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let's start with some sweaty power world tips for the tryhards out there you can actually unlock the best Merchants day one so what you want to do is take the seab breze archipelago Reef spawn make sure you grab a life monk effigy on the way to the Statue of power that way you can get your catch rate up because you're going to need some T in pick up every pal spere along the way catch as many Pals as you can open every chest and then when you make it to Mount obsidian follow this path and you can get to the town and if it gets too hot for you use T to cool off there's a fast travel point there and the merchant which means now you have heat on armor unlocked and you can also just buy a gun without crafting building a base or doing anything little bit expensive but it's definitely going to give you a head start same thing to get to Dune shelter take the Eastern Wild Island spawn and then just swim your way across to the desert you don't even have to put any points and stamina to get there because of this nice little island in the middle now the desert is hot so you can use the armor that you got at Fisherman's point now the pals are very dangerous and you might die a couple of times getting there but you don't need anything to get to Dune shelter also the first thing you should probably do on a new play through especially if playing on normal mode and you don't have any items to lose is take a lot of deaths early on and then unlock the Fast Travel points by all of the respawn points and now you have a lot of the map just instantly accessible and right after making this video they nerfed it for balance so let's see how this interacts all right fresh single player world and that's our only respawn point but what if we just make our existing single player world multiplayer that gives us the ability to select a new respawn point now I also want to check if like you choose a respawn point you only get it once but no this works if you just make it multiplayer settings on single player don't know if that's going to get fixed or not also for all of my guides there's strong consideration for multiplayer because competitive is fun if you're going to be sweaty and build the best power world base might as well do it in front of other people wait but what if you don't have any money to buy all this cool stuff because you haven't made a base yet and we're not at the part of the video where I talk about automatic moneymaking like comment subscribe and share well by catching a lot of Pals you get tons of experience quickly also Al by exploring Mount cidian and the desert you can get hyperspheres which means clearing out dungeons is going to give you a lot of money also the lower level Alpha Pals in the Overworld drop the precious resources that you can sell and then you can even use the hyperspheres to catch the bosses at the end of a dungeon a lot easier and here's a tip for a good early game pal team just stack rubies because they give a lot of bonus damage spam rubies nuke Alpha Pals get the experience in loot open dungeon chest and profit also it's better if you get Fox Spark's harness with four rubies and then you just dissolve enemies oh yeah and I forgot to mention with all the early game stuff you just need eight wood three stone one palum fragment and the pow boox unlocked which everyone is just going to do naturally and you can make infinite respawn points so you build up the pow box you make some progress and if you feel like it's a little sketchy or I don't want to lose all the progress I've made you just destroy it from the map and you get all the materials back oh no I'm about to die whatever should I do wait I just dismantle the base and it goes back into my inventory easy now once you level up a bit build out a base upgrade it a few times having Vixie in a ranch is really good because you get pal spheres and arrows passively also if you condense Vixie and get the level four grazing you can start finding meas spheres so it just means like yo every Vixie you see in the game catch it and then start condensing for your grazing Vixie and you just get tons of resources passively that scale even into the mid and late game because it's really nice when you turn around and go oh I just have like several hundred p spheres and even a few megas spheres so I can use that to farm the lower level Pals that I need for condensing or finding passive skills and stuff grazing tip work speed does not increase the rate at which materials are gathered so passive skills don't really matter but you can optimize it by Mak it to where your Pal's less hungry loses less sanity or is faster that way they're quicker when eating at the feed box or going to bed or just kind of moving around but yeah the most that you can do is really just upgrade it through the matter condensing then you can get a lot of resources that way and don't waste your time on Ma please it's such a blatant Noob trap because you only get 10 gold per Harvest and even if you're thinking like whoa but what if I'm matter condensing and I have a level five and it's just printing 50 gold every time so fast well actually no it rolls between 10 and 50 so you're not always getting the max value and all of this condensing and all that time just better spent on other Pals that need their abilities to get ranked up and when you really look at the numbers just any mining pal at a a mining station is going to give you more money in rocks than ma but I guess kids just look at and go oh but it gives me direct gold therefore it's passive gold when there's so many other passive farms in this game that are just better now if you really want a pal that's worth condensing it's cibilic and not for the high quality cloth that money isn't worth it either but it's to get its max level blizzard Spike to do obscene amounts of damage and that obscene damage is boosted even