[Serious] Friends of sociopaths/psychopaths, what was your most uncomfortable moment with them?

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serious friends of social path psychopaths what was your most uncomfortable moment with them i knew this kid in eighth grade michael i considered him a friend but he was absolutely loony he was simultaneously a dong but likable because he was really funny he'd constantly pit friends against each other and encourage people to fight each other i always knew something was sort of off then some girl he dated said he violated harrow and he'd brag about fricking his dog guy was off he told me i must be seriously mentally ill for being upset that he while dating me propositioned my married best friend sounds like and but by far figuring out how she dangerous she actually was i grew up with her until she was removed from the house due to trying to burn it down with us in it she said it was a suicide attempt okay whatever maybe years later i find out her house burned down with her disabled daughter in it she said it was an accident candle or some balls like that a possible coincidence but highly unlikely she did other things too for example poured paint over every item i owned when i was around 10 slept with a knife under her pillow etc did her daughter die my best friend in high school was a sociopath though i didn't realize it until later in life he was good-looking and astoundingly manipulative he could talk pretty much any girl into bed i was always a bit socially awkward and never got laid at that age whenever i confided in him that i liked someone he would target them and frick them they could be a nice girl virgin whatever it didn't matter he was that good one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life was after we graduated and we were hanging out and he got invited over to a girl's house who we graduated with he knew i thought she was cute said it was a party and that she had said she liked me well we got there and it was only her her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend and i didn't drive he immediately goes in her room and freaks the girl i was really p off and confronted him about it of course he made me seem like the butthole and told everyone that i invited myself over and made me feel sad and pathetic i completely lost it and broke down crying in anger and felt ridiculous luckily her roommate was nice enough to drive me home that was his mo he wasn't violent or anything but he liked hurting people emotionally that night was the last night i ever spoke to him i still feel stupid for being friends that long my ex-husband told me he took my dog to his friend's house to live find out a year later that he took her to his father's land and shot her multiple times because the first was not enough he proceeded to skin her and take out her parts pulled out her heart and showed his friend laughing told me his friend was being a pee about it he laughed and was completely unaware of any wrongdoing ugh so glad i'm out of that situation disgusting human being what in the frick probably when i found out he was dating three other girls at the same time and the girls and i exchanged screenshots of conversations with him how creepily similar the way he spoke to us all charming nice dude unless you don't give him what he wants i'm an ex-friend of a sociopath i think it was when we were hanging out and we started arguing about me going to his house i had left my wallet there and i told him this and told him we needed to go back so i could get it he then started claiming that his parents didn't like me and didn't want me at his house he said since they weren't home that would just make it worse i just kept saying i need my dang wallet and that he could get it for me he proceeded to call me selfish and a monster for arguing with him like he yelled it in my face in a public area i was shocked and had nothing to say then he proceeded to act like nothing happened asking me if we should get food etc i eventually got my wallet back from him he didn't spend any money of mine or anything but needless to say we aren't friends anymore honestly i didn't even consider him a sociopath until telling my therapist about how he manipulated me into thinking everything was my fault and how me being better mentally was never enough she basically told me straight up he's a sociopath and it clicked he used me just to fill his ego my sister feels nothing but rage when she doesn't feel rage she feels literally nothing she spends her life manipulating everyone around her and satisfying that rage she mercilessly abused me growing up she tried to kill me three times before i moved out no one believed me because i was older and larger i was always considered to be the aggressor even when i was being violently assaulted in my sleep living with her was a nightmare the most uncomfortable moment between us wasn't something she did to me it was something i considered doing to her i'd been sent up to the crawl space to get an ornament you could only access it from a ladder in the garage when i grabbed it and turned around she was at the top of the ladder staring at me there wasn't any room for her to come up she was just waiting there staring she told me to get out of the way and i told her i couldn't there wasn't room for two people in the crawl space she'd have to go back down the ladder she immediately switched to rage she said she hated me and she wasn't going to let me down from the crawl space it was 110 degrees and there and i was already exhausted i remember thinking she's at the top of a ladder over a cement floor i could make this stop i'd just say it was an accident i'm only 12 no one would convict me as soon as i thought that her face suddenly went blank and she went back down the ladder a friend of mine is a functioning psychopath