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what is up ladies and gentlemen today guys I've got top 10 beginner tips for power world for those of you that are looking to jump in when it releases so guys let's kick off with the first one now these aren't in any particular order they're just a bunch of tips that I've come along as I've played about 4050 hours in this game now guys the first tip is try and capture 10 of every pal that you come across especially the early game pal such as the chick pies the lambor the civas anything in that starting area as this is a great source of x and it will get you higher levels much quicker than just killing them now on top of this as well killing poers does Net you materials you can see there from killing the chicken pie we did get poultry and an egg but you also get the same materials if you capture them so if you are able to it is much better to capture the poers than to murder them because you still get their items you also get more XP from catching them you can see there our party did get 200 192 XP from Catching however from killing we only got 100 XP so keep that in mind when you are out and about that capturing does yield more XP as well as more resources because while capturing them they do get transported into your PO box but what you can actually do is you can then use the meat cleaver to butcher the pals and you will gain their items once again I have done this quite a few times with Mammoth rest because Mammoth rest does give quite a lot of high quality pal oil it also gives heaps of its stake so by capturing it I not only receive the first initial lot but I can then butcher it back at the base to get the resources again which makes things really handy now another tip is not to be scared to explore you can scale any structure in this game and you can also make it up that structure as long as you've got enough stamina you can climb vertically you can climb horizontally you can climb any mountain face that you find all you need to do is simply jump onto the wall structure terrain that you want to climb and you will climb it granted that you have enough stamina to do so now on top of this as well you do take fall damage however it is quite a long time before you start taking fall damage so you saw there that Cliff face that we fell off there that was quite a distance so do keep in mind when you are exploring that you don't really take too much fall distance and as long as you have food available to you your health will regenerate rather quickly now that brings me to my next point always have food on you whether it's raw or cooked obviously cooked food will provide you with more nutrition but you can still use raw food to feed yourself and your pals now the reason why food is so important is because if any of your pals run out of food their health will start dropping and it isn't slow it is quite fast and it's percentage based so it will just start plummeting and the same thing for you if you run out of food which is that orange bar there your health will start dropping and you'll be left on one Health left to starve now this is very important in terms of boss fights because in boss fights you can cycle your powers around so that they are able to regenerate Health while you fight the bosses and if they've got food available to them they can do so if they run out of food their food will deplete and they will die rather quickly so obviously to prevent that make sure you bring food you do get technology later down the line that allows you to equipped small feed bags which essentially means that your pals and yourself will automatically consume food when you're hungry as long as you've got it in your inventory now my next tip is to build the lumbering station and the stone station as soon as you were able to this gives your pals something passively to do while you're not in the base and you haven't queued anything up for them and as you can see there is a limit of 99,999 resources that they can chop and harvest in that I would then recommend setting a storage box up next to the structure as well because when you press F to acquire it you will pick up the entire stack that is in there and and the thing about this is that stone does not count for your use around the base until you pick it up so what you can do is you can simply Park a box next to it and then pick up the stone Chuck the stone into the box and you can store an unlimited amount of stone or wood in the box so I would recommend setting up one of those boxes next to each of these structures because that'll allow you to transfer that stone and wood straight into the box to use around your base now as well as that also build the ranch as soon as possible you unlock this at level five and you unlock these guys at level seven the ranch will allow you to use certain Pals to farm resources so for example Lambo and chapie are farmable Pals they will produce eggs and wool over time making them very useful because you will need eggs for food and you will need wool to make cloth further down the line now you can find out if a pal is farmable through the farming icon located here in the bottom right hand corner only a few Pals do have it and I would recommend you stick all Pals that have that symbol into a ranch now my next tip is to utilize the Traders found around the map sometimes you will need an abundance of resources that you just can't get from Catching or killing a bunch of Pals and it's much easier to buy resources from the Traders it is very easy to make money in this game you can currently see here I've got 177,000 at one point I did have 200k but I spent it all on ammunition so it's very easy all you need to do is go into dungeons kill bosses fight the dungeon bosses and you'll get high valued components that you can sell to the merchants and that will allow you to buy palp parts such as the organs the Venom glands the horns bones leather I struggled to find a lot of leather obviously you get it by killing poers but I was killing PS and I just wasn't getting enough leather so I came into the trader bought a bunch of it for cheap like look at that 51 leather for 72 Grand you can easily get this money in in one boss fight easy peasy same for the organs I did have flame organs coming in because we had a power that was renable that we produced flame organs with but electric organs later in the game you do need these for electrical devices and I just was not getting any of them in and they're super cheap at the trader so it's really recommended to use the trader as much as you want because it really makes life a little bit easier for you and you will be able to get those resources that you need much easier and making money is easy in this game you can sell poers you can sell items that you get you can even sell your resources that stack of stone that I had you can sell that so it's entirely up to you and if you want you can sell your pals and they're not that hard to catch like you can see here we sell Lambo for 210 it's very easy to catch lalls very easy now my next tip would be to keep an eye on your technology points you can't unlock all of the research available to you so do be rather careful with what you invest in you do get technology points for unlocking fast travel points you sometimes get them from killing bosses you do get technology points from unlocking fast travel points and you get ancient technology points from killing bosses and the faction leaders the ancient technology is on the right hand side here however the technology tree is the main tree that you will be leveling up and you do need to be rather particular because as far as I can tell there is no way for you to be able to reset your technology now this game is obviously in Early Access so that can change but at the current stage there is no way to reverse your technology points so I only have three technology points available to me and you can see here there is a whole heap of stuff that I have not unlocked especially when it comes to the pals so be very selective in the saddle choices or the item choices that you choose for your