What’s The Fastest You Have Gone To Hating Someone? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what's the fastest you've ever gone from caring about someone to straight up loathing them one-year friendship with this girl i invited her over to my new apartment she came over and wanted to gossip about her co-workers when she paused i tried to add into the conversation make a joke give reassurance add a comment etc but she would immediately raise her voice and start talking over me i kept getting angrier every time it happened until i was actually loathing her internally she was so self-absorbed that she didn't notice i went from smiling and engaged her frowning while staring off into space after two plus hours of not being allowed to talk i made up an excuse to kick her out of the apartment and then vowed to never see her again a former friend bailed on me when we were supposed to hang out and so i called my then girlfriend to see what she was doing and i could hear him talking to her parents in the background one summer back in high school years i had a crush on this girl and we'd hang out when we weren't working together a friend of mine would keep insisting that i should just ask her out so i mustered my courage and asked her out it was a glorious fail i still remember when she smiled and told me the truth that was when i found out that they had been secretly dating for a year and thought it would be a lock to just duck with me 100 to 0 in a few words and a vicious smile friend of the bar tells some people we just met how her mother died later in the night i expressed my sympathy now she's without parents she told me hush hush a few years prior about how father had passed wait did i tell you back then my dad died i thought i told you it was my mum no both my parents are still alive when we were in uni i just read in a book telling people a parent has died as a good way to get sympathy haha ducking sociopath as fast as it took for his wife to call me at work to tell me that he was not only married but had three children including a newborn when i was younger i found out one of my childhood friends was stealing from me and the friendship group every so often we would lose a phone or ipad then said friend would have conveniently got the same model but beat it up a bit with his initials and tip x or something stupid being a good friend we didn't want to believe it but we started putting distinct markings on our items lo and behold my phone goes missing and he turns up with the same one a few weeks later with the markings we brought him up on it but he just lost his temper and stormed off 15 years later he's in prison for armed robbery edit obligatory that blew up rip in box i loved still love playing poc registered sign mon and i had no female friends with the same interest found out about this group of guys that played it after school got really excited and made plans with them i waited four hours and they never showed up next day i overhear my best childhood friend laughing about how annoying i was and that they had to hide from me to play in peace that really hurt my ex-girlfriend who her childhood sweethearts dated from 17 to 25 found out she was cheating on me with her boss who was more than twice our age then proceeded to find out there was many more occurrences and she was a very different person than the person i'd been dating shattered gave my roommate an envelope with a money order for bills in it to drop in the mail he got arrested while looking for some of his documents to take to him i found the opened empty envelope in his closet peace out the first girl i ever dated died unexpectedly on my than current gf and my three year anniversary my then gf stated she was pissed because my ex had died on purpose that day because it was our anniversary i was utterly disgusted and it completely changed how i viewed her all together things fell apart shortly after and we broke up my best friend back in school got a ref from the teacher me and him asked if we can go to the toilet i go to the toilet to text a bit with friends from other school he goes to the parking lot and scratches the teacher's car school break and the teacher finds his car we both get called to the director etc etc friend said that we both scratched the car i grave showed the teacher my phone to show him i was texting and couldn't have scratches his car told friend to duck off and went out found out this girl i was getting close to had been lying about her ex being a deadbeat dad and well her ex he wasn't just still in the picture they lived together i should have guessed after the third or fourth time she made an excuse to not go to her place never ended something so quick when he straight up denied my existence in front of his friends co-worker had a dog who she let run free on her property said dog liked to chase cars so it was only a matter of time and the dog was hit dog couldn't walk for two days was dragging herself around for days after that we told her to bring her to the vet and she refused because it was too expensive we pulled together the money and told her bring your damn dog to the vet and she did the dog's bones in her legs and pelvis were shattered and the dog had no chance of recovering co-worker finally let the poor thing die peacefully so anyhow it was 50 dollars to put this dog to sleep and since then every time my co-worker spends money on something frivolous and shows us novelty socks collectibles an expensive cake another ducking pet i think about how she decided bringing comfort to a dying animal wasn't worth paying for my father abandoned me and my ill mother he just ran away i'm a single child so i had to take care of her on my own it was hard i loathed him hated him i no longer hate him just forget about him hating someone for too long takes a heavy toll i am grateful to have had the