further with Pals that have attack power increase more on Partner skills in a bit but let's watch civix pop off all right so you want to attack Jet Dragon at night with the blizzard Spike and then you want to use the skill again to stack that damage and just like that you do a crazy amount now depending on how crazy and psychotic you want to get about it you can have two cilic and you can swap it out and you can do the same thing again also like comes down to other abilities and stuff but by having just the blizzard Spike you're going to guarantee that hit you can call in sibl to keep it safe you can just run around and Dodge until the cool down comes up you can do a lot of damage really quickly to get ahead in the fight or you can just do some really crazy stuff and pretty much one shot jet dragon if you're that dedicated to farming it and yeah people say they have like Manda and they just grenade it and stun lock it off the mountain and then it dies from Fall damage so there's couple of weird ways you can cheese the jet dragon but I'm going to I feel like the devs might patch out flying Pals taking fall damage or or like removing that cheese at some point more about partner skills so blah is the goat they data mine the game they put it all into a spreadsheet gave us incredible information about power world early on that is still being utilized today go check out the Reddit post if you really want to know everything about partner skills that's recommended I also did a video about it so you can watch that but some pretty important stuff just for like quick tips about partner skills not every ridable pal increases speed when you condense it so these are the only mounted Pals that increase speed and also you can notice that wait level two so I just condense four Pals to get the level two gives me a 10% speed increase but then I only get 2% 3% and 5% at level five so yeah I realize that like yo you just need the level two you can get a lot of speed if you have the extras to go for level three just like a little bit of extra speed increase but it only works for these Pals and the returns drop off pretty hard also some pals are faster than others such as jet dragon so it doesn't matter if you just go for like a Max condensed other pal jet dragon's always going to be faster also that means you have to consider the passive skills to where if you just have Speedy passive skills where those are going to give you more than 10% speed so Swift gives a 30% increase to movement speed which means your univolt with swift is going to be faster than even a maxed out rhound at level five also it just kind of like shows some other weird things like diral getting 10% on the level two going to be slightly faster than a rhound and then you have flying Pals that also get a lot of speed and stuff but it does kind of show there is a benefit early on to where if you haven't got any crazy passives or if you have like a good dire hall or Nightwing you can increase their base speed just from a quick condensing and that doesn't apply to a lot of other Pals and then I mentioned range rcks here's all the pals and the types that they buff and the amount per level that they buff it by also the stacks so yeah you can have four Max spark hits and give you 80% damage to an electric type Pals attack I did a video on like crazy sweepa buffing where it's like yo you give your sweep 96% attack and defense by having all the maxed out s and it's not good it's not worth it so that's also like another tip just don't worry about like the sweet sweep of stuff especially when cix does so much damage now if you're a new player or haven't found out about quick stacking yet you can just press R in an inventory and it's going to Auto sort all of those items into the chest and you might be wondering wait why do I have all of these coins here well coins are really good ways of having like blockers for chest that way wrong item don't go into the wrong inventories so you can pretty much go I only want certain crops in this chest and then you just fill it up with gold coins because you always have gold coins on you so you can just quickly control click and then fill up the inventory and manage it how you want to now R gets in the way of that but I mean it doesn't really take anything to just go that and fix it same thing with the feed box that depending on what you want your pals to eat you can just fill up the rest of it with honey or cotton candy because they never spoil and as long as you have a good enough buffer they're also not going to be eaten by the pals because it's going to be the first item available that gets eaten and then you can just kind of make it to where your pals will eat exactly what you want and it's not going to get filled up with your farming resources another thing that changed after making this video is chest settings you can now customize the items that go into your food boxes but it is still pretty good to have the tech of coins or cotton candy just so extra stuff doesn't get in if you don't want it and different types of storage will have different selections if you're returning and miss the patch notes this is what the command center looks like now so you press V and then you can just kind of say oh I only want this pal doing one thing and you can easily select and choose what it does also not only does r quicksort you can use it to repair all in the repair bench there's also a pizza versus salad debate going on in the power world community and I'm on team salad because it's so much easier to make that all you need is lettuce and tomato Farm I did a video on making money with that also it's a 40 workload versus 320 workload so you make your salads it increases your speed you're good to go but Pizza takes quite a few more stuff and a little bit of extra manufacturing for the flower Pizza has a nutrition of 184 but also makes it to where your pals Stay full whereas salad