I Battled The New BELLANOIR Boss in Palworld

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so the new patch just dropped and there is a brand new boss in po world now we have to summon it and if I head down here not that one but that's really nice too or mining site there's also a ring of Mercy over here will not reduce the target's Health lower in one so you can't kill it if that's on that's so cool and you antique dresser don't care about that huh home World thunderclouds kind of cool transports you to the nearest base but this one right here my friends the summoning altar is what we need powerful pal to your base and it's definitely how to summon the boss ability goggles what are these oh cool so you can actually see what they're have that's awesome electric egg incubator too nice so many cool things also looks like my armor is damaged let's zip line our way over here get stuck on the ground do a barrel roll and then see if I can actually repair whatever my armor oh wow everything is broken thankfully I have resources to repair and the summoning alter takes 100 stones in 20 Paladium fragments interesting that's not really that much so let's fast travel our way over to our base up here where we have tons and tons and tons of eggs oh hi hi everyone how are you today let's see if we can build this thing oh my it's big I wasn't expecting it to be this large I've also heard that this boss will destroy everything on the area so it's not a good idea to put it in one of your regular bases maybe I should try a different base we can transfer to my or mining base that's probably the best one to to use since there's not much here to destroy that also look like a skeleton all right we're going to destroy this thing how do I do that again see disassembly mode we're going to get rid of that table since we aren't going to need that ever again you guys keep doing what you do best too oh yeah look at all that ore so let's try building this altar my goodness is that a large building uh right over here sounds good okay and don't worry we have a buttload of anubis' that'll charge it up too wow all right and the wandering Merchant got it oh summon powerful pal sell what does it say pal slab required I wonder how we get one of those I also think it might be a good idea to transfer everything back to my main base because this boss fight is going to get nasty and I really don't want everything just floating across the map that was actually pretty quick nice I'm pretty sure there's another chest over here that's nearly full too yeah there's a lot of wood in there so it doesn't look like the slabs can be crafted anyone anywhere in here there's no way to lock them I'm guessing they're probably from finding them in chests so I'm going to take out Anakin Skywalker jump on top of them and ride them over to the sanctuary to hopefully find one over here look how fast that boy can zoom and Let's cross her fingers that there's some chests at the sanctuary hello there please give me a thingy uh electric skill fruit wow this place looks kind of terrifying actually why is it so gloomy and fourth chest has the pendant of digital diligence that's the word I'm looking for nothing else interesting here Wildlife Sanctuary number three might have a chest or two for me let's open this one up quick M training manual interesting that's something new okay Grant small of XP when read by a pal huh and another one oh we got one of the scull the fragments how many do I need okay slab fragment deciphering bellor combine all of them to create a slab all of them how many is all oh we got another one okay can we combine two together oh that's a good one ancient manual yep okay I still can't combine them might be two maybe three or four five maybe hopefully not too many more than that so we'll go to number two and hopefully find two more there's none here am I going to have to do some dungeons Real Talk there's not even a chest here that's annoying so I'll make it to the end of a dungeon and de okay training manual tech manual thermal undershirts is that new H cold resistance to that's the same thing I have except worse all right well dungeon one completed stop shooting me it's annoying and dungeon number two training manuals ooh another slab fragment perfect dungeon number three entered a I didn't kill him all I got to kill it with this thing cuz he's going to explode on me stop it you're annoying you dumb bird thank you and dungeon number three completed more training man ah inventory is full balls what do I not need in here I don't even know anymore fiber we don't need fiber in our diet oh nice another slab fragment and a defense pendant so that should be the four of them right oh okay there's different tiers of them combine all what does that mean how do I combine them let's see if we get any more fragments out of this one training manuals and junk that's so annoying ooh refined no that's one hoping it was four those aren't good enough dungeons I don't think number five another slab fragment there okay is that what I needed come on slab fragments we got five now why can't I maybe I need to take it back home so let's take these crystals back here to our base and see what we can do hm that is weird combine all of them to create a slab I don't know what that means do I need to combine them at a workbench like would this work here I mean this is the workbench thing right ah banor slab okay five of four oh we almost have enough to get the big one there's an epic interesting craft that it's done okay acquire slab oh boy I'm concerned now that means I need to get my good armor on uh better armor I guess the shield