he has some severe anger issues but knows on a logical level not an emotional one what the implications of unleashing this are he has no remorse he could kill his mother and not care but he knows this is morally wrong even if he doesn't feel it's wrong he can also be extremely manipulative with no remorse and i've seen that come out to play sometimes and it isn't pretty his ego is well endowed he's got one of the highest pain tolerances that i've seen part of a suspension group and he's a really great cuddler to meet him he's pretty strange but all in all he's a decent person and i admire that he's decided to be better than his diagnosis good for him i'm glad someone can exceed the levels of what they were diagnosed with and strive to be a better person she used to brag about her therapist diagnosing her as a sociopath and then obviously deny it when it was ever brought up i think the moment that put it all into perspective was when she manipulated me into having a threesome with her and her ex she knew i was in love with her because she thought it would get him to take her back it goes a little deeper than that but that's the gist of it that last part fricks me up for you brother i hope you're doing better and you've found someone better i was in the mental hospital with him he was my roommate he was a diagnosed sociopath while i was just in there for a suicide attempt he just all over the toilet sink and shower handle and laughed at it he made my bathroom unusable and the staff thought i was trying to be funny when i reported it he's still one of the funniest guys i've ever met even though he was in there for making homicidal threats i hope you're feeling better now he once tried to manipulate me to come in and work basically 50 hours 10 of which would be off the clock so that i didn't get overtime because he knew that if he could keep labor low on his shift he could get a promotion he would also expressly lie to my face about giving me a break saying verbatim i'll come back here in a moment and take over so that you can go on break then he would just never come then when the time has passed to where a break would be irrelevant that is 30 minutes before my shift is over he'd offer again my ex invited me over to her house to catch up i assumed she was being genuine because she had a boyfriend at the time and it had been three years since we broke up but before i came over i told her that i just wanted to catch up and nothing more i said that i'd leave if she tried to hook up with me i did this because i knew she had cheated on her boyfriend before she promised me that she just wanted to catch up and that she didn't have any ulterior motives i knew that she was a psychopath and that she took medication for it but i didn't really think about that stupidly i went over to her house within 30 minutes she was trying to make a move on me i told her that i was uncomfortable and wanted to leave she said to me number you can't you're going to stay the night and sleep with me i told her that i was really uncomfortable with that and tried getting up she pinned me down and flicked the light switch so i couldn't see anything i tried pushing her off of me but she was holding me down i convinced her to turn the lights back on and she did after she flicked the lights back on she pointed to the wall right behind us and said you see that mark on the wall that's the mark from when i stabbed the wall with my knife that's when i was certain that she was off of her meds i spent the following few hours trying to calm her down i was able to do so and then got the frick out of there as fast as i could she told me that if my mom were to ever sleep at our future house that she will murder her while she is asleep in the middle of the night nobody says that crap about my mom or anyone in my family haven't talked to her in like five months now and i'm very glad she's out of my life my sister and her daughter my nieces straight up told me she's killed animals but after seeing my reaction she said they were accidents she is not allowed to hold my baby nephew anymore because she drops him he says he's being squirmy and again it was an accident but the look on her face and in her eyes was a look i used to see on my sister's her mum face when she would try to hurt me as kids she is also not allowed at my house because she terrorizes my pets i caught her throwing my kitten into her travel carrier and shaking it hard thankfully my kitten was fine this was after i caught her throwing shoes at my senior cat to get him out of my closet the similarities between her and her mom are terrifyingly uncanny it brings up a lot of bad memories from childhood i just about stabbed my sociopath stepfather in the guts while doing dishes he'd been doing his thing which was sitting behind me about 15 feet away and staring at me without saying anything for about 20 minutes while i cleaned up the kitchen after dinner 20 freaking minutes of staring i was washing a butcher knife when the hair on the back of my neck stood up and i realized he was right behind me he was a big guy and i am not sure how i did not hear him i turned around with the knife and instinctively shoved it at him he managed to suck in his gut and not get cut i was saying over and over again jet the [ __ ] away from jet the [ __ ] away from jet the [ __ ] away from he didn't make a sound and went upstairs i was 16 years old and that's when i knew one of us was going to go to jail if nothing changed i dated one first of all he was a diddler as he was 20 and i was 14 my parents cut off all contact with him but i snuck behind their backs using a texting app he would often text me things like i want to eviscerate you i wish i could eat your insides etc and also told me about how he had freaked his dog and lied about being violated to see how i would react at one point he