I Bred The BEST Legendary Pal in Palworld

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so you guys really enjoyed the fact that I caught every single human available some of you guys even told me to catch all of the tower Pals and put them in just like Victor and Shadow beak unfortunately there's a slight problem with that they made a patch where you can no longer damage the tower bosses and well frankly you can't capture them anymore but possibly it's coming back because of this tweet I also got a lot of comments here about Alpha Shadow beak and having lucky instead of Lord of the darkness also you guys wanted me to name him something different and I really enjoyed Shadow freak cuz he is kind of a freak of nature now my idea behind not getting Lord of Darkness is because we can change out the different skills we can put in different ones in anytime we wanted to and there's like air cannon shock wave and I kind of wanted to try out the spirit flame cuz I like that one and giving them lots of them that are really powerful and expensive is just kind of difficult but there are all of these seeds that we can give to people and I just think it's kind of funny like giving Shadow freak is seed SE a machine gun can't words but I had another idea partially from the comments these Frost alion knocks are really really crazy Pals technically speaking they have the highest attack I believe so what would happen if we created one of these with lord of the darkness and our pal Victor and Shadow beak has this dark wisp skill which is weird and I want to use it so my brain has a question is if we take one of these can we breed it oh also the chests are back that's cool all right Victor and Shadow beak oh we can assign you to a breeding Farm that's weird oh wow large paliso in that chest delicious so I'm wondering if we take like a female Shadow beak and breed it with Victor and Shadow beak if it'll work I'm guessing we're going to get something entirely unrelated here and they have cake so do it it works all right that's cool kind of awkward but it's still cool well it appears as if an egg has been created so it's a huge dark egg whatever is going to come out of this would be cool if it was a shadow beak but I have a feeling it's probably not oh it is a shadow beak interesting muscle head lucky ferocious Legend those are the stats we want but it has spe flame and air cannon not the proper attack cuz we really want that dark whisp you had to roll the H well it looks as if two more eggs have popped out and if we can do this with the Shadow beak we should just be able to breed it with a yman tide and if we can do that we'll make the Healer Life Saver thing which we can breed with the frost alion to create the frost alion knocked now I would like one of these to have good stats plus that dark wisp skill it's really weird how they just get all sorts of things like how did this one get ice missile and air cannon just strange got one more here and if this doesn't work we're going to remove some of the skills from them or whatever these things are called I we'll attach the regular egg come on buddy come on give me that dark wisp all right those are the good stats other than the Dark Lord that we need to get somewhere else but please Dark Laser I haven't seen that one before or have I I might have I don't know but I do want to remove Spirit flame and can I just actually see yeah you've got Dark Laser too my goodness you have a lot of skills so it's been a hot minute and a few more eggs have baked it is time to make some more of them up now it could be a little bit interesting I've seen the dark wisp on a few of them but not with perfect stats or should I say perfect passives not stats I don't know there's some of you guys who like 100 IV just big weird things I don't I don't get everything and maybe I should but there's a shadow beak with Legend mulehead ferocious and lucky it doesn't have the Lord of Darkness like some of you want me to have but I'm fine with that so let's take a lookie lookie in the box and see what kind of fun we have all right so okay that only has the pal blast and air cannon Spirit flame let's go back come on okay we got the Dark Laser the dark Wiis there it is musclehead ferocious with dark wisp I'm hoping ooh a legend and lucky with dark wisp but we don't want lucky we want Lord of Darkness so all of these are still kind of meh I mean this one's pretty good but I don't want that veil of Darkness so I'm just going to breed up a bunch more so good news Kevin the intern has been wandering around and we purged a few of the egg eggs but Victor here made a baby a baby that will be very good for us this baby right here dark wisp Legend ferocious lucky and musclehead some people say that this might be the best one dark lord could fit in there too but now we get to start breeding this fellow so it does get a little bit weird and I might have should have maybe trying to find other ones but yep you're going to come in here I'm still going to try to get a couple more because this is where the game is going to get really hard we need to mix the shadow beak with a knock or in inin incinerator Ram whatever they're called if I can find one do I not even have one a balls that's not it cuz we need to make repos I think there's one all right it's got runner skill and you're a male so we need to go get a few more of these I'm pretty sure they're in the spicy Zone you know if I was a genius like I personally am not I could have just looked in here try to page through this list twice because I can't read properly what number are you in in a ram I didn't think you were this high up are you really on the par with the Suzuka and