Palworld BEST PALS FOR FIGHTING - Highest Elemental Damage Pals (Tips and Tricks)

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one of the most important things about power world is capturing the most powerful the most damaging Pals you could possibly get but what's the point of you doing that if you're not using the right pal for the job today I want to talk about the best Pals for each Elemental type that's going to make your job easier on defeating bosses and completing that high-end gear and we're going to be going over each pal that is the best one to use for each individual element once you understand to using the right pal against the right element type it's going to make your life a lot easier so with that being said let's jump right into it now some of the pals I'm going to mention here are Pals that are almost endgame content but luckily for you guys I'm also going to give you an alternative so make sure you guys pay close attention all right so let's talk about the best pal for the neutral damage so the best pal for the neutral damage guys is going to be plas he is an extremely really good character especially if you're trying to fight against anything that is very susceptible to neutral damage he's going to be your number one guy he comes with a really good high attack and a really good defense and the great thing about him is every single time you capture him he's going to be coming with that passive skill legendary which is going to give you a nice boost of 20% of attack and defense and also increasing that movement speed in addition to that you're going to be able to ride him which makes it a really good triers mounts but the main thing we want to get him is because he's the hardest hitting pal when it comes to that neutral damage now if for some reason guys you don't aren't able to get him because he is a level 50 character which I'm going to show you guys where he's located I'm also going to give you guys a quick alternative so if you're trying to farm him or try to get him he's going to be located on this area of the map all the way to the end right here you're going to be able to fight them now when you fight them there are going to be two of them one's going to be one for day and one for night so do come prepare for the fight and make sure you guys go ahead and pick according the other neutral characters you could pick for here guys if you are don't have access to him but still want to have a natural fighting uh pal you could pick a GAC claw which is a really good one to pick or you could pick uh grerat which is another really good character when it comes to that neutral damage but overall the hardest hitting one is going to be your boy padas all right so now let's take a look at the best Firebase damage character this is going to be German tight ignit now he is extremely extremely powerful when it comes to fire damage now the interesting thing about that is that he has dragon and fire elements but where he shines is with the Firebase damage not only is he great with that you know that active skill so you got the Fireball the the flare storm and the ignite Bret but his attack and defense stats are really high which gives you a big boost when it comes to that fire damage in addition to that he's also really good guys when it comes to kindling if you are going to put him in your base but the great thing about putting him in your base is that he's able to defend you whenever you get raided because of that high base damage he has with those fire stats you know a lot of people think oh that's going to be a Dragon element one but he is really good when it comes to Fire and is the best fire character if you're trying to go ahead and Def fight someone that's really bad against fire now in order for you guys to get your hands on a German tide guys you're going to want to make sure you go to this area of the map he's going to be located roaming around this particular area which is going to be the 66 4 uh 664 -17 area and you'll be able to get him in here he's usually you know he's very easy to find because there's multiple of them but you just want to come a little bit prepar prepared when you come here bring either a nice character to bring his health back uh down so you guys can go ahead and pick him up all right so another character you can pick up if you don't have access to German tide and a character you can pick up really early is this character right here called Vani now bansi is a really good character when it comes to fire element and he's the one I would recommend if you trying to combat someone that has ice or is really susceptible to fire to just make sure you use Banshee and carry your way to through until you have access to your German tide right now let's talk about grass element now for grass element guys it's very interesting because the character that's really good with grass is waret now he is extremely powerful and usually a lot of people think he's the best one for ground but that is incorrect waret is actually pretty pretty powerful when it comes to Grass he's even a little bit more powerful than using ground attacks he does come with a lot of very high high attack stats and defense stats but the getting really good passive skills with him is going to be very crucial so breathing is going to become a very important play when you guys are able to do that now the great thing about him is guys that you're always going to be able to change his stats to either ground or grass because he does come with those two elements but if you're looking for a hard hitter grass character this is the one you want to go ahead and pick up now if you're trying to pick yourself up a war set you're going to want to go to this location of the map very similar where we pick up German tide and he's going to be located right here guys in this top portion of the map once again he is a little bit difficult to get but once you get them you guys are going to be extremely excited okay now if for some reason guys you don't have access to war set then the next character is going to be lyan