BEST POSSIBLE START IN PALWORLD - Ultimate Palworld Walkthrough #1

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this is going to be your guide to having the best start in pal world so your first goal is hitting level 9 as soon as possible that way you can unlock the dire house saddle because the faster you explore the more time you save the easier and safer you get resources also it makes spam catching Pals a lot easier which means more experience but what's the fastest way of getting to level 9 and what else should we consider well when you first start a playr you should take a lot of respawns that way you can unlock all of these starting areas and the Fast Travel points even though you might not use them initially because we have seab Breeze Marsh Island and the Northwest ones haven't been there yet but Eastern Wild Island this is really good because hop over here hop over there dire H Dune shelter and then the mid game is unlocked super early same thing for Fisherman's point and right after making this video they nerfed it for balance so let's see how this interacts all right fresh single player world and that's our only respawn point but what if we just make our existing single player World multiplayer that gives us the ability to select a new respawn Point okay also when I make my guides there's a lot of consideration for multiplayer because it does have that competitive element so if you're going to be sweaty and build the best power world base might as well do it in front of other people now you don't need to respawn in this area because there's no fast travel points and you should do the church last because okay you have everything unlocked and now your exploration begins here you spawn here you get the Fast Travel points there's a lot of chests a lot of Life monk statues a lot of things like start collecting and catching Pals with getting experience and then you eventually unlock the small Cove after you unlock the small Cove you can teleport back to the plateau of beginnings and then there's an interesting route to where you can actually go on the beach hop up this rock right here and then you can make it straight to the small settlement before you need to go to The Syndicate Tower cuz a lot of people like go into this area or the chillet and then boom you already have like that settlement unlocked which is helpful then you go up the hill go around and then you can go to this area which is kind of interesting now what makes this place special is it's one of the few early game mining sites and a mining site is an open area that's really good for building a base with concentrated ore deposits so it's good for like mining ore getting Ingot production going and in the early game you don't really have too many options because now we're getting to like level 20 area a lot more dangerous Pals you can't really immediately go to the coal and or mining spot also this is more of a second base area where you have refined ingots if you're playing on multiplayer it's going to be very highly contested so I was kind of like looking around this area now why do you go to this mining site over the other ones well the other ones have like smaller more claustrophobic areas that might be harder to build out with like some Cliffs on the side so I was like looking at this one thinking this just seems like a very nice very quick very good route because oh you start here you go to the small settlement and then you're at the mining site now you have a base area and as we saw on my map everything else is unlocked and looking pretty good now I recommend that you start start building out the base when you hit Level five or level seven depending on how your adventure is going because level five has the ranch and Berry Plantation so you get your food production going you throw a Vixie in the ranch that's just going to give you passive pal spheres and then level seven is when you have the logging sight and stone pit so now you just have like automatic generation you pop down some Pals and your resources are going to be taken care of for a long time now there's some annoying things that might get in the way like all of the trees and as you can see my transport Pals they're wasting a lot of time running back and forth so you can either build over the trees or put storage close by because at least your wood cutting Pals they're actually getting wood here even though it might be a little less efficient than actually mining at one of these sites so depending on how future updates go with base workflow and customization of your power workor you might have to deal with a couple of annoying or inefficient things but now this is where things get weird because I've done multiple playthroughs of like speedr running the early game and I've had some crazy results so this is the second save when trying to build like a perfect World base and my first one I made it 2 hours I was only level eight so 2 hours and under the diral thing but I walked to Dune shelter I was like wait a second we should probably build a base get levels that way and then get diral first so the first playthrough immediately unlocked Fisherman's Point spent a lot of time and I think a couple of deaths going to Dune shelter and that just wasn't very efficient so I want to see if I could do it faster on this save and I did 3 hours in beat Zoe and GIS bolt also we're doing very well on resource es cuz you run around desert you unlock chest and then oh you find Megas speres hyperspheres gigos speres we also have a lot of regular pal speres because of Vixie we bought the makeshift handgun so we've already spent you know tens of thousands of gold coin we still have some everything's looking pretty good right now but then a month ago I tried a no crafting Challenge and I beat Zoe and grisol in 2 hours and I was level 13 so it really makes me question how much you need a base in the early game and if you should even build here because if you can get to level 20 in a short amount of time without a base well then that unlocks the rest of the map and makes it safer to build bases in other areas also areas that have different like mining sites and stuff this is a really nice mining site the problem with this mining site is even though it looks large and flat we're still losing some area to the terrain there's a cliff drop off here so if you want like the most usable productive space to get everything out of the mid game this area like isn't perfect so you can actually skip having a base early on and not have problems we're going to see if this base kind of falls off like it doesn't seem like we're losing a lot of area but as the playthrough and this Guide Series develops we're going to see if there's any issues that arise and we do have the benefits where if you immediately set these up at level five or level seven you're going to have tons of resources and no issues crafting for a while also if you catch something like a tomb bat and then while you're setting up your base you have a level two mining pal starting to get you ore and stuff and then you can start smelting with your fire Pals you're going to have a lot of resources so it might like slingshot you more into the mid game now getting to level 9 quick is easy that you make a bow and then that makes it easier to like get Pals to aggro you or do damage and then you just catch them and then you get the 10 catch bonus and you get tons of experience that way find Pal spheres on the ground spend a little time to craft them maybe Vixie gives you a couple dozen spheres that makes it