Plague Inc. Evolved - Shadow Plague Walkthrough (Mega Brutal)

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hello everybody my name is pravas and welcome to Plague Inc evolved and a very special video because this last week the developers added a new official scenario into the game The Shadow plague sentient mutagenic pathogen triggers a powerful thirst for blood it is a vampire plague basically and uh it's actually pretty darn unique you'll see a bit more of as we go but I have a strategy that I think should work now I've played this about five times lost the first couple of times I played because I tried playing it like a normal disease type and lost horribly and since then I have developed what I think is a foolproof strategy that has worked well for normal and I see no reason for it not to work very effectively in mega Brutal as well so we're going to try it out today see if it works now as far as genetic codes because I've only played this a couple of times I have not unlocked all of the genes there are quite a few to go however I do have healthy eater which increases vampire maximum health not really relevant for me but it's okay scavenger which gets extra DNA from destroying lamps and Templar bases now this is actually pretty cool and batbolt which allows for increased vampire flight range Honestly though using the strategy that I have right now you do not need any traits at all scavenger will be a little bit more helpful for me but otherwise not a big deal you'll be fine with no trades if you've never beaten this before you can go from day one into mega Brutal use the strategy and you'll be fine now we are going to be switching things up to mega Brutal and the default name is noxiternus which I think means Eternal Darkness or something I can't remember my Latin but either way something is waking centuries ago a human close to death was infected by a sentient pathogen the shadow plague buried deep underground the human was slowly consumed and transformed the shadow plague has fully mutated the DNA of its host into a being of great power now driven by Eternal hunger it is time to rejoin the world this time humanity will fall yay okay so it's difficult to tell you exactly why I'm going to start where I am without first going into my strategy but for now understand I'm going to be starting in Greenland of all places I have a reason for it but ultimately with the strategy that I'm employing you can start in any country you want and you'll end up being just fine this is just to be a little bit more optimization a little bit more optimal than what I was doing before but anyway if we go ahead and move forward we see that a vampire rises in Greenland the world has changed beyond belief but the vampire can already smell the blood of billions of humans waiting to be consumed and subjugated we're gonna be going for a subjugation playthrough primarily Now by starting the game we have 19 DNA points on mega Brutal you get more if you start on easier difficulties and this right here indicates the vampire a special Single Character because think about this right in most of the vampire stories you have a character like let's say Dracula all right um and Dracula he can go around infecting a bunch of vampires but at the end of the day Dracula is the master vampire he is the one super vampire right well that's basically what we have and this is our little character represented by a kind of a little blood Fountain coffin thing with bats I don't know but either way this is where our character is currently located and we will be able to move him around and use special abilities in order to consume the world now the reason I started in Greenland is basically as I travel around the world if I start here I will never have to backtrack but again you could start anywhere it will be fine what I'm going to do in Greenland is consume the entire population and I'll show you how that works first off as far as Transmissions there are no options in the beginning of the game and for symptoms there is only Shadow blessing we are not going to pick up Shadow blessing and once you pick this up though this unlocks the rest of the symptoms in transmission shree but we don't need this none of this is important in fact this would wreck our strategy do not take it for abilities you can see that it's actually been changed to vampires and we have a special set of abilities we have blood Rage which allows us to attack a country and its military facilities or research facilities otherwise just consuming people for DNA because we're killing people in great numbers and in lethality translates into free DNA pretty useful and this is gonna be critical for our strategy we do start off with blood first which basically means that whenever we're in a country we're just going to naturally start having killing people a little bit tiny bit of lethality guaranteed wherever you go we have Night wraith which makes us more stealthy less likely to get detected honestly not important we're never gonna pick it up we have therianthropy which gives us the ability to temporarily mutate into a vast winged bat-like creature and travel around kind of like a Trojan plague scenario this is the active ability that allows to move from country to Country and then we have Lair vampire able to create a layer to rest in and heal also generates DNA kinda like you would expect from the Simeon flu camps but I would say that the layers are not a very reliable way of creating DNA and I will not be relying upon this at all instead we are going to focus on blood rage now the reason I like bloodrage here is because this is going to allow us to consume a population and get a ton of DNA in the early game without doing any infectivity and that is absolutely crucial so let me explain a little bit about