When Someone Bullied The Wrong Person... (AskReddit)

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when was the time someone got their butt kicked because they thought someone was an easy target we had a boy join our school when we were in middle school he had gone to school one town over and he didn't know anyone he immediately started picking on girls and not just picking on them we are talking pushing tripping shoulder checking them in the hallways for no reason that we could discern he hated girls that he thought weren't hot and was openly trying to hurt some of the smaller girls in our classes he specifically picked on the girls who were short small and not particularly conventionally attractive worse he seemed to think that this made him cool and it was his schtick he would say stuff like to look at this ugly [ __ ] and you're so gross you should feel lucky someone even touched you at all he often did this in crowded places and around the popular kids hoping to be accepted by them well one day he decided to slam a thin lanky girl into one of the lockers a lot of people saw it and she seemed like she might actually have been hurt little did he know that girl had three enormous highschool brothers who had muscles for days from working on their parents farm after school while people were boarding the school buses they came up introduced themselves then threw him around like a rag doll in front of the entire school the brothers were suspended but that kid kept a much lower profile for the rest of his time at our school although he was still a rage-filled to court he was quieter about it quad kid at school would get bullied but never cared school bully decided to up his game and said something about the kids dad first time he spoke he died please don't talk about him bully grins and you know something is coming says something along the lines of him dying from AIDS cause he was gay and took it up the bum as the bully turns to look at everyone's reaction the quiet kid got up and swung his chair at the bully hit the kid so hard in the head he showed up a month later with head shaved and stitches this was back in zero 6 and the kid got off with a year's detention and therapy bully never opened his mouth again because half the school made fun of his scar and other half said they would share him too violence isin't always the answer unless you ask the right question watch the 60 year old lay out cold three teenagers in one go they pushed over his I'm assuming wife and he just leveled all of them they couldn't have been any older than sixteen that I was like my dude your fkn legend was probably ten at the time so this was back in the early 2000s best justice served I've ever seen I got laid out via an 86 year old Marine storytime Turin's gather round I didn't think he was an easy target I was on shift when I got toned out to him he was a per glycemic and had an altered mental status his wife was panicking it took four firefighters to restrain him so I could begin to get a line in but for I could get his d50 going he got free and straight punched me in the face bloodying my nose and lip and making me see stars momentarily like something out of a damn Looney Tunes cartoon I got back on him after the short pumped some d50 into him raising his sugar from the forties into the low 130 s he came back around in minutes we gave him a sandwich and he insisted on apologizing profusely which we accepted gracefully but insisted it was not necessary the guys at the station thought it was [ __ ] hilarious because he offered us cookies before we left honestly he was a sweet guy once he had his bearings back when I was in the first grade my best friend David in the second grade was being bullied by a third grader named Billy Billy previously had been held back so even though he was only one grade older than David he was at least two years older and at that age a two plus year difference meant Billy was a lot bigger than David this kid Billy and I swear this is true looked so much like Scott Farkas in a Christmas story it was unreal no Coonskin cap though anyway Billy tells David at lunch that he was going to beat him up he better be at the bike rack after school this was the mid seventies so like no one even thought about going to the teachers and even if we had they would have been had her boys being boys David was debating what to do since he didn't want to beat up David's house boarded the school but as luck would have it he would have to pass by the bike rack to run home finally Dave's friend Tran tells him don't worry he will go to the bike rack with him Tran is a skinny Vietnamese kid smaller than David and definitely not intimidating David thinks the two of them might stand a chance and in any case he doesn't have another plan so the end of the school day comes and several dozen kids have gathered at the bike rack as news has spread that Billy is going to kick David's ass Billy is waiting and david and trans show up billy hops off the bike rack and says something crass and moves in to attack david and then trans to kick the ever living crap out of Billy and I mean this semi literally trans quick and every time Billy moved in Tran would side step and kick Billy in the ass over and over again Billy never even landed a glancing blow he just ducked shot after shot to his butt we all watched without Mauser Gabe unable to believe what we were seeing eventually Billy started crying and ran off Billy's reputation as a bully was destroyed and he never did that [ __ ] again to anyone in hindsight honestly it was what