Can you beat Spore WITHOUT Evolving?

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i love that he named his planet
please will make spore 2
cause we all want that

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/cyabon 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

A pretty cool idea tho.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
and um i just rounded a corner and there's a a strange figure over there my goodness who could that be it's bandicoot and he's 700 foot tall and most importantly he is very angry he's terrified hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the lovely world of sport now what are we doing in sport today well we're going to be doing a very unique challenge in sport we're going to be finishing sport without actually evolving our creature at all that's right spore the game which is all about evolving your own life can actually be completed without evolving at all but before i dive into our lovely tadpole adventure we must first ask ourselves the question why why on earth are we avoiding evolution today well allow me to introduce you to the last creature i made in spore ladies and gentlemen this is my last creature um humbly called the worst spore creature it is unique now unlike most spore creatures this one installs nightmares it has many special moves including the ability to robot dance i mean just look at that fantastic isn't he beautiful he's such a happy little chappie but when he's not doing his dance moves he can do his personal favorite maneuver that i like to call ladies and gentlemen the nut my goodness that some intense nuttage right there wow he is literally collapsed now today it's time for us to begin our ultimate adventure and challenge of beating spore without evolving at all so we're going to start a brand new game right the way down in the cell stage so without further ado ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to jump into this game and start a brand new adventure in the cell stage oh fantastic stuff now of course we need to choose our diet and this is our diet for basically the entire game and naturally we're going to go carnival and it's time to name our planet our planet shall of course be called please will make sport 2 please seriously i need the game in my life anyway let's go into this lovely game now of course everyone knows life starts with a bright lovely yellow sun and a meteor coming eating on out of it and this meteor crash lands on a planet and life is created truly majestic glorious life and that glorious life is us now unlike all other life in existence this life is destined for greatness and it is so perfect in fact it doesn't even need to evolve and we've crash-landed via meteor form and we're bam here we are ah lovely we immediately spring out of this tiny rock and here we are this is our entire species it is completely and utterly perfect and immediately we're just going to harvest as much food as possible because it surrounds us now of course eating every little nubbin of food around us grants us one dna point each which we could spend on upgrading our creature and making it more powerful however upgrading your creature is a luxury a luxury that we do not have because we will be entirely focused on just eating food and not evolving whatsoever because evolving would simply mean that our creature wasn't perfect from the moment that they spawned from a random space rock which of course we know is wrong because we were perfect i'm just going to of course grab a few more snacks and meals and oh look what's this now this is the game teaching us that basically around us we can steal the dna of other animals to create one mega animal like for example unlocking a horn a spike which is fantastic because it allows you to attack better naturally we're going to ignore all of this advice and leave evolution for the nerds oh hello there tiny cell oh you poor little microorganisms oh come inside my belly actually that feels completely wrong to say please warts into my general direction so that i might feast on you and use this feasting to grow in size and power there we go fantastic now we are getting chased by one angry bug but uh it's okay because we've just become larger and that means that we can one hit him and oh my goodness i think it's time we find a mate so that i can drop down a save file right come on tactical mating in on the battlefield it's the only way to preserve yourself they'll go down naturally the standard mating process of spore allows you to spend some of those fantastic dna points on your species however if we were to attach anything like the ability to eat plants or spike things or heck even swim faster that would immediately invalidate our entire run consequently we must only give our perfect species a name and so i must name it after the most evolutionary perfect being that i can think of and that would of course be the species of the mega chad now famously chats are the peak pinnacle form of evolution and in this case we have a condensed down perfect form of the mega chad right now let's immediately swim the mega chat back out into the ocean without any improvements or modifications because my goodness he's just immediately perfect oh my goodness i'm successfully becoming a larger boy the mega chad as a species is growing of course we are fighting more and more species that are technically completely and utterly terrifying uh because