the falis no of course not there you are where do you locate yourself at all right other side of the island beautiful I can zoom over there in a matter of seconds why are there so many fish I don't care about the fish I care about the ram right now there we go you know the drill we shoot them in the face one time to see if they get hurt ooh you don't like the bullets all right you're actually kind of spicier than I thought I get captured I should just threw a regular sphere ow stop ow I don't even have things get in there I should probably go after the females though because that's what I really need right now why do you have so many hit points my goodness got one oh that one's ferocious too I actually needed that skill all right get in there and you too did you not learn what I said to get in there come on don't hide in the tree get in the sphere oh made it we're going to use you to make lots of little weird babies that was a masochist perfect for my needs and this one is oh terrible we might need a few more no why did you you Dingus ah Jeet Tron Anakin Skywalker killed all the sand people again nope did you see that Dodge I've been playing Elden ring just kidding never touched it and Tada give me some good skills just one or not all right we're going after the females we don't need the male so let's just eradicate that one ooh that was a good crit you must have some bad skills there like like negative defense we don't want that all right the hypers Spheres are not nearly as good but hopefully they'll still work get in there come on some good skills all right that's actually great there's no skills that's beautiful that's almost better W almost tickled me I don't like being tickled now get in there all right hydromaniac I'm going to see I've got one more sphere and thankfully we have one more female volunteer for this uh experiment don't worry you can be inbred like by 13 Generations if you are careful ow all right get in there all right we'll switch over to gigas Spears now I don't think these are ouch going to do anything though something cool all Veil to Darkness nah that's still a 24% chance don't really care about another male but it might be nice to have one okay insulated a body positive thinker and a saddest dumb all right now let I know the Giga Sears work let's collect a few more or at least I thought they worked come on incin get inside of there maybe you're an incin E I wanted to catch a jump on that one to get Rocket into space but all right Blood Of The Dragon me these two fellas are proving quite toxic oh I missed right now oh and then I got the ignes or the Les punks whatever you are hey little punk I don't like you hey a glutton I don't want a glutton why can't I get any good skills on these go away you guys want to anger the Beast you Ang the Beast he's not even the big scary Beast here's a shadow freak right here have this one instead he's going to teach you the whole new meaning of pain my friends oh that's going to be really bad that charged yeah that was amazing well done Shadow freak you've killed literally the entire environment I'm proud of you you're in your spiky collar also I'm a little bit depressed that I can't fly through there aw I'm also sad that I used up literally every single one of my good spheres so we're going to have to go make a bunch all right so so we've got that male that's got the dark wisp we need that female did we get a female with nothing where are you there you are female and cam with nothing pop you in and then you two are going to make some sort of other weird creature I already put the the cake I need in there so nice hopefully that's the right one and hopefully this doesn't take a long time but I'm going to grab all these eggs and see if anything cool comes out of here so out of all of those eggs I got another Shadow beak that has a pretty decent skills we have the dark Wisp and but we have workaholic too I think we should be able to remove that this one was also a female so I can use a male and cinam with hopefully some good skills we didn't really get many ferocious will work for me plop you in here boink and maketh ye babies oh no cake the other good news is that we finally have some of these large scorching eggs so we can hatch these up and we need to get dark wisp yet again plus probably some good stats because these repos my goodness we already got the good stats on repo oh I need to check let's just check wouldn't it be crazy on the first one to get a rep Tio with Lord of Darkness a fire air and Inus blast that's not what we were hoping for whatever we've got unlimited eggs so let's just waste our afternoon oh there's another one there's another one oh maybe I don't have a limited afternoon I would like to play other games today too oh no oh he get blast again and yes I know this is not the optimum way of doing all of this but I mean it's better than nothing to try to get there oh a third one my goodness please a ah oh we got one with a dark wisp that's good progress but the thing is I have to breed one of these fellas with the necris wherever that is and I don't have any of the skills really good on the necris besides Legend and Lord of Underworld actually are those ones I need oh they are no no no we have lucky we need ferocious ferocious muscle head and then the other two not quite there okay we got two more eggs I did get one of another one of these rep Tios with good stats when I was breeding them o okay so we have the Ferocious H we need muscle head ferocious muscle head we don't need legend or just a regular muscle head there are a few of these that have the good stats and the dark wisp oh but it doesn't have muscle head I need that on you repo