People Reveal Most Creative Ways To Drive Someone Insane Without Them Knowing It (r/AskReddit)

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what's the most creative way of driving someone crazy discreetly the penny trick works great start by leaving a penny on yours friend's desk chair coat pocket you know places where you would expect to find a penny leave one a day for a while varying the locations then start leaving them in shoes socks bed pillowcase at first they will ignore the penny but eventually it will bug them took my roommate three weeks until he stroked out one night after finding a penny embedded in his bar of soap I highly recommend this drives them ducking mad edit I wanted to add go nuts with this his final straw was the soap but I really wanted to start putting them in his car and get a co-worker of his to play along and start leaving them around his desk I'm upset my plans fell short my sister was really passive-aggressive towards her roommate she used to eat all the berries out of Kellogg's Red Bear as cereal but leave a small amount enough so she thought Kellogg's was just being an [ __ ] your sister sounds like a serial killer ha ha ha ha whilst my friend and co-worker took a break one day I plugged a wireless mouse into the back of his computer for the past two weeks I occasionally jog the mouse and he slowly bring driven insane by it I once worked in an office where there was legendary feud between two managers Alex and Bill Alex was an older guy he was patronizing arrogant and had some kind of tenure bill was the guy who had to fix Alex's duck ups here's what Bill did God sent from the outside and sprinkled just a few grains on Alex's chair mat this made the chair cast as grind a little and his shoe slip which was a rotating spray a dab of really cheap and pungent Cologne under Alex's desk Alex hated perfume and would complain about it constantly replace the handset cord on his office phone with one that was horrendously tangled and overstretched gently unplug the ps2 plug to the keyboard or Mouse it looked plugged in but wasn't tech support learned to hate Alex's constant calls the file cabinets we have used a spring to close them automatically about an inch from closing bill broke these Springs so the file cabinet would never closed properly later he angled the cabinet forward by shimming up the back slightly so the lower drawer would roll open at the slightest vibration hitting Alex's chair put but as in Alex's coffee mug that [ __ ] is hard to get the taste out of ceramic apparently took Alex's legal pads and left them in some humid condition long enough to warp the pages unlock the locking mechanism on his office chair back so Alex thought he was falling for a second swap the M&N in Alex's keyboard swap the number pad keys in Reverse like a touch-tone phone put vaseline on the tips of the ballpoint pens sometimes bill would just steal stuff off of Alex's desk or swap them with something broken alex has a locked office but bill had a key to it apparently bill was eventually caught and then fired because alex set up the webcam that snapped pictures and mailed them when it sense movement sounds like bill just needs to ask Alex out on a ducking date already this one's buried and I've posted it before but it's worthy of this thread I'll give a shortened version dude at work was complaining that his spoons were slowly disappearing from the lunchroom he had brought six to work and he was down to two everyone else in his lab hatched this plan every time someone sent him an email at the bottom in white text that is invisible unless highlighted everyone would write spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon we all did this for several weeks he had a gmail account and that's when he started losing his mind every website he visited had ads for spoons and flatware he thought Google was reading his mind try to open a bag of chips quietly for an hour and then proceed to try and quietly eat the chips three years ago I made my wife lasagna sauce from scratch homemade spinach pasta expensive cheese the works hours invested and the returned you should put more cheese on it like at the macaroni grill I went out that night and bought six interior left-hand doors all of our interior doors were right-handed I cut plugs to fill the strike plate and hinge mortising and every few weeks I change out a door or two right hands for left left for right it only takes about 20 minutes now pull the door plug the mortises spackle the plug seam chisel the plugs from the opposite side hang the opposite or and sweep up I painted the first few times but it's a white jamb and I decided the paint smell was more suspicious than the unpainted spackle it's a thin seam and my wife wouldn't even know where to look she's never said anything about it but I've seen her grasp the air where a doorknob used to be a hundred times duck the macaroni grill stealing this from the office if you know somebody that has a house phone and uses it daily or someone at the office with one every day get in early and take it apart and add one penny repeat this for months on end until it is a lot heavier than it used to be then one day take all of the pennies out and laugh as they smack themselves in the face with the phone alternatively fill it with uranium not only will it get heavier but they will also get cancer that'll get em every time their sports team loses tie red balloon to their car over time the stimulus of the red balloon will become attached to the sadness of their team losing in their psyche then simply show them a red balloon to reduce them to tears sure thing dr. Pavlov my neighbor is a huge ducking donk always being loud yelling at his wife the dog the kids etc always playing his shitty garage rock blasting it out of the garage so the whole street can hear my payback for this is that every night I go over to their front yard and move the stuff around his shitty little garden gnomes his shitty hose is shitty lawn mower is shitty shovel just move all of it around a little bit every single night every now and again I hear who keeps moving my duct and shovel around haha sucker and now he beats his wife Congrats in that case it's a good thing he can't find his shovel I spent a whole day crinkling a disposable water bottle every time I took a sip not crushing it just a little crinkle it caused a minor freakout at about 2:00 in the afternoon