is only 84 nutrition and doesn't have that but they give the same amount of work speed increase now the interesting thing is certain Pals they're actually not going to get hungry before the buff runs out but with salad they're going to keep that buff up because they will get hungry a bit more frequently so salad is better for work speed up time easier to make and easier to profit on next tip poison and fire op because the damage scales with health so that's really good against bosses that do tons of Health like look at that the Arrow does 10 and then I'm just ticking 200 and you can also stack the status effects so we'll have poison and fire happening at the same time fire doing slightly more damage so you just have consistent damage to keep up with also shock grenades op because you can stun log bosses with them it's not a 100% chance to stun but it does a lot now it's a little tricky to aim and hit them with it but that just kind of shows like if you have a pal that's supporting you with fire and poison damage and then you can keep them stunned also with your pal or the shot grenades you can cheese out a lot of fights that way so while playing the game for the first time you might have thought man I need to make the poison bow and it only shoots the poison arrows I'm going to pass but as you can see that's not the play in certain situations you can also teach your pals poisoning and burning moves with fruit so ignis blast is good poison blast is good if somehow you don't get access to those early on you can find ignis breath from the Fisherman's Village red Trader and dragon Cannon can also burn the opponent and it's a really good low cooldown move to have and the crazy thing about shock grenades is that they cost almost nothing to make you might see the regular grenade and go gunpowder I don't know if that's worth it but then the elemental grenades they just need the organs so yeah unlock that use it it's really good also one of the best Pals you can have in a base is dran Tide ignis don't let High palex number or habitat fool you that yeah you can Farm german tide ignis out here but you can also get it very very early on in the game huge dragon eggs from Mount obsidian hatch jman tide ignis so you just need the egg incubator and you can hatch it and also it helps to have a flying pal that way you can get around the mountain a lot easier but if you find a giant dragon egg GG easy now like with any working pal you want to go for Artisan serious work slave lucky probably not going to be something you get on it because the only way you can get German tide ignis through breeding is with two German tide ignis not anymore worker German tide ignis easy can also go for conceited here because that's just 10% work speed which means it doesn't really matter at that point and then a tip SL reminder is to upgrade the work speed of the best Pals that you have working in your base it might go overlooked sometimes so bring them to the soul Shrine and then if you got some spare pal soles just make them better okay now here's where things get crazy because we're going to be talking about Overworld mining the ores and rocks in the Overworld they're kind of crazy so here we have an Anubis with a crazy attack stat but only level three mining hitting about 50 damage on the Rocks here we have two aagon they're both level four in mining also doing about the same damage at the same rate despite having different work speed and different attack now my only observation is that maybe the higher attack aagon hits slightly higher slightly more often but that could just be RNG and that's the same if we throw a blaz out there it's going to look very similar to the aagon numbers so Anubis despite having 1,200 attack is doing less than the 300 attack aagon with 136 work speed but then the 747 attack aagon is mining at the same speed which is kind of shows this doesn't matter for the Overworld anymore it's going to be about the mining level now depending on the last time you played dig toys might have sucked for mining that is no longer the case it devours ore so the amount of damage is going to scale with its drill Crusher ability and that's it but also if you just have it out as a working pal it's still faster than any other pal we saw the aagon and blaz aut doing 70 per hit slowly that thing just did hundreds of damage instantly just being in the pow box so if you want Overworld mining base dig to is the play but also because it has LEL four mining it's really good for the quaries as well it's also worth noting that an update to the game changed working priorities so if there's an ore in the Overworld in your base they're actually going to leave the mining pit to mine that first then go back to quarrying Stone this is huge for or mining bases and also kind of shows the considerations that you want for the most Stone possible so level four mining pals are the play which means that you want to prioritize work speed on your pals so something like muscle head is is going to be really bad if you have a base full of mining Pals there's also some interesting Tech with dig toys to where an alpha digo is larger so it has a better chance of mining multiple ores at once so farming Alpha dig toise in the desert is also an option you can take now you might be thinking well none of that matters because of the new or mining site however this information about how Pal's damage rocks and the interactions with the base is still really good for coal mining bases money making and Ingot production has gotten pretty streamlined so you just make it to level 31 you get the or mining site too and then you put like four dig toys on it and you're set I go into more details and numbers and compared to other money-making methods in my money-making guide so go check that out if you want to know everything about making money in power world but you want like everyone has to have one of these in