how the shadow plague works there are two main threats you have to consider one uh and naturally just the Cure as you continue to infect people they'll eventually set up research stations just like you would have in the Simeon flu and try to cure you you don't want that to happen that's an easy way to lose it actually goes really really fast if you cannot deal with it and travel around attacking the countries wherever there are research labs the other major threat though are the Templar now this is kind of like the necroa virus as you kill people as your lethality goes up the nations of the world will band together to form military facilities to try and attack the population of a country that has some vampires in it you do not want to deal with both of these simultaneously if you don't have to in mega Brutal that's extremely difficult to travel around dealing with a military facilities and also keeping the Cure at Bay but here's the trick you can manipulate this in the game if you do not infect anyone then the research facilities will never start no one will ever start the Cure you can kill people you can get DNA you can travel around the world and set yourself up but if you'd never infect anybody then you never have to deal with the research all you have to do is deal with a Templar once the Templar are dead then you can infect the world and you'll be just fine so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to start killing the people of Greenland I'm going to Devour the entire population I will not infect a single person in the process because I did not pick up Shadow blessing but I will get some free DNA like you can see right now just by murdering them and I'm going to clear house in Greenland they will be entirely dead then I will move over to Iceland and I will kill the entire population there vampire feeding attracts attention in Greenland the vampire feeds by drinking the blood of its victims leaving behind drained corpses it is only a matter of time before the humans realize that they are dealing with something far worse than a murderous cult yeah well anyway now again because I'm going to drain this entire area what I'm basically all I'm doing is just saving myself the trouble of backtracking to Iceland and Greenland later but ultimately it does not matter where you start you'll be fine now for um our abilities let's go ahead and pick up dark infiltration which will allow us to do more damage a little bit faster with our blood rage I will also pick up therianthropy before I forget because I want the ability to travel if I Devour the entire population of a country and get stuck there then my vampire will starve to death and I will lose so I need to save just enough DNA to travel to and from other countries um before I eat the entire population blood cult leader tract in Greenland authorities in Greenland have confirmed they have tracked a highly dangerous individual who they believe is responsible for the horrifying blood cult murders that have shocked the world now this basically means the humans know where I am and the Templars are going to fire fairly soon normally this would mean you want to leave the country but with my strategy we don't care we are going to tough it out and stay exactly where we are now we have killed everyone in greenlands which means my vampire is starting to starve don't worry we have a whole new host of blood meat bags that I can suck dry so let's click X and we will travel in this little radius to Iceland next there we go see pretty easy and then we will continue our blood rage by using our ability and start devouring the population of Iceland gather up some more DNA now we need to get Shadow blades next that will cost us 28 DNA points no problem Iceland will be more than enough to provide all of that for me and the last level of blood rage is demonic Fury vampire channels the shadow plague to call down unspeakable Devastation on its foes becomes more powerful we're just trying to kill people as fast as possible at this point generate DNA faster and get a better score Templar Industries reveals Global vampire threat the secretive multinational defense company reveals that a vampire is behind the blood cult murders that have shocked the world Templar Industries claim to be taking urgent action to defend Humanity very soon they will militarize very very soon in fact there they are okay Templar Industries activate military protocols across the world now they will be getting more powerful as time goes on but otherwise I'm not especially worried about them I'm going to stay exactly where I am in Iceland I'm going to Devour the population I'm going to become more powerful I want demonic Fury and I need to start working down Dark Ritual and this is an ability I haven't talked about yet but basically what happens is when you are attacking a nation that does not have a military post you're going to start healing and that's going to be very useful because when I travel my take my vampire to go and fight them I'll lose some health I can sit there and then can heal after I've killed the base before traveling on to the next one ultimately I don't think we even need it necessarily if we do our job well we will not need Dark Ritual at all but I'll take it anyway just to be safe for now I want to max out my blood Rage with demonic Fury and then we will travel around and kill some more people so this is actually a pretty a pretty okay spread for military stuff I've had a couple of games where uh all of them start spawned like really close to each other around the Mediterranean this time we have three in Europe and one in South America and one in the United States I've also had a game where one was in Europe and then there were two down here and two down here it takes forever to travel around you can