What Amateur Psychology Experiments Have You Done?

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I will the same clothes for 56 days before someone finally said something what amateur psychology experiments have you done as an Aussie I say how you are going a lot I worked at a petrol station and it quickly became my greeting to customers every person who walked in hi are going mate Hagar Guin mate - every person I got bored one day and because of these are the laziest speakers on earth the Melbourne Cricket Ground is shortened to the MCG and even then we shorten that to the G because those extra two letters require too much effort to say I decided to test the extent of this laziness every time someone would come in I'd shorten how you are going just a little bit starting with our going mate then low yaga mate then eventually it got to the point where all I was saying was a yg may I would pronounce each letter phonetically so it sounded like a yeah Gamay every single person understood me without the slightest difficulty while reading your posts alone in my room I must have pronounced that phrase 15 times it's ten thirty four on a Friday night what the heck have I done with my life I gave a thirty question science test that was multiple-choice I put a period at the end of each of the correct answers no one noticed after I gave the class the test back I asked if anyone noticed and I assured them that I wasn't going to do it again no one said that they noticed sneaky sometimes when I'm talking to someone who is mirroring my body language I'll start standing or sitting in awkward positions just to see if they do it - when it works it's kind of funny I discovered that if you make eye contact with a stranger when you're both walking towards each other and you raise your hand when you're about three seconds from passing them fully four out of five people will high-five you it makes my day every time I do it that no one will ever see so why am I even bothering I mean really I tested this last weekend at the Calgary Stampede I went seven for six someone did it to me on the train ride home once a girl with a clipboard propositioned me for a high-five after the high-five was exchanged she tallied it and moved on I felt used in high school my friend created a person we would bring his name up in casual conversations planned parties at his house started a rivalry between him and another kid and the fathers were in on it that it spread like crazy like we even had a few teachers mention his name we kept everything vague enough no one knew too much but they knew his name and believed he was real a few years ago one of the guys made him a facebook he has lots of friends this was apparently a popular thing to do the friend who created him named him Mike Casino it was in Missouri I once went a week without answering anyone's questions basically playing the psychologist and turning it around to a question for the asker to my wife finally caught on after five days bill enjoyed the heck out of getting to essentially give me the opportunity and then make every decision the way she wanted to coworkers never seem to pick up on it and it wasn't too bad made two dating profiles my polar opposite received non-stop emails what I got one throughout the whole experiment I have long since deleted both accounts my alter ego was more or less a good ol boy with some bloke from Google Images for the profile pic I'd coached at a sports camp the summer I graduated college one day I wore a collared polo shirt inside out and for a reason I still do not quite know decided to wear an inside-out polo shirt every day for the rest of the summer by the end of the camp every single kid fairly sophisticated private school boys 16 - 18 years old were all wearing their shirts inside out and would actually go out of their way to gently correct anyone who mistakenly wore their shirt right-side in it was then that I learned that teenage boys are weird I saw Katie Herron wearing army pants and flip-flops so I wore army pants and flip-flops one day I decided not to talk to anyone the entire day in school normally I'm talkative as heck and pretty social with people when people would talk to me I would laugh and respond physically and acknowledge their presence but not say a word it took people until almost the end of the day to notice and there were several people that claimed I had talked to them had conversations with them during the day I noticed that if you simply look another person in the eyes and make gestures they will think of it as participation in the conversation also I noticed that I had so much more time to think and prevent myself from saying stupid crap to people that pee them off it was pretty interesting I do this whenever I don't feel like holding a conversation with someone good to know it works to see how adults would react to a scent a situation when I was about 10 I bought everyone in my family two presents for Christmas I also bought separate wrapping paper and practiced wrapping perfectly after my father went to bed on Christmas Eve I went downstairs and put the second set of presents under the tree but they were labeled from air-sea which was printed so handwriting couldn't be analyzed I was curious as to whether an adult could actually believe it as I knew they wouldn't really suspect me or my brother after the initial shock it was deduced but our neighbors had let themselves in at night and planted them there the neighbors initials were s and C sometimes and school teachers would hand out his stack of paper and everyone in the class would take a page and pass the stack to the next person one day I picked up the tape dispenser from the teacher's desk tore off a strip of tape and passed it on to the next person the tape went all the way around the classroom and