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one of the most important thing if not the most important thing in pal world is getting very rare Pals getting them early and actually obtaining the pals as quickly as you possibly can today I'm going to give you guys a super duper easy method in order for you guys to get some of the most powerful the most secretive Pals currently in the game without you having to shoot a bullet I mean that sounds amazing and you're probably wondering laser how you do it today we're going to talk about that and show you guys how to get it done so with that being said let's talk about the requirements you're going to need to do in order to get this done so I'm going to give you two methods the first method is going to be for people who don't have this item and the second method is going to be for people who have access to this item and what item is that guys that is having access to a heat resistant uh armor plate or body or body plate whatever you guys want to call it or armor if you have access to the hit resistance armor plate this would be a a lot easier if you don't have access to this you still will be able to do this regardless and having access to a mount that you're able to use to fly around and that is basically all you need in order to get this done so with that being said let's see where we're going to go what we're going to get and what it will become all right guys so we're going to be headed to this location right here it doesn't really matter which area you want to start off with I personally like this area right here because this is the area I'm mostly familiar with so we're going to Fast Track to this location and the first thing we're going to do guys is we are going to get our pal now you do not need to be any high level to come here this is basically a free zone there's a vendor there's everything and this is by far one of the best locations I find in the game in order to get this done what we're going to be doing guys is we're going to be calling up on our Mount here and you can use any Mount I like this one cuz this one's super fast I already uh you know upgraded this and we're going to be looking for these items guys yes we're going to be looking for these eggs now these zeggs in particular are going to be scattered throughout the entire world here and we're going to be picking one by one okay now there are multiple ways or areas that are you know portions in the map where you're able to get these eggs but these eggs tend to drop some very very exclusive and very rare Pals that are very hard to obtain and you know other way either by combining them or by just killing really high in bosses so we're going to collect these eggs and you're going to see what these actually give us now the great thing about this area is I kind of already know where these eggs are at uh but they are scattered all around the all around the world now the reason I said you needed a health sorry a health you needed a heat uh suit is because as you go in deeper and deeper into this area you're going to start picking up some heat and that Heat's going to start counting down so there's going to be a couple legs that you won't be able to pick up because of that heat resistance as you see right here it's going to start kicking by I already have the outfit so go here this you know this this Mount is even so fast it's hard to control that's how fast it is so we picked up that Egg and I want to show you guys this route because this particular route allows you to stay kind of like on the outskirts and this is for people who don't have access to the actual item they could simply just grab these eggs and uh you know consume these egg not consume them but grab them so you guys can take them so we're going to try to go here and can I grab it there we go all right so we got got that egg that egg Tak can care of now there are chests here you guys can kind of grab as you go but the main thing we're looking for here of course are the eggs and those are the ones that are going to be very fundamental I'm not going to go into the eggs that are inside the area just yet because I want to show you guys the ones that are on the outside of the map might as well pick this up over here and as you guys notice all you got to do is kind of just stay on these outskirts and grab the eggs as you go so we're going to pick this one up I I'm kind of amazed I haven't even picked that set up so you guys notice here we just keep going here on the edge there's another egg right here we go down here we're going to pick it up and I wanted to show you guys exactly where they're at so you guys can know exactly the route you need to take and since you are coming with me along with this ride with this route you might as well pick these up so so far we have a total of one six eggs two green which is greens is good greens and blues is like are really good these are going to take a little bit longer for you guys to consume but they're pretty good and as you're seeing here guys there is some chest here to be had as well so we're going to pick this up for some reason my controller does that and that's why I kind of uh contacted uh Microsoft to send me another controller cuz it is acting pretty silly so once again we go we stay on the outskirts this is a little bit further in there is another egg here and we're going to be picking this up now remember the more eggs you pick up the better because the more you're going to be able to get and this Mount is just so fast man all right here we