should have enough we need to gather all of the best of my pals oh it's a base thing isn't it cuz you have to summon it in the base that means I can bring out a whole bunch of Pals and also put away a whole bunch of Pals we don't need you friends all right let's sort by level we want the best of the best falope sure Baston yeah you guys are going to be great perfect paladis level 50 paladis that'll be awesome we'll grab a couple more of these in there Frost alion for good measure I did uh build up the lord of the darkness Zeus we have Shadow freak you guys can all have fun we have a Helios as well why do I have a 45 too too I didn't even know that was possible oh shiny can come play too why not right all right I have no idea what to expect out of this but we have some insane Pals here ready to defeat the boss make sure my recording settings are all looking fine looks like we're going time to put a thingy in the thing of a bob summoning alter slab for what where is it did I forget to pick it up no it's right here all right open oh great well here we go summon the powerful pal all structures in your base will be destroyed and All Pets on base will be incapacitated oh B s yes I do want that I mean I don't oh my goodness attack friends I need to get out oh my goodness the sky just went dark whoa get him that's not so hard oh no the Toko too blew up I mean that was kind of obvious here let's just unload here yeah yeah yeah oh giant Frost ball oh this is fantastic I don't even know what bellor looks like all right uh beam Comet let's do one of these oh there it is there it is it got out a little bit quick attack oh wait where'd it go oh you went up top interesting interesting idea you guys are doing a lot of damage and I'm proud of you I don't think anyone is oh the syate thugs have showed up what are you doing here dinguses whoa look at that attack thankfully it didn't hardly do anything to to uh whatever Shadow freak there no no no no no that's illegal too that is so cool looking okay someone's doing insane damage too whoa what was that noise somebody just broke is it dead banor where are you friend okay oh you respawned at the base whoa you attacked my box good thing we didn't move everything there this isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be I've done literally nothing all right Anakin you're the chosen one do your thing and Helios was the one I I assumed would do the great work oh my goodness that was cool somebody is doing some serious crits wow thank you everyone oh Helios is going to or banor is going to die in a second I mean there's 800 hit points yes boss eliminated go in ragd doll mode I didn't even try to tame it oh balls I think one of the things that it can do is drop I items H maybe I need to put everyone away oh shiny survived that's good news oh now everyone's doing work too I got to let them all eat they're just nomin like crazy right now you guys are eating every single Berry in this entire Place aren't you there a bunch of eggs for you we should have switch that over I think eggs are a little better I have no idea where the loot went though well that's uh quite annoying I don't see any loot maybe it fell down cuz they did die right on the edge I guess that means we summon the boss again so good news my friends I've gone through probably 15 Dungeons and well I've gotten lot and lot of things but I have 11 of these and four more of the regular fragments so I think it's time to defeat the boss again all right I take that back I went through way more than 15 dungeons I did every single one of these and I saw that we have a mening up here that I've never actually attacked but yeah hit all those dungeons hit these and hit all of the fire ones and that's what I've got so let's craft these up right quick quick here we go make it down bellor thingy myob got one let's do the other ones we're going to make three of these and by three I totally mean two kind of excited about this oh why did you disappear you came back then you disappeared makes me sad in my heart also where is the like indicator to see how far we have to go wow this might actually take a long time to craft oh there's the indicator nice got them both I'd also like to junk jump off all the junk in my trunks which is kind of a lot of junk in the trunks now a lot of these manuals and a lot of the schematics and stuff if I wasn't so lazy I would probably ceue up a whole bunch of iron ingots and then make better chests fine I'll do it you talked me into it look at the giant chicken too he's a lucky one all right pal metal ingots I don't need that but let's Max that out real quick start production a visitor is headed towards my base oh that poor fella he doesn't know that we've captured every single human pal and put him in this box he could join them if he wanted not going to lie problem is I don't have any legendary spheres so it might be difficult and I have no idea where he is we have bosses to kill though hopefully these guys have mined they haven't all right do your mining whoa It's synchronized mining look at this everyone's dancing at the same time I would give it a 10 on a 10 for the Olympics that was actually pretty ridiculously cool wonder if all 12 of these guys can take out one of these bosses where' the thing go did it break itself so it did it broke its own summoning Shrine weird maybe it breaks it automatically I guess we'll just build another summoning alar I want it to be closer to the center of the base so we'll build it there and all of the nises immediately get it done all right can you guys clean up all the trash on the ground for real oh they're so good at this