you are the worst kind of person especially if it's in a classroom dump them by saying I'm done and it's too late to talk about it then proceed to message them daily asking as they need anything essentially making it impossible for them to move on my ex is doing this to me while she is clearly already over me and it's working to counter this drop little hints that you're into someone else now ex do you need bla bla you now use the name of a girl you both know got me bla bla thanks though ex girl we both know last name you na ex girl we both know who then then just don't answer any more questions about this mystery girl she will think you are sparing her feelings by avoiding the subject it will drive her nuts who suddenly stealing your attention this isn't that creative but fun when you are talking to someone keep looking at one specific spot on their face like a side of their nose or something don't stare at it all the time but enough if they ask if there's something on their face act like you don't know what they are talking about it doesn't take that long when they can't remember what they were talking about I worked with a girl who said at a previous job she heard her manager she hated had a foot fetish so when he would come into her cubicle she'd slipped her shoes on and off absently and innocently sometimes she'd show up at his cubicle in stocking feet she said in completely sidetracks him and neutralized any train of thought he had Sarah these reports are unacceptable I asked for an excel file where everything is on one sheet and you ah ah hum just ah yeah fix that up today not someone did to me on purpose but one that happened nonetheless at mild rental I had with my sister for about a couple of months I kept hearing ringing noise is that similar to an old phone ringing every time I would walk through hallway kitchen lounge room or dining room or also when I listen to music on the stereo in the lounge room for the months it drove me crazy I would be walking in here stop to listen and lo and behold nothing I never caught on to how come it stopped every time I looked for it I thought it was a ghost humoring myself all that neighbors ducking phone kept ringing so one day I was looking for something in kitchen and I look on top of the tallest cupboard and find this mother ducking clock this piece of [ __ ] had one of those old school bell and ringer on it vibrations from walking / stereo made it ring for ducking months that bastard drove me insane no one believed me about the ringing turns out my mother bought my sister the clock and sat it on the top of the cupboard where it got pushed back where you couldn't see it so yeah basically hide an item that will make annoying noise where you can't find it step one become an excellent pickpocket step two specialize in placing things into people's pockets step 3 place strange things into their pockets while no one is watching the best things to place are fried eggs not runny but still a gooey consistency and a small balloon filled partially with lukewarm water called the phantom scrotum wouldn't that make you a put pocket while walking outside in a crowded area start looking up in the sky shade with your hand point upwards and whisper something to whoever you walk with then take note how many other people will spend some time trying to figure out what you just saw in the sky a co-worker of mine use the annoy-o-tron on another coworker for weeks it's a small device half-dollar size that makes a quiet high-pitched beep at random intervals it has a magnet on it so you can stick it under a chair or hide it in some pretty hard to find locations sometimes he'd turn it off for a few days or a week only to turn it back on when the victim had let his guard down he would move it all around the office the guy started getting desperate after a few weeks of this he had maintenance come in and take the thermostat apart he looked in the ceiling tiles and air vents the icing on the cake was when the prankster put the annoy-o-tron in the poor guys car he used to leave it unlocked during the workday he thought the feds were after him my favorite was the person that sewed some one sleeve button a little closer every few weeks so the guy felt his arms were swelling I was sitting in class and this really irritating lepra Siegel was sitting in front of me with her iPhone she had the whistle ringtone on full blast into his getting blown up most likely by crack dealers so her phone whistled frequently the only logical thing to do in my mind was to whistle exactly like her phone every single time she looked away from it I thought she would figure out it was me after the first or second time but nope I mimicked her phone going off for 45 minutes before she finally turned it on silent and put it in her purse she also never found out it was me TLDR I mimicked the girls iPhone text tone until she put it away picture me reading a post on my phone in a dead quiet room my two pitbulls snoozing peacefully by my side I was impressed with your mimicry and after hearing the sound in my head decided to see how accurately I could reproduce it I didn't nail it but what I did do was hit some sort of resonance in my mouth that destroyed the silence and amplified my whistle into some demonic call that not only startled myself but sent my dogs into a terrified frenzy one of them still half-asleep no doubt ran directly into the wall in front of her and fell to her back the other nearly did a backflip stood up looked me straight in the face and barked twice that was the most hilarious thing I've seen in ages and I thank you for it when you're talking to one of your friends or somebody you know always stand just a little too close or a little too far away if you are standing too close and they back up you back up too and if you were standing a little too far away and they move closer you move closer repeat watch them go slowly mad and probably try to avoid talking to you again surefire way to maintain meaningful French oops
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 753,063
Rating: 4.9333305 out of 5
Keywords: r/ askreddit, r/ask reddit, r/askreddit stories, r/askreddit funny, r/askreddit crazy, r/askreddit insane, best posts and comments, people share, r/askreddit people share, r/askreddit people reveal
Id: 4IK9wXkXnP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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