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[Music] hi guys I'm aelia and I've been playing pal world since the day it was released I have well over 500 hours in this game and in that time I've learned many things that I wish I'd known in the beginning here are some of those things my first tip is to gather everything if you see it on the ground pick it up it's an easy way to get the basic resources you need like wood Stone and paldum and pal resources like wool leather and chiap eggs you can even find palel skill fruits spheres and ammo always keep an eye out for Treasures pal eggs and lift monk Effigies they're pretty much everywhere and while many are obvious some are hidden so look by behind waterfalls on statues in containers and ruins and in very high places Treasures can have a lot of great items you can get gold most levels of spheres ammo special items higher level schematics medicine and a lot of other great things most of the chests can be opened freely but the higher quality chests require a copper silver or gold key depending on how high level the area it's found in is these chests will be red and in the starting area they will need a copper key in the forest desert and volcano areas they will require silver keys and in the snow they take gold keys you can find keys in other treasures and Lease punks drop copper Keys pile eggs are some of my favorite things to find you can hatch them in the egg incubator which you unlock at level seven in the ancient Tech Tree you'll need ancient Tech points to unlock it and to get those you'll need to beat a boss I usually start with chillet because he's one of the lowest level Alpha bosses and he's near the starting area you only get ancient Tech points the first time you beat a boss but you will get ancient civilization Parts every time you beat them you need ancient civilization parts to make most of the ancient Tech treat items and any of the items from schematics so grinding Alpha pal bosses is a great way to get them each pal element is represented by its own type of egg and some regions spawn specific types of eggs than scorching eggs near the volcano while other regions can spawn any type a recent patch to the game allows the possibility to get Alpha Pals from both Wild Eggs and eggs from breeding the latest patch has made it so that the alpha versions are no longer just larger they have slightly higher stats than the regular ones Alpha pals come in larger eggs than the regular version would so if a pal usually hatches from a regular size egg an alpha version of that pal would be in a large size egg I love the variety of Pals that you can get from eggs and I've gotten some much later game Pals pretty early in the game that way overall eggs are just an amazing way to get Pals and the fact that I feel like I'm Easter egg hunting is just a bonus next lift monk Effigies are very important for your ability to catch Pals they're glowing green statues of a lift monk you can turn them in at the Anubis statues you find in church ruins around the map each level increases your pile capture rate reducing the chance that that chicky bastard will escape your ball but each level requires increasingly more Effigies I've maxed it out and I can tell you that there are way more Effigies than necessary so don't stress about finding them all the statue of power is unlocked at level six and is a requirement for a base upgrade but once you build it you can now conveniently turn in your Effigies and pal sols at home pal souls are used to upgrade pal stats thank skill points except you're using them on your pals one way I use this is when I have a pal that stays in my party like Anubis I want him to have great battle skills and have passive skills that enhance my stats then I use pal souls to upgrade his work speed because I use my pocket Anubis to help me build and craft all the time I'll have more detailed info on how the passive skills work in an upcoming video so if you're interested be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss it like Redeeming the Effigies each level requires more souls of eventually moving up to needing medium and large soles in a recent update they've added the ability to convert different Siz soles in the crusher to make what you need skill fruits are usually found on special trees throughout the map but they can also be found in treasures and sometimes spawn on the ground they can be used to teach various skills to your pals each skill fruit is associated with an active or fighting skill just select the skill fruit in your inventory and use the action to use or cons assume and choose which pal to use it on active skills can be taught to any pal in your party unless they already know it I like to add different element attacks on my best Pals so I can swap them out and be able to take on opponents of any element type like my Anubis he's a ground type which is weak to grass but grass is weak to fire so I teach my Anubis fire attacks with fire skill fruits one tip about skill fruits though they come in different levels uncommon rare and epic don't assume the Epic skills are better than uncommon ones higher damage skills usually have higher cooldown times meaning Pals may use all three of their attacks and if they all three have long cooldown times the pal will just stand there taking hits until one of the attacks is available again I try to be sure to have at least one short CT attack equipped at all times even though the attack is lower they get more damage in because of the quick cool down in the early game before I have a real base set up I play storage boxes near fast travel points and empty into them as my weight gets full I do this because I usually go at least 2 to 3 days before I get my PO Box down I don't like setting up in the starting area and I prefer to work my way to other areas before starting my base then once I finally choose where I'd like my base and I actually place my pow box down I can just fast travel to the storage boxes grab it and bring it all home when I need something I just build it wherever I need it like a fire or a workbench or repair bench whatever and when I'm done done I just disassemble it important note for this to work you must have the structure Decay setting turned off in the custom World menu if it's on anything outside the pobox range will deteriorate over time and after a couple days it will disappear your pal box is the heart of your base any pal you capture while your party is full will automatically be sent to your pal box it functions as a storage unit for your Ps and will hold up to 480 of them it is also a fast travel point for anyone in your guild the PO Box creates