Redditors Who Killed Someone And Dont Regret It, What Happened? (AskReddit)

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serious redditors who have killed slash seriously injured someone and don't regret it what's the story behind it my little brother and I attended the same elementary school this happened when I was in fifth grade and he was in third grade growing up my little brother was scrawny and got made fun of a lot since he wore glasses and cries easily we would always either ride our bikes or walk home from school together since we lived close enough one day I was picking him up as usual after my tennis class I turned the corner to his classroom and saw another boy pushed my brother down to the ground and stepped on his head I lost my shirt came up to the kid and swung my tennis racket right against his open mouth and two of his front teeth came out there was blood everywhere he screamed bloody murder teachers came out snatched the tennis racket out of my hand and grabbed me by the arm to the principal's office kid had to get stitches on his lower lip where one two thrip tin to the flesh I got in so much trouble but it was worth it knowing my brother didn't get picked on as much after that happened everyone knew his psycho sister long mid-nineties working security found the guy breaking into a car didn't see the other guy behind me that proceeded to stab my in my left lung pulled my revolver and put a bullet in his stomach with the knife still in me this is pre cellphones so i radioed my partner and had him call an ambulance they caught the other guy at the hospital after his friend dropped him off there and I think he got sentenced to eight years my wife and I were walking back to our car at like 2:00 a.m. downtown after hanging out with friends to get my emergency debit card out of car to get a hotel because we weren't sure if we were sober enough to drive car was about a mile away in a garage on a now empty street notice this weird combination of dude bro / hipster was following us and getting closer but not thinking anything of it he manages to sneak up on us and kicks my wife in the back and laughs never seen this guy before or anything I hit him harder than anybody I've ever had in my life he falls to the ground and tries to wrestle me and I skinned off the side of his face and forehead by basically using the concrete as a belt sander I get off him because I assume he'll realize I'll kill him if he keeps fighting he tries to attack me again so we go back to the ground and I just start beating his eye socket over and over until it was smashed blood pouring out of his eye in my hand is now broken I get off him again and he is still trying to attack probably should have left at that point because we could have easily fled but I was still in fight-or-flight mode and I don't have the flight mode for some reason so I bla choke him out not air he goes out I put him on his side make sure he has a clear airway and blood won't pour into his mouth and use his phone to call him an ambulance it was the entrance to the garage that this happened at and it was all in view of the security camera I don't feel like dealing with the police that night so go up to the security camera and put my license in front of it for a few seconds because I assume they will review the footage and if they need to talk to me they will see my license info as well as my license plate on my car that I ended up walking to never heard anything back this was like 10 years ago my buddy's mum was killed by a drunk driver the drunk driver posted bail skipped town and was never caught I asked him once if he ever thought about trying to find the guy he said he asked his dad the same thing and instead of answering that question just told him not to ever go looking for the guy because he is long gone and no one will ever find him my buddy said the way his dad said it he knew he meant the guy is dead now he said the only thing he wonders is if the guy actually skipped town all was dead before that I dealt with some guilt for a few months after but it was 20 years ago and now that I have kids I regret nothing long story short I was 17 home alone I heard noises outside and the dog was barking like mad I took him with me as well as my dad's rifle and when I caught some man trying to steal from my dad's massive tool filled workshop I shouted at him he turned and had a his hand and I shot him out of reflex then I ran inside and called 911 because I was a stupid kid that shoulder done that in the first place he lived I thankfully hit his shoulder if my hands hadn't been shaking it might have been a different story I was 14 made a dumb choice ended up in a bad situation grown man started raping me I stabbed him in the throat I called the sheriff we both went to the hospital I got a rape kit in question he didn't make it I never heard anything else about it guy jumped me and started to stab me never met him but he liked this girl I had hooked up with he say me call her a [ __ ] or something it was in jest we were friends bar closes I start to walk home he ends up stabbing me 24 times while almost bleeding to death I broke his jaw cheek and eye socket he got 15 years I got a 90k helicopter ride TL DR I beat the [ __ ] out of two other students for beating up my friend third guy ran off smart move here's a brief story since I don't want to glorify it and end up on slash are slash I am vividness my friend has always been the target of bullies and I was as well before puberty turned me into a behemoth I love my friend and he's my best friend to this day