People Who Left Their Old Life Behind, What Happened? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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redditors who went out for cigarettes and never came back why did you leave where did you go what is life like for you now serious sort of my cousin went for a walk once he was dating this woman who just an awful human being she got pregnant swore it was his and once the kid was born the state went after him for child support as he wasn't on the birth certificate even though they were living together anyways the paternity test came back showing it wasn't ace and she flipped her lid just lost it he asked her to calm down and said he wanted to take a walk to cool off he left everything he owned - the clothes on his back and his wallet and went for a walk that he never came from from a few years back the kid found him he was 16 or 17 and went on some giant rant about him being a glum and a punk-ass and whatever other nonsense my cousin told him he wasn't his dad the paternity test showed that and he had no idea why she told him he was the father and abandoned them kid left a whole helluva lot more confused than he showed up I think I was living with my parents I was 17 they told me to leave then tried to stop me from leaving I have been in an abusive relationship with my mom and my stepdad for us friends helped me load the car that was 12 years ago never been back I have never left but my brother has one morning two years ago I woke up with a killer hangover rolled over in bed checked my phone and saw several missed calls and a couple of voicemails from my mother and sister along with a text message from my dad call me the first voicemail was from my sister sobbing through the phone she said for the sake of the story let's call my brother Tom Tom just tried to commit suicide he wrote us all letter and and just call me please whoa this can't be real then my mom's voicemail Tom attempted suicide last night we haven't been able to reach him but we suspect he might be heading your way if you see him call the police we need to make sure he is safe oh crap this is definitely real we all somewhat suspected depression from him but this was unexpected anyways I got out of bed and put some clothes on I opened the blinds and I peek out the window as if on cue Tom's shitty old 96 Ford or he was flustered barely spoke to me but told me he was leaving for California refusing to turn him in to the police I bought him lunch filled up his gas tank and then I gave him all of the $26 dollars I had on me and wished him the best of luck he was back home within two weeks remorseful and embarrassed I'm glad he's back hey you tell your brother sometimes we all want to drive a rusty old post to California and leave it all behind mum cornered me in the bathroom after chasing me around the house told me to punch her when I tried to leave punched me instead I said I'd call the cops she said she'd do the same as she's done with my ex stepdad tell em I punched her and it'll be her word versus mine next morning got into a broken Ford that was still on her name even though it was mine when to get the oil changed told the guy how long he thinks the car could make it he said I'd be lucky to make it a block wouldn't go into reverse among other things all the same I thought I'm only going forward three days later I drove from CA to MD and spent about five years without contact reconnected foolishly thinking people change people don't change last I heard from her she wanted me to sign over my apartment in Russia so she could sell it and give me the money I told her I'd happily sign it over but she didn't need to pretend she'd give me a dime like one of the top commenters here I've also been working since the age of 12 albeit for much less than 8 / hour when I started paper route etcetera only reconnected because I have sisters but the brain swishing she's done against me is done both sisters Silla cycle one is pregnant at age of 18 failing grades neither will take me up on my offers to help I make 50 plus our tutoring strangers sigh I'm the pure who left and traveled the world but I'm a loser because well Frick this thread Frick you mom you're not a loser Frick your mom I just hope your sisters will be okay I was living with a very mean and controlling girlfriend if it wasn't her way or all about her she threw a fit one day I had enough and said I was going to the store and just kept driving I literally drove for 12 hours and showed up at her friend's house five states away and asked if I could crash on his couch I called my boss and said I wanted to quit work he was pretty cool about it he knew my girlfriend and actually set me up with a job in my new city I have never spoken to my ex since soon after my relocation I met my now wife and I could not be in a better relationship best thing I ever did I ran away from my family my mom and whatever family is attached to I feel so much better I resented the Bulls my mom would pull on me she once got me pretty screwed around and told everyone I was abusing her her finances etc she told me to my face she was going to lie and get away with it and she did and that was pretty much the family dynamic I was caught up in when I called her an abuser she couldn't handle it it felt good to leave and not look back I got a new job and a new place and change numbers said I was going to uni my sister dropped me off at the station said my goodbyes and left the country parents and sisters were abusive and manipulative lived in fear for many years since they threatened to shoot me if they found me I struggled a lot with alcohol for years himself hurt but I am happily married and don't think of them as family at all parents were split and hated each other and would always put me in the middle the drugs and alcohol they were both doing didn't help got kicked out of each of their places and went back and forth over some shitty circumstances involving them wanting all off my money to live with them then playing the guilt card on each other that they took me and when the other kicked me out got a steady retail job that I had to work six seven days a week at odd hours to get full time two weeks before Christmas mom said her place wasn't a truck stop and I couldn't come and go at all hours of the night and that I had to leave heard similar from her before and didn't want to go to Dad's again so I called some family and they all refused to take me and because my mom had called and told them I hit her I was still in the same house I told her she was a horrible person with an even worse mother and left grand Manu parents were crazy so she helped me as much as she could still get phone calls emails Facebook messages asking me when I'm going to stop being a B so we can be a family again have seen both sins invited some friends through Facebook to things that they in turn invited my parents to finally nutted up and told them both to get the Frick out of my life mum still leaves me drunk hi crying voicemails in the middle of the night either telling me she loves me or that I'm all that's wrong with her life dad sends me emails telling me to get the stick out of my ass because I'm still his son still spend time with my grandma friend's parents mean more to me than my own ever did now I've got a full-time job an awesome dog working on doing better in life in general and trying to move into a place so low blood is not thicker than water we'll never speak to either of them again if I can help it no regrets I told her she was a horrible person give an even worse mother and left just reading that felt so satisfying I was left my dad and my mom had a fight my dad left then he killed