lyan is actually a very good character and the second best character when it comes to being able to use grass elements and I would highly recommend you pick her up and one thing is being able to give her some really good passive skills is going to enhance her so much more and one thing that you probably didn't know but great thing about uh L is her parent skill which gives you the ability of being able to heal you when you're in combat and she does heal you quite a lot I think it's over a th000 points that you're able to get your health back so that it's a very good power to have to get your health back all right so now let's talk about the best ground character now for the best ground character guys is going to be Anubis he's going to be the best one winning when it comes to ground attack not only does he have a really good attack value he has a really good defensive value in addition to that guys he's going to give you a really good character to H have because not only is he really good defensively but he's really good at dodging the fight because he's able to do that nice little jump that he does so he avoids a lot of damage when you put him up to fight so if you're looking for a really powerful ground character this is the one you want to go with now in order to get him in the map he is going to be a character going to be able to go and do a boss battle with him but he is a very high level boss he's a level 47 even though you can actually get a really ear early by breathing and being able to obtain him that we so I highly recommend him if you're trying to look for a very good ground character now apart from that uh ground wise war set's going to be your second best option here so if you already have waret from the previous option that I mentioned for uh you know grat ability he's going to be the other one that you're going to want to make sure you pick up especially especially if you are trying to get the ground uh you know ground and grass at the same time but overall in general Anubis is you're going to be your number one option when it comes to ground all right now on to lightning ability now for the lightning ability guys you're going to want to make sure you pick up orer he's a very very good character and he's going to be the one that's going to be doing a ton of damage when it comes to electricity he has a very high active attack skill and defensive skill that are going to make him extremely powerful to be able to do a ton of damage when it comes to electricity now the great thing about this is that while you're fighting together water prows will drop more items when defeated this is extremely important when farming and a lot of people don't really know about this partner skill but if you're farming for these pal fragments are this is definitely one character that you want to go ahead and use to be able to get a bunch of them now the great thing about this guys is this character is going to be your number one not only for fighting but also for generating El electricity in your base because he's going to be doing a ton of that now where are you able to pick him up you're going to be able to locate him right here on the map which is a little bit further up in the game and this one you could actually get pretty early uh if you just fly over here and try to capture them now when I say early you do have to be a little bit higher level you can't just go get it by level one but you can get him relatively not you know till you get level 50 you can actually get him a little bit earlier that's sub mid game so you're going to want to come to this area of the map which going to be uh 658 and 625 to be able to get them uh just fly over here and you'll be able to pick him up now your second option is going to be able to get Gris bolt now Gris bolt is a little bit harder to obtain unless you were able to pick them up with the little I think it's still working actually how to if you're trying to get the uh boss from the uh you know from the tower you could probably pick up a Gris ball that way but for some reason you can't pick them up from there you're going to want to go to this area right here uh which should give you the option to pick him up right down here in this little sight Island and you're actually able to pick them him up really early in the game I think you I got him when I was like level 13 so you're going to be able to pick him up right there on that section of the island so grisol is going to be your second option when it comes to electricity all right so now for the best one when it comes to water elements so the best one for water elements is going to be German tide and he's going to be extremely powerful because his attack damage is really high like if you're looking for someone that's going to be wrecking damage when it comes to water he's going to be your number one person to go with in addition to that his defense is really really good and he is a very good character to have especially when you're trying to plant stuff cuz he does come with a level four watering so really good character now he does come with dragon skills as well which makes him really powerful now you're going to be able to pick him up he's actually a boss fight that you're able to do right here on the water and you'll be able to go ahead and grab him he is a level 45 so it's going to take you a little bit longer to actually get this one character but really good one to have if you don't have axes uh to be able to do that now the other character that's really good for the water is this right here um a Sur robe which you're going to be able to get at level 17 so what I would do is I would pick him up and then until you have access to German tide then I would pick him up but those are the two best water characters that you're able to get in the game and the ones I would recommend lowlevel this one and best of the best is German tide when it comes to water all right now on to ice now for ice you frost alion is going to be your number one character not only does he come with insane attack speed insane defense