they have actual defensive mechanisms against predators uh we have nothing other than one big chompy mouth this means that if we are encounter things that are effectively giant balls of death stabbing we just have to avoid them else we will die instantaneously oh my goodness we are certainly uh in a bit of a world which is a bit too big for us now these are some big fishies and we are a very small fishy my goodness we've had a great existence of basically just stealing the food off of the sea floor now of course some would criticize the chat however it is a noble role to be a bottom feeder in society and there we have it one more snack and i'm pretty sure we have just evolved legs and there we have it oh we're developing a brain the chat has grown a brain my goodness i never thought the day would come but megachat is now on the pathway to sentience without evolving at all right now onwards we go it's time for the mega chad to go to land now of course in this stage will wright wants to make sure the player knows that they can add legs to their creature and in fact they should however we're not going to touch him mega chad is beautiful mega chat is perfect look at my precious little blue boy right let's go save an exit you're perfect my sweet child go walk on land somehow ah here it is the humble mega chad leaving the oceans of will ride please make sport 2 and progressing onto land now of course we summon all of our other strange kind as we vibrate onto the surface world and wow that really is some impressive walking that we have going on there truly majestic and it's time for us to begin our adventure into spore right now immediately in the creature stage things are a little bit more difficult for us because um we're not very good at fighting and that means instead we're going to try and charm our way to success and i'm hoping that around here oh my goodness it's one of my creations it's daddy longleg created by barry trotter69 yes i made this what we're going to do is charm the daddy long leg because they're a level 1 creature all we have to do is simply sing to them which is something that our basic creature has the ability to do so they sing we sing and we're bam that somehow gives us dna and there we go we've made vague friends with them all we need to is impress one more of them and that is the alliance completely secured and we'll bam we gained a whole bunch of bonuses there now of course we did pick up an evolutionary part there which would allow us to evolve the mega chad to be even greater however mega chad is perfect i mean just the way that he kind of glides across the ground in such a smooth and lovely manner right now let's go find another species to our verb impress or murder ah fantastic it's the tune far now this species we can definitely charm easy peasy 25 dna and this is going to be we're going to be able to charm this clan and by charming this clan is going to give us enough dna to evolve up to the next tier and with that not only do we become slightly larger but we also become smarter that's right the mega chat brain is evolving to now the size of a very very very small grain of rice very impressive that's right we've grown so smart in fact we can invite an ally to join us on our quest now what i'm going to do is i'm going to charm one of these creatures into joining my pack and that should hopefully be enough to get them to join my adventures and of course there we go we've picked up an alpha charger here and this little sausage is going to follow us around as we go to the next tier 2 area oh now this here is the incredible legs um faction complete with baby legs oh well it's baby legs from rick and morty is right here now we're going to go up to the baby lex faction and um try and ally them using our incredible singing abilities of course we deliberately aim for the children because they will be the easiest to impress and will bam who will be able to gain their trust and there we go they are now our allies which is fantastic of course i'm going to dismiss our old pac friend uh and in the process pick up a brand new pack friend that's right we're going to make new friends on this journey well as soon as my species remembers how to walk again oh no we've gotten stuck in the terrain of the map wheel oh dear right well i'm going to have to sit and simply wait for the mega chat to start to death oh wait there's a baby legs that's just spawned baby's legs come be charmed by me no don't leave oh it's left now of course some of you might be saying if we had legs we'd be able to get out of the terrain of the map and to you i say yeah you're probably quite right but not all of us are perfect so all i have to do is do the evolutionary practice and fail safe of just simply letting mega chad die and then i can play as a new mega chat who hopefully doesn't get stuck on the terrain all right so we're going to convince the legs to join us using a fantastic dance and we'll bam there we go we now have a legs in our party so now obviously i'm going to get rid of our first pack member because we don't need them anymore so there we go now it is one mega chad and one alpha legs and now using our alpha legs we're going to pick up a second alpha legs oh and there we go two legendary alpha legs all with improved singing capabilities is going to allow us to absolutely smash anyone else we come into contact with right let the adventure of singing continue okay ladies