100 Palworld Tips and Tricks - LEARN EVERYTHING

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I've compiled 100 tips and tricks for power world and put them all in this one video there's so much to do in this game but there's also so much that you would never even think about unless you watch a video like this from the best Palace to capture Base building tips getting lots of Loot and secret advice you never knew before you will be covering it all in this one video and without wasting any time tip one most Pals sleep during the night however Pals of the dark type will work 24/7 but you do have to ensure you have a well optimized base if you want them to work around the clock as they will quickly get depressed and weakened without the proper care you can assign a Vixie to work at a ranch and she will dig up a ton of pal spheres and these pal spheres will help you level up and catch Pals early in the game once you start progressing later in the game standard pal spheres won't be enough to capture the high level Pals you encounter and what you can do is buff a Vixie by putting them in the condenser to level up her partner skill and then once you get her partner skill to level four she will start to drop megas speres and these meas speres will help you catch much stronger Pals and it will save you a ton of time as you don't need to be constantly crafting spheres by default you can have 500 Pals in your P box at once this might seem like a lot but once you start getting later into the game the amount of Pals you have really starts to stack up if you want to capture even more Pals there is a trick you can utilize you want to unlock and then Place some viewing cages then you can put all of your extra Pals in there to free up some space in your pal box each viewing cage has 40 slots but you can make as many of them as you like now one thing I would recommend is to not put the viewing cage in your main base as filling it up with Pals will quickly cause your game to lag now I didn't figure out this next trick until I almost completely beat the game you can place custom markers on the map all you need to do is open up the map and then click e if you're on mouse and keyboard X if you're on Xbox or Square if you're on PlayStation and it will bring up a marker menu you can choose out of any of these custom markers you like I like to use the star to Mark skill fruit trees the pickaxe to mark good mining locations the bread for settlements and then the symbol with the horns to Mark the dungeon location do not waste your time or resources crafting a parachute or a glider Instead at level 23 you want to unlock the Gail claw gloves and then of course capture a Gail claw then as long as you have them in your party you will have the best glider in the game just look at this the standard parachute is terrible it's way too slow and it takes you nowhere then when you see the Gil claw glider it is so much better now that you have the Gil claw gloves you can take advantage of this next trick to easily destroy your enemies without taking much damage you can shoot while using your glider now this is super helpful as you can move fast without limiting your damage output this next tip is extremely important so listen up you pretty much only want to use your stat points to level up your health and your weight you only get 49 stat points throughout the game and once you're at level 50 there is no possible way to get anymore as you can see I have over 3,000 health and this makes boss fights much easier for me and I have over 1,000 weight capacity which also makes farming materials a lot more efficient don't overbuild your first base unless you find the perfect base location right off the bat you are likely going to want to move it to a location with more resources and spending all of your time making your base look good only to leave it not long after will be a huge time sink I'd recommend making the bare minimum that you need to start off and then making a more aesthetically pleasing base once you find your perfect location pay attention to your Pal's passive skills so they can have a huge effect on how they perform and don't just glance at their names hover over them so you can see exactly what they do if you ever find yourself making a high level enemy angry at you the easiest way to escape is to run to a fast travel location and then teleporting somewhere else afterwards you could fast travel back and they should either be despawned or they should be friendly again if you want to level up fast the best thing you could do is capture 10 of every type of pal species then once you capture more than 10 you will stop gaining xp be careful where you place your campfires in your base as your pals can walk into them and Catch Fire and then depending on your server settings these Pals that catch fire can spread the fire to wooden objects and burn down your entire base so once you reach level 17 I highly recommend you build a cooking pot so your pals no longer Catch Fire you should create temporary sleeping places around the map so you don't need to teleport home every single night you can also quickly dismantle it afterwards and get all the materials back which you can use to make a temporary home the next night you can use Fox Sparks as a light source if you're out at night you can get extremely dark at night where you can't see anything so having a fox Sparks is a huge help you can Auto stack items into your store stage all you need to do is open up your storage and then click r on mouse and keyboard or the right bumper if you're on controller and then it will automatically move your items from your inventory into the storage as long as there is already one of those items in the storage then if you find yourself dying and then respawning without any of your loot go to the place you died open the death