their base for just making resources or you can also turn the ingots into Nails in your downtime and then get money whenever you want you can also buy some of the new items from Merchants the Ring of Mercy you don't need to craft it and the multi-climate undershirt you can get without defeating Bella Noir now Bella Noir does drop the undershirt plus one and two so you do get a lot more resistances you can still find the new items at the Traders Fisherman's point and dune shelter have the ring of Mercy also I can't teach you everything about the game and where everything is but fortunately there's resources for that learn them use them so interactive maps pretty op you can just kind of choose whatever you're looking for oh dungeon running to make money here's locations for all of the dungeons doing some chest farming got you covered eggs they're everywhere good luck have fun finding the huge ones Alpha Pals sealed Realms Merchants you you understand it by now there's also some non-st resources you can check out like mining sites so yeah in a multiplayer server the best mining site which is this one right here which is where you find coal and ore probably going to be taken and we don't know how crazy the PVP is going to be with like base destruction and stuff does this become rust are there going to be like hardcore mods who even knows but at least there's multiple areas scattered throughout the game where you can just find a lot of War build your base around it and better than nothing so if I didn't get specific enough with a tip and you need some help there you go they can go to the pal World Reddit and they have a section for resources I personally really like palex doio because it has everything you can search by pal work suitability they have a breeding calculator the gas structure calculator they talk about the items I don't like the map as much cuz it's kind of like small and off to the side but also kind of shows more individual resource nodes no resource is perfect you might find like something somewhere in the world where it's like oh that wasn't on the map Genie map and then you forget about it and then you never find it again that's just how it goes stats calculator so there's IVs in power world which is why people do breeding actually people breed for the passive skills then breeding is made more complex by IVs for the maximum possible stats IVs give you up to 30% of stat so it's important which means before you go and condense all your pals into one of them make sure it has good IVs you can you can also see all of the passive and active skills for your pals compare Pals they have a couple of gods you can get a quick type reference but blockable spreadsheet has a very special place in my heart also flashbang warning even though I haven't really given those throughout the video this one felt a little too bright yeah you just use the direct copy link you make a copy of the spreadsheet I've kept this tab open for almost as long as power world has been out so we have a breeding parent search so how do you get Anubis any of these combinations what if you already have like a certain pal that has like good traits or passives or something well Frost alion will breed with any of these Pals and you get Anubis I have a breeding guide I did a video about like the insane breeding combinations that are possible in power worldl you can also like look it up for yourself depending on what you're going for maybe some kind of crazy build some kind of crazy worker pal and then you can get the combinations going that way also cake super duper important you're pretty much going to have to dedicate most of a base to producing cake and I have a on that now there is some Nuance depending on if you have a really good passive money Farm because then you can go without the ranch and just kind of buy the raw ingredients so that's kind of a possibility also if you're looking for what Pals drop what legendary schematics here you go this is a game eight page and you can find all kinds of stuff here so it's like yeah ring of resistance plus one from alpha love Ander who would have guessed looking for Ring of resistance plus two doesn't exist and then you get the attack defense life pendant plus one plus two depending on high higher level dungeons so have fun farming that here's something cool penit op because it does the most amount of burst damage with its partner skill and penet even has Tech that it actually doesn't get koed if its stats are high enough now it's still goes on cool down but you can use your pen goet to fight so by Max condensing a penet giving it some defensive passive skills and then other upgrades it just kind of survives and that's where like you have this crazy high damage potential by giving it Pals that boost water attacks so in this case it's going to be kelpsy uh real quick here's some ragn Hawk propaganda someone on Reddit says it's one of the best Pals in the game decide for yourself except wrong no they just nerfed ragna Hawk too big to fly around in dungeons also mounted Pals got nerfed from 2x damage to 1.2 damage but ragnok is still a pretty good pal so don't let the anti-propaganda fool you kindling three transporting three is perfect for orb es because it can take the ores from the new mining station and then smel them as fast as they're being produced actually faster so one ragn Hawk will keep up with four dig toys and you can get it from large fire eggs in Mount obsidian so you get one of these early you craft the saddle and then you can get life monk effes really fast best passive skill combination for a worker pal best combination for a fast mounted pal best combination for highest damage pal best combination to do the most amount of damage with a specific type of attack so the previous one with lucky gives you 15% attack and that's just going to be if you're using a variety of moves but if you have something like these civix