still beat it but it's really annoying when that happens but otherwise meh this is okay it's just about getting as good of a score as possible people in Iceland are trying to form groups to hunt me down whenever it feeds honestly will not matter maybe I lose a tiny bit of Health I don't care I really do not care at all how are we looking as far as the population we still have quite a bit of population to go so I feel like we will be able to upgrade our blood rage as soon as we have the DNA for it but we'll save a couple of extra points just so I'm able to travel and attack and that will do just fine alright demonic Fury it is yeah it sounds like they're trying to shoot bullets at me you can't use bullets on a vampire it doesn't work is not very effective all right dark Rich will only cost 10 points we'll pick up one level of this the second level just basically means you can heal even faster and I probably will get it just to be safe but ultimately you may not require it at all okay the population of Iceland is dead let us travel off of Iceland and we can't quite reach anything else so we will travel to the United Kingdom and then we shall travel to I don't know let's say Finland can we get to Finland we totally can fly up here now it leaves behind a trail of where you've flown before I don't know why but it does now let's attack Finland and destroy the base perfect Templar base in Finland destroyed by the vampire in a cloud of Darkness the vampire brutally attacked the Templar base some survivals were able to escape to other Templar bases with crucial knowledge that will help the vampire fight in the future and basically what this means is every time you destroy a Templar base the rest of them will get more powerful they were already going to get more powerful over time but this just encourages you to deal with them quickly rather than let them get ridiculously strong but at the same time I think we're gonna be fine because we have five levels of blood rage we are extremely effective in combat now I don't need to attack Finland instead I'm going to fly to I think it's in the Baltic states yes yes it's in the Baltic state so let's go there next and we will immediately destroy this base now you can see we're losing some health here so I do need to be careful about that let's go to Germany next we'll attack them we will destroy their base there we go now I am getting kind of low on health but we need to travel to these other bases next let's go to Morocco see this planes flying out here that's making these bases more powerful every time a plane lands let's travel to the very tip top of West Africa so I'm able to get over to Brazil like so fortunately all these abilities only cost one DNA so it's never too expensive to get around now we will feast in Brazil for a little while and you can see that my health is slowly going up I am going to pick up Dark Ritual level 2 that will mean that we heal extremely fast now perfect and let's fly to Colombia which is where the next Base is located okay now we need to attack them now you can see that they've managed to do a lot of damage to me thus far if I need to back off I can but I think we can win this fight vampire in Colombia is close to death but we're bound to destroy the base let's now feast in Colombia and heal right back up oh got an achievement luck of the devil that was the closest my vampires ever come to death all right now let's fly up to the United States and we will attack them now I may have to go back and forth in the United States and heal off of Mexico periodically so let's attack them we need to pay close attention I'm actually gonna be playing on just a little bit faster speed for now so I'm able to react quickly I do not want to lose this vampire would be very bad all right let's pause let's go off to Mexico we'll spend a little time healing up here and getting some more DNA in the process which is good now let's go back to the United States before they can heal and attack I'm just going to keep doing this until we destroy the last base very very simple very very easy very effective Templar forces eradicated in a devastating assault to the final Templar Fortress has fallen to the vampire who will defend Humanity against the darkness now no one no one shall defend let's go to Mexico okay I'm gonna heal off of this now you may say why not start in the United States to heal Why move good question the reason why is because now we are going to focus on building some layer Tech so here's the layers we need right here this is useful for allowing us to heal generating DNA and so on but we're going to pick this up and we're going to set down a layer in Mexico now positioning of this these layers is actually very very important and we'll talk a little bit more about that in a second um for now let's see can I afford I can totally afford travel speed upgrade level one we need to sit here and heal off of Mexico keep generating some DNA I'm gonna then fly down toward Brazil and we're going to place a layer down here in Brazil as well now okay why is the layer positioning really important because of this ability right here Shadow portal when traveling the vampire is able to instantly travel to any lair in the world regardless of distance which means if I have strategically located some layers apart from each other let's say one here one here one here one here and one here that means that wherever the research facilities spawn I will very rapidly be able to teleport across the world and kill it it's just good for rapid response and on top of that though you can't see it here but these are our heat cold and drug resistances and interestingly enough your resistance levels are based on where you positioned your layers so if I have a layer in a hot country like Brazil and Mexico I will