Palworld - What Happens if the Humans Breed?

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so in this power video this is something I've been curious about and I know some other people in the community have been curious about as well and that is what do male and female humans make when they breed in the world of the pal I'm genuinely curious and in this video we're going to be figuring that out so leave a like on the video that'd be greatly appreciated but it's totally understandable if you don't want to because why would you I mean it's just it's it's a freaking waste of time right this video doesn't deserve ve a like am I right come on now sheesh get with it rifle but it's totally understandable if you don't want to because I mean why would you something you don't have to do but yeah also if you just want to skip to the end results over what happens with breeding with the male human and female human feel free to skip to the end if you want to but if you want to you just watch me capture each of the humans and you know just sit back and relax and enjoy my peaceful commentary then yeah just stick around and watch the whole video but if you want to skip to the breeding part you can skip to the end totally up to you that's the power of videos but yeah this is the first person we're going to be capturing here as you see she is a female and here's how we're going to do we're going to throw a legendary sphere at her get over here oh what the get over here how dare you break free who does she think she is oh my goodness all right so we got one one down let's go find a male now H where should I go where should I go ah I got just a place I'll go over to the small settlement yep there it is I'm heading over there let's do this I'm just going to capture one of the freaking Merchants here yeah wandering Merchant yep okay I'm going to have to lower you a little bit big guy oh what the oh come on one head shot and you're done in wow that's a cursed number for gold coins what the heck you know what I could go to a uh oh wait here we go one of you dudes yeah you're a dude here you go oh come on it's a legend oh what the one shot this going to be more difficult than I thought H I'll have to go to one of the imprisonment camps where they capture the pals I'll head over here you know what I'll just get out my jet dragon and take my happy self all the way over no calm down Jed Dragon calm down let's not waste our time on these buffoons aha I see the smoke this is just the place I was looking for yeah coming down hot Syndicate Thug it's no longer Thug time it's time to be captured with a megasphere oh no no no calm down criis calm down I got this one yes yes there we go all right yeah oh Victory that's a pretty cool glitch if you guys didn't know about it all you got to do is just get on top of the P sphere and then boom you go flying up in the air nice little glitch you know what hang on before I fast travel over to breed these two I'm going to go over here and get this lift monk Effigy since the Effigies are fixed now I mean why not right come on now let me get a high five all right now let's head on over to Floppy Mountain that's a good spot I like to go there yep Mount floppy Summit or floppy sorry if I mispronounced some of these I know when I do sometimes it really gets under people skin I shouldn't do that kind of stuff all right um oh wow you guys think you're tough check this this is my place now go ahead and build it right here I'm taking over I'm building me a breeding station it's time to breed humans we're always breeding Pals I'm sick of it let's see what they can make let's see what the humans can make oh man I don't got enough I don't freaking 20 stone 100 Wood 55 it's not a problem though be right back fast travel point right here because I'm a Noob and I make bases next to fast travel points sometimes sometimes you know sometimes I I can't sometimes I'm not a noob sometimes I'm a freaking professional um so uh yeah I got some Stone here let me get out some yep going to need 20 stone 39 will do all right I got enough but I'm carrying too much almost good thing I'm not totally though am I right I'm right all right here we are at the place where the breeding is going to go down this is the perfect spot right here oh wow I'm going to have to get out some Pals to do my you know freaking work I don't want to do that oh my God you know what I'm going to get out some of the humans get out the humans I have make them work for once you know what I'm saying always making the pals do all the work I got a bunch of humans yeah get to work guys yeah nice keep it up good work hey you what are you doing come on big guy come on get to work get to work come on they're slacking I got to get the actual the you know people that will actually help I got to get the pals that'll actually help out oh why' I get out the freaking Nightwing we almost got it built look at this one human actually doing the work I'm proud of you I am proud of you you know that you're doing great keep up the work unlike the other humans am all right guys this lady's actually getting the job done what a swing what a hammer swing allow me to help you okay hey it's built yeah all right now I'm just going to get out one male and one female humanoid let's do this just going to do the classic you know what I'm going to get out let's get out yeah I'm going get out the crusher get out Crusher and I'm going to get out uh you know the Expedition Survivor so that's all I really got all right let's get you guys going oh wow I can't H wait a minute I got an idea possibly no cuz I can't get out both Well turns out you can't guess it was worth a shot experimenting with this cuz I was genuinely curious and I figured some others might be too but yeah I can't lift up or like command them to go to the breeding area see there's no commands and to uh top it off this one I can only talk to I got what it takes to be a pal Tamer oh thank you and uh The Syndicate Thug where is he he's hiding aha there he is yeah this guy just walks around thinking he's all big and bad can't do nothing with him can't lift him up come on developers you you you know you thought you knew you you fig you knew we're going to catch them I mean you got them a description and everything but you're not letting us breed them what the I'm speechless I'm literally speechless but yeah I guess that's our wrapping up this video sorry for like the lame end results figured I'd still go through with it because you know there may be some others out there that are curious like myself don't waste your time doing this guys it's not possible unless you like breed the boss trainers which I've already tried to do that yeah all they did was make nothing it it was weak sauce it was just a chicka pea so yeah that was lame but yeah I guess that's wrapping up this video once again sorry for the lame ending here but hey at least I went through with it and figured out that they're not able to unfortunately I'm out for everyone as always thanks for taking the time watching oh wait did he just go in here they're both in here and of course it doesn't allow me to assign them here yo but they were present it says it's not present oh man I'm out you though everyone as always thanks for taking the time watching till next time peace
Channel: Rifle Gaming
Views: 16,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld tips, palworld glitch, palworld human, palworld vendor, palworld humans, gameplay, game, gaming, tips & tricks, palworld secrets, palworld secret, palworld breed, palworld breeding, palworld breeding tips, palworld breed tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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