Breeding LEGENDARY Lightning Pals in Palworld

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so I have a quest ahead of me today my friends we are riding the Lord of Darkness which is pretty much the most powerful of the dark types you guys said there's some difference with like necromus and other things but you see this fell right here the orer yes you sir we're going to breed one of you to maximum levels today because they have a very interesting skill called the Lord of lightning 20% increase to lightning attack damage making them the most powerful of the electric Pals so why not make the most powerful of the most powerful now in order to do this we can do it two ways we can either breed two orer together because well frankly they spawn in the same area up here it's a very rare pal to catch wild and I'm kind of out of spheres if you can tell so we need to make up some legendary spheres ah 21 that's not too bad oh I can make more even better four more what do I need cement thankfully cement is made by the bones of my Fallen enemies did I say that out loud I did whoops and pal fluid so we need to go get some pal fluid actually that's 200 that should be pretty good for a while the other way that we can get the orer is by breeding together aaur and a well Mr rbol over there so they should make up a baby orz zerk and if that happens it will be pretty strong I think do you have cake was like I think why aren't you guys making cake oh cuz I put two males together that doesn't work biologically un fortunately the only relaxasaurus we have is terrible so whatever so our first egg has been created I want to make sure that this is right before we do it sometimes these forums and different tools uh are kind of wrong but this should make all right the ores are good and it gets zero of the skills that we want but we still need 116 of them to produce so if I go into the pal deck we can tell that the relaxasaurus is located down here so we'll teleport over here to the bamboo Groves and see what we can find where's the big Goofy dinosaur at big Goofy dinosaurs there you are Hello friends nope NOP NOP NOP NOP jet Trot we needed those oh he's still fine and Y all right we just use legendary spars we don't even have to injure them it' be great if you had zero skills so I could breed you properly or you know just really bad ones I think every one of these have Glutton let's get another friend please don't waste any of my spheres they're expensive Glutton and brave this is kind of funny there's two mamar rest that are fighting I don't know what they're doing is this like a oh and there's other people shooting would you guys not I got a relax this sort of catch really what are you shooting at what's even up there dangus what are you doing don't don't are you shooting at me he didn't know what really you're going to play this game yeah you better run away oh he didn't explode in one shot is this this one going to explode one shot oh he did that's satisfying oh there's another guy hiding behind a tree over there we'll just let him be who all right fellas settle down I need your fluids and stuff thank you you had bones we need those they're kind of expensive thanks for doing the damage to each other though oh you're not dead yet you will be there he goes now give me all your loot and give me your loot two sort of we got two more coming in fast please give me something oh yes one without anything besides gluten all right we should be able to breed that out of you and it looks like this base is now cursed nothing's working again please please okay GIS Bolt's over there and and you're supposed to be over there with him but thankfully we did get a few eggs ready when we're out farming for others so let's breed these up and see if we get anything cool out of them hoping for good skills did not like that oh this is going to be rough yeah everything's got Glutton on it and that's one of the skills o lucky Legend we don't want lucky though but Legend is kind of nice just one of these with zero skills would be even better oh one of these is ready too hello rexasaur come on get me something cool oh my goodness you're terrible wow you know it's interesting there was a bug in the game where they accidentally fixed something and made it so every bread relaxasaurus carried Glutton too I think that still might be in the game because I've been breeding quite a number of them and every single one of these has Glutton so my idea is not as great as I had hoped yeah everything's got Glutton but I should be able to remove you two and then take you and slap you into rol's cage he's going to be the father of many generations the circle the family tree is going to be circular if you know what I mean so these two are going to do whatever they do hopefully wait what the relaxasaurus was supposed to have nothing except just Glutton hold on what what happened you in there is that better bunch of dinguses trying to get into Riz bolts area there you go you two make babies now hopefully we can remove the the Glutton off of these ferocious and lucky that's what I like to see except I don't don't need ferocious but I do need muscle head so I grabbed the or zerk from the other base we'll take you and I guess just make