a circular claim with a radius of 35 M with it in the center this forms a base which protects everything built inside of it from Decay All Storage within that range is connected allowing Wireless crafting for you and anyone in your guild your pals will also transport to any storage within your base I try to gather or as I go as much as possible and store it so I have a decent amount already when I get to level 10 and unlock Lo the Primitive furnace that way I can get my Ingot production underway as quickly as possible you can never have enough ore this is another reason I leave storage boxes at fast travels because ore is heavy my second tip is to capture everything the more you capture the better you get the same resources and food as killing them plus you'll get an XP bonus after catching 10 of a Kind it's a great way to level up quickly at level 14 you can unlock the pal Essence condenser in the ancient Tech Tree it requires two ancient Tech points so make sure you stock up on them you use the condenser to combine extra Pals to boost your pal skills this level is different than their game skill level this will increase the Pal's Max Health attack and defense and the partner skill by one level up to a maximum of five levels at Max Stars the work suitability mining cooking handiwork Etc levels will also increase by one it takes 116 Pals in total to get them to four stars which is level five the higher level a ranch pal is the more it will drop a level one Vixie will produce the basic pal spheres but a level five Vixie will produce pal spheres up to hypers spheres this can be complicated to understand and would require a video of its own if you're interested leave a comment let me know and I'll be happy to make that if you you don't want to combine them all you can sell them if you need money any pal Merchant the ones dressed in blue or the black marketeer will buy them with that said start with kativa kativa is easily the best early game pal each kativa in your party gives you a 50 lb boost to your available weight which at the very beginning is huge they can also help with handiwork and in the time immediately after starting this is extremely helpful you'll have lot to make in a short time to get going and having an extra set of hands is invaluable a kativa is always my first tame and usually my second and third also the weight boost right at the start is op they do all come with the passive skill coward and will'll run from you when they see you so try to enter them and they'll fight you or just catch them off guard after you get your fill of civas you should start to get a variety of Pals to run your base efficiently I'm sure he won't be surprised to find out that the first two jobs to fill can be filled by none other than kativa he actually does many of the jobs that you'll need kativa does level one Mining and while there are other early Pals that also mine you can only put a couple Pals out and you need to choose the ones that are more versatile and that's pretty much kativa for handiwork I obviously choose kativa but there are others I have on this list that also do handiwork like Lambo tany Li Monk and pingl it so it's not just my Pink Kitty for lumbering Iyer is best it's all he does and he's good at it he can also be ridden although he's really not my favorite Mount his saddle is unlocked at level 12 LIF Monk and tany also lumber for cooking it's Fox Sparks Ruby is also good and both are level one fire but Fox parks are usually in the starting area so that's what I usually use at level five you can unlock the berry Plantation and having the proper Pals makes it so that you don't even have to think about it it just runs by itself so for planting we have tany or limun they are both very versatile also suited for lumbering handiwork and Gathering tany also transports and lift monk does medicine after the crops grow you need to harvest and besides tany and LIF monk I'm sure you won't be shocked to know that my favorite Kitty also gathers before they can grow though they'll need watering for that I would choose celer or pingle it they both also transport and pingle it will help you with handiwork celer can also be used as a glider when he's on your team the gloves to do that unlock at level seven and can be made on the pal workbench next we need everything we're making to be transported to storage many of the pals I've listed will also transport so we'll cover this quickly since you should already have plenty of transporters not surprisingly kativa also does transport you could also use your tany or celer my final tip for this video is to optimize your base when placing items on your base you should be sure to think about who uses it and how place your feed bin somewhat centrally the more time your pals spend walking the less productive your base will be Place storage near any resources they gather with wireless crafting it doesn't matter which storage it is in because you don't have to find it the pals aren't great at transport so keep it simple for them keep beds all around the base as they won't go far to sleep so I make multiple sleeping areas so they don't pass out on the ground Pals recover their sanity and health when they sleep in a bed and the higher quality the bed the more they recover keeping your pal sane is a huge help to optimizing your base because if their sanity drops too low they will get upset and go to bed if it's left this way too long they will become sick or injured eventually they will fall unconscious and need to be returned to the PO Box keep keep your pals happy you should also place like stations near each other than cooking pot and furnace once a fire pile finishes one job they will look for another the closer the next fire job is the more they will get done that day keeping the crusher and mill near the farm and other things like this I'm working on a more in-depth video on base optimization including pal sanity that will be posted in the near future so if you're interested be sure to subscribe so there you have some of the things I wish I'd known when I first started and the things I do now with every new playthrough I really love this game and I'll be making more and more content so if there's something you'd like to see in the future just let me know until next time keep on gaming [Music]
Channel: Azaleah Games
Views: 5,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pagalworld, pals, update, new, viral, gamer, tips, tricks, optimize, optimization, tutorial, xbox, series x, release, console, how to, catch, capture, pokemon
Id: 5HzTK3Z6zgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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