you actually want ice Emperor instead of Lucky so actually when I was using cix ice Emperor would have been better because it gives me more damage also I feel like with the way the damage calculation interacts it's going to be more than just like the 5% because we have the flat Elemental damage on top of the Pal's attack damage and then you swap that out for whatever type of pal you're dealing with we have lord of the sea for water types that's going to be really good for Panget Divine Dragon that's what you get when you capture jet dragon this is the passive combo for a battle Mount pal and going back to the post about passive skills it gets complicated because yeah there's damage added to mounted Pals and frost alion even has a little bit extra added onto it so Frost alion and frost alion knocked swap the players damage type to ice and dark respectively just without the attack increase to the player however because the player's attack become that element they gain the element damage boost of 50 to 100% so Frost alion is good for mounted player damage and mounted pal damage Swift isn't mandatory if you want to have more damage on top of damage you can do that but it is good to have the speed and extra evasiveness and also if you don't want an allout Max attack pal Burly body is always an option you give up a little bit of damage but it could pay off with the survivability however just like recalling your pals when they're about to eat an attack is like BattleTech but that's the guidance on what passive skills to breed for what the Pal's goal is if you need to farm pal souls and Tech manuals got a guide for that even better the crusher now converts pal souls and it's only two for the next tier so two small gives you medium two medium gives you large and you can break them back down also another returning Player thing so you might have heard about life monk effes being bugged and reducing player capture power or something that's been fixed but it was also kind of false so what happened was the odds that were showing to the player were not the actual odds and the game treated it as though you always had capture power level five so even if you upgrade to 6 7 8 910 it actually never reduced your capture power even though that's what a lot of people were crying about so while you weren't getting benefit from it you never wanted it to be reset but it's all fixed now so go get Max capture power and catch Legendary Pals easier and while very obvious I think it's another good reminder that you can exceed the pal base worker cap by just sending out a pal so if you know you're going to be in the base for a while you're building you're crafting you're doing technology stuff yeah send your pal out it's going to contribute that's pretty nice probably should have put that earlier on the video with all the early game stuff and I have full power to do so kind of don't want to at this point so there's some pal skills you can't get from skill fruit but you can get from breeding here's the list and an interesting note you can breed Megaton implode from too Toco onto any pal that has like the breeding chain this list was posted in a redit Thread about someone that made like the ultimate nuke lamb Ball but here's the thing this lamb ball doesn't have megga ton implode it just has implode also as you might have seen it does a lot of nines to the lamb ball so no amount of defenses is surviving that unlike the penet and on top of active skills from skill fruit and breedable skills there's also exclusive skills that a lot of Pals get here's the list good luck have fun game eight also coming in with a list of purchasable Pals this is something that I could not find for a long time after the game's release and it also comes with a little bit of tech that you can get higher level Pals because a lot of the pals on Mountain City and those are going to be like level 30s and stuff you can actually buy them from the pal Merchant so you can get like early rep Tyro and Pyon and stuff very expensive but you can do it underleveled now there's already a lot of good tips and tricks that I've made in other video so I'm just going to splice those in here to hit 100 also don't underestimate the power of the pal it shows the possible drops from the pals as well oh that reminds me to remind you that bushie drops ingots so if you're doing a no catching pal challenge you can actually get ingots even though you don't have the kindling to smelt them this can be used to make weapons and tools as well as the advanced workbench but there's currently no Pals that drop refined ingots unless a new pal in this update drops refined ingots in which case you should have access to mostly everything because once you get to the endgame legendary Pals they drop pal medal so keep an eye on future pal drops and also be aware of the possibilities with pal World challenges also I didn't realize how good palex doio has gotten for the individual pal Pages we got the specific locations we have the breeding we have the early acquisition pal skills even a little trivia blurb we Bulbapedia now this is crazy so if you go to the pal deck you might see that characters are gray out but you can check their habitat and it doesn't doesn't matter if you caught them or not you just need to make sure you're on the right one this was the first mistake I made I thought like you had to catch it to be able to find the habitat but if you've seen it and you don't remember where you can just kind of find it anywhere and it's going to be highlighted on the map now this dude brought the tech when you TP while encumbered you can grapple to a chest I don't know who needed to hear this but doing shift plus Crouch is going to give you a combat slide and you can use it to preserve momentum and go even faster on the glider the grappler plus GL also has Tech so grapple switch Glide preserve momentum that's I wish I knew that to help