Next Level Psychological Tricks You Should Know About (r/AskReddit)

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which psychological tricks should everyone know about if someone is trying to make you decide in a hurry they are probably giving you a bad deal walk away this makes good sense in a lot of situations including parenting I've often said under pressure if you need an answer right now it's no but maybe you can give me some time to think about it if someone has a panic attack start breathing really regularly and loudly even if it's really obvious that person is panicking and probably won't notice but they will start breathing and temper with you it's something nurses do with patience and Andy when they can't get themselves together if you feel lazy doing something that you don't want to like getting up at 4:00 a.m. to work out count 5 4 3 2 1 and get up it will get easier after a while bc you create habits to add to this if you sometimes just promise yourself you'll work on it for only five minutes and then you can stop you will most likely just work on it until the task is done or after it's been a few hours once we start something it's easier for our brains to just keep doing it the hard part is starting something new and stuff usually isn't as bad as we fear it will be so maybe it can be the 5-5 rule count down from five and then get up and then say if you absolutely can't stand it it will only last for five minutes nervousness and excitement have the same body reaction so if you are nervous for a speech instead convince yourself you're excited it's proven to give better speeches to get your butterflies flying in formation any time I have to give a presentation I tell myself that and it helps and likewise when you stop feeling nervous for giving speeches make sure you find a way to hype yourself back up for them believe it or not when you've done the same thing over and over again the battle becomes making sure you still have good energy I like to make sure I'm still a little nervous physical contact makes you more likely to say yes to request I'll make sure to hold myself and when proposing to them sometimes pretending that you are naive gets you more information I like using this one if I act like I know everything I need to know about a project the people I'm working with will likely assume that's true if I act like I don't know everything about it someone will likely take the time to explain it to me I've noticed that usually when I get someone to explain something to me in a situation like this they'll explain it in a subtly different way that I may have understood it and then I understand it that much better sometimes the new level of understanding leads to being able to contribute new ideas to improve whatever it is that we are working on tried-and-true looking straight ahead while walking in a crowd usually makes people move out of your way I read somewhere that as humans we trace the eyes and avoid walking in people's eye lines if you're on a collision course with someone say a wall of four or more teenagers who think you're some sort of apparition stop dead in your tracks and stare at them guaranteed they will either go around you or flee in terror if you need to remember something think about it while doing something noticeably unusual this will pair the memory with the something so that when it is noticed later on it will trigger that particular memory for example I need to take out the garbage before going to bed put your pillow at the foot of your bed this is a good one sometimes I'll do things like leave an object in a weird place then I see it and go what the Oh if someone annoying is at your office desk at work and won't get the hint to leave you alone print something and ask them to follow you while you grab it off the printer then walk them back to their office desk instead of going back to yours they'll usually sit down without realizing what's going on thinking that they chose to go back that's great I'll have to try it another good version of this is when you have had enough just stand up from your chair while you talk to them this works for me on almost everyone apart from one person in the office who just continues awkwardly standing there in silence for far too long get people to contribute to an idea and they will be more likely to accept it studies show that it doesn't take that much involvement in the creative process to get people to take possession of a proposed plan these steps were created by Dr John Cotter and typically refer to organizational change however change happens in daily life and isn't limited to business taking them slightly out of context but keeping the fundamental message allows for change management theory to work with in most contexts there are actual steps to change that have been proven to work these are the eight steps of managing change create a sense of urgency make people aware of the need for change establish teams this allows for communication and cooperation create a vision establish as clearly and concisely as possible what the change will be so that everyone can visualize it communication talk about why this change is essential bring in others and allow them to voice their concerns to removal of any obstacles that can ultimately undermine the vision generate short-term wins this motivates people to perform and see that the change is actually working don't get seek iCade declaring that changes prematurely successful is the key to failure maintain short-term goals establish that any long-term win is going to take time making them concrete change is successful when it becomes habit when it is universally accepted by all involved and is continually supported whenever a friend tries to tell show you something that you already know it's best to let them it makes them feel good to show you something and for you to enjoy it sometimes if you say oh I already saw that it'll upset them a little bit another how to get people to like you trick like this is when conversing with someone after they finish up their story ask the Matt least one question about it before you jump into your story it shows that you're listening and interested in them making them feel important I hate it when people are just waiting for their turn to talk while talking to someone ask through hand gestures for something that person is holding you'll probably have it conversely and someone something while talking they'll accepted most of the time I do this at work as a server I