chance to take care of my mother and help her get well was at my wife's family christmas gift exchange my wife is estranged from her direct family so this was all of the uncles aunties and cousins there were multiple nieces and nephews running around having a good time we all agreed to a white elephant exchange for the adult so we didn't have to buy a lot of gifts we did that the night before and did the gifts for the kids in their morning morning rolls around and all the kids are opening gifts except my son none of those entitled hats got him anything he sat there and watched everyone else open multiple gifts and it broke my heart to see him sitting there with nothing duck those people right up their stupid [ __ ] when he convinced his wife to kick her young kids out because they the husband and wife were finally having a child together he was very open about hating his step kids edit grammar my mother fought cancer for five years my father led my sister and i do 95 of the work caregiving and after her death expected us to step into her place and take care of him the man i used to love and respect is gone and i can't stand to be around him anymore when my best friend of 10 years slept with my boyfriend of two years i was so crushed but to be honest was more angry with the friend i truly did believe that i was deeply in love with the boyfriend but he was kind of a head to begin with dart i saw my friend as a sister and her betrayal left longer lasting impact and hurt way more i hated her in a violent way for a very long time fast forward 11 years and now i am to a point where i have forgiven her and wish her well but would never let her back into my life again i kind of like you your autism is probably caused by vaccines okay i kind of liked you 10 seconds ago my childhood friend he lived pretty close to me and seemed like a nice dude until he stole my golden eye and moved to minnesota duck you derek when my grandfather screamed at my mother that she had ruined his life by being born never spoke to him again after that my husband adopted my son when he was three after being in his life since he was one gave him his last name the whole nine yards when we had a child of our own who was a girl and decided we were done having kids his mother said to me it's a shame we aren't having more kids as she would have liked someone to carry on the family name i have only tolerated her at holidays ever since i was at a party which was very druggy about halfway through the night someone dashed into the house and told us that one of the lads at the party had attempted to jump from the roof of one house to another and had ducked it up and was lying in a heap on the floor i've never sobered up so fast in my life it was like being hit with adrenaline we ran outside and sure enough the lad was in a mess completely out of it one of the lads who had brought a lot of the drugs to the party got out of there so quick and was able to pocket a couple of mobile phones and some cash on his way out ducking scumbag i did for clarity the lad who stole the phones and ran off was part of our friendship group too it was a big party but we all knew each other hey i get the feeling there could be many stories about me i had a terrible personality until my early twenties sorry everyone there's an older woman at work who seemed pretty okay then i overheard her talking about her toddler granddaughter saying that she's a little hooker and shakes her booty at any man and thought sexualizing of a kid creeped me right out edit spelling two minutes he pranked me by making me think he was gonna kill himself then he got a friend to text me that he did and that i was my fault for not responding sooner when i was having a full-on panic attack and almost killing myself out of guilt he told me it was a prank and the two friends asked me if i wanted to have a threesome i have depression suicidal thoughts and yes he knew that when he started being condescending to me in almost every conversation we have in about almost every topic we talked about then him complaining to me that some people can't handle him having such strong opinions on topics he is passionate about a co-worker was talking to me about the issues he was having with his 12-year-old step-daughter another co-worker sitting by us asked have you tried raping her thought he was an okay guy but not after that line the day he was fired was a good day follow up he had only worked there about two months didn't talk much so that was a pretty messed up first comment to a private conversation i think or hope he was trying to be funny he was fired about nine days later no reason was given to the rest of the crew boss just said greg has been let go had a really great friend in high school he was cool but he's always be trying to sell stuff to people in the hallways like video games or pocket knives or sunglasses after over a year of being friends with him he came over to my house to hang out and when he left a bunch of my favorite video games were missing i realized what was happening and i had plans on forgiving him if he just fessed up and apologized instead he got super defensive and angry and i instantly lost any respect i had for the guy when the guy i'd been really into got a little tipsy and confessed to me he'd had an affair with a married woman okay he was young and it's not that uncommon when we're immature overly emotional and idealistic and selfish it had been off and on for 20 years and possibly produced two children who they just let her husband raise no matter whose they were because guy i'd been seeing just wouldn't be a good father i have never before or since experienced such a moment of instant shock disgust and loathing i was just like hey thanks for telling me your trash early on saved me a lot of time left him at the restaurant and took a lift home he called me for