the lead by one building but this is the exciting thing the player faith graph yes this is it now if you'll notice this graph here kind of goes along at zero and everyone else is dipping down into the dirt and then we get to this point and it just flatlines now because all of the exploiting happens on one turn i don't even think we're able to see it we don't even get to see how many flagellants i constructed i constructed hundreds of them ladies and gentlemen my hand is broken absolutely broken and i did it for you are you not proud of me i beat the disease everything can be exploited even diseases turns out all you need is just a very strong whip in the wise words of the orcs where there's a whip there's a way oh my goodness but there you have it ladies and gentlemen we did it we managed to beat the entirety of the black death all it took was one very very whippy boy and one turn of perpetual faith generation or because one poor intern at civ six hq forgot to do some calculations and accidentally added in an infinite faith generation mechanic into the game but there you have it ladies and gentlemen i've been the spiffing brit if you've enjoyed watching and you've also survived the plague then go on down to the comment section and tell me oh and also in order to make sure that this video doesn't get demonetized because youtube likes to think that everything disease related is connected to you know what make sure to go down to the comment section and say happy nice things so as to tell youtube that this is a happy nice positive video even though it contains the entire flagellation of the entire country of spain anyway as always ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching if you want to see more videos like this then hey subscribe we've got more glorious videos lined up we're going to be breaking websites video games and even life itself so make sure you subscribe to find out more anyway as always thank you very much for watching your majestic people and a special thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons and channel members who make all of these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much for your continued support and of course if you want to see more videos like this and hey choose this one on screen now trust me you're gonna love it anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,347,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, civ 6, black death, how to beat, How To Beat the Black Death, funny moments, exploit, video game exploit, perfectly balanced game, civ 6 exploit, civ 6 guide, civ 6 update, game exploit, montage, civilization 6, funny, black death pandemic, the plague, plague, civ 6 perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, bubonic plague, the black death, video game, strategy
Id: NFsWu9ZoK4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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