chest and then click X on mouse and keyboard or push down on your left thumb stick on controller to instantly move everything into your inventory this is ESP especially helpful if you died summer where there are a lot of hostiles or you're taking cold or heat damage try to capture a Nightwing as soon as you can Nightwing is the first flying Mount you can capture and once you have the ability to fly it makes many aspects of the game way easier but once you unlock the capability to fly there are a few tricks that you need to know you can regen stamina for your flying mount on water so if you're trying to get across the map you don't need to worry about falling into the water and then drowning if you're on a flying Mount now this applies to Flying Mounds only if you have a mount that is both ground and flying then it won't be able to gain any stamina over the water the pals in your base will eventually get depressed weakened and injured if they they aren't taken care of properly one thing you could do to help out your pals is to give them food that gives them sanity if you look at normal red berries which is probably what you're feeding your pals right now it gives them no sanity points whatsoever now you can cook them and it will give them one sanity point but this is still not great what I recommend is to make a tomato and a lettuce Plantation so that you can make salad and the salad will provide your pals with 11 sanity keeping them much healthier and happier over time some foods will also buff your stats for example the mosara cheeseburger will increase you or your Pal's attack damage by 20% there are also foods to increase defense pal sanity and work speeds never use the implode skill on your pal it looks good at first and it does a lot of damage but it just isn't worth it as they will blow themselves up and defeat themselves instantly also if you have a b guard in your base make sure you remove the be quiet active skill otherwise it will blow up and destroy your base if you are over encumbered and you can't move very fast use a grappling hook to get around quickly then if you still need to go further you can open up your inventory and move the gra grappling hook in and out of your weapon slot and it will reset the cool down then an even faster method if you know you're going to be over encumbered often or you need to go long distances is to have multiple grappling hooks equipped at once they will need each grappling hook to be a different Rarity otherwise they will share the same cooldown timer and then you just keep on cycling through the grappling hooks to get around the map if you hear a twinkling sound and see one of these sparkling Pals these are lucky Pals do everything in your power to capture as they are very rare and come with one of the best passive skills in the game if one of your pals gets defeated there is a trick to instantly revive it all you need to do is go to a viewing cage move it into the cage and then move it back into your party and the pal will come back to life if you go into your survival guide and scroll towards the bottom you will find an elements page if you click on this page where you can see all of the different elements in pal world the arrows indicate which elements are strong against the other element as you can see fire is the only element that is strong against two different element types and in my opinion this makes fire the best in the game if you're enjoying this video so far drop a like And subscribe as these 100 tips and tricks videos take a very long time time to make which is why you see nobody else making them you can capture humans with your pal spheres okay it is inhumane but I'd still recommend it you can even capture merchants and the black marketer and use them in your base if you do decide to capture a block marketer in your base there is a trick to reset the pals he has for sale super simple all you need to do is put them into your pal box and then assign him to your base and it will reset what he has for sale and you can keep on doing this until you find the exact pal with the exact passive you looking for always make sure you have multiple supporting structures for anything important in your building if you only have one supporting structure and it gets destroyed then everything that it is holding up will come crumbling down with it now for this next tip it might seem obvious but 90% of players don't use it often enough make sure you are rolling to dodge attack for most of the pallet attacks you will see the attack coming before it hits you and simply tapping your roll button is an easy way to keep yourself from taking unnecessary damage if you want to max out your capture rate then you are going to need a lot of lift monk Effigy the fastest way that I found that you can gather these lift monk Effigies is to go out at night on a flying Mount all of the limun figs will stand out with her bright green glow and they will be easy to find you can also change the nighttime speed to 0.1 in your world settings this will give you some more time to find all the LIF monk EVS you need make sure you are organizing your storages so you don't need to be constantly searching for specific items for example I have these refined metal chests where the only thing I put in them is skill fruit they also have this chest where I keep all my pals setting your chest up like this will save you a lot of time in the long run so you should try to get everything organized from the get-go if you want ancient technology points there is one way to get them every time you defeat a boss for the first time you will receive one or two ancient technology points depending on which one you go for this goes for both the open world bosses and the dungeon bosses if you die early into your playthrough on a new world you can choose a different spawn location to