himself on one hand I have no memories of him I was too young and I am very sympathetic to mental illness and suicidal ideation I have had bouts of serious depression in my life on the other hand his absence the lack of dad left a huge gaping hole in my life the strangest part is when I turned the age he was when he killed himself I'm 36 and I'm older than my dad ever was and I still feel young like I have many years ahead of me I wish I had had the opportunity to know him everything I know about him is someone else's memory thanks for giving me space to share this I left my home like this one night I just packed the essentials into my backpack walk to a train station and got on a train to Newport News VA from Pasco W a B no one knew I was gone until 3 o'clock the next morning it was to be with a girl my family was totally 100% against that was a year ago it's all working clay I am happier now than I ever have been before hey I'm from Newport News glad you're happy man it's cool things worked out I don't know if this counts but when I was about 19 I was in a terrible position all of my friends were doing mhm regularly I had put out thousands of dollars to bail friends from jail and to try to help them out the girl I was dating was lying to everyone she knew about our relationship my uncle called me in the middle of all this and offered me a job on the other side of the country I had my car packed and was headed there within 12 hours I heard from the girl I was dating about two weeks later she called crying telling me she went to my house and I wasn't there and wanted to know where I was I told her I had moved and she told me it wasn't my choice to make that I should have consulted her I never heard from any of the people I had considered friends I heard some of them went to jail some had kids some disappeared I moved back to the town I left about five years later and everything has been relatively okay since then sometimes I see people I used to know and sometimes they recognize me but mostly I keep to myself and spend time with better people than those are left years ago throw away for good reason I've always lived in an abusive home both mentally and physically and never saw a proper way out I started working at 14 years old in a convenience store for $8 an hour and had all of the money I made in a locked container in a nearby wooded park area I did this because my parents would have taken my money if they knew I was working at all by the time I turned 18 I had close to 10,000 saved up and had finished high school I was supposed to start University that year but early on in the summer I waited until my parents went out to work found and took all of my documents unenrolled out of the university program I was supposed to be in and left I took a bus to Alberta and I've been living here since doing labor it's been a year and a half and they haven't searched from me yet not that I'm aware of at least how is my life now I'm poor barely getting by but at least I am living alone and happier than I was before left my family close to five years ago to move to California to start a new life I was 400 pounds living a lifestyle of prescription drugs and drinking at 17 with my family I was good in high school and even went to college early but wasn't able to secure a loan there to continue past the first year dropped my crap life there and came here it was very rough for a time but learn a lot better now I had some help from my adoptive father but paid my way aside from the ticket here I live on my own now and manage an office selling printer parts and various other moneymakers online I started my own business last year and have been paying out of pocket to continue school here because the college I went to back home wouldn't release my transcript I've lost a great deal of weight and turn away from any unhealthy addictions my family is for the most part very cross with me my mother died two years ago nearly exactly I had planned to go back for her birthday tomorrow incidentally in 2013 but she died two weeks prior to it the only regret I have is leaving that door open I like to think she'd be proud of where I went oh man just remember you did what you had to do I know my username doesn't reflects it but I'm a mom of two boys every time they do something that reflects their independence in their place in this world as a man it's the only goddamn thing and the world that could make me happy proud into my whole life worth living she understood what you did my friend there is no way she couldn't have my mother left me at her door I would visit every Saturday for a few hours then she wasn't there after ten plus years of extreme hate to water my uncle enlightened me he said maybe she left you for the better turns out she has extreme mental issues drug abuse it's amazing how few words can change your life I was 21 on my third year of college getting drunk and high on pills every single night puking every single morning freaking guy after random guy had just had an abortion 98 pounds and barely scraping by in my classes one day I woke up and felt so unbelievably sick tired of the way and was living I considered ending my life instead of killing myself I packed up as much as I could fit in my car while my housemates were in class work and moved to North Carolina to live by the beach I called my parents and told them what I was doing which broke their hearts which broke my heart but I still come home for some holidays I stayed in a cheap disgusting motel for two months before I saved enough at my waitress job to get an apartment 40 minutes from the beach I'm currently married to a wonderful man completely sober finished my degree and have a baby due in December I can truly say I'm happy American that moved to Australia for two years got a girl pregnant fell in love saw her for the horrible person that she really was but stuck it out after the baby was born I had to be sure he was mine the tests came back showing no paternal match I confronted her we fought she swore up and down it was a bad test wanting to believe it I shed yield another test for the three others to go in $800 later two days before the test she played dumb and said she never agreed to that told me to get out of their life and that her child was not a science experiment I stayed with a friend a couple days then came back she acted like nothing happened and wanted to just move on another test was no longer an option in her book it was the hardest decision of my entire life and it still makes me sick to think about a week later I scheduled a flight back to California I've been back for four years now we had talked a bit over the year after I left but just went back to her wanting to fight after some antidepressants and heavy drinking I'm finally starting to feel whole again I look at the world very differently now you should read your comment in one year and see how far you moved along good luck bro left home shorty before high school graduation or full living situation my parent was in town and told me to go home while she stayed in town I went home and packed my stuff and left returned the car with a note and no one even bothered to call text me for a week hello free ender you have been visited by the cozy Papa's of lazy Sundays upvote now you may never have a good relax ever again if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people you
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 1,523,968
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, never come back, ghosting, ghosted, leaving and never coming back, a fresh start
Id: TLLidcynLRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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