two days wanting to explain there would be a possible explanation for a short fling when young and dumb there is nothing that explains that edit since no one can do math the affairs started when this man was in his twenties he and i were both in our forties when we briefly dated some people andre did are above the age of twenty had a male bestie for more than ten years one night i was upset and crying cause i witnessed my friends die at the beach a few weeks earlier he stays over to comfort me and suggests he sleep over so i wouldn't be alone he promised he wouldn't do anything i believed him so he held me while i cried myself to sleep i wake up to him fingering me without my consent obviously i lost my mind and told him off and kicked him out my house he came knack a few days later to apologize but i was so disgusted with him i told him to duck off and never talk to me again i blocked him i felt so disgusted and betrayed in april i went on my yearly three-day trip with my mom to las vegas in that time my ex moved out of my apartment i found out because the landlord called concerned i was moving i knew nothing about it i then called my ex to ask what on earth was going on and she didn't pick up she left furniture that i'm still trying to get her to take and took it of mine that she won't give back now in stuck in an apartment i can barely afford struggling to survive i can't move because my rent is cheaper than anything else in my city it's been tough really made me lose all respect for her i was doing online dating which really sucked but i met a guy that i really liked i was cautious and tried to be careful and take it slow he dated for a few months gnostics lots of making out but as yet no six i finally felt safe enough to start thinking about sex with him he was very good to me and i felt like we could be a good fit so one day he asks me to take the afternoon off and meet him for lunch fun i say so we have a lovely lunch and he asks if i'd like to get a hotel room i was caught quite off-guard by this but eventually agreed to it we hope to the room and things progress nicely he's very sweet gentle and loving i felt very happy we start having six and he's on top he starts talking to me saying how this is going to be the best revenge on his girlfriend wtf i froze up i literally froze i couldn't move or respond or anything i know i should have just thrown his ass to the floor but i was just numb he finished his business used a condom thank god we got dressed and left never spoke to him again my ex was severely depressed and drinking at my place one night i own a lot of knives and guns because murica i wanted to make my bedroom as safe as possible so i was taking everything pointy shooty or ligature-like and giving it to my roommates to keep safe as i would stay with my ex in my room bathroom was attached i handed off stuff to my roommate and heard a commotion in my room found my ex on the edge of my bed with a gun i kept at bedside it had been the last thing i needed to get past him and didn't think he knew about he went from pointing it at himself to pointing it at me i talked him down from that and told him i wouldn't call the cops if he stayed in the room until sober and called a therapist in the morning he physically fought me to try to get out but was drunk and tired and eventually laid in bed and cried himself to sleep i slept by the door until morning i woke up covered in bruises to a nightmare about him shooting me i recognized he was sick but also he was capable and willing to kill me i never saw him the same way again we no longer speak there had been a lot of red flags before this point but i was far too blind and far too lonely to recognize them was dating a girl for a few months and things were going great until somehow jews came up in conversation she went full jews control the world and wouldn't accept that non-jews take any responsibility for anything that ever went wrong in the emmy i just saw her in a whole new light well when i found out my crush is actually racist against romanians chinese and so on and that she is very different from what i expected her to be edit sorry just a grammar fix had made some plans with the gf at the time for valentine's day this was back in late hs had called her on the phone a few hours before to reconfirm details and she abruptly begged off cause supposedly her parents were going to be having a date of their own later that evening and so she was being assigned to take care of her grandma for the day her grandmother needed constant care so it wasn't especially unusual for one of her parents to be taking a day to stay with her she was supposed to leave pretty early in the afternoon and be with her all evening so i decided that the least i could do was maybe drop off some flowers and chocolates and basket and stuff so she'd have something nice waiting when she got back spent a bunch of money on getting something nice showed up at her place around five expecting just her parents to be there and not only was she the one to answer the door i could clearly hear both her parents chatting away in the background and there was no grandmother to be seen turned out he just didn't have the guts to bite the bullet and properly break up with me she was just going to keep cancelling until i got the picture or something at an event i walked up on two of my friends talking completed about me cut them both out of my life at that moment and have not looked back i worked for my stepmom with the intent that i would take over the business when she retired in a few years i took more than a 50 pay cut and left my career of 10 years of managing and leading organizations to come work for her those few years came and went with her unable to even talk about a timeline for retirement i spent years trying to fix processes and procedures around the office to make her