really nice and then when you hit Level 9 it gets even easier because you can just use the mud shot on your dire how to do some damage to the pal and let you spam catch Pals a lot easier because like oh you just hit them they get into a high rate and then you just like Zoom around and move on on cool down now the hit detection with sand blast and fierce Fang can be bad but that's what skill fruits are for that you can just kind of find a skill fruit and then teach your pal a move that you can do on short cooldown so using your Mount to catch Pals faster is just going to be a great way of getting a ton of experience in a short amount of time and hey look at that shiny let's go so you're going to be getting tons of levels spam catching Pals you're also going to be getting a lot Pals to put together some teams with so after that you want to fight the Overworld Pals that are around level 10 or the Overworld Alpha Pals because they give you a lot of experience and rewards so then these fights get pretty easy Ruby is pretty common and then you can catch like any fire type pal and get bonus damage like that now you can also choose to catch them or you can just like straight up beat them and not have to worry about the catch rates and stuff either way you're going to be getting tons of experience so we got lucky on that 50% and then that's going to give us 800 59 experience also we're going to be getting the rewards like the precious Pelt that sells for money precious entrails worth a lot get more ammo from the merchants that you're going to be unlocking and you can also sell the pals you've been spam catching to get even more pal spheres oh nice and we eventually learn air cannon which is going to be a lot better for spam catching Pals with because it's a lot more accurate but after that yeah we can just head on over to this pal Merchant and sell some of the pals as you can see each pal is about the cost of a pal sphere so you can get a lot of your money back and then you can head on over to any other Merchant by the pal speres if you're not finding enough then just kind of keep cycling through and getting tons of experience and make sure that whenever you're doing anything just non-stop spam catch Pals because the experience scales so if I'm heading from one point to another I'm going from this Trader to the Fast Travel point or going from dungeon to dungeon yeah just like keep catching everything in your way especially depending on the move sets that you have and then that brings us to the desert because once you hit that level 9 for diral you can make a choice you can just unlock Dune shelter immediately and then start running around the desert to open as many chests as possible because it turns out the desert is busted chests everywhere lot of flat ground a little bit of terrain some danger with the pals but you can just kind of run through and just get chains of non-stop Treasure Chest opens that's how you get a lot of hyperspheres and gigos speres now if you do this immediately at level 9 it means that the chest will eventually respawn sooner so then you can like get tons of spars and resources and money and all kinds of good things from the chest go and then level up to like level 20 in the starting area by spam catching Pals and at some point you just come back here and all the chests have respawned now this is still a very dangerous area even going into level 20 because all the enemies are like level 30 and stuff and if they aggro on to you and hit you with a shot you can easily get one shot so you can do this at night where there's still some threats but at least the human NPCs are going to be sleeping then it's easier to loot and not get not worry about getting being like exploded by a Grenadier or something now you can do this for as long as you want and you're never really wasting time because you're getting money you're getting hyperspheres and you're also getting a lot of gigos speres and you want to use those for clearing out dungeons because catching an alpha pal at the or like the alpha boss at the end of a dungeon it's going to give you the resources and it can be like a lot quicker and easier and give you a lot of experience if you're just like oh gigas spere hypers sphere quick catch no fight no wasting any resources also you can get lucky a huge scorching egg that's going to be suzaku we can hatch that and then we have level three kindling now you can also explore Mount obsidian that's more like flying pal also you might have to like Farm Nightwings or Farm flying Pals to get something that's a little faster so you can explore Mount obsidian really nice and you get the huge dragon egg and that turns into a German tide ignis so you can also split up and like go for that but yeah um we kind of win on the smelting part now because we make ingots faster we make refined ingots faster that's going to go more into the next video and later into the series and then you just kind of win so even though there's not much to the guide it's mostly just kind of showing like yeah you really want to get level 9 as soon as possible and then you want to utilize all the benefits of am Mount to just do everything faster you catch Pals you explore wait a second I opened up a million chests and I have a handgun already and then you can use that to just kind of destroy everything you want also there's a skill fruit tree out here and I just got dragon Cannon so that's going to be like another really good low coold down shot kind of move that's going to help with catching Pals if you really need it because you're struggling on the other moves and then with the handgun chill it is super easy because we can do all that damage we can use a meas sphere or we have 30 gigos spheres to spam it's going to give us better capture rate you also get life monk statues and then everything's going to work out a little little unlucky right now but the idea is that you play the game faster you upgrade and then like you're instantly level 20 going into that mid game and while we've been out getting levels farming things and doing all kinds of stuff we got another 20 paler waiting for us to catch all the early game Pals with and get even more levels also it means like yo uh we got we have tons of Technology points to spend I haven't spent any since I got the dire house saddle go for the egg incubator that's huge small Feed Bag we already have the esscence condenser can build that upgrade that make our team Stronger by catching another uh wixen also by spam catching Pals you don't have to worry about resources as much cuz we just have a ton of natural leather and cloth and we're also kind of stacked for these love Ander which we can also catch if we need to we get that suzaku egg going and we are just winning and we haven't touched any ore at level 18 so this is just a really good way to accelerate into the mid game hope you guys enjoyed the video hope you all have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days palworld, best palworld start, best palworld base, best palworld starter base, palworld, Palworld Gameplay, Palworld Guide, Palworld Tips, Palworld Beginner Guide, palworld tutorial, Palworld tips and tricks, Palworld review, gaming, gameplay, New Games, Pokemon, Palworld crafting, best palworld guides, palworld playthrough, guide, tutorial, best pals, palworld pals, palworld 100 days, Palworld playthrough 1, best palworld guide, Palworld 100 days, palworld beginner
Id: 8or7IwEioUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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