that one's good but it doesn't have the dark Wisp this is just adding oh muscle head but this one doesn't have ferocious we're getting so close yet so far away it's just a matter of time now before they pop on babies my dudes we got our ferocious muscle Head with dark wisp this is good news for us now this is a male also it's quite large and in charge but Mr dark whsp you're going to start making us some more babies we need to put you in this cage W you're big I want to know what a shiny one of those is like how big that could be and then we need the necr necris NEC these guys okay we have a male and a female which is awesome because this one's a male so we need to put the female in here now you two are going to make weird Offspring we're getting super close now and this is going to be hard because we're going to need a lot of luck with the passive skills no don't go up okay you can go eat I don't care you've been Stu in that box for like 6 months now we're going so through so many of these flipping eggs but finally we have well one and a half of these made a large dark egg it's going to be delicious because I believe this is the uh hell Zer Hellfire I don't know oh yeah it is with ferocious wouldn't it be cool if like the first one we had got uh dark wisp nightmare ball see this is where it's going to be hard again thankfully Kevin the intern's walking around and we can Purge this system slightly I trade any kind of of pal I bet you do I kind of feel bad about this but I'm getting rid of literally everyone that doesn't have dark wisp some of them do but a lot of them don't hey this is kind of cool news we got our first Lord of the underworld which is good but it doesn't have the it has wings of death but it doesn't have the dark wisp so we got to keep working on those so I did just get a little bit of an upgrade this guy ried Hero Dark whis Plus four is good enough for me hello friend you going to go make some babies go over here jump in the box with an necromance now we're going to grab these four my goodness I I think I've bred somewhere close to 200 creatures in the last couple hours oh I can't even do that in there I have to do it in that thing my brain is turning to Jello and you know what I'm actually getting hungry I'm going to kind of leave this go AFK over lunch and see what kind of a mess I get myself into o I'm hoping that I can get like the four stats across two of these because I don't think I'm going to get the perfect four just with that to setup seems pretty rare to get lord of the underworld plus the dark wisp we occasionally do get one of them but yeah there's one right there but that doesn't have any of the stats we want that one does but it doesn't have dark laser stupid what is a wings of death for give me rid as aone applies dark damage to players attacks while mounted spicy well some more time has passed and I've been sitting here I think I think I'm over 400 eggs now I wish I was joking but I'm not I've gone through so much cake but the good news is I do have some of these ziers up here I've got two breeding pairs of them and they're working they're they're doing the work it's taking forever but my friends I did just get one of these eggs that shows the right stats now the question is if it has the Lord of Darkness stat on it oh boy we got to find my way through this mess too uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh nope and oh uh-huh there that one oh it's got the right stats but no Lord of Darkness no oh it's so annoying now the question is do I use this guy to breed others with the Lord of Darkness or do I just call it good I don't know I don't know the the proper etiquette of breeding right now like you have well that one's not the right one but this one the one wherever it was it has everything that we need except the dark wisp I also don't know where it went oh there it is yeah it doesn't have dark wisp so the question is do I use it anyway and just pair it with someone with dark wisp we going to try it we have an empty room right now I'm also bringing up a couple Frost stallions because I want to try to get one with like minimum skills too so this girl needs a strong independent young man with dark Wisp and preferably nothing else or legend that should be fine now oh you just make babies do your baby making thing now my goal with these Frost stallion is that I would very very much like frost aliens to have like no skills and I'm trying to breed them down so they have nothing or you know until they have four actually pretty good stats like that no just kidding you're going to get condensed I wouldn't mind just having straight Legend on these but whatever I mean it's tough o one left this guy's been making me a lot of money too I mean been selling Pals and condensing them I kind of feel bad except they're just pixels on the screen oh none of these are good you know I just had one of those epiphanies actually that one's not bad Legend muscle head ferocious oh and my inventory is too full my brain was thinking here for a second why don't I just skip the frost alion stage why do I need to breed those together why don't I just grab something like I it needs to have Legend on it right but like why can't I put a legend muscle head in with this like the workaholic to try to get just straight up something easier and we're going to get the frost ellion knocked out of this regardless so why don't we just Yeet you in there grab these three eggs and then we'll just kind of skip that stage except I still need to condense them and sell them Hey Kevin the intern we have we have things to sell kind of want to know what they do to all of these Pals maybe I don't so I'm just like selling