beat the game before I had a jet dragon Zoom through everything so yeah there's a lot of questions about how type coverage actually works in pal world is there stab how does the interactions go beyond this well fortunately we have a handy dandy Reddit post pal attacks are super effective against the type shown when attacked with the corresponding element the numbers will be shown in red similar to a head shot to indicate super effective damage pals are also resistant to the same elements that they're super effective against and their own element these numbers will be shown in Gray to indicate not very effective damage what do you mean not very effective damage exists in power world what what do you mean it's just like the reverse of the thing and its own typing I it see like you get something like this you also look at how simplified the type chart is like oh Fire's op it's the only one that hits two and then everything else is pretty nice and straightforward nope there's resistances dual type Pals will follow the same rules for both of their elements this can cancel out a weakness for example pink King being ice and water will take normal damage from fire attacks indicated by white numbers makes sense but yeah the Dual typing does complicate that a little bit and then WTF is stab stab stands for same type attack bonus it's a small bonus to attack damage if your pal shares a type without attack fire pal will deal more damage with a fire attack than a pal of a different type using the same attack Community has calculated this to be about 20% stab is in power world take note I thought this was obvious but it got a lot of upvotes on Reddit recently so if you have any kind of pal Trader you can just put them in the box and then bring them back out and that's going to reset their trades so it's really good for potentially farming certain kinds of Pals or looking for passive skills something very useful a map with all the levels so even though I've pretty much beaten the game up until this point I'm in the hyper endgame I still don't really pay attention to all the levels of the areas also if you're doing like another playthrough and you want to plan things out this is very useful because it shows all of the different regions and then the level of the Overworld Pals that you find inside of that region also here's something I covered in my Daydream video but it kind of got buried there if you go to the boss room and you don't like the pal that you're facing either because you're trying to catch something else or maybe it's just too strong there are boss Pals that are just weaker because of the base stats you can actually reset it by going a couple of rooms away and then coming back and it's going to change the boss pal that spawns so tomat has now become Daydream and we get a highgrade technical manual now that I don't need it anymore let's see what else do we have looks like an addendum to my breeding guide since I couldn't find any info on the range of heaters I decided to try and get a rough idea as to how far away the heating effect travels this is about it that's as far as you can place it and still have it heat the egg 180 Plus hours in I'm the proud owner of every in-game legendary schematic without butchering any pal I didn't know butchering Pals was like necessary or really needed for that but this got a lot of up votes so yeah you can just grind It Out by fighting all of the boss encounters um PSA for anyone who hasn't unlocked this but is considering it don't waste the tech point points thought it'd be cool to create a graffiti wall in my base and while it's neat to see the paintings they disappear after a minute or so yeah I haven't messed around with the decal gun sounds like a cool thing but it doesn't really do anything uh let's change the pace or change the topic in this video choose one rest will be sent to the butchering station Choose Wisely this isn't even hard like why is it this one relax orus is whatever I I never like it looks a little too Dopey for me depresso is a meme Anubis is just a Ario ripoff and chillet is the best so like this is the easiest one of these ever now you put quer and chillet and a couple others in there and now we're having problems that's where I stand on this discussion like comment subscribe all storage units and how much space they have so just a nice little informative thing uh the pal container that was my biggest mistake cost so much I put made it like a central part of the storage in my base but then no just the metal storage has 40 24 on this 20 on the lockers lockers suck any of the decoration just kind of suck because it's more resources to get the same amount or less space maybe it helps like because you can put them in a nice little spot but yeah overall kind of weird other storage 15 12 10 so on would be really neat to have this information in the crafting menu at developers and that's it for me I'm tired if you have any tips put them down below because there's always another tips and tricks video to be made it's just so good in the you YouTube algorithm if you enjoy the video please share like comment all of that fun stuff it helps out more than you can imagine hope you guys enjoyed hope you all have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 2,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, Palworld Gameplay, Palworld Guide, Palworld Tips, Palworld Beginner Guide, palworld tutorial, Palworld tips and tricks, gaming, palworld walkthrough, Pokemon, best palworld guides, guide, best pals, palworld pals, Palworld Pokemon, palworld advanced tips, Palworld Ore farm, palworld ore locations, best palworld base, palworld rare locations, Palworld Breeding, Palworld mining guide, Palworld technology points, Palworld types explained, best tips, top palworld tips
Id: 9pQIAn5qDQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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