you a rag doll and slap you into here so that's a male with Lord of lightning and ferocious we need to give it muscle head yet and I'm hoping the one we just bred was oh that's a female beautiful they're going to make very beautiful babies come here wouldn't it be cool to have a lucky one of these too like imagine them big and strong and scary and stuff all right good job friends now make babies so you're probably wondering what skills I want we're going to go for legend and ferocious cuz they're both 20% plus Legend is 20% defense muscle head is 30% attack but lucky kind of is dumb so we're going to try to get lucky off of that and go for Lord of lightning instead which I'm hoping exactly is what this egg is going to n this just ferocious you're just you're only ferocious but that's still better than nothing cuz that's one of the skills we need but I do have High Hope for this one the lord of the lightning himself we're going to name him Zeus o ah see that's two of the good ones but too bad we don't want to keep that one going you know I've been breeding quite a few of those actually that one is the first of the Lord of lightnings that I've gotten so I was going to say it's been forever since I've gotten a lord of lightning but that was good yeah most of these don't have it but that one did have gluten which was kind of Intolerable but that's nice right there ferocious muscle head Lord of lightning you are going to be the next of the breeding stock also I'm hoping we get a ferocious muscle head out of you and I'm out of cake oh the cake has been the LIE man this has been the worst breeding up hundreds of cakes baking hundreds of cakes but the good news in the neighborhood is we do have another one of these creatures so ferocious muscle head Lord of lightning you going to come over here we're going to put your hand in very weird annoying obnoxious places I'm sorry about that hopefully we didn't break any of your breeding parts that's a female and and what do you need you need Legend all right we need to give you Legend anyone around here have the legendary skills did you like my song I just made it up oh come on you have Legend but you're a male too would appreciate it if you didn't have such bad skills in other things there's a legend but that's also worse there's a legend a male Legend oh yes this is perfect you over here sir help I got to go get you some cakes first but you know what to do I feel like we're getting so close to getting the perfect ones oh come on we don't need earthquake resistant nobody likes that I do just need eggs though so when I'm breeding all these bad ones it doesn't matter oh there's the first one it's ready it's ready it's ready this could be it this could be the perfect one right here give me that egg hey you too get off of the egg I know you're protective of it oh I got the egg okay good all right this could be it this could be the Lord of lightning right here come on come on come on give me the skills I [Music] need it burns me inside all right the perfect pair o I was going to say their second egg was just ready but the second and third give me a chance give me I got it I got it we got the eggs all right here we go I'm so excited about this it's only been like this has gone really fast so I'm excited oh no come on come on all four we want all four of their skills all four of them you guys are a disappointment into your entire family that's just me I'm your family your family I have hopes for this one too please Lord of lightning and ferocious man nothing wants to have the legend on it does it o another one's ready doink and oh there's one over here too this one isn't as good this is just Lord of lightning ferocious and muscle head we still need that Legend but I mean I'll take anything that gives me a chance to get one step closer come on something cool that's it yes we got it the ozerk Legend musclehead Lord of lightning and ferocious hot dang that didn't take long at all I'm so excited now we just need to level that thing up with uh tons and tons oh my word there's another one I'm so excited I'm so excited okay you if you're a male your name is going to be Zeus yes or if you have a different name holler it in the comments cuz Zeus is well the Lord of lightning right in in mythology Vikings Nordic mythology is that Odin okay Google who is the Lord of lightning oh King gizzard and The Wizard lizard from flightless records we can't play that oh yeah Greek mythology who my goodness I need to go back to like middle school thank you Wikipedia you're my only hope okie dokie so who gets to go back into the cage for a little bit while Zeus comes out to play let's put in the queen of nubis and we'll start the condensation process we have 39 in the inventory which means I need how many more maybe I should that does it matter if I make better ones I don't know I need 80 more Zeus is hungry for The Souls of his people all right so we got 19 more we're going to have to breed up an entire buttload of these things and I might as well try to get good ones a they're going pretty quick so good news my friends I should have another roughly 30 more maybe yeah 57 so we can condense a whole buttload of these I'm not even looking at their skills anymore cuz I