I Bred two TOWER BOSSES In Palworld for This..

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so I'm about to break the game and get a pal that should theoretically never die to do that though I need to take a quick trip and actually get all the gear that I'm going to need for this which just translates into a 7800 iron ore I might have left my computer on last night all right 1,000 normal ingots coming up I've already got 1 th000 refined ingots in case I ever need it so then we'll just dump the rest in the pal metal ingots working hard little flame dragon that's why I love you buddy now when I say I'm about to glitch and break the game I quite literally mean it I've been a big fan of breeding stupidly crazy Pals from jet fuel that melts most things and Grenada that should be registered as a military weapon but what if you didn't need to breed what if all you had to do is just go catch someone else's pal like taking candy from a baby except the baby's coming with you into the sphere you'll see what I mean if you don't already know what I'm doing all right Avengers Assemble I need my 138 hyper spheres at the ready actually while you guys do that I got a lot of comments telling me that if I wanted to get a bunch of good amulets or even more bosses I need to come over to this scary looking structure apparently the chest here count as dungeon chests yeah it's a high-grade tech manual and a sapphire oh ignis what are you doing over here but basically you can just get gems new moves for Pals attack pendant plus two dang it want to become deadly all right well no luck that time cool though my spheres are done now this next part's where it gets a little tricky I need to come to some place where there's you know a military officer and achoo oh sorry it's the allergies God oh they're so awful oh no oh please ah forgive me no my allergies are so bad oh no but apparently by getting a wanted charge if you then join a boss battle and begin the fight just pick up becoming a pacifist real quick and you want the guards to try and shoot the boss which then runs into a little baby corner like so and you can just throw the sphere at him and all right I just captured a tower boss uh regrettably there's only one way out here though yeah you got to die so wait is that just actually sitting in my box Now Zoe and Grizzbolt yes does it have a special thing wait I think it's just going to act like a normal Grizzbolt dude look at all these extra moves it has screw you Zoe me and Grizzbolt now all right come on out what she's still on top of him wait do you jump when I jump what that's so crazy what are your stats just 182 190 okay so now hang on can I come back here and be a repeat offender this time I've got three assault charges cuz I figured I'd ramp it up are they even going to be oh yeah there's another one in here okay so just don't attack Zoe and GIS bolt let the PIDF guards do it and then eventually they like run away for some reason and then just quick back shot is that oh what is that what was that God was that the haunted Spirit here here eat boss power whoa what the boss is still doing their lines dude this is crazy that it's like actually attacking and doing everything and now we wait quit looking at me like that Grizzbolt okay so yeah sure enough I just have another one I wonder I've got a female GIS bolt here and now that I've captured one it's habitat is at a weird creepy thing down there if I get a male Grizzbolt can I breed these two together oh Grizzle where are you actually this azurobe needs to get shot with a missile they're a great waterer like some more for my base oh and another petallia yeah that'd be sick dude I should have come over here a while ago gold deer dude there's all sorts of rare things over here all right I've been hanging out here for a while and no Grizzbolt is spawning in great news is I have the Pals needed to breed him go jetragon take us back I just take this little rayhound spike him into the breeding pit and hang on I spot treasure what you got little chest something good Mega Sphere and gold coins all right wasn't really hurting on those then I need a big todoro looking dude there's my mossanda let's just lift you up and Chuck you in there I dude how did I launch it to the end of the gate working out's been paying off all right they're going to fall in love while they do that I know another really cool boss that I want to catch oh God there's so much pollen in the air I didn't achoo sorry about that buddy it's oh God it's just so awful oh no two Chargers of assault whatever will I do oh three oh no oh it just keeps getting worse huh oh no don't chase me oh no please please don't chase me over here no no please don't chase me into this boss room with the coolest legendary electric thing I've ever seen in here oh that would be awful oh no hey hey no no no no shoot the dragon thing shoot the shoot the big shoot this guy shoot him shoot him guards guards help oh he's getting scared he's getting