Who's the Best Base Mining Pal in Palworld?

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who is the best mining pal for your base people for a while said dig toys was the best and I assume it was simply for the reason that it hit so many times you had so many numbers popping up they weren't big though they were small numbers it wasn't really impressive so I wrote them off as being really bad and I moved on then I said oh nbis is pretty good you got three mining you can mine everything you have to currently and you can also transport it if you have to and if you need some handiwork that's also possibility but then you got Blas mut with level for mining the number going up for the pickaxe just means it hits harder as far as I can tell and you can mine different stuff and then we had aagon who's in the same boat for mining but he flies and can get stuck it's a downside here the flying Pals have rough pathing most of the time we have each of the piles with a Compadre with some slight differences for instance maybe has stars and then no stars or it's got insane passives like the work speed ones and none that would contribute to such factors to see if anything changes so first up we'll go ahead and use dig to actually we'll do a nubis and a nubis one with all work spe Buffs two stars and even the work speed Souls other one has nothing it just has Diet lover they're both attacking the same Rock damage is pretty comparable speed is the exact same I'm I'm in shambles we have Blas mut versus Blas mut one with a lot of freaking damage other one half the damage and also no stars damage is also comparable there's no work speed Buffs here but I assume the same thing would happen that was happening with the anubis's it's 80 damage it's not it's not bad it's not bad guys okay good stuff good stuff good good chowing out there then we have the aagon work speed no work speed they do be attacking pretty fast so Blas and aagon both freaking Hawk They be Hawking at these ores Blas would be the play if you wanted to use one of these cuz it doesn't fly good damage good damage though guys good damage next up we have dig Tois versus dig toys wrong direction how do you make them go the correct pathing to what you want them to go to I got to throw them at it surely I don't know where you're going you're going right here got it uh he's his own in the world so we have nine and 10 damage versus two and three damage how come dig to is seeing a difference in the damage output that's a great question and I have the answer to it to explain what is happening here I must first give credit to average Jonas I watched stream I saw them doing this stuff and it was freaking mind-blowing I messed around with dick toys before and I noticed that muscle head would start the animation for spinning way slower than one that had no muscle head so I had an assumption that work speed played a role but I had zero idea that stars leveling it up condensing it could get the damage that crazy because when you do the first level the first Star level nothing happens but for some reason when you give dig toys four stars it quad Drupal the damage not to mention work speed doesn't affect other Pals when they're mining ore I believe they have no effect on it has no effect on mining ore quartz quartz sulfur and coal except for dig to it does for some reason it increases the cast speed of their animation for spinning and I believe also the rotations and revolutions while spinning and the crazy part too I thought when I when I saw dig tce doing stuff and work speed affecting him mining fast I went with it I was like I I'm GNA get an ason that has work speed I'm G get an Anubis that has work speed which that thank God the Anubis one still helps because of the the crafting stuff if you have him as your personal craft Bish in your base it's pretty good but I didn't know I had a rude awakening one day when I put two anubis's next to each other one had zero work speed as shown earlier and one had all of it they were just like oh yeah same speed brutal now the good thing is if you do have an Anubis that has all the work speed Buffs like most folks do you can use that to make yourself a dig toys that has all the work spe Buffs if you want to go that route which I will suggest or I will mention it might be nice to give your dig toys move speed so maybe go Swift serious work slave Artisan or give him a work a work longevity passive like maybe diet lover workaholic dainty eater one of those and then have three Works speed Buffs because he does get hungry a lot like like right like right now he's hungry he's like he stops to eat a lot if you want to get a dig toys from Anubis use a lunaris leas punk Rush ore or leas punk ignis I used a lunaris with an Anubis lunaris had no passives Anubis had all passives and it worked out pretty well I'm not sure if I mentioned it yet but dig toys is also absurd outside the base when you give him more stars I'm pretty sure we have two different ones right here I should have name them and figure out who's who I'll do it right now we'll do one one dose okay so we'll do dose first he's he's ready 34 28 34 you know that's like the the number range good damage still good damage at like base and work speed makes him go fast as well but then we have one little lost fine 10 sorry about that 109 110 like one one a spin and a half a spin and a quarter and he's done that wasn't even with the buff look at this with the buff it's 150 one spin one spin easily so that makes mining soul for really easy no no tools required you can actually mine every single node and probably still have juice left why there to should those be here and it's like what so I had zero idea he was that good cuz I didn't invest into the condensing of him I just didn't think about it now that I've learned it basically revolutionizes my base setup I go from having a kajillion anubis's an ason and whatnot to just having two maybe three fully Juiced dig toes and then a transport pal preferably wo four stars you get five transport and you just got to get rid of the trees which by the way apparently you can put bear trops on them I'm trying the small bear traps but I've heard the bigger ones work better or I think I'm making that up I definitely heard that bear traps can prevent trees from growing if you place them over the root of them just for comparison take I want to use a digo versus four aagon just to see which one's faster it might lose to four asons three I think it has a chance that's a lot of damage that's probably around 300 damage in one rotation I think for four beats it but it definitely beats three now if the asons are condensed I'm not too sure you're saving three PS for the price of one uh 116 17 if you include the original one still though we had two stars on this guy all that to say digo is the best mining pal in the game both in your base out your base doesn't matter I was wrong and so are the folks saying he was good because they didn't know this either okay everyone just said yeah he's insane dude does big damage you didn't have a level four dude you didn't have a level four you were just saying that you were just you got lucky okay and I got unlucky so that's my bad but still y'all some of yall were wrong too okay let's be honest any thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 3,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld mining, palworld mining base, palworld mining pal, palworld tips, palworld base tips, palworld best mining pal, palworld strongest mining pal, palworld best base mining pal, palworld digtoise, palworld anubis, palworld astegon, palworld blazamut, palworld ore farming, palworld quarts mining, palworld coal farm
Id: A4ekV8p5gEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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