get two levels of heat resistance when I pick that up but if I do not have any layers in relatively cold places then I will get no cold resistance for my disease so the layer positioning becomes very very important now let's feed off Brazil for a little while because I do need some more DNA we will set down a new layer right around here actually so I'm able to teleport to this and immediately go to Africa if I need to and let's speed ourselves back up so all I'm going to do now is travel around and set up some new layers I want to set one up in Germany good central location in Europe I want to set one up down in let's say East Africa or maybe sedan um I you could technically position them in places where there's very high populations there's an argument to be made for that but I'm not going to be relying upon these layers for any amount of um DNA so we're not going to worry about that really I'm not worried about being in a high population now let's go to Africa next uh we could upgrade our flight again which I guess we'll go ahead and do good let's feed off of West Africa for a little bit I think I will set one up in central Africa really good central location you want to have one on each continent just for rapid response I think so let's go ahead and move over to Central Africa next and feed for a little bit now we'll set down a lair good central location right there then we'll go up to Europe next now this does require a lot of patience because I'm not I have not started a single infection yet I have not infected anyone I still have not picked up any symptoms I'm just gaming the system so I've had to deal with the Templars first and then I'm setting up a good ground game to deal with the infection because once they start trying to cure me it's going to be very very difficult to deal with it it can go fast if you are not prepared uh let's go ahead and feast in Germany for a little bit I actually can go ahead and set up a base it does not matter to me if I am feasting in the same country I have a layer that's probably completely fine you can see that these are generating one DNA Point each kind of irrelevant not that good but meh whatever let's go ahead and travel whoops right click there you go travel from here to let's say China I usually like to set up another Colony right here close to some islands good central location in Asia and let's Devour the Chinese for a little bit a little bit of a mandarin blood something you know yeah it's great yeah yeah okay so hmm anything else I really need to talk about right now because this is pretty much the entirety of the strategy at least until I get enough DNA to deal with um the infection I think we're okay for a little bit so I hope this strategy so far is making sense again you can see here by destroying Greenland and Iceland first I don't have to go back there later but ultimately doesn't matter where you start just devour the population get your blood raged up to maximum do not infect a single person do not take Shadow blessing kill the Templar right and then go set up your layers and then basically all I'm going to do now is I'm going to sit around and eat and at this point I'm actually going to speed up the video because we do not have much to do at least for a little while I'm going to travel over to Australia because I think it's a good central location for when I do start my infection but for now all I want to do is sit back Devour the population and gather up some DNA points in fact I want to stash up somewhere on the order of 350 DNA points minimum arguably you could go for more you could wait until you have about 600 if you want to but the longer you take the worse your score is going to be I find that 350 is a reasonable compromise but that's worked really well for me on normal maybe I'll actually stash up about 400 points just to be safe but it takes a while all I'm going to do is sit here for the next five minutes so that's why I am speeding through this section of the video I suppose it's worth pointing out that you technically could win the game just by doing this sitting back and just eating entire populations of countries you could do that in every single country never infect anyone and you will win by default but you're gonna get a terrible score now that we have 400 points I am finally going to pick up the shadow blessing this will begin the infectivity part of the game and we still could lose if I don't manage this correctly but I think we will be fine all right Shadow blessing is done now you can see here we have vampiric Awakening this would allow us to create a second vampire that we can control it'll kill a lot of people in the process though and I don't need it right now but still kind of cool nocturnal for increased infectivity dark pustules again for increased infectivity and slightly harder to cure pretty useful later Transmissions have now been unlocked we will grab one level of air water fomites and droplets and I will pick up zoonotic shifts and bats to increase our infectivity and land transmission as well as a mutation which cannot hurt us we've already killed a lot of people lethality doesn't matter at this point so I'm totally okay with getting mutation does not matter that's all the infectivity I need at the moment for vampires let's go ahead and pick up blood gift vampire visits hundreds of humans each night and marks them in blood infecting them with the shadow plague so simply by being in a country my vampire will increase the infected a lot in fact as we continue to go down this to Dark Cloud to Shadow Trail and to corrupted air millions of humans will be infected every day so basically our vampire is now the single most effective way of spreading the plague ever now we will pick up some level of drug resistance we will pick up a level of