everyone had a piece of tape stuck to their desk one of the kids finally asked the teacher what the tape was for and she had no idea what what they were talking about I chuckled to myself because people can become conditioned to do the stupidest things for no reason I like to wear makeup to work some days and no makeup on other days and see how people treat me it's not a very good experiment because there is no control and there are a lot of outside factors that could affect people's behavior but I think I'm on to something people always tell me I look at one point I had 30 baby crocodiles in my living room separated into three kiddie swimming bulls from Walmart I ran a rescue in the pet trade these things happen I ran out of their food goldfish and only had cold cuts around meat wise until the morning I threw a piece of Bologna into one pool and all of the Crocs just sat there half submerged staring at me nobody went for it I threw a piece into the second pool again nobody was amused with my sandwich meat then I got to the third pool where one particular croc had become my friend he was missing both of his front hands when I got the 30 so I had taken to personally feeding him and making sure he didn't have to compete with the others when I threw in the scrap of Bologna only stumps went for it but as soon as he took a bite the other nine immediately clipped in and swam in for a snack I then took one croc from pool three and dropped him into the other two pools and each time he taught the others to eat Bologna by going for the pieces casually lying around basically taught three different communities of crocodile about a new food source by transferring one individual to spread the cultural change just so people are aware crocodiles need a lot of space more than just killing pulls though these were just wee little guys so they had plenty of room but they were shipped out within 48 hours just how to confirm they were healthy and eating before passing them on I once spent two months on this one whenever I would walk around in public I would refuse to step aside or move over for others walking from the other direction for example walking down a grocery aisle on the right-hand side approaching from the other direction was a group of three people walking side by side I would hold my ground instead of moving further over to the right forcing one of them to move over I would not do this to older people just 50s or younger I found that teenage to mid-twenties girls were the worst ones about not moving over and they would blow right into me then be that I should have moved over I'm 40 by the way I was surprised that team to twenty something guys tended to move over but 30s to 40s men didn't I would only do it when I approached groups of two or more side by side and I never took up more than the right half of any aisle it was really interesting a fun trick for walking through crowds is to just look past people and not at them not making eye contact if you are walking towards a line of three people looking forward between their heads shoulders they will move and let you through seriously try it I do it all the time walking from class to class on campus and I feel like neo on the streets of New York I don't know how you do it I start getting comments when I wear the same shirt a week later changed everything in my online dating profile - sardonic bitter creepy crap got more responses than ever while living in a major tourist destination learned that acting like a tourist made people treat me far more nicely as a waitress learned that subtly making one guy at a table of men got me higher tips than being nice to all of them with my roommate tried going on cleaning strike to get her to clean more didn't work that roommate one made me laugh a bit I tried the same thing crap just got gross that waitress thing is interesting I would have thought the opposite true by sing or hum annoying songs around people during different times of the day my goal is to have them singing or humming the song by the end of the day I have the best results when I sing I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over it's awesome cause no one knows the whole song so they only sing that one piece I forgot to mention that I sing as though I'm singing to myself loud enough for them to hear but not out enough as though to make think I don't want them to hear me singing just caught myself singing this and sure enough I don't know any more of the song than that Danu I used to work at Starbucks and we were supposed to greet people starting with welcome to Starbucks when I was in the drive-thru I replaced Starbucks with Stardust and star wars to see how long it took for someone to notice sometimes I would even say Wendy's then I started replacing my name with things like Coolio and turd Ferguson the first person to say something got their order free I usually only got one or two responses per eight-hour shift people care so little about anything you say to them and just want their coffee so the only people who ever caught on were the regulars who listened carefully to hear who they were talking to everyone else ignored you completely and just waited for you to stop talking so they could spit out their order when you add the question at the end they always assume that you're trying to get them to buy something extra would you like to try our new EX drink today so lots of people missed out when I actually said would you like to try a free drink today also cinnamon swirl coffee cakes became cinnamon squirrel coffee cakes and during wintertime caramel brulee lotty's became michael buble lottie's I think there were more but I've blocked out most of the memories I become a sapa drive-throughs and usually can't understand what they are saying so I try to make them say no more than is necessary