frankly don't care and to dog condensation number three is condensed all right so we just need to make uh 25 - 64 is 39 is that right need 39 more and while we're making that I probably need to make a bunch more of this look I have 50,000 Stones so I want a bunch of that made also the flower has been annoying for cakes so just keep that going too thankfully the cin moth is doing a really really good job uh making this I've always had problems with the Farms they always get broken but it's working good now also that Dingus is no longer trapped on top of the he usually got stuck on top of the logging sites but now he's like I'm just going to hang out here on top of the entire fence you big dumb snake so I'll queue up a few more of these using the cement that we got 40 more is a huge number for us it really is pal midle is kind of annoying too but it takes that padium fragments so we should be able to queue up a few dozen more of these and my heart is quite sad that they changed the way that Nails got sold but at least we're still getting a lot of ore from this base and trees my goodness you guys are wasting a lot of time chopping down trees I should probably just remove that entirely cuz we don't need 40,000 wood but I don't mind having 3,000 more iron fragments oh it's so slow we'll just bring that back here put that in base like so beautiful whoo wo this ozerk uh we had this happen with one of the Shadow beaks too this one's silver and the the rest of them are black that one's silver are you are you bugged I don't know which one that is uh just the legend who are you this one all right you silver again a it was just like a graphical glitch that's not as cool as it would have been if there would have been a different like super rare skin on him but if every one of these six has roughly five eggs that's 30 more we just need to wait a little bit longer and oh my goodness they're broken all right I'm going to wait till I get the 69 eggs or whatever I need so good news if my math is serving correct I only need seven more eggs which should be on the ground right now meaning I can take all of these guys out of their cages o I did want to keep you two in though because you two are a breeding pair of perfect stats so that's cool and if I need any more eggs out of you then I'll come ask you you should have cake so you should make some more oh yeah we got plenty of eggs we're going to make the the peak now I don't even know what that means but I'm doing it and I'm guessing some of these are probably going to be pretty good stats but that's fine I'll just make it more powerful maybe it always makes me sad when you see like two or three of the really good things I'll be honest I don't even know what the perfect uh the perfect skills are I haven't even thought of that like what their attacks could be these should be the really good ones now the last couple eggs here cuz these were with the better Pals so are you going to be good yep there's one so that's the fourth perfect I've seen yeah this that's the annoying one to me right there Legend ferocious muscle head you're just so close to being good but so far away still I'm sorry just have to breed you into your friends strange to say but this game brings out all sorts of special thing characteristics of people that play it like capturing humans yikes so right here is the last egg that we should need I'm hoping we have 64 and 70 Beautiful Goodbye little friend it was nice you know what we'll save you even though we don't really need you all right we'll keep I don't know it don't matter begin condensation that's a level four Zeus you're also level 21 can I ride on you no ferocious what does that skill do party Zo tell me what your skill does when fighting together water Pals drop more items when defeated oh are we going to have to go play with some water Pals what is this skill karuno H summons a spear of lightning while leap into the air before throwing at an enemy what I just kind of want to ye this over there and see what it does to those caties oh my goodness it's going to explode them isn't it that was satisfying who's a good boy you're a good boy Zeus come back here Zeus just R away fella I need you he just learned your chronic breath where are you at dude he just not a murderous Rampage all right we're going into the boss battle this one should be fairly easy I also may have turned up XP gain I hope this will work all right there's two Electric types that's probably not going to be the best I thought you were the grass type is there a water boss like real talk oh my word let's see what this does okay 2,700 that's huge already and there's a lightning blast oh okay you didn't do so good all right whatever we're going to treat you like a baby treat a diaper bring out the Lord of Darkness I'm sorry Zoe and Shadow or Gris bolt yeah that's going to that's going to be the real danger right there but we just did get uh 82,000 XP for Zeus so that's good news so let's try Lily and and lilen there you go Lily and lilen it's going to be an exciting one yeah level 32 lightning blast ooh that was pretty pretty cool not a huge amount of damage please attack morus you're going to embarrass me in front of my friends see this is the strong one yeah