and gentlemen um i've just been exploring around i've managed to increase the intelligence of our creature and um i just rounded a corner and there's a a strange figure over there my goodness who could that be it's a goddamn craft bandicoot and he's 700 foot tall and most importantly he is very angry he's terrified he's got 1 000 health and he's coming to kill us please crush please i love your games don't kill my friend oh my god he just one hit my friend he won hit the alpha mega chad that's an alpha mega chad there that like 50 health oh crash bandicoot please i submit crash please oh my goodness we can't fight back he just won't hit my other guy run mega chat flee flee make a chat crash please leave me alone oh god i think i've seen this in a nightmare jesus christ oh my god run run chad run oh i don't think you can oh my god we're dead we were killed by crash bandicoot right now i've got to migrate to a new nest so um that's what we're going to be doing it's migration time ladies and gentlemen this is going to take a very long time so i'll be back in a bit and hopefully along the way we won't be murdered by a giant raccoon the journey to the new nest will be long and arduous not because we're going to be attacked by anything that we can't fight off but mostly because we are exceedingly slow i think i've genuinely seen priuses go faster than the mega chad when it comes to land speed oh my god there's crash bandicoot he's over there and they're frozen oh hopefully we never have to deal with him again because my goodness my goodness ladies and gentlemen i've just been told that there is a once in a lifetime opportunity happening right now that's right will wright who invented spore and sean murray who created no man's sky have finally teamed up to create the ultimate game spore 2 and they're telling me that the first 8 000 people to like this video will receive free access to the kickstarter the game will apparently be released shortly after star citizen is fully complete so make sure to invest now anyway back to the video right so we've almost hit the stage where we can actually uh finally leave the creature stage we're getting really close now all we're really doing is basically finding uh monsters which we can socialize and what you want to do is kind of walk them away from their nest because this stops them being reinforced in what are effectively our rap battles where we just spam songs at them uh so naturally we just kind of back this little guy into a corner and then all we have to do is impress him a few times and it doesn't really matter if he does other stuff and it makes him upset because all we need to do is get him to sing once there we go we forced this monster away from its hive so naturally ben we just hit it with a sing-song and oh yeah we're definitely impressing this guy no matter what you do you are about to be impressed and perfect there we go that's enough to completely expand our mind just by stealing other monsters that are involved in harnessing their abilities we're able to grow an entire brain in the mega chat my goodness we've done it without even evolving truly truly incredible it's time for us to move to the tribal stage oh my goodness well i never thought the day would actually come but we're actually able to advance the tribal stage now there's a couple of min maxi things you can do before you go to the tribal stage number one make sure you have another species filling out your pack never have your own species this is because if you take another species like the web species here into the tribal stage you get to domesticate them and use them as food for the remainder of the tribal stage this basically makes you absolutely overpowered because you don't have to send anyone out to go harvesting berries equally the tribal stage is where the fact that we haven't really evolved at all no longer really comes back to bite us right now let us move on to the tribal stage where um we could you know evolve ourselves to uh i don't know walk but no instead we are still going to remain a tribe that just kind of floats around with no real abilities i mean we're less limited by the fact that we didn't evolve at all however um for some reason in this cut scene we're going to be able to light a stick on fire using only our mouth and this is going to prove that we're evolving my goodness here it comes oh yep i think i think we've done it i can't tell i really can't um is it maybe just the fact that we're holding a stick is enough yep the fact that we were able to hold a stick in our mouth is proof it's proof that we can evolve well actually no it's proof that we can't evolve my goodness we're so smart oh we've made fire we've made real fire this is civilization ladies and gentlemen we didn't even need to evolve oh and we've got a little tribal stick and everything that means that we now have a tribal chief or chief chad time for the tribal stage to begin now this is where things are going to get spicy now fantastically of course as you can see we start out with our free friends sat in the back here singing away and what we can do is we can harvest eggs from them which is perfect so we're going to get one of our little guys to just focus on harvesting whatever food they produce meanwhile i guess we can just kind of plan out a tribe right the egg harvesting is going fantastically we're able to gain i think it's about yeah five food per trip here which