heat resistance based on the number of layers I built I have built in the uh proper countries Germany is considered cold so I could pick up a level of cold resistance and I guess I might as well it's at least something and that's all the abilities that I will need for the rest of the game Transmissions were looking okay right now let's go ahead and grab nocturnal and now we have a couple of different paths we could go to they'll ultimately meet up it doesn't really matter I like going for steroidal boost to make us appear healthier and more attractive increasing our infectivity I like going for pheromones pheromone secretion so we can seduct seduce people there we go more seductive that's what I'm trying to say photophobia makes this uh intolerance to the light again increasing severity and infectivity hyperdancia the teeth and the infected grow and can protrude from the mouth increasing infectivity and severity jugular bite again biting people on the neck infective severe and finally Shadow slaves now this is a victory condition for the game if we can now infect the population of the world with Shadow slaves we will win neuropathic manipulation causes severe behavioral abnormalities and eventually permanent psychosis causing infected to become slaves to the vampire okay done we've got that now and now we have a few different options we can go for muscular hypo hypertrophy which would allow us to become very effective and severe we could go for dermal calcification which gives us lethality over time I have no need for lethality so we're not going to worry about that but blood sacrifice allows to generate extra DNA in layers as more people are infected and that can make us just a little bit more effective as we try to spread around so we have all of that I'm now going to go for dark pustules and that will just reduce the effectiveness of the Cure and I'm going to continue to do that for a little while just to make sure I have the best possible score all right simply by existing in Australia we will almost immediately infect the rest of the population and we will get a DNA bubble I'm then going to travel away from Australia into New Zealand we're going to try to infect all the islands as quickly as possible and that's why I left myself down here to Feast so that I can immediately just travel gather up all these other islands and they'll never have to be a problem for me okay that's done moved to Indonesia now very soon they're going to start working on some labs and I can teleport around very rapidly to deal with those that was the entire point of this design because you can see here with this layer I can access Canada United States and all of Central America I don't need to worry about Iceland or Greenland which will be very difficult to reach otherwise Brazil can reach pretty much everywhere Africa can reach everywhere Europe can reach everywhere Asia can reach everywhere I'm already done basically I do not ever need to have a second vampire I probably will but I don't need it it's completely optional at this point all right let's go ahead and transfer over to China just so I can get the high populations going then we'll go to India next and just by being in here for a single day we have hundreds of thousands of people infected in these places it will not take very long Russia has been infected as well excellent okay uh let's go ahead and grab some new transmissions I will grab dog for urban areas and it also increases the likelihood of mutation which can be useful to me okay they still have not started working on the Cure that's fine let's go from India up to um let's say Saudi Arabia now here's the thing every single country has already turned off all of their ports so air and water transmission as far as getting on planes and boats not that useful that's why I didn't grab more levels of it it really does not matter we're gonna go from Saudi Arabia over to let's say Egypt just kind of spreading the plague around to a few Central locations let's go to France next vampires are waging a civil war in New Guinea science is banned and that's one of the advantages of the dark slaves so what basically ends up happening here is once a population has been completely infected then the country is not allowed to contribute toward the Cure anymore so that's what happened I just infected all of New Guinea and now New Guinea cannot contribute to the Cure if you do not pick that up even if you've infected the entire country they will continue to work on the Cure this is going to be really critical for stopping them uh still no sign of their research Labs which is great let's go up to Scandinavia anabolic boost symptom has just mutated for free notice how rapidly we are spreading through India and China now that's it all I have to do is just stop in these countries for just just just a moment just a brief moment and they're going to die I'm focusing mostly on cold countries right now because I don't have as much cold resistance that's my purpose now a new lab has been built in Central Asia right here which is not far from where I already am so let's go down there let's grab some more points I'm going to grab high for sensitivity malignant pigmentation and latent adaption pretty soon again significantly harder to cure that's the only reason I care let's go there let's go ahead and destroy the lab they have set up a couple more labs in Europe so let's uh pause we will transfer teleport over to Germany instantly pop up over there go to Poland destroy that lab okay pause for a second please thank you now we'll go down to the Balkan States we'll destroy that done okay no Labs active right now uh what else has not been infected most of Africa and the entirety of North and South America did I not get into Japan I thought I did okay let's deal with