This is the STRONGEST TEAM in Palworld

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I've spent nearly a 100 hours over the past month building the best team imaginable inside of pal world this build ended up being so powerful that even the strongest bosses in the entire game didn't stand a chance before I can show off how strong this build can really be I first need to take you to the beginning this is the strongest build in P I hope you enjoy this journey started a few weeks ago after I started making the schematics video on my channel it sparked a question to me that I just couldn't stop thinking about how strong can a player really be how much damage is truly possible so I started doing research I scanned over the entire pal deck went through all my chests of random loot from 100 plus hours and searched every potential way to make an insanely overpowered team utilizing player attack I had a plan one pal caught my eye when scrolling through the deck Goin with his ability I'd be able to boost my player damage without even needing to throw him out if I do this build right these bosses are about to be as pissed as Goin looks however there is one caveat that I didn't consider when making this plan I'd need to breed for well over 500 Pals in total so the grind commenced after I caught 50 g opin I finally found separate ones with the two traits I was looking for Vanguard and stronghold strategist Vanguard Buffs player attack by 10% and stronghold strategist buff player defense by 10% both of these traits are applied to the player without the pal even being out by using these traits I'll be optimizing how strong my character can be the final addition to my team was none other than Frost alion and here's why there were essentially two routes I was considering taking I considered doing a life steal build with felbat or lavander and I considered doing a build with one of the type boosting mounts like frost alion chillet azero or rag Hawk I went with a tip booster Pals because I believe having a tanky pal to ride on is simply better than gaining HP after dealing damage if you do enough damage in the late game healing won't be an issue because the bosses won't last long enough to deal any significant damage to you anyway the super effective bonuses were just too strong to pass on tight boosting mounts on the other hand turn your attacks into a certain typing which makes your attacks super effective against certain Pals in Frost alion's case it turns your attacks into ice moves this is the second strongest type in the game as a lot of endgame fights are dragon types which are weak to ice and frost alion is by far the strong and fastest out of the options I had I regret this Choice still as getting a frost alion with everything I was looking for and condensing it ended up taking about 8 hours I was actually so desperate to get a Vanguard roll on one that I tripled the spawn rates of Pals to catch three at a time that's right I fought three Frost alion at a time just to get one trade eventually I had to just give up looking for Vanguard and breed for a mutation to get the trade I needed once the breeding began I started farming dungeons for an item that I'll explain more about later in this video after about 4 hours I got this finally I had Vanguard this was the only mandatory trait I needed for this build to reach its full potential but I was only about 5 days into the process of making this team at this point so I hadn't lost the will to live quite yet being the naive idiot I am I decided it wouldn't be so bad to combine stronghold strategist Legend and motivational leader onto the frost allion with Vanguard this little decision of mine to really push for the best Frost allion I could conceptualize ended up taking almost 5 hours of breeding and adjusting parents repetitively to finally get the right role once I was done with getting the right Frost down I immediately condensed it to Max because I had bread enough to build a small army I'll talk about condensing Pals later in this video though I have to say getting this Frost stallion was one of the most satisfying moments in this entire Journey as I touched upon earlier the next component to this build had to do with farming dungeons this part of the challenge was easily my least favorite experience inside of power world in my 200 hours of playing the reason I was farming dungeons was for two copies of the attack pendant plus two these necklaces are ridiculously broken and I was extremely excited to add them to my final build sadly over the course of this challenge I spent well over 10 hours running through dungeons to no avail I got countless life defense and even diligence pendants of the plus two variety but I could never find a single attack pendant plus two if I ever see another pendant of diligence I might jump out of a second story window I did manage to find an attack pendant plus one which is still a great item but I couldn't spend more time on this portion of the project with defeat on my mind it was time to get back on track although I already got the four Goins with the right trades earlier in this video video I still haven't caught all the ones I need to condense them down to four stars to condense one pal down to a four star you need to sacrifice 116 of that pal in total condensing is absolutely broken inside a pal world for a multitude of different reasons here's how it benefits this current build of Mind condensing these Goins into four stars actually Buffs their passive abilities substantially meaning they give my character significantly more damage than if they were simply zero Stars I show a comparison of zero and fourstar Goins a little later in this video so stay tuned well I didn't need to go out of my way to catch Frost alion earlier to condense them because I had bred so many this simply wasn't an option for me with the gobins for two reasons the first reason is that catching goblins is significantly faster than breeding for an egg every 5 minutes and the second reason is because I don't want to farm another 464 kaks I have a life after all I went through well over 500 hypers spheres in this process and spent about 2 hours in between runs farming up more spheres I have a life I swear finally finishing condensing all four Goins was also incredibly satisfying my next step was to reset my player stats with the memory wiping potion at least this part of the project should be simple at the expense of carrying anything ever again and being able to run for more than 4 seconds at a time I can now deal more damage with my base attack doubled all my other Pals and items that buff attack by a percentage are now significantly better as well the last step of this process is actually simple all I had to do was make the best food in the game for buffing attack the masarina cheeseburger I decided to have mercy on my cow so I went and murdered all of his long lost relatives Instead This 20% attack buff was the last buff in the game I could find for attack I initially wanted to stack an omelet with the cheeseburger but to my dismay it appears consumables cannot be stacked before I go murder some bosses let me show you how substantial the difference is before all my Buffs and [Music] after also just for reference this is the difference between a fully condensed fourstar Goin and a zero star [Music] Goin let's see if this build works as well as I hoped it would against the strongest bosses in the [Music] game well that's it all that time and effort just toight the strongest legendary in the game in a few seconds was it worth it no would I do it again in a heartbeat also it turns out the shotgun is really better than the AR for this kind of build which I suppose makes [Music] sense the stone locking on the boss surprised me too with a shotgun he literally had zero chance to attack me the entire time let's take on Victor and Shadow beak next since I never even bother getting around to that and I don't have a type advantage against [Music] [Music] him with Victor's defeat my journey was complete I had assembled the strongest team I've ever seen in P World while this was a really enjoyable experience it did take me ages to complete so if you enjoyed it I'd really appreciate a like and sub if you have any suggestions for future videos shoot me a message on my Discord which is linked below or leave a comment thank you guys for watching this has been Jace and I'll see you guys next [Music] time
Channel: Jase
Views: 20,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, team, damage, strongest, gobfin, frostallion, jetragon, victor and shadowbeak
Id: 6yvbMWY6zWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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