unlock fast travel to that location this is so useful that the first thing that I do on a new world is force respawn until I activate all of the free fast travel locations you will also gain a technology point for every fast travel you unlock so it is an easy way to get a head start in the game if you trying to cap capture Pals make sure you command your pal not to attack or call them back so they don't kill the pal you're trying to capture if you want your base to be as optimal as possible make sure it is completely flat Pals tend to bug out and get stuck on surfaces that aren't completely flat so keep it nice and simple to avoid this from happening this next tip will help you out whenever you're looking for a specific pal you can see a pal spawn location in your pal deck all you need to do is find the pal in the pal deck and then click on habitat the orange areas are all the possible spawn locations for that specific pal If You Don't See any orange then is most likely a nighttime only pal in which case you want to click on the moon symbol in the bottom right and it will show the spawn locations in blue for you early game one of the best Pals you can capture are kativa for every kativa in your party you can get an extra 50 weight capacity 50 might not sound like a lot but with five of them in your party at once that's an extra 250 which is almost double what you start with whenever you find items that say can be sold to a merchant for a higher price these items are made specifically to be sold don't worry about saving them as they aren't used in any crafting recipes and the only purpose they have is to give the merchants for some easy gold if you want a more passive way of farming gold this next tip is for you capture Ma and assign them to your Ranch they will endlessly graze and provide you with a ton of gold coins you can increase a pal sphere's capture rate by throwing the Spheres at the Pal's back you can also increase the capture rate with status effect for example if you use a stun baton to stun the enemy then it will increase your capture rate or you can freeze an enemy with one of your Palace and it will also increase the capture rate use your grappling hook and then use your glider afterwards to carry the momentum and get really far really fast if you want to mine things faster craft a dig toys headband and then throw dig toys at whatever you want to mine and they will speed up the process significantly you can use ranged weapons while on Mount which is very handy a lot of the time your pal abilities will be on cool down but you can still deal damage by using your weapon using a ranged weapon on Mount will also give you bonus Elemental damage and a status effect depending on which P you're using for instance I am dealing a lot more damage while I am on Frost stallion here is I am dealing ice damage damage and the dragon type is weak to ice damage or here when I'm using univolt which deals electric damage and it also stuns the enemies keep an extra P Box available so you can create a disposable base wherever and whenever you want you can then use this base to easily fast travel from any location change your Pal's abilities pal abilities matter more than the pals themselves if you have a chapi with the best abilities in the game they are probably going to do more damage than if you have a legendary pile with the worst skills in the game assuming they are the same level you can quickly repair all of your items at once at the repair all you need to do is Click r on your keyboard y on Xbox or triangle on Playstation if all of this information seems like a lot to remember I can't blame you 100 tips and tricks is a lot for one video which is why I recommend saving this video to a watch later playlist so you can come back to it whenever you need a refresher Daydreams necklace allows you to keep them out at all times as long as they're in your party and the cool thing is that you can have multiple of them out at the same time and they will all attack the enemy which could be a very powerful strategy you can also use floppy's necklace to have them out at all times and the nice thing about sloy is that they will automatically seek out and pick up items on the ground for you if you are getting later into the game and you need more technology points there is one trick that I love to use to get them easily all you need to do is fly to one of these three sanctuaries around the map then you want to open up the purple chest and hope you get technical manuals then if you go into your inventory you can use these manuals to get free technology points always have both heat and cold armor in your inventory then you can quickly switch between them whenever you need to this will save you a lot of time if you tend to find yourself going around the map often but you actually don't need any armor to protect yourself from the Heat or the cold if you take advantage of this next tip use kitsen as a mount to protect you from temperature effects as long as you are on a kitsen you won't take any damage from heat or cold you can use food bags so you and your pals in your party automatically eat when they are hungry you might think this is just a quality of life item but I highly recommend it as it allows you to go AFK without worrying about you or your pal starving as long as you have enough food in your food bag you can use Lily's Spear and the sword as an Axe and a pickaxe and the nice thing is that they are both much more effective so once you're able to craft them you never need to carry an axe or a pickaxe ever again you can defeat the black marketer to gain a ton of gold coin and there's a trick to do this easily without getting yourself killed all you need to do is place a hanging trap beside the black marketer trick him to walk into it then you want to build a campfire underneath him