that real quick I'm gonna teleport over here it does not cost very much DNA so I don't much care there we go Japan's done now let's teleport over to Brazil and so there actually is a research base nearby and there's one in Spain as well which I need to be careful about we're going to go from here down to Argentina I'm gonna destroy that base we're gonna teleport up to Germany we are going to go to Spain destroy that base okay we're gonna teleport over to Mexico go to Canada and destroy that base see how rapidly we are able to stay on top of the Cure now one thing I could do now is pick up vampiric Awakening this would get me a second vampire eventually it'll kill a lot of people but otherwise who cares and then I can control two vampires to fly around and infect people we're gonna go ahead and pick it up because I don't think it matters too much but we'll do it let's also grab muscular hypotrophy or hypertrophy masticatory tension there we go and we're just increasing our infectivity and severity as much as we can to max out our infectivity and DNA I will also grab wolf for better rural regions and otherwise what's not infected we have the Caribbean Madagascar and parts of Africa and so on okay let's go down to the United States actually let's sit here for a second disinfect Canada a little bit more get them up to their critical mass dermal calcification just mutated for free USA has been infected let's now go down to Mexico they're infected let's go to the Caribbean now it takes a little time to get your second vampire that's the only reason we don't have it right now let's teleport up to Germany let's go to the United Kingdom destroy their research lab before it can do anything what else are we missing Madagascar I thought I did get to the Caribbean apparently I did not actually stay long enough let's teleport again and let's go there how much DNA do we get out of these layers now eight so we're getting a lot more DNA now out of these points than we were before let's teleport over to Central Africa yeah I really don't think you need a second vampire it's not gonna hurt it helps just infect the um neighboring countries but that's it we have a new vampire created in Poland it's a Polish vampire excellent let's have this guy sit around and heal in Poland for a little while not that it matters really in fact it doesn't matter at all let's just go ahead and transport him over to any country that is not being very rapidly infected we're just trying to reach critical mass in as many places as we can to save ourselves some time and then in fact there now let's go to Angola you go to Italy since they're holding out on me okay and goal is looking good you go to Morocco you go to S Finland okay it's been good in Morocco now anemia mutate it for free um starting to Hitch critical mass in places like the United States let's teleport over to Mexico you can go to Norway and we're more or less done at this point I think every country in the world has been infected yes yes look how much DNA I have by the way and I don't even care it doesn't really matter we're gonna go ahead and pick up a couple little things here and there just for the heck of it um uh hypocoagulability sure why not internal hemorrhaging sure why not just a little lethality it doesn't really matter though because at this point very soon we will see the entire population of the world has been infected what else is missing at this point USA and Italy are the only places left let's go from Norway to Italy and this vampire is actually not infecting quite as fast as he used to but whatever there we go Knox attorneys has Enslaved the world we have beaten it on mega Brutal with 50 cure progress the shadow plague has fully corrupted humanity and now after thousands of years the vampires can finally begin their rule of blood and pain the World falls into darkness only 1.8 billion dead done vampire Master achievement unlocked and we even got four stars out of that which is pretty good I would say actually cool the uh playthrough actually shows you where the vampire goes nice so yeah that is an extremely effective strategy I find for mega Brutal and um it's foolproof I don't see how you could possibly lose that if you don't wait to get enough DNA in between the Templar and the research maybe that could come back to bite you but otherwise you're fine now again you could sit back and gather up even more DNA if you want to uh instead of waiting till 400 which is what I did and then you're gonna be able to explode even faster than before at some point I just think that's kind of boring but yeah this is arguably the easiest of the mega brutals to beat if you follow this strategy because you cannot lose as long as you are willing to be patient I don't think we need to watch the entire full playthrough because it's going to take a very long time I think you get the idea at this point we did unlock a new trait let's just see what that is real quick uh brawler it is blood rage doesn't cost any DNA mildly useful for that strategy not too bad anyway thank you all for watching I do hope that you enjoyed the start of this video was a little long but I wanted to make sure that I explained my methods entirely so that you will be able to replicate this yourself I do hope you enjoyed and we'll hit that like button leave a comment and of course subscribe if you want to see my future content my name has been pravas and I will see you guys next time [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 10,965,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Plague Inc (Video Game), Shadow Plague, vampire, plague, mega, brutal, hard, strategy, guide, walkthrough, gameplay, scenario
Id: T27qtTVhk7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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