that's 1,800 damage okay this AOE is a big hit to another 3,000 that destroyed everything on the ground cool good or that also hurt you Zeus but you're only level 32 what can you expect we'll let the Lord of Darkness do a little bit of damage here oh you're hungry I should make some food for you that's the dangerous one the dark Wisp and you got frozen my goodness all right Zeus just have some fun my man nice hit there little bit more level 32 oh 500 hit points away you can do it friendo he doesn't even care he's just vibing oh all right that's another 300,000 XP 448,000 for you Zeus my goodness how about a bushie would you like to play with the Bushi I'm guessing you're going to dump on him that's the wrong character whatever that's going to kill it anyway I guess it's 80,000 free XP it does also make me wonder if we can uh change out these skills cuz they're all pretty expensive lightning strike is good that one's cool try lightning do you have anything else spark blast I really a lightning ball expect expands outward in a circular pattern or streak let's try the lightning ball now this is the Bron Cherry Alpha so I believe that's a water pal yeah here have fun oh boy that might one shot pretty close that's definitely oh that spear kill dirty I want this chest though that's why I really came in here give me this crossbow schematic level one whoopsies you're dead very good very highly effective my man give me your food too we only got 175,000 XP now it could be interesting to farm up the yman tide are you in here friend oh there you are there we go this one's kind of creep or what really serpent this is not a battle between you and me we're bringing a lightning creature into the water oh boy oh it's wet that's why it went silver what are you doing hey there you go oh my goodness this is going to be rough big lightning blast o that was a Scooby-Doo laugh okay fine you've angered where are you serpent where's the dangerous one oh he died whoops all right Zeus this guy is about your he's bigger level than you but your attacks are highly effective and oh now you're on land good hit good hit yes that works pretty good highly effective attacks that's what I like to see no don't you dare go anywhere hey you did it nice job Zeus 700,000 XP what are you fighting now the stupid serpent you have no idea can I dive I don't think you can go underwater would you not thank you I feel bad I mean I do but I don't 23,000 damage kind of want to see what he would do if you just kind of went into the middle of a Syndicate base too he's just all of a sudden deciding yeah everyone's going to die do that ground attack circle thing it'll be funnier he's like I really want to free the little fish in there man oh there it is the syate hunter 11,000 espella is not a fan of human trafficking that is for sure or Pal trafficking oh no dire Hall oh yeah he injured some more over here well I guess they tried to anger him go away doggy ow oh get in the circle o a bone no that's leather I don't need leather but you guys are dead I think this fight should give me lots of XP too are you a okay you're a quiver so you're a dragon uh that's pretty good I don't know if I like that attack okay so I'm not allergic to dragon fire but here's a good hit ooh nice oh it's only a level 23 I thought it'd be way bigger than that poor fella poor little big fella it's so cute ow you're dead a I didn't dead you why is there loot in here dibs or not it's just a bag on the floor hey there you go since we're over in this neighborhood anyway I know the Anubis hangs down right over here this could be a fairly dangerous fight where are you there you are I don't know what to think of it Zeus do something oh poor little Dum on ow okay Zeus is allergic to your hits but okay this is bad oh I tried not what I wanted might need to bring out the Lord of Darkness here yeah you do eight damage that does a little bit more work yes no wonder dark wisp is so strong all right Lord of Darkness we're going to bring out Zeus again 120 hit points left can you do it if you do it you're get a lot of XP I promise and you like XP and got him 700,000 one more in your max level my man or are you max level oh you made it I like having XP turned up there's just one more pal I want to attempt killing the frost stallion level 50 I don't know if this is going to work I actually kind of doubt it because you usually need uh like a fire pal but it might be a tempted oh boy that's 116 damage I think Zeus is about to get destroyed okay at 193 oh no oh no Zeus Zeus all right um well that's mission complete we we tried it Zeus died and thanks for watching my friends hope you enjoyed keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including Auto Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cino RIT La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton SE cander D pton plays fussy badge link hilet Kyler J Nitro Nitro yatt K and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 96,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld grizzbolt, palworld breeding guide, palworld lightning, palworld orserk, palworld electric
Id: PUusu8f0vIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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