scared yes yes you fool you've showed me your behind and now your back shot was your demise I don't think it works if you throw it at him from the front just kind of like bounces off like that oh hello orserk you're level four in electricity where are you at up there the Hell in the void all right time to die oh my gosh dude you spat out at level 40 water Pals drop more items are defeated oh sick dude look at all this wait orserk's exclusive skill put that on God you're big where you going dude what are you doing you leaving me Oh no you're generating power this looks weird I'm not afraid to admit that okay I want to go test their strength out real quick obviously there's like a tip mismatch but he's a tower boss so I just want to know how good it is that did okay well that does like no damage but you wo he just hit you with 3,000 you're still alive how much health do you have where's your HP 130,000 dude it kept its HP value this is so crazy so like even though you're getting your butt kicked it's fine what is he doing right there what is is that the ? move he's just standing there looking cool as hell and so is orserk just the coolest Pokémon and by Pokémon of course I mean legally distinct pal Trident looks so sick Anubis doing his side to side step like that on the acid raincloud just really makes me think he's like an Enderman all right you've done enough get in the hyper sphere ooh 3% not looking good oh wait I hit the 3% and then the 25 oh all right okay Mr Egg come here I've got instant incubation on so this will take literally by the time my sentence is done and Grizzbolt ferocious musclehead now I just have to hope you're male you're female all right all my other ones are also female I have to wait also realizing this thing also has 144,000 HP all right just wait for you guys to make another baby how long does it take also if you're like oh 150,000 HP that seems like a normal amount hey my level 50 jetragon 11,000 that's 10 times as much health another big egg is ready hoping for male give me male with musclehead ferocious that's ferocious logging Foreman but hey if I can breed the tower boss I'll take it it's another female ooh not getting lucky huh you know I'm trying to get this Grizzbolt too but maybe I get lucky and immediately find an orserk at this place dude there's literally one right there wow get him no Escape oh wait you guys are level 41 I can actually use my moves against you oh wait that's super effective stop go okay I think I'm going to need to come back with legendary spars if I want to catch anything here or never mind I kind of got it low enough stay in the spear there you go 13% man this orserk has broken out of this ball like 53 times stay Thank You sheesh let me grab the rest of these chests that were lying around here and dip out I just really wanted to see well first off both of these are male so same issue as Grizzbolt okay but orserk you're like the size of that container a little bit larger go boss one yeah okay yeah that's that's a difference and hey another egg this is the time it was not the time all right the impatience is kicking in I've got another one and I can throw these guys like a balloon I think so let me just do little a launch why is there gravity like that here no I no it's not you get out of here get to work on these grizzbolt eggs I want to see if I can breed the tower boss yo this orserk has Lord of Lightning 20% increase the lightning attack damage maybe I want to make a supercharge one of you buddy oh yeah real quick I wonder if I go into my Tech Tree thanks to all these Little Manuals that I've been getting hang on we have 47 Tech points hanging out meaning it's probably chill if I get this Grizzbolt minigun looks like I need some more polymer for it though that's fine just make uh 203 of it Avengers I also picked up this egg while I was out it's always fun doing this it's like a little gacha game lovander hello can never have too many of those no I won't explain myself either and wow that's a cruel fate wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait cancel the order cancel the order cancel the dang it they're making them too quick come on cancel it cancel it Anubis go die come on get canceled no oh no I threw one of my Ray hounds out on accident right there we go was able to keep some pal oil by getting it canceled now Grizzbolt minigun this is where the irony sets in that I need my Anubis back hey you look really sweet and cute and everything you suck at this you want to go you want to go tend to the crops Petallia please please leave stop it let's just cancel the work order make sure we get an Anubis on it no no come here not you not you no not you either Anubis no no I need to know if I can use the minigun ability on the boss Grizzbolt dang it there we go forcibly kicked off that's much better oh cool and that whole Fiasco took long enough to get me one more egg come on Seventh try's the charm and it was move move move let's pick you up you big lug