broke into my room masturbated using a pair of my period stained undies he had a blood fetish and texted me about it my mom found out and drove all the way to this guy's house and threatened him i was upset because i was 14 and this guy had convinced me i was too emotional and immature for anyone else to love but him and also said he would kill himself if i left but my mom was able to break my rose-colored glasses by writing a comprehensive list of every abusive psychotic thing he had done to me i broke up with him that wasn't all though for a couple months after the breakup he would find out where and when i was going to events and he would be there following me i even went out of state to her convention and he followed me across state borders thankfully my mom was there and that was the final straw she got a restraining order against him to this day i am eternally thankful to my mom for protecting me even if i was so angry at her for keeping me from talking to him at the time my sister who i no longer have contact with has psychopathic tendencies my worst moment was about five years ago she was showing me a new knife of hers a giant blade with serrations down the back i remember looking in her eyes and there was this cold alien look to them the hairs on the back of my neck rose and i had this idea she was going to stab me i realized my instincts were picking up on her thinking about stabbing me she didn't stab me but i kept thinking about it and i truly think she was imagining what it would be like to stab me with her new knife i had this experience with someone who did go on to attack me with her nails and fists this person had never attacked me before you really can tell sometimes by looking in the eyes my brother is a sociopath as well as a homeless age junkie for the most part he stays hidden from view and away from my family during his active times where he comes around looking for money from family members is the most uncomfortable because when he doesn't get it he resorts to burglary having to leave home not knowing if you'll be buglerized is stressful i wish he would just od or go to prison already it would be so much better for everyone lots of uncomfortable moments but a couple that stand out he had extremely violent dreams and would tell me them in great detail he also would say things like i could violate you whenever i wanted and no one would believe you and he showed me where he kept the gun he would use to kill me if i ever betrayed him and he pinned me down one night while i screamed in fear and his parents were upstairs above us ignoring the whole thing months later his mom told me they knew what kind of person he was and they were scared too but thought i was the only good influence who might be able to change him it's been a decade and even writing this down makes me feel nervous that he could read it and find me i almost made a throw away but he shouldn't still have that much power to make me afraid right the night i left he called me hundreds of times literally hundreds filled my voicemail in box with all kinds of threats but then the next message would be an apology and begging me to come back it was unnerving how fast his mood was changing back and forth i drove to stay with a friend in a different city that night because i was too afraid to go home side note i just want to say reading these stories has really affirmed my thoughts about a past relationship with this sort of violent manipulative person i felt such guilt for years after thinking that i was too weak to leave sooner and how everyone probably thought i was an idiot who deserved what i got for staying with such a man the shame is heavy but it has helped reading so many similar experiences in one place and seeing that these women weren't disregarded or chastised tried to drown me while i was taking a bath as i was underwater i knew 100 that i was going to die i relaxed my body and tried to save any oxygen i could i guess he thought i was actually dead and just calmly walked out of the bathroom i think my best friend may have been for example she got a job at a business that she wanted to learn and when she had made enough money to start her own business she totaled her employees van hired off the designer and stole all the clients then she paid the designer way less than she had promised and then closed her business completely in a few months when she was bored she also pulled really bad things in relationships which i really don't want to get into well anyway she was about to ruin someone's life again i couldn't take it anymore and ratted her out that is when i had heard all the lies she had spent her whole life that i lived with her and she supported me and i was a rage addict that she had starred in major films that she was prom queen so i cut her out of my life and after weeks of her calling me and begging me to come back i was sitting at home looked up and saw her standing over me my first thought was that she killed my dog she hadn't in high school and college i knew a guy who kept file folders with information about people he knew actual file folders labeled with their names he would take notes on people he knew what he thought of as their personality trays their strengths that he might have to overcome their weaknesses that he felt could exploit these notes along with his detailed analysis journals because seriously he analyzed everyone he knew would go into his folders i only saw these folders a single time but i saw his note-taking almost every time i was around him he didn't try to hide it i dated one a bit over a decade ago he fits the description of a social path more than a psychopath but he's also narcissistic we dated on high school for a little over a year aside from the constant gaslighting lies manipulation and threats he was basically a crappy person who warped my mind so