all of the ones that don't have dark w spawn them and some of them that do and just bad other skills why not right so it appears if our first two eggs are ready here I really I mean this is going to be the frost alion knock or it it better be if if not I'm I'm in trouble I've spent like 6 hours on this okay muscle head Legend with the frost alien knock beautiful now could we do it like we did was it the RIS bolt and we got it on the third try that'd be awesome o Legend muscle head oh that's great but neither of these two ding have the thing that we're looking for we want dark wisp in there oh good news ferocious Legend lord of the underworld muscle head come on Mr Man do the thing it's got it it's got it we got the zypher with the perfect passive skills and active skill oh boy I'm so excited I'm so excited I'm so excited this has been so long um do I put it with the oh it's some female too all right we can do this I need you for your loins whatever I don't even know the proper words right now get in here and now we can probably get rid of like that group and we probably don't need a bajillion more of the cyphers being made up but I want to see come on this should be the knocked again right all right I mean Legend muscle head is good it didn't have the possibility of making the other one so this could be good this could be I I'm I'm positively I don't even know the word optimistic there we go I literally just got a second one could you a I mean it's kind of the third one right but I did just get another one of these uh with the dark wisp oh two of them oh no that one's got diet lover ain't nobody got time for diets not when there's tons of cake around and that one did come from the which was the group The these two that didn't have it so that's cool now the question is do I want more of these or should we just try breeding yeah we can remove you too now we're going to bring you in and put you with a nice Frosty girl also dark o clock is here and I can't see Forest cuz the trees or whatever that stupid saying is I buttload more eggs that I haven't even done anything with you know what I should do you know what I should do a tad bit of condensation not the Rainy kind like when you take a shower for a long time and then after the shower you're like hot dang why is everything in this bathroom covered with water yeah that that's it's a different kind of condens I don't really understand you know what let's just uh let's just genetically match some things together we have 100 in the inventory my goodness most of these are junk I mean they're living creatures they're junk yeah like you two go away so that should be uh three star I don't quite have enough I mean you guys always yell at me and say that I can look right down here to see how many I have uh yeah I don't have enough for it so I can start breeding up another one like that and I don't know if the level of it when you breed it together works or not but I don't really care right now we're just going to EET you into there we're going to find a nice beautiful frost alen for you to do whatever you do I just need one with like please don't just don't have any any weird stuff I don't no baggage right now we're just trying to breed a perfect one and of course they all have weird skills I mean this one's [Music] okay Legend Vanguard or workaholic Legend it doesn't matter matter don't matter at all and now make the weird babies Yo all right so we got a bunch of frost alion knocked eggs right here we're hoping for it and I'm hoping for like two of the stats and then like dark wisp on it ah we don't need Burly body we're not going defense but that's nice not the lord of the darkness or whatever it is but we have three of the stats with the dark wisp that would be a strong one I'm just going to go hatch all these now oh you're absolutely kidding me we we got it does it have I I need it this one right here uh the one to the right of this has all four oh none of these uh-oh none of these are have okay there's a dark wisp if this one above it has a dark WIS we're good nope oh that was so close no dark WIS but the good news is well we can now breed that one with one that does have dark Wisp and hopefully that'll work better a that one doesn't have dark wisp either that's a legend my goodness it we're so close I can taste it I don't know what it tastes like but it's maybe coffee maybe I need more coffee so these aren't the perfect skills but hopefully there's cake in there yeah that'll work this Fell's got a little extra baggage hanging on the hydromaniac and unstable but he does have the dark wispy thing so that could work out oh another egg it's kind of fun cuz like all of these are super close and then every single second and you're like this could be the one I'm looking for and then you build it and it's like ah crippling disappointment that's a Vanguard we don't care at all about that what I do care about is putting these in here for later cuz if you remember we still have to have like 117 of these things to make the perfect fourstar why did you dinguses not go into the cage oh that's annoying oh my friend's the first oh two eggs yes the first two eggs of the pure bread if you can call them pure bread uh Frost ellan Knox are here this would be so sick first first egg first egg of course not I got suntan lover where did you pick suntan lover up at you don't even like this sun you're made out of Darkness just one of these eggs please just please be the one we need just please of course not but that's veil of darkness which is kind of weird there's another one there's another one lord of the underworld with everything we need oh oh please beautiful Pony yeah no that's the wrong