is great because it means we're basically entirely food self-efficient and then using all of this food we're able to buy the lovely didgeridoos which we're going to be able to place down and we'll bam now all of our tribes people can equip the fantastical weapon that is a didgeridoo oh my goodness the pathfinding is getting really bad here what is even going on come on please spoil please we'll write add the path finding it it's not difficult i just need wait where are you going the food pile is here where are you going put it in the food pile oh my goodness all of my little guys basically come of age which means i'm going to get them to all equip a didgeridoo and this is going to put us in a prime spot to really impress the other tribes now that everyone has a didgeridoo excluding of course our tribal leader who is completely stuck on the gupta terrain what is wrong with this guy all right everyone get a didgeridoo tribe tribal leader please please roger please okay he's put the food in he's put the food in where is he going please i just want to look after you my special man okay right everyone let's go impress the neighboring tribe of our incredible song we're going to hit them with the hit song of didgeridoo now didgeridoo time is everyone ready it's time for didgeridoos instruments allow you to respond to the crowd's request by pressing the matching buttons well only have one button to press mr will write please chieftain please behave this is a concert okay they want didgeridoos him with a didgeridoo that's it right we've pressed the freaky they won it again press it again what else do they want didgeridoo again and we've got a present four times i'm guessing four that's exactly bam friends ten out of ten oh lovely they're our friends now right immediately didgeridoo time again this is high octane gameplay our chieftain still has no physical presence on this mortal plane and instead prefers to just move in an immaterial fashion oh yes the didgeridoos are coming out oh there we go we have an ally now and that's immediately created all these other tribes that have now popped up and because these guys love us so much they're even going to tell us the secrets of their technology oh yes there we go they have taught us probably some redundant thing like fishing because really the only thing i care about is probably another musical instrument oh wow our entire tribe's been given a lovely jazzy upgrade oh it looks truly majestic now oh we can support up to nine tribe members now fantastic can i actually make anything useful i can make wooden horns we will really impress the neighbors with our wooden horns lovely right pump out the children to man the wooden horns uh so i'm back in sport and i'm trying to charm one of these lovely little tribes and um well a chaotic demon of death has arrived and um things have gone wrong i mean what the heck is this why is there a small child levitating above us take the small child away dear god what is this monstrosity floating above me all right let's just focus on the charming we can charm we've also managed to get an alliance with one of the other tribes fantastic that puts us two tribes up now now i somehow doubt anything else is going to happen in the tribal stage so i will see you as soon as i enter into the vastly more entertaining and fun civilization stage because that's when you get to build cities and most importantly mine spice well fantastic news everybody i've managed to grind my way through the tribal stage it was genuinely hell now normally the tribal stage is probably my least favorite stage in the game that's right cell stage is no longer my least favorite stage and that's fantastic because the civilization stage is going to allow us to basically say goodbye to our legs because you don't actually need legs to operate vehicles for some reason meaning we are at no disadvantage for being with strange legless abominations all right now let's throw ourselves into the lovely civilization stage probably my favorite stage of course please ignore the cutscenes um they're not completely working today i think we'll write intended cutscenes to involve creatures with legs but you know here we are it's okay i think there's meant to be creatures on screen at the moment i'm pretty sure the mega chad's meant to be there mega chats what is wrong with that mega chat he hasn't got a body what the heck is oh my fireworks ladies and gentlemen are appearing out of the and there's a there's a guy he's appeared now right we're about to enter civilization there we go in civilization time ladies and gentlemen oh yeah it's another cutscene time look at all of our glory citizens oh they are so excited because they've discovered how to make a pimp mobile oh now this is my favorite stage of the game because it's basically the stage of the game where you get to run around and steal the entire world spy supplies right and immediately we're in the game and you know what that means bam secure every single spice mine on the planet and buy as many land vehicles as possible because we need to grab every single bit of spice before any other civilization can get close to it see there's a tiny tribe over here but we can't let the tiny tribe gain access to the spice that it's technically meant to have there we go steal it all steal it all bam that one's ours great on to the next one and the money is going to start flowing on in now and there we go