almost 30 years later bullies were shoving him I intervened and they went out of their way to find my friend when I wasn't nearby they found him and beat him so badly I just freaked out I found the three [ __ ] in the stairwell kicked their leader down the steps and trailed behind beating him as hard as I could while one of his friends tried hitting me I don't remember much of the events after that that I came to it the principal's office my dad and friend's dad were there friends dad was screaming at the principal about how his son is constantly being attacked and I'm the only one who has done a [ __ ] thing to protect him the guy that ran away and the backup friend were their backup had a broken eye socket in a fucked-up face leader was nowhere to be seen he went to the hospital I don't know what I did to him but I didn't get more than month of detention thanks I think to my friend start threatening the school dad was proud of me but that's no surprise since his blood is where I get my anger and strength from I got pretty badly bruised myself but I don't even remember getting hit leader bully came back to school like a month later and never even trash-talked his friends that was sophomore year nobody [ __ ] with me or my friend ever again after that friend is doing fine today he's always been a tough son of a [ __ ] I ended up with the label of Gotham psycho which was worth it to protect my friend guy I knew was letting his dog out one night when he noticed somebody in his parked Jeep he crept up saw some little gangsta [ __ ] bag wannabe in the process of lifting his stereo and beat the everliving [ __ ] out of him to where the piece of [ __ ] had to get picked up by ambulance the cop taking the report told him that he could have ended up going to jail for that but this kid already had a long rap sheet so they let him off the hook stupid little [ __ ] they kept their dog on a 3-foot leash yes leash tied to a chain-link fence with no food or water you could see the poor things rib bones it bones is leaking fluid and it clearly had a type of mange I went and talked to the owner who informed me that the dog just won't eat what I give him so let the mutt starve I offered to take the dog off his hands and he laughed and told me his wife would kill him if he gave away his guard dog but he'd sell it to me for $500 I was livid I called animal control shortly after leaving and the visited the next day giving him a warning stating that he needed to get the dog proper food water shelter and a vet visit he gives the poor me I just lost my job I can't afford any of that bs total I the guy worked for her at company and made enough to buy a Bentley with obnoxious rims a week prior everyone knew he was loaded and they say they'll be back to ensure has complied three days pass and I've been going into his yard every night giving the dog who at this point I named few non due to his odd smell food and water making sure has not starving he was the sweetest thing and absolutely loved every second of human contact he got animal control still hadn't come back so I called again and they informed me that they can't force the man to take care of the dog and so long as it's not dying / dead they can't take it about a week after that and still no change so I go back to neglectful jerk stall and inform him has giving me the dog or him taking it his choice he laughs and says if I come back again he'll beat my ass and as I turned around he sucker-punched me and I fell off his porch face-first leaving me with a bloody lip and a nice bruised egg oh he still wanted to fight so I picked up a rock from his yard and punched him with it a neighbor came by and broke us up jerk his spitting blood and has a few chipped teeth and quite a gash on his scalp telling us she saw everything and would call the cops if he didn't give us his dog he instantly says to take the dog and to leave him the hell alone he hates it anyways I left with a busted lip black eye two cuts on my head that needed 14 stitches total and a dog looking back I see how I handled it poorly and could have well been arrested or worse but i couldent stand to see that dog sit out in the rain another day not sure if this counts as I didn't physically kill the person that I feel as if my actions contributed to someone's death a friend of my brother showed up at my house out of the blue on a Saturday night and begged to crash on my couch I barely knew her and honestly never really liked her but she said she was having trouble where she was staying and had nowhere else to go I set up an air mattress for her on my living room floor around 9:00 p.m. she asked if I would walk one half a block with her to the local bar it was snowing pretty hard so I made sure she had on a hat and gloves boots and a jacket at midnight I had enough and wanted to go home but she was having a good time and wanted to stay I told her the door would be unlocked she never made it to my house the police found her dead body covered in snow on the train tracks next to my house cause of death hypothermia back 18 do I feel awful for leaving her at that bar absolutely but do I regret offering her a place to stay and spending time with her when no one else would know at least someone was there for her on her last night on earth I was in Rome during a month-long study abroad trip with a class of about 18 students it was a last night in Italy and we all went out to a variety of different bars and clubs to celebrate at one of these bars apparently it was a known American bar that is a bar known for being popular with American