because I don't want them to have to repeat themselves over and over for something trivial when I worked at Staples selling printers and advising people on technology and crap I used to experiment with wearing glasses or contacts when I was wearing glasses people were not as nice to me would frequently think I was making stuff up and were less likely to buy the service plans I was supposed to be selling initially I thought it was because it was harder to see my eyes and people were less trusting because of that but now I'm pretty sure it's just that I am better looking in contacts and people innately trust and like dealing with more attractive people I'm a dude and I wouldn't consider myself particularly attractive or anything and I think the change was entirely subconscious for the customers when I was in classes I noticed I'd get called on more frequently and have more people try to work with me if my hair was up and I wore my glasses but I'd get better tips if I wore my hair down and no glasses as a hostess not that I really expected tips as a hostess it was just something I noticed my experiment was called the traveling mole I basically drew a bigger mole in a different area on on my face every day the mole started out really tiny and on one part of my face every morning I would make the mole a little bit bigger and moved it slightly from where it was a previous day I did this for three months no one had the balls to comment on it that or no one cared I accidentally got given an extra 10 quid with my change at a supermarket and gave it back to the chap serving me I decided to see how long I could keep this good deed to myself rather than telling someone three days I did this exact experiment with myself I gave twenty dollars to a homeless man just to see if I could keep the secret and not brag about it still haven't told anyone I'm so righteous I used to sit outside of a classroom in HS before class started regardless of whether or not the door was locked just to see if anyone would even try to go inside entire class stood outside Phil no reason twice I decided to change my birthday once a month on Facebook to another day just to see how many people wish you happy birthday simply because Facebook tells you to it took almost seven months before somebody realized what I was doing and would get thirty plus well wishes per birthday but people don't even do so on my real birthday hey guys stinky dave is wearing the same thing again I feel we should say something he's really driving the customers away no we can't it's like waking up someone who's sleepwalking if you do it they'll be brain damaged or something with a few customers were getting nowadays we can't afford to pay up if he Sue's us when having a conversation with someone stare directly at their phorid they will freak out apply directly to the forehead this was a hoot I did it a few years back in high school just for fun me and my friends decided to try a social experiment where we can make people see something that doesn't exist based on peer pressure this is what we did my friend walked into the middle of school grounds and looked into the sky he acted like he was looking at something in the clouds was hovering and spinning I came along and asked what he's looking at he said out loud that there was something in the sky he pointed and I acted like I saw it then another friend came and did the same there were five of us looking at the imaginary object before complete strangers started crowding around looking we found it incredibly hilarious that they agreed that they saw it w have we had a mini crowd we decided to sneak away 20 minutes later we come back and there was an even larger crowd looking after the UFO I asked someone and they were like there's something flying in the sky can't you see it it's right that we shared a great laugh and learned a funny lesson about our minds and peer pressure it's all fun and games until someone establishes a church at parties I used to go in the bathroom and flip the toilet paper over then I'd go back an hour later and someone would always have flipped back people are serious about the way the teepee is hung you monster they knew but were polite enough not to say anything yah I asked her about if a few days afterward and she didn't seem to recall maybe I'll ask her game today and see what she says I wore a name tag for an entire year in college no real reason I just wanted to see what would happen the next logical step in this is to wear a name tag then after people get used to it change the name tag and see how many people refer to you by your new name then gauge the difference in relationships between people who continue to use your original name versus the people who use the new name I used to sit in a different spot every day in class while everyone else settled into a regular seat by the end of the first week lesson some people are so rigid as punishment for being insubordinate at my private parochial boarding school I was required to paint all of the rooms in the girls dorm it's somewhere after the fourth room but long before the thirty-fifth I contrived that it would be great to paint subliminal messages into the walls of some rooms and throughout the following school year would carefully watch the behavior of the room residence to see whether they were being influenced by the words I had so cleverly hidden underneath the top layer of unfortunately my plan was nipped in the bud when the school maintenance worker checked on my progress and saw one of the words I hadn't painted over yet what's worse than having the greatest plan ever foiled being forced to repaint 35 dorm rooms 35 dorm rooms that sounds painful fresh out of high school and into my first college class English this was an entry-level class full of people who don't really