I thought it would be in the oh oh no where is it that's it that's it we got it yes yes the perfect Frost alien knock dark wisp lord of the underworld ferocious Legend muscle head this thing is going to be insane for attacks that's 20% to attack damage attack attack attack and now I need to condense literally oh what we're going to call you the Lord of Darkness I mean it's a female can a female be a lord I don't really know the the atmology behind like that sort of thing but we got got it hot dang okay now I need 116 Frost alion knocks to slap inside of you where how do I where do where where are you there you are Lord of Darkness I kind of wish you could redo like the picture here or put something on it so you could see different oh my goodness all of these Critters want to be condensed right now and I can set these up go AFK for a while cuz I like for real I got to leave in about 8 minutes to go uh um to my kids parent teacher conference so that's cool yes I do have kids I have two of them if you were wondering so the condensation menu is here we have the Lord of Darkness in her beautiful Glory Let's uh go ahead and put all four of these in start condensing I'm so scared though let's double check yep whatever I don't care I just my biggest fear is losing one of these by like being dumb and clicking backwards yeah how how horrible would that be you spend literally eight hours trying to condense something and you're like hey and then you accidentally do the dumb 22 in inventory hot dang all right I'll be back in a bit so if there's something kind of satisfying about going AFK for a while and coming back and there's literally 60 eggs for you to go through I think this should be enough to level up to uh level four and then we get to go and get some XP in this thing so I think this is interesting there's no space available in the parbo Box I don't know what a parle box is but it's kind of funny I've been going through all of these there's more already cuz it takes so long to hatch the eggs it's like a NeverEnding treadmill of of breeding here but the good news is I only have 42 what the what the world what oh I've got yeah okay I need to I need to find Kevin here Hey Kevin how are you today would you like some Pals Kevin's like oh boy would I ever love Pals so I'm just going to feed him everything we don't need to give like these are so good I I just have to like close my eyes and click the buttons and then pre pretend that I didn't see anything oh I don't want to all my good ones okay all my good ones are currently in the breeding Factory I we can't we don't want to sell you oh oh it's so it's so sad goodbye friends it was nice knowing you thank you for all your sacrifice a nice cool 74,000 monies that'll buy me a lot of ammo I also like how the chest respawned my goodness would you guys stop making babies you're like rabbits over here it's all fun and games till the boss man removes the cake from The Brak Center no more baby making for you a huge dark egg stuck looks like I overdid it a little bit 105 in the inventory but whatever Lord of Darkness will consume all it is kind of annoying too some of these are really really really good but I mean what do I need them for right possibly if there's a second one that's a male cuz this one's a female right I think so I'm also a hoarder when it comes to video games so I want to keep absolutely everything but it doesn't matter because begin the condensation oh yes glorious Lord of Darkness how wonderful that is that's awkward to say now where is our other friend oh yeah Kevin's just hanging out in the Oasis and what Lord of Darkness didn't consume Kevin will cuz he's a hungry boy it was crazy out of all of those like 160 of them or so we only got two that are the perfect stats which is crazy to me regardless we have it now and it's time to go kill some bosses ooh open these up too delicious some spheres would be nice a golden key I always like having free stuff at my base the other question is do we even have oh yeah we can ride it's going to be a little bit slow compared to Anakin way slow but whatever it'll still be good and we can use dark wisp which I haven't actually seen but oh my that looks terrifying so many Big purpley Balls flying at it I know this Tower boss isn't very exciting but I I think it gives lots of XP and Lord of Darkness is only level like 10 oh balls that might not be good maybe we'll need to bring out Shadow freak first would you not oh Shadow freak with the 15,000 that was awesome and we got like eight levels on Lord of Darkness so that's good oh this will be very easy and Shadow freak's almost level 50 that's good the quiver probably will die oh amazingly fast just one little sneeze yeah that's oh wow okay quiver is is immune to that that's fun um yeah you're immune to Darkness but you're not immune to this that worked pretty good and another 14,000 XP beautiful so I know that the Anubis gives a lot of XP too whoop all right Shadow freak please do something that worked pretty well this skill is so stupidly overpowered too and falling back oh my goodness this is so much easier than it used to be when all my pals sucked I don't even care about taming you the queen will be ah run away oh no oh no oh thank you you saved me from the too too and you gave me a chest oh Palo on the ground and another 67 oh that's 185,000 XP my goodness that was cool Hello another boss this one is the axelent ozerk I think will be okay I hope we will and it's only 130,000 XP and Shadow freak likes to mess up people uhoh maybe not that could actually be very dangerous oh it wasn't so bad all right this is going to go okay should we bust out the Lord of Darkness just a little