tourists I met a South African man outside who was playing a djembe drum so I struck up a conversation about music with him talked for about 20 minutes became friends and this man was so enamored with our conversation that he gives me one of his several gems I thought it was pretty cool and kept it as a token of an international experience in Rome fast-forward another 15 minutes and I'm Anna spar trying to find my classmates a young Italian man about my age at the time I was 21 comes up to me sees my djembe and starts talking about music in the arts with me at this point I'm having a blast I love talking about this [ __ ] I was an art slash film double major at my college and music is a huge part of my life we talk for a while and he invites me to meet his artist slash musician friends with him at a bar down the street I oblige and follow him he leads me down two alleyways the second of which is so dimly lit that I can't see too much all of a sudden my new Italian friend is nowhere to be seen it was likely evaporated into thin air I start Confused suddenly five tall men probably only a few years older than me all dressed in black surround me and start shoving me holding me down their hands in my pockets grabbing my wallet firm and cigarettes which also had two G of hash in the box effectively taking all of my belongings and knocking the wind out of me remember I still have my gem tucked under my arm and they are surprisingly uninterested by it as I'm starting to hunched over due to pain one of the dudes tries again to pick my back pocket I'm so terrified at this point that some primal force within me retaliates I swing my djembe around full force with my right arm connecting with this dude's face and nose pretty hard the guy comples with the nose full of blood and seems pretty out of it the other thieves are starting to get spooked I'm screaming for help as is unfolding trying to make a scene but one takes a swing at me I somehow dodge the punch pretty proud of that and crack this guy in the face with the gent to a small gathering of people start running over to help and the muggers hightail it out of there with all of my possessions I start sprinting after them not wanting to lose my phone or my wallet I was a cross-country runner at the time and had a good bit of endurance so I follow these guys for about a half mile until one of the dudes gives me back my wallet with no money or cards in it and my firm kisses me on the cheek saying my apologies my American friend my friends are drunk and do this to people from time to time they all take off a girl spread some nasty rumors about me and three of her friends tried to jump me one of them had a bad they got stupid and instead of rolling up behind me and ambushing me they decided to announce themselves while they were busy chatting shite I punched the leader in the throat and nicked his bat before any of them figured out what had happened that fight ended quick I left the moment they were all down for obvious reasons and didn't really bothered to check their injuries on my way but based on the sounds alone I broke several bones that night I regret nothing a bigger dude kept talking trash to me so I slapped him I guess in my fit of rage I slapped him so hard it actually gave him tinnitus the non-stop ringing in your ear the guys are better arsal who doesn't know how to shut his mouth so I still believe he deserved it edit I forgot to mention this guy had a history of physical violence and would shove smaller kids he got arrested later on for hitting an underaged high schooler this was the only time I actually resorted to physical violence it was just too much I fully admit I could have resorted to something less violent but I genuinely believed that was the only way to shut him up and it worked last I heard he got sent back to Korea this happened in seventh grade this group of kids kept on bothering me and annoying me they kept on daring each other to punch me the first time I let it slide second time I punched one of them in the chest deciding it's the only way I'll be left alone he had an ass for a tack and I just walked away I would do it again since said cause people not to mess with me anymore at a bullying class he and his friend kept [ __ ] around with my desk kept throwing thing at me et Cie then I just got sick of it the kid was balancing on the front two legs of his chair so I walked up behind it and kicked the chair out from under him he fell forward smashing his nose and mouth on the desk I guess he tried to catch himself cause he broke a finger - they didn't [ __ ] with me after that when we and a group of friends left the bar I don't drink to walk back to my car I see some guy in the driver seat I opened the door pulled him out by his neck and start to hit him he then cries out dude what are you doing I then get this horrific feeling that it's not my car and let go of the guy the moment I did he legged it I looked in the car and saw he jacked the stereo so I chased him and as I was catching up he threw a whole dollar shouting habit the bag contained my stereo and his pickings for that night to this day I still use the bag when traveling and my wife loves the carpenter CD that came with it
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,963,965
Rating: 4.8435788 out of 5
Keywords: killed someone, don't regret that, regret, killed, someone, redditors, askreddit funny, reddit, askreddit, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: brd7maxFjdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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