What is the best way to subtly f*ck with someone's head?. ^r/AskReddit^

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what is the best thing to say to someone to subtly freak with their head I had a friend who would always say wake up in a very urgent voice randomly throughout the day then when questioned would look at you like you're crazy for hearing things it got to a Frick tap point where he would write it in the steam on mirrors so that the next time I had a shower and steamed up the mirror again it would tell me to wake up without him even being there he'd steal my schoolbooks and write it on the back page so when I finally reach the back page weeks later it would tell me to wake up are alewife ricked with my head for a bit until he recruited other people to do it who weren't so good at keeping a straight face a guy I used to work with got knock out while playing softball he came back after a two-day break I asked him me are you okay Tim yeah just a little tired me well at least you didn't suffer any permanent drain damage Tim huh me at least you didn't suffer any permanent brain damage Tim oh I thought you said something else me you sure you're okay Tim yep I just need a nap I start many conversations with I'm not racist but and then talk about things that have nothing to do with race the look of confusion is wonderful I'm not racist but have you gone to that new park on 4th Street my kids loved it we went this weekend I do something similar if a random thought pops into my head or if I just want to change the subject example yeah man my new car feels a little clunky speaking of cars did you see the new patch that's coming out for dota that has nothing to do with cars good I used to work at a sandwich shop and it was always great to say enjoy your meal and watch some customers say you too and then quickly stop and correct themselves all walking away wondering why they made the mistake of saying that you know that's going to be thinking about for a little while after this one requires an accomplice basically train yourselves to always shake your head whenever either of you say the incidents year I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk about that since the incidents both shakes heads and then move on in the conversation as if nothing happened have you ever been to place no not since the incident no not since significant pause the incident don't say anything when they are around you scrunch up your nose as if they smell they will become extremely self-conscious sticks and stones can break my bones but insecurities give emotional scars that can last a lifetime make eye contact with a stranger squint like you think they look familiar widen your eyes loudly mutter what the Frick then walk away just did it to a co-worker during my break at the hospital he still paranoid and I haven't spoken to him worked at one of those guess your age guess your weight places at an amusement park all the time people would come up and be like hey guess my name we would usually throw a name out there and be wrong but one time one of our guys guessed someone's name right and called up the other two or three stations in the park to let them know hey if a guy in a green shirt and sunglasses asks you to guess his name it's Philip or something like that sure enough the guy came to each stand in the park and each employee knew his name I just want to say I think you are so brave I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you during this difficult time pls know a friend of mine said this to me I was having a great day until then but after that I was just really confused everything everyone told me about you was true I once said this to a manager during a disciplinary it freaks with his head way worse than I anticipated he was one of those managers that thought he was really popular but was a bit of a dick after I said that he was second-guessing himself for a good month really went out of his way to try to be nice afterwards to every once in a while I'll tell my son get in the shower I'm not gonna go through your staff son wait are you gonna go through my staff me don't you ever listen to me I said I'm not gonna go through your staff now get in the shower tell someone We Need to Talk go as long as you can without seeing them to talk then when you see them just say it doesn't matter anymore you made your choice give them a pat on the back a fake smile and walk away I was at a party with a friend and when he was just about to go upstairs with a girl I told him think about me he came back ten minutes later with a furious look that's when you reply with I always do you don't have to say anything just look at their hair or hairline a tiny bit longer than you normally would widen your eyes slightly then quickly glance away sneak a couple more quick looks during the unrelated conversation make it seem like you're trying not to look if they ask you if something is wrong with their hair say that nothing is wrong as unconvincingly as possible engulf the massive dick move would be to say something like do you always grip it's so strong with your left hand it can ruin their swing for the rest of the round thinking about it anything with their stamps works the same way why are you standing while at a urinal nice watch my buddy always says ooh water's cold after he unzips in a stall no matter how full the bathroom ease I got him back after the like fourth time he did this by saying on the surface maybe but it's pretty warm at the bottom edit thanks guys and deep - appears to be the normal response my grandpa dices someone once tried to trade me a watch while I was urinating as I was urinating he came up to me and just stared at my watch for a few seconds and said hey you want to trade me that watch before I could say anything he pulled