this should cause the black marketer to catch fire then all you have to do is wait and get a ton of free easy gold coin if you aren't sure if you have captured a certain pal yet all you need to do is hold the pal sphere while aiming at the pal and it will say new if you haven't captured one yet the building mechanics in power world are a bit finicky at the moment especially when it comes to placing downstairs one trick that I found that makes placing stairs much easier is a climb above where you want the stairs placed then it should allow you to rotate and place them down every single pal has its own unique individual values also known as stat IV what this means is that each pal even if it is of the exact same species and has the same passes they will have a different Health stat a different attack stat and a different defense stat these values can vary around 30% up or down if you're trying to create the best Pals possible stat IVs are definitely something you want to look out for of course ranged weapons like the bow and arrows and the guns can deal headshot damage but many players don't know that melee weapons can also deal headshot damage this next tip is by far the fastest way to get a lot of gold once you're mid to late game for this the first thing you want to do is make an automated ore farm and make sure you have a merchant capture then you want to make as many nails as possible out of Ingot each Ingot will allow you to craft two Nails then you can sell these nails to Merchants for 160 gold each which can really add up fast if you're crafting thousands of nails at a time you can use different type of element abilities on your pallet it doesn't have to follow the respective elements for example jeton is a dragon type and dragon types are weak to ice so I put it on a fire ability to help my jet regon fight against ice types A little bit better you can condense Pals to level them up and make them significantly stronger you can condense each pal up to four times and if you're wondering it takes 116 condensed Pals of a single pal type to to get one pal up to tier 4 if you craft a repair kit instead of going around repairing everything in your base by yourself which will take a lot of time you can craft the repair kits and put them into the storage in your base and then your pals will automatically use them to repair the base for you you can force your pals to transport items into a cooler do this by filling the extra slots in the feed box with non-p perishable food like honey or cotton candy prioritize unlocking and crafting Shields they essentially give you extra Health in the form of Shields and they automatically repair themselves after a few seconds of not taking damage the shields will make it much easier to stay alive and you won't need to worry about your health as much but if you do ever find yourself getting low on health this next tip will help you recover quickly once you're able to always keep a line in your party and bring them out whenever you get low as the partner ability will quickly restore 1,000 health for you you can also keep multiple Lyin in your party if you want to use their partner ability multiple times or you can even use the pal condenser to level up your Line's partner skill which will increase the amount of Health you're restored you can get passive skills that increase the movement speed of Pals and this will also increase your speed while using them as a mount but the passive movement speed skills don't seem to have any effect on glider PALS like Gail claw if you are riding a pal there is no fall damage whatsoever even when I jump all the way from the top of this Cliff I won't take any damage and neither will my pal I wouldn't use the Homing sphere on flying Pals as it doesn't work too well and often times the pal sphere will completely disappear when assigning pal sphere base Pals with only one or two jobs are usually best as they don't get distracted nearly as often as Pals with multiple different job don't let the Rarity of skill fruit affect your decision on which one you're going to use a lot of the time the lower Rarity skills are actually better as they have a much shorter cooldown time allowing your pals to use them repeatedly what I like to do is have two high damage long cooldown skills on my pal then also have one skill with a short cooldown so they can use that while the others are recharging if you want to passively level up your pals have them in your party at all times even if you never ever use them they will gain XP with you use the training dummy to see how much damage each of your weapons can do and how much of effect certain Buffs have to your damage output if you want the best items in the game you're going to need to find legendary schematic you can get them by defeating the alpha bosses around the map and each one has a specific schematic they drop now these drops are very rare but they can also be very strong for instance the normal assault rifle is pretty good with 320 attack now the legendary schematic has 560 attack which is 75% more damage if you are anything like me you have your eye on those legendary schematics but you don't want to spend nearly as much time finding them what I recommend is to capture the boss as every time you capture there's a chance they drop the schematic and then butcher that boss you captured as it gives you a second chance of getting the schematic to drop if you want to go lucky hunting go to your world settings and change the pal appearance rate to three this will cause groups of Pals to spawn rather than just one or two by themselves and this will quite literally make finding a lucky pal three times easier if you are still early into the game use Rush B and its saddle to mine quicker all you need to do is Ride The Rush B and then use a reckless charge ability at the resource you want