much that i actually believed i'd be nothing without him whether driving erratically with me in car when i questioned him or threatening physical violence on me and my family if i broke up with him he was truly terrifying by the end of our relationship the absolutely most uncomfortable terrifying moment was when he put a loaded hunting rifle in my face he was addicted to weed i don't believe weed's a dangerous drug at all but he was so psychology warped that he believed he was going through severe physical and mental withdrawals if he went a day or two without smoking one night he decided he was going to rob a small convenience store in his town for weed money i stepped in front of his door to block his path and he pointed the gun at me i bravely broke up with him a few days later blocked him on social media wouldn't answer his calls and wouldn't answer the door when he showed up to my parents house it took months for him to get the point that i was serious 12 years later and i still have nightmares of him you can be psychologically addicted to anything weed is addictive down vote me i don't care but i've seen enough people mentally dependent on it to know some even get pretty irritable without it they just can't cope with a normal state of mind i have a lot of stories about my sociopathic former roommate but one of the most uncomfortable moments i had with him was when he stared me dead in the eyes and asked bravado how can i express more realistic emotions and then he became slightly annoyed when my one answer was have them in the first place to be fair your answer was not helpful was friends with a psychopathol through middle and high school uk here's some highlights of her behavior because honestly she was pretty creepy all the time once i glimpsed behind her mask and didn't run comma kicked me in the leg so hard she dislocated my kneecap i had a tone wouldn't let me leave until i put it back in a coma used to swiftly grab me from behind then put a knife to my neck because it was funny the comma owned a powerful bb gun that shot metal pellets short one on a bus once the ricochet nearly hit someone comma got so angry once because her cousin skidded on us we were creating with water in winter outside before it was ready that she managed to knock him out we were around 12 at the time and he was nine kama used to constantly bully the people around her mercilessly she made a younger kid we used to play with jump up and down in place for so long that he vomited coma very violent and manipulative to her mother her poor mother used to just put up with it kama used to talk to me constantly about wanting to kill her father she'd go into sickening detail about how she wouldn't want to stab him because she didn't like the feel of a knife going through chicken and assumed it would feel the same if she heard him choking on something from upstairs she'd stop what she was doing and get this really intense look on her face then she'd quietly repeat die die die scary as frick when he took the opportunity of being alone with my mom for one minute to stare her down and ask if she thought he was mature for his age he's freaking creepy unless he was deliberately trying to make her feel uncomfortable it just sounds like he's incredibly socially awkward with no tact i'm friends with a legit psychopath i am on mobile so it'll be brief not all psychopaths are unnecessarily a danger to society in the sense of physical violence crazy or unreasonable g is a close friend of mine he is of shallow moral character devious manipulative ready to screw anyone out of money and capable of physical violence when pressed he's scary that said he is deeply intelligent quick with a laugh non-judging you could talk to this guy about anything he just doesn't care he's a lot of fun to talk to or party with because he is so unique i trust him to be himself he has never screwed me over except i seem to lose dollar sign when i went into business with him the most creepy he's been and he knows i feel this way is when we talk about moralistic standards for society essentially he thinks the weak and stupid but who makes that call should be essentially weeded out put on farms or something shot he gives no freaks about anyone else save for a select few he's not xenophobic or gender-based he just thinks he's better than others based on smarts looks ability he feels the dumb should not be allowed to thrive creepy huh i remember one conversation we had when drunk i couldn't finish because we weren't getting anywhere with it he won't change he doesn't empathize that said he is a reasonable person he's not gonna put his darker non-profiting thoughts into action he's not interested he likes money and doesn't mind ripping people off a businessman cunning he exists for profit that said he'd help me out of any kind of a sticky situation mostly for the fun of it he's bored a lot and understands he needs others he likes me because i'm interesting and feels i am on his level we speak openly about his psychopathy because i'm so interested in it we've been friends for seven years were close for three years before he moved to another city i stayed at his house in 2016 for a couple weeks feel free to anna he sounds very narcissistic and delusional about himself it also seems like you admire him and he strings you along by off-handed compliments which still feed to his need to think of himself as superior that is you being on his level people like him are super cringy but thanks for sharing if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 36,752
Rating: 4.8891568 out of 5
Keywords: sociopath test, sociopath vs psychopath, sociopath friendship, sociopath friend, friend, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: jIWmqUPsqlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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