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bros we're going to be here for a while on this one because the goat of Po World blah has given us the breakdown on Partner skill upgrades and it's pretty much a guarantee you've been using one or more of your partners wrong this entire time there's some crazy Revelations here so if you end up enjoying the video please leave a like share with your friends and comment your thoughts down below and real quick don't forget to use code reify for 20% off your gfuel order if you're grinding games or life so let's start with the mount speed upgrades because not every Mount gets a speed upgrade when you condense the pal this is one everyone wanted to know and surprisingly not all mounts gain a speed increase from upgrading their partner skill in fact most mounts do not get a speed increase at all the following mounts are the only mounts that gain a speed increase and it's going to be a percent increase based on the level of the pal or the Pal's ability and it also has like really weird numbers so we have diral Nightwing arox rangerx rhound kitson serent Fang Lop German tide palladius and neoma so some legendaries actually getting the speed increase is this enough of a difference to catch up to Jet no it's actually not so jet dragon is twice as fast as necromus and the 20% speed increase is going to be something but that also means a upgrading a legendary pal so probably n and then we can see the numbers on the levels are also weird because level two that first upgrade is going to be a 10% speed increase which means you need to do it for the early game diral and Nightwing because that's going to be a nice little bump but then the level three 12 so you get 2% 3% and then 5% capping out at level five there's been rumors that dire howl is the only Mount to receive a speed increase with partners skill levels and or dire how receiving a larger speed increase both of these rumors are untrue so any creator that covered that just give you in accurate information because that's the bad actor space we're in for all of gaming let's go and then this part is breaking down how the first increase from level one to level two is the biggest increase any Mount not listed does not get a speed increase at all this is the data mine information do not even attempt to argue it that's why we have the capital letters this was most likely done by the Developers because the mounts that do not receive a speed increase have other partner skill bonuses that do get increased such as their active skill mounted logging mining or mounted damage boost so yeah that actually makes sense for the pals that say like hey you gain this effect when mounted and also means like oh jet tragon just probably gains damage on its missiles and you don't fly faster on it got it keep in mind that the base movement speed of each Mount differs so just because a mount does not receive a speed increase from the partner skill upgrade does not mean the mount is slow or bad jet dragon does not receive it but it's still the fastest just because next we have hidden stats because it's great when the game doesn't tell you what's happening player attack boost while mounted plus the element type Swap this is the first set of interesting hidden stats I found the mounts that swap the player's damage type to an elemental type also boost the players attack massively so it says can be ridden damage to the players's attack while mounted and it adds element and that's what everyone sees in game but it really does this increases the players attack by X percentage and additionally changes the player's damage to that element so the it's it's just a huge buff 50 to 100% across all of the pals so yeah probably really good to know for Boss Battles or strong encounters when you're getting a 50% damage increase just for riding chillet and then it becomes dragon and then you have a super effective matchup into stuff cool same thing for Pyon and all of these other Pals and unlike the mount speed you actually have the benefit immediately and then you get 5% for a little bit of a condense and then it kind of goes up from there but like you don't even have to upgrade the pal it's just there 50% damage for catching the boss chillet and then making the saddle there's also a hidden player attack boost for the element swapping Pals that are not Mount it's a smaller amount but it's still free so you just have Wix and out converts to fire I actually wonder if people are utilizing that for like playthroughs and and stuff to like accelerate and then they can also just get a flat 5% and then if you level it up with just once you get extra 1% damage it's it's mid Max you get you get the type swap advantage and then some extra stuff same thing for all the other Pals verd Das grants the element swap but then gives you a speed bonus of 20 to 40% instead of an attack increase this one is at least straightforward so kativa goes 50 to 90 gets 10 each and then all the pals just get 10 each with a higher base starting value and then we have the PALS that give you a drop rate bonus while active and this is important so it's a 40 to 80% and then we just have some speculation here so drop rate boosting pal must be active for the benefit from this bonus I believe this stat is a percentage increase to the drop rate of the item the modified drop rate exceeds 100% it will roll the drop more than once so Fox Sparks has 100% chance to drop one leather but then it's a 40% chance to get another leather if it was simply boosting the quantity drop by 1.4x opposed to the boosted drop rate then I believe the game would have to round to one or two leather and then that doesn't natur result still more further testing and also I don't think it adds like a flat 40% you know where it's something like oh now I get cake from love Vander 40% of the time guaranteed it's if I don't even know what the base rate is like 5% if someone's got that dat in mind please tell me about it I haven't seen anything about the exact drop rates for the rarer items and that means like let's say it's 5% that means 5% plus 40% or update like 5% plus the base 40% is going to turn into 7% so it's not a massive increase but it is helpful if you're going for like the rare items then we have the mounted element boost for certain Pals this bonus is Ambiguously explained by the in-game description this bonus applies to both the mounted pal and the trainer the trainer has an attack that matches the element type bonus it will get boosted too the important part though is the pal itself itself receives the bonus as well meaning the mounted pal will do 50 to 100% more damage with their attacks that match this type so that means with these Pals you want to use them as combat mounts because then they get 50 to 100% more damage but then there's a Synergy Frost alion and frost alion knocked swap the players damage to respective type just without the increase to attack but that means the players attacks benefit from the element boost so yeah you can do mounted player damage and mounted pal damage and just double up for both of them because Ah that's the Legendary Power party Buffs these bonuses apply to any matching pal and then the buffing pal only