life easier and to make the general workflow easier for all employees but she was completely resistant to any change from the status quo while simultaneously always complaining about how busy she was and how we just didn't have any good processes in place i finally confronted her about her retirement timeline and putting it in writing that i would be her succession plan she booked it even putting together a plan for her retirement i let her know that i really couldn't hang around if there weren't any prospects for advancement or pay increases my wife secured a job in a new town and i gave my stepmom a six-month notice that we would be moving i explained that i would be more than willing to help hire and train my replacement and finish formalizing all of the procedures i had developed in my time there she fired me the next business day duck vantage my best friend who i considered a brother was working for me i called him to talk about the next job construction and he informed me that he had started his own company and taken my other full-time employee with him who was working with me that day yeah needless to say that one stung for a bit we're cordial now but it will never be the same after that it's been three years my mother was an alcoholic growing up i used to take her side in all the fights she had with my dad when i was at an older age i realized she was using my dad she had no job and my dad who was 64 was working his ass off to pay for my sister me and my parents then my dad said we didn't have enough money for something and basically my mum said so we're poor my parents later split up and she found another boyfriend almost instantly she still didn't have a job so i figured out that she used my dad then was using her boyfriend yeah it was messy up edit thank you everyone for all the love and support i hope you get through your sad times too 1990s china i white teen get invited to a girl's birthday party out in the burbs i get to the party and find out there is another white dude there whoa in those days that is like one in a million chance we play the name game and find out not only are we from the same country and area but in fact went to the same tiny elementary school together after about 10 minutes of wow we have so much in common he drops that he is mostly there to bang the girls and mostly tries to bang the married ones because they are less likely to want to want to stick around ducker back then getting caught having a red affair with a foreigner was instant family social death and a likely mandatory seven-year sentence for prostitution when i told my mom we were adopting a baby she asked don't you want to have a real baby i'm adopted when he found out my ex was black and was disgusted by that went from a nice guy who i could maybe see a future with to complete racist pose who i never wanted to see again i had a friend a while back neat guy liked video games anime one of the few people willing to go in on a pen and paper rpg didn't interact with him outside of these sorts of events one time a bunch of us went to grab dinner before seeing a limited run anime movie this guy special orders absolutely everything won't pick something on the menu standard grill fair doesn't just ask for special order demands it calls the waitress names and is just a total d when i confronted him about it he started shouting and making a huge scene in the restaurant the rest of the night was massively awkward after that i just ghosted him people who treat others poorly like that have no place in my life you can tell the character of a person based on how they treat someone they don't have to be kind or nice to when she told me she didn't believe me after i told her that i was sexually assaulted by her boyfriend you are not like other black people you're smart and that's how i lost all sexual interest in a 10-stroke 10 russian chick i loved my aunt with all my heart and i had a genuine connection with my uncle that all changed when he murdered her so that she wouldn't report him to the police he killed himself three days later because he knew they would find out it was him i just wish i could have been the one to kill him a friend who i'd helped for nearly five years spent her whole birthday meal talking about how much she hated my baby she never wants kids and that's fine but get a grip honestly it was the best thing to happen having a friendship with her was mentally draining i didn't have a good relationship with my family and my in-laws were incredible they would help out whenever and however they could then my daughter elementary school age at the time told me that my father-in-law had molested her years ago i had a roommate we are pretty good friends before rooming i walk into the living room and he's on the phone says i miss you man i love you too and gets off immediately turns to me and says man that guy is such a loser it was his best childhood friend who was going through a rough time and apparently was kind of mentally impaired he called caused people bully him at his warehouse job and just wanted someone to talk to x and i dated off and on for five years birth control failed and i wound up pregnant the minute i told him he completely changed called me every name in the book threatened to beat the sht out of me so i would miss gary after he ordered me to abort adopt her out i said that i wanted to keep her but would leave his name off the birth certificate he said no if you have her then i want her i'll fight you for her and make your life miserable and even though she's a teenager he's still trying to get full custody and take her away [Music] you
Channel: Late Night Show With Reddit
Views: 97,858
Rating: 4.9201427 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Id: 7yb797NCi_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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