Psychology Tricks That’ll Work on Anybody 99% of the Time (r/AskReddit)

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what is a mind trick you know of you know that awkward moment when you and a stranger are walking towards each other but need to get past each other and you get confused and end up doing a left-to-right dance not for me when I walk through large crowds of people to avoid walking into anyone I simply stare at my destination I look no one in the eyes people actually will watch your eyes and they're void if I look into people's eyes as we are walking into each other we are sure to collide you have to let people know where you intend to go with your eyes it always works for me try it your turn teach me some good mind tricks I live in in a city Akron Ohio needless to say there is a pretty high crime rate around the University Center so I took a self-defense course at the University and learned the best self-defense tricks I could have never thought of act crazier than the person attacking you I'm talking mental patient on PCP with a bad case of Jack Nicholson insane nine times out of ten they will see you as unpredictable and not want to even mess with you for example I was across the street from my apartment at a circle K buying a 40 and a pack of smokes at about midnight thirty and this guy comes up from nowhere and asks me if I want to make some money I reply no thanks I have a job the clerk behind the window disappears to get my stuff and I'm stuck outside in the open standing right next to what amounts to a drug selling would-be burglar after a while the silence and tension gets unbearable and I asked him what his proposed opportunity entails just then the clerk comes back gives me my stuff and shouts out the window yo what's up dental or something along those lines the shady guys shakes his head and starts to walk away I pay for my stuff start walking along under the lights along the white wall of the building so I can be seen in case anything happens and I see to my left that this shady guy is following me walking parallel to me in the parking lot where it's dark he calls over to me and starts walking towards me I'm all like no so I curved my arms up so my hands are in my armpits and I crouched down with a white stance and walk sideways in a crab walk / guerilla style fashion and start screaming obscenities about aliens and Arabic coffee the guy takes one look at me and makes a run for the bus stop TL er a guy started following me in a parking lot of a circle K late one night so I went into gorilla mode and acted like a paranoid schizophrenic so he ran off yup this works I did something similar back in my early 20s when I was a little stick girl was walking to my car in a mall parking lot late at night and couldn't find my car right off had to cut through a few rows noticed a guy following me a few lengths back cutting through the same rows I got a little scared so I started hopping up and down and giggling then I hopped in a circle until I met his eyes and started grinning like an idiot reached in my pocket and started muttering gone a sticky sticky sticky app and he did a 180 and walked away if I need to remember to do anything at all the next day I will put something in my room out of place this works every time say for example I really want to remember to email my professor before leaving for class I will put a movie on the floor I will initially think why is that oh right email Ernie a key technique for me doesn't work if there's already a bunch of shit on your floor then clean up why did I clean oh right nice try mom if you are trying to find something try looking right to left as opposed to left to right your eyes tend to skim over things if you search in the direction you are used to reading in so skim the opposite way it takes me a bit more effort to do this but I notice more details my favorite works best in sports it's more of a way to get into other people's mind and screw the mob say you're playing against a guy girl who is just on fire completely in the zone and dominating casually ask hey what had you changed to X better or something to that effect I've done it in volleyball where I asked a guy who's been hitting amazing I've never seen you jump so high before what did you change more often than not it throws them off their game done it in hockey too hey your shot looks amazing what foot are you leading with I'm a paramedic when a patient is possibly faking unconsciousness we have two tricks to determine if they're really unconscious or not first you can lightly brush their eyelashes with your finger their risible flutter if they are faking it alternatively if they're on their back you can lift their arm over their face and let it go a conscious person will drop their arm away from their face finally a trick to see if someone is faking a neck injury or neck pain put a thermometer in their mouth while checking their vitals then ask them a yes-or-no question while looking them in the eyes if you aren't looking directly at them they tend to answer with a strained AHA roar no ha but if you're looking directly at them they will usually know their head someone who is faking the pain can do this with ease and yes there are a lot of calls where people's fake pain illness etc for various reasons there's something in sales called the Sullivan nod basically when you're asking someone something not up and down while you are asking their Mariner and start firing and they begin nodding and agreeing with you subconsciously 60% of the time it works every time during a job interview you want to keep eye contact with the person you're talking to it makes you seem more alert and confident here's the trick every five or ten seconds which the eye you are looking at it's such a small motion that the other person can't see it but it makes your eyes look like they are sparkling which makes you look very interested in what the