go you know remember before when you guys watch my videos I was playing like oh my goodness this bouncer so slow now this one's just so fast look how fast it goes down I have to kind of take my time here all right here we go pick that one up so so far look at this guys a bunch of eggs okay and we have some chests if you guys wanted to collect chests you can now there are more eggs inside the area here but what we're doing is here we're just trying to stay on the outskirts so you guys can see exactly kind of this route for these eggs and we pick this one up and we're going to go pick up this other one right here and as you see ton of these exg now you're probably wondering laser what are those eggs going to give you where you going to have to watch the video so you guys can see here we're going to try to hatch these eggs as quickly as we possibly can for video purposes but I want to show you guys the rare Pals you're able to get you're going to be able to get some Pals that you probably don't have with your within your inventory and this is by far one of the best things you could do in the early stages of the game uh without you uh you know having to shoot any single bullet you see right now I haven't shot anybody um you know everything is safe here pick this egg right here and there are a ton of these eggs boys that's reason I'm telling you if you have the um the outfit the heating Alpha you're going to be able to grab all these if you don't have the heating Alpha then you're going to only be able to grab the ones that are on the outside of the map which is something I recommend everybody do okay so we're going to go ahead and pick this egg up now this is a good way to get XP too because when these hatch uh if you do get the rare eggs these are going to give you some good XP as well it's a good incentive to have here if you're trying to do that there's another egg right here going to send and pick this one up and it's going to come to the point you're going to have so many eggs your whole inventory is going to get filled and you're not going to be able to get all the eggs that are here so you can simply come back now the beautiful thing about these is that these actually resets okay so it's not like a thing where you're like oh no you know like I could only do this once no you can do this they reset they reset like for me in my server they reset every two days so every two game days okay so it's not like real days but like every two day game Day games uh they reset and I'm able to come and farm this and get the eggs which is really good all right so we got that and I think we're not going to have yeah we still have a couple spots so we got in some greens we haven't got any blues yet but you are able to pick up some blues from here as well greens are really good uh normal ones are okay uh but greens are definitely um Blues are definitely the ones you want to get those take a little bit longer to cook they take away 7 minutes but they usually tend to have like a very very rare pal which is kind of like what we want right all right so we're going to continue on the outskirts here so you guys can see all right continue on the outskirts oh no we're dropping I have to go pick that fig up oh now come on you know what there should be there should be something that allows you to pick up the egg without you having to go down and pick it up kind of like something like like a magnetic thing right that'd be kind of dope all right so we're going to do that and I know there's another egg here I just don't remember yeah there it is I knew it was here all right let's go here pick this one up and okay let me go ahead make sure I feed my pal here because he is hungry all right so we're almost completely full with the eggs guys which is a good run you're going to see all the stuff that we're going to be able to get here from here another egg right here drop down and pick this one up now course if you have a flying Mount that takes a little bit longer to fly around you could take easily take your time there's like no rush on picking this eggs uh what you do want to do have is you want to have the ability to be able to uh you know hatch these eggs as quickly as you possibly can because that's going to save you some time the more um hatchets that you have the faster you're going to be able to get these uh eggs to consume all right and as you notice the majority of the eggs we're picking up are really really uh really good and they're all orange look looking right and you're probably wondering why are they all orange looking is because since this area that we're currently in right now is pretty much heavily uh I wouldn't say heavily fortified but it's primarily dominant when it comes to uh heated PS uh that's why we're picking up those type of Pals I know there's a there's an egg here I there it is all right here we go pick this one up all right let's go down here pick this guy up yep picked up okay scorching egg and I know there is one on top of this Castle I'm just trying to figure out look at is that two two gold no I thought that was those two golden chests I was like bro is that two golden chests no way I know there's one on top of this Castle I just can't remember exactly where it's at now you're probably wondering laser why don't you have markers I completely out of markers right now so um I know there's a chest I know there's a chest I know there's an egg here I just don't remember where exactly it's at there it is all right pick that one up and I know there's one more up here