Billy needed I left that school the next year and by coincidence years later ended up with Billy in the same class in high school he was a mellow guy super friendly and not at all an [ __ ] he just needed an attitude adjustment used to work event security working a bull game and get a cool about some drunk dude making a scene at one of the concession stands that game I was roving with a girl we were both 19 but I was a bulky as [ __ ] dude she looked like she just stepped out of a Disney princess movie we get to the stand and it was actually two dudes I get one wrapped up pretty quick but the other guy thought he could just bum-rush her and get away what he didn't know is she had four brothers and grew up in her MMA house dude went from charging her to being on the ground in zip ties so fast I don't even think he felt the concrete when he bounced off it the look on his face was just confusion he had no idea how he ended up on the ground the Battle of Salaam ease people know about the Battle of Thermopylae because of the legend of the 300 iral it was more like 7,000 to start with the heroic last stand with the tiny force only after Leonidas learned he had been betrayed and the Persians were going to get behind him but the Greeks - technically lose that one but in the same war the Greeks actually won a decisive naval battle against Persia similarly against overwhelming odds that were neutralized by tearing that narrowed the battlefield and also because the Persians apparently thought that the massively outnumbered Greek fleet was about to collapse and scatter the result was somewhat akin to a 300 pound bully chasing a 100 pound weakling into a narrow cluttered space getting stuck and only then realizing that the 100 pound guy who had been running and crying a moment ago standing there smiling and holding a baseball bat I saw a rich looking dick pick on a homeless guy outside a KSC he was just relentlessly mocking him and eating in front of him ended up taking it too far and pushing a homeless dude that was a mistake as the rich prick proceeds to get knocked the [ __ ] out never been so happy to see karma play out correctly my former roommate got her ass kicked by my mom it was great and beautiful my former roommate pretended to be Little Billy baddest my mom is in her late 50s and is a massage therapist now and believes in chakras and positive vibes and is a damn hippie but in her twenties she used to manage a bar / strip club and had to eat big drunk dudes out my former roommate was trash some of the things she did stole from me money clothing shoes et Cie I model for a small agency so I need my clothes and shoes she quit her job and wasn't interested in getting a new one had a sexual relationship with a minor slept with my ex-fiance while we were engaged worked out because I'm now with an amazing man who I actually want to be with and a lot more stuff when she came to gather her things she pushed me into a wall and punched me and tried getting in my mom's face my mom is about five ten while rumored is only a few inches taller than me so rumia's probably only around five three or so she pushes my mom and called her accounts and in seconds my mom had her pinned to the wall by her neck saying some stuff like if you ever put your hands on my daughter again I will kill you before physically throwing her out of the house and then throwing all of their stuff into the yard my ex was also there to collect room is stuff and my mom knew the years of hell he put me through so she made sure to aim at him while throwing my room he actually did not know about my mom's Bar past she never knew she had to throw big dudes out of bars car gang members down and fought strippers I'm sure if Lumi knew about my mom's badass past she wouldn't have tried anything moral of the story just because someone is a hippie senior citizen doesn't mean they won't put you in your place if you try messing with them I love my badass happy mommy so I used to stay in this one town where a whole ass gang just had a big house for all of them in the middle of town it was like a communal living type thing everyone slept in the basement they ate on the ground floor and they sparred in the backyard so into me just the random nobody who wandered into town because someone else needed me to tell some other more powerful and connected guy to protect them but anyway I try to join said gang I get told to talk to the leader and I go and he's venting about some voodoo curse type [ __ ] to his younger member and I'm awkward as [ __ ] but I asked can I join you guys big big homie said I got potential but the left tenant little big homie hash one said he don't know me from a hole in the wall so he takes me to the backyard to prove myself he doesn't make me fight him per se but he made me just swing he thought I was okay and I thought I was in the clear but him and his circle all the little big homies just made me run errands and [ __ ] and I was the butt of jokes even the cops made fun of me fast forward a week or two and one of the little big homies the one who deals with new members told me I was ready I asked what I'm supposed to do and he tells me someone robbed the big homers predecessor other piece that little big for me must have been hash three sent me a little big homie hash to to go get it back so boom I go with lbh ash to to some weird-ass cave in the middle of the woods and we go inside boy the smell was like someone removed their crocks but it seemed like someone had been there already little big homie hash too says tread lightly so I do there's some