bit to see how this is going to go come on buddy you can do something I'm I assume let's hit him with the oh okay the metors that's the wrong side you still have a lot of hit points oh it's highly effective wait that was a frost attack why are you doing Frost attacks but I hear the Lord of Darkness oh there it is that's the one it's not doing very much stop it leave me alone because this guy is like immune to yeah all right I I understand but that one's good oh run away whoop if we take out the paladis this could work a little better cuz you have the blizzard Spike ow that tickles a lot it's always fun in gam still sumon breaks your gun too ah it does eight damage now okay paladis does way better my goodness that's fun spear thrust you missed you Dingus oh why do you have to miss on this like this for me for this that was a lot of word weird words to get together here jetrion go jetrion has got a case of the dubs all right that was mildly you know what it paladis is just way better all right buddy you get the killing blow yes you do I should name you Vader I really should have named you Vader cuz you've got the power of the dark side man even though it's allergic like it does a lot of damage still out you want to do something there you go go there you go that's the dark wisp another 198,000 XP good job buddy I'm proud of you I also can't believe I didn't remember this but I haven't leveled it up with uh the weird Anubis Tower so let's see how far we can get wrong button uh oh I don't even have that hold on whoops uh yeah let's enhance that I don't have this all the way up yet interesting I need more lift monks but I do want to enhance you okay so your base level now is 1,176 if we get attack leveled up I'm hoping we have enough I think I'm too Mega Soul short yep too short but that's an increase of 300 attack all right I have to know something I I I just have to know if we we can really butcher them for their souls God cuz I think the frost stallion knocked allows us to butcher them are you we got to make sure sure we butcher the right one though right fellas yikes okay Lord of Darkness you're going to go in there and we're going to bring back our friend this one that just got born we're going to put you in here actually there's one up there too and then we're going to summon you out okay just a generic one nothing important here then we'll equip the old stabby device and we'll go a little bit like who's a good boy I'm going to pet you yeah come here buddy I love you so much and while we're doing that we can just equip the meat cleaver oh I feel so bad for this and then we'll butcher you oh my goodness okay and then we're going to mount it ride it like that taada well good news is I got a Palo and then it fell through the hold on what um oh what no way hold on here I think I just glitched The Matrix no it didn't are you are you are you understanding what's happening here bro has no body anymore but his souls are constantly usable I'll just summon him back and then press four to butcher him again as the butchering goes I hit the mount button and then he's here but he's not [Music] I don't I don't believe it I think we just found a bug um butcher I was going to mount it just to see what happens wow can I fly with it I can't fly with it let's Dismount resummon and then fly oh no oh this is bad uh okay then wait there's something down there we must go explore take me to your lead what is this why hello why I don't know what's going on right now but why is there a chickpea down here what are you doing fella now you have a soul can I just do it over and over yeah can I but I can't butcher when I'm on it but whatever okay this is weird I kind of like it now the question is if I respawn does it it doesn't have a s anymore huh h the soulless one is your new name we will summon you in throw you down butcher you soullessly and then okay we got to get on it before it gets totally messed up that's hilarious I Love It Goodbye friend thank you for being weird and does it work these Souls do work they're considered Souls all right so we have a Max Level Lord of Darkness four star oh he's not max level yet we need to go go maybe attack one more thing what should we attack all right so we know that uh neutral is allergic to fire damage we can go for the boss king Packa it's going to be a super duper easy fight probably not much xp but it'll be funny no no no no you're not allowed it's Lord of Darkness time what are you attacking no don't leave that fell what did he ever do the poor little crimus just got a crit for 10,000 buddy buddy that's the co es skip 23,000 we need more XP and you bud all right here you go go take out the king PKA it's not going to be much xp but it'll be good there you go all right that wasn't so bad 5,000 he's on fire too Lord of Darkness just finish him off buddy that works we can freeze them and then hit him with your your big balls I'll do it I'll do it I want to hit I don't want to hit him with the dark wisp this is why we did this the dark wisp right there my goodness that was fun anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video of pal World hope you enjoyed my 8 hour Adventure if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent cadino RIT La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred Doon SE cander D pton plays fussy badge link hit Kyler J Nitro Nitro Wyatt K and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 146,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld grizzbolt, palworld breeding guide, palworld humans, palworld capture humans
Id: xPEmHflb6Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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