just hold my hand out while I talk to the man they hand me what they don't need one saves a step and sometimes awkwardness of asking when a group of people laugh they tend to look at the person they like the most Wow I didn't know that so many people like me they usually look right at me when they laugh now what does the Poynting represent 3 minute rule if it takes less than 3 minutes do it and you will feel better examples making bird doing dishes etc it makes you feel the tiniest bit better if you are dealing with depression maybe I will start brushing my teeth if you whisper to someone they'll whisper back even if there's no reason to keep your voice down also people will pay closer attention to what you are saying compliments are very important for self-esteem and the building of character don't be afraid to tell someone how nice they look or that they are doing a good job even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment it will make me feel a bit better and they will appreciate it yeah I love giving compliments it's free and make that person happy wait a comment good job if you want to avoid office politics say good things about co-workers behind their backs if you want to avoid drama in any situation say kind things behind people's backs word gets around that you think highly of the man they start to think highly of you in turn it's worked for me in school works and social situations even just something like X is so nice gets you far when someone is speaking about something they enjoy give cues for them to keep going like say wait so you're saying no are you serious hold on I don't get that last part basically active listening more of a skill and a trick I guess it's a great way to get on people's good side you share nothing about yourself but they walk away thinking you are a great person wait so you're saying is something you have to be careful with though they might think you have no clue what they are talking about or you're putting words in their mouth if you think someone is watching you fake a yawn then watch them this is some CIA level SH if you ask someone what color is your shirt immediately before playing rock paper scissors they almost always choose scissors just test it on my grandma and it works getrekt grandma I knew about this trick and when people asked for the color of my shirt I would choose paper instead because I knew the trick I won a lakh of rock paper scissors who the eff figured this out on me oh when you see someone you know on the way into work for example smile a little wider when you see them and smile with your eyes the kind where the smile makes you squint a little bit it can brighten people's day a little making them feel like someone else is happy there around I smile with my mouth only to make their day a little creepier always give a person two choices given on preferred option first including its negative effects pause give the preferred option shining light on it's better effects I have to do this in customer service all the time if option one is something that will take forever and not the best option I'll bring it up first as a well I can do and then suggest option two which would be easier for everyone involved and pitch my voice a little higher which can make someone think I'm smiling and say oh I can even do and nine stroke ten times they ll go for the second option neuroplasticity your brain and mindset can be changed throughout your lifetime for example if you're a negative person your brain and neurological structure will literally be changed by your constant negative thinking this reinforces more negative thinking and other health issues the good new is that you can rewire and change your brain through establishing and maintaining better more positive habits your brain will adapt and adjust fake it till you make it can actually go a long way in terms of shifting your mindset and mental health therapy helps - everyone should know the classic negotiation strategies biases that people will use on you anchoring bias you go to buy a couch worth about $200 seller sets the price at $400 most people will feel awkward offering half price and during negotiating the seller will protest a 50% offer you're at a job interview the interviewer always has a salary that they are not able to go above you are asked for your preference salary range now your job is really worth about 60 K but you throw out 80 K and make it clear that you have other prospects the interviewer can't offer you 80 K that's silly but they may raise their offer to 65 K or even 70 K few are a good catch basically whoever puts a number out first is in the position to set the anchor a starting point for negotiation foot-in-the-door your friend asks you to help him move his couch to a different place in the living room after moving the couch he asks you to also help him move the TV then maybe the fridge your girlfriend and you are out at a bar joints she doesn't want anything but asks for some of your fries before long after eating most of your fries she asks for her a bite of your burger and before long she's eaten most of your food to sum it up to use foot-in-the-door ask for something that seems small but is related to what you really want then once they've agreed to the small thing just work up with slightly larger requests until you've achieved the desired outcome during the face your merge friend is back and asks for $500 to help with rent you refuse because he's a grown man and that's just way too much he apologizes and asked instead if you could spare $20 for gas you agree you are buying a car from a private seller offered at five thousand dollars you have a friend go to the seller before you and offer two thousand dollar cash in hand the seller is insulted and refuses you come the next day and offer $4,000 cash in hand and suddenly four thousand sounds much better to use this offer or ask for something crazy after the other party refuses come back with what you really intended to offer or request all along which now seems much more reasonable in comparison now these are brief explanations and can vary depending on what blog book bathroom story we did it and folks try to use this info only for good don't be a jerk [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
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Id: jy7D43syEPk
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Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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