needs to be in your party they stack additively and it goes pretty crazy so actually yeah it's one of those things where like Ruby gives you fire damage it's going to be 10% per Ruby up to 20% if you hit the level five I can only imagine like the grind that will go on for like extreme servers that also have a really good anti-che because like cheating gives an immeasurable Advantage which is obvious because that's how cheating always works gending and power world Jing and Pokemon both give an insane advantage that can't be made up for but in power world like okay you have like some kind of crazy PVP server and people are grinding 256 Ruby so they can buff up like one of their fire Pals even though ice seems like like foxic you want that because then you're getting the super ultra duper Mega buff for your Frost stallion that might be the strongest combo in the game but also swe sweepa gets really powerful because it gives 24% attack and defense per so you're just doubling the attack and defense of sweepa yeah the additive stacking works like I just said making a full team of buffers combined with one strong active pal is the way to make the absolute strongest single pal then you have the mounted thing so yeah that's what I just said like the four Fox Lal one Frost allion is actually like the most insane there's also a note that Penola with four kelpy could just be the most damage and then talking about sweepa and elizabe it's just wrong so contrary to what the in-game description States sweepa and Elizabeth's partner skill has nothing to do with s and Bard Buffs applied to them both sweepa and elizabe have a hidden partner skill that increases their attack as you upgrade it now it's not as insane so level two is probably just like the easy sweep spot where boom 5% attack and it's only going to be attack and then goes up to 8% again this is also being doubled and having all the other crazy things applied to it especially with like passive skills and full upgrades so you can just get to insane numbers then we have farming because that's a passive skill and you need to make sure you're doing it properly interesting thing is that they always retain the minimum even when leveled up so lamb balls find wool goes from one and one at level one to one two and then 15 at level five and then the mouse so it's not like you're just only spitting out 50 gold every time if you have a maxed out Ma and then you have like multiple of them there could be 10 there could be 50 Vixie is more complicated can find four different items at level four and five it starts Mega pal speres really so the arrows don't have a crazy amount of value but you get four wow actually yeah like level five fixie kind of nuts but also like by the time you're at that point all right then there's increasing player defense so minting goes from 7 to 14% War stack give you five don't even need to upgrade it neat other interesting stats ronni's work speed bonus applies to weapon workbench and the assemblies mounted bonus to logging mining only applies of the pal itself and not the player using your pickaxe on back of a mounted pal gets no bonus all right gumas gives player logging life steal from love Ander and felbat is 2 to 6% of damage deal and I felt that recently because I'm doing my no technology no crafting no Base building no pobox playr and I was healing like five per hit from the fbat at like level 20 something so I was thinking like it was just flat damage like it's it's only healing me flat five per but this makes it a bit more interesting however like you need to actually get that full 6% 6% is that worth it kind of not really espe I don't know like you're fighting an enemy with 3K Health which is also like super deep unless you're doing like an alpha pal or a boss and then you heal for 180 the shower from the tent is just better also there's no difference between love Ander and felbat so that's that's very interesting weak spot damage from Robin quill van worm is this and then you also have to be riding the van Worm but Robin quill is active warx partner skill is incorrect does not make the players attack fire it increases fire resistance all right is it player defense and Fire Resistance all right gats attack bonus while berserk is a massive increase amazing damage scaling at rank five with 200% attack only applies to shot attack skills not melee someone should try this interesting oh I was going to say we don't have all the partner skills like heal and the offensive ones nope there it is so T goes from 200 to 400 uh who knows what what the base depresso is and then everything else is just kind of uh crazy but and there's a multiplier to Daydreams attack and we uh tested a while ago in my like five day video that it does scale with damage so you can double that at level five and then the power of the skill is crazy because how the damage formula interacts so it's actually going to be based off of like using a damaging skill so power of the power skill is the same as any other these might appear low but that's because these skills hit very rapidly skills with very high power hit once or fire slowly then doubling the power from level one to five damage multipliers healing is a flat amount and then I don't know how depresso works so while jet dragons looks low jet dragon has a very high attack and it's like using a 13 power move that rapidly where it just goes Len's healing is insane relaxa surus is a mini jet dragon GIS bolt has damage but also like crazy Minun attack speed we have multipliers on these hits we can also see the difference between like LIF Monk and tanzy but Tan's recoil is insane does double damage of Life monk that you can aim better uh here's the damage numb so again just like Rapid Fire Hits 10% 30% 60% Max doubled and then pen goet power is kind of nuts so it's like 25 bullets from a life monk all at once or you know multiple hits from a jet dragon and the Damage calculation is also weird also it's factoring in the Pal's attack not your attack and like I wonder are the damage number is similar in that way it's where like oh if I have an assault rifle you know that has like a three 60 attack power I'm going but I'm only a human so I have like 150 base attack therefore like have a pal having three times more your attack is like 10 times damage because defense scaling is very steep or something so yeah that's that's all kinds of stuff there's glider numbers and yeah so there we go every detail about partner skill upgrades that makes it a guarantee you've been doing something wrong or leaving an optimization on the table so hope you guys enjoy the video hope you have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, Palworld, Palworld Skills, Palworld partner skills, Partner skills palworld, Palworld skill guide, Palworld partner skill guide, palworld explained, palworld partner skills explained, partner skills explained palworld, best palworld tips, best palworld guide, strongest pal, Best pal, best palworld, strongest pal in palworld, best pal skill, best partner skills palworld, best mount palworld, You are Wrong palworld, pal
Id: ck8RqV69dZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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