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what does the new or mining station mean for gold farming in power world does it beat salads let's find out now what I'm going to do is play my moneymaking guide from the salad part and then splice in the OR farming part and we're going to get some numbers and see what's the best a lot of people are like yo salads are kind of cracked they're not too hard to make since it's only two automatically farmed ingredients and they sell for a lot now the setup I have here is on the upper end but it's not only the best worker Pals and the highest level Pals and stuff so it's like 80% full efficiency potentially but also kind of in the realm of pulling off in game where it's like yeah got a couple of Lin we got a couple of Verdes and then jman tods so the difficulty of getting those Pals is kind of whatever because you can breed Len with Manda and patalia but patalia is going to be on the first forbidden island and after fixing the glitch of being able to fly on a pal to avoid criminal activity and buffing the police enforcers H I haven't tested out like how much more difficult it is to get patalia but it is pretty rare there's also the level 28 Alpha patalia and you only need one to breed the lilene so it's not like you're farming them at the sanctuary so this could also be the way to go and then liline is going to be in the other Sanctuary but overall it's like yeah you're going to want lilen at some point because it has four planting two harvesting and then Verdes is going to be three harvesting two planting as well as some other stuff the transport is really nice and then jman tide just on that four but you can also have a suan zaku for the watering as well and then Frost alion knocked the ultimate of endgame we have to breed a legendary pal to get this exclusive it's going to be four on the harvesting and we have a setup that uses eight Pals here so just kind of going for the highest now as for the Farms we have four tomato plantations to six lettuce plantations and that's going to keep it fairly even with this setup so I've gotten about 1,500 of each in an hour and that was before I put down the work enhancement structures so I forgot about these which means you can get a little bit more out of it also you can use more than eight Pals to increase the efficiency you can put more down but this isn't going to completely take over a base and it's going to give you a lot of salads and then that means you just need something like a geran tide ignis a lot of people go out they Farm the huge eggs so you can have a four cooking and actually making the salads isn't too crazy but it does take two of each so we're looking at around 700 to 800 salads per hour with this kind of setup that isn't the most mmax perfected but also kind of needs to get built into a bit however no matter how crazy your tomato and lettuce production gets you're going to be able to keep up with salad cooking so it's not like you're going to find a bottleneck there even with a level three kindling pal now the electric stove cooks really fast so having just a basic electric generation pal you don't need to have an orz zerk is going to be better because it means you only need like one Jan tide ignis for the electric kitchen and that's going to be faster than having two three kindling on a cooking pot or even one geran tide ignis and then one level three kindling so it just seems like yep you can kind of simplify it by just having a little bit of electricity generation and then that can be used for the rest of your base and other things you want to do now it's time for some math so let's say we have 750 salads being made per hour and we multiply that by 120 that gives us around 990,000 gold per hour and that puts us pretty much where nails were because nails they were gated by the or respawn rate which means you had to like like if you had just the fastest possible setup and like really good or spawn timings then you were looking around 80k an hour to potentially like 90k at the ultimate upper limit so this setup actually puts us where nails were before the Nerf with the benefit that you can actually leave your base that with the ores you have to be there or the pals won't Mine The Ore which is going to really hurt and slow things down but since it's a workstation you just come back and then you come back to tons of lettuce and tomatoes also salads are an OP food because they improve the work speed of your pals so if you're feeding them some of the salads that you make it's going to be giving a lot of nutrition restoring some sanity and then making it to where you make more salads so even if we're looking at like 700 salad profit then the rest is being eaten and you're making potentially like 800 salads an hour or if you expand this out more it's actually going to be really good overall and then it frees up the base you have electricity generation you also have the ability to like smelt and make some other things with the feris or Janti ignis it's just looking really really good overall so in my or base guide I showed that you can catch four random dig toys that don't even have work speed Buffs and you can still do really well with the mining site now you want four because someone's going to be on break someone's eating someone's upset other things going to happen so you just want to have as much up time as possible and I even recommend two large hot springs now as you can see this workflow is very manageable for even a ragn hawk with three transport and it's able to keep up it's also able to smelt regular ingots faster than ore is produced so you can just go to an improved furnace do a full stack drop it off in chest