want to be there me included during the very first class we had to do the get to know yo group intro crap I decided that I wasn't going to do it when it came to be my turn to share a little about myself I wrote on a note that I had in fact taken a vow of silence I handed this note to a student next to me she read it aloud and I got the shitty looks from the other students but the look of wonder on my teachers face told me that I had to keep it going I kept silent the whole semester I didn't read aloud I didn't answer any questions nothing and the teacher loved it she ate it all up she thought it was a profound step in my development as an adult I made a Facebook account with my friend got 100 random friends got to loosely know something about each of them and then started being an butthole to everyone to see how long it took to get down to zero friends at 3 months 13 days we did a similar thing a friend of mine and I in high school made a fake facebook account solely for the purpose of seeing who would friend a complete stranger it got a lot of messages from people asking who it was a former friend had a tendency to overstate how inebriated she was one day my boyfriend and I decided to make her a drink that was a mixture of coke vitamin water eggs and tell her egg was wine which he acted slightly more silly so we didn't think it worked very well however the next day another friend came up to me she says Wow what will you end FDJ grjt up to last night she told me she got so hammered at your house conclusion B be trippin I am amazed that someone could believe that a mix of coke and anything could possibly be wine I have a friend whom I don't really like and have been trying to defriend for about three months now and I noticed one day that anytime the topic of conversation switches away from her she stops paying attention and her eyes glaze over but so I decided I'd run a small experiment with her to find out if she really gave a crap about me and what's happening in my life the first time I saw her every day and I did see her most days I would say the exact same thing to her hello comma how are you today but now most people would respond with not too bad how are you or something of the sort I knew she wouldn't say that because she was too wrapped up in herself so I tested to see how long it took her to finally ask how I was doing just shy of two months later in the experiment is still running isn't narcissism wonderful I did what I call the elevator experience notice how when you get into an elevator and there is other people or when someone gets in the elevator with you everybody adapts you try to make a regular shape putting as much distance between you and everyone else as you can without even thinking about it two people try to make a diagonal like three an equilateral triangle four people do a square and from five and up it gets uncomfortable right so I decided that instead of doing that I'd stay in the middle always it was so much funnier than I thought it would be people would get so confused like they just handed freaking Narnia or something almost everyone would try and put themselves as far as they could from me I don't stink as far as I know some would have an angry or even condescending attitude towards me some would enter the elevator as if they were expecting the walls would be covered in spikes or something only about one person in 20 wouldn't give a dang about me try it ease in shows how much our culture is flawed people prefer seeing two people arguing in an opposite corner of the elevator that having to stand too near to someone doing nothing the first phase of your experiment is complete now for the second scrounge as much money as possible over a week period and use the funds to buy as much radically different SFW attire as possible over the course of the next 56 days start wearing the new clothing while still greeting all of your coworkers as per your usual daily routine after the first week start changing your clothes during lunch every other day a month into the second phase and you should be changing clothes 4-5 times a day try to be as discreet as possible at around the 7th 8th week you should be changing clothing around 10-15 times a day and your coworkers will undoubtedly be stirring in anticipation to see what you do next after the second 112th day where nothing or pick up a hobby I remember a few months ago in school a few friends and I devised a scheme to get one of our teachers to go home sick at various times of the day one of us would pass the teacher in the corridor and asked her if she felt okay when she replied affirmatively the person would say huh you don't look the best or something to that effect we coordinated it so that the idea was planted in her mind but we were subtle enough to ensure she didn't realize our plan anyway by the time we were scheduled to have her for class she never showed and had gone home sick what had started off as an unrealistic ambition had come to fruition it's amazing how easily you can alter someone's thought through the power of suggestion to this day if I ever claimed sickness to get out of something I invariably feel sick throughout that day I've done essentially the same clothing experiment however mine is going on six or seven years now I have two basic sets of wardrobe set 1/8 black slacks five blue short sleeve polo shirts set to four leve 527 blue jeans used to be 501 s but I found that I liked the 527 s more so I have bought em as needed to replace a 501 s 10 Hanes gray t-shirts slim fitted I also have two sweaters that I can wear for any of the above shirts in case it's cold out it's a fairly mild climate where I live while I do have a few unique items a gray pair of slacks two pair of shorts which are identical to each other a couple different colored polos and I do