okay uh where is it I know it's not this high up now we're going to drop we're going to descend and we're going to go back up right now real quick here and I wanted to bring you guys along so you guys could see exactly where they're at so you guys don't have to kind of be searching for them like kind of um you know like like where the heck am I going you know I know there is another one here okay we're just going to continue going I know there was one here but oh there it is is all right pick that one up all right and pick this one up and all right so we are at we're almost completely full guys all right pick this one up ah come on yeah I might as well just drop down like this I'm going pick this up as well all right pick that up and let's get back into our flying you I might as well pick this up too I didn't know I hadn't picked up all the stuff now where is my grapple hook all right we might as well fly to it all right let's get it all right there we go and bring him back up here and as you see here guys we just stayed on the outskirts but to go into the castle and grab them you are going to need that heat uh that heated uh outfit there all right and there are still more eggs inside but I just wanted to stay on the outskirts just to give you guys an idea if you guys are lower level or if you guys don't have this heated outfit you're still able to NAB yourself quite a lot of eggs to be honest um all right and we'll go here grab this I don't know why it's not grabbing it come on okay right there you go and I know there's an egg up here I just I just don't want to grab the ones that are too far in because that's going to not be so beneficial to you guys but this one should be beneficial to you here all right go up here come on I hate how it doesn't go up there now have you guys got it glitched inside of any of these rocks I hate when I do that I need a new controller man might as well pick this up here okay drop down pick this up real quick all right and come on all right here we go get back up here and now we go so we are almost I think oh we got a blue one though extremely happy for that nice all right uh I know I'm missing one more egg but I only have one more spot for one more egg and this is not even checking the outskirts so if you go kind of like on the the opposite side of this you're going to be able to get the egg as well but um right now we're just doing these these are the ones that I I highly recommend you guys do this real quick so I'm just might as well just grab this while I'm at it and we're good and I can't believe I didn't I haven't grabbed those so you guys to see these rocks right here guys these rocks will have the eggs as well which are going to be extremely beneficial to you guys but I I don't even have enough why does it do that man I don't even have enough uh I don't even have enough space to put all these eggs in the basket all right so we'll grab that one I got to go down a little bit more all right so grab that one and I believe I don't have enough room yeah I think I'm completely yeah no more room okay so even though there as you guys see here I'm G to show you there's a there's an egg right here okay there is going to be more eggs around here this area so regardless we didn't even go around the whole entire area where we started which was here we are kind of coming into this spot right here and there's still eggs there's another egg right there um you know there's another egg over there and there's an egg right here so another one right there so even though um I am fully complete I can literally come back again and grab more eggs okay so that's what makes this uh this run amazing now we're going to go back to the base we're going to hatch all these eggs and see what we got all right guys so for video purposes I'm going to start hatching these eggs real quick and you'll see what we got from all the eggs we were able to uh kind of get from the uh from the area here all right let's go ahead and put that one and put this one right here and now you could you know you could do these as quickly as you possibly can just make sure you check your server settings so you guys don't have to wait all this long time to actually get so let's get started with the first one we're going to see what we got from this one let's see what type of pal we got so we got a Kela Inus this is actually a really I mean that's a hard pal to get to be honest you're not going to find it very often next up we have a van rum this is really good like if you guys never had one of those dude that is such a huge dub right there uh let's see what we have we have another Kelps let's see what we get on this one we're going to get uh a repal okay so that one's a really good one guys that's a really good one uh next up we have a Pyon knocked now that's another really good one see that's what I'm telling you get some really crazy good ones just by doing this nice little farm here now we got that one that one's okay that one has two hours cuz I messed up the server so we're going to do put another one there and put another one there and put another one there and we're going to put another one here and put another one here oh and another one right here okay so let's see what we got see we get as you guys are seeing we're getting some really good pals all right so vanum another really good one like these are like I'm telling you like if you don't Farm These and you get these early dude I'm telling you man you guys are going to be set that was a okay uh and what else we got and you see the