another civilization has arrived and they're trying to take control of this spice mine but luckily we completely beat them to it now they are completely economically and technologically behind us also good god is that epic sonic oh my goodness it's sonic and he has a laser beam for an eye oh my goodness i never thought i'd see the day right it's time to build up my empire as well by smashing down a whole bunch of factories and houses we're going to want is a lovely house here and probably a factory here lovely stuff that's going to slowly increase our money making potential now what we are going to do is set up a trade route with basically every single civilization we can find now some of them will accept trade routes others won't obviously the ones which we stole spice mines from probably less likely to accept our trade routes now what i'm going to do is of course bribe all of these local cities to then secure trade routes with them so they can then eventually completely and utterly buy them out i can buy the city thank goodness now this city is currently being kind of occupied by enemy forces so i need to kind of really snipe on in there and buy out the purple nation now we don't have too much money we have four thousand spore bucks so um apparently four thousand small bugs is enough to buy their entire city so um that's fine i mean some of the options of bribing a city quite high this just four grand okay that's literally nothing and bam they now follow our nation god i love money and i love mining spice ah majestic guitars now the red nation isn't very happy with us because we're a bit too big and we're afraid to them so naturally we're going to bribe them with some money so they uh actually love us instead there we go now we're nice and neutral with them oh no there's a religious attack on the red city here which is all very exciting of course religious attacks are quite slow taking over a city using trade routes exceedingly quickly i mean here comes the fun brigade now with balloons filled with literal spice and i mean some would compare sport to a simulation of the opium wars and uh those people would probably be right anyway let's buy out this city there we go for a grand it's now ours ah glorious stuff another city falls to the mighty spiffco empire and we're now going to have to kind of bribe the yellow nation so that they're actually happy with us all right there we go we've bribed the yellow nation so that they will now love us and now we can go and propose a trade route and then begin the economical wonder train all right let us propose it come on propose trade oh no they find it lacking very well more bribe money it is there we go more money and proposed trade oh there we go fantastic we get the trade route open up with yellow so now we set all of our vehicles to trade with this city and this is where the fun begins oh yes i will make money from your glorious religious city i will turn your followers into tea drinkers and they will buy only my tea and then this entire continent shall be mine giving me the ability to research airplanes so once we get up to six cities all we need is 84 grand in the bank then we can just press the global merger button and just win the game oh it's so easy absolutely fantastic you just basically want as many factories in your cities as possible right there we go i've managed to also bribe the blue nation so that i can get a trade route going between their two cities and our own we're actually in the perfect position to buy out the yellow city it is now fully under our control so uh yeah we might as well buy it for the low low cost of 16 000 sporebooks bam they accept it's ours ah more glorious cities falling to the empire i love sport i really do this is my favorite part of sport 100 just rocking up to cities with big bags of cash and being like hey i'd like this entire bit of land and there we go it is now all ours and because we've now conquered our fourth city we've discovered flight ladies and gentlemen look at that we can now build aeroplanes which will allow us to trade with anyone on the planet it's going to be brilliant right now immediately we're going to need to build ourselves some fancy jazzy aeroplanes now the pre-designed airplane that gives us the most money is of course the fan dancer so bam fan dancer away we're going to have a whole bunch of these bad boys let's get three lovely little fandancers going and their job trade with as many cities as humanly possible and we can also do an ad buyout which enables faster city buyouts uh so i mean this city here we're trying to trade with and take over but i mean if i just do a quick ad campaign in there it's gonna be ours oh yeah look at that quick bit of celebrations oh here comes the ad look at this vote spiffco and glorious banners will come oh look at that we're just dropping free money this is it this is how you take control of cities oh my goodness it's completely insane oh and their other cities agreed to trade with us fantastic right little do they know what this is going to actually mean and i'm pretty sure we can buy out this city from them 16 grand oh they accept 16 grand of the city is ours thank you blue nation i will be taking another city of yours all it took was one really good ad campaign to convince them to buy yorkshire tea and bam everything is ours now we've bribed everyone up to a comfortable level of neutrality so they won't really be