but he is an extremely really good character when it comes to cooling your base especially if you want to venture and get a different mining place in the desert now in addition to that guys he comes with the legendary stat which is going to boost his attack and his defense even more and the great thing about him is that he makes a really good pal when it comes to traversing because not only is he able to run on the floor but he's also able to fly which makes him really really good now you'll be able to pick him up almost late game as well and he's going to be located all the way over here within this ice are area and he is going to be a level 50 character definitely one of the best characters to get when it comes to ice and one of the be the best character when it comes to ice battle now if for some reason you don't have access to him let me give you guys another option the second option I want to give you guys is this guy called cry Linux he's actually really really good really good at cooling really good at lumbering which makes him really good but he's a really good character to have when it comes to damage and really good when it comes to of course ice now you're going to be Lo able to locate him on the top portion of the map as well he's going to be located all over the region so you could easily get to the outskirts of the map and pick him up if you're trying to get a really good character when it comes to that ice element all right so the best character when it comes to Dragon damage is going to be German tide now as you guys already know he is already the best character when it comes to fire damage but his Dragon damage skill is even really powerful as well now it's slightly more powerful than the second best character but I personally would recommend the second character even though this one does a little bit more damage I just think it looks cooler it looks flasher and ties in P perfectly with the whole Dragon attribute and that's going to be jet dragon now he's going to be extremely cool because he's the fastest mount in the game so you're going to be able to ride in style and if you have to fight someone with dragon damage this is the character I would probably recommend because he's easily able to maneuver any damage that comes his way he comes with a really good attack and defense and overall one of my favorite characters in the game and the one I would recommend for Dragon damage now both of these characters guys you're going to be able to get on this side of the area so jet uh jet dragon is going to be located right here he's a level 50 one of the harder bosses to fight but one of the ones I recommend you do as quickly as you possibly can just for that triers option uh really good character to challenge now jet dragon you guys already know the location which I showed you guys later in the video which is going to be located right here on this side of the island so if you want to pick him up you're going to be able to pick him up there so now let's talk about the best character when it comes to dark magic and this is actually a pretty interesting one this is known as Shadow beak now Shadow beak is a very interesting character because you really wouldn't think he would be the one that's going to be like the best uh dark magic one but he is he comes with a very relatively good attack really good defense and his active skills are really powerful the thing that makes him stand out the most is that when it comes to dark magic he's going to be the one you want to go with really really powerful and you would think that the second character which I'm going to mention which is the second best would be number one but this is actually the best one you could pick when it comes to dark magic now you're going to be able to locate him right here on this area on the map he's going to be flying around so you going to make sure you pick him up really really good uh character to have and the best dark m Magic character in all game now the second best character in all the game is going to be here guys it's going to be located on this area plas but not the gray one but actually the black one and he's going to be the one that's going to be doing a ton of damage when it comes to dark damage if you don't have uh if you don't have them which is going to be this character right here which is called necromus necromus is the other character I recommend when it comes to dark magic and the one that you're going to want to pick if you trying to get any of one that does dark magic magic now really important thing to note these are all high tier characters but Shadow keep should Shadow beak sorry should be able to be picked up really early in the game as long as you have a flying Mount you should be able to pick them up and as long as you leveled up your you know your statue uh of being able to get him and that's pretty much the most powerful characters currently right now in power world now one thing I would recommend guys if you guys are trying to get any of these characters make sure you guys level up your spheres and check out my video on why you might not be capturing if you're struggling capturing players I hope you guys found this video helpful and informative if you are do me the heat favor guys drop a comment drop a like but most importantly subscribe to the channel turn on those notifications so you guys won't miss when our videos go live thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 61,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld best pals, palworld best pals for combat, palworld pals for combat, palworld guide, palworld best pals early game, palworld best pals mid game, palworld best pals endgame, palworld highest damage pals, highest elemental damage pals, palworld op pals, palworld best pals for fighting, palworld best pals for base, palworld best pals for early game, palworld best pals for electricity, palworld tips, palworld advanced tips, palworld early game tips, laserbolt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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