throw you in there wow you weigh like a ton huh okay he just immediately hit the ground oh God they're actually working in there okay go in other one oh it's actually working oh what did I just get access to I'm like a kid on Christmas I don't want to go do anything I just want to wait for this egg to get here look at the size difference of this too jeez okay while this does its magic I think I will actually distract myself just cuz I want to see if I can actually pull a male one or if the Boss Arena makes it the same like pal every time we spawn into fight the PIDF guards are here get them to shoot Grizzbolt Grizzbolt runs away back shot little jiggle it works I then kill myself and yeah okay it looks like it's always just going to be this little level 10 GIS bolt with the same stats and everything you guys got that other egg ready yet working on it all right huge electric egg gathered is this going to give me another boss Grizzbolt then or is it going to be like a baby one it's a normal Grizzbolt with muscle head mine foreman I can tell you that much okay it's not an alpha at all but I also don't know if it's like stat-wise better than any other but that just confirms you can breed the tower bosses all right so then give me the minigun cuz can I hop on this gr- whoa I can me and my girl we're just riding let's go partner skill Lec Panda electric Panda I get it what is this dude let me go find something Who's down here first one I see it's on sight yep you're murdered thank you dude that's 100 damage each yep just eviscerated uh-huh nah try again buddy nah you're not making it out die that's so crazy and I can use this little lightning strike ability plasma tornado where the hell did you just shoot those so this is just a fully functional pal pre-equipped with human what I'm basically hearing okay what happens if I drop it is it still gettable Yes nothing breaks dude that's just like insane I wonder if there's maybe like moves specific to the bosses that you can't get normally cuz then that could be like a nice little benefit or if just breeding with the tower boss gives you higher base stats wait what am I doing Tower boss female Tower boss boss male what happens when you breed two Tower bosses together time to find out axel and orserk come here buddy you are why kicking your little feetsies out what are you you're just ragdolling it's full rag doll anyways let's get you in there and then plop this big guy does this work no way what the hell are you two going to make and actually another fun little experiment come here I can make the non-alpha boss versions of you and then just compare the level ones together is there any technology for orserk can I hop on him it doesn't appear to be so okay but this is a huge Discovery also because there's one Tower here's two but there's a tower there's a tower and I know there's another one like right over here or maybe in here somewhere dude do you just have a full party of tower bosses not like it should make a difference I mean again this thing's got like 148,000 HP on all of them but five Towers in total tell you what I've been really enjoying the engagement with everybody on palworld recently it's crazy how big of a community this game can drive and make and so I want to come up here activate this teleport point and now all my towers are active I'll let you guys pick which one of the three you want to see me capture the next little Tower boss in and see what other fun little experiments we can make out of them while I'm here since I've also got nothing but time let me go kill a man hi suzaku you ready to drop me the stuff today buddy going to make my life so much better if you do you might as well just go ahead and do it get dragon bursted get missiled idiot you brought this on yourself ooh not loving these odds really should have made those legendary Spheres huh hey I'll tell you this much buddy you get two more before I just shoot you with the rest of these missiles and final one take it or leave it yeah see I had a feeling stupid idiot and no legendary schematic again there an easier way to get that I would like to know all right it's huh the boss Grizzbolt and the boss orserk gave me a common egg but these two gave me a huge dragon egg okay so the huge dragon egg ends up being an astegon what did the tower bosses make something broke it's it's a level one chikipi oh but it knows Electric Ball so it can learn moves from the parents that's so stupid all right well I hope you enjoyed this episode of palworld like I said leave me a comment letting me know what you want me to do next until then thank you so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 279,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, palworld, palworld guide, palworld best pals, palworld gameplay, palworld tips and tricks, palworld guns, palworld capture tower bosses glitch
Id: ivYADpbbK8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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