able to attack us and now we're going to be able to kind of just spam out as many air vehicles as we like to begin the true trade armada here we go may the trading now commence and there we go i'm pretty sure i can now buy out this other city lovely stuff 16 grand bam there's your capital city it's now ours dark blue people ah lovely nice love of fountains they have and everything but no we shall replace those lava fountains with tea there we go that's another economic city for us to add into our glorious empire fantastic stuff and now we have all of these vehicles which we need to decide what to do with all right now is the time to propose the alliance with the final remaining blue city which for some reason counts us as their allies there we go yes trade route please oh and of course they're going to accept lovely stuff right trade route begin ah the money making now commences oh wait we can just do the global merger and buy all cities for 48 000. just buy all cities and press the game over button i mean pressing this button ladies and gentlemen means something very important it means that you can beat the entirety of spore without evolving at all because as soon as you get to the space stage it doesn't matter what civilization you have it doesn't matter what nation you're leading the only thing that matters is that you get to the center of the galaxy and i mean there are many ways to do that the fastest way to do it is just to simply run i mean you literally only need one jump drive technology from like i don't know the second star and then you're able to just blitz your way straight to the finish line but there we have it if i press this spend 48 grand global merger complete we send out the money wagons oh my goodness go on trade oh yeah look at this we got the party blimps up bam your city is mine oh yeah get ready for the party blimps what's that you had a city no your city is now owned by us oh my goodness it's glorious it's truly incredible well there you have it ladies and gentlemen this has been the species of mega chad evolving from literally nothingness into becoming the most powerful beings of the entire galaxy this once and for all proves that it doesn't really matter how you evolved provided you have enough money making potential and scummy gameplay strategies anything is possible oh yeah look at that there's a little house we send in the guys with the hammers of course we can't hammer things using hands because we don't have hands or arms instead everything is created using the single beak which we started out with all those thousands of years ago and we can now make a spaceship naturally i will be stealing this completely legally distinct non-star trek spaceship oh it's this spaceship ladies and gentlemen it's taken off into space glorious stuff and now the space age starts and in spore the space age is you know lovely you kind of walk around the galaxy collect as much spice as possible but it is um actually not very fun at all so this is where i'm going to stop today's video because as fun as it is just to speed run to the center of the galaxy and fly past all of the grok ships not my cup of tea instead what i am happy with is the fact that we've managed to prove that spore can be beaten without evolving in any way shape or form meaning you are perfect no matter how you were created that's right ladies and gentlemen i'm talking to each and every one of you you're lovely you're fantastic you're truly majestic wonderful little sausages so be happy with the way you are because trust me if these guys can get to space what you can manage is going to be absolutely terrifying anyway i'm afraid that's all for today folks if you enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like it does massively help us out and why not hop on into the comments section and give me a suggestion as to what game you'd like to see next also just hop on in there and be nice to people 2020 has been a bit of a rough year and it is basically over or almost over depending on when this video goes out so go down there and make sure everyone's doing okay because my goodness it's been a funky year anyway that's all today folks of course subscribe if you haven't already because you'd be mad not to and as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously pat yourselves on the back thank you very much for supporting me over the year of 2020 and also christmas it has been an absolutely huge help and we've got some very exciting things coming your way in 2021 all thanks to you now of course if you want to watch another video there's going to be a fantastic array of them on screen now but of course as always i will see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day my friends and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,847,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, spore, spore challenge, spore no evolution, no evolution, no evolution spore, can you beat, can you beat spore, can you beat spore without evolving, spore funny, spiffing brit, funny, lets play, spore game, spore funny moments, perfectly balanced game, evolution challenge, game exploit, montage, video game, perfectly balanced, funny moments, lets play spore, spore funny creatures, spore creation, spore 2, the spiffing brit, game, gameplay, evolution, beat spore
Id: 9b_HNGwOiu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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