other person is saying probably works for dating too clarification some people have asked for clarification on how this is supposed to work on the small motion part you have to be a few feet away from the other person otherwise the angle your eyes have to shift to look at the other eye is easily noticeable on the sparkling since your eyes and perfectly spherical when they move the reflection of any lights in the room changes slightly if the movement is small enough all the other person sees is the lights reflection moving on your eye the sparkling disclaimer apparently some people can tell what you're doing and find it very annoying if you are trying this and you get weird looks you should probably start the door in the face technique the general idea is that you ask someone for a huge favor which you're relatively confident they'll say no to then you ask them for a small favor subjects who initially refuse that huge favor have a much higher compliance rate on the small favor than if you just ask directly for the small favor or if you present both at once if they end up saying yes to the huge favor that's also good hey can you set up a threesome with you and your sister this weekend no how about just a blowjob there like that exactly like that although you usually have to be careful not to outright offend them on the first request so you're saying I shouldn't ask them while slowly stroking my penis looking them dead in the eye alternating each eye every 10 to 15 seconds so as to appear interested indoor twinkling nodding my head up and down while asking and flicking my fingers through there are lashes to determine if they are faking unconsciousness okay when trying to get away with something sketchy not illegal per se but frowned upon walk into the place like you own it don't glance around don't even stop for a second or look confused nine times out of ten nobody will question you you can get away with lots of things that way and be a white person that works best sat but true in class if it's a presentation where someone has to present without looking at notes or anything like that and while they're up in front of classroom presenting some people forget what they are talking about space-out freak out and lose their train of thought to counter this not your head at the end of each sentence they say confirming what they are saying they will somehow use this as a motivator and nine times out of ten will keep presenting without fault you're a regular good guy Craig okay so here's one my father taught me years ago when I was just a small child it's not a mind trick so much as it is an illusion then again an illusion is just tricking your mind so I think it counts so I use the knuckles on my pointer finger and middle and wrap them around someone's nose then I pull back why like avidly slipped my thumb between my two knuckles I then proclaim got your nose most people stand in shock until I reveal that I haven't actually removed their nose it's a useful trick for picking up women as well as entertaining at parties if you're in a crowded social group restaurant bar party etc and you want to know if someone is checking you out try this turn sideways from them they will be either 90 degrees right or left of you then very obviously look at your watch even if you don't wear one lift your wrist then point out your watch and not thoughtfully overacting is perfectly acceptable if they are keeping tabs on you even peripherally they will have a sudden urge to know the time and will either look at their own watch cell phone or casually look at the various obvious places where someone would put a clock edit so yawning seems to be another method however do you think the world's most interesting man would more likely be seen yawning or looking at his watch in a social setting go up to someone in a restaurant and tell them to close their eyes and picture a playing card while they are doing this eat as much of their food as you can and run a I've done this many many times this is probably silly but you know that thing where if you repeat a word enough it loses its meaning well I've convinced myself that there is some kind of similar thing going on with pain if I'm in pain if I focus 100% on the pain and block out everything else the pain kind of loses its meaning I still feel it but it's no longer pain it's just what is I tested your theory by plunging a knife into my leg and I must say I disagree with your methodology have someone lay on their back on the ground and hold their legs straight up so their body is making a 90 degree angle have them close their eyes and relax their body completely hold that position for about 60 seconds then very slowly start lowering their legs towards the ground it's critical they keep their eyes closed and ask them to tell you to stop when they feel their legs are about to hit the ground they will always say stop way before it hits the ground and then you say well now I'm going to drop your legs through the floor and keep lowering their legs down on to the ground slowly it feels really weird and always works but I guess it's more of a mind / body trick the blood drains out of their legs and with their eyes closed they can't get a good read on where their legs are I think this one is pretty well known by now but when high fiving look at their elbow and you'll never miss I tell people that the trick is to actually look at their own elbow and then I give in a good smack in the face if you ask a question and receive only a partial answer respond with polite silence simply wait a more complete answer will usually follow I guess it doesn't work online seems to me that it worked perfectly [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 185,064
Rating: 4.9094863 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments
Id: mSpQji6TAhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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