out about four of the worst cheapest watches I had ever seen they looked like watches you could have gotten out of a claw machine I responded with no but he kept hassling me to trade my watch for one of his he apparently really needed a watch with the timer and mine had one this is all happening while I'm actively urinating eventually he left me alone and now I think about it every time I'm at a urinal wasn't the watch he wanted Chema's Abe I think he just wanted to watch new cousin will just walk up to you if he hasn't seen you in a while give you a firm handshake and tell you congratulations then nothing else I would always ask my old room at have you seen our toothbrush never mind I think I left it next to our flashlight [Music] I've told my boyfriend he says the word oil at funny occasionally when he says it I just repeated back to him incredulously he is adamant that he's saying it correctly which he is and it really freaks with his head when I say maybe he's hearing it different to how it's coming out I thoroughly enjoy this game is that in metric seconds I like to comment on a friends group pictures of her and her friends and say something like wow you three look amazing when there are four of them in the picture that's subtly freaking with four people's heads in one go 17 years old new guy at my job that I would have for eight years one co-worker told me don't take anything anyone says around here seriously including that last sentence sent me into an existential crisis you look better than usual I got this during my prom Wow you actually look pretty today are you sure hate it when people do that to me a guy I knew in college would ask me this after almost any statement I made and then proceeded to Google fact check me in front of me I was always right and it drove me up a freakin wall anytime they need to write down a number oh sorry that's supposed to be in a / K 7 I used to teach high school choir and one day a classroom messenger came into my women's choir class to deliver a message stopped sniffed and said who's on their period before walking out it was pandemonium girls were crying it was awful and hilarious sorry about yesterday give no context man at all tried this with my wife she said it's ok WTF did i do yesterday your wife is much better than you at this game a white guy in a bar in Shanghai two years ago randomly told me that this year would be the worst year of my life I don't believe in that [ __ ] but Frick that guy calls it definitely got in my head you should do this by putting on a suit carrying a small briefcase and acting as serious and professional as possible then leave the bar once you spoke to that one guy that's a brave look that's certainly an interesting way to do it so that's why it turns out that way when you do it no no go ahead I want to see this we played a game at college we would walk by groups of people and say the second half of a weird sentence in passing winner was the person who most likely ruined Simone's day with unanswered questions passing by a stranger and yeah that was the last time I showered with my dad or so there I am facedown but make it in the woods my friend and I were thinking what is the weirdest thing you could overhear like this and we landed on but is it really necrophilia if they are alive when you start so the phone by saying hello I would like to speak with Alex they will think you were the one who called them and they will tell you you called the wrong number and then they hung up on you a few seconds later they will start going nuts I wonder if that would work on telemarketers I took a telemarketer call at my parents house once I had a five minute arguments in English about the fact that I couldn't understand what they were trying to sell me because they were speaking English and I didn't speak English my stepdad almost pissed himself laughing when I was about nine my family would go to Bob's Big Boy after church I was in there washing my hands before we ate as my parents always made me wash my hands before any meal I'm in the bathroom and I was getting some hand soap and then a toilet flushes and someone says I think you should remember this and so I have all these years I'm hoping it becomes useful later on mysterious toilet flushing otherwise I would have remembered it for nothing you still have my trust I will carry this a little longer nice to see you again to someone you just met for the first time I once met a guy six times before remembering him so every time I said nice to meet you he would just laugh I didn't get the joke but I awkwardly laughed too then the sixth time I went oh [ __ ] we've done this before he just looked at me blankly for like 15 seconds and then when Tomic at all this time you weren't joking air quotes just randomly throw air quotes into any conversation it really makes people uncomfortable my people skills are rusty this is some very interesting music not spoken but written when someone parks and take up two or four parking spots I always leave them a little note that says something along the lines of hey sorry about your track I Drive a smaller car and thought I could park in beside you but didn't quite make it my buddy says you should be able to both the scratches out with wax from autozone and that the damage is less than $100 so there is no reason for me to leave my information good luck I have done this a few times and said back to watch as some guy comes out weeds the note on his windshield and spends 20 minutes walking around his truck or car trying to figure out where the scratches you have a message from the smart man like and sub for nothing in return
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: eTqFUt9wPpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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