own a suit with a nice button-down shirt in my wardrobe my closet essentially looks like Ernest P Warren's closet would I have four pairs of shoes black dress shoes light-colored sneakers hiking boots cross-trainer running shoes for the bulk of my career I've worn the exact same outfit to the office black slacks blue polo with the dress shoes when I'm off work I wear gray t-shirts and blue jeans typically I wear the dress shoes for nearly every occasion I look sharp with the t-shirt jeans and nice shoes a few people have pointed out that I am always dressed the same but most people don't notice it or don't mention it I think the person who was the most shocked was my wife when we met she thought that I had one outfit off each of the types listed above and just did laundry all the time or somehow wore the same clothes without smelling bad it wasn't until she saw my closet which was a couple months into our relationship that she realized that I had so many of the exact same articles of clothing why I do this is so that I never have to worry about co-ordinate in clothing never have to think about what to wear and I have a really easy time doing laundry I have no idea if I've benefited in any way from simplifying this aspect of my life I suppose I've probably saved a lot of time but I'm not sure if I've used it for anything better than what someone who spends twice as much time or more figuring out what to wear one bonus restaurant seemed to recognize me as a regular really quickly so I tend to get great service at the lunch spots near my office even if I skip going to them for weeks at a time since I always look exactly like I did when I was just there the other day to see if not cleaning would cause run mates to clean nope to see if not picking up after my co-workers would cause crap to fall apart it did I looked great and put a lot of fires out at weekend to see if I could condition my cats to go outside on the balcony on their own free will by taking them outside but holding onto them and when they wanted to get down to explore taking them back in worked perfectly I am on a dating site with two profiles one with the actual me photo of me and everything second profile is me the different photo also male some sports student I know who looks good in my opinion is a man first of all the second profile gets much more mails from women about 2-3 a day while the real me gets about one per month then I started the experiment where I logged in with both of the accounts I start a conversation with a woman with both profiles the real me only gets short answers nearly no attention and never gets anything asked but the second profile the women actually talking really well asking questions answering in whole sentences and so on for your information I always say the truth to them on both accounts when the same question comes I answer the same when it comes to the topic what I am doing for living and I say that I study physics and still living with my parents the reactions from the women differ so much on the one account they say doesn't matter and they are fine with it the same woman say that I am utilizing using is this the right word my parents and how can you study physics OMG ouch right in the self esteem I don't think I have the ability to handle that and physics is awesome crap in a time I try and wear the same jeans two days in a row my wife throws a fit when I walk out off a building I like to stare up at the top and see if anyone else does so also get into an elevator that's full of people and put your back to the door enjoy hit the up-arrow on the elevator and say time to take this party to the next level I'm a girl that holds the door open for men I keep a mental tally of how many allow it and how many awkwardly try to let me in first I asked multiple grade levels from grade 9 to grade 12 when is the best time to wear a striped sweater to see if the answer all the time spongebob were very with their ages Opie delivers the answer all that time was definitely very prominent in grades 11 and 12 moderately dominant in grade 10 but definitely sparser than grades 11 and 12 and grade 9 came in last with the least often answer all the time any more questions students fire military so I wear the same uniform every day he anyway speaking of military there was this a shot sergeant who was retiring soon who was insanely socially awkward I was also mildly awkward so he gravitated to me and would often do stupid childish crap to me like what's that on your shirt me looks down him bops nose WTF or just generally flicked with me in the most childish ways mind you he is in his late 30s like I said he is retiring soon he is high ranking and has quite a lot to do think G comm has these things cool the night runs which are little circuit cards that have a couple switches a battery magnet and a speaker the only function of these devices is to be Brandon Lee you hide it and annoy people fast-forward a couple days this guy is going nuts in his office not knowing where this high-pitched beeping is coming from I walk into his office and it is scattered everywhere all the computers were unplugged everything was out of the desk drawers and I asked him what's going on he explains about the beeping and I take this chance I ask him maybe that is it points to his chest him ha looks down me Beebe pokes his face sh a change like this video but quad Lisa you don't wake up a sleeping papa if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 169,369
Rating: 4.9284134 out of 5
Keywords: social experiement, amateur experiment, social experiments, experiment, amateur psychology experiement, psychology experiement, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: JoAg8PhB0gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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