game way better than I'll ever be now we're going to purge all of you out of existence sort by PA level that is such an ominous look my goodness all right somebody's decid exciting to mine we don't have time for that friends we have time to destroy this other boss we going to summon it again and then we're going to summon the other two big ones where are you banor okay I got to try and capture oh banor appears to be immune to Spears my goodness wow I love that kill it dead all right what we're also going to do all of these things just came back didn't they was going to casually mine some hor well everyone's defending an endgame boss my goodness is that cool when it goes into the the big thing who Okay that was the yep that was the thing breaking again I want to get some shots in oh that's so much damage my goodness uh-oh something else just broke don't care maybe I do that's a lot of ore on the ground all right all right all right all right everyone all right all right you guys are going away I need to know where the boss was was they should probably eat snacks too okay the boss is over here did you drop loot today I seriously want loot There's No Loot there did I just randomly collect loot I don't think I did I don't think I had that egg in my inventory though h a huge dark egg could that be from this did I automatically get it I might have if I did I totally destroyed the egg in the last time because I know it was in the inventory I just didn't think of it so that wasn't so hard let's try the more difficult one okay let's uh open up another one yikes summon the oh we only want one in there hold up open control click there we go fingers crossed friends fingers crossed this could be way way way more difficult has 450,000 XP my goodness oh it still gets melted pretty quickly though yes oh that's why I put so much work into building up a Dream Team wa okay okay we're still fine Shadow freak I need you to do fun things like uh spirit flame Spirit flame uhhuh and then it missed it oh all right you know what you go do what you're going to do anyway there it is there it is the big freeze happening love it oh shiny no shiny just got nuked wow this one actually doing way more damage which makes sense right Victor and Shadow beak are almost dead so are some of the frost alion okay we have S problem things are dying oh including me get in here is you guys to go back fall down we're bringing in wave two that hurts that hurts it's a little painful my goodness don't do that again hot dang was that deadly guys you have to attack banor I was afraid about this I just collected a bunch of resources right next to the thingy oh boy that's bad that's really not good and all of my things are dying oh I have 100 hit points get him out of here here all righty then she is insanely powerful my goodness can I just respawn I guess I can that's weird I have so many incapacitated Pals we have to get other things in here that aren't normally fighting with us everything is incapacitated oh wait that's the wrong drawer okay uhhuh you guys keep doing what you do best and not die there you go ding-dongs we're bringing in The Syndicate Elite too I just realized something too we're only down 100,000 damage we need way way way more damage than this and it's killed literally everything in my base what happens now like I physically cannot kill this thing they're only doing like one and two damage we got the Bowsers out here Shadow freak ate a fried egg that's fine he's supposed to my goodness I don't know what to do friends she's so stupidly strong we only need 150,000 d damage we did a third of it in the amount of time that we were supposed to I'm glad I didn't put both of things in now she's just running away wow that attack right there that's the deadly one that's the really you just killed wow wow hot dang was that hard oh my pals are sad now but the good news is I do have that egg if I put that in here H why doesn't that work oh neat these chests literally just popped up again too G spere hypersphere I'll take those please give me more fun things thank you handgun ammo and gold key is kind of cool and all right large Palo why are these not working okay I'll rebuild it I mean that's going to be one of the quests in the top right too so maybe this works now oh okay thankfully I have settings I got a bellor and a ferocious one too wait hold on hold up I didn't know we could tame the boss my goodness hey you come here oh look how cute it is it's so tiny nightmare Iris what's nightmare Iris do no target available for nightmare Ray what there's another oh that's the big boss interesting without existing she quietly gazed upon the world one day she was seized by a longing to be seen with unbridled lust for vengeance against reality thus was born the eclipsed siren handy workg medicine transport actually decent huh I wonder if you can breed them or are they always going to be dark anyway my friends that's going to do it for today's video pal World we're going to take out the Libra in another video so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten CDO RIT Le Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer ra BC engineer sarx Spencer te whiskey YH splatter sax Doug rules bread dton SE cander D pton plays fussy badge link hulet Kyler J Nitro nitrox y k and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 100,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld eggs, palworld condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld update, palworld bellanoir, bellanoir
Id: ZwN9aeVrcLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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