XP is going up another van room all right uh let's see what we get I wish we could get like a no I want to get like a so far we got in like one that's really really rare like the Venoms is like huge du to me that one the the repor that one's so good too really good for fire damage uh let's see what else we got here H we got another Kelps all right cool all right and you see this this Farm method is so good because you're going to be able to get some good stuff and that XP keeps going up because if you keep getting uh some of the ones that you probably won't be able to get because you need to level up or you need to be better gear you're going to be getting them right off the bat all right so here we go let's see what we have okay a Pyon dude that is a good one o pyn are very hard to come by Artis all right that's a nice mod uh let's see M Foreman okay yeah you know even though like the characters you got to look at the the the abilities the abilities are actually very helpful especially with breathing um it's going to help out another Pyon huge dub right there and what do we got a reptor dude these repors are coming in candy too man all right let's see what we got I know everybody wants to know what's that blue one bro what's that blue one going to be like and remember from this you're still able to go back out and get more you know cuz there's still more there were still more eggs so really really good here all right and check this one real quick all right another M room all right let's see oh this is not a time to get raided come on what's it is it night time already all right hold on bro I'm hatching these eggs my boy boys you I got to go to give me a second I got to go grab some actually I could just bring out my uh hop on this dude and let's see where they coming from all right let's see take them out real quick here before they approach our base here bro get away from my base son you don't want the Heat all right I mean I think we heard him a little bit there all right don't I'm telling you this guy does so much damage it's crazy so by the time they get to the base they're going to be pretty much dead here dude I'm trying to make a video boys and Y all interrupting did we get any dudes coming from this side yeah we got a big dude right here all right let's hit him up with some uh missiles here all right come on hit this big boy yeah boy all right let's go take him out get off my base let's get it he's almost dead too just going to drop down here and hit him up oh do I not have I have no ammo on that one where's my gun with ammo okay pretty much dead there and we're good oh do we got more oh my P are sleeping they're taking a nap don't worry about it boys we got them all that guy's not coming in here he's pretty much Dead all right anyways back to our our our egg hatching here sorry guys we got Ru interrupted with that raid all right what do we get uh oh yes dude a ragen hawk dude that's a huge dub if you don't have one huge dub right there all right let's see what we got all right let's put some more eggs here I we're we're almost here getting to this blue one all right and go here and grab that right there all right ah we have one more green one and the blue one that's still going to take three hours come on yeah I had I had I was changing a server setting on that one so so we're done with that le le punk I'm actually going to make a really op one oh van with ferocious that's a really good one right there a Pyon o nocturnal pyron those are hard to come back because those only come at night and another one let's go can we make it three for three ah and what do we have here hold on yeah that box is so close all right here we go let's get it oh a wixon let's go wixon are actually really good they're really good for your base and then we're going to put the blue one here all right let's go all right let's see what we got Moment of Truth what do you guys think we're going to get man let me know in the comment section down below before I open this let me know in the comment section down below what you thought I I was going to get and did you guess it right let's go here it goes boys here it goes boom a blazow let's go dude blaz house are op that's what I'm talking about my boys W yes like I would like I'm stoked and I already have I already have these Pals but having multiple Pals is so good because of the breathing aspect of it but overall in general guys that is how you want to do it and how do you get these super rare Pals without you even shooting a butt so I hope that you found this video helpful if you did guys don't forget to check out my 15 top Advanced tips that are going to make your game a lot easier to definitely check those out and see you guys can learn something new thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next video
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 7,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld rare pals, rare pals palworld, palworld rarest pals, palworld how to get rarest pals, palworld how to get rarest pals easy, palworld, palworld easy pals, palworld tutorial, palworld how to get rare pals, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld best pals, palworlds best start, palworld best base, palworld get pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pals, palworld advanced tips, laserbolt, palworld how to, palworld best pal, palworld tricks, palworld best pals to get
Id: Uo0zmtXK_q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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