pals because it can result in you missing out in some endgame stuff if you don't have the technology points available to you for example I can't learn the rocket launcher at the moment cuz I only have three points available now my next tip involves going out at nighttime during the beginning of the game it is stated that more powerful pals are out and about at night time that is kind of correct but at the same time it's also incorrect they're just different poers that are out at nighttime night time in my opinion is the best time to go exploring especially when you haven't seen much of the map because what it enables you to do especially if you've got a flying Mountain obviously you're not going to have this guy or anything like that at the beginning but it enables you to see the Fast Travel points from afar especially if they're orange and you haven't unlocked them yet so getting around like this and like you can see off in the distance where fast travel points are and the life monk Effigies as well like you have quite a long draw distance to actually see everything so I would heavily recommend exploring at night time you can also see the Smoke Stack signals as well at night time now another perk of exploring at night time as well however is that Pals will take double the amount of damage where before you wake them up I did have some pow here here we go you can see over here we've got some jolt Hogs over here that are asleep and you can actually sneak up on them never mind that's a Syndicate grenader these guys actually take double damage when they're asleep so if you damage Pals or enemies while they are asleep they will take double damage on the first hit now as well as that this also increases the Pal's chance to be captured if you throw a pal sphere into a sleeping pal that has its back to you you will find that you can actually tame them will you have a higher capture rate I'm trying to get on J tragon come here mate get over why is nothing going right bro let me ride you that sounds very wrong it's not the context I mean so you can see over here we've got some celay if we run over to him you see our capture rate is currently 4% however if we come around to the backside of the celerate and normally you can only do this during night time because they are asleep and they are still if you do it during the daytime I found that it doesn't have an effect on them unless they're running away from you but you can see here the back bonus is now 18% so it gives you quite a large capture percentage bonus you'll know you do it right if you see that light pop off when you throw the ball but you can see here we're only have a 4% chance capture rate so if you are after a particular type of power that is found in the Overworld definitely try and get them while they're asleep sleep at night time because that will increase your chance and get them in the back as well if possible although I'm doing a terrible job of showcasing capturing them aren't I now for the next tip it comes down to a technology learned and that is the monitoring stand now with the monitoring stand you can see there it says you can command your pals to work on various things inside a base try not to overwork them at the current rate that's actually not what this item does if you come into it it actually enables you to increase the amount of work that your powers will do so you can currently see here we've got normal hardworking and super hardworking and each of these have obviously Buffs and negatives to them so the work speed and the movement speed is highest however their sanity and their hunger will deplete at a very quick rate so do keep an eye on that if that does happen because it can obviously mess up your powers and it can cause them to not work whatsoever but there is a fine line with where you can do it so that is just an extra thing if you need to get a lot of stuff produced if you need to get a lot of things made up you can definitely switch them to Super hardworking and they'll produce stuff super quickly but then you'll also get your dragon looking super sad like is so just keep an eye out on their sanity their health and you'll genuinely be able to keep them pleased the Humane setting is normally enough like I didn't really struggle with them producing anything too bad while I was playing with the Humane setting on but just keep that in mind going forward if you want to do a lot of cooking or anything like that then you can obviously amp it up for my next tip it involves the pal Souls as you run around the world killing enemies collecting chests and defeating dungeons you will accumulate power Souls now be very selective with where you input your power Souls because they are rather limited from my findings and I think I found a total of about 50 something small P souls in about 40 hours I haven't found a reliable way to farm them or anything yet you can reset them but it does end up being a lot of money the more pal Souls you've invested into a pal the more money it will cost so I would recommend being very selective with what powers you choose to enhance through this method because the power sols are rather hard to come by and they are costly to reset you're much better off spending your hard-earned money on resources or other powers that you don't have you can see here to reset two power sols it is $22,000 however the amount of power sols doubles with each level you go up so do keep that in mind as well moving forward now guys my next tip is about weight now as you guys know you do have the ability to level up your weight but there are also Pals that will enable you to increase this weight so what I would recommend is going out and taming a bunch of the pals that increase your weight because that will enable you to gather more resources before having to return back to base this is especially true when it comes to harvesting up any types of ore as they weigh quite a lot and to get a lot of it you need to F it back to your base which generally takes a long process so I've currently got a bunch of King Packers and Ice King Packers as well as lunaris and as you guys saw that increases my weight by 280 points now you can do this as soon as you have access to kaas civas also have this ability you can see there they help carry supplies increasing the players Max carrying capacity it isn't as strong as these guys but it still does the job you do get access to King Pacer relatively early he is level 23 and he's located just down here so you can uh obviously try and catch these guys every day they will respawn and then you have a full party of them and they will increase your weight exponentially which is really good and worth getting now I've already mentioned various structures but this is also another structure that you should definitely build when you get the opportunity to and that is the crusher now what the crusher will do is it will create fiber and palum fragments from Stone and wood so if you create one of these crushes near your two uh obviously harvesting areas the stone or the wood one what you can do is drop it next to the box and create a bunch of pal fragments as these are used for pretty much everything in the game you will need tons and tons of these now you will need a water pal in order to power this and create the items for you so do keep that in mind that you won't be able to actually utilize this until you have a water pal but once you do you just want to have palum fragments CE queued up all the time on it cuz they are used for everything
Channel: Cjthecheesedj
Views: 174,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark top 5, cjthecheesedj, genesis, ark 2, Dinos, Dinosaurs, Gameplay, Ark, Creatures, Taming, best, deadliest, lists, top 10, TOP 5, abberattion, rockwell, ice titan, king titan, kill, MODS, moddded, best mods, modded, moddded top 10, new top 10, snow owl, dodo, creatures, ark, pvp, pve, solo, new dlc, new dinos, story, palworld, breeding, infusion, combine, how to palworld, TOP 10
Id: PC8S9AsR6Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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