to get a lot of it quickly and the nice thing is that the Reckless charge ability has basically no cool down so you can keep on using it over and over again once you start getting to the mid game you the CFT a lot of cement and to do that you need pal fluid which you can only get from defeating or capturing water type Pals now what I find is by far the quickest way to gather pal fluids is to travel to gobins Turf and keep on running around killing the gobins until you have all the pal fluids you need if you find yourself with way too many Pals and a lot that you don't need sell the extra Pals to the black marketer for some easy gold coins so lucky PS are obviously very hard to find and they have one of the best passive skills in the game now did you know that you can breed lucky Pals to pass on the passive skill The Offspring won't technically be a lucky pal and they're the same size as an ordinary pal but they will have the lucky passive skill which is great for both attack Pals and working Pals if you want to enhance your pals you are going to need a lot of medium pal Souls now luckily for you there's an easy and quick way to find a ton really fast all you need to do is go to the upper right desert area of the the map and then fly around and open up all the gold chests you find and in a good chunk of these chests you will get medium pal Souls the really nice thing about this that the chests are very easy to find as the area is completely wide open skill fruits will respawn after a few in-game days and the skill fruit trees are always in the exact same spot and that's why I recommend marking them on your maps you can keep on checking them for the skills you were looking for if you want to find one of the best Pals in the game fairly early on then follow this next HP you're going to want to take a flying pal and fly around this area of the map you are looking for is a huge dragon egg and if you find one from this area you are in luck as when you incubate it you will get a German tide ignis which is a high damage dealing pal and it also has level four kindling which lets you refine and cook things very quickly ammo is one of the most annoying things to craft in game as it requires a lot of ingots and gunpowder so what I do and what I recommend all of you to do is to get your ammo from wandering merchants and once you capture one that sells ammo and you have some good gold farming going on this should be much easier than constantly having to craft it so normally when you put cake into storage you have about 20 minutes until it expires and disappears but then if you put it into a breeding Farm chest it will never expire even if you have no Pals currently assigned to the farm this next trick will help you when you need materials to craft outside of your home base of course you only have access to the materials in your storage while you're at your base but there is a quick way to get these materials into your inventory without need to search for where you have them stored all you need to do is build one of the things you want inside of your base then cancel or destroy it and the building Mater materials needed for that specific item will be moved into your inventory then you can go outside of your base and you'll have the exact amount of materials that you need Pals eat from left to right in the feed box so make sure you have whatever you want them to be eating in the spot furthest over to the left now you do have to be intentional on where you are placing your feed box in your base as it will greatly impact how productive your pals are so what I recommend is to put your feed box into the center of your base so it's easy for them to get to it no matter where they are this next one I wish I knew when I first started playing crafting pal items like Saddles don't go into your your inventory and they also don't have any weight as soon as you craft and pick up one of these items they will go into your key items page where they will automatically be put into use without you needing to take any additional action it's also worth noting that crafting one saddle will allow you to use that saddle on every single pal of that species in the game and you don't need to craft a new one for every pal you capture I mentioned not too long ago about how annoying it is to craft gunpowder this next tip will help you get a lot of it quickly without need to do any crafting whatsoever what you want to do is go to this area of the map and either defeat or capture too toos they drop gunpowder almost every time I only recently discovered this next tip but you can dismantle your base from your map even if you are completely across the world you can dismantle your base from your map this will allow you to build a new pal box wherever you are this next tip is one of my favorites as it is simply way too much fun when you throw a pal sphere and start capturing a pal climb on top of the pal sphere and it will launch you up into the sky just make sure you have a glider handy or you might have a very bad fall so having a lamb ball a Cris or a mpaka assigned to a ranch is nice as it gets you a ton of w however once you get later into the game you need high quality W which is why you need to capture and assign a cibilic to your Ranch as they drop the high quality W tip 100 you need to know the best base locations if you want to be successful in the game which is why you need to watch this video of all the best base locations in pal World thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Esidi
Views: 103,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esidi, palworld, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld tips and tricks, best pals palworld, bets base locations palworld
Id: hka3YOx-Tfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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