Palworld HOW TO MAKE PALS POWERFUL Ultimate Guide, Tips and Tricks

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so you want your pals to do this amount of damage you want your pals to be stronger you want them to be op well today I'm going to show you guys what you need to do in order to make them super duper powerful and become super duper science let's go ahead and jump into it and talk about it all right guys so there are multiple ways of you being able to make your pal super strong I'm going to walk you step by step on what you need to do in order to get it done all right so the first thing you guys are going to need to do guys is capture Pals all right for this video I'm going to be showcasing My Pal which is going to be this guy right here which is the vanum and I am going to make him super powerful as right now he is a level two so we're going to walk right here we're going to walk to the Statue of power now this statue you could build one or you could find one in the world usually the one that's in the world is by Churches but in order for you to build one we're going to go to the technology here and within the technology tab once you get to level six you will be able to build a statue of power the great thing about the Statue of power it gives you the ability to enhance your pals as you see right here if I go to him and I click on him he will be able to get enhanced now the great thing about this is that this will be able to get reset if you already have a pal that you maxed out or if you haven't so with that being said we're going to enhance them but before you enhance them I want you guys to make sure that you get the correct one because if I show you guys right here real quick and I go to my pal box it's going to be there's going to be a bunch of them uh of these guys right here right I have a lot of them and you want to make sure you pick the correct one I personally already picked the correct one but if you guys haven't gone through like your pals and you want to make sure you pick the right one you're going to want to make sure you do so okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag this one here so you guys can see exactly what what I mean by here by being able to reset it okay so we're going to go here and we are going to go back to the Statue and we are going to power power this guy up so if you go to this one right here you're going to notice this is a level 29 this one I already enhanced but the great thing about this is that you're able to reset this but it requires gold so you're going to need 84,000 gold to reset it but I did want to show you guys that there is a way to actually resetting this in case you already spent enough that now when you reset that you get the souls back now in order for you guys to be able to level up your pal you're going to need souls and souls are obtained by killing uh killing Pals and of course the more Pals you kill the more souls you're going to have for each individual pal the higher TI the pals are the more souls you are there are three different types of souls we have a blue one a purple one and a yellow one and I'll show you guys exactly how this works so for example this guy has a passive skill called Burly body this is going to give me a really good amount of 20% defense so right here for this one guys I'm going to increase his attack all the way up and I wish there was a way for you to turn all the souls right at once but you can't so you got to go one by one and we're going to go enhance and as you guys see right here we're we're enhancing this and every time we enhance it it asks for additional Souls so we're just going to keep doing that and that's going to enhance it and that's going to enhance it now it's going to ask me for purple Souls I'm going to say yes and I'm going to go yes right here and then once we get to the uh after it asks you for three it's going to go ahead and ask you for a yellow one so you could only go to a plus 21 attack after the plus 21 attack you're going to need yellow ones so if I were to do this one it's going to put me to 24 and I would need definitely more yellow souls in order to get it maxed out so we're going to max out his uh HP as well cuz we are going to be using him for a very very very interesting boss fight so you want to make sure he's completely optimal here and like I said you just want to make sure you have enough Souls before you do this but once you find a pal that you really like and enjoy uh and that you feel like you're going to be using quite a lot I would definitely recommend you um you know you do as much as we do so we're going to increase these defense we're only going to use uh blue souls for this one here just so he can be a little bit tanky not that sorry we're going to go here all right and then we're going to go here and that's all we're I keep pressing the wrong one we're going to that's all we're going to be doing we're not going to be spending more no purple Souls we're just going to be doing this one and once it has for purples we're going to stop now this is one method so now that we look at this pal this Pal's actually pretty much set and he is ready to go now there is another way to keep making him even more powerful and that is by going to this pal condensation now if you go to the technology tree once you get down here this pal condensation is actually not going to be in any of the blue sites it's only going to be found within the purple side now in order for you guys to be able to unlock this you're going to be to level 14 and you're going to need ancient technology points and these particular points are only obtainable by killing bosses or doing Dungeons and killing the bosses inside of the dungeons that's how you guys get these ancient uh ancient points and you are also going to need ancient symbolization Parts which you get at the same way as well so basically just do a dungeon do a couple Dungeons and you should be able to build this now once you have this build it's going to ask you to select a um pretty much a pal right so what we're going to do is we're going to select the correct pal right here and we're going to go here and now we're going to have to use essence of Pals and the way you use essence of Pals is you have to have multiple of the same pal in your inventory now we're going to go ahead and enhance this guy so we're going to go here it's going to ask us for 16 because he's already enhanced once so if I show you guys here I let me go back out here and I go pick this one it's only going to ask me for four because that means he's already uh he's barely a level one this one right here if I remove this one and I go here you're going to notice that this is a level two now the way you notice if they're level two or level one is by looking at the Little Star as you see the star Underneath Him it says there's uh none of the stars are highlighted but if you look at this one this one already has a highlighted star so once you guys already leveled them up it's going to give you a extra star so it goes up to four different levels now the first level is going to require a total of four Pals of the same variant the second level is going to require 16 so we're going to do this right here going to turn all these Pals in and I wish there was a way to just say you know turn them all in but I kind of understand why they did it so you don't have to um put in the wrong one here so once we're done it's going to go ahead and tell us how much it increased his maximum HP how much his attack increase and how much his defense increase and it's also going to increase his aerial martar to a level three because it does increase that skill as well when you do it so we're going to go ahead hit okay and then just hit okay now if you wanted to increase it even more you're going to need a total of 32 of them and that's going to move them up to level to it's going to move them up to level three and then if you want even more you're going to need to go ahead and get even more of them I think it's 48 to hit level four and it's going to make it extremely powerful but what you want to do is just keep collecting the pals and that is how you make them really stronger now the other thing you're able to do with them is whenever you're fighting bosses like for example this one right here if I go to my pal deck here whenever you're fighting bosses and we go to him which is the one that we're going to be using you're going to be able to change this for example I'm going to go fight a boss right now that is uh has fire damage okay so I am going to include and put everything to fire but since you've been using him you will be able to swap skills to make sure that that player or that character is optimal for that particular build that you're going to do so that is how you guys want to go ahead and make your characters pretty op now one recommendation I would do is when you're doing characters make sure that you guys are going to go click here where it says Alpha Pals and you enhance the alpha Pals because the alpha pals are a little bit more powerful than your standard Pals especially if you have lucky Pals you're going to want to make sure you level up the lucky Pals cuz those are going to be the ones that are going to be doing a lot of damage or you level up guys the the ones that are alpha if you want to find out how to get Alpha Pals you're definitely going to want to make sure you check out my video on how to farm them so you get really powerful uh you know Pals really fast and really easy so that with that being said let's take show you guys a little Showcase of how how much damage they're doing just at level two
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 57,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld powerful pals, palworld how to make pals powerful, how to make pals powerful, palworld ultimate guide, palworld tips, palworld op pals, palworld op pals early, palworld overpowerful pals, palworld guide, palworld review, palworld tips and tricks, palworld ultimate beginners guide, palworld pals, palworld best pal, palworld advanced tips, palworld base tips, palworld pals tips, best tips palworld, palworld beginners guide, best palworld guides
Id: USQhQmMz-38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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