crackheads and homeless people who try to fight but we fold their asses you know what I mean but then he and I walk into a big room and we don't know where to go we wander around I go into line a side room and pull the lever boom in one second there was a metal gate crashed down in between the side room and the big room little big homie hash to is like devis look what you just did SMA Chema get you outta there just Jim as Secretary but then just like that six not four not five but six [ __ ] rival gang members pop out of the next room they got big weapons and I thought they were gonna kill little big homie hash too they even say about me he wears them colors he dies but now this is where it gets crazy one of them says killing you will make for an excellent story and little big homie hash to says too bad none of you will be alive to tell it and I asked to Jesus MF turns into a whole ass werewolf goes berserk and just bought is all of them one I swear just have died from being frightened anyway after that me and focus cleared the rest of that dungeon I got the peace of war thread back and I became an official member of the Companions my cousin and his bf got harassed at a bar for being together I guess they got followed to their hotel and three guys jumped them my cousin and his bf at the time just finished coming back from a tour of Afghanistan and not their first one it didn't end well for them when I was in sixth grade I beat the crap out of this kid in fifth grade he thought he could take me for sure for months he would tease me make small punches and smacks kick me in the butt truth was I'm just not confrontational and I simply didn't want to escalate things but that didn't mean I wasn't bigger and stronger than him he thought my timidity would be his advantage until he pushed me too far and I let the rage loose on him man that felt good it wasn't even a fair fight back in college there was this football player plays for the NFL now though he's on the bench 95% of the season and he was completely trashed his junior year so he's walking down the hallways in the upper-class dorms drunk as [ __ ] and essentially shoulder checks this girl well this girl tells him to watch where the [ __ ] he's going and he flips [ __ ] do you know who I am I'm first name [ __ ] last name she replies along the lines of I don't care who the [ __ ] you are watch where you're [ __ ] going so douche canoe goes to bump into her again and over does it a bit this pisses the girl off little did douche canoe know this girl is the nationally ranked shot-putter who in turn landed a solid right hook and knocked the guy right out I have a younger brother not quite two years between us I've always been a fighter when being bullied while it would really hurt him we were both bigoted children and he'd really be upset one year at a week-long sleepaway camp a couple of the older boys took to picking on him it got to the point where they made him cry by the middle of the week their biggest mistake was forgetting he had a sister their rage I grabbed one of the thin yellow wiffle ball bats and went after the Maine kid I got a few good hits on him and then chased him around the common area slash basketball court until an adult stopped us I had been with this camp for ten years at that point and knew all the adults told them what happened and while I was trying to beat him I got in no trouble but told not to do it again and get an adult next time his mom got called told what happened and told that if there was one incident she was going to have to drive the air also up to the camp to get him no one picks on my brother but me probably gonna get lost in all the other replies but here it goes I'm in a wheelchair so people sometimes assume I can't defend myself but I have a pretty strong upper body this one night years ago I was at a with a bunch of friends and I had to go to the bathroom so I backed up my wheelchair stepping on some drunk dudes for it complete accidents I didn't even have time to apologize when the guy just clocked me in the nose as I was falling I grabbed him by the shirt bringing him down to the floor with me I remember my friends yelling someone hit number one nose underscore its underscore me and then someone else yelling oh don't worry he's kicking the other guy's ass thing is once we were on the floor we were at the same level so I just grabbed him with one arm and started punching him in the face with the other all his friends started fighting my friends and we ended up getting kicked out of the place but I'll never forget it it was my first and only time fist fighting someone I ended up with a broken nose but the other guy didn't fare too well either one of my mum's favorite stories I was around five years old and my little sister was four we were at a playground where two boys older than us six or seven took my toy excavator my sister didn't like that she walked over to them and started scolding them to the point of one of them crying and the other giving me my excavator back saw a news story a while back about a purse snatcher trying to grab and running the victim was a female MMA fighter who chased him down and beat the hell out of him
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 838,138
Rating: 4.9252558 out of 5
Keywords: bullied the wrong person, when you bullied the wrong person, wrong person, wrong person bullied, bullied, person, wrong, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: ohd0UteOTbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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