and then it'll just go to the or site and start depositing everything again oh yeah and quick note I put down torches to make sure the rocks and ore in my base wouldn't spawn uh the fire pal will try to ignite them it's kind of annoying but doesn't really seem to slow things down but you can just build whatever over it so you really only need five PS for one or station and this one station can make 5 to 6,000 or an hour so 2500 to 3,000 ingots for just five PS let's do some math you can get 1,000 ore in 10 minutes with four bums so that's 500 ingots time 6 3,000 ingots an hour but we can we could do that times two and then we go times 20 so two mining stations taking up you know we're also we don't like one Jan tide is definitely enough for maybe even both outputs at that point so that's eight mining Pals a jman Todd a level four transport and that's 10 Pals so you only need half a base to make 120,000 gold an hour off of selling a crazy amount of ingots now Peak salad is about 100 K gold per hour with like 10 good pal slots being used so I think like that's what you want you want or base plus a salad base combined now some people are on the 15 limit no reason not be 20 there's probably a way to make it work also salads have Synergy because that's making the food you can sell the rest for a little bit of extra money mining just going to be more money easier and better so that's where all your production is there now you can double that money even further with Nails because even though Nails have been nerfed two Nails is 40 gold and you get two nails per craft of one Ingot so that means having a really good handiwork pal can also be incorporated into this just good to have in general okay but what if we jump the shark what if the simplest solution is the easiest where it's like well we can have like 15 aagon Mining and if they're just getting Stone so fast can we actually make more money off of having all of these Mining asons and then just sell the Raw Stone output now some of the fastest Stone I've observed is about seven Stone per second but you can do that times 5 so we're getting 35 Stone per second 35 gold per second passively and this is also going to be with like not perfectly bred aagon now as you can see the work speed of all of these aagon vary and some of them are just like muscle head ones that don't contribute a lot and none of them have actually had souls put into them so you can get more work speed out of it Anubis are nice because they can pick up some of the slack on transport but you will have slower mining however if you build this in an ore base or the ore and coal location then you have it to where well with the recent patch there's different priorities so now a mining pal won't be stuck at just the stone quarry and they'll actually like leave it to mine coal and ore which means you're going to want some transport for that and then you can also get some extra resources as they're mining tons of stone if you need Ingot production refined ingots and stuff like that however this could create problems because transport is still kind of sketchy that transport Pals aren't going to like pick up full stacks of the coal and or on the ground and then transport them and make that all nice um it can also be a lot slower and coal than the amount of stone output we have here so if you just want to have like a dedicated Stone only money-making base then the numbers get kind of crazy cuz you can just do a flat ground put down a ton of these stations that way even if they fill up because there's not enough transport you just come back move them here drop them into one of these now the reason why you want more than 15 mining Pals despite only having five mining stations is because pals are going to go on break we have on a short break upset and went to bed pals are also going to be taking a break in the hot springs and eating food so you're always going to want to like fill in any empty spots with like an aagon or some kind of mining pal which is why you can actually even expand it 20 aagon six mining stations pretty much permanently occupied pulling in up to seven Stone per second so let's actually see what like the super crazy ideal is this isn't going to be in a mining base this is just going to be like raw most optimized Stone quing so 7 * 6 it's going to give us 42 let's just say inefficiencies and stuff get 40 Stone per second so that's going to be that much gold per minute and 144,000 gold per hour now there's some drawbacks because to sell all of this you're going to have to over enumber yourself that's not the worst thing especially now that you can move a little bit so you grapple to your pal box and you teleport to a Trader or if you can box in a Trader or have them do a long crafting session so they're in one spot you can fill up a full inventory and then dump all of your stone that way so it's not as nice to sell as other items that are just worth a lot more but you got a 6x7 grid sell several 100,000 Stone in one go and then if you put an unreasonable amount of quaries down well even if it fills up on the maximum amount they're just going to move on to the next Quarry then you have this for storage and like you can just move and sell and make progress that way so it does pretty well AFK and it's really just like the aagon investment but that's basic breeding they don't have to be like the perfect worker Pals either and they still do crazy ounts of Mining and the overall investment is Stone quaries beds and then the mining station and it's really good also since you don't have to babysit the base to get ore that means you can actually just kind of go out on ore and coal mining Expeditions and fill up entire inventories and that could be better because then you have like active resource gathering with passive income you can use that to buy like all the ammunition and other stuff you need also I feel like as the game gets expanded if there's more towns which we've seen in other tr Ellers and an expanded like shopkeeping system if you can just buy ore and coal again passive income becomes a lot stronger so you're going to want to save up money that way also a little bit ago I found this post Pizza isn't always better than salad here's why now the post has been deleted and the person just like straight up nuked their account so that's just Reddit weirdness being weird but there was a thing where people like yo just make pizza however Pizza is more complex than making salad and apparently there's just like an actual game benefit to the salad in some situations both Pizza and Salad give 30% work speed buff for around 10 minutes however Pizza adds an extra buff that reduces the rate at which pal Hunger drains by 10 minutes so we tested it with two similar Anubis working at Stone pit one would eat salad the other would eat pizza the pizza Anubis drained hunger so slowly that it would work for minutes without having the work speed buff because it wasn't refreshing the food duration so working this long without the buff isn't better than eating a bit more often salad shine even harder the lower the Pal's food drain is so Pizza is not always a direct upgrade and with the ease of making a salad base as I've shown uh yeah salad's actually really good and then you just sell the rest of it for money and then you can fuel all of your other work speed bases really well now since we're talking about farming in salads what about Berry Fields well I couldn't find a lot of definitive stuff about like berries per hour but that's also because everyone is doing it with their own arbitrary setups it's like oh I don't have a full base dedicated to making salads and I have a random mish mash of random work speed and efficiency and like work level Pals so the comparison is going to not be super consistent especially with someone else just like randomly testing stuff so they say Berry farming is the best money-making you can do in the game before the nail Nerf but you need 42 Berry Fields on a 15 pal base or 51 Berry Fields on a 20 pal base depending on world settings and then you need enough of the right Pals to keep it all going and of course to bake them all um doesn't say what the right pal sauce is to keep it going so I guess it's going to be like switching in and out jman tiddes and lolene so I don't know if the solution is well actually you can get rid of two verd Das you just put in another Frost alion knocked and if you have the means of getting one you should just keep on breeding them and then you pop in another L and then that efficiency is just going to go crazy to where you don't even need verd Das or maybe you just need like some kind of Transport pal so wo wo actually without the uh Frost wo just the regular one is going to have a little bit of planting it's going to have the four transport and then ragn Hawk is just really good with a three transport I might have said feris earlier in the video people make a stronger case for ragn Hawk because it's more accessible the breeding is going to be easier to get the passives onto initially and people claim that it gets stuck less than feris now they claim you can get 160k gold per hour in a fully dedicated base or 193k gold per hour in a 20 pal base nails they're capped at around 90k because of the or node spawns and people are just saying berries are better now berries do have have the drawback of being worse food value so yeah it will be like once your pals hit that food threshold they're just going to be like working for a couple seconds eating a berry working for a couple seconds and eating some berries and that's going to slow them down also by making salads you get more work speed so technically if like we did just make a completely dedicated base that was like all lilene all Frost stallion knocked all Jan tied we could maybe even go like two and a half times on this and then we're making more money in salad so I think like going harder on like the ultimate salad farming is going to beat Berry farming but again that's where it just gets like weird where like you're just maxing out a full base and the way I make my guides is I don't go for the 100% most Peak optimal that there's other considerations to take into place such as the actual setting it up I consider a money-making method to be better even if it earns less money per hour if it's easier or more accessible to set up or has a more simple design that way you can actually get it set up and you can be making money a lot faster or if there's other benefits that having a salad Farm is then going to work for the work speed of all of your other bases which can then turn into more production and more money-making what else do we got PSA you can sell legendary spheres for 4500 a pop and selling spheres is great for padding your wallet a small guide to selling spheres with the gold making methods being talked about pre- nail Nerf I wanted to make this guide because I didn't see it mentioned and was surprised at the sell price I never bothered prf because nails were the superior use of ore for gold generation however things are a bit different since you're not spending your ore for nails also just having like massive legendary SPH sphere production going to be good for catching Pals and farming that way so you can it's a way of converting gold as long as you're willing to put a few spare resources into it legendary Spears might be the most optimal way of making gold and then he goes through the entire system and it's something I might actually try to optimize for myself for like future money-making guides and updates and stuff because the idea behind legendary spheres is crazy like if you make a th000 legendary spheres and let's say it takes 10 hours well that means you're still making 450k per hour which demolishes every money-making method and it's going to be like 90% passive except for making the cement it also means running around a little bit and moving some items around where it's like oh I have to make the carbon fiber I have to make the cement and you have to get the pal fluids but then the idea is like well you just go and farm the water dudes you get however much power fluid you need to make 5,000 cement and while it's like an insane amount of farming if that only takes you an hour and then the rest of the production takes like 4 hours and you can actually end up with a thousand legendary pal spheres in like 5 hours of semi-active work that's going to beat any active moneymaking while having a passive side while also giving you more legendary spheres than you're going to ever need and with the update kelpy grazes for pal fluid so you actually don't have to go out and farm it however if you have like a really good mounted pal and you're just running over the gobins you get way more pal fluids much like with a cake Farm I feel like there's some angles where you're just better off making money or doing active things instead of wasting a pal slot grazing but having a kelpy just kind of getting you a couple hundred pal fluids in the background while you're not doing anything and there's a free slot on your base you're going to use those at some point so that's worth consideration and it makes the legendary spheres more automatic or more passive Food For Thought legendary P spheres might be the ultimate sweaty way of making the most money the fastest in power world um and then people talk about grazing grazing has never been good like I don't understand the sub adiq you have to have to go now give coin that mean passive coin always better Mal farming also we've known for a while now that work speed increase passives do not affect effect grazing now this could be a bug or maybe it's something that gets fixed later as it kind of shows that grazing is really weak so keep an eye on that but it means you want to go for like sanity hunger and movement speed if you're making a grazing pal that way like oh Pal's grazing gets hungry runs really fast to eat some food and then runs really fast to the grazing but then if it loses sanity or hunger less then it's not then just going to stay in the grazing area a lot longer and that's the best way of getting grazing efficiency but then the pal condensing for it is just never worth it and that's what this guy's working on currently experimenting with both pizza and highquality cloth High cloth so far is easy money you can collect and sell level five condensed cibilic time 12 Nets you 60 cloth per minute at Max so about 28k an hour max profit okay that's just like completely wrong unless he missed some numbers there so reminder high quality cloth sells for 40 each which means if we're doing 40 * 60 we're going to be doing 2400 a minute which means we're going to be at 144,000 gold per hour which sounds insane but that's like the uppermost end and remember that means it's going to take wait what 12 Max condensed cibilic absolutely psychotic no one has ever done that yet at minimum 480 gold per minute level one so 480 * 60 is where they get the 28k so if you have 12 level one cibilic you get 28k an hour now that means 12 level one cibilic give eight high quality cloth a minute I don't know if those numbers line up I don't know if it's one per minute or slower per cix at level one so these numbers could actually like skew down or if you have like 20 of them well then you're getting like 50k an hour just from having 20 siix just throw into a base that's all grazing now the reason why it says 12 is because you can have at least three Pals making food like salads so I guess that kind of works out yeah it's kind of weird on the civix and it requires such an insane amount of work just to end up with the same as a quarry of regular aagon so there we go guys that is a breakdown of the best money-making methods in po world for 0.1.5 after the nail Nerf no black marketeer roasting doesn't count that's a glitch that's cheating same thing for any kind of duping for money so in the black marketeer inevitably gets patched and all those cheaters have to cry this is where you're going to have to look for ideas on moneymaking and then it could just come down to like yo legendary pal spars that's your ultimate goal for the game that's also your ultimate goal for moneymaking and it could just be really nice to get a system like that set up and there's other benefits to other money-making methods so I hope you guys enjoy the video hope you have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 5,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, Palworld money making, Palworld Money Farm, Palworld Money Guide, best palworld money making, best palworld money guide, afk money making palworld, palworld guide, palworld gold farm, palworld gold guide, palworld how to make money, how to make money palworld, money making palworld, palworld gold, palworld gameplay, Palworld